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2020 届二轮复习书面表达中如何使用复杂多用的句子——句子结构汇总学案 英语句子结构分类: 简单句,并列句和复合句的概念及区别 1.简单句:无论句子长短,只包含一套主谓结构,句子中个个成分都是单词或短语。有时 主语或谓语可以是并列结构。 请划出下面句子的主谓宾成分。 The accident happened yesterday afternoon Our English teacher is thirty years old. He put the dictionary in the backpack. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. She kept the door open. My classmates and friends all received my Christmas cards and thanked me very much. 2.并列句: 由并列连词 and/but/or/so/however/for 等把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来。 如:Come here and I’ll help you. 请划出两个分句并判断各分句的成分。 并列连词: 一、表转折的并列连词 主要有 but(但是), yet(可是), while(而,却)等 二、表选择的并列连词 主要 or (或者,还是,否则), either, or (不是、就是), neither, or,(既 不、也不) otherwise (要不然)等。 三、表联合的并列连词 主要有 and, not only, but also,(不但,而且 ), when(=and just at this time 就在这时)等。 四、表因果的并列连词 主要有 for(因为), so(因此)等。 并列句例句: 1. This is the custom of China. They are not like us to finish it in one drink, _____but_____prefer to drink by taking a small amount at a time. 2. My mother wants to decorate our rooms in a modem look__while_____my father prefers a traditional style. 3. It was time for her to have a new baby, ___and____it was also time for the young panda to independent. 4. He is a shy man,__but/yet_______he is not afraid of anything or anyone. 解析:But/yet 转 折连词。 5. Give me a chance,____and______ I'll give you a wonderful surprise. 6. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, _____so____plants can spread to new places. 7.Make up your mind, or/otherwise you will miss the valuable chance. 3.复合句: 又称为主从复合句,是由一个主句和一个或者一个以上的从句构成的句子。复合句中的 主句和从句都具有完整的主谓结构。主句是复合句的主体,从句需要有一个从属连词(如 that/what/why/how/if 等)引导,修饰说明主句或主句中的某个词或短语,不能独立存在。 从句可以分为三大类:定语从句、名词性从句(包括主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句和 同位语从句 4 种)、和状语从句(包括时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、方式、结果、目 的、比较 9 种)。 定语从句基础句子 The boy who is reading is Tom. Hospital is a place where a doctor works. A person who steals things is called a thief. I still remember the day when (= on which) I first came to Nanjing. This is the farm where (= on which) we worked when we were young. There are several reasons why (= for which) the boys should be punished. 定语从句提高版 1. She and her family bicycle to work, which helps them keep fit. 2. By boat is the only way to get here, which is how we arrived 3. Like anything,it is possible to have too much fat and salt, which ___ is not good for the health. 4. In their spare time,they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden,___ which __ is on the rooftop of their house. 5.Zheng He had over 300 ships, some of which were over 150 meters long and could carry up to 1,000 people. 郑和有 300 多艘船,其中一些 150 多米长,能载多达 1,000 人。 6. Around me in the picture are the things that/which were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments. 7. Sarah,__ who _has taken part in shows along with top models,wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. 8. Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, __ who _ lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C.,influenced the development of chopsticks. 9.All this means that companies will require people who are flexible and can work on their own. 所有这些都意味着公司需要的将是富有灵活性和能够独立工作的员工。 10. Many young people, most ofwhom were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 11.The study suggests that the cultures we grow up in influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us. 解析:which 句意:研究表明我们成长的文化影响我们看周围世界的基本过程。这是一 个定语从句,先行词为指物的 the basic processes,所以介词 by 后面用 which。 12.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon __which__ school education depends. 解析:本句为定语从句。引导词在定语从句中位于介词 upon 的后面作宾语,故用关系代 词且指代先行词 the fundamental skill,因此用 which。 13.Self-driving is an area ____where______China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. 14.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ___where_____ his employees enjoy their work. 【答案与解析】 where 句意:这家公司的老板正试图创造一个员工都喜欢工作的轻松环 境。先行词为抽象地点名词,定语从句中缺少地点状语,故用 where 引导。 15.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme,one of ___ whose _____ purposes is to relieve world­wide starvation. 解析:whose 考查定语从句。句意:1963 年,联合国建立世界粮食计划署,它的目的之 一就是缓解全球饥饿。根据先行词“the World Food Programme”和“purpose”间的所属关系, 故用 whose。 16.The books on the desk,__whose__covers are shiny,are prizes for us. 