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宁夏育才中学2019──2020学年第一学期高二年级期末考试 英语试卷 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。‎ ‎2.选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框,不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。‎ 第I卷(选择题)‎ 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 例:How much is the shirt?‎ A. £19. 15 B. £9. ‎18 C. £9. 15 答案是 C ‎1. What did the man do this morning?‎ A. He flew to London. B. He attended a meeting. C. He met his aunt at the airport.‎ ‎2. Where is Tom now?‎ A. At home. B. In the office. C. In the hospital ‎3. How will the man get to the Grand Cinema most probably? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.‎ ‎4. H ow long will the man stay here?‎ A. Less than a week. B. No more than a week. C. More than a week.‎ ‎5. What will the weather in South China be like tomorrow? A. Snowy. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或对白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每 段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。‎ ‎6. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. A football game. B. TV programs. C. Their work.‎ ‎7 W hat the man probably do last night?‎ A. He watched a football game. B. He talked with the woman. C. He worked all night.‎ ‎8. What did the woman see?‎ A. The beginning of a film. B. The end of a film. C. A whole film 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。‎ ‎9. What does John want to have?‎ A. A bike. B. A football. C. A guitar.‎ ‎10. Why will the speakers buy an MP5 player for Jane?‎ A. She can learn Chinese with it. B. She can learn Japanese with it.. C. She can listen to music with it.‎ ‎11. What will the man be doing while the woman is buying the presents?‎ A. Seeing a film. B. Playing the games. C. Eating something.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。‎ ‎12. Why can’t the man remember English words?‎ A. He seldom writes them. B. He seldom reads them C. He can’t understand them.‎ ‎13. When can the man borrow grammar books from the woman?‎ A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.‎ ‎14.What can we learn about the man?‎ A. He doesn’t listen to his teacher carefully B. He has difficulty following his teacher C. He is a student of the woman’s.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。‎ ‎15. How does the woman prefer to travel?‎ A. By air B. By ship C. By train ‎16. Where will the woman go this summer vacation?‎ A. Boston B. London C. New York ‎17. What can we know about the man?‎ A. He thinks traveling by air is the safest B. He suffers from air sickness C. He prefers to travel by air.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎18. What will the man do in Australia ?‎ A. Work as an assistant B. Work as a manager C. Work as a chemist ‎19. Where is the man’s father now?‎ A. In hospital B. In his own house C. In the man’s house ‎20. How many people will attend tomorrow evening’s party?‎ A. Three B. Four C. Five. ‎ 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ A Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone's life? If you don't care about sex(性别)or age, come and join us, then you'll make it!‎ Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant(No Pay with Free Meals)‎ Place: Manchester Hours: Part Time We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Don't miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!‎ Role:‎ You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives.You will help them to develop new skills.You will help them to protect their rights and their safety.But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.‎ Skills and Experience Required:‎ You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient.You will ‎ have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.Previous care﹣related experience will be a great advantage for you.‎ ‎1. The text is meant to _____ .‎ A. leave a note B. show a document(文件)‎ C. carry an advertisement D. send an e﹣mail.‎ ‎2. What will you do if you join them?