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连词 重难点分析 连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词可以分为两类:并列连词和从属连词(引导各种从句的连词)。‎ 一、连词的用法归纳 并列连词 并列关系 and, when(就在这时=and just at this/that time), not only…but also, neither…nor, both…and 转折关系 but, while (而、尽管), yet, not…but 选择关系 or, either…or, otherwise, or else (否则、要不然)‎ 因果关系 for, so 定语从句 关系 代词 先行词是人 who/that(主语), whom/that(宾语), whose(定语)‎ 注意:非限制性定语从句中不用that 先行词是事或物 which/that(主语或宾语), whose(定语)‎ 关系副词 先行词是时间: when (状语);先行词是地点: where (状语);先行词是reason: why (状语)‎ 名词性从句 连词that 没有词义,不作句子成分,引导宾语从句时可省略;即句子的结构与意义完整时,填that 连词if/whether 意为“是否”,不作句子成分,引导宾语从句时,一般可互换,但在介词后或discuss后引导宾语从句时,只能用whether。但引导其他名词性从句时,一般也只能用whether 连接代词 有意义,作句子成分:who, whom, whose, which, what 连接副词 有词义,作句子成分:when, where, why, how 状语从句 时间状语 when, while, as, before, after, once, till, until, since, every time, the moment, hardly…when, no sooner…than, as soon as 地点状语 where, wherever (无论什么地方、不管哪里)‎ 条件状语 if, unless (除非), as/so long as (只要), on condition that (如果), in case (如果、万一)‎ 原因状语 because, since, as, now that (=since 既然、由于)‎ 结果状语 so that (结果), so…that, such…that (如此……以至于……)‎ 目的状语 so that (为了、以便), in order that, in case (以防万一), for fear that (以防、以免)‎ 让步状语 although, though, as (状语或表语要提到as前,作表语的单数可数名词提前时,不用a), even if, even though (即使), whether…or…(不管……还是), whoever (=no matter who), whatever (=no matter what), whenever (=no matter when), whichever (=no matter which)‎ 比较状语 than, as…as, not as…as, not so…as, the same…as, such…as, the more…the more 方式状语 as (像、依照), as if, as though (好像、仿佛)‎ 注意:定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句的详细讲解可见专题13、14、15。‎ 二、连词的使用难点与易错点归纳 因为连词的种类非常多,有并列连词(连接并列句),有从属连词(引导复合句),而从属连词引导的从句又可分为三类:定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句。尤其应注意的是有些连词可引导不止一种从句,具有多重功能,这往往是学习的难点,也是易混点。‎ 难点回顾:‎ ‎1. as可引导多种从句,如时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句以及定语从句。‎ ‎[误] Which you can see, he is always ready to help others.‎ ‎[正] As you can see, he is always ready to help others.‎ 解析:as引导非限制性定语从句,当“正像/正如”讲。‎ ‎[误] Do like I told you.‎ ‎[正] Do as I told you.‎ 解析:like是介词;as是连词,在这里作“按照”讲,引导方式状语从句。‎ ‎[误] He was reading then he was walking.‎ ‎[正] He was reading as he was walking.‎ 解析:as强调两个动作同时进行,作“一边……一边……”讲。‎ ‎[误] As he is young, he knows a lot.‎ ‎[正] Young as he is, he knows a lot.‎ 解析:as引导的让步状语从句应用倒装语序,应把表语提前。‎ ‎2. that可引导多种从句,如定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句等。‎ ‎[误] You don’t like him is none of my business.‎ ‎[正] That you don’t like him is none of my business.‎ 解析:that引导主语从句,本身无实际意义,但不能省略。‎ ‎[误] The thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police.‎ ‎[正] The thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.‎ 解析:everything是不定代词,因此后面的定语从句只能由that引导。‎ ‎[误] I am happy as you passed the exam.‎ ‎[正] I am happy that you passed the exam.‎ 解析:that在形容词后面引导宾语从句,不能用as。‎ ‎3. where可引导多种从句,如定语从句、状语从句以及名词性从句。‎ ‎[误] Go to find your watch. It’s there where you left it.‎ ‎[正] Go to find your watch. It’s where you left it.‎ 解析:where引导表语从句,相当于at the place where。‎ ‎[误] The place where there is water, there is life.‎ ‎[正] Where there is water, there is life.‎ 解析:where引导地点状语从句,可以放在主句的前面,也可以放在主句的后面。‎ ‎[误] I can’t remember in which place I met him.‎ ‎[正] I can’t remember where I met him.‎ 解析:where引导宾语从句,不能用in which。‎ ‎4. what可引导感叹句、特殊疑问句、名词性从句等。‎ ‎[误] How an interesting story he told us!‎ ‎[正] What an interesting story he told us!‎ 解析:What an interesting story!