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特色重组练三 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A NYU‎ ‎Precollege‎ Summer Program ‎◆Go to NYU‎ ‎Precollege Summer Program Make the most of your summer vacation with this sixweek academic summer camp for high school juniors and seniors. Earn college credits, explore NYC, and experience academic and student life at NYU. Scholarships are available.‎ ‎◆Participants NYU‎ Precollege summer camp offers rising high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to experience academic and student life at New York‎ ‎University. Teens take college level courses for academic credit which may be applied to a future degree. Residential and nonresidential options are available.‎ ‎◆What to do?‎ Participants take creditbearing courses with current college students. Courses are available in over 36 subjects. Students can explore the archeological history of New York City, visit major New York sports facilities and learn the business of sports management, begin to master the Chinese language, practice the art of hyperlocal news reporting, or dig into the hospitality industry while going behindthescenes at Manhattan hotels and restaurants.‎ Additionally students have the opportunity to participate in free noncredit workshops taught by NYU's distinguished writing experts. The workshops offer students an opportunity to enhance writing skills and focus on collegelevel writing.‎ ‎◆Harvest Outside the classroom, NYU‎ ‎Precollege offers workshops regarding the college admissions and application process, as well as a variety of on and offcampus social events and activities. NYU‎ ‎Precollege summer camp allows outstanding teens to get a taste of college while still having time to work, volunteer, and enjoy the summer vacation.‎ ‎1.How can participants earn college credits at NYU Precollege Summer Program?‎ A.Applying for the future degree.‎ B.Taking creditbased college courses.‎ C.Experiencing the academic life at NYU.‎ D.Learning courses with students at college.‎ 答案:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Teens take college level courses for ‎ academic credit ...”及第三段第一句可知,通过参加有学分的课程才能获得大学的学分。‎ ‎2.What can free noncredit workshops do for students?‎ A.Improve their writing ability.‎ B.Inspire business management.‎ C.Offer chances to master Chinese.‎ D.Train qualified writing specialists.‎ 答案:A 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“an opportunity to enhance writing skills and focus on collegelevel writing”可知,非学分讲习班能提高学生的写作能力。‎ ‎3.What will the participants harvest through the Summer Program?‎ A.To earn high school scholarships.‎ B.To know college entrance process.‎ C.To organize some afterclass activities.‎ D.To preexperience academic college life.‎ 答案:D 细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句可知,该夏令营给学生提供体验大学生活的机会。‎ ‎ ‎ academic adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的 credit n. 学分;信用,信誉;(金融)贷款;信任;声望 vt. 相信,信任;把……归给,归功于;赞颂 ‎ ‎ 最后一段最后一句:NYU‎ ‎Precollege summer camp allows outstanding teens to get a taste of college while still having time to work, volunteer, and enjoy the summer vacation.‎ 译文:纽约大学学前夏令营给出色的青少年提供体验大学生活的机会,同时,他们还有时间工作、参加志愿者服务、享受暑期生活。‎ 分析:这是一个主从复合句,while 引导的是省略的时间状语从句。‎ B When I was nine years old my greatest desire in life was to own a pogo stick. ‎ When my birthday rolled around again, I told my mother of my desire. My mother told me that we could only make ends meet and couldn't afford one. ‎ One Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks before my birthday, my parents told me we needed to go to Sears to pay our credit bill. After the bill was paid, my dad said, “I'll be right back, I need to see something in the tool department.” Soon my dad came back ‎ with a long box. I remembered wondering at that very moment if it was a pogo stick in that box.‎ When we arrived back home my dad put the box in the barn. While my parents were busy with their chores, I slipped out to the barn and found the box. I was so excited and I knew that as soon as I opened that magical box my bright, shiny pogo stick would appear.