‎ A. You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives B. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety C. You will help them to develop new skills D. All of the above.‎ ‎3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?‎ A. A girl can't get the position B. You can get money from the position C. It is a full time job D. Free meals are available (可得到的).‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. D 3. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇应用文。文章向我们介绍了一个志愿者社会护理助理的广告,介绍了招募的要求及工作时间地点等情况的信息。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone's life?文章开头以自问自答的方式向人们发出号召,让人们参与到志愿活动中,然后在下文详细介绍了志愿者工作的地点、时间、任务、要求等,由此可知文章主要目的是刊登招聘广告。故选C项。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Role中You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives.You will help them to develop new skills.You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. 你将为有学习障碍的人提供日常生活各个方面的保障。你将帮助他们发展新的技能。你将帮助他们保护他们的权利和安全。可知,A、B、C项内容都包括。故选D项。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Position中Volunteer Social Care Assistant(No Pay with Free Meals)免费提供膳食。可知膳食是免费提供的 。故选D项。‎ B Two men were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman.The other was a farmer.They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, " Let's do something to pass the time."‎ ‎"What do you want to do? " the businessman asked."We can ask each other riddles."‎ The farmer said, "You start." "Let's make the rules first, " the businessman said." That's not fair. You are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do.I am just a farmer."‎ ‎"That's true." The businessman said."What do you want we should do? " "If you don't know the answer to a riddle, you pay me ﹩100.And if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you ﹩50." The farmer said. The businessman thought about this, then he said, "OK.‎ That's fair.Who will go first? "‎ ‎"I will, " The farmer said." Here is my riddle.What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies? " The business man repeated the riddle, "What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies? Mm, that's a good one.I'm afraid I don't know the answer." He gave the farmer ﹩100, then said, " Tell me the answer.What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies? " "I don't know." The farmer said and gave him ﹩50.‎ ‎4. The story happened _____.‎ A. on a farm B. between two passengers C. before a long train journey D. in a shop.‎ ‎5. What does the word "riddle" mean in this story?‎ A. A difficult question to find the answer to.‎ B. Something to help to make rules.‎ C. Something to win money.‎ D. a kind of game in doing business..‎ ‎6. The farmer _____.‎ A. enjoyed himself on his long journey.‎ B. didn't want to pay even one dollar C. spent all his money on the plane ticket.‎ D. won fifty dollars by playing the riddle game.‎ ‎7. Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A. The two men made rules for their riddle.‎ B. The businessman knew the answer to his riddle.‎ C. The two men made their riddle game more interesting by paying it for money.‎ D. The farmer was much cleverer than the businessman.‎ ‎【答案】4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。一位商人和一位农民同坐一架飞机,为了消磨时间,他们相互猜谜语,商人自以为聪明,结果输掉50元。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段Two men were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman. The other was a farmer.可知,两个人坐在飞机上,进行一次长时间的旅行,一个是商人,一个是农民。可知故事就发生在两个乘客之间。故选B项。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。根据第三段中对话内容" That's not fair. You are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do.I am just a farmer."“这不公平。你是一个知识渊博的商人。你知道的比我多。我只是一个农民。”;和最后一段中"I don't know." The farmer said and gave him ﹩50.“我不知道。”农夫说道并给了他50美元。可知,riddles的意思是“很难找到答案的问题”。故选A项。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的He gave the farmer $100, then said, "Tell me the answer. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?" "I don't know," the farmer said and gave him $50.可知,两个人都不知道答案,根据约定商人付100美元给农民,农民付50美元给商人,所以农民玩谜语游戏赢了50美元。故选D项。