河南五县市部分学校2021届高三第二次联考英语试卷 Word版含解析

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河南五县市部分学校2021届高三第二次联考英语试卷 Word版含解析

- 1 - 2020-2021 学年高三第二次联考试卷 英 语 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题$每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍. 1. When should the woman hand in her history essay? A. Tonight. B. Tomorrow. C. On Friday. 2. Who works as a security guard at Scooter? A. The woman. B. The man. C, The woman’s brother. 3. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. On the playground. B. In a zoo. C. At home. 4. What does the woman think of the real burger? A. It's tasty. B. It's huge. C. It’s expensive. 5. What did the speakers probably do yesterday? A. They bought instruments. B. They attended a concert. C. They wrote new songs. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22. 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题 5 秒钟'听完后,各 小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What does the man feel a little dissatisfied with about the sports shoes? A. The size. B. The color. C. The material. 7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Schoolmates. B. Mother and son. C. Seller and buyer. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. Who is the man? A. A ball player. B. A new coach. C. A reporter. 9. How does the woman feel about watching the game? A. Disappointed. B. Regretful. C. Delighted 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. Why were the speakers unable to swim in the sea? A. It was too windy. B The sea was dirty. C. They were sick. IL What was new for the man? A. Taking showers. B. Sleeping in the tent. C. Swimming in the lake. 12. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Their advice on camping. B. Their camping experience. C Their brothers' recreations. - 2 - 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. Why did the woman go on a flying experience day? A. To make her friend happy. B. To become a pilot someday. C. To see her house from the sky. 14. What did the woman's instructor do in the air? A. She told jokes. B. She said nothing. C. She shouted loudly. 15. How long does the flight actually last? A. For about half an hour. B. For more than an hour. C. For at least three hours. 16. Which experience day would the woman like to try first? A. Horse riding. B. Deep-sea fishing. C. Sports car driving. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What does the speaker say about Alice Fisher? A. She is an acting teacher in a club. B. She likes farming life very much. C. She is a policewoman in Green Valley. 18. What has Alice Fisher spent about ten years doing? A. Appearing in serious dramas. B. Working in comedy productions. C. Working as a professional theater actor. 19. What is the focus in the second section of the classes? A. Voice control. B. Performance skills. C. Body movement. 20. When is the play The Passenger available to audiences? A. On July 7th, B. On July 13th. C. On July 20th. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满 分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项. A Risk Live For the storytelling Risk Live, people have told embarrassing stories. These are just some of "true tales bravely told" that Kevin Allison, a member of MTV comedy show The State, encourages people to share. Risk Live is coming to Ybor City. 8:00 – 11:00 pm. Friday at the Attic. 1510 E Eighth Ave. Tampa. (828)773-9481. $ 20. The Blind Side All summer long, Tampa Theatre is showing classic Hollywood movies and Sunday features not only screen of 2009's The Blind Side, but also actor Quinton Aaron, who played Big Mike in the film, based on the true story of NFL player Michael Oher's life and adapted from a book by Michael Lewis. Proceeds benefit the Quinton Aaron Foundation to prevent bullying. 3:00 pm, Sunday. 711 - 3 - Franklin St. , Tampa. $10, $ 7 members. (813) 274-8982. Beers on the Pier Explore the city of St. Petersburg's heritage at this fundraiser for the St. Petersburg Museum of History. You can taste more than 70 beers from 24 American breweries throughout the museum galleries of the St. Petersburg Museum of History. Plus, if that's not enough, there's live music. 6: 00 pm to 10: 00 pm, Saturday. $ 35. Proceeds benefit the museum. 335 Second Ave, NE, St. Petersburg. (727) 894-1052. Tampa Bay Rays The Rays’ Pride Night has always stood out for the Rays’ support of a local community, such as raising money for the Pulse Victims Fund. Get a lower-level ticket and a Pride hat for $ 30. Fans can purchase an upper-level seat for $7.11. A lower-level ticket for $ 7. Also this week, all fans get a free Fred McGriff for Saturday's 4: 10 pm game; Sunday's 1:00 pm game is Family Fun Day. Cars with four or more people get free parking and there are special events for kids during the game. Children who are aged 14 and younger can get free boards for drawing and enjoy drawing. (702) 823-2165. 