解析:此句是非限制性定语从句,先行词为 the books,________和 covers 之间存在所有 关系,意为“书的封面”。句意:桌上的书是给我们的奖励,那些书的封面闪闪发光。根据 语境填 whose。 句子主干:The books on the desk are prizes for us 17. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 埃里克再次起航,这次带着 25 艘船,其中只有 14 艘船成功到达格陵兰。 18.He wrote many children's books,nearly half of __which__ were published in the 1990s. 解析:此句为非限制性定语从句,先行词是 children's books,定语从句中 of 缺少宾语, 故填 which。句意:他写了许多儿童书籍,差不多一半左右是在 20 世纪 90 年代出版的。 19. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,___ when _____ the weather may be better. 【答案与解析】 when 句意:我们将把在公园里进行野餐推迟到下周,那时天气可能更 好。空后是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少时间状语,先行词是表示时间的名词 next week,故用 when 引导。 20. The number of smokers, ___ as ___is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 【答案与解析】 as 句意:据报道,仅一年的时间,吸烟人的数量就下降了百分之十七。 此处由 as 引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如……”。as is reported 既可以位于句首,也可 以位于句中。 21. I am looking forward to the day __ when _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her. 【答案与解析】 when 句意:我一直都在期待我的女儿能够读懂这本书并了解我对她的 感情的那一天。要填的词引导一个定语从句,先行词是表示时间的 the day;从句缺少时 间状语,故填 when。 22. Students should involve themselves in community activities___ where _____ they can gain experience for growth. 【答案与解析】 where 句意:应该让学生参与社团活动,在活动中他们能够获得成长所 需要的经验。分析句子结构可知,从空格处一直到句尾为定语从句,修饰先行词 activities,并且先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故填关系副词 where。 23.I am not the same kind of person as you are.我可不是和你一类的人。(as在从句中作表语) 24.You may take the same bus as we take.你可乘坐我们坐的同一辆大巴。(as 在从句中作宾 语) 25.As you know, we need to hurry up.大家知道,我们需要加快速度。 26. I don’t know the reason why/for which he didn’t come to school yesterday. 27. As it turned out ,I loved every minute of the class. As 引导的非限制性定语从句位置即可以位于句首,也可以位于句中或者句末。 名词性从句按照类别单句 that 引导主语从句 1.That you didn't know the rules won't be an excuse for your failure. 2.That the storm will continue makes the public worried 3. It suddenly occurred to Rose that she hadn't turned off the TV after leaving the room. (It 作形式主语,正在的主语从句是 that she hadn't turned off the TV after leaving the room.) 4. It is often the case that anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. (It 作形式主语,正在的主语从句是 that anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.) 5. As I searched the name Linda on the Internet, it became evident that there're two with the same name who look completely different. 当我在网上搜索Linda这个名字的时候,很显然有两个看着完全不同但姓名相同的人。 6. It is a pity that you have missed the wonderful lecture. 你错过了这么精彩的演讲真遗憾。 7.It is announced in today's newspaper that the president will pay a visit to China next week. 今天报纸上宣称总统下周要对中国进行访问。 8. It is believed that children should learn to be responsible from the very beginning. 人们认为,小孩子从小就要学会承担责任。 (It 作形式主语,正在的主语从句是 that children should learn to be responsible from the very beginning.) 9. That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised. 10. That light travels faster than sound is known to us all. that 引导宾语从句 1. I truly believe that beauty comes from within. 2. Experts believe that people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. 3. Why don’t you bring it to his attention that you are too ill to work on? it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面 that 引导的从句。 4.  We think it important that college students should master at least one foreign language. 我们认为大学生至少掌握一门外语是很重要的。 it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面 that 引导的从句。 5. Tom is a nice boy, except that he is sometimes late for school. (词句为介词后宾语从句)汤姆是个很棒的男孩,除了有时上学迟到。 6. I am glad that everything is all right. (形容词后的宾语从句) 注意:动词后连个宾语从句的时候,第一个宾语从句引导词 that 可以省略,第二个宾语 从句引导词不可以省略。 He said he had eaten nothing, and that he was hungry. Most parents fear computer games will prevent their children from studying hard and that their children will fail in the examination. that 引导表语从句 1.The fact is that we have lost the game. 事实是我们已经输了这场比赛。 2. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely free from dust. 3. My decision is that all of us are to start at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. 我的决定是我们所有人明天早上 6 点出发。 4. What is known to us is that the moon travels around the earth every month. 5. My suggestion is that we (should)tell him the truth. That 引导同位语从句(仅需要了解即可) that 引导同位语从句时,应在某些抽象名词如 fact, hope, desire, thought, suggestion, idea, news, problem, possibility 等后,对前面的名词起补充说明的作用,that 只起引导作用, 在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,但一般不能省略。 