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段I'm afraid I don't know the answer." He gave the farmer $100, then said, "Tell me the answer.“恐怕我不知道答案。”他给了农民100美元,然后说:“告诉我答案。”可知,商人不知道答案。故选B项。‎ C Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colours? Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.‎ Birds, especially seagulls are very fond of locusts (蝗虫), but birds can’t easily catch locusts because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colour of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But when crops are ripe, locusts take on exactly the same brown colour as crops have. Some other pests with different colours from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies. So they have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear only at night.‎ If you study the animal life in any part of the world, you will find the main use of colouring is to protect them. Bears, wolves and other beasts move quietly through forests. They are usually invisible(can’t be seen) to the eyes of hunters, because they have the colour much like the bark(树皮)of trees.‎ An even more strange act remains to be noticed. A kind of fish living in seas can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid is over, its enemies cannot find it, and it quickly swims away. Thus, it has existed up to now though it is not powerful at all.‎ ‎8. This passage mainly talks about _______.‎ A. the change of colour in locusts B. animals or pests can dye(染色)themselves different colours C. how a certain sea fish protects itself D. the protective colour of animals and pests ‎9. Locusts are pests but they aren’t easily wiped out by their enemies because _______.‎ A. they change colors with the crops B. they are dangerous to their enemies C. they fly very fast D. they are powerful enough ‎10. The pests that have different colours from plants usually appear at night because _______.‎ A. their enemies can easily find them and eat them B. they have the habit of coming out in darkness C. it’s easy for them to destroy plants in darkness D. birds take their rests when night comes ‎11. A certain fish living in seas has lived through millions of year because _______.‎ A. it is the most powerful in the sea B. no other fishes can swim as fast as it can C. it can send out a kind of liquid which makes its enemies unable to find it D. the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies ‎【答案】8. D 9. A 10. A 11. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。 这篇短文主要介绍了为什么不同动物或害虫有其特殊的颜色。它们的颜色主要用于保护他们自己。作者列举了蝗虫,狮子,鱼等动物说明这一观点 ‎【8题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据第一段Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colours? Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.可知,你有没有想过为什么不同的动物或害虫有它们独特的颜色?它们的颜色似乎主要是用来保护自己。所以文章主要谈论的是动物使用颜色来保护自己的问题,故选D项。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段提到Birds, especially seagulls are very fond of locusts (蝗虫), but birds can’t easily catch locusts because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colour of crops可知,蝗虫可以把身体的颜色与庄稼变成一样的颜色,不容易被鸟发现。故选A项。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段Some other pests with different colours from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies. So they have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear only at night.‎ 可知,其他一些颜色与植物不同的害虫通常很容易被它们的敌人发现和吃掉。所以他们不得不在恐怖中躲藏起来,只在晚上出现。所以与植物颜色不同的害虫通常在晚上出现,因为它们的敌人很容易找到并吃掉它们。故选A项。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid(液体)when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they can live safely though they are not strong at all.可知, 当鱼遇到危险时,海里的一种鱼会散发出一种黑色的液体。 ‎ 液体迅速扩散,所以它们无法被敌人发现,可以迅速游走。所以某一种生活在海洋中的鱼类,已经存活了数百万年是因为它发出来的液体能帮它躲避敌人。故选C项。‎ D One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease.The death rate( 率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.Today in Britain,for example,about four hundred people a day die of heart disease.Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart disease by exercising regularly,by not smoking,by changing their diets,and by paying more attention to reducing stress(压力) in their work.