1. Who acted in the film 2009's The Blind Side? A. Kevin Allison. B. Michael Lewis. C. Michael Oher, D. Quinton Aaron. 2. Which number should you dial if you want to explore beer culture? A. (828) 773-9481 . B. (813) 274-8982. C. (727) 894-1052. D. (702) 823-2165. 3. What can an 8-year-old child do at Tampa Bay Rays? A. Draw with a free board. B. Play games on weekdays. C. Get a Pride hat for just $ 7. D. Enjoy embarrassing stories. 【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四个活动的相关信息。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 The Blind Side 部分中“Sunday features not only screen of 2009's The Blind Side, but also actor Quinton Aaron, who played Big Mike in the film(周日上 映的不仅是 2009 年的《弱点》,演员 Quinton Aaron 在这部电影中饰演“大麦克”一角)”可 - 4 - 知,Quinton Aaron 参演了 2009 年的《弱点》这部电影。故选 D。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Beers on the Pier 部分中“You can taste more than 70 beers from 24 American breweries throughout the museum galleries of the St. Petersburg Museum of History. ; (727) 894-1052.( 在圣彼得堡历史博物馆的各个展厅里,你可以品尝到来自 24 家美国酿酒厂的 70 多种啤酒;电话(727) 894-1052)”可知,如果你想探寻啤酒文化,应该拨打(727)894-1052 这个 号码。故选 C。 【3 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Tampa Bay Rays 部分中“Children who are aged 14 and younger can get free boards for drawing and enjoy drawing.(14 岁及以下的孩子可以得到免费的绘画板来画画)”可 知,在 Tampa Bay Rays 活动中,8 岁的孩子可以用免费提供的绘画板画画。故选 A。 B My presentation was horrible. I knew it before I heard "we'll be in touch” from the client. Then the rest of my day was spent in relative silence,I was left alone. Eventually, I left my air-conditioned office and outside there was a heat wave. I boarded a bus but couldn't tolerate it as its air-conditioner wasn't working, so I got off at the next stop and walked home. I declined to take off my jacket because “when it rains let it pour" was my philosophy. A block from my building, I heard the water splashing and kids screaming. As I turned the corner, there were kids playing in the water. When they saw me in my suit they stopped the water and when they saw my mean look, they even got quiet. Then I noticed the youngest kid no older than five, holding a water gun down by his side, eying me hard. I eyed him back. Suddenly, he shot his gun at me. As I took my first step toward him, another boy threw his water gun towards me. I caught it and pulled the trigger toward the five-year-old. He fought back but his shooter was no match for my power so instead, he turned his water gun on a few other kids who were shocked into stillness at what just happened. Then, I also turned my water gun on these kids and before long we were in all-out water warfare. Needless to say, I was wet and laughed like I'd never done it before. I couldn't remember my last water fight and if I did, it couldn't have been as enjoyable as this one. It took a five-year-old to bring out the kid in me and help me realize that you may not be able to control disappointment but - 5 - you can still welcome those things that make you happy. 4. Why did the author feel unhappy on the way home? A. He most likely lost a deal B. He saw some annoying people. C. He had to bear the cold weather. D. He was caught in the heavy rain. 5. How did the older kids feel the moment they saw the author coming? A. Ashamed. B. Relieved. C. Excited. D. Frightened. 6. Where can we find the details on the author's water fight? A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3. C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5. 7. What does the author mainly intend to tell us to do? A. Surround ourselves with happy kids. B. Remember to let in joy in hard times. C. Let go of old memories and move on. D. Avoid feeling disappointed or upset. 【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者因失去生意而心情烦闷,在下班回家途中与小孩的一场水战 却让他重拾喜悦。让作者意识到你可能无法控制失望,但你仍然可以迎接那些让你快乐的东 西。 【4 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第一段中“My presentation was horrible. I knew it before I heard "we'll be in touch” from the client.(我的报告糟透了。在我听到客户说“我们再联络”之前我就知道了)”可 推断,作者在回家的路上感到不开心,可能是因为他失去了一桩生意。故选 A。 【5 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段“When they saw me in my suit they stopped the water and when they saw my mean look, they even got quiet.(当他们看到我穿着我的西装,他们停止了玩水,当他们 看到我凶狠的表情时,他们甚至安静下来)”及第四段“Then I noticed the youngest kid no older than five, holding a water gun down by his side, eying me hard. I eyed him back. (这时,我注意到最 小的那个不到五岁的孩子,他举着一把水枪,目不转睛地盯着我。我回视了他一眼)”可推断, 大一点的孩子刚看到作者走过来的时候感到害怕。故选 D。 【6 题详解】 - 6 - 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Suddenly, he shot his gun at me. As I took my first step toward him, another boy threw his water gun towards me. I caught it and pulled the trigger toward the five-year-old. He fought back but his shooter was no match for my power so instead, he turned his water gun on a few other kids who were shocked into stillness at what just happened. Then, I also turned my water gun on these kids and before long we were in all-out water warfare.(突然,他朝我 开枪了。当我向他迈出第一步时,另一个男孩把他的水枪扔向我。