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2019 届二轮语法专题 P6 VerbⅡ—Voices Do the exercise individually, and then check your answers with your partners. Now check your answers 1-5 is called, was called, are given, were filled, were frightened 6-10 were lit, was believed, are dressed, are given, was rung 语态 (Voice) 是动词的一种形式,它表示句子的主语和谓语动词之间的关系。语态通常分为 主动语态 和 被动语态 。 被动语态 (Passive Voice) 表示句子的主语是动作的承受者。其句子的谓语动词是: be + V-ed 形式。 被动语态 指出句中的主谓宾语。 We kept food in the fridge. We must close the windows and the door . S V. O. S V. O. Food was kept ( by us ) in the fridge. The windows and the door must be closed . 1. The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts ____________ (reward) with success in the end. 2. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement _________ (reach) so far by the two sides. 3. — Did you enjoy the party? — Yes. We _________ (treat) well by our hosts. 4. To my delight, I __________ (choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 考点题例 has been reached will be rewarded were treated was chosen be + done am/is/are 一般现在时 am/is/are + being 现在进行时 shall/will + be 一般将来时 have/has + been 现在完成时 被动语态的构成 考点梳理 be + done was/were 一般过去时 was/were+being 过去进行时 would+be 过去将来时 had+been 过去完成时 使用被动语态的情况: Many houses will be built here. The song The East is Red was written by a poor peasant. 1. 不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者。 2. 强调动作的承受者。 The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chances to speak English. You are requested to attend the meeting. 3. 动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。 4. 出于礼貌,不愿意说出动作执行者。 Firefighters could be trained using RealCine. The position of the viewer can be calculated at any time. 1. 情态动词的被动语态 可以用来表示 能力、可能性、责任等 。 1. The viewer can touch the objects in the film. 2. The viewer may feel a real sense of achievement and happiness. 3. RealCine might not impress some viewers. The objects in the film can be touched . A real sense of achievement and happiness may be felt . Some viewers might not be impressed by RealCine. More examples: 4. Teachers could use RealCine in the classroom too. 5. Film-makers should use RealCine for all films. 6. Scientists ought to develop RealCine further. 7. The viewer must wear special gloves. RealCine could be used in the classroom too. RealCine should be used for all films. RealCine ought to be developed further. Special gloves must be worn . The steel feels cold . 钢摸起来很凉。 It has gone bad . 它已经变质了。 2. “ 系动词 look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, turn, stay, become, get, grow, keep 等 + 形容词 / 名词 ”构成系表结构。 主动形式表示被动意义。 3. 有些动词常 跟相关副词连用 , 以主动形式表被动含义 ,如 : open, write, read, sell, wash, measure 等。 a. Your article reads well . b. This type of car sells well in China. c. The coat  dries   easily .  4. “ get + v-ed ” 可以表示被动,此结构比较口语化。 The patient got treated once a week. 那位病人一周治疗一次。 He fell off the car and got killed . 他从汽车上掉下来,摔死了。 It is said that … It is reported that … It is hoped that … It is well known that … It is believed that … It must be pointed out that … 5. 在一些固定句型中常用被动语态。 It is reported that another man-made satellite will be sent up into space next month. Another man-made satellite is reported to be sent up into space next month. 据报道,下个月又一颗人造卫星将被发射。 The three missing sailors are believed to have drowned. It is believed that the three missing sailors have drowned. 人们认为这三个失踪的海员已经淹死了。 如: It is said that Li Ping will study abroad . Li Ping is said to study abroad . It is said that Li Ping is studying abroad. Li Ping is said to be studying abroad. Li Ping is said to have studied abroad. Li Ping is said to have been studying abroad. It is said that Li Ping studied abroad. It is said that Li Ping has been studying abroad. The long novel was written by Mr. Lu Xun in the 1920s. The long novel is well written , isn’t it? The glass was broken by his little son yesterday. Look, the glass is broken ! Who broke it? 被动语态 被动语态 系表结构 系表结构 6. 注意区别 被动语态 与 系表结构 : 被动语态 表示 动作 ,句子 主语是该动作的承受者 , V-ed 表示 动作 ;而 系表结构 表示 状态 ,说明 主语的特点或所处的状态 。 1. More efforts, as reported, _________ (make) in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. 2. It is reported that a space station __________ (build) on the moon in years to come. 3. I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but ________ (hold) back thankfully by the shop window. 举一反三 will be made will be built was held 4. Unless some extra money __________ (find), the theatre will close. 5. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet _________ (make) into at least ten different films over the past years. 6. We are confident that the environment __________ (improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution. 7. The famous musician, as well as his students, __________ (invite) to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo. is found has been made will be improved was invited 8. After school we went to the reading room to do some reading, only to be told that it ___________(decorate). 9. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now ____________ (repay) later in life. 10. The letters for the boss ____________ (put) on his desk but he didn’t read them until three days later. 11. More expressways __________ (build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. was being decorated will be repaid were put will be built ⑴ Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verbs given. 1. Once a promise __________ (make), it shouldn’t be broken. 2. The meeting ___________ (suppose) to take place on Tuesday, but we’ve had to postpone it. 3. From what __________ (say) above, we can draw a conclusion. 4. This magazine __________ (publish) twice a month. 5. “WeChat”, which __________ (call) Weixin in Chinese, is very popular today. is made was supposed is said is published is called (2) Correct the following sentences. 1. I remember everything as if it was happened yesterday.    _________      2. He came in and followed by a group of students. __________        3. The People’s Republic of China was found on October 1, 1949.   __________   4. This book is very famous and has translated into many languages.    ____________                5. The price of gas has been risen sharply since last month.   __________             6. We can’t use the bridge now, because it is repaired. _________ was founded been being A young queen 1. __________ (give) a special gift from a great wizard ( 男巫 ). The wizard told her that it was a magic box which would bring happiness to the whole kingdom whenever it 2._________ (open) in a place where there 3.__________ (be) a spirit of generosity ( 慷慨 ). The queen travelled all over her kingdom, looking for the most generous people. When she 4.__________ (collect) them all, she opened the magic box. However, nothing happened. One day, the queen 5._________ (see) a poor little boy begging on her way to her castle. (3) Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs. was given was had collected was opened saw She wanted to give the boy some money, but she didn’t have any money with her. The boy 6.________ (ask) her if she could give him the box she had, so he could sell it for a little money. At first the queen hesitated, because she 7._________ (tell) the box was magic. But on seeing how poor the boy 8._________ (be), she gave it to him. The boy took the box and opened it. Immediately, all the most wonderful things started flying out of the box, accompanied by the sound of singing, “Why look for it in others? Goodness always 9.__________ (start) in yourself.” And as well as enjoying all the wonders of the magic box, the queen learned to set an example herself, and she 10.__________ (become) the best queen ever in that kingdom. asked was starts had been told became Thank you.

