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2019 届二轮复习 短文语法 填空 无 提示 词答案为冠词介词代词和连词的探究 一、冠词   冠词 (article, art. ) 1. In the beginning, there was only _________ very small amount of unfairness in the world. 2. The parents were shocked by _________ news that their son needed _________ operation on his knee. 参考答案: 1. a 。 a very small amount of 一个非常小的数量。 2. 第一空填 the ,表示特指;第二空填 an ,表示泛指。 3. Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _________ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _________ thirteenth century. 4. Four and _________ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and _________ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar. 参考答案: 3. 两个空都填 the , on the Pacific Ocean 为固定搭配,在太平洋; in the thirteenth century 在 13 世纪,序数词前表特指用定冠词 the 。 4. 两个空都填 a ,第一空表示量指,“四个半”,英语用 four and a half ;第二空表示休息时刻。 5. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in _________ last row. 6. looked at _________ finished painting with _________ satisfaction. 参考答案: 5. 定冠词 the ,用在最高级前。 6. the. . . painting, 定指所谈论的画; with satisfaction, 零冠词,固定搭配。 7. He missed _________ gold in the high jump, but will get _________ second chance in the long jump. 8. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had _________ amazing conversation. 参考答案: 7. the gold, 独指 , 跳高项目唯一的金牌 ; a second =another, 量指 , 还有一次机会。 8. 不定冠词 an 表类指。 9.As he reached _________ front door, Jack saw _________ strange sight. 10.It is generally accepted that _________ boy must learn to stand up and fight like _________ man. 参考答案: 9. the 表示定指 , a 表量指。 10. 两空都填 a 表示类指。 11.—It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60, 000 _________ year. —Right, he will also get paid by _________ week. 12. Take your time—it’s just _________ short distance from here to _________ restaurant. 参考答案: 11. a 表量指 ; by the week “ 按周计算”,固定用法。 12. a 表量指 ; the 表定指。 13. As is known to all, _________ People’s Republic of China is _________ biggest developing country in the world. 14. Dr. Peter Spence, ______ headmaster of the school, told us, “_____ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge. ” 参考答案: 13. the 用于专用名词前; the 用于最高级前。 14. the 表定指 ; The 用于序数词前。 讨论冠词的用法就是研究冠词与名词的搭配关系,这与名词的可数不可数,单数复数、语意上的泛(类)指、量指、定(特)指、独指四个属性以及名词的读音有密切的联系。 1 定冠词的基本用法 1. 表示“定指或特指”: 1) 表示某个或某些特定的人或物。例如: (1)Do you know the girl in a red skirt? 你认识那个穿红裙子的女孩吗? ( 特指人 ) (2)Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。 ( 特指物 ) 2) 再次提到上文提到过的人或物。 例如: Tom has an apple. The apple is big and red. 汤姆有个苹果,这个苹果又大又红。 3) 指谈话双方都知道的人或物。例如: (1)Let’s go and give it to the teacher. 咱们去把它交给老师吧。 ( 双方都知道是哪位老师 ) (2)Open the door , please! 请打开门。 ( 双方都知道是哪个门 ) 4) 用于某些固定词组中。例如: in the morning/afternoon/evening 等。 5) 用在形容词前表示一类人。 6) 用在表示“姓”的复数名词前,表示一家人或夫妇二人。例如: The Whites are spending their holiday in England. 7) 用在形容词最高级和序数词前。 the biggest country, the fourth runner 2. 表示“独指”:用于在一定范围内表示唯一的人或物的名词前。例如: the sun , the moon , the world , the planet , the earth , the Milky Way , the sky , the universe , the globe , the Equator The moon is the nearest to the earth. 比较:若这类词前面有描绘性的定语,可用不定冠词表示量指。例如: a new moon 一弯新月 a red sun 一轮红日 用适当的冠词填空。 1. It was a cold winter night and _________ moon was shining brightly across _________ night sky. 2. Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take _________ place of George. 参考答案: 1. the; the 2. the 3. We are said to be living in _________ Information Age, _________ time of new discoveries and great changes. 4. The Smiths don’t usually stay at hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _________ sea. 参考答案: 3. the; a 4. the 5. I woke up with _________ bad headache, yet by _________ evening the pain had gone. 6. There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _________ earth. 参考答案: 5. a; the 6. the 7. If we sit near _________ front of the bus, we’ll have _________ better view. 8. Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up _________ weakening of the human body. 参考答案: 7. the; a 8. the 2 不定冠词的基本用法 1. 表示“类指或泛指”:指某人或某物属于某一种类,或者指某一种类的人或物中的任何一个或一件,但不具体说明是何人或何物。例如: (1)That is a pen, not a pencil. 那是钢笔,而不是铅笔。 ( 指属于某一种类 ) (2)Give him a pear, please! 请给他一个梨。 ( 指某一种类中的任何一个 ) (3)Listen! A boy is singing in the classroom. 听!有个男孩正在教室里唱歌。 ( 不具体说明是何人 ) 2. 表示“量指”:这种用法主要表示“一”的意思,但它并不强调数目概念,它所表示“数”的概念没有“ one” 强烈,它不能和 two, three 等形成对比关系。 例如: (1)There is a cat under the chair. 椅子下面有只猫。 ( 表示“一”的概念 ) (2)Kate has one ruler, but Meimei has two. 凯特有一把尺子,梅梅有两把。 ( 形成了对比关系, one 表“数”的概念较强,句中的“ one” 不能用“ a” 代替 ) 用适当的冠词填空。 1.India attained independence in 1947, after _________ long struggle. 2. Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _________ meat processing factory of his own one day. 3. Being able to afford _________ drink would be _________ comfort in those tough times. 4. The development of industry has been _________ gradual process throughout human existence, from stone tools to modern technology. 5. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _________ second chance to make _________ first impression. 6.It’s _________ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure. 7. The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for _________ new Jiangsu. 8.In most countries, a university degree can give you _________ flying start in life. 参考答案: 1. a 2. a 3. a; a 4. a 5. a; a 6. a 7. a 8. a 3 不定冠词 a, an 的用法 不定冠词 a 与 an 在意义上没有区别, a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词或字母前; an 用在以元音音素开头的单词或字母前,而且要与后面的单词连读 ( 连读用下划线表示 ) 。例如: a n i mportant meeting, a n e lephant, a n o ld woman, a n e nvelope 1. 元音字母开头的单词与 a, an 。 1) 除 a, e, i, o 外 , 注意以 u 开头的单词。例如: 2) 在课标词汇表中, u 在词首发 音的词有: ugly, umbrella, unable, uncertain, uncle, underground, understanding, underwater, undivided, unfair, unfolded, unhealthy, unknown, unlike, unpleasant, unreserved, unrest, unsold, unsuccessful, unusual, upstairs, upward 其余 u 在词首发 [ju:] 音的词有: uniform, union, unique, unit, unite, universal, universe, university, use, used, useful, useless, user, usual, usually 2. 辅音字母开头的单词与 a, an 。有的单词开头是辅音字母 , 但第一个发音是元音音素 , 加不定冠词时也是 an, 这就是字母的名称音和拼读音的区别。例如 : You missed a n“s ”in the word success. In the English exam, John got a“C”and missed a n“f ”in the word“suffer”. a n X -ray examination, a n hour , a n ho no(u)r, a n ho nest man 1 )字母在字母表中的读音叫字母名称音;字母在单词中的读音叫字母拼读音。在单词或字母前加 a(n) 时,要特别注意这两个概念。 4 冠词的定指、泛指、量指和独指 冠词与名词的搭配与名词可数、不可数、单数、复数等不同性质有关,还与语意上的泛 ( 类 ) 指、量指、定 ( 特 ) 指、独指四个属性密切相连。我们将冠词的定指、泛指、量指和独指用法归纳如下。 表示语意 使用冠词 例 句 泛 / 类指 : 相当于 any 或 one of, 泛指一类人或事物 零冠词 不定冠词 定冠词 1. Fresh water is scarce in some countries. 2. Do you like art ? 3. A horse is a useful animal. 4. The horse is a useful animal. 5. Horses are useful animals. 量指 : 相当于 one, some, 指一类人或事物中的数量 不定冠词 零冠词 1. The flowers want a poured water . 2. Music is an art . 3. We need a horse to carry the box. 4. Doctors were badly needed in the front. 5. A red sun is rising from beyond the mountains. 表示语意 使用冠词 例 句 定 / 特指 : 相当于 this, that, these, those, 指一类人或事物中的具体对象 定冠词 1. He jumped into the water to save the boy. 2. Do you like the music of the film? 3. The horse is blind in the left eye. 4. Give me a list of the doctors . 独指 : 相当于 only, 指一定范围内唯一的人或事物 定冠词 零冠词 1. The moon moves around the earth . 2. Father likes to do things for people. 3. In 1860 Lincoln was elected president of the USA. Ⅰ. 单句填空 1. We can never expect _________ bluer sky unless we create _________ less polluted world. 2. Some people fear that air pollution may bring about changes in _________ weather around the world. 3. I left it early because I had _________ appointment later that day. 4. A young man, while traveling through a desert , came across a spring of clear water. _________ water was sweet. 5.Besides , shopping at this time of the year was not _________ pleasant experience. 参考答案: 1. a; a 2. the 3. an 4. The 5. a Ⅱ. 用适当的冠词补全短文 Elizabeth Rosemund Taylor was born in 1. _________ nineteen thirty-two to American parents living in London. Her father Francis was 2. _________ art dealer. Her mother Sara had worked as 3. _________ stage actress before her marriage. 4. _________ Taylors left England in nineteen thirty-nine and moved to southern California. Elizabeth’s beauty soon caught 5. _________ attention of movie studio officials. She made her first movie, “There’s One Born Every Minute, ” at 6. _________ age of ten. This was followed 7. _________ year later by “Lassie Come Home”. But it was 8. _________ nineteen forty-four film, “National Velvet” that made her 9. _________ star. Twelve-year-old Elizabeth Taylor starred as Velvet Brown, 10. _________ girl living in a village in England. She saves 11. _________ horse and trains him for 12. _________ important race, which she wins. During 13. _________ nineteen forties Elizabeth Taylor played many roles in movies about families. Not all 14. _________ child actors in Hollywood were successful later playing adult roles. But Taylor easily went from playing children to playing 15. _________ teenagers and adults. In nineteen fifty, she played the bride in the popular film “Father of the Bride”. 