‎ However,Western health-care systems are still not paying enough attention to the prevention of the disease.There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease.Instead of supporting such programs,however,the U.S.health-care system is spending large sums of money on the surgical( 外 科 的 ) treatment of the disease after it develops.This emphasis( 强 调 ) on treatment clearly has something to do with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen years.In this time,modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques.Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky(有风险的) a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S.hospitals.The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery.‎ Although there is no doubt that heart surgery can help a large number of people,some people point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages.First,it attracts interest and money away from the question of prevention.Second,it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise.After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery,they must try to recover the money they have spent.To do this,they raise costs for all their patients,not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment.The third disadvantage is that doctors are encouraged to perform surgery—even on patients for whom an operation is unnecessary—because the equipment and expert skills are there.A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low.In one type of heart surgery,for example,only 15 percent of patients improved their conditions after the surgery.However,more than 100,000 of these operations are performed in the United States every year.‎ ‎12. What effect has modern technology had on medicine?‎ A. It has reduced the costs of medical treatment.‎ B. It hasn’t helped save any patients.‎ C. It has encouraged doctors to do more heart surgeries.‎ D. It has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease.‎ ‎13. “To do this”(in Paragraph 3) means _____ .‎ A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease ‎14. The author would agree that _____ .‎ A. more money should be spent on the prevention of heart disease B. heart surgery has helped most patients improve their conditions C. modern technology has made heart surgery more risky than before D. the public have known a great deal about the causes of heart disease ‎15. Which would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. The Greatest Killer in the West B. Heart Disease:Treat or Prevent C. Old Technology and Heart Surgery D. Heart Surgery:Advantages ‎【答案】12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇议论文。造成西方社会的死亡的主要杀手:心脏疾病。作者认为应加强宣传,积极预防,而不是把重点放在手术治疗上。并强调手术治疗的有三个明显的缺点。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段In this time, modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques. Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S hospitals. The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery.在这一时期,现代技术使医生们能够发展新的外科技术。许多几年前被认为是不可能或风险太大的手术,现在在美国每天都在进行。其结果是心脏手术的大幅增加。可知,现代医疗技术鼓励医生做心脏手术。故选C项。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。根据第三段此句的前一句After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. 在医院购买了现代心脏手术所必需的昂贵设备后,他们必须设法收回所花的钱。由此可知“To do this”指的是设法收回所花的钱。故选C项。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段However, Western health-care systems are still not paying enough attention to the prevention of the disease. There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease. 然而,西方卫生保健系统对该病的预防仍然没有给予足够的重视。需要更多的项目来教育公众关于心脏病的原因和预防。可知,作者赞同把更多的钱花在预防心脏病上。故选A项。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。本文在第一段论述了心脏病成为西方最大的杀手。整篇文章就心脏病的治疗还是预防展开论述,作者在第二段第二句话阐明了自己的观点:There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease即要花费更多的金钱来使公众了解心脏病发病的原因和预防的方法。因此Heart Disease:Treat or Prevent“心脏病:治疗或预防”为标题最合适。故选B项。