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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达中高级语法运用技巧之二:三种复合句的运用 一 复合句名词性从句 名词性从句通常由从属连词(that,whether,if)、连接代词(who,what,which)、连接副词(when,where,why,how)引导。名词性从句都不能用逗号和主句分开。‎ 一、主语从句 ‎(1)What makes me concerned is my final exam which will be held two weeks later.‎ 让我担心的是两周后要进行的期末考试。(2016•全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎(2)What we need most are popular science books.‎ 我们最需要的是科普书籍。(2014•浙江)‎ 二、宾语从句 ‎(1)I hope you could appreciate that I must spare no effort to do well in my final exam.‎ 我希望你能理解我必须不遗余力地搞好期末考试。(2016•全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎(2)I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.‎ 我诚挚地希望你能接受我的歉意并理解我的处境。(2016•全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎(3)I wonder if you’d like to go with me.‎ 我想知道你是否想和我一起去。(2015•北京)‎ ‎(4)We are aware that we should build up our bodies and live a healthy life.‎ 我们意识到我们应该锻炼身体,过健康的生活。(2015•广东)‎ ‎(5)I am sure that with your great efforts,you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life here.‎ 我确信在你的巨大努力下,你的生活会丰富多彩。(2014•江西)‎ ‎(6)I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment.‎ 我很遗憾得知你现在过得不好。(2014•安徽)‎ ‎(7)This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that we shouldn’t get discouraged right after failures.‎ 温斯顿•丘吉尔的这句名言告诉我们:我们不应该在失败后沮丧。(2014•福建)‎ ‎(8)Can I suggest that we put it off until early August?‎ 我能建议把它推迟到八月初吗?(2014•北京)‎ ‎(9)I’d also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.‎ 我还想知道我要付多少学费,是否包含住宿。(2014•新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ ‎(10)I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my life will be very different in ten years.‎ 我经常想象未来我的生活会是什么样的。我想我的生活在十年后会非常不同。(2014•大纲全国)‎ 三、同位语从句 ‎(1)There is no doubt that you can get along well with them.‎ 毫无疑问,你可以和他们友好相处。(2014•天津)‎ ‎(2)It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families,shouldering the hope of their parents.‎ 它反映出当今的一个普遍现象:孩子们是家庭的焦点,肩负着父母的希望。(2013•福建)‎ 四、表语从句 In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and inspiration.That is why I recommend another category of books:literary books.‎ 除了为知识,我们还为乐趣和灵感而读书。那就是我为什么推荐另一种书——文学书籍。(2014•浙江)‎ ‎ 即时训练 ‎ 用名词性从句翻译下列句子 ‎1.我们希望我们能有更多这样的活动!(2015•北京)‎ We hope (that) we can have more activities of this kind!‎ ‎2.我们无法想象没有手机生活将是什么样子。(2014•重庆)‎ We can’t imagine what life would be like without phones.‎ ‎3.负责任是创造一个更好的社会所必须要做的。(2014•湖北)‎ Being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.‎ ‎4.毫无疑问,那里的孩子们急需关爱和帮助。(2013•山东)‎ There is no doubt that children there are badly in need of care and help.‎ ‎5.但是最令我感兴趣的是文学书籍,尤其是那些著名作家写的。(2012•江西)‎ But what interests me most are literary books,especially those by famous writers.‎ 二复合句 定语从句 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。通常由关系代词(who,whom,that,which,as,whose )或关系副词(where,when,why)引导。‎ 一、限制性定语从句 ‎(1)Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.‎ 欢迎任何感兴趣的同学参加。(2016•全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎(2)In addition,I am an outgoing girl who has rich experience in organizing school activities.‎ 此外,我是一个在组织学校活动方面有丰富经验的外向的女孩。(2015•陕西)‎ ‎(3)Talk to someone you trust about how you feel.‎ 和你信任的人谈谈你的感受。(2014•安徽)‎ ‎(4)I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon.‎ 我可以清楚地记得事故发生在一个下雨的星期天下午。(2014•湖北)‎ ‎(5)However,some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us.‎ 然而,有些课文有太多的生词和短语,这对我们来说是困难的。(2012•辽宁)‎ 二、非限制性定语从句 ‎(1)I’m writing to express my regret at being unable to go to the bookstore with you next weekend,which I have promised.‎ 我写信表达我对下周末不能和你一起去书店的遗憾,我本来答应要去的。(2016•全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎(2)If they often cheat in the exams,they will form a bad habit,which will have a bad effect on their life.‎ 如果他们经常考试作弊,就会养成坏习惯,这会对他们的人生产生坏影响。(2015•广东)‎ ‎(3)We’ll also spend some fun time together singing,dancing and playing games,which we hope will make them happy.‎ 我们将一起唱歌、跳舞、玩游戏,度过一段有趣的时光,我们希望这样会让他们开心。