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2020 届二轮复习书面表达教学讲座 讨论 高考作文优秀文的特点是什么? 高考作文考查哪些写作能力? 学生写作能力弱的问题是什么? 讨论 高考作文优秀文的特点是什么? 扣题 流畅 有思想 有逻辑 用词恰当 讨论 学生写作能力弱的问题是什么? 语 言 —— 23 逻 辑 —— 8 审 题 —— 7 中式思维 —— 6 内容表达 —— 5 想 象 力 —— 5 连 贯 性 —— 4 结 构 —— 3 书 写 —— 2 细 节 —— 2 写作技巧 —— 1 文 体 —— 1 词汇量小 句子单一 句子时态乱 句式结构错 语法错误多 不注意句子的完整 乱用复杂句式 时态、语态问题 选词不恰当 认识的词写不出来 人称混乱 单复数混乱 主谓不一致 基本句式没掌握 用法搭配问题 句式 词汇 主要内容 认识写作和写作教学 高中写作教学的实践 高三英语写作教学 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 2021/2/16 6 认识写作和写作教学 Writing is the communication of content for a purpose to an audience . Content (Main idea + Key details) Purpose (Think + Do) Audience (People + Questions) 2021/2/16 7 课程标准对写作的要求 课程标准 8 级的写作要求 1 .能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要; 2 .能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告; 3 .能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度; 4 .能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺。 2021/2/16 8 谋篇技巧 思维能力 文化知识 写作经验 辨析能力 行文连贯 高考说明对写的考查要求 考生应能: 1 . 根据不同 文体 ,使用恰当的语言形式完成书面交际任务; 2 . 运用恰当的句式、词汇和语法 叙述、描述、表达观点和态度 ; 3 . 做到 文章扣题、内容充实、结构完整、逻辑性强、语意连贯 。 2021/2/16 9 课程标准对写作的要求 课程标准 8 级的写作要求 1 .能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要; 2 .能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告; 3 .能写出 语意连贯 且 结构完整 的短文, 叙述事情或表达观点和态度 ; 4 .能在写作中做到 文体 规范、语句通顺。 2021/2/16 10 主要内容 认识写作和写作教学 高中写作教学的实践 高三英语写作教学 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 2021/2/16 11 课程标准的写作教学建议 教学目的:表述事实、观点、情感、想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。 基本技能: 整理思路;组织素材; 规划文章结构;列出提纲; 起草文章; 组织语言;遣词造句; 修改文章;正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。 2021/2/16 12 高中写作教学的实践 Learn to write Write to learn Write for enjoyment 2021/2/16 13 高中写作教学的实践 Learn to write 案例 1 案例 2 2021/2/16 14 高中写作教学的实践 Write to learn 案例 2 2021/2/16 15 高中写作教学的实践 Write for enjoyment F R I E N D 2021/2/16 16 高中写作教学的实践 Write for enjoyment When I opened the door, I found a white elephant standing outside. … 2021/2/16 17 高中写作教学的实践 Write for enjoyment A friend Kenneth Appearance A lot of black hair Dress Jeans, and a Pacific umbrella Charater Always smiling My feeling I like him … 2021/2/16 18 高中写作教学的实践 My friend Kenneth A lot of black hair Jeans, and a Pacific umbrella Always smiling I like him 2021/2/16 19 高中写作教学的实践 My friend Always smiling I like him A lot of black hair Jeans, and a Pacific umbrella Kenneth 2021/2/16 20 高中写作教学的实践 My friend Kenneth A lot of black hair Jeans, and a Pacific umbrella Always smiling I like him 2021/2/16 21 高中写作教学的实践 写作是学生实践,体验的过程 学生的写作是在教师的指导下进行 写作的过程要比写作的结果更重要 关注语言输入与输出之间的关系 内容的完整和清晰比语言的复杂更重要 2021/2/16 22 主要内容 认识写作和写作教学 高中写作教学的实践 高三英语写作教学 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 2021/2/16 23 高三写作教学 Tell vs. Show more than tell 内容 vs. 形式 句式的复杂 vs. 句式的多样 * 24 Package tour or individual tour Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, more and more people are able to make holiday trips. Their ways of traveling are different. Some people prefer to join a package tour. It’s quite convenient to follow the tour guide to different scenic spots. Some other people, however, like to travel individually. They can adjust their plans. Personally, I prefer the second way- -- traveling on my own. I may meet with inconveniences in finding accommodations. …. TELL * 25 Package tour or individual tour Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, more and more people are able to make holiday trips. Their ways of traveling are different. Some people prefer to join a package tour. They think it costs less than an individual tour. Besides, it’s quite convenient to follow the tour guide to different scenic spots, where you probably get much fun. Some other people, however, just like to travel individually , mainly because it gives them great freedom. They can adjust their plan so their trip is always full of interesting things. Personally, I prefer the second way- -- traveling on my own , because I can decide where I might stay a little longer, and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. True, I may meet with inconveniences in finding accommodations, but much more freedom can be enjoyed. It is important to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly for relaxation. * 26 比较: Last term we went to Miyun to work on the farm (11) . We spent a whole week there (6). Upon our arrival, we were divided into groups of four and each group shared one room (16). All by ourselves, we wiped the windows, swept the floor and made the bed (14). After getting settled, we went to the fruit yard and got down to work at once (16). Some of us picked apples and others loaded baskets of apples onto the trucks (14). While we were there, we also helped with the corn harvest (11). We cut the corns off and piled them up (9). Never in my life had I ever seen so many corns lying about in the field (16). I felt it was great fun (6). On the last day, we gathered together in the open air to have a party, where we sang songs and danced happily (22). This was really an unforgettable experience for us all (9). 