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Module 5 The Great Sports Personality I.‎‎ 模块教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ‎▲Talk about the great sports personalities and sports ‎▲ Learn to describe the sports personalities ‎▲ Review the adverbial clauses and prepositions ‎▲ Write a notice II. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Agreeing and disagreeing: degrees of certainty That’s not the point.‎ I agree absolutely. ‎ You may be right. ‎ I’m afraid I don’t agree.‎ 词 汇 ‎1. 四会词汇 bat, net, stadium, track, trainer, retire, perform, retirement, background, brand, logo, advantage, guarantee, purchase, designer, gymnast, slogan, specific, symbol, final, champion, quality, ultimate ‎2. 认读词汇 athletics, rugby, club, pitch, ring, tracksuit, ministry ‎3. 词组 on the increase, come onto, up to, pick ... up, step out ‎4. 重点词汇 retire, perform, background, advantage, guarantee, purchase, gymnast, specific, final, quality, ultimate 语 法 Review of adverbial clauses ‎ ‎1. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. ‎ ‎2. Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.‎ ‎3. But even if he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.‎ 重 点 句 子 ‎1. It is more important to compete than to succeed. P47‎ ‎2. They called him the prince of gymnasts. P42‎ ‎3. They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship. P42‎ ‎4. Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. P42‎ ‎5. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. P42‎ ‎6. The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase. ‎ ‎7. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. P42‎ ‎8. The marathon has been an Olympic event since the modern games started in 1896. P49‎ Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 ‎1. 教材分析 本模块的中心话题是体育人物,所谈论的话题涉及中外体育明星、重大的体育赛事及各项体育运动。旨在通过模块教学,让学生了解和认识体育和体育人物,陶冶学生的情操,并能就所谈的话题写出一则体育活动的通知。‎ ‎1.1 INTRODUCTION分为四个部分,第一部分,让学生谈论和描述三个著名的体育明星;第二、三部分让学生学习和掌握关于体育的词汇;第四部分让学生讨论他们最喜爱的体育运动。‎ ‎1.2‎ ‎ READING部分向我们介绍了我国著名体育明星李宁及他的成功事迹,让学生在领会文章的基础上,认真领悟文章的弦外之音,即:我们应该勇敢面对失败,不能气馁,要振作精神以取得更大成功。‎ ‎1.3 GRAMMAR 部分复习了时间、条件和让步状语从句及几个重要的介词。‎ ‎1.4 LISTENING部分设置了与本模块话题相关的短文,向我们介绍了三个体育明星,既可以提高学生的听力,也可以在这个过程中让学生了解更多的文化背景知识。‎ ‎1.5 FUNCTION AND SPEAKING部分让学生学习和掌握一些关于表示同意或不同意的表达法。‎ ‎1.6 EVERYDAY ENGLISH部分让学生学习和掌握几个口语中的习惯表达。‎ ‎1.7 WRITING部分通过范例让学生掌握写notice的结构特点,并通过模仿达到会撰写,目的在于提高学生的英语写作能力。‎ ‎1.8 CULTURAL CORNER部分向我们介绍了奥运会的最后一项赛事马拉松赛跑。‎ ‎1.9 TASK部分要求学生从自己所列出的体育人物名单中选出自己认为是最伟大的三个体育人物,并写出该体育明星的个人档案。‎ ‎2. 教材重组 ‎2.1将INTRODUCTION, FUNCTION AND SPEAKING 和EVERYDAY ENGLISH部分整合在一起上一节“口语课”。‎ ‎2.2将READING和WORKBOOK中的Vocabulary整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。WORKBOOK中的Vocabulary是对READING的补充和巩固。‎ ‎2.3将GRAMMAR和WORKBOOK中的Grammar部分整合在一起上一节任务型“语法课”。涉及的主要任务有:复习时间、条件和让步状语从句及几个重要的介词的用法。‎ ‎2.4将LISTENING和WORKBOOK中的Listening and speaking整合在一起上一节“听力课”。‎ ‎2.5 将CULTURAL CORNER和WORKBOOK中的Reading整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。‎ ‎2.6 WRITING部分的短文可作为写作的范例,将WRITING, TASK和WORKBOOK中的Speaking and writing整合在一起上一节“写作课”。‎ ‎3.‎ ‎ 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本模块可以用六课时教完。)‎ ‎ 1st Period Speaking ‎ ‎ 2nd Period Reading ‎ ‎ 3rd Period Grammar ‎ 4th Period Listening ‎ 5th Period Extensive ‎Reading ‎ 6th Period Writing Ⅳ. 分课时教案 The First Period Speaking Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 bat, net, stadium, track, trainer, vote for, even if b. 重点句子 Athletes run along this. P41‎ That’s not the point. P47‎ I agree absolutely. P47‎ I’m afraid I don’t agree. P47‎ It is more important to compete than to succeed. P47‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to learn about sports personalities and sports. ‎ Let the students learn the expressions of showing degrees of certainty.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to talk about sports personalities and sports.‎ Help the students learn how to show agreement or disagreement. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Talking about sports personalities and sports. ‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to describe the sports personalities. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Discussion and pair work.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in ‎ T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls!‎ Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. Chen. ‎ T: As we know, studying is an important job for us, but we need to relax ourselves. Who can tell me what you would like to do in your spare time to relax yourselves?‎ S1: I’d like to read novels and magazines. ‎ S2: I prefer to have a chat with my best friends. ‎ S3: I feel like listening to pop music. ‎ ‎...‎ T: Very good! I’m glad to know that you can relax yourselves in so many proper ways. By the way, do you like sports? ‎ Ss: Yes, we do. ‎ T: Who would like to introduce your favorite sports star to us? ‎ S4: My favorite sports star is Michael Jordan. He is a basketball player and he plays very well. He was born on Feb. 17, 1963.