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妙记9 彰显水平的特殊句式(强调、倒装和省略)‎ 特殊句式是英语中的高级表达,其中,强调、倒装句型和省略是最为常见的特殊句式,它们的准确使用能够彰显考生的英语水平,提高写作档次。‎ 一、重点突出的强调句型 强调句型可强调除谓语动词和表语外的其他任何成分,如主语、宾语、状语等。强调句型的灵活运用不仅有助于增强表达效果,突出要强调的重点,更能彰显考生对英语表达的把握能力。其基本结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。‎ ‎①It was because of their help that a disaster was avoided.(2017·浙江高考读后续写)‎ 正是由于他们的帮助,才避免了一场灾难。‎ ‎②It is not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits that impress us.(2016·天津高考书面表达)‎ 不仅是你们的热情,而且你们的团队合作和良好的精神状态给我们留下了深刻的印象。‎ 在写作中,我们可以通过使用强调句型将句子提高到一个新的档次。‎ ‎1.It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分.‎ It is because it's a good chance for you to learn the natural knowledge of China and make new friends that we really wish you can join us.(2017·浙江高考应用文写作)‎ 这是因为它是你学习中国的自然知识和结交新朋友的好机会,我们真的希望你能加入我们。‎ ‎2.Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分?‎ Was it in that park that the children saw the strange green objects?‎ 正是在那个公园里孩子们看见了那些奇怪的绿色物体吗?‎ ‎3.特殊疑问词+is/was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分?‎ When was it that you made up your mind to work as a volunteer teacher?‎ 是什么时候你下定决心要当一名志愿者老师的?‎ ‎4.It is/was not until ... that ...“直到……才……”‎ It was not until he got home 30 minutes later that he found he had left his bag in the taxi.‎ 直到到家三十分钟后他才发现他的包落在出租车里了。‎ ‎5.强调谓语时,用助动词do/does/did We did hope there would be more meaningful activities in the coming future.(2015·北京高考满分作文)‎ 我们确实希望今后有更多有意义的活动。‎ ‎[即时演练] 用强调句型进行句型转换 ‎1.By the way, I hope that you can help me improve my English writing ability, especially the proper use of vocabulary and some important grammar.(强调谓语) ‎ ‎→_By_the_way,_I_do_hope_that_you_can_help_me_improve_my_English_writing_ability,_especially_the_proper_use_of_vocabulary_and_some_important_grammar.(2015·四川高考书面表达)‎ ‎2.The teacher's praise contributes to my success.(强调主语)‎ ‎→It_is_the_teacher's_praise_that_contributes_to_my_success.(2015·湖南高考满分作文) ‎ ‎3.We spend the time and energy on the present that makes it valuable rather than the money we pay.(强调宾语)‎ ‎→It_is_the_time_and_energy_we_spend_on_the_present_that_makes_it_valuable_rather_than_the_money_we_pay.(2014·重庆高考满分作文)‎ 二、平衡句子的倒装句型 在写作中,倒装句型应用比较广泛,涉及的句型主要包括部分倒装和全部倒装。‎ ‎1.“only+状语”置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。‎ Only in this way can we students study happily and effectively.(2015·湖南高考满分作文)‎ 只有用这种方式,我们学生才能愉快、有效地学习。‎ ‎2.none, neither, nor, not, never, hardly, little, seldom等否定词,以及表示否定意义的介词短语如at no time, by no means等置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。‎ Hardly/No sooner had we arrived at the activity center when/than we signed up to participate in the Walking Contest.‎ 我们一到达活动中心就报名参加健步走比赛。‎ ‎3.在so/such ... that ...结构中,当so/such ...位于句首时,其后的句子用部分倒装。‎ So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself.‎ 他开车如此粗心,以至于差点把自己害死了。‎ ‎4.as/though“尽管……”‎ Try as she might, Mary couldn't get the door open.‎ 无论玛丽怎样努力,她就是打不开门。‎ ‎5.Were/Should/Had ...“如果……”‎ ‎①Were I two years younger, I would do something.‎ 如果我年轻两岁,我可能会采取某种行动。‎ ‎②Looking back, I feel I wouldn't be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.(2014·福建高考书面表达)‎ 回顾以往,我感觉如果我失去了信心就学不会骑自行车。