参考答案: 1. / 2. an 3. a 4. The 5. the 6. the 7. a 8. the 9. a 10. a 11. a 12. an 13. the 14. / 15. / 二、介词 介词 (preposition, prep . ) 也是名词前成分,又叫前置词,表示名词与句中其他句子成分之间从、往、在、当、把、对、同、为、以、比、跟、被等语意关系。介词往往在冠词前面。有时介词可以当副词使用,区别是:介词带宾语,副词不带宾语。 例如: He is in the room. (in 是介词,带名词作宾语 ) —Is he in? —No, he is out. (in, out 是副词,不带宾语 ) 1. The only reason a man would sell salt _________ a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect _________ the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it. 参考答案 : 第一空填 at 。 at a lower price 以一个较低的价格。 第二空填 for 。那将表现出对辛苦生产盐的人的汗水与付出的不尊敬 。 a lack of respect for 对 …… 的不尊敬。 2. A serious study of physics is impossible _________ some knowledge of mathematics. 3. _________ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. 参考答案 : 2. without 没有 3. On behalf of 代表 4. 100℃ is the temperature _________ which water will boil. 5. Do you think this shirt is too tight _________ the shoulders? 6. _________ passion, people won’t have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking. 参考答案 : 4. at, 介词 + 关系代词,在这个温度 5. across, 肩膀处 6. Without, 没有激情 7. You can change your job, you can move house, but friendship is meant to be _________ life. 8. Nothing is so easy as _________ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high. 9. The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place _________ the main road at the far end of the lake. 参考答案 : 7. for, for life 终生 8. for, for sb. 对某人来说 9. off 10. I didn’t like leaving him _________ his own, either. 11. The new boy looked at the teacher _________ a few seconds. 12. The young man went home _________ a happy heart. 参考答案 : 10. on, on one’s own 独自地 11. for, 一段时间 12. with ,怀着 13.She found some good quality pipes _________ sale. 14. Her parents were already _________ table having supper. 参考答案 : 13. on, on sale 出售 14. at, at table 在吃饭 1 方位介词 ( 一 ) 方位介词图解 in 在 …… 里 , out 在 …… 外 , 旁边是 beside, 靠近为 by, on 在 …… 上 , under 在 …… 下 above 在上方 , below 在底下。 on, in, at 表地点 , on“ 在之上”接触面 , at 表示小地点 , in“ 在里面”和“中间” ( 二 ) above, over, on, below, under, beneath 详解 over 、 under 正上下, above 、 below 不垂直, 若与数量词连用,混合使用亦无关。 1. above 指水平面以上,不一定是正上方,反义词是 below; 2. over 指垂直的正上方,反义词是 under; 3. on 表示与表面的接触,反义词是 beneath 。 例如: 1)Be careful, there is a heavy box over your head. 2)The sun is above the mountain in the east. 3)There are some stamps on the desk. 4)The position he pointed to was below the sea level. 5)The little mouse is under the table, so it is not easy to find it. ( 三 ) across, over, through, past 详解 1. across 从平面上横越; 2. over 从上方跨越; 3. through 从空间穿越; 4. past 从旁边经过。 例如: 1)The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 2)The crowd of people walked past the City Hall to the Center Square. 2 时间介词 at 表示时间点 , 午夜黄昏黎明也相连 at dawn, at daybreak 在黎明时候 , at noon 在中午 , at night 在夜间 , at midnight 在午夜 , at six o’clock 在 6 点钟 , at 7: 30(seven thirty) 在 7 点半 , at half past eleven 在 11 点半 , at nine fifteen 在 9 点 15 分 , at ten thirty a. m. 在上午 10 点 30 分 , at the weekend 在周末 at 也在时分前 , “ 差”时用 to“ 过”用 past at 8: 00 in the morning 早上八点 , at 4: 00 in the afternoon 下午四点 , two to seven 七点差两分 , a quarter to eight 七点四十五分 , eleven past seven 七点十一分 , half past nine 九点半 on 用于某一天 on Children’s Day 儿童节 , on May the first 五月一日 in 表示段时间 , 用在年季月周前 in 1986 在 1986 年 , in 1927 在 1927 年 , in April 在四月 , in March 在三月 , in December 1986, 1986 年 12 月 , in July 1983, 1983 年 7 月 , in spring 在春季 , in summer 在夏季 , in autumn 在秋季 , in the third week 在第三周 午日晚上 in 常用 , 具体某日 in 变 on, early, late 变回来 in the morning 在早上 , in the afternoon 在下午 , in the evening 在晚上 , in the day 在白天 , on a cold(winter)evening 在一个寒冷 ( 冬天 ) 的晚上 , on Wednesday afternoon 在星期三下午 , on the morning of March 8th 在 3 月 8 日上午 , in the early morning 在清晨 , in the late afternoon 在下午很晚的时候 年月季周今明天 , 有词修饰介词省 tomorrow, yesterday 或 morning, afternoon, evening 前有 this, that, next, last, one 等代词、数词修饰时 , 不用介词。 this morning 今天早上 , one afternoon 一天下午 before, after 时间点 , before 起点在 ago 前。 ago, later 时间段 Wei Hua got up before 7 o’clock this morning. 今天早晨 , 魏华 7 点之前起床。 After that, no one should ever kill a seagull. 从那时起 , 任何人不得捕杀海鸥。 Her husband died 4 years ago. 她丈夫死于四年前。 He became Senator two years later. 两年后他当上了参议员。 from. . . to 起止 by 终止 through 一直 for 持续 The workers were made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening. 工人们被迫从早 7 点工作到晚 7 点。 By the time I arrived, she had already gone. 在我到达之前 , 她已经走了。 He slept right through the day. 他睡了一整天。 Florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest. 弗洛伦斯常常工作 24 小时而不休息。 since 以来 , during 之间 , since 时态多完成 Since that time, my eyes had never been very good. 从那时起 , 我的眼睛一直不是很好。 During the lifetime of one man, North America and Europe will more further apart by nearly two metres. 在一个人的一生期间 , 北美洲和欧洲之间的距离将要增加差不多两米。 3 其他介词 beyond 超出 , 无 , 不能 It’s quite beyond me. (It is more than I can understand. ) 这我完全不懂。 Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock. 不要在外面待到 10 点以后还不回家。 against 靠着 , 对与反对 She leaned wearily against the railings. 她疲惫地靠着栏杆站着。 ( 靠着 ) A new president was elected by a majority of 274 votes against 110. 新总统以 274 票对 110 票的多数当选。 ( 对 …… ) We are totally against the plan. 我们完全反对这个计划。 ( 反对 ) besides, except 分内外 The design has many other advantages besides lower cost. 除费用低外 , 该设计还有许多其他优点。 ( 优点包括在内 ) Every one of us, except her, went to see the exhibition. 除她外 , 我们都去参观了展览会。 ( 不包括她 ) 同类比较 except, 加 for 异类记心间 He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期日外他每天早起。 She was all alone in the world except for an old aunt. 除了有一个老姑妈 , 在这个世界上她别无亲人。 His composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes. 他的这篇作文写得很好 , 只是有几处拼写错误。 ( 非同类比较用 except for) between, among 二三分 The differences between American English and British English are not very great. 美式英语和英式英语之间的差别不是很大。 There are some American students among us. 在我们中间有几个美国学生。 阳光 , 灯 , 影 , 衣 , 冒雨 in Don’t read in dim light. 切勿在暗淡的灯光下看书。 They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light. 他们在明亮的灯光下复习功课。 They are sitting in the shade of a tree. 他们坐在树荫下乘凉。 将来时态 in. . . 以后 They will come back in 10 days. 他们将 10 天以后回来。 Come and see me in two days’time. 两天后来看我。 ( 从现在开始 ) after. . . ( 从过去开始 ) 有形 with 无形 in, 方式、手段就用 by, 语言 , 单位 , 材料 in The teacher is correcting the paper with a new pen. 这位教师正用一支新钢笔批改论文。 ( 有形 ) The students are writing in ink. 学生用墨水写。 ( 无形 ) She has improved her English by reading a lot. 她通过大量阅读提高了英语 ( 水平 ) 。 ( 表示方式、手段、方法 ) I really can’t express my idea in English freely indeed. 我确实不能用英语流利地表达我的思想。 ( 表示某种语言用 in) The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system. 千米是米制中最大的长度单位。 ( 表示度量衡单位的用 in) This board was cast in bronze not in gold. 这个牌匾是铜铸的 , 不是金铸的。 特征、方面与方式心情成语惯用 in They found the patient in a coma. 他们发现病人处于昏迷状态。 He has not been in good health for some years. 他几年来身体一直不好。 in jest 诙谐地 , in joke 开玩笑地 , in fairness 公正地 , in revenge 报复 , in mercy 宽大 , in sorrow 伤心地 介词 at 、 to 表方向 , 攻击 , 位置 , 善 , 恶分 She came at me. 她向我扑过来。 She came to me. 她向我走过来。 She threw a bone at the dog. 她用一块骨头砸狗。 She threw a bone to the dog. 她把一块骨头扔给狗吃。 4 常考的介词短语 ( 一 ) 归类记忆 1. be on show/display/play/sale/strike/duty/trial 2. be of value/importance/use/no use/color/age/size/ height/weight/significance 3. to one’s joy/surprise/pleasure/astonishment/sorrow/delight 4. in surprise/wonder/alarm/terror/horror/delight 5. by air/bicycle/boat/bus/car/letter/post/plane/ telephone/train/wire 6. at daybreak/sunrise/dawn/noon/ dark/night 7. out of breath/control/question/sight 8. in fact/reality/substance/nature/practice/theory/short/ brief/a word/detail/all/full/ time/fashion/existence/turn/vain/haste/ appearance/common/sum/general/particular/ public/secret/order/part/power/stock/case/ bed/future/name/ addition/sight 9. on duty/shift/holiday/leave/business/purpose/time/ sale/show/board/hand/record/ request/earth/farm/principle/average 10. for example/instance/all/good/nothing/convenience/short/ fear/sale 11. by weight ( volume, size, number. . . )/profession/ definition/rule/turn/chance/ accident/ mistake/hand/train ( bus, taxi, ship, boat. . . )/ air/land/force/day/nature/sight 12. at most/least/best/worst/once/first/last/ home/school/will/work/night/midnight/daybreak/dawn/present/length/large 13. as above/below/following/over/usual/before/a matter of fact 14. above all/measure/normal 15. before all/long/time/now/then 16. after all/class/school 17. out of action/order/condition/use/ operation/step/joint/repair/ gear/balance/ range/doubt/date/danger/hand/shape/place/ question/stock 18. with caution/interest/difficulty/ease/ advantage/effect/reason/vigor/reserve/ success/confidence 19. beyond comprehension/conception/ description/expression/doubt/control/reach/ power/measure/ grasp/compare/controversy/ dispute/hope/example 20. under age/discussion/test/way/repair ( 二 ) 组合记忆 1. 