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The Winner’s Guide to Success Do you know what makes people successful? To find out the answers, an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people around the world. ___16___‎ Be responsible for yourself Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead. In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you’re giving away your own power. ___17___‎ Write a plan It is very difficult to try to get what you want without a good plan. It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away. ___18___ Without this “map”, you may waste your time,‎ ‎ money and also your energy; while with the “map” you’ll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.‎ Be willing to pay the price ‎___19___ So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won’t get anything valuable.‎ ‎___20___‎ It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done. When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.‎ A. Never give up.‎ B. Nothing is easy to get.‎ C. A good plan is like a map to you.‎ D. Here are some keys to success that they give.‎ E. Some people achieve success much later in life.‎ F. You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do.”‎ G. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.‎ ‎【答案】16. D 17. F ‎ ‎18. C 19. B ‎ ‎20. A ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。本文是成功人士给出的一些行为准则。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 根据下文各个小标题Be responsible for yourself,Live life “on purpose”,Write a plan,Be willing to pay the price,Never give up是成功人士给出的一些准则,所以选项起到总说的作用。故D选项“下面是他们给出的一些成功的秘诀”切题。故选D。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 根据上文In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you’re giving away your own power. 可知,事实上,当你抱怨自己因外部原因而没有成功时,那你就会丧失了自己的力量。所以选项是对上文的总结。故F选项“事实它已经超出了你的控制”切题。故选F。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 根据下文Without this “map”, you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the “map” you’ll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.可知,没有这张“地图”,你可能会浪费你的时间、金钱和精力;而有了“地图”,你将享受“旅行”,并在最短的时间内得到你想要的。所以选项承接下文。故C选项“一个好的计划对你来说就像一张地图”切题。故选C。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 根据下文So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won’t get anything valuable.可知,所以你必须做好努力工作的准备——甚至比你以往任何时候都更加努力。如果你不愿意付出代价,你将得不到任何有价值的东西。所以选项承接下文。故B选项“没有什么是容易得到的”切题。故选B。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 根据下文Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.可知,放弃比失败更糟糕,因为失败可能是成功之母,但放弃意味着希望的死亡。所以本段主要在说不要放弃。故A选项“永不放弃”切题。故选A。‎ 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to ___21___ in his bed for an hour each afternoon for treatment. His ___22___ was next to the room's only window. The other man ___23___ spend all his time flat on his back. Every ___24___ when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he ___25___ pass the time by describing to his ___26___ all the things he could see outside the window. The window overlooked a ___27___ with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children ___28___ their model boats. Young lovers walked ___29___ among flowers. As the man by the window described all this beautifully, the other man would close his eyes and ___30___ the scene.‎ One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the ___31___ body of the man by the window, who had died ___32___ in his sleep. She was saddened and ___33___ the hospital attendants (服务员) to take the body away. ___34___ it seemed appropriate (合适的), the ‎ other man asked if he could ___35___ next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after ___36___ he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he sat up to take his ___37___ look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the ___38___ of seeing it for himself. He strained (紧张地) to slowly turn to ___39___ the window beside the bed. It faced a blank(空白的) wall.‎ The man asked the nurse what could have forced his dead roommate to ___40___ those wonderful things outside this window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”‎ ‎21. A. stand up B. lie down C. sit up D. sit down ‎22. A. room B. table C. seat D. bed ‎23. A. had to B. would rather C. prefer to D. rather than ‎24. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. dawn ‎25. A. will B. would C. should D. might ‎26. A. nurse B. workmate C. roommate D. doctor ‎27. A. park B. street C. garden D. field ‎28. A. played B. made C. started D. sailed ‎29. A. face to face B. shoulder to shoulder C. arm in arm D. back to back ‎30. A. describe B. tell C. hear D. imagine ‎31. A. strong B. warm C. sick D. lifeless ‎32. A. peacefully B. sadly C. secretly D. completely ‎33. A. looked B. found C. called D. ordered ‎34. A. However B. As soon as C. But D. Except ‎35. A. changed B. sit C. be moved D. be taken ‎36. A. making sure B. depending on C. making up D. accounting for ‎37. A. next B. first C. last D. another ‎38. A. surprise B. feeling C. try D. joy ‎39. A. look out of B. look C. glare at D. stare at ‎40. A. remember B. describe C. write D. talk ‎【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. B ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了两个病友的故事,一个靠窗户的病友为了安慰另一个病友,每天都会向病友描述窗外的世界,有一天靠窗的病友去世了,这个病友调换到了靠窗户病友的床上,结果他看到的只是一面墙,护士告诉这个病人,靠窗户的病人是一个盲人。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:有一个人被允许每天下午在床上坐起来一个小时治疗。A. stand up站起来;B. lie down躺下;C. sit up坐起来;D. sit down坐下。根据下文Every ___4___ when the man in the bed by the window could sit up可知是坐起来。故选C。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的床位是与房间仅有的窗口挨着。A. room房间;B. table桌子;C. seat座位;D. bed床。根据前面的in his bed for an hour(他在床上躺了一个小时)和后面的next to the(旁边的)说明他的床在窗户旁边。故选D。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:另一个人不得不整天平躺着。A. had to不得不;B. would rather宁愿,宁可;C. prefer to更加喜欢,宁愿;D. rather than而不是。根据本句的主语The other man(另一个人)可知,这是描述同一病房的另外一位病人的情况,他不得不呆在床上无法坐立。故选A。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天下午,当靠窗的男人在床上坐起来,他会通过向他室友描述他能够看到的窗外的一切来打发时间。A. morning早晨;B. evening晚上;C. afternoon下午;D. dawn黎明。根据前面第二句提到for an hour each afternoon for treatment(每天下午进行治疗)可知这是说每天下午这个病人坐在床上看窗外风景的时刻。故选C。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:每天下午,当靠窗的男人在床上坐起来,他会通过向他室友描述他能够看到的窗外的一切来打发时间。A. will将,总是,愿意;B. would将会;C. should 应该;D. might可能,也许,可以。根据划线处后面的内容pass the time by describing可知,这是描述过去他们的日常生活,每天这个时候都会这么做。全文为过去时态,且此处表示经常发生的事情。故选B。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天下午,当靠窗的男人在床上坐起来,他会通过向他室友描述他能够看到的窗外的一切来打发时间。A. nurse护士;B. workmate同事;C. roommate室友;D. doctor医生。此处指的是前面提到的The other man,室友不能起来,所以是给室友描述。故选C。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:向窗外望去,是一个花园,里面有个可爱的湖泊。7. A. park公园;B. street街道;C. garden花园;D. field领域、田野。根据下文的描述with a lovely lake有一个美丽的湖,说明窗户外面是一个公园。故选A。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:鸭子,天鹅戏水而乐,孩子们幸福地玩着他们的模型船。A. played玩耍;B. made让,使;C. started开始;D. sailed航行。这里描述的是水上的场景,当孩子们在玩赛艇的时候,鸭子和天鹅在河里玩耍,根据model boats可知用划船。故选D。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查名词短语词义辨析。句意:年轻的恋人手挽手在花丛中漫步。A. face to face面对面;B. shoulder to shoulder肩并肩;C. arm in arm手挽手;D. back to back背靠背。根据Young lovers可知年轻的情侣们在花丛中手挽着手漫步。走着。故选C。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:窗边的那个人描述这些美丽,另一个人会闭上双眼,想象那场景。A. describe描述;B. tell告诉;C. hear听;D. imagine想象。因为自己没法看到,所以是想象画面。故选D。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一天早晨,当值白班的护士来给他们送漱洗水,看到的却是窗边那个男人的尸体,他在睡梦中安详地死去了。A. strong强壮的;B. warm温和的;C. sick生病的;D. lifeless无生命的。根据who had died可知是没有生命的。故选D。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:一天早晨,当值白班的护士来给他们送漱洗水,看到的却是窗边那个男人的尸体,他在睡梦中安详地死去了。A. peacefully平静地;B. sadly悲伤地;C. secretly秘密地;D. completely完全地。根据后面的介词短语in his sleep可知,他是在睡梦中死去的,所以很平静地死去。故选A。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她很悲伤,便叫医务人员把尸体抬走了。A. looked看;B. found发现;C. called呼叫;D. ordered命令。病人死后医院的处理自然是找人把尸体抬走,call sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事。故选C。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查连词词义辨析。句意:一旦条件合适,剩下的这位病人就立刻提出是否能让他挪到窗口的那张床上去。A. However然而;B. As soon as只要,一旦;C. But但是;D. Except除……之外。as soon as引导时间状语从句。故选B。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦条件合适,另一个人问他是否能够搬到窗户边。A. changed改变;B. sit坐;C. be moved移动;D. be taken带走。