= How interesting a story!‎ ‎[误] I can’t remember the thing what he told me.‎ ‎[正] I can’t remember what he told me.‎ 解析:what引导宾语从句,相当于the thing that。‎ ‎5. no matter + what/who...与whatever/whoever...的区别:前者只能引导让步状语从句,而后者既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。‎ ‎[误] I will make friends with no matter who shares my interest.‎ ‎[正] I will make friends with whoever shares my interest.‎ 解析:引导名词性从句时只能用whoever。‎ ‎[误] You must hand in no matter what you’ve found.‎ ‎[正] You must hand in whatever you’ve found.‎ 解析:引导名词性从句时只能用whatever。‎ ‎6. whether和if的区别:两者引导名词性从句时都是从属连词,作“是否”讲,本身不作成分,此时句子中往往出现表示“不肯定”意义的一些短语,如not sure/certain, not known/decided, ...is still question, depend on等。whether和if引导动词后的宾语从句时可互换,但下列情况一般只能用whether:‎ ‎(1)引导介词后的宾语从句;(2)引导主语从句;(3)引导表语从句;(4)引导同位语从句;(5)后面出现or not。‎ ‎[误] If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.‎ ‎[正] Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.‎ 解析:引导主语从句只能用whether。‎ 三、关联副词 英语中有一类词,其作用和功能与连词有些类似,但又有区别,那就是关联副词。关联副词也是全国英语高考的考点之一,曾经出现过几次。这类题主要考虑前后逻辑意义的连贯,即重点考虑上下文意义的连贯,同时注意分析句中的时态等基础语法现象和相关词语的用法。做这类题,清楚地理解文章的来龙去脉和上下文意是最关键的!‎ ‎1. 时间性副词 由考查过的a few hour before/earlier可联想到,也许会考a few hours ago (几小时前), then minutes later (十分钟后), afterwards (后来), the day after (次日), the day before (前一日), I had met him before (在那之前我就见过他了), than before (比以前), than ever (比以前), than ever before (比以往任何时候), since (从那时以来), ever since (从那时起到现在), and then (然后), till then (直到那时), by then (到那时为止), just then (就在那个时候), from then on (从那时期)等。‎ ‎2. 逻辑性副词 由考过的anyway (无论如何)可联想到,也许会考anyhow (=anyway 无论如何、至少), however (然而), therefore (因此), thus (因此), besides (而且、还有、此外), though (可是、然而), too, also, instead等。‎ 考点练透 一、完成句子 在下列各句中填入一个适当的单词使句子完整通顺。‎ ‎1. I met Alice, ___________ told me that she was learning Chinese. ‎ ‎2. The man to ___________ our headmaster talked just now is from Canada. ‎ ‎3. He ___________ has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. ‎ ‎4. God helps those ___________ help themselves. ‎ ‎5. ___________ there is life on the moon is an interesting question. ‎ ‎6. ___________ will win the match is still unknown. ‎ ‎7. Everything depends on ___________ we have enough money. ‎ ‎8. Children who are not active or ___________ diet is high in fact will gain weight quickly. ‎ ‎9. Here are all my story-books. You can take ___________ you like best. ‎ ‎10. She always thinks of ___________ she can serve the customers well. ‎ ‎11. He got up too late. That is ___________ he came late to the meeting.‎ ‎12. An idea came to him ___________ he might do the experiment in another way.‎ ‎13. Make a mark ___________ you have any doubts or questions. ‎ ‎14. Word came ___________ our Chinese women team had won the game. ‎ ‎15. He is not ___________ he was a few years ago. ‎ ‎16. Our income is now double ___________ it was ten years ago. ‎ ‎17. ___________ many Americans move a lot, they still recognize each other’s dialects. ‎ ‎18. She was walking along the street ___________ suddenly someone robbed her of her handbag. ‎ ‎19. ___________ she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. ‎ ‎20. We waited ___________ he finished his work. ‎ ‎21. No decision has been made, and ___________ the situation remains unclear. ‎ ‎22. Carl didn’t study law. ___________, he decided to become an actor. ‎ ‎23. I told you to shut the door, you didn’t shut is ___________. ‎ ‎24. I don’t like this coat and, ___________, it costs too much. ‎ ‎25. I understand your situation and the problem you are facing is common among us teenagers. ___________, it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt your mother’s feelings.