我抓住它,朝那个五岁的 孩子扣动了扳机。他反击了,但开枪的人根本敌不过我的力量,所以他把水枪对准了其他几 个孩子,他们被刚才发生的事吓得一动不动。然后,我也把水枪对准了这些孩子,不久我们 就陷入了全面的水战)”可知,第四段详细描写了作者打水仗的场景。故选 C。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“I couldn't remember my last water fight and if I did, it couldn't have been as enjoyable as this one. It took a five-year-old to bring out the kid in me and help me realize that you may not be able to control disappointment but you can still welcome those things that make you happy.(我不记得上次打水仗了,即使记得,也不可能像这次这么愉快。一个五岁 的孩子激发了我的童真让我意识到你可能无法控制失望,但你仍然可以迎接那些让你快乐的 东西)”可推断,作者旨在告诉我们要记得在艰难时期拥抱快乐。故选 B。 C If you've ever taken a road trip through Georgia or Alabama, you've noticed the fields of kudzu (野葛)from which towering leafy figures turn up. These "kudzu monsters" are fascinating to look at, but their funny appearance hides an ecological reality. Kudzu's initial introduction into the US in 1876 was intended to provide farmers in Pennsylvania with a cover plant to fight against soil erosion(流失). A few years later, the vine(藤) was marketed widely in the Southeast as a decoration for shading homes. By the mid-1940s an estimated 3 million acres of kudzu had been planted with the help of government support As the South's economy and industry shifted in the mid-20th century, however, rural farmers began moving away for jobs in more urban areas, leaving their kudzu plants behind to multiply unchecked. Spreading at a rate of about 2,500 acres per year, it wasn't long before the plant earned the name "the vine that ate the South". The most obvious methods to control kudzu include regular weeding and herbicidal use, but because those efforts have gained little long-term success over time, efforts to control kudzu have - 7 - increasingly turned to more biological treatments, such as insects that eat the vine and even animals eating its leaves. With a small herd of goats or sheep, an acre of kudzu can be polished off in a single day. Goats and sheep shouldn't have all the fun, though! Believe it or not, there are plenty of human-friendly kudzu recipes that are surprisingly palatable. Although the vines cannot be eaten, pretty much everything else is mouth-watering. The leaves can be cooked, eaten raw in a salad. The flowers can be used in jams, jellies, candy and even wine. The roots, which are filled with plenty of protein, fiber and iron, can be ground up and used for cooking. 8. What is the original function of kudzu in the US? A. Providing shade for the farmers’ houses. B. Scaring the wild animals near the house. C. Protecting soil from being washed away. D. Decorating the farmers' houses and farms. 9. Why did kudzu plants grow crazily in the mid-20th century? A. Fewer farmers remained to deal with them. B. The suitable climate promoted their growth. C. The government demanded their abundance. D. Farmers grew them to gain financial benefits. 10. What can we learn about kudzu from paragraph 4? A. It's pretty easy to take control of it forever. B. Traditional ways to control it work temporarily. C. Goats and sheep are not fond of eating its leaves. D. Biological treatments of ridding it are in question. 11. What does the word "palatable" underlined in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Controversial. B. Rare. C. Expensive. D. Delicious. 【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了野葛最初被引进美国时的用处、野葛疯长的原因、控制 野葛的方法以及食用野葛的方法。 【8 题详解】 - 8 - 细节理解题。根据第二段“Kudzu's initial introduction into the US in 1876 was intended to provide farmers in Pennsylvania with a cover plant to fight against soil erosion(流失).”(葛藤最初于 1876 年引入美国,目的是为宾夕法尼亚州的农民提供一种覆盖植物,以对抗土壤流失。)可知,被 引进美国的野葛最初的作用是为了防止水土流失。故选 C 项。 【9 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段“As the South's economy and industry shifted in the mid-20th century, however, rural farmers began moving away for jobs in more urban areas, leaving their kudzu plants behind to multiply unchecked. Spreading at a rate of about 2, 500 acres per year…”(然而,随着 20 世纪中期南部经济和工业的转移,农村农民开始迁移到更多的城市地区寻找工作,留下了 他们的葛藤植物,任由它们无限制地繁殖。以每年 2500 英亩的速度扩张……)可推断,在 20 世纪中期,野葛疯长是因为越来越少的农民留在本地去打理那些植物。故选 A 项。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“The most obvious methods to control kudzu include regular weeding and herbicidal use, but because those efforts have gained little long-term success over time.”(最明 显的控制葛根的方法是定期除草和使用除草剂,但因为这些努力长期以来收效甚微。)可知, 传统的控制方法暂时有效。故选 B 项。 【11 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据最后一段“The leaves can be cooked, eaten raw in a salad. The flowers can be used in jams, jellies, candy and even wine..”(叶子可以煮熟,放在沙拉里生 吃。这种花可以用于制作果酱、果冻、糖果甚至葡萄酒。)可推断,画线词所在句的句意是“信 不信由你,有很多对人类有益的葛藤食谱非常美味。”。由此可知,画线词与 Delicious 的意 思最为接近。故选 D 项。 