(2015•全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎(4)But the best gift I have received is a watch,which my dad gave me on my last birthday.‎ 但是我所收到过的最好的礼物是一块手表,它是爸爸去年在我过生日时送给我的。(2014•重庆)‎ ‎(5)Our class is made up of 52 students,all of whom are friendly and hardworking.‎ 我们班由52位同学组成,所有人都待人友好,学习刻苦。(2014•天 津)‎ ‎(6)I will go on a trip to Sichuan,where there are a great number of places of interest.‎ 我要去四川旅行,那里有很多名胜古迹。(2013•山东)‎ ‎(7)I have been class monitor since I came to our college,which brought me a strong ability of organization.‎ 上大学以来我一直是班长,这使我有很强的组织能力。(2013•天津)‎ ‎(8)As we all know,books are the source of knowledge.‎ 众所周知,书是知识的源泉。(2012•江西)‎ ‎ 即时训练 ‎ 用定语从句翻译下列句子 ‎1.最后,我想问一些关于他的私人生活的问题,这一定非常有趣。(2015•安徽)‎ Finally,I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life,which must be very interesting.‎ ‎2.我的老师可能会认为我很优秀,能做好功课,这会使我更有信心。(2015•湖南)‎ My teacher may think I am excellent and I can do well in my study,which can make me more confident.‎ ‎3.我爱好广泛,包括画画、收藏邮票等。(2013•天津)‎ My hobby is widespread,which includes drawing,collecting stamps and so on.‎ ‎4.现在我把我在英语上的所有进步都归功于Mrs.Jones,她的鼓励使我取得了我今天所拥有的成绩。(2012•广东)‎ Now I owe all my progress in English to Mrs.Jones,whose encouragement has made me achieve what I have now. ‎ ‎5.众所周知,污染对人类的危害很大。‎ As we all know,pollution does great harm to human beings.‎ 三 复合句状语从句 在复合句中作状语的句子叫状语从句。状语从句由从属连词引导,可以放在句首或句末,放在句首时,从句后边一般用逗号与主句隔开;放在句末时,从句前通常不用逗号。‎ 一、条件状语从句 ‎(1)Things will turn for the better if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey.‎ 如果我们能制定出一些人们要遵守的参与规则,情况会好转。(2016•江苏)‎ ‎(2)I would appreciate it if I am offered with an opportunity to display my talent.‎ 如果能给我一个展示才华的机会我会非常感激。(2015•陕西)‎ ‎(3)If you could provide more specific information,I would be very grateful.‎ 如果你能提供给我更详细的信息,我会非常感激。(2015•重庆)‎ ‎(4)As long as there is kindness and virtue,the world will become more ‎ beautiful.‎ 只要有爱心和美德,世界就会变得更美好。(2014•广东)‎ ‎(5)Once the timetable is made,we should follow it strictly.‎ 一旦时间表制定好了,我们就应该严格遵守。(2013•四川)‎ 二、目的状语从句 Second,you should often talk with Chinese so that you can improve your oral Chinese.‎ 第二,你应该经常和中国人交谈,以便能够提高汉语口语。(2015•四川)‎ 三、结果状语从句 ‎(1)We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.‎ 我们做的如此好以至被邀请去和全校学生交流想法和经验。(2016•北京)‎ ‎(2)I think sometimes we attach too much importance to our phones so that we ignore our friends.‎ 我认为有时我们把电话看得太重要,结果忽视了我们的朋友。(2014•重庆)‎ 四、让步状语从句 ‎(1)The moral of the story is:spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.‎ 故事的寓意是:无论情况多么困难,都要不遗余力地去获取知识,绝不要轻易灰心丧气。(2015•福建)‎ ‎(2)No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect.‎ 无论多么普通的工作,都在社会中起一定的作用,因此值得我们尊重。(2013•广东)‎ 五、原因状语从句 ‎(1)Second,go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger.‎ 第二,到户外和朋友们玩集体游戏,因为体育锻炼是一个排解怒气的有效方法。(2014•安徽)‎ ‎(2)I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July.But now,because my left foot was injured,I cannot go with you as planned.‎ 我记得我们原本计划七月去云南,但是现在,因为我的左脚受伤,所以不能按计划和你一起去了。(2014•北京)‎ 六、时间状语从句 ‎(1)Every time I see my watch,I think about my great dad.‎ 每次我看到我的手表时,就会想到我伟大的父亲。(2014•重庆)‎ ‎(2)When some fell behind,others would come and offer help.‎ 当有人落后时,其他人会过来提供帮助。(2013•江西)‎ ‎(3)I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green.‎ 我总是会靠右走,直到灯变绿时才过马路。(2013•安徽)‎ ‎ 即时训练 ‎ 用状语从句翻译下列句子 ‎1.如果你对此感兴趣就告诉我,我会发给你更多信息。(2015•北京)‎ If you are interested in it,let me know and I’ll send you more information.‎ ‎2.当我把我的答案给他看时,老师因我能独立思考夸奖了我。(2015•湖北) ‎ When I showed my answer to him,the teacher praised me for my independent thinking.‎ ‎3.这意味着如果你真的决定做某一件事,无论它可能有多么难,你最终都会找到办法并获得成功。(2014•山东)‎ It means if you are really determined to do something,no matter how/however difficult it might be,you will find a way of doing it at last and you’ll achieve success.‎ ‎4.第三,我的父母希望我学理科因为他们认为做一名理科生,我的未来会更加光明。(2012•安徽)‎ Third,my parents wish me to study science because they believe I will have a brighter future as a science student.‎ ‎5.如果你能就如何解决这些问题给我提供一些建议,我将不胜感激。(2011•山东)‎ I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to solve ‎ these problems.‎