‎ S5: My favorite sports star is Zhang Yining. She is a twenty-year-old girl from Beijing. She enjoys swimming when she is free. She won two gold medals in the 2004 Olympic Games. ‎ S6: I’d like to introduce Li Ning to all of you. He was called the prince of gymnasts and is famous all over the world. He accepted the gymnastic training at the age of 8. He won 6 gold medals at the 1982 World Championship and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. ‎ S7: I’m very glad to have a chance to introduce Liu Xiang to you. He was born on July 13th, ‎1983 in Shanghai. His hobbies are singing songs and playing computer games. To the surprise of millions of people, he won the gold medal in the 110 meters ‎ hurdle race in the 2004 Olympic games. ‎ T: OK! Thank you. I’m very glad that you know a lot about sports personalities. The title of this module is The Great Sports Personality. ‎ Step Ⅱ Introduction ‎ ‎1. Talking about the pictures Ask the students to talk about the three pictures. Two minutes later, ask three students to describe the pictures. ‎ T: Now look at the pictures. Who are the people in the pictures and which sports do they play? Have a discussion with your partners. Then I will ask three of you to introduce the three people to us. ‎ A moment later, ask three students to explain the pictures.‎ T: Are you ready now? ‎ Ss: Yes. ‎ T: Well, who wants to introduce the first person to us? S8: Let me have a try. The woman in the first picture is Deng Yaping. She is a very famous table tennis player. Though she is short, she plays very well and won many medals. ‎ T: Very good! Thank you. What about the second picture? ‎ S9: The man in this picture is Yao Ming. He is a well-known basketball player. He is 2.26 meters tall. He led the Chinese national team to a silver medal in the recent Asian Games. ‎ T: OK! The last picture. ‎ S10: The man in the No.7 uniform is Beckham. He is a leading English footballer and a former star of the legendary team Manchester United. As a player Beckham is particularly known for his free kick expertise, hot temper and spectacular long-range shots. T: Good job! Thank you for your answers. ‎ ‎2. A quiz for sports knowledge Ask the students to discuss which of the games in the box are ball games. ‎ T: I’d like to know if you have a good knowledge of sports by doing a quiz. Please look at the box in Activity 2. Try to make sure which of the games in the box are ball ‎ games. ‎ A moment later, check the answers with the whole class.‎ ‎3. Learning new words Ask the students to do the exercise by themselves. ‎ T: Now let’s go on to Activity 3. Match the words in the box with the meanings by yourselves. You can refer to your dictionary when necessary. ‎ About two minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.‎ ‎4. Speaking ‎ First ask the students to ask and answer questions about their favorite sport in pairs. ‎ T: Now work in pairs to ask and answer questions about your favorite sport. You can use the following words: Who? Where? How often? How good? Who ... with?‎ After a few minutes, ask several students to tell the class their partners’ favorite sport. ‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Now I will ask two of you to talk about your favorite sport. ‎ Sample dialogue: ‎ S1: What is your favorite sport? ‎ S2: My favorite sport is table tennis.‎ S1: How often do you play table tennis? ‎ S2: Three times a week. ‎ S1: Where do you play table tennis? ‎ S2: In our school.‎ S1: Who do you play table tennis with? ‎ S2: Li Jun, one of my best friends. ‎ S1: Are you good at playing table tennis? ‎ S2: Yes. Most of the time, I win the game when we play together. ‎ Step Ⅲ Function and Speaking ( P47 )‎ Ask the students to read the dialogue and try to understand how the underlined expressions are used. ‎ T: Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions. When you read the dialogue, please pay attention to the underlined expressions. You may ask your partner for help ‎ if you have any difficulty. ‎ A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. ‎ T: Now, time is up. Have you finished? ‎ Ss: Yes. ‎ T: Which expressions do you think are used to show agreement? Volunteer. ‎ S1: Two expressions are used to show agreement. One is “I agree absolutely”, and the other is “you’re right about that”. ‎ T: You are right. Which expression shows the speaker is not sure that he agrees? ‎ S2: The expression is “you may be right”. ‎ T: Not bad! Who would like to tell me which expressions are used to show disagreement? ‎ S3: Let me have a try. We can use the expressions “that’s not the point” and “I’m afraid I don’t agree”. ‎ T: Good job! ‎ Ask the students to do the work in pairs. One of the two students should read the sentences in Activity 2. The other one needs to make a reply to the sentences to show degrees of certainty. The part is designed to use the useful expressions the students have just learnt in Activity 1. ‎ T: Well, let’s go on to Activity 2. In this part you will learn to practise using expressions of showing agreement and disagreement. Two students make up a group. One needs to read the sentences in Activity 2, and the other one should make a reply to the sentences with the following expressions: 1) I’m afraid I don’t agree; 2) You may be right; 3) I agree absolutely. For example: One thinks that football is the greatest sport in the world. If the other one agrees with him, he or she should say “I agree absolutely”. Now, please work in pairs. ‎ Give the students enough time to practise in pairs. Then ask several pairs of students to give a performance in the class. ‎ Discussion ‎ Ask the students to discuss the four questions in Activity 3. ‎ Sample answers:‎ S1: Who is the greatest sportsperson of all time? ‎ S2: I think Yao Ming is the greatest sportsman of all time. He had one of the most exciting rookie years in NBA history. In the NBA, Yao Ming scored an everge of 13.5 points, 8.2 rebounds, and 1.74 blocks per game, earning him unanimous NBA ALL-Rookie First Team honors. Yao reached three blocks 26 times, as Huston held a 22 vs. 4 record in these contests. He started at center of the western Conference in the 2003 NBA All-Star Game after ranking fourth overall in All-Star balloting with 1,286,324 votes and was named the western Conference Rookie of the Month for December and February.