2011. 6 比较 Last Monday, our general technology class tearcher, Mr. Wang, asked us to make a book shelf. While he taught us how to prepare and make the shelf, we all listened to him attentively. None of us wanted to know nothing about how to deal with it. Then some of us looked up information on the Internet, while others wrote the crafts. Not only did we know how to make a shelf, but also learned a great deal. 2021/2/16 28 书面表达 In my opinion the competition in the area of grades is distracting. It distracts many students from their goal, which is to obtain an education that is good. There seems to be a belief among a few students that grades are more important than what is measured by them. The competition for grades distracts many students from their goal of obtaining a good education. A few students seem to believe that grades are more important than what they measure. * 29 书面表达 Tell vs. Show more than tell 内容 vs. 形式 句式的复杂 vs. 句式的多样 * 30 书面表达 语言的基本功 基本词汇 5 个基本句式 用最简单的话表达最丰富的含义 通过形容词,副词增加写作的效果 用具体的实例说明想表达的内容 增强写作的逻辑性 主题句 连接词 冗余信息 * 31 书面表达 语言的基本功 基本词汇 5 个基本句式 条条道路通罗马 * 32 书面表达 The earth trembled. The earthquake destroyed the city. The result was chaos. The government sent the city aid. The citizens considered the earthquake a disaster. * 33 书面表达 他是谁我不关心。 I don ’ t care who he is. Who he is doesn ’ t concern me. * 34 书面表达 他还没有解释他为什么来得那么晚。 He didn ’ t explain why he was/came so late. Why he was so late has not been explained. It was not explained why … . * 35 书面表达 语言的基本功 基本词汇 5 个基本句式 用最简单的话表达最丰富的含义 ( 内容?语言? ) 通过形容词,副词增加写作的效果 用具体的实例说明想表达的内容 增强写作的逻辑性 主题句 连接词 冗余信息 * 36 词汇积累三: using dictionary There is nothing but clouds in the sky. Which picture may appear in your mind? adj. A B C D * 37 There is nothing but_______ clouds in the sky. ◇ dense, heavy, thick ◇ fluffy ◇ high, low ◇ broken, scattered ◇ fast-moving, scudding ◇ black, dark, grey, white * 38 Which picture may appear in your mind? There is nothing but heavy clouds in the sky. A B C D * 39 书面表达 The earth trembled. The earthquake destroyed the city. The result was chaos. The government sent the city aid. The citizens considered the earthquake a disaster. * 40 书面表达 Recently , the earth trembled. The earthquake nearly destroyed the old city. The result was chaos. The government soon sent the city aid. The frightened citizens considered the earthquake a disaster. * 41 书面表达 Yesterday I went to the bookstore and bought a book . The book was very interesting. Yesterday I went to Xidan Bookstore. I bought a book named Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling. It was about …, which was interesting. (代词) * 42 书面表达 语言的基本功 基本词汇 5 个基本句式 用最简单的话表达最丰富的含义 通过形容词,副词增加写作的效果 用具体的实例说明想表达的内容 增强写作的逻辑性 主题句 连接词 冗余信息 * 43 书面表达 As far as I’m concerned, the English Corner needs an organizer. Many students want to join it. I am one of them. I wish to be the organizer because I want to be good at English. I like to communicate with others. And I will be able to provide different topics to encourage others to study together. Thanks the English teacher gives me the chance. If I come, I must use my power to help the English Corner. * 44 书面表达 I am excited to learn that you want someone to organize the English Corner. I want to sign up for it. I think I am fit for the job. First, I am enthusiastic with English study and I am good at English. We had an English speech contest last year. I won the first prize. Second, I like to communicate with others and I enjoy great popularity in our class. Most importantly, I organized some activities last year and I can provide different topics. I treasure this opportunity very much. If chosen, I will make every effort to do my job well. * 45 主要内容 认识写作和写作教学 高中写作教学的实践 高三英语写作教学 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 2021/2/16 46 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 评 分 点 满 分 给分 内容、信息全面、完成任务 3 分 1 语言(句子结构、语法、用词) 3 分 3 行文连贯、逻辑 3 分 3 Mechanics (字数、大小写、标点等) 1 分 1 总分 10 分 8 案例 1 2021/2/16 47 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 评 分 点 满 分 给分 内容、信息全面、完成任务 3 分 3 语言(句子结构、语法、用词) 3 分 2 行文连贯、逻辑 3 分 2 Mechanics (字数、大小写、标点等) 1 分 1 总分 10 分 8 案例 2 2021/2/16 48 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 评 分 点 满 分 给分 内容、信息全面、完成任务 3 分 2 语言(句子结构、语法、用词) 3 分 3 行文连贯、逻辑 3 分 3 Mechanics (字数、大小写、标点等) 1 分 0 总分 10 分 8 案例 3 2021/2/16 49 加强对学生写作的反馈和评价 2021/2/16 50 评价案例 学生需要通过长期的、系统的写作训练提高写作能力; 在指导学生写作时,不应过分纠结学生的语言错误; 高考作文考题在不断提高对考生构思、思维、逻辑的要求; 教师可以通过设计不同的写作活动训练学生的思维能力,丰富他们的写作经验。 2011. 6