由两个词组成的复合介词 (1) 以 of 结尾 ahead of, aside of, because of, east of, west of, instead of, short of, lack of, regardless of (2) 以 to 结尾 according to, as to, counter to, due to, owing to, next to, previous to, prior to, relative to, subject to, subsequent to, thanks to (3) 以 with 结尾 along with, together with (4) 以 for 结尾 as for, but for, except for, save for (5) 以 from 开头 from above, from below, from among, from between, from beneath, from behind, from over 2. 由三个或四个词组成的复合介词 (1) 以 in 开头 in addition to, in advance of, in agreement with, in case of, in charge of, in comparison with, in consequence of, in consideration of, in (the) course of, in contrast with, in the face of, in favor of, in front of, in honor of, in (the) light of, in the middle of, in the name of, in need of, in obedience to, in opposition to, in place of, in preference to, in (the) process of , in regard to, in reply to, in respect of (2) 以 by 开头 by means of, by order of, by reason of, by virtue of, by way of (3) 以 at 开头 at the beginning of, at the cost of, at the end of, at the hands of, at mercy of, at the point of, at the risk of (4) 以 with 开头 with an eye to, with the exception of, with the purpose of, with reference to, with regard to, with respect to, with a view to, with the view of (5) 以 for 开头 for the benefit of, for fear of, for lack of, for the good of, for the sake of (6) 以 under 开头 under cover of, under pain of, under the present of (7) 以 on 开头 on account of, on behalf of, on the occasion of, on the part of, on the point of, on top of ( 三 ) 动词 + 介词短语 1. 以 break 为中心的词组 2. 以 catch 为中心的词组 3. 以 come 为中心的词组 4. 以 do 为中心的词组 5. 以 get 为中心的词组 6. 以 give 为中心的词组 7. 以 look 为中心的词组 8. 以 make 为中心的词组 9. 以 put 为中心的词组 10. 以 take 为中心的词组 11. 以 turn 为中心的词组 ( 四 ) 形容词 + 介词短语 1. “be+ 形容词 +for” 结构 2. “be+ 形容词 +from” 结构 3. “be+ 形容词 +in” 结构 4. “be+ 形容词 +of” 结构 5. “be+ 形容词 +to” 结构 6. “be+ 形容词 +with” 结构 7. “in+ 其他词 +of” 结构 用适当的介词或介词短语填空。 1. The Smiths are praised _________ the way they bring up their children. 2. I have an appointment _________ Dr. Smith, but I need to change it. 3. It was a real race _________ time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it. 参考答案: 1. for, praise sb. for. . . 因为 …… 表扬某人 2. with, have an appointment with sb. 和某人约会 3. against, a race against time 与时间的赛跑 4.This shop will be closed for repairs _________ further notice. 5. Nick, it’s good for you to read some books _________ China before you start your trip there. 6.With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken _________ color. 参考答案: 4. until, 一直到 5. on/about, 关于 6. in ,以彩色的形式 7.He was a good student and scored _________ average in most subjects. 8.I always wanted to do the job which I’d been trained _________. 9. Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek _________ food safety problem. 参考答案: 7. above ,在 …… 以上 8. for, train for the job 为 …… 培训 9. to , the answers to. . . problem ,问题的答案 10. I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy _________ the past couple of weeks. 11. Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read _________ the library. 参考答案: 10. for, 一段时间 11. from, 从 …… 借来的 12. The form cannot be signed by anyone _________ yourself. 13. _________ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 参考答案: 12. other than, 除 …… 之外,没有 13. Apart from, 除 …… 之外,还有 Ⅰ. 用适当的介词填空 1. The wine industry in the area has developed in a special way, _________ little foreign ownership. 2. —How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! —It’s a challenge, I guess, _________ man against nature. 参考答案: with, 有一点外资 2. of, 有违本性的挑战 3. Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems _________ themselves, and solve their problems _________ themselves. 4. The house I grew up _________ has been taken down and replaced by an office building. 5. Everybody was touched _________ words after they heard her moving story. 参考答案: 3. to, 把问题留给自己 , by, 自己解决问题 4. in , 在这间屋子里长大 5. beyond, 感动得说不出话来 6. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _________ easy reach. 7. He invited me to a dance after the show _________ Christmas Eve. 参考答案: 6. within, 在够得着的范围内 7. on, 在圣诞前夕 8. Four Chinese models were _________ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition. 9. A great person is always putting others’ interests _________ his own. 10. Try on this red skirt; you will look great _________ it. 参考答案: 8. among, 在 14 人当中 9. above, 高于自己的利益 10. in, 穿着红短裙 Ⅱ. 用适当的介词补全短文 “ Can’t hold a candle to” is a popular expression. It is 1. _________ the time before electricity, when people used candles 2. _________ light. Someone who lived in a big house would have a servant light his way 3. _________ holding a candle. The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle 4. _________ you is not fit even to be your servant. Now, it means such a person cannot compare or compete. 5. _________ the following song. Singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare 6. _________ him. The expression “hold up” has several different meanings. One is a robbery. A man 7. _________ a gun may say, “This is a hold up. Give me your money. ” Another meaning is to delay. A driver late 8. _________ work may tell his boss, “I was held up 9. _________ heavy traffic. ” Someone who was robbed 10. _________ the way to work might say, “Sorry, boss, I was held up 11. _________ a hold-up. ” Our final expression is“hold the line”. That means to keep a problem or situation 12. _________ getting worse, to hold steady. 13. _________ example, the president may say he will hold the line on taxes. He means there will be no increase 14. _________ taxes. Now, I must hold the line 15. _________ this program. I have no more time left today. 参考答案 : 1. from the time 从 …… 开始 2. used candles for light 把 …… 用来 3. by holding a candle 用 …… 方式 4. hold a candle to you 为 …… 5. In the following song 在 …… 中 6. compare with him 把 …… 与 …… 相比 7. with a gun 拿着 8. late for work 对 …… 而言 9. by heavy traffic 被,因 10. on the way 在 …… 的途中 11. by a hold-up 被,因 12. keep. . . from getting worse 防止,以免 13. For example 例如 14. in taxes 在 …… 方面 15. on this program 关于 三、代词 代词 (pronoun, pron. ) 是指代上下文提到的或说话双方知道的人或物、代替名词或名词词组,以避免重复的词类。根据广东高考语法填空题的特点,我们把代词分为在名词词语中起修饰或限定作用的代词 ( 如代词所有格、作定语的不定代词 ) 和在上下文中指代名词而担当主语、宾语的代词 ( 如人称代词,物主代词主格、宾格及指示代词,不定代词,相互代词等其他代词 ) 两大类。 1. To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then _________ of her colleagues. 2. It’s an either-or situation - we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do _________. 参考答案 : 1. 指示代词 that 指代上文的 trust 。 2. both 指两者都。 3.I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like _________ of them very much. 4. The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase _________. 参考答案 : 3. either 指两者中的任何一个。 4. 人称代词 it 指上文的 The employment rate ,指原物。 5.To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered _________. 6. The two girls are so alike that strangers find _________ difficult to tell one from the other. 参考答案 : 5. 相互代词 another 指不定数目中的另一个。 6. 人称代词 it 作形式宾语,指代后面的不定式。 7. Why don’t you bring _________ to his attention that you’re too ill to work on? 8. Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made _________ almost an overcoat for her. 参考答案 : 7. 人称代词 it 作形式宾语,指代后面的宾语从句。 8. 人称代词 it 指上文 Susan’s beautiful hair ,指原物。 9. We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose _________ based on your own interests. 10.—Would you like tea or coffee? —_________, thank you. I’ve just had some water. 参考答案 : 9. 指示代词 one 指上文 various summer camps 中的一个,指可数名词单数。 10. “ 两样都不想要”,不定代词 neither 表示两者之间的全部否定。 11. We feel _________ our duty to make our country a better place. 12.—Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear? — _________ one? 参考答案 : 11. 人称代词 it 作形式宾语,指代后面的不定式。 12. “ 还想要一支?”相互代词 Another 指不定数目中的另一个。 13. —Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like. —What do you think of _________ over there? 参考答案 : 指示代词 that 指代不可数名词。 作定语的代词起限定名词的作用,作主语、宾语的代词起指代作用。在语法填空的所有考点中,代词考查比例最大,每年计 1. 5 × 2 = 3 分,占整个语法填空题的 2/10 。 1 人称代词、物主代词   第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 阳性 阴性 中性 人称 代词 主格 I we you he she it they 宾格 me us him her them 物主 代词 形容词性物主代词 ( 所有格 ) my our your his its their 名词性物主代词 mine ours yours hers theirs  格  人称 数 种类    第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 阳性 阴性 中性 用法 1. 人称代词主格作主语 , 宾格作宾语、表语、同位语 2. 形容词性物主代词 ( 所有格 ) 作定语 ; 名词性物主代词相当于“所有格 + 名词”。例如 : mine = my book(s), yours=your sister(s). . .  格  人称 数 种类 2 不定代词、相互代词、指示代词、反身代词 1. 