D Nowadays people rarely read for enjoyment, even though reading books used to be one of most people's recreations. It was an escape from the surrounding world, away from technology. However, these days has seen a sharp decline in how much time people spend reading books, news articles, short stories, and many other macro-reading materials. Social media that have come out, such as Twitter and Facebook, have shortened the amount of time we need to read and process information. Twitter's character limit quickly summarizes information for readers so they do not have to bother opening and reading a longer article. Five - 9 - minutes on Twitter can catch people up on their news for the rest of the day. Twitter and other social media sites can be regarded as micro-reading, which is a technology that takes bits of articles and summarizes them in a few brief sentences. But Twitter isn't always able to thoroughly summarize a topic. A headline or summary can be misleading if the reader does not know the context. This can lead to misinterpretations of what an article is actually about. The other day I was criticized for one of my columns. The criticism was strange, because it was barely connected to the article. When I countered their argument f saying that this opinion wasn't related to the article, they said they didn't read the story, only the headline. As a columnist, I spend a good amount of time writing these columns and I hope people can read them with great attention. There are points that I am unable to sum up in a single line. If readers don't bother to read the article and only read the headline, they are not going to get the point of the piece of writing. This is why, as a society, we can't fully rely on social media for all of our information. 12 What can we know about most people in the past regarding reading? A. They spent less time. B. They read for pleasure. C. They read digital books. D. They read very quickly. 13. The author's personal experience is mentioned mainly to show that__________. A. headlines and summaries are misleading for writers B. micro-reading sometimes fails to summarize a topic C. articles in a column seem to be easy to be criticized D. people have trouble in selecting reading materials 14. What does the author expect of his/her readers as a columnist? A. They can read the articles carefully. B. They will express personal opinions. C. They can rely on news on social media. D. They will make a summary of the points. 15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Why Do We Read Less? B. Is Social Media Good? C. How Is Information Got? D. Is Micro-reading Enough? 【答案】12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D - 10 - 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。作者指出在社交媒体迅速发展的今天,人们更多的是依赖微阅读来获取 信息,但是仅通过社交媒体上的微阅读获取信息并不足够。文章中说明了微阅读无法概括文 章要义,可能会导致对一篇文章真正内容的误解,指出我们不能完全依赖社交媒体获取我们 所有的信息。 【12 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Nowadays people rarely read for enjoyment, even though reading books used to be one of most people's recreations.(现在人们很少以读书为乐,即使读书曾经是大 多数人的消遣之一)”可知,在过去,人们在阅读中寻找乐趣。故选 B。 【13 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段“But Twitter isn't always able to thoroughly summarize a topic. A headline or summary can be misleading if the reader does not know the context. This can lead to misinterpretations of what an article is actually about.(但Twitter并不总是能够彻底总结一个主题。 如果读者不知道上下文,标题或摘要可能会产生误导。这可能会导致对一篇文章真正内容的 误解)”以及第四段“The other day I was criticized for one of my columns. The criticism was strange, because it was barely connected to the article. When I countered their argument f saying that this opinion wasn't related to the article, they said they didn't read the story, only the headline.(前几 天,我的一篇专栏文章受到了批评。批评很奇怪,因为它几乎没有联系到这篇文章。当我反 驳他们的观点说这个观点与文章无关时,他们说他们没看文章,只看了标题)”可推知,作者 提到自己的亲身经历主要是为了说明微阅读有时候无法概括文章要义。故选 B。 【14 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“As a columnist, I spend a good amount of time writing these columns and I hope people can read them with great attention. There are points that I am unable to sum up in a single line. If readers don't bother to read the article and only read the headline, they are not going to get the point of the piece of writing.(作为一个专栏作家,我花了大量的时间来写这些 专栏,我希望人们能够非常认真专注地阅读它们。有些观点我无法用一行话加以概括。如果 读者懒得去读文章,只看标题,他们就不会明白文章的要点)”可知,身为专栏作家的作者希 望读者能够认真阅读文章。故选 A。 【15 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Nowadays people rarely read for enjoyment, even though reading books - 11 - used to be one of most people's recreations. It was an escape from the surrounding world, away from technology. However, these days has seen a sharp decline in how much time people spend reading books, news articles, short stories, and many other macro-reading materials.(现在人们很少为享受 而读书,即使读书曾经是大多数人的消遣之一。这是一种逃离周围世界,远离科技的方式。 然而,如今人们花在阅读书籍、新闻文章、短篇小说和其他宏观阅读材料上的时间大幅减少)” 以及文章最后一句“This is why, as a society, we can't fully rely on social media for all of our information.(这就是为什么,作为一个社会,我们不能完全依赖社交媒体获取我们所有的信 息)”结合文中作者指出在社交媒体迅速发展的今天,人们更多的是依赖微阅读来获取信息, 但是仅通过社交媒体上的微阅读获取信息并不足够。文章中说明了微阅读无法概括文章要义, 可能会导致对一篇文章真正内容的误解,指出我们不能完全依赖社交媒体获取我们所有的信 息。故 D 选项“通过微阅读获取信息足够吗”最符合文章标题。故选 D。 