He has made a promise to his boss that he'll return in three days as long as he can get to the destination in time. 他向他老板承诺只要他能及时到达目的地就会三天后回来。 what 引导名词性从句 what 引导主语从句 1. What David used to say was always new and worth hearing and all his pupils loved him. 2. What makes the book so special is the name of the writer. 3. What impresses me about his painting is the colors he uses. 4. What you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company. 5. What is important is that we let others know we care about them. 解析 考查主语从句的引导词。根据句子结构可知,系动词 is 前的句子缺少主语,表示 “重要的事情”要用 what。 6. What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others. 意思:一些人看作是缺点的东西却被许多其他的人看作优点. 7. What struck me most in the movie was the father's deep love for his son. 解析 本题考查主语从句。句意:这部电影让我最感动的地方就是父亲对儿子的深深的 爱。主句谓语动词 was 之前为主语从句,其中缺少主语指事物,故使用代词 what。 What 引导宾语从句 1.I’m interested in what you’ve said. (介词后的宾语从句) 2. Tina is much more confident behind the wheel than what she was when she started. (介词后的宾语从句) 3. If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigate what is below the water surface. Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water. 解析如果你在河里或湖里游泳的话,务必调查清楚水面之下有什么。水中经常隐藏着石 头或树枝。根据后面 rocks and branches 可知,此处要用 what 来引导。 4. Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. 解析 句意:读了多丽丝·莱辛的传记,我很钦佩她在文学上获得的成就。考查名词性从 句。考查宾语从句的连接词。在介词 for 后的是宾语从句,从句中缺少 achieve 的宾语, 故用 what 引导。(介词后的宾语从句) 5. Pick yourself up.Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. 解析 考查名词性从句。句意:跌倒后再站起来。勇气是做你不敢做的事情。这里含有 一个宾语从句,引导词在从句中作 do 的宾语,所以用 what。 6. It is difficult for us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world. 解析 考查宾语从句。句意:对我们来说很难想象古代奴隶的生活像什么样子。what 引 导的从句是宾语从句,在宾语从句中 what 作介词 like 的宾语。 What 引导表语从句 1.This year is very special because it's what we call “a leap year”. 2.A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for. 解析 句意:船停放在海港里是很安全的,但这并非建造船的目的。该题考查表语从句。isn't 后跟从句作表语,表语从句中的 for 后缺少宾语,用 what 引导,what 与 for 连用,表示 目的。What 在句中既作连接词又作从句的中 for 的宾语。 答案 what 3.“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.”This is what my mother used to tell me. 解析 考查表语从句。句意:每次吃糖时,喝点绿茶。这是妈妈过去常对我说的话。答 案 what 4.—What a mess!You are always so lazy! —I'm not to blame,Mum. I am what you have made me. 解析 考查名词性从句。句意:——这么一团糟!你总是那么懒惰!——妈妈,该受 责备的不是我,是你让我成了这个样子。根据结构分析,所填词汇在句中引导表语从 句,且在从句中担当宾语补足语,此处指目前的这种状况,指事物,故用 what。 除 what/that 外其他引导词引导的名词性从句 除 what/that 外 其他引导词引导的主语从句 Who will be in charge of the company remains a mystery. Where we shall do the test is still under discussion. When we will hold the sports meet is still unknown. Why he did that is not clear. How he got in touch with Tom is not clear. Whether she likes the present is not clear to me. Whoever breaks the law should be published. Whatever was said here must be kept secret . Whichever of you gets there first will get the prize. 除 what/that 外 其他引导词引导的宾语从句 I wonder why she refused my invitation. Let's go on with the discussion from where we left off yesterday. (介词后的宾语从句) I want to know when we will hold the sports meet. I'm interested in whether you’ve finished the work. I’ll give you whatever you want . (whatever 有任何的意思) Most of us hate it when someone talks with his mouth full of food. (it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语从句是 when someone talks with his mouth full of food.) The old couple gave whoever attended their Diamond Wedding Anniversary some gifts to share their happiness. 除 what/that 外 其他引导词引导的表语从句 His car broke down on the way this morning. That was why he was late for work today. My mother thinks that every girl should learn to dance, and this is where I disagree. Without his support, we wouldn’t be where we are now. The question is whether it is worth doing. It is just because Tom doesn’t know her. 除 that 外 其他引导词引导的同位语从句(仅需要了解) Even today scientists still have no solid evidence whether there are living creatures in outer space or not. The question where we shall have a meeting hasn’t been decided. The question when we shall go outing is not clear. 状语从句单句 1. ___ Unless ____ you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights. 2. ____If_____ we don't stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone. If 引导条件状语从句句意:如果我们不阻止气候变化,世界上的许多动植物会消失。 3. Let's not pick these peaches until this weekend ____so that_______they get sweet enough to be eaten. 