‎ No such luck! Inside the box was a silly old broom. And so the morning of my birthday was both great and disappointing. I got some nice gifts but I didn't get the present that I really wanted.‎ After all the wrapping paper was cleaned up my dad said he needed to tend to something in the barn. When he came back, he was carrying my beautiful pogo stick. I couldn't believe it, how they were able to scrape (勉强维持) the money together for it and how they tricked me with the broom. I was so excited that I couldn't let the pogo stick out of my sight. ‎ That was over 60 years ago and I still relive those valuable memories every birthday. Although we didn't have much money, my parents gave me the most important gift of all, an abundance of love.‎ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者小时候渴望得到一个跳跳杆作为生日礼物。虽然家里很穷,但是父母想尽办法给作者一个惊喜,使作者感到父母满满的爱。‎ ‎4.Why did they go to Sears one Saturday afternoon before the birthday?‎ A.To raise some fund.‎ B.To make ends meet.‎ C.To pay back the money.‎ D.To refresh their credit bill.‎ 答案:C 细节理解题。由第三段中的“my parents told me we needed to go to Sears to pay our credit bill”可知,作者和父母一起到Sears是为了付信用卡的钱,即还钱。‎ ‎5.What did the father probably do in the tool department?‎ A.Saw some tools.‎ B.Took a long box.‎ C.Bought a broom.‎ D.Purchased a pogo stick.‎ 答案:D 推理判断题。由第三段中的“Soon my dad came back with a long box.”可知,父亲去了一个工具店,出来带着一个长长的箱子。后来作者去谷仓看的时候,里面是一把旧扫帚。由下文“how they tricked me with the broom”‎ 可以推断出,新买的跳跳杆被放到了别的地方。‎ ‎6.What did the author long to see after he opened the box in the barn?‎ A.A silly old broom.‎ B.A really magical box.‎ C.A bright, shiny pogo stick.‎ D.Only some other nice gifts.‎ 答案:C 细节理解题。由第四段中的“I was so excited ... shiny pogo stick would appear.”可知,我很兴奋,知道一打开这个神奇的箱子,我的闪闪发亮的跳跳杆就能出现。‎ ‎7.How did the author feel about the birthday memories?‎ A.It's unforgettable. B.It's exciting.‎ C.It's shameful. D.It's disappointing.‎ 答案:A 推理判断题。由最后一段可知,60年过去了,作者仍然回味着那些珍贵的记忆。由此说明得到跳跳杆这样的生日礼物让作者很难忘。‎ ‎ ‎ slip v. 悄悄疾行;溜;滑,滑脱 tend to 照料 relive vt. 再次体验,重温;回味 ‎ ‎ 第四段第二句:While my parents were busy with their chores, I slipped out to the barn and found the box.‎ 译文:当我的父母忙于他们自己的事务时,我溜进谷仓,找到了那个箱子。‎ 分析:这是一个主从复合句,while引导时间状语从句。be busy with sth. “忙于某事”;slip out to “溜出去……”。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 I was biking on a trail in Boulder‎, ‎Colorado. I had just got off work from a 10hour shift (轮班), so I was a bit __1__. About 2 miles of biking down the trail, I saw a __2__ in the middle of the trail. I picked it up, and it was a(n) __3__ style Jeep key. I turned around and __4__ to catch up with the group, but I was out of shape. It was __5__, so they disappeared.‎ I made it all the way back to my car, asking people along the way if they had __6__ a key. No luck. I was pretty tired at this __7__. Instead of throwing it away, I started down the trail again, __8__ they went the other direction.‎ I went about 4 miles down the trail asking everyone I __9__. No luck. I finally made it back to my car, and __10__ up the mountain road, looking for Jeeps, and __11__ the key out of the window and pressing the panic __12__, but no luck. ‎ I __13__ back down the mountain. I passed where I had parked earlier, and passed ‎ all the vehicles I had seen while on my __14__. The very last __15__, I saw a girl standing at the back of a brand new Jeep Wrangler.‎ I pulled up right behind the __16__ while holding the key out of the window.‎ I could tell she had been crying, and her face __17__ the moment she saw me.‎ She was so __18__, and she gave me a hug through the window.‎ The __19__ of the lost key helped my mental state so much tonight, and I'm so happy I didn't __20__ it away.‎ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述的是作者在路上捡到一个吉普车的钥匙后,几经曲折找到失主的故事。‎ ‎1.A.happy B.delighted C.tired D.sad 答案:C 由上文提到的“I had just got off work from a 10hour shift (轮班)”可知,已连续工作10个小时,作者应该是有点疲劳(tired)了。‎ ‎2.A.key B.wallet C.bag D.ring 答案:A 由下文提到的“a(n) __3__ style Jeep key”和 “the lost key”可知,此处是看到路上有一把钥匙(key)。‎ ‎3.A.old B.new C.common D.fancy 答案:B 由下文提到的“I saw a girl standing at the back of a brand new Jeep Wrangler”可知,这是一把新(new)款吉普车的钥匙。‎ ‎4.A.hesitated B.chose C.tried D.refused 答案:C 作者试图(tried)追上前面的人群。‎ ‎5.A.forward B.backward C.downhill D.uphill 答案:D 由下文提到的“__8__ they went the other direction”和“I went about 4 miles down the trail”可知,此处应该指的是上坡(uphill)。