不定代词的基本用法 使用范围 肯定意义 否定、疑问意义 指代不可数名词及可数名词单数 some, every, each, other, another, one, a little any, no(not a/not any), little, much 指代可数名词 复数 some, other, another any, no 指代两者 both, either neither 指代两者以上 some, others, all, ones, another, a few any, few, many, none 1)some 可用于疑问句,表示希望得到肯定的答复; any 可用于肯定句,表示“任何一个 ( 一些 )” 。例如: A: Would you like some more tea, please? B: Yes, just a little. I don’t like any of these pictures. 2)all, both, every ~与 not 连用,无论 not 在句中什么位置都是表示部分否定。例如: Not all ants go out for food. =All ants don’t go out for food. = Some ants go out for food, some don’t. 部分否定 全部 否定 部分否定 全部否定 两者 之间 both not neither = not. . . either 两者以上 all not none every~ not none 3)every ~ , some ~ , any ~ , no ~ 可与 one, body, thing 构成复合不定代词。 复合不定代词 特殊用法 everyone, every one, everybody, everything everyone 只指人 , every one 既指人又指物 , 还可接 of someone, somebody, something; anyone, any one, anybody, anything anyone 只指人 , any one 既指人又指物 , 还可接 of none, no one, nobody, nothing no one 只指人 , none 既指人又指物 , 还可接 of 4) 不定代词的简略否定回答。 What is on the blackboard? Nothing. ( 不可数 ) Who is in the dining-room? Nobody/No one. ( 指人 ) How many students are in the room? None. ( 可数复数 ) How much petrol is left? None. ( 指物 ) 2. 相互代词的用法 单 数 复 数 作主语、宾语、定语 作定语 作主语、宾语 泛指 another( 两者以上的 ) 另一个 ( 些 ) other other(students) =others 定指 the other( 两者之间的 ) 另一个 ( 些 ) the other(students) =the others 3. 指示代词的用法 名词性质 不可数名词 可数名词单数 可数名词复数 指代原物 it it they 泛指 / one ones 定指 that that, the one, this those, these 4. 反身代词的用法 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三人称 阳性 阴性 中性 反身 代词 单数 myself yourself himself herself itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves 用法 反身代词作宾语、表语、同位语 , 不能作主语。常与反身代词连用的动词有 reach, call, express, dress, lose, find, seat, hide, imagine, present . . . 等  人称  种类 数 3 四种 it 的用法 ( 一 ) 指代 ( 后行 )it 1. it 的基本用法是用来指代上文所提到的事物。例如: Whatever you do or say, ask yourself whether it is in the interests of the people. A: Pass me a blue pen. B: Here it is. /Here you are. 2. it 指代上文提及的原物 ( 复数 they) ; one 指代上文提及的、泛指的可数名词单数 ( 复数 ones) ; that 指代上文提及的定指的可数名词单数或不可数名词 ( 复数 those) 。 There is a river along the village. It is a river with a long history. The red pen is on the desk and it is Tom’s. This pen is mine and that pen is Tom’s. This pen is mine and the one on the desk is Tom’s. Bikes made in Shanghai are better than ones made in Changsha. The bikes made in Shanghai are better than those/the ones made in Changsha. 3. 指代不明身份或性别的人也用 it ;指代喜爱的事物或宠物也可用 she/he 。 A: Who’s it (knocking at the door)? B: It ’s me. “I didn’t know it was you, comrade Lenin. ” said the guard. My car needs some more petrol. Let’s fill her up. ( 二 ) 虚义 it 虚义 it 指用作没有具体语意的主语,如表示时间、天气、距离、温度等概念的用法。 When spring comes, it is getting warmer and warmer. It is cooler in Tianjin than in Beijing. ( 三 ) 形式 it 由于句法结构的需要,常用 it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置。 1. 形式主语:不定式、动名词及主语从句作主语时,为避免句子“头重脚轻”,要将真正的主语后置。 It seemed impossible ( for him) to get back home . ( 不定式作主语 ) It was worthwhile searching for his “roots ”. ( 动名词作主语 ) It was obvious that his ancestor taught his younger generation little of his own language . ( 主语从句作主语 ) 1)It is/was difficult (easy, hard, important, necessary, useful, fit, possible, a pity, a pleasure. . . ) (for sb. ) to do sth. 2)It is/was kind (nice, wise, clever. . . ) (of sb. ) to do sth. 3)It is better (interesting, tiring, enjoyable, funny, fun, a bore, a waste of time. . . ) doing sth. 4)It is clear (plain, true, certain, sure, obvious. . . ) + that-clause + 陈述语气 5)It is important ( necessary, strange, a pity. . . ) + that-clause + (should ) do 6)It is a suggestion (my wish, 及与表建议动词有关的名词 ) + that-clause +(should) do 7)It is ordered ( 及与表建议动词有关的动词的被动语态 ) + that-clause +(should) do 8)It is high/very time that we should have lunch/ had lunch here. It is the first. . . last time that we have had lunch here (just). It is the third time that we shall have lunch here (in a moment). 2. 形式宾语:当不定式、动名词、 that 从句作宾语,又有自己的宾语补足语时,要用 it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语后置。例如: Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia . 能够用于形式宾语句型的动词有 think, make, find, consider, feel, take 等。 ( 四 ) 强调 it 为了强调句子中的某一成分,可以用“ It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who +其他”句型。例如: It was because he liked music that he went to the college to learn to play the piano. I met an old friend in the street last week. → It was I who met an old friend in the street last week. ( 强调主语 ) It was an old friend that I met in the street last week. ( 强调宾语 ) It was in the street that I met an old friend last week. ( 强调地点状语 ) It was last week that I met an old friend in the street. ( 强调时间状语 ) 注意: 1) 一般强调时间不能用 when, 强调地点不用 where 。 2) 强调谓语用下列方式: I did meet an old friend in the street last week. 用适当的代词填空。 1. _________ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn’t love it. 2. At our factory there are a few machines similar to _________ described in this magazine. 参考答案: Nobody 没有人 2. those 指代 machines 3. The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than _________ on the small ones. 4. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but _________ of them wants to, because they have work to do. 参考答案: 3. that 指代 signal 4. neither, 两者都不 5.Sarah made _________ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 6.Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _________. 参考答案: 5. it, 到达,动词短语 6. more, 需要更多 7.When he took his gloves off, I noticed that _________ one had his name written inside. 8.Sophia waited for a reply, but _________ came. 9.—Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? —$4, 000, or _________ like that. 参考答案: 7. each, 两者当中的每一个 8. none, 两者以上的任一个 9. something, 大约这个样子 10.No matter where he is, he makes _________ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. 11.—John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday? — _________. I’ll be off to London then. 参考答案: 10. it, it 作形式宾语 11. Neither, 两者都不 12. (2012· 四川高考 )New technologies have made _________ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost. 13. (2012· 江西高考 )My brother would like to buy a good watch but _________ was available from that shop. 参考答案: 12. it, it 作形式宾语 13. none, 三者以上的任一个 Ⅰ. 用适当的代词填空 1. Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to _________ of McDonald’s. 2. If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get _________ for me? 参考答案: 1. those, 指代 many of the items 2. one, 指代 a paper 3. I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and _________ half learning drawing. 4. Neither side is prepared to talk to _________ unless we can smooth things over between them. 5. The doctor thought _________ would be good for you to have a holiday. 参考答案: 3. the other, 两者中的另一个 4. the other, 两者中的另一个 5. it, it 作形式主语 6. You are the team star! Working with _________ is really your cup of tea. 7. When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson could you please say _________ for me? 8. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is _________ like swimming as a means of keeping fit. 参考答案: 6. others, 两者以上的其他人 7. something, 提及我的一些事情 8. nothing, 没有什么事情 9. The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than _________ in any other area of the city. 10. On my desk is a photo that my father took of _________ when I was a baby. 11. _________ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum. 参考答案: 9. that, 指代 the cost of renting 10. me, take a photo of sb. , 用代词宾格作宾语 11. Nothing, 没什么 12. He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _________ of them again. 13. If our parents do everything for us children, we won’t learn to depend on _________. 14. The fact that she was foreign made _________ difficult for her to get a job in that country. 参考答案: 12. either, 两者之一 13. ourselves, 指代主语 we 的反身代词 14. it, 作形式宾语 15. Helping others is a habit, _________ you can learn even at an early age. 16. _________ that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction. 参考答案: 15. one, 指代 a habit 16. All, 所有 …… 的是 17. I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face _________ day like that. 18. Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer _________ of them. 参考答案: 17. another, 另一个像昨天那样的日子 18. any, 三者以上的任一个 Ⅱ. 用适当的代词补全短文 Sylvia never has time for me anymore. 1. _________ used to do things together. Now I have to do 2. _________ myself. If I want to go to a movie she says that 3. _________ is too busy or too tired or that the kids are sick. 4. _________ rarely go to the movies and if I do I go by 5. _________. 6. _________ seems that all I do is work and pay bills. 