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 Many schools offer vacations between terms and around holidays. ____16____ If you could use some advice on getting back into study, these skills will soon beat back your post-holiday blues and help you start your first school day back right. Readjust your sleep schedule. Over the course of your vacation you might have enjoyed sleeping in or staying up late._____17_____ To reset your sleep schedule, you should return to your routine several days to a week ahead of time. ___18___ Making these preparations the night before your first school day can save you time and relieve your stress. Grogginess in the morning can cause you to take more time than you need to do these simple tasks so ready your stuff before to make your first morning back as easy as possible. Review your homework. Taking some time to look over homework can prevent you from forgetting to complete it. Take this time also to reflect on the way you did homework in the past. If you can think of any improvements, you might want to improve your homework routine.____19____ Eat a healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast can put you on the fast track to feeling better about your school day. Foods like whole grain toast, eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese can lift your spirits.____20____ Regular healthy breakfasts might also improve your memory, daily energy levels and your sense of calmness. - 12 - A. Get your belongings well stored. B. Learn to cook delicious meals for your family. C. Pre-pack your school bag and choose your clothes. D. Such foods can even keep you going throughout the day. E. This might make it difficult to get back into your school routine. F. And returning to school might be the perfect time to make a change. G. But returning to school after a long break can leave you filled with fear and anxiety. 【答案】16. G 17. E 18. C 19. F 20. D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。漫长的假期结束了,学生需要返回校园。本文给出了四条关于返校前的 建议,帮助学生重新开始美好的校园生活。 【16 题详解】 根据上文“Many schools offer vacations between terms and around holidays.(许多学校会在学期 之间和节假日前后放假)”以及后文“If you could use some advice on getting back into study, these skills will soon beat back your post-holiday blues and help you start your first school day back right.(如果你需要一些建议来帮助你重新开始学习的话,这些技巧将会很快帮你击退节后的忧 郁,帮助你正确开始你的第一天学校生活)”可知,上文提到学校会放假,后文则提到需要一 些建议来帮助重新开始学习,可知本句与上文构成转折,说明了放假后产生的一些问题,G 选 项中 fear and anxiety 对应后文中 post-holiday blues。故 G 选项“但是在漫长的假期之后的返校 可能会让你充满恐惧和焦虑”符合语境,故选 G。 【17 题详解】 根据上文“Readjust your sleep schedule. Over the course of your vacation you might have enjoyed sleeping in or staying up late.(重新调整你的睡眠时间表。在你的假期中,你可能喜欢睡懒觉或 熬夜)”以及后文“To reset your sleep schedule, you should return to your routine several days to a week ahead of time.(要重置你的睡眠时间表,你应该提前几天到一周回到你的日常作息)”可 知,上文提到假期爱睡懒觉和熬夜,后文则提到了重新调整睡觉时间的办法,可知本句承接 上文进一步在说明假期爱睡懒觉和熬夜的不良影响。故 E 选项“这可能让你在回归校园生活 的常规的时候感到有点困难”符合语境,故选 E。 【18 题详解】 - 13 - 根据后文“Making these preparations the night before your first school day can save you time and relieve your stress. Grogginess in the morning can cause you to take more time than you need to do these simple tasks so ready your stuff before to make your first morning back as easy as possible.(在 你第一天上学的前一天晚上做好这些准备可以节省你的时间,减轻你的压力。早晨的昏昏沉 沉会让你花更多的时间来完成这些简单的任务,所以在开始工作之前准备好你的东西,让你 的第一个早晨尽可能轻松)”可知,本段介绍的方法是提前准备好上学要用的东西,C 选项中 Pre-pack 对应后文中 these preparations。故 C 选项“提前整理好你的书包和选好衣服”符合语 境,故选 C。 【19 题详解】 根据上文“Review your homework. Taking some time to look over homework can prevent you from forgetting to complete it. Take this time also to reflect on the way you did homework in the past. If you can think of any improvements, you might want to improve your homework routine.(检查你 的家庭作业。花些时间检查作业可以防止你忘记完成作业。利用这段时间也反思一下你过去 做作业的方式。如果你能想到任何改进,你可能想要改进你的家庭作业)”可知,上文提到利 用这段时间反思一下过去做作业的方式,思考如何改进,本句为本段最后一句,应当承接上 文说明假期返校是作出改变的最佳时机,故 F 选项“返校就是你作出改变的最佳时机”符合 语境,故选 F。 【20 题详解】 根据上文“Eat a healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast can put you on the fast track to feeling better about your school day. Foods like whole grain toast, eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese can lift your spirits.(吃一顿健康的早餐。一顿健康的早餐可以让你很快对你的学校生活感觉更好。像 全麦吐司、鸡蛋、酸奶和白软干酪这样的食物可以提升你的精神)”可知,本段的建议是吃健 康的早餐,上文提到了有助于振作精神的食物,本句应当承接上文继续说明这些食物的好处。 D 选项中 Such foods 对应上文 Foods like whole grain toast, eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese。故 D 选项“这样的食物也会让你(充满活力地)度过一整天”符合语境,故选 D。 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入 空白处的最 佳选项。 