‎ ‎6.here, there, now, then, out, in, around, up, down, on the wall, in the room等表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词而不是代词时,句子用全部倒装。‎ ‎①In that picture, around the table with three books on it sit three students.(2015·上海高考满分作文)‎ 在图画中,三个学生围坐在桌子周围,桌子上有三本书。‎ ‎②For a moment nothing happened. Then came voices all shouting together.‎ 有一段时间什么也没发生,然后传来了大家一起喊叫的声音。‎ ‎[即时演练] 用倒装句型进行句型转换 ‎1.(2016·北京高考书面表达)His poems not only have a strong influence on the Chinese literature, but also they have been translated into many foreign languages.‎ ‎→Not_only_do_his_poems_have_a_strong_influence_on_the_Chinese_literature,_but_also_they_have_been_translated_into_many_foreign_languages.‎ ‎2.(2016·天津高考书面表达)You are so kind and considerate that we hope to be friends with you no matter where you are. ‎ ‎→So_kind_and_considerate_are_you_that_we_hope_to_be_friends_with_you_no_matter_where_you_are.‎ ‎3.The children can grow up to be mentally and physically healthy only in this way.‎ ‎→Only_in_this_way_can_the_children_grow_up_to_be_mentally_and_physically_healthy.‎ ‎4.He didn't begin to know how important the family was for him until he left his home.‎ ‎→Not_until_he_left_his_home_did_he_begin_to_know_how_important_the_family_was_for_him.‎ ‎5.A group of young men rushed out, still discussing the performance with great interest.‎ ‎→Out_rushed_a_group_of_young_men,_still_discussing_the_performance_with_great_interest.‎ 三、简洁明了的省略结构 省略句的5种常见类型:‎ ‎1.祈使句中通常省略主语、谓语的一部分、表语等重复的部分。‎ ‎①(It) Sounds like a good idea.‎ 听上去是一个好办法。‎ ‎②—Are you thirsty?‎ ‎—Yes, I am (thirsty).‎ ‎——你口渴吗?‎ ‎——是的,我很渴。‎ ‎③Let's meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday.‎ 让我们还在昨天的老地方见面。‎ ‎2.两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分。‎ My brother is a doctor and my sisterinlaw (is) a lawyer.‎ 我哥哥是医生,我嫂子是律师。‎ ‎3.在以when, while, once引导的时间状语从句及以if, unless引导的条件状语从句中和though, although引导的让步状语从句中,如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语一致或从句的主语为it,且从句中含有be动词时,从句中可省去“主语+be”部分。‎ ‎①Unless (he is) invited, he won't come.‎ 除非邀请他,否则他不会来。‎ ‎②If (it is) possible, I'm going to visit some homes for the old in the city.‎ 如果可能的话,我将去探望市里的几家敬老院。‎ ‎4.在限制性定语从句中,关系代词that, which, whom充当宾语,而且前面无介词时可省略。‎ He lost the watch (that/which) he bought yesterday.‎ 他丢了他昨天买的那块表。‎ ‎5.单独使用不定式符号to代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常用在be afraid, expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, try, want, wish等词后;或放在表示情绪的某些形容词后,代替被省略的动词,常见词有:glad, happy, pleased等,但是,如果不定式中含有be, have, have been时,则要保留be, have, have been。‎ ‎①—Will you please look after my house when I'm away?‎ ‎—I'm glad to (look after your house when you're away).‎ ‎——当我不在时,你能照看一下我家吗?‎ ‎——我愿意。‎ ‎②Your work hasn't been handed in, but it ought to have been.‎ 你的工作还没有交上来,但是本应该交上来了。‎ ‎[即时演练] 用省略结构翻译下列句子 ‎1.我们的家乡不再是以前的样子了。‎ Our_hometown_is_no_longer_what_it_used_to_be.‎ ‎2.我有困难时总是向她求助。‎ When_in_trouble,_I_always_turn_to_her_for_help.‎ ‎3.最大的海洋与整个地球的大小比较起来算不了什么。‎ When_compared_with_the_size_of_the_whole_earth,_the_biggest_ocean_doesn't_seem_big_at_all.‎ ‎4.那就是我想要读的那本书。‎ That_is_the_book_I_want_to_read.‎ ‎5.——你介意照看我的猫吗?‎ ‎——不,我愿意。‎ ‎—Would_you_mind_looking_after_my_cat?‎ ‎—Yes,_I'd_love_to.‎