7. _________ married people seem to enjoy 8. _________ more than we do. She says she wants 9. _________ to help her with the housework but she really prefers to do 10. _________ herself because she doesn’t like the way I do things. She wants 11. _________ to see a marriage counselor but I don’t like to tell 12. _________ people about my problems. I like to solve 13. _________ problems myself. 答案解析 : 1. We ,人称代词主格作主语 2. everything ,复合不定代词作宾语 3. she ,人称代词主格作主语 4. I ,人称代词主格作主语 5. myself ,反身代词作介词宾语 6. It ,人称代词主格作形式主语 7. Other ,相互代词作定语 8. themselves ,反身代词作宾语 9. me ,人称代词宾格作宾语 10. everything ,复合不定代词作宾语 11. us ,人称代词宾格作宾语 12. other ,相互代词作定语 13. my ,形容词性物主代词作定语 四、连词   连词与从句的定义和分类列表如下 : 句子的种类 引导不同从句的连词 并列句 : 用并列连词连接的、结构相同的句子 and, but, or, nor, so, for, yet, however, as well as, both. . . and, not only. . . but also, either. . . or, neither. . . nor, still 句子的种类 引导不同从句的连词 状语从句 : 用从属连词连接的主谓结构 , 表示时间、地点、方式、目的、原因、结果等状语的句子 时间状语从句 since, when, after, as, while, before 地点状语从句 where, wherever 方式状语从句 as, (just)as. . . so. . . , as if, as though 目的状语从句 (so)that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case 原因状语从句 because, since, as 结果状语从句 so. . . that, such. . . that 条件状语从句 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 让步状语从句 though, although, as 句子的种类 引导不同从句的连词 定语从句 : 用关系词连接主谓结构作定语的句子 限制性定语从句 who, whom, whose, which, as, that, when, where, why 非限制性定语从句 句子的种类 引导不同从句的连词 名词性从句 : 用连接词连接主谓结构作主语、表语、宾语或同位语的句子 主语从句 that, whether, what, which, who, how, when, where, why, as, because 表语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句 1. Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much _________ too little. 2. I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, _________ not save a bit of money? 参考答案 : 1. nor 。 neither. . . nor. . . 既不 …… 也不 …… 。 2. why 。要是我能少付一些钱 , 为什么不省些钱呢 ? why not 为什么不。 3. Nick’s guests, _________ had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. 4. _________ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. 参考答案 : 3. who 。 who 引导非限制性定语从句 , 修饰先行词 guests, 且在从句中作主语。 4. If/Although 引导状语从句。 5. Behind him were other people to _________ he was trying to talk. 6. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me _________ the bus arrived. 参考答案 : 5. 介词 to + 关系代词 whom 引导定语从句修饰 other people, whom 本身在定语从句中作宾语。从句动词搭配为 try to talk to sb. 。 6. until 引导时间状语从句修饰整个句子。 7. We understand this lesson best _________ we receive gifts of love from children. 8. He could bring some back to an elder _________ had been his teacher. 参考答案 : 7. when 引导时间状语从句修饰整个句子。 8. who 引导定语从句修饰 an elder, who 本身在定语从句中作主语。 9.Jane paused in front of a counter _________ some attractive ties were on display. 10.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, _________ he felt very happy. 参考答案 : 9. where 引导定语从句修饰 a counter, where 本身在定语从句中作地点状语。 10. 并列连词 but 表示转折。 11. One day, he came up with an idea _________ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. 12. The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometres away _________ there was a garage. 参考答案 : 11. that 引导同位语从句说明 idea 的具体内容 , that 在从句中不担当成分。 12. where there was a garage, where 引导定语从句修饰 a small town, where 本身在定语从句中作地点状语。 13. The villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to _________ should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house. 参考答案 : who 引导宾语从句作介词宾语。 as to“ 关于 , 至于” , argue as to“ 关于 …… 而争论”。 连词可以引导并列句或并列结构、状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句。名词性从句又分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。 1 并列连词、并列结构和并列句 并列连词是连接并列结构或并列句的连词,常用并列连词用法如下: 并列连词 作 用 举 例 and, but, or 连接单词 My brother and I study in the same school. 连接短语 Our knowledge may come from the books and from practice. 连接句子 We are singing and they are dancing. nothing but 除了 , 只有 or 表示否则 I have a pen but no pencil. Will you go there by bus or on foot? I did nothing but watch it. Hurry up or you will be late. 并列连词 作 用 举 例 for 表示后面的句子是原因 He is good at math for he studies harder than others. still 表示后句概念由前句转折而来 The weather is very cold, still we needn’t wear more clothes. not only. . . but also 不仅 …… 而且。可并列主、谓、宾、表及句子。主语并列时 , 谓语就近一致 Not only he but also I am a teacher. 并列连词 作 用 举 例 as well as 以及 , 同样。并列单词、短语、句子。并列主语时 , 动词要随前面的主语变化 He as well as I works hard. either. . . or 既 …… 又 …… , 或 …… 或 …… , 并列主、谓、宾、表及状语 Either come in or go out. 并列连词 作 用 举 例 neither. . . nor 既不 …… 也不 , 并列主、谓、宾、表、状语 , 并列主语时 , 谓语就近一致 Neither you nor he speaks French. both. . . and 和 , 既 …… 也 , 并列主、谓、宾及表语 I can play both football and basketball. nor 也不 , 引导句子要倒装 He cannot speak English, nor can I. so 因此 , 所以 , 不和 because 连用 You like apples, so do I. 1. 并列结构:用并列连词并列两个短语,叫并列结构,并列结构可以是并列主语、并列谓语、并列宾语、并列状语等多种并列的句子成分。例如: (1)Both Mary and Peter are washing the dishes. ( 用 both. . . and 并列主语 ) (2)Mary not only washes the dishes but also dries them. ( 用 not only. . . but also 并列谓语 ) (3)The idea is unsound . ( 用 as well as 并列状语 ) (4)Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: {face, and dress, and soul, and ideas}. ( 用 and 并列同位语 ) 2. 并列句:用并列连词并列两个主谓结构,叫并列句。并列句没有主句、从句之分。 (1)It returned to the Games in 1932, || and women were first allowed to participate in the competition in 1968. (2)Ethan’s mother paid her son for not watching TV, || but the son bought a TV with the money. (3), Wu Juping was just below the building, || so she rushed . 3. 并列复合句 : 并列主谓结构中有主从复合句,或主从复合句中有并列句,叫并列复合句。 (1)He decided to study law in his eighties, || and he got the master’s degree in 2015, [which was his third degree]. (2)The survey shows { that half of the girls choose film | and TV stars as idols, || while 48% of the boys figure sports stars. (3)Sam was very happy , || but soon he became homesick. 用适当的并列连词填空。 1. You have to move out of the way _________ the truck cannot get past you. 2. This training program can give you a lift at work, _________ increase your income by 40%. 3. Bring the flowers into a warm room _________ they’ll soon open. 参考答案: 1. or, 不然的话 2. as well as, 也 3. and, 然后 4.—Someone wants you on the phone. — _________ nobody knows I am here. 5. Find ways to praise your children often, _________ you’ll find they will open their hearts to you. 参考答案: 4. But, 但是 5. and ,那么 2 从属连词与状语从句 状语从句就是用主谓结构表示时间、条件、原因、方式、让步、目的、结果等状语的从句。从属连词的选用要以句子与连词的意思为依据。常用从属连词与状语从句的用法列表举例如下: 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 after 在 …… 之后 < After I(had)finished school>, I became a worker in the factory. ( 动作先后明显 , 可用一般过去时代替过去完成时 ) < After you think it over>, please let me know what you decide. ( 将来动作 , 主将从现 ) 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 before 在 …… 之前 Einstein almost knocked me down< before he saw me>. 在 …… 之后 It will be four days< before they come back>. 四天后回来 = They will not come back < until four days later>. 不到 …… , 还没 …… ( 否定含义 ) They had not been married four months< before they were divorced>. 他们结婚 不到 四个月就离婚了。 The boys rushed out < before the bell rang>. 铃 还没 响 …… 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 until 直到 …… 才 He didn’t go to bed < until 11: 30>. 直到 …… 才 短暂性动词 He didn’t study < until 11: 30>. 直 到 11: 30 才学习 持续性动词 一直 …… 到 He studied < until 11: 30>. 一直学 习到 11: 30  持续性动词 when 当 …… 时候 < When they got there>, the train had left.  动作一先一后 I loved maths< when I was at school>.  动作同时发生 ( 正 ) …… 这时 We were about to start < when it began to rain>. We were discussing the problem < when he came in>. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 while 当 …… 时候 < While he was in Beijing>, he visited the Great Wall. We can learn < while we work>.  持续动作同时发生 在 …… 的同时 < While he loves his students>, he is very strict with them. 然而 ( 对照、对比 ) You like tennis, < while I’d rather read>. =You like tennis, || but I’d rather read. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 as 当 …… 时候 I saw him< as he was getting off the bus>. 两个动作同时发生 一边 …… 一边 She sang< as she worked>. 随着 < As you grow older>, you will grow wiser. as soon as 一 …… 就 …… I will phone you < as soon as I come back>. 主将从现 < As soon as > I entered the gate, the bell rang. 接一般过去时 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 hardly. . . when. . . 一 …… 就 …… Hardly had I entered the gate < when the bell rang>. 接过去完成时 , 且主谓倒装 no sooner. . . than. . . 一 …… 就 …… No sooner had I come home < than it began to rain>. 接过去完成时 , 且主谓倒装 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 时间状语从句 since 自从 …… 以来 What have you been doing < since I last saw you>? I haven’t received his letter < since we parted>. 从句用短暂性动词 , 主句用持续性动词 once 一旦 < Once you know the rules>, you’ll obey them willingly. whenever 无论何时 < Whenever you meet any trouble>, tell me at once. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 条件状语从句 if “ 假如” , 引导条件状语从句 What should I do next if the rain doesn’t stop? “ 是否” , 引导宾语从句 I don’t know if he comes back or not. unless 表条件 , “ 除非 , 如果不” I will go to the zoo unless it rains. as long as/so long as 表条件 , “ 只要” As long as I am free, I’ll go to help you. so far as/as far as 表条件 , “ 就 …… 而言 , 就 …… 而论” As far as I know, it is easy for you to speak in English. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 原因状语从句 as 表示原因 , “ 由于、因为” As it was late, we must go now. because 表原因 , “ 因为” I have to stay in bed because I am ill. now that 表原因 , “ 既然 , 由于” Now that the crops are in, we can start to make preparations for winter sowing. since 表原因 , “ 既然 , 由于” Since the job is dangerous, let’s do it more carefully. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 让步状语从句 although/though 表示让步 , “ 尽管” Although she is young, she knows a lot. as 表示让步 , “ 尽管” Young as she is, she knows a lot. ( 主谓倒装 ) even if/even though 表让步 , “ 即使” You should try again even if you failed. no matter + 疑问词 表让步 , “ 无论 , 不管” No matter what you do, you should try your best. whether. . . or not 表让步 , “ 无论 , 不管” Whether she is ill or not, she is happy. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 目的状语从句 in case 表目的 , “ 以防 , 以免” You should be more careful in case there is a fire. in order that 表目的 , “ 为了 , 以便” We study hard in order that we can pass the exam. so that 表目的 , “ 为了 , 以便” Speak loud so that everybody can hear you. 方式状语从句 as if/as though 表方式 , “ 似乎、好像” He told us such a story as though he had been there before. as 表方式 , “ 按照 , 正像” I worked out the problem as he told me. 从句 从属连词 词 义 例 句 结果状语从句 so. . . that 如此 , 以致 He got up so late that he missed the bus. 比较状语从句 than 比 Things were worse than we thought. 地点状语从句 where 那里 Bamboo grows best where it is warm and damp. 用适当的从属连词填空。 1. You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason _________ you reach any decision. 2.There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery _________ another man, also intelligent, fails. 参考答案 : 1. before, 在 …… 之前  2. while, 然而 , 表示对比转折 3.I don’t believe we’ve met before, _________ I must say you do look familiar. 4.I had hardly got to the office _________ my wife phoned me to go back home at once. 5.—Look at those clouds! —Don’t worry. _________ it rains, we’ll still have a great time. 参考答案 : 3. although/though, 虽然、尽管  4. when, 这时 5. Even if, 即使  6. I have a tight budget for the trip, so I’m not going to fly _________ the airlines lower ticket prices. 7. The map is one of the best tools a man has _________ he goes to a new place. 8. Everything was placed exactly _________ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. 参考答案 : 6. unless, 除非  7. whenever, 无论何时 8. where, 在那地方 , =in the place where 9.One’s life has value _________ one brings value to the life of others. 10._________ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A. 11._________ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. 参考答案 : 9. as long as, 只要  10. While, 然而 , 虽然  11. However, 无论怎样 12.It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties _________ it gets more financial support from the European Union. 13.Hot _________ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. 14.All the photographs in this book, _________ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s. 参考答案 : 12. unless, 除非  13. as, 尽管、虽然  14. unless, 除非 15.He smiled politely _________ Mary apologized for her drunken friends. 16.A number of high buildings have arisen _________ there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 17.—Coach, can I continue with the training? —Sorry, you can’t _________ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury. 参考答案 : 15. as, 当 …… 时  16. where, 在那地方  17. because, 因为 18.At school, some students are active _________ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another. 19.If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay _________ you are and wait for help. 20.You can borrow my car _________ you promise not to drive too fast. 参考答案 : 18. while, 而  19. where, 在那地方  20. as long as, 只要 3 关系代词、关系副词与定语从句 定语从句就是用主谓结构修饰、限定一个名词或代词的从句,其中被修饰、限定的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词,关系词又分关系代词和关系副词。 ( 一 ) 关系词的语法特点:关系词既指先行词,又在从句中担当成分:关系代词担当主语、表语、宾语和定语,关系副词担当状语。 ( 二 ) 分析句子成分的规则是:及物动词+宾语,介词 + 宾语,不及物动词+状语,连系动词+表语。 ( 常见的不及物动词有: go, leave, arrive, rise, live, fall 等 ) 1)This is the house where/in which Li Xiaolong once lived. 2)This is the house which/that Li Xiaolong once lived in. ( 在 live in the house 这一结构中, live 是不及物动词,与 in the house 是动状关系, where 代替 in the house 作 live 的状语。 ) 3)This is the house which/that we visited last month. ( 在 visit the house 这一结构中, visit 是及物动词,与 the house 是动宾关系, which/that 代替 the house 作 visit 的宾语。 ) 4)There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium. (which 代替 mineral 与 was even more. . . 是主系表的关系。 ) 5)On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny soft light. →a tiny soft light came from the glass container. . . (which 代替 the glass container, 作介词 from 的宾语。 ) ( 三 ) 介词 + 关系代词与关系副词的关系: when = at, in, on 等表时间的介词 +which ; where = at, in, on 等表地点的介词 + which ; why = for 等表原因的介词 + which ; of, about, with 等介词 + 关系代词没有对应的关系副词。 ( 四 ) 关系词用法表 ( 含关系代词、关系副词 ) 成分 特征 关系代词 关系副词 主语 宾语 定语 状语 指人 who whom/who whose/of whom 指时间 when 指物 which which whose/of which 指地点 where 既指人 又指物 that that whose/ of whom/ of which 指原因 why 指先行句 as ( 五 )that 与 which 的用法区别 ( 下列情况下指人可用 who, whom) 1. 不能用 that 的情况: 1) 介词后不用 that; 2) 非限制性定语从句中不用 that 。 2. 只能用 that 的情况: 1) 先行词是 all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything 等,只用 that( 现代英语中可说 something which); 2) 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时,只用 that; 3) 先行词被 all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some 等不定代词或 the only, the very, the same, the last 等相当于最高级的词修饰时,只用 that; 4) 先行词既指人又指物时,只用 that 。 ( 六 )as 与 which 的用法区别 : 1. as 引导非限制性定语从句时,通常用于像 as we all know, as it is known, as is known to all, as it is, as is said above, as always mentioned above, as is usual, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper 等句式中。 2. as 可位于主句的前、中 ( 作插入成分 ) 、后,译为“正如”。 which 只能在主句中、后,一般不译。 As we all know, he never smokes. 正如我们所知,他从不吸烟。 Taiwan is , as you know , an inseparable part of China. 你知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。 He said that he had never seen her before , which was not true. 他说以前从没见过她,这不是真的。 3. 固定搭配: such. . . as/the same. . . as She is such a nice girl as we all like. 她是个我们大家都喜欢的如此好的女孩。 It is such an interesting book as we all want to read. 它是本我们大家都想读的有趣的书。 用适当的关系词填空。 1. _________ is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived. 2. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house _________ I would be staying. 参考答案 : 1. As, as is often the case 情况总是这样 , as 指代主句的内容 , 并在定语从句中作主语  2. where, 指地点 , 在定语从句中作状语 3.That evening, _________ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late. 4.When deeply absorbed in work, _________ he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping. 5.Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _________ you received gifts? 参考答案 : 3. which, 指时间作宾语  4. which, 指先行句作表语  5. whom, 指人作宾语 6. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _________ help I would never have got this far. 7.After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _________ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive. 8.A lot of language learning, _________ has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life. 参考答案 : 6. whose, 指人作定语  7. who, 指人作主语  8. as, 指物作主语 9.The air quality in the city, _________ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months. 10.It is the third time that she has won the race, _________ has surprised us all. 11.Maria has written two novels, both of _________ have been made into television series. 参考答案 : 9. as, 指物作主语  10. which, 指先行句作主语  11. which, 指物作宾语  12. Sales director is a position _________ communication ability is just as important as sales skills. 13. In our class there are 46 students, of _________ half wear glasses. 参考答案 : 12. where, 指地点作状语  13. whom, 指人作宾语 14.By 16: 30, _________ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold. 15.We live in an age _________ more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 参考答案 : 14. when, 指时间作主语  15. when, 指时间作状语 4 连接词与名词性从句 由于名词通常担当主语、表语、宾语和同位语,因此我们把主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句统称为名词性从句。 ( 一 ) 四类名词性从句比较 从句类型 例 句 区别标识 名词性 从句 主语从句 {What he wanted to tell us}is not clear. 在句首 , 或用 it 作形式主语的主谓结构 表语从句 This is{what he wanted to tell us}. 在系动词后的主谓结构 宾语从句 I don’t know{what he wanted to tell us}. 在及物动词或介词后的主谓结构 同位语从句 I have no idea{what he wanted to tell us}. 在名词后起说明、解释作用的主谓结构 ( 二 ) 连接词分类 连接 词分类 连 接 用法说明 基本连 接词 that 引导陈述内容的从句 , 无词义 , 重复时可以省略 , 不担当句子成分 whether, if 引导一般疑问的从句 , 表示“是否” , 不担当句子成分 连接代词 what, who, whom, which, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever 引导特殊疑问的从句 , 有词义 , 担当一定成分。 wh-ever 侧重“无论、任何”的意思 连接副词 when, where, how, why, whenever, wherever, however ( 三 ) 几个重要区别 1. 