‎ ‎6.A.forgot B.dropped C.needed D.left 答案:B “我”一直回到了我的车所在的位置,在此期间询问路上遇到的人们是否有人丢失(dropped)车钥匙,但是无果。‎ ‎7.A.point B.situation C.degree D.period 答案:A 此时(at this point)作者相当疲劳了。‎ ‎8.A.expecting B.hoping C.imaging D.thinking 答案:D “我”没有把车钥匙扔掉,而是又开始沿着这条路继续寻找,心里想(thinking)他们朝相反的方向去了。‎ ‎9.A.helped B.knew C.met D.phoned 答案:C “我”沿着小路走了大约‎4英里,询问了路上遇到(met)的每一个人。‎ ‎10.A.drove B.jumped C.ran D.pulled 答案:A 最后“我”返回到停车的地方,开车(drove)沿着山路去寻找吉普车。‎ ‎11.A.replacing B.preparing C.picking D.holding 答案:D 开车前行时,把车钥匙举(holding)出车窗。下文中的“while holding the key out of the window”也是提示。‎ ‎12.A.sound B.light C.button D.alarm 答案:C (遇到别人时)按应急按钮(panic button)以示行人(注意这把钥匙)。‎ ‎13.A.signaled B.searched C.sailed D.headed 答案:D 此处表示又朝山下走,经过之前停车的地方。head “朝(某方向)行进”。‎ ‎14.A.car B.bike C.motorbike D.truck 答案:B 由文章开头“I was biking on a trail in Boulder, Colorado.”可知,作者开始时是骑自行车(bike)下班以及寻找失主的,后来才开车寻找。‎ ‎15.A.stop B.chance C.stay D.way 答案:A 此处表示终于找到了失主,说明是最后一次停车(stop)。‎ ‎16.A.tree B.jeep C.girl D.window 答案:B 作者把车停到了吉普车(jeep)的后面。‎ ‎17.A.held on B.turned out C.lit up D.gave in 答案:C “我”可以看出来这个女孩哭过。她一看到“我”‎ ‎,脸上露出喜色。light up “露出吃惊的表情;露出喜色”。‎ ‎18.A.beautiful B.grateful C.disappointed D.hopeless 答案:B 因为车钥匙失而复得,女孩应该是很感激(grateful)。‎ ‎19.A.adventure B.research C.finding D.owner 答案:A 今夜,寻找车钥匙主人的冒险经历(adventure)使“我”的心灵得以平静。‎ ‎20.A.get B.give C.put D.throw 答案:D 由上文提到的“Instead of throwing it away”可知,作者没有把钥匙扔掉(throw away),而是来回不停地寻找失主。‎ ‎ ‎ out of shape 身体状况不佳 trail n. 小径;痕迹 pull up 停车 ‎ ‎ 第四段第二句:I passed where I had parked earlier, and passed all the vehicles I had seen while on my bike.‎ 译文:我经过原来停车的地方,也经过之前骑车时见过的车辆。‎ 分析:这是一个并列复合句,and连接两个并列分句。第一个分句中,where引导宾语从句。第二个分句中,I had seen是省略了关系代词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词vehicles;while引导一个省略的状语从句。‎ Ⅲ.阅读七选五 Could you handle a nobuy year?‎ In recent years, some people have been attempting what's become known as a nobuy year. They are determined not to buy certain items for one year. __1__ If you're going to participate in a nobuy year or month, you probably should identify why you're doing it before you start. I encourage you to think about what your goals are and how buying nothing can help you reach them.‎ Without a goal, failure is more likely. __2__ Last year, I wanted to take my sons on vacation where I could not only afford the activities but also have enough flexibility (灵活性) with my money. So I set a goal. That goal was not to buy anything I didn't need for three months. I eventually reached my goal. ‎ ‎ __3__ But, as I think about the nobuy movement, I wonder what would have happened if I had kept the stricter habits. I love concerts and music festivals. Yet I often don't buy tickets for concerts. I buy little things frequently. If I could quit those little things, I would probably go to a lot more concerts.‎ So I think the nobuy movement would bring us some happiness. __4__ Even though we're surrounded by a lot of things, we manage to convince ourselves that none of those things are “perfect” for our immediate need.‎ I'm going to set another goal right now. That goal is to go to a big music festival this summer. To get there, I'm going to not spend money on the things I don't need. __5__‎ A.Still, it's difficult.‎ B.We'll see how it goes.‎ C.I say this based on past experience.‎ D.But sometimes failure can benefit us.‎ E.They just use what they already have.‎ F.After all, happiness is what we all want.‎ G.After vacation, I went back to my regular spending habits.‎ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过介绍自己的经验来建议人们如果打算一年或者一个月不购买某些物品,最好要有一个目标来激励自己。‎ ‎1.E 前句介绍人们决心一年不购买某些东西,由此可推断,他们仅仅使用自己已有的物品。故E选项内容可以承接上文。‎ ‎2.C 设空前是本段的主题句,而设空后是介绍作者自己的经验。由此推断,空格处是过渡句,C选项内容符合语境。‎ ‎3.G 前段介绍了作者和孩子一起度过的一个假期,设空后一句讲到作者对自己重回过去的购物行为的反思。由此判断,G选项内容可以作为过渡句。‎ ‎4.A 设空前内容为“不购买活动”会给人们带来快乐,而设空后内容为人们需要努力不受诱惑,做到不购买物品。由此判断,A选项内容符合语境。‎ ‎5.B 空格前介绍了作者的新目标,所以作者和大家一起拭目以待,看看自己是否能够实现目标,故B选项内容可以承接上文。‎ ‎ ‎ attempt vt. 试图,尝试,企图 identify vt. 确定;识别,认出 convince vt. 使确信;使信服;说服 ‎ ‎ 第一段第四句:If you're going to participate in a nobuy year or month, you probably should identify why you're doing it before you start.‎ 译文:如果你打算一年或一个月不买东西,你应该在这个计划开始之前就知道你为什么要这么做。‎ 分析:这是一个主从复合句,if引导条件状语从句。主句中why引导宾语从句,作动词identify的宾语;before引导时间状语从句。‎