‎ 二、语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The United States, a superpower with a short history no more than 200 years, has played and will continue to play an active role in the international arena (舞台). One of the most distinguishing features of this country is independence. 1 the American people have great vigor (活力) and enthusiasm while in the 2 (pursue) of freedom. They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds. All the American folks are firmly convinced that they couldn’t enjoy liberty for themselves 3 they were willing to share it with everyone else 4 they are clear to know their freedom couldn’t be truly safe unless 5 were under the protection of a body of laws that treated them 6 (equal). The American persons tend to be ego-centered and they emphasize on their personal rights.‎ American people are apt to speak frankly and they like to make eye contact 7 (show) they are listening ‎ carefully. 8 they are not in favor of an event, they will say “no” absolutely and if they don’t understand what the other people mean, they will ask questions unless they figure 9 out. While someone compliment them, they will consent (同意) 10 smile by saying “thank you”.‎ 助读词汇 ego-centered adj. 自我为中心的 folks n. 人们 feature n. 特点 pride vt. 以……自豪 ‎ liberty n. 自由 absolutely adv. 绝对地 ‎ compliment vt. 恭维 distinguishing adj. 显著的;有区别的 a body of 大量的 be firmly convinced that 坚定相信 emphasize on 强调 be apt to倾向于 三、佳作欣赏 下面是一篇摘自全国英语高考书面表达的范文,文中有许多精彩且灵活的语言表达,其中也包含有并列连词、从属连词和关联副词的使用,用心体会其用法。‎ To enrich the students’ school life, our school held the annual art week in the first week of December. There were various activities including singing, dancing on the stage, a game of tug-of-war on the playground and so on. Besides, the students put waste paper to artistic use by coloring and crafting some things, such as flowers, cards, etc. The most attractive part of the art week was that some students made a map of China with leaves. Therefore, the students benefited a lot from these activities as some of them showed their hidden talents by singing, dancing, drawing, made friends and, above all, they freed themselves from endless homework and exams.‎ 参考答案 考点练透 一、单句填空 ‎1. who 2. whom 3. who 4. who 5. Whether 6. Who 7. whether 8. whose 9. whichever 10. how 11. why 12. that 13. where 14. that 15. what 16. what 17. Although 18. when 19. Once 20. till/until ‎ ‎21. thus/therefore 22. Instead 23. though 24. besides 25. However 二、语法填空 本文主要介绍美国人民的个性和特点。‎ ‎1. So 前面One of the most distinguishing features of this country is independence.是原因,所以此处填一个表“因果”的并列连词So。注意首字母要大写。‎ ‎2. pursuit 作介词宾语应用名词形式。‎ ‎3. unless 空的前后是两个分句填连接词。根据空前they couldn’t enjoy liberty for themselves和空后they were willing to share it with everyone else可知此处存在一个条件关系,故填unless,if在逻辑和句意上不适合。‎ ‎4. and 空的前后是两个分句填连接词。根据两句间的逻辑和句意可知,此处应填一个表“联合”关系的并列连词,故填and。‎ ‎5. they 缺少主语填代词,they在此指代前面的All the American folks。‎ ‎6. equally 修饰动词用副词形式。‎ ‎7. to show 分析句子成分可知,此处东西show作非谓语。根据空前they like to make eye contact可知,后面应接表目的的状语,故填不定式to show作目的状语。‎ ‎8. When 空后是两个分句填连接词。根据句意和后面的they will可知此处显然是个时间状语从句,故填When。注意首字母要大写。‎ ‎9. it 缺少宾语填代词,it在此指代前面的what the other people mean。‎ ‎10. with 表“带着微笑”常用with smile来表达。表“带着/有/由于/在……的帮助下”等常用介词with。‎