根据后面的一句The nurse was happy to make the switch可知,剩下的那个病人问护士他是否可以被移动到(move)靠窗的那张床上。故选C。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:护士很乐意调换床,将他舒舒服服地安顿在那张病床上,剩下他一个静静地躺在那儿。A. making sure确信;B. depending on依赖,依靠;C. making up编造,化妆,组成;D. accounting for解释。护士离开病房前自然是安排病人躺着保持一个舒适的姿势。故选A。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他缓慢和痛苦地坐了起来,第一次看到外面的世界。A. next紧接在后的;B. first最重要的,最优秀的;C. last最后的;D. another又一个。结合前文他的床不靠窗,而且也不能坐起来,所以是第一次看外面。故选B。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,他很高兴看到它。18. A. surprise惊奇;B. feeling感觉;C. try尝试;D. joy高兴。根据后面内容seeing it for himself可知,能够亲自看看外面的世界自然是高兴。故选D。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这位病人十分痛苦地挣扎着,他探头朝窗口望去。A. look out of从.......朝外看,向外看;B. look看,期待;C. glare at怒视;D. stare at凝视,盯住。根据后面的一句it faced nothing but a blank wall它面对的只是一堵空白的墙,可知,他应该是伸出头去朝外面看。故选A。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个人问护士是什么迫使他死去的室友描述那些窗外美妙的事物。A. remember记住;B. describe描述;C. write写;D. talk谈论,说话。根据后面的宾语those wonderful things outside this window窗外那些美妙的东西,可知,这位病人问护士,是什么使得他的前位病友描绘出窗外并不存在的风景。故选B。‎ ‎【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第15小题要求判断到底是哪个动作,根据后面的一句The nurse was happy to make the switch可知,剩下的那个病人问护士他是否可以被移动到(move)靠窗的那张床上。故选D项。还有第17小题要求判断他第几次看外面。该题可结合前文他的床不靠窗,而且也不能坐起来,可知是第一次看外面。故选B项。‎ 第II卷(非选择题)‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The skin is ___41___ essential part of your body and its ___42___ (large) organ.You have three layers of skin ___43___ act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's ___44___ (harm ) rays.The functions of your skin ___45___ (be) also very complex:it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from ___46___ (lose) too much water;it is ___47___ you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense ___48___ touch.So as you can imagine, if your skin gets ___49___ (burn) it can be very serious.First aid is a very important first step in the ___50___ (treat) of burns.‎ ‎【答案】41. an 42. largest ‎ ‎43. which/that ‎ ‎44. harmful ‎ ‎45. are 46. losing ‎ ‎47. where 48. of ‎ ‎49. burned 50. treatment ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了皮肤:皮肤是身体的基本部分,它起着阻挡疾病、毒物和太阳有害光线的作用;保持人体温暖或凉爽,也阻止身体失去水分,更是身体的触觉部分。因此,皮肤灼伤严重时,急救是很重要的。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查冠词。句意:皮肤是人体的重要组成部分,也是人体最大的器官。part是可数名词,单数形式前加不定冠词a/an表示泛指,因essential读音以发元音开头,用不定冠词an。故填an。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查形容词最高级。句意:皮肤是人体的重要组成部分,也是人体最大的器官。根据句意,皮肤是身体最大的器官,要用形容词的最高级修饰名词organ。故填largest。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查定语从句的关系词。句意:你有三层皮肤,它们是抵御疾病、毒物和太阳有害射线的屏障。先行词为layers,在定语从句中作主语,用关系代词which/that。故填which/that。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:你有三层皮肤,它们是抵御疾病、毒物和太阳有害射线的屏障。名词 rays前要用形容词修饰。故填harmful。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查主谓一致。句意:皮肤的功能也很复杂。主语functions是复数形式,谓语动词也应用复数形式are。且句子为一般现在时。故填are。‎ ‎46题详解】‎ 考查动名词作介词宾语。句意:它能防止你的身体流失过多的水分。介词from后接动词时用动名词形式作宾语。故填losing。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 考查连接副词。句意:它是你感到冷、热或疼痛的地方,它使你有触觉感。在系动词is 后,where引导表语从句,同时在表语从句中作地点状语。故填where。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:它是你感到冷、热或疼痛的地方,它使你有触觉感。sense of touch触觉,是固定搭配。故填of。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 考查过去分词。句意:所以你可以想象,如果你的皮肤被烧伤了,情况会很严重。动词get 是系动词,后接形容词作表语,形容词burned“烧焦的”。故填burned。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:急救是治疗烧伤非常重要的第一步。冠词the后接名词,in the treatment of医治......是固定搭配。故填treatment。‎ ‎【点睛】第6小题考查了动名词作介词宾语的用法。动名词作宾语或介词宾语使用如下:‎ ‎1.在很多动词后都可跟动名词作宾语:‎ Have you finished cleaning the windows? 窗子擦好了吗?‎ Would you mind shutting the door? 劳驾把门关上行吗?‎ I enjoyed working there. 我在那里工作很高兴。‎ Our house needs painting. 我们的房子需要油漆。‎ 能眼这种宾语的动词很多,常见的有:stop,suggest,remember,begin,like,start,mind,continue,can't help等。‎ ‎2.动名词作介词宾语的时候也很多,特别是在某些成语后,如:‎ Are you interested in going with us? 你有兴趣和我们一块儿去吗?‎ He is fond of playing tennis. 他很喜欢打网球。