4. All people, _whether_____ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. 5. Tim is in good shape physically even if/even though he doesn't get much exercise. 6. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless_____ accompanied by an adult. 7. However serious a problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 8. whatever a serious problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 9. John thinks it won’t be long before he is ready for his new job. 10. You may use the room as you like _as long as_____ you clean it up afterwards. 11. That was really a splendid evening. It’s years __since_ ___ I enjoyed myself so much. 12. You must keep on working in the evening, __unless____ you are sure you can finish the task in time. 13. It is almost five years ____since___ we saw each other last time. 14. She had just finished her homework ___when___ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. 15. __Although____ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. 16. It just isn’t fair. __while____ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach... 17. My parents don’t mind what job I do___as long as___ I am happy. 18. --- Shall we have our picnic tomorrow? ---___if___it doesn’t rain. 19. ___Even if/ even though_______ you lock all the doors, he can still manage to get in. 20. The boy was so tired ___that_______ he fell asleep on the bus. 21. Hard ____as/though_____ he tried, he couldn’t force the door open. 22. She wouldn't forget her mother's birthday ___even if _______ she seldom wrote to her family. 23. We're doing everything we can to make things as easy for you _____as______we can. 24. My mother wants to decorate our rooms in a modem look__while_____my father prefers a traditional style. 25. If you don’t understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people__until/till_____you figure it out. 26. Over time, ____as/when___the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly. 27. ___ As/When _____the average age of population increases, there are more and more old people to care for. 28. If be you miss this chance, it may years____before_____ you get another one. 29. There is only one more day to go____before_____your favorite music group play live. 30. ___Though/Although/While_________birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes. 31. ___Though/Although/While_______I don't really like the author, I have to admit his books are very exciting. 32.___Unless______you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights. 33. You won't find paper cutting difficult___if____ you keep practicing it. 34. It is so cold that you can't go outside_____unless_____ fully covered in thick clothes. 35.________If______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier. 36. Located____where___ the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. 37. Just ___as____ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph. 解析:just as 正如…… 状语从句省略单句 1.Children,when________ (accompany) by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium. 答案 accompanied 解析 考查非谓语动词。因为从句的逻辑主语 children 与 accompany 之间是被动关系,所 以应使用过去分词 accompanied。此处为状语从句的省略,从句补充完整为 when they are accompanied by their parents。 2.If________ (ask) to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once. 答案 asked 解析 句意为:如果有人要你替他看管行李,立即通知警察。ask 的主动形式后不能直接 跟不定式作宾语,只能跟不定式作宾补,从句省略了与主句相同的主语及 be 动词。完整 的从句应该是 If you are asked to look after luggage for someone else。 3.When __completed______ , the museum will open to the public next year . (complete) 4.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ___watered____every day. (water) 5. The boss, not the workers should be responsible for the accident. They just carried out the order as_told_(tell 6. When ___asked____what they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. ( ask) 7.One day while __working______(work) at the cash register in the gift shop,I saw an elderly couple. 8.When___finished____(finish),the knot looks identical from both the front and back. 9.They promise to take action,___whenever__needed, to maintain financial stability in the euro area as a whole. 10.The building was still shaking while I___was walking____(walk) along the road. 11.Friendship is like money: easier made than __kept___ .(keep) 12.When I was at your age my father told me that I should go and work wherever __needed__ most. (need)