Rob Kenney’s dad abandoned him when he was just 14 years old. At a time when he was on the ___21___ to young adulthood* he had no father to ___22___ him on the way. In an interview, - 14 - Kenney not only explains his ___23___ experience as a young boy, but how seeking out God when his own ___24___ was in difficulty enabled him to ___25___ his dad just before his dad died in his 80s. Now, with a wife of 29 years and two ___26___ adult children, Kristine,, a famous teacher, and Kyle, a great software engineer, Kenney wants to pay it forward. "My goal in life was to ___27___ good adults—not good children," he explains. The fact that his kids have both grown up and ___28___ the house left him thinking how he might offer help to other kids. Quarantine (隔离)was actually the perfect time for him to ___29___ decide to share some basic essentials(要点)with other ___30___ who might be growing up in difficult circumstances. Maybe they've lost a parent or have parents who are ___31___. ___32___, the devoted dad set up a heart-warming YouTube channel called “Dad, How Do I?" In this channel, he shares basic ___33___, from tying a perfect tie knot(结)to repairing a sink. "I ___34___ it to be about everyday tasks. Also I would like to pass some of the ___35___ I've got along the way to ___36___ people,” the dad says. His positive ___37___ tips have really touched his ____38____, the number of whom is growing day by day. With 1. 9 million subscribers, Kenney is getting to share his "dadvice" with more people than he____39____ . The amateur DIY dad was surprised by the______40______ and uploaded a "thank you" video. 21. A. key B. diet C. visit D. path 22. A. interview B. beat C. guide D. praise 23. A. amusing B. heartbreaking C. pleasant D. relaxing 24. A. marriage B. birth C. teaching D. holiday 25. A. rescue B. applaud C. forgive D. educate 26. A. wealthy B. modest C. generous D. excellent 27. A. abandon B. raise C. seek D. punish 28. A. left B. sold C. ruined D. buried 29. A. unwillingly B. finally C. hardly D. strangely 30. A. fathers B. wives C. kids D. adults 31 A. popular B. poor C. strict D. absent 32. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Instead - 15 - 33. A. goods B. comments C. skills D. presents 34. A. beg B. want C. forbid D. force 35. A. wisdom B. honesty C. money D. imagination 36. A. persuade B. respect C. trust D. encourage 37. A. interesting B. complex C. practical D. silly 38. A. audience B. family C. team D. class 39. A. invited B. expected C. demanded D. trained 40. A. advice B. knowledge C. assistance D. response 【答案】21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。Rob Kenney 从小被父亲遗弃,直到父亲死前才原谅了父亲。在自己的孩 子长大成人并离开家后,Rob Kenney 决定做一些事情帮助那些单亲的或父母没有尽义务的孩 子。于是,Rob Kenney 开设了一个 YouTube 频道,通过视频教学教那些孩子一些基本技能。 【21 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他步入成年时期的时候,他没有父亲来引导他。A. key 钥匙;B. diet 饮食;C. visit 访问;D. path 道路。结合后文“to young adulthood”可知指 Kenney 他步入 成年时期的时候,短语 on the path to“在通往……的道路上”。故选 D。 【22 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他步入成年时期的时候,他没有父亲来引导他。A. interview 采 访;B. beat 打败;C. guide 指导;D. praise 赞美。上文“Rob Kenney’s dad abandoned him when he was just 14 years old.”提到 Kenney 的父亲抛弃了他,所以在他步入成年时期的时候,他没 有父亲来引导他。故选 C。 【23 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一次采访中,Kenney 不仅解释了他年轻时令人心碎的经历, 还解释了他是如何在自己婚姻陷入困境时寻求上帝的帮助,从而在父亲 80 多岁去世前原谅他 的父亲。A. amusing 有趣的;B. heartbreaking 令人心碎的;C. pleasant 令人愉快的;D. relaxing 令人放松的。上文“Rob Kenney’s dad abandoned him when he was just 14 years old.”提到 - 16 - Kenney 的父亲抛弃了他,所以是分享他年轻时令人心碎的经历。故选 B。 【24 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一次采访中,Kenney 不仅解释了他年轻时令人心碎的经历,还 解释了他是如何在自己婚姻陷入困境时寻求上帝的帮助,从而在父亲 80 多岁去世前原谅他的 父亲。A. marriage 婚姻;B. birth 出生;C. teaching 教学;D. holiday 假日。结合后文“Now, with a wife of 29 years”提到了 Kenney 的妻子,可推知是在婚姻陷入困境时寻求上帝的帮助,其他 选项不符合语境。故选 A。 【25 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一次采访中,Kenney 不仅解释了他年轻时令人心碎的经历,还 解释了他是如何在自己婚姻陷入困境时寻求上帝的帮助,从而在父亲 80 多岁去世前原谅他的 父亲。A. rescue 营救;B. applaud 喝彩;C. forgive 原谅;D. educate 教育。上文“Rob Kenney’s dad abandoned him when he was just 14 years old.”提到 Kenney 的父亲抛弃了他,所以是指在父 亲 80 多岁去世前原谅他的父亲。故选 C。 【26 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,Kenney 有一个结婚 29 的妻子和两个优秀的成年子女, Kristine 是一位著名的教师,Kyle 是一位优秀的软件工程师,Kenney 想把爱传给下一代。A. wealthy 富有的;B. modest 谦虚的;C. generous 慷慨的;D. excellent 卓越的。根据后文“a famous teacher, and Kyle, a great software engineer”可知他的两个孩子都很优秀。故选 D。 【27 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我的人生目标是培养优秀的成年人,而不是优秀的孩子,”他 解释道。A. abandon 抛弃;B. raise 培养;C. seek 寻找;D. punish 惩罚。根据后文“good adults—not good children”指培养优秀的成年人,应用 raise。故选 B。 【28 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的孩子都长大了,都离开了家,这让他开始思考如何帮助其他 孩子。A. left 离开;B. sold 出售;C. ruined 毁灭;D. buried 埋葬。根据上文“his kids have both grown up and”可知孩子都长大了,离开了家。故选 A。 【29 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:隔离实际上是他最终决定与其他可能在困难环境中成长的孩子们 分享一些生活基本要领的最佳时机。A. unwillingly 不情愿地;B. finally 最终,终于;C. hardly 几乎不;D. strangely 奇怪地。上文提到“left him thinking how he might offer help to other kids” - 17 - 可知,Kenney 孩子离开了家,让他开始思考如何帮助其他孩子,而隔离让他最终下定了决心。 故选 B。 【30 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:隔离实际上是他最终决定与其他可能在困难环境中成长的孩子们 分享一些生活基本要领的最佳时机。A. fathers 父亲;B. wives 妻子;C. kids 孩子;D. adults 成年人。对应上文“left him thinking how he might offer help to other kids”指 Kenney 想要和在 困难环境中成长的孩子们分享一些生活基本要领。故选 C。 【31 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:也许他们失去了父母或者父母不在身边。A. popular 流行的;B. poor 贫穷的;C. strict 严格的;D. absent 缺席的。根据上文“Maybe they've lost a parent or have parents who are”可知 Kenney 想要帮助的是那些失去了父母或父母不在身边的孩子。