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节;满分 35 分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Yesterday I was gone home by the bus and my father was going to pick me up at the station. On the bus, I see a young woman with several bags of heavier books get on. I wanted to offer her my seat, and I didn’t. In my surprise, she and I got off at the same stations later. After a short conversation, I learned she had to walk a long way home. So I offered give her a ride and she accepted. When thinking of this experience, I was sad that she didn’t do the right thing the first time on the bus. But I was very happy to have a second chance to doing it.‎ ‎【答案】1  gone → going ‎2. 去掉the ‎3.  see → saw ‎4. heavier → heavy ‎5.  and → but ‎6. In → To ‎7. stations → station ‎8. offered后加to ‎9. she → I ‎10.   doing → do ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了作者帮助别人的故事。‎ ‎【详解】第一处:考查时态。分析句子可知,本句为过去进行时。故将gone改成going。‎ 第二处:考查固定短语。by +交通工具,不加任何冠词。故将the去掉。‎ 第三处:考查时态。事情发生在昨天,所以本句为一般过去时。故将see改成saw。‎ 第四处:考查形容词。分析句意可知,我看见一个年轻的女人拿着几袋更重的书,所以没有比较级意思。所以用形容词原级heavy。故将heavier改成heavy。‎ 第五处:考查连词。分析句意可知,前后为转折关系。故将and改成but。‎ 第六处:考查介词。to one’s surprise使某人惊讶的是, 为固定短语。故将In改成To。‎ 第七处:考查名词。分析句意可知,后来我们在同样的站下车。所以station用单数形式。故stations将改成station。‎ 第八处:考查动词不定式。offer to do sth.提供做某事。故将offered后加to。‎ 第九处:考查代词。分析句意“当我想到这段经历时,我很难过,因为我在公交车上第一次没有做正确的事情”,所以主语是I。故将she改成I。‎ 第十处:考查动词不定式。the chance to do sth.做某事的机会。故将doing改成do。‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)‎ ‎52.假定你叫李华,你的美国朋友Jack来信,说他寒假期间要来中国交流学习。他学了两年中文,但是仍然担心用中文交流时会遇到困难。请你用英语给Jack写封回信,提几点建议,要点如下:‎ ‎1.大胆自信;‎ ‎2.放慢语速;‎ ‎3.借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。参考词汇:自信的 confident 肢体语言 body language 注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;‎ ‎2. 词数 100 左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数 Dear Jack,‎ How is everything going? I’m glad to learn that you are coming to China this summer ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【答案】Dear Jack,‎ How is everything going ? I’m glad to learn that you’re going to China this winter. You say you’re worried about your Chinese if you are in China. Now let me give you some advice.‎ First, you should be brave and confident to speak Chinese when you communicate with others. We Chinese are very friendly, so you don’t be afraid to make any mistakes. Second, speak Chinese slowly and clearly when you talk to others. In this way can you make yourself understood easily. Finally, you can use pictures or drawings and body language. As you know, most of body language is in common in the world.‎ I hope these suggestions will help you.‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邮件,给Jack提几点建议。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:时态应为一般现在时和一般将来时 结构:总分总法 要求:1.大胆自信;‎ ‎2.放慢语速;‎ ‎3.借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。‎ 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)‎ be going to;worry about;speak Chinese;communicate with;friendly;be afraid to;make mistakes;slowly and clearly;talk to;in this way;pictures;drawings;body language;in common;in the world;as you know等 第三步:连词成句 ‎1. I’m glad to learn that you’re going to China this winter.‎ ‎2. You say you’re worried about your Chinese if you are in China.‎ ‎3. You should be brave and confident to speak Chinese when you communicate with others.‎ ‎4 Speak Chinese slowly and clearly when you talk to others.‎ ‎5. In this way can you make yourself understood easily.‎ ‎6. Most of body language is in common in the world.‎ ‎7. I hope these suggestions will help you 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。‎ 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)‎ ‎1.表文章结构顺序:First,…. Second,…. Finally,….‎ ‎2.表并列补充关系:and;As you know ‎3.表因果关系:so等 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰 第五步:润色修改 ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多高分句型,如:I’m glad to learn that you’re going to China this winter.使用了that引导的宾语从句;You say you’re worried about your Chinese if you are in China.使用了if引导的条件句;You should be brave and confident to speak Chinese when you ‎ communicate with others.使用了when引导的时间状语从句;In this way can you make yourself understood easily.使用了部分倒装句等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。‎