定语从句和同位语从句的区别 定语从句 同位语从句 相同之处 在名词后的主谓结构 不同之处 起修饰、限定作用 起说明、解释作用 that 用法 担当主语或宾语 , 可以省略 不担当成分 , 不能省略 例句 Have you got the idea{(that)this book gives you of thelife in ancient Greece}? I had no idea{that you have given me the book about the life in ancient Greece}. 2. 只用 whether 不用 if 的情况 使用场合 例 句 ① 引导主语从句在句首 {Whether he will come}is not clear. ② 引导表语从句 The question is{whether he will come}. ③ 引导同位语从句 He asked me the question{whether he will come}. ④ 宾语从句中作介词宾语 It all depends on{whether he will come}. ⑤ 从句中有“ or(not)” He didn’t decide{whether he will come or not}. 3. what 和 that 的区别 what that 定语 从句 不能引导定语从句 担当主语、宾语 , 可以省略 名词性 从句 担当主语、宾语 , 不能省略 不担当成分 , 重复出现时可以省略 用适当的连接词填空。 1. _________ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it. 2. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell _________ close you may be to victory. 参考答案 : 1. Whichever, whichever one 表示无论哪一个 , whichever 引导主语从句 , 且在从句中修饰 one 。 2. how, “how+ adj . + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他”表示“多么 ……” 3. It is by no means clear _________ the president can do to end the strike. 4. Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt _________ he could have expressed it differently. 参考答案 : 3. what, 主语从句中担当宾语 4. that, 表语从句中不担当成分 5. There is much truth in the idea _________ kindness is usually served by frankness. 6.—We’ve only got this small bookcase. Will that do? —No, _________ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger. 参考答案 : 5. that, 同位语从句中不担当成分 6. what, 主语从句中担当宾语 7. It doesn’t matter _________ you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads lead to the park. 8. The notice came around two in the afternoon _________ the meeting would be postponed. 参考答案 : 7. whether, 主语从句表是否 8. that, 同位语从句中不担当成分 9. The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but _________ he reaches these limits will depend on his environment. 10. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t matter _________ you have lived there for a short or a long time. 参考答案 : 9. whether, 主语从句表是否 10. whether, 主语从句表是否 11. We promise _________ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star. 12. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _________ suits you best. 13. When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or _________. 参考答案 : 11. whoever, 无论谁 12. whichever, 无论哪一个 13. whoever, 无论谁 14. It doesn’t matter _________ you pay by cash or credit card in this store. 15. Evidence has been found through years of study _________ children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up. 参考答案 : 14. whether, 主语从句表是否 15. that, 同位语从句中不担当成分 用适当的连接词补全短文 My mother insisted 1. _________ everyone in her life treat her with respect. 2. _________ she wasn’t wealthy 3. ________ well-educated , my mother not only understood and appreciated her value , 4. _________ believed in it strongly. 5. _________ she learned my father was cheating on her , she insisted 6. ________ he move out of our home. Not the next day or the next week. . . . To me, as a child, 7. _________ she refused to take my father back seemed harsh , even cruel. As a woman , however , I have come to understand it. For my mother , putting Daddy out of the house 8. _________ her life wasn’t about pride; it was about principle. The one had always lived by. The one 9. _________ she believed in with all her heart: No one was going to love and respect you 10. _________ you loved and respected yourself. 参考答案: 1. that/ 不填 2. Though 3. or 4. but 5. When 6. that/ 不填 7. that 8. and 9. that/ 不填 10. unless 五、倒装和强调 1 倒装的概念与用法 ( 一 ) 倒装的概念因为语法结构或修辞强调的需要,把谓语动词的部分或全部放在主语之前,这种语法现象称为倒装。 倒装分类 具体情况 例 句 语法需要的倒装 ( 一定要倒装 ) 1. 疑问句 ( 疑问词作主语或主语的定语不倒装 ) What are you doing? Who is he? What’ s this? Whose book is this? 2. there be 句型 There are 45 students in our class. 强调需要的倒装 ( 可以不倒装 ) 因修辞需要的特定句型 He isn’t wrong, nor am I. =He isn’t wrong, I am not, either. Here comes the bus . = The bus comes here. 倒装分类 具体情况 例 句 部分倒装 (partial inversion) 助动词、情态动词或 be 动词等功能词置于主语之前 What are you doing? Who is he? Have you read Oliver Twist ? She’s been to Norway, so have I. ( 即 I have been there, too) 全部倒装 (full inversion) 整个谓语置于主语之前 Here comes the bus = The bus comes here. In came the girl. = The girl came in. There stands a beauty. There are 45 students in our class. ( 二 ) 倒装的用法 倒装的前提 例 句 全部倒装 1. there be 句型的替代动词 stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come There stands a stone bridge across the river. There exists an old pine tree on the mountain. 2. 状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语提到句首 Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcer’s voice. At his side lay Eva Brown. 倒装的前提 例 句 全部倒装 3. here, there, now, then, such 提到句首 , 常与 be, come, go, begin, follow 等连用 There goes the bell. 铃响了。 Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 4. 强调动作 , 为了生动 , 把副词提到句首 Out rushed the dog from the gate. Up went the rocket into the sky. 5. 表达祝愿 Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people! 倒装的前提 例 句 部分倒装 1. 省略 if 的虚拟条件句 Had I known what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone. 2. so( 肯定 ) 和 neither, nor( 否定 ) 引导的句子 He didn’t fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. I’ve had some good ideas, so have other men. 倒装的前提 例 句 部分倒装 3. 否定词、半否定词 never, little, often, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no sooner. . . than. . . , in no way, at no time, under no circumstances, by no means, in no case 提到句首 Little does he care about money. Not until recently did I know what he had done. Hardly had she sat down when the phone rang. No sooner had she sat down than the phone rang. 比较 : As soon as she sat down, the phone rang. 倒装的前提 例 句 部分倒装 4. only+ 副词 , only+ 介词短语 , only+ 状语从句提到句首 Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours did they reach a decision. 5. as, though 引导的让步状语从句 Poor as he was, he was honest. Try as he may, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 注 : 如果主语是代词而不是名词时则不倒装。例如 : Away they went .   May you succeed ! 2 强调句型 ( 一 ) 强调的概念和方式 英语中表示强调的方法一般分为四种:语音强调、位置强调、词汇强调、句型强调。其中句型强调 ( 也就是强调句型 ) 是常考点。 类型 强调的方式 举 例 语音 强调 重读音节、单词重读或句子重读 be`hind `I asked him to `open the `door. 位置 强调 改变主、谓、宾、表、状在句子中的正常位置 This morning, I was reading English. Try as/though he will, he can’t succeed. 类型 强调的方式 举 例 词汇 强调 谓语动词前加助动词 do(does, did), 对谓语进行强调 I do like swimming. He did go there last night. 用 awfully, badly, dead, deeply, ever, extremely, highly, indeed, lightly, not. . . at all, particularly, pretty, really, so, strongly, terribly, utterly, very, very much 等副词修饰以加强语气 He wants to get it very much. I miss you terribly. 类型 强调的方式 举 例 词汇 强调 用短语 at all, on earth, in the world, under the sun 等表示强调 I don’t know it at all. What on earth are you doing there? 重复某一个词或短语来强调 He thought and thought, and suddenly he got a good idea. 句型 强调 It is/was + 被强调部分 + that(who)+ 其他 It was in the room that Li Lei was born. It is Wei Fang who has broken the record. ( 二 ) 强调句型的用法 强调句型 “ It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who+ 其他 ” 的句型可以强调除谓语外的任何句子成分。例如 : I bought the book in that bookstore yesterday. It was I who bought the book in that bookstore yesterday.   ( 强调主语 ) It was the book that I bought in that bookstore yesterday.   ( 强调宾语 ) It was in that bookstore that I bought the book yesterday.   ( 强调地点状语 ) It was yesterday that I bought the book in that bookstore.   ( 强调时间状语 ) 注意 : 1) 强调句型的连词通常用 that, 指人时可用 who, 但强调时间不用 when, 强调地点不用 where 。 2) 强调谓语用下列方式 :   I did meet an old friend in the street this morning. What I did this morning was (to) meet an old friend in the street. ( 三 ) 与强调句型有关的几组相似句型 It is clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.   ( 形式主语 , 去掉 it is. . . that 后不能重新排列成句 ) It is the elephant that is round and tall like a tree.   ( 强调句型 , 去掉 it is. . . that 能够重新排列成句 ) 2. It is ten years since he returned to his hometown.   ( 段时间 , 从句是之前发生的动作 ) It was ten years ago that he returned to his hometown.   ( 去掉 it was. . . that 能够重新排列成句 ) It was 1990 when he returned to his hometown.   ( 点时间 , 无介词 , 去掉 it was. . . when 后不能重新排列成句 ) It is in 1990 that he returned to his hometown.   ( 有介词 , 去掉 it is. . . that 能够重新排列成句 ) He went abroad in 1980. It was ten years before he returned to his hometown.   ( 段时间 , 从句是之后发生的动作 ) 3. He didn’t find he had his wallet stolen until he got off the bus .   (not. . . until 原句型 ) → Not until he got off the bus did he find he had his wallet stolen.   (not. . . until 倒装句 ) →It was not until he got off the bus that he found he had his wallet stolen.   (not. . . until 强调句 ) →Was it not until he got off the bus that he found he had his wallet stolen?   ( 强调句型的一般问句 ) → When was it that he found he had his wallet stolen?   ( 强调句型的特殊问句 ) 1 One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 1. _________ (find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 2. _________ too little. ” His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 3. _________ not save a bit of money? ” “That would be a very 4. _________ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours, ” Nick said. Nick’s guests, 5. _________ had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Nick replied, “The only reason a man would sell salt 6. _________ a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect 7. _________ the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it. ” “But such a small thing couldn’t 8. _________ (possible) destroy a village. ” “In the beginning, there was only 9. _________ very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, always 10. _________ (think) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today. ” 【 文章大意 】 本文通过父亲让孩子去买盐并嘱咐不要多付钱也不要少付钱 , 告诉我们 , 一丁点的不公平就可能毁掉我们这个世界。 1. 【 解析 】 found 。考查动词时态。他发现盐用光了。本篇短文为叙述过去发生的事情 , 以一般过去时为主。 2. 【 解析 】 nor 。考查固定搭配。 neither. . . nor. . . 既不 …… 也不 …… 。 3. 【 解析 】 why 。考查疑问副词。要是我能少付一些钱 , 为什么不省些钱呢 ? why not 为什么不。 4. 【 解析 】 reasonable 。考查词性转换。在一座大城市里那将是一件很合理的事情。 reasonable 合理的。 5. 【 解析 】 who 。考查引导定语从句的关系词。 who 引导非限制性定语从句 , 修饰先行词 guests, 且在从句中作主语。 6. 【 解析 】 at 。考查固定搭配。 at a lower price 以一个较低的价格。 7. 【 解析 】 for 。考查介词与名词的固定搭配。那将表现出对辛苦生产盐的人的汗水与付出的不尊敬。 a lack of respect for 对 …… 的不尊敬。 8. 【 解析 】 possibly 。考查词性转换。 possibly 副词修饰谓语动词 destroy 。 9. 【 解析 】 a 。考查冠词和固定搭配。 a very small amount of 一个非常小的数量。 10. 【 解析 】 thinking 。考查非谓语动词。 thinking 为现在分词作伴随状语 , everyone 与 think 构成逻辑上的主谓关系 , 故用现在分词形式。 2 Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, 1. _________ (wear)sun glasses. He walked in as if he 2. _________ (buy)the school. And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City. For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt 3. ________ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in 4. _________ last row. 5. _________ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. It might have made it a little 6. _________ (hard)for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn’t stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary, 7. _________ made her feel like a star. “Do you need those glasses for medical reasons? ”the teacher asked. The new boy shook his head. “Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class. I like to look at your eyes when I’m speaking to you. ”The new boy looked at the teacher 8. _________ a few seconds and all the other students wondered 9. _________ the boy would do. Then he took 10. _________ off, gave a big smile and said ,“ That’s cool. ” 【 文章大意 】 本文主要讲述了 Mary 在上课时遇见一位新生的经历。 1. 【 解析 】 wearing 。考查现在分词短语作伴随状语。 He 与 wear 构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。 2. 【 解析 】 had bought 。考查虚拟语气和时态。句意:他走了进来,就好像他已经买下了这所学校。根据句意和上下文可知 as if 引导方式状语从句表示虚拟。当从句表示的事情对过去的虚拟时,从句中谓语用过去完成时。 3. 【 解析 】 pleased 。考查词性转换。 pleased 感到高兴的。一些动词 ( 尤其是表示情感、感觉的动词 ) 的 -ed 形式的形容词意为“感到 ……” , 而 -ing 形式的形容词意为“令人 …… 的”。 4. 【 解析 】 the 。考查冠词。 last 为序数词,故与定冠词 the 搭配。 the last row 最后一排。 5. 【 解析 】 If 。考查状语从句的连接词。句意:如果他认为坐在后面可以让他不被注意到,他就错了。 if 在句中引导条件状语从句。 6. 【 解析 】 harder 。考查比较级。 a little 修饰比较级, a little harder 稍微难一些。 7. 【 解析 】 which 。考查引导定语从句的关系词。 which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的主句。 which 在从句中作主语。 8. 【 解析 】 for 。考查介词。句意:这个新来的男孩看了老师一会儿。“ for+ 时间段”表示“持续一段时间”。 9. 【 解析 】 what 。考查宾语从句的引导词。 what 在句中引导宾语从句作 wondered 的宾语,且 what 在从句中作 do 的宾语。 10. 【 解析 】 them 。考查代词。 them 代指上文中的 glasses 。 3 One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment 1. _______ (late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 2. _________ the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 3. _________ (sit) at the front. He 4. _________ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 5. _______ (mental) disabled. Behind him were other people to 6. _________ he was trying to talk, but after some minutes 7. _________ walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed. I didn’t want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him 8. _________ his own either. After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 9. _________ amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home. I’m glad I made a choice that made 10. _________ of us feel good. 【 文章大意 】 本文谈到的是作者在参加当地音乐节之后坐公交车赴约而发生在车内的一件事,“我”通过和智障人之间的谈话经历感悟到,尊重别人会给彼此带来快乐。 1. 【 解析 】 later 。考查副词。约会发生在参加音乐节之后,因此要用 late 的比较级 later ,而 later 本身是副词,意思是“后来”。 2. 【 解析 】 until 。考查句式结构和引导状语从句的连词。分析整个句子可以看出,该句式结构是复合句,空缺处缺少从属连词。从延续性动词 wait 及常理分析,此处应用 until ,意思是“直到公交车到来”。 3. 【 解析 】 sitting 。考查句型和非谓语动词。 notice 后通常用现在分词作宾语补足语,现在分词表示动作正在进行,意思是“注意到 / 看到某人在做某事”,说明作者 notice 时, sit 的动作正在发生。 4. 【 解析 】 was pretending 。考查动词时态。分析句子看出所缺部分是谓语,此处讲述过去的事情,再由 and 后面的动词 giving 看出用过去进行时,而不是现在分词 pretending 。 5. 【 解析 】 mentally 。考查词性。表语 disabled 是形容词,修饰形容词应该用副词,所以用 mentally 。 mentally disabled 意思是“智障”。 6. 【 解析 】 whom 。考查定语从句。从空白处后面的从句及倒数第二段内容可以看出,这位智障人想和别人说话。本句为“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句,表示人用 whom ,表示物用 which 。 7. 【 解析 】 he 。考查代词。根据下一段的内容可知,是那个智障人坐在了我旁边,所以用 he 。 8. 【 解析 】 on 。考查介词短语。 on one’s own 意思是“独自地;独立地”,相当于 by oneself 。 9. 【 解析 】 an 。考查冠词。 conversation 是可数名词单数,修饰词 amazing 发音以元音音素开头,此处指我们进行了一次令人惊异的谈话,所以用 an 。 10. 【 解析 】 both 。考查代词用法。根据上下文可知,通过谈话而感到高兴的人应该是“智障人”和“我”。 4 It was a city in Hubei Province. On International Children’s Day, some orphans (IRJL) from the Wuhan Welfare Institute for Children 1. _________ (take) to the park. An elderly westerner was with them. The children were eager to tell him everything that was going on. They held him by the hand and never hesitated to call 2. _________ Grandpa. This man was Professor William Dorrity, from Florida, the USA. In 2003, 3. _________ Professor Dorrity and his wife retired, they came to Wuhan and started to work as volunteers at the Welfare Institute. The Dorritys have been working hard 4. _________ (improve) the conditions at the Welfare Institute since they came. They often take children on day-trips, 5. _________ (bring) along with them all kinds of food for the kids to enjoy. They recently bought audiphones for four orphans 6. _________ hearing problems and small tape recorders for three blind children. They also bought a wheelchair for ten- year-old Tan Jun, 7. _________ suffers from a brain problem. With the 8. _________ (arrive) of spring, the Dorritys took the children for 9. _________ outing. “We love China and we love children ,” Dorrity said, “ 10. _________ we are happy to do this. ” 1. 【 解析 】 were taken 。谓语时态与语态,故事的背景是一般过去时,此处是 take sb. to someplace 的被动形式。 2. 【 解析 】 him 。代词限定又指代, him 指代上文 An elderly westerner ,用宾格作宾语。 3. 【 解析 】 when/after 。连词, when/after 引导时间状语从句。 4. 【 解析 】 to improve 。非谓语动词,不定式表目的。 5. 【 解析 】 bringing 。非谓语动词,现在分词表伴随情况,指同时性的主动动作。 6. 【 解析 】 with 。介词, with 意为“具有”。 7. 【 解析 】 who 。定语从句的关系词, who 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,指代 Tan Jun 。 8. 【 解析 】 arrival 。词性,定冠词 the 后面接名词。 9. 【 解析 】 an 。冠词, an 表示量指,用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。 10. 【 解析 】 and/so 。并列连词, and/so 表示递进或结果。 5 It was my first trip to India alone. One day, as I 1. ________ (walk) through a local market, a ten-year-old boy came over and begged me to buy a book, 2. _________ had the words “Interesting India” on its cover. I bought it, thinking that when I returned home it would remind me 3. _________ my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India’s people were very welcoming of tourists, and never tried 4. _________ (cheat) them. As I read I felt deeply touched by these warm words. Suddenly, a monkey came down from a nearby tree, snatched the book from my hand and took 5. _________ away, along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn’t do anything 6. _________ stand and stare. Then a man approached me and asked 7. _________ I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five dollars. I had no other choice 8. _________ (leave), so I agreed to pay, but only after my bag was returned. He blew a whistle and the monkey immediately threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that 9. _________ man made his living this way: tricking tourists. This was the 10. _________ (bad) thing I ever experienced in “Interesting India”. 1. 【 解析 】 was walking 。谓语时态与语态,故事的背景是一般过去时,用过去进行时表示过去某时间正在进行的动作。 2. 【 解析 】 which 。定语从句的关系词, which 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,指代 book 。 3. 【 解析 】 of 。介词搭配, remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事。 4. 【 解析 】 to cheat 。非谓语动词, try to do, 尽力 / 试图做, try doing 尝试,试一试。此处表示“试图欺骗”。 5. 【 解析 】 it 。代词限定又指代, it 指代上文 the book 。 6. 【 解析 】 but 。并列连词, but 连接并列谓语。 7. 【 解析 】 if/whether 。宾语从句的引导词, if/whether 引导宾语从句,表示“是否”。 8. 【 解析 】 left 。非谓语动词,及物动词的过去分词表被动。 9. 【 解析 】 the/that 。限定词, the/that man 特指上面提到的那个人。 10. 【 解析 】 worst 。形容词最高级,用最高级表示旅行中的最糟糕的事情。