故选 D。 【32 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,这位热心的爸爸在 YouTube 上建立了一个温暖人心的频道 ——“爸爸,我该怎么做?”在这个频道里,他分享了一些基本的生活技能,从打一个完美 的结到修理水槽。A. Therefore 因此;B. Otherwise 否则;C. However 然而;D. Instead 相反。 结合前后文语境,可知为因果关系,应用 therefore。故选 A。 【33 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,这位热心的爸爸在 YouTube 上建立了一个温暖人心的频道 ——“爸爸,我该怎么做?”在这个频道里,他分享了一些基本的生活技能,从打一个完美 的结到修理水槽。A. goods 商品;B. comments 评论;C. skills 技能;D. presents 礼物。根据后 文“from tying a perfect tie knot to repairing a sink”可知 Kenney 在 YouTube 上分享了一些基本 的生活技能。故选 C。 【34 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望它是关于日常工作的。A. beg 恳求;B. want 想要,希望;C. forbid 禁止;D. force 迫使。根据后文“it to be about everyday tasks”可知 Kenney 希望自己在 网上分享的东西是关于日常工作的,故选 B。 【35 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同时,我也想传递一些我一路上学到的智慧来鼓励人们。A. wisdom 智慧;B. honesty 诚实;C. money 钱;D. imagination 想象力。结合后文“I've got along the way to”指 Kenney 希望分享自己人生中学到的智慧,其他选项不符合语境。故选 A。 - 18 - 【36 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:同时,我也想传递一些我一路上学到的智慧来鼓励人们。A. persuade 说服;B. respect 尊重;C. trust 信任;D. encourage 鼓励。结合后文“tips have really touched his” 以及“His positive”可推知 Kenney 分享自己的智慧来鼓励人们,人们也因此受到了感动。其 他选项不符合语境。故选 D。 【37 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他积极实用的建议真的感动了他的观众,他们的数量与日俱增。 A. interesting 有趣的;B. complex 复杂的;C. practical 实际的;D. silly 愚蠢的。结合上文“from tying a perfect tie knot to repairing a sink”可知 Kenney 分享的都是一些积极实用的建议。故选 C。 【38 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他积极实用的建议真的感动了他的观众,他们的数量与日俱增。A. audience 观众;B. family 家庭;C. team 队伍;D. class 班级。结合上文“the devoted dad set up a heart-warming YouTube channel called “Dad, How Do I?"”可知 Kenney 开设了视频频道,所以 是指观看他视频的观众。故选 A。 【39 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kenney 有 190 万订阅者,分享他的“老爸建议”的人比他预期的 要多。A. invited 邀请;B. expected 期待;预料;C. demanded 要求;D. trained 训练。根据后文 “The amateur DIY dad was surprised”可知分享 Kenney 建议的人比他预期得要多,他对此感 到惊讶。故选 B。 【40 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位 DIY 的业余爸爸对网友的反应感到很惊讶,于是上传了一段 “感谢”视频。A. advice 建议;B. knowledge 知识;C. assistance 援助;D. response 回答。结 合上文“With 1. 9 million subscribers, Kenney is getting to share his "dadvice" with more people” 可知许多网友分享了 Kenney 的老爸建议,所以是指 Kenney 对网友的反应感到很惊讶。故选 D。 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China launched a Beidou-3 navigation satellite late Monday to complete ___41___ (it) project designed to provide military ___42___(independent) and great commercial value. A previous - 19 - attempt___43___ (cancel) a week ago due to technical issues discovered during a series of pre-launch ___44___(check). Launch occurred at 9: 43 pm Eastern at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, southwest China. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) confirmed the Long March 3B launch vehicle had ___45___ (successful) placed the Beidou-3 satellite into geosynchronous transfer orbit(地球同步转移轨道)shortly after. The satellite was later reported catalogued in a 218 x 35. 784-kilometer orbit. The new satellite will complete the Beidou navigation and positioning system, ___46___(consist) of 27 satellites in medium Earth orbit, five in geostationary orbit and three more in inclined(倾斜的)geosynchronous orbits. The first Beidou satellite was launched in 2000 for testing and domestic services. Monday's was the 30th Beidou-3 satellite ___47___ (send) into orbit. ___48___ total of 55 Beidou satellites have been launched over two decades. The Beidou-3 system, ___49___ is designed to provide positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services globally, joins the US GPS, Russia's GLONASS and the European Galileo systems _____50_____ providing global PNT coverage. 【答案】41. its 42. independence 43. was cancel(1)ed 44. checks 45. successfully 46. consisting 47. sent 48. A 49. which 50. in 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国成功发射北斗三号卫星的相关信息。 【41 题详解】 考查代词。句意:周一晚些时候,中国发射了一颗“北斗三号”导航卫星,完成了旨在提供 军事独立和巨大商业价值的项目。此处用所给代词的形容词性物主代词修饰名词 project。故 填 its。 【42 题详解】 - 20 - 考查名词。句意:周一晚些时候,中国发射了一颗“北斗三号”导航卫星,完成了旨在提供 军事独立和巨大商业价值的项目。根据空前的修饰词 military 可知,此处用所给形容词的名词, 与 and 后面的名词 value 并列。故填 independence。 【43 题详解】 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:一周前,由于在发射前的一系列检查中发现技术问题,取消了 之前的一次尝试。根据时间状语 a week ago 可知,此处用一般过去时;又因为 A previous attempt 与动词 cancel 是被动关系,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态。故填 was cancel(1)ed。 【44 题详解】 考查名词复数。句意:一周前,由于在发射前的一系列检查中发现技术问题,取消了之前的 一次尝试。check 此处意为“检查”,为可数名词,根据空前的修饰词 a series of 可知,此处 用所给名词的复数。故填 checks。 【45 题详解】 考查副词。句意:中国航天科学技术公司证实了长征 3B 已经成功地把北斗三号送入地球同步 转移轨道。此处用所给形容词的副词修饰动词 placed。故填 successfully。 【46 题详解】 考查非谓语动词(现在分词)。句意:这颗新卫星将完成北斗导航定位系统,该系统包括 27 颗中地轨道卫星、5 颗地球静止轨道卫星和 3 颗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星。分析句子成分可知。 The new satellite 与 consist 存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用所给动词的现在分词,表示主动。故 填 consisting。 【47 题详解】 考查非谓语动词(过去分词)。句意:星期一是第 30 颗北斗三号卫星进入轨道。分析句子成 分可知。satellite 与 send 存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用所给动词的过去分词,表示被动;此处 sent into orbit 为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 satellite。故填 sent。 【48 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:在这 20 几年中,已经总共发射了 55 颗北斗卫星。a total of 意为“总计,总 共”,为固定搭配。置于句首首字母大写。故填 A。 【49 题详解】 考查定语从句。句意:北斗-3 系统旨在提供全球定位、导航和授时(PNT)服务,与美国 GPS、 俄罗斯 GLONASS 和欧洲伽利略系统一起提供全球 PNT 覆盖。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的 是一个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是 The Beidou-3 system,故此处用关系代词 - 21 - which。故填 which。 【50 题详解】 考查介词。句意:北斗-3 系统旨在提供全球定位、导航和授时(PNT)服务,与美国 GPS、俄罗 斯 GLONASS 和欧洲伽利略系统一起提供全球 PNT 覆盖。此处考查“join sb…in(doing)sth”意 为“和......一起,加入......”。故填 in。 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单.词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写岀该加的词。 删除;把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 My grandmother is 84 year old. She is in well health and still able to go out to work out by myself. Although she has experience a lot of sufferings, she always tries to look at the bright side of everything. She thinks her optimism comes from helping with others. She is a member of a prayer group or she often offers help to those in need, especially a homeless. She believes those small acts of kindness makes her full of love and power, which allow her stay optimistic. She sincerely hopes what I can grow kind and helpful. 【答案】1.year→years 2.well→good 3.myself→herself 4.experience→experienced 5.去掉 with 6.or→and 7.a→the 8.makes→make 9.her 后添加 to 10.what→that - 22 - 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了作者 84 岁的祖母对于乐观的看法,她认为为那些需要帮助 的人提供帮助的善举让她充满爱和力量,让她保持乐观。她真诚地希望作者也能变得善良和 乐于助人。 【详解】1.考查名词的数。句意:我的祖母 84 岁了。year 为可数名词,由 84 修饰应用复数。 故 year 改为 years。 2.考查形容词。句意:她身体健康,她自己还能出去锻炼。结合句意表示“身体健康”短语为 be in good health,应用形容词 good 修饰名词 health。故 well 改为 good。 3.考查代词。句意:她身体健康,她自己还能出去锻炼。此处指“祖母她自己”应用反身代词 herself。故 myself 改为 herself。 4.考查动词时态。句意:虽然她经历了很多苦难,但她总能看到事情好的一面。结合上文 she has 可知从句为现在完成时,experience 应用过去分词 experienced。故 experience 改为 experienced。 5.考查动词用法。句意:她认为她的乐观来自于帮助别人。help 为及物动词,可直接跟宾语, 不需要介词 with。故去掉 with。 6.考查连词。句意:她是一个祈祷小组的成员,她经常帮助那些需要帮助的人,尤其是无家可 归的人。结合前后文语境,可知上下句为并列关系,应用连词 and。故 or 改为 and。 7.考查冠词。句意:她是一个祈祷小组的成员,她经常帮助那些需要帮助的人,尤其是无家可 归的人。此处为“the+形容词”表示一类人,the homeless“无家可归的人”。故 a 改为 the。 8.考查主谓一致。句意:她相信这些小小的善举让她充满爱和力量,让她保持乐观。此处主语 为 those small acts of kindness,时态为一般现在时,故谓语动词应用原形。故 makes 改为 make。 9.考查固定短语。句意:她相信这些小小的善举让她充满爱和力量,让她保持乐观。短语 allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。故 her 后添加 to。 10.考查宾语从句。句意:她真诚地希望我能变得善良和乐于助人。hope 后为宾语从句,从句 中不缺少成分,句意完整,应用 that 引导。故 what 改为 that。 第二节 书面表达〈满分 25 分〉 52. 假定你是李华,你们班的外教 Mr. Smith 任教结束且将于下周六回国,你们班将为他举办 一场欢送会。请你给他写封邮件邀请他参加,内容包括: 1.欢送会的时间和地点; 2.欢送会的主要内容。 - 23 - 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 【答案】Dear Mr. Smith, Having learned that you will go back to your country next Saturday, our class is going to hold a farewell party for you. Therefore, I, on behalf of the class, am writing to invite you to attend the party. The party, which will be held in our class, will start at 4:00 pm next Wednesday. To express our thanks for your excellent teaching and great consideration, we students have prepared some programs for you, such as singing, dancing and poetry recitation. Besides, some of us will give you some special gifts. We are sure that this wonderful time will leave in our memory forever. We're looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 【分析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给外教 Mr. Smith 写封邮件,邀请他参加你们班为他举办 的欢送会。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现在时和一般将来时。 结构:总分法 总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 - 24 - 要求: 1.欢送会的时间和地点; 2.欢送会的主要内容。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) a farewell party; on behalf of; invite sb. to do sth.; attend; express one’s thanks; excellent; consideration; prepare; such as; special; memory; look forward to 第三步:连词成句 1. Having learned that you will go back to your country next Saturday, our class is going to hold a farewell party for you. 2. Therefore, I, on behalf of the class, am writing to invite you to attend the party. 3. The party, which will be held in our class, will start at 4:00 pm next Wednesday. 4. To express our thanks for your excellent teaching and great consideration, we students have prepared some programs for you, such as singing, dancing and poetry recitation. 5. Besides, some of us will give you some special gifts. 6. We are sure that this wonderful time will leave in our memory forever. 7. We're looking forward to your coming. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表并列补充关系:Besides 2.表因果关系:Therefore 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 【点睛】[高分句型 1] Having learned that you will go back to your country next Saturday, our class is going to hold a farewell party for you. (运用了 that 引导宾语从句和现在分词作状语) [高分句型 2] The party, which will be held in our class, will start at 4:00 pm next Wednesday. (运用 了 which 引导非限制性定语从句)