‎ S1: Which is the most enjoyable sport in the world?‎ S2: I think the basketball is the most enjoyable sport in the world. There are many famous basketball matches in the world. In USA, the NBA is the most famous, which thousands of hundreds of people in the world watch it through many kinds of media. In China, there are CBA (China Basketball Association) and CUBA (Chinese‎ ‎University Basketball Association). The basketball stars, like Michael Jordan, Yao Ming become household names. ‎ S1: Which is the most popular sport in China today? S2: I think the football is the most popular sport in China today. The football game is a worldwide sport. More and more people focus their attention on the football games. In China, there are so many football fans. Besides, at the very early age, many boys play football in their spare time. In schools and universities, it is also the most popular game.‎ S1: What qualities do you need to be a great sportsman or a sportswoman? ‎ S2: I think I should have a strong body, good skills and never-gives-up spirit. ‎ Step Ⅳ Homework ‎ ‎1. Finish off the activities in Everyday English. ‎ ‎2. Preview the reading part. ‎ The Second Period ‎Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 retire, perform, retirement, background, brand, logo, advantage, guarantee, purchase, designer, gymnast, slogan, specific, symbol, on the increase b. 重点句子 P42‎ They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship. ‎ Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. ‎ But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. ‎ The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase. ‎ If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. ‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to have a good understanding of sports personalities and their spirit. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students to learn how to introduce sports personalities and how they succeed. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Talk about sports personalities. ‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Skimming, scanning, listening and discussing.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder, a projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!‎ Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. Chen. ‎ T: During the last period, I asked you to do the activities in Everyday English. Now, I will ask four of you to read the sentences with your answers. ‎ Check the answers.‎ Step Ⅱ Pre-reading ‎ T: Well, look at the picture carefully and discuss what you can see in the picture. After that, I will ask some questions about the picture. ‎ A moment later, ask the students the following questions. ‎ T: What can you see from the picture?‎ S1: The picture shows us a competition. Maybe it is the Olympic Games. A man is giving his gymnastic performance.‎ T: Can you describe the man? ‎ S2: He is a gymnast. He is doing the performance skillfully and beautifully. All the attention is focused on him at that time.‎ T: Yes, you are right. Do you know his name? ‎ S3: I’m sorry, I’m not sure about this. ‎ T: Well, let me tell you. He is Li Ning, a famous gymnast, who was called the prince of gymnasts. Now we are going to study a passage about Li Ning and his life in sport.‎ Step Ⅲ Reading ‎1. Scanning ‎ Ask the students to read the passage quickly and get the main idea of the text. Then ask them to do reading comprehension exercises. ‎ T: In this lesson, we are going to learn about the famous gymnast Li Ning and his life in sport. Now please look through the passage quickly and choose the best answers according to the text. ‎ Show the following on the screen. ‎ ‎1. Li Ning won ______ medals at the 1982 World Championship and at the 1984 Olympics. ‎ A. 3 B. ‎6 C. 9 D. 12 ‎ ‎2. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?‎ A. Li Ning also succeeded as a businessman. ‎ B. Li Ning was a great gymnast. ‎ C. Li Ning’s sports clothes covers more than a half of the national market. ‎ D. Li Ning’s goal was to open a school for gymnasts. 3. Which of the following is not ‎ reason for Li Ning’s success in business? ‎ A. Li Ning’s designs were attractive. ‎ B. Li Ning’s clothes came into the market at just the right time. ‎ C. All the Chinese people like Li Ning’s sports clothes.‎ D. Li Ning’s sports clothes were cheaper than its better-known rivals. ‎ ‎4. If a Li Ning product costs you 200 yuan, a similar Nike product could cost up to ______ yuan. ‎ A. 100 B. ‎200 C. 500 D. 1000‎ ‎5. The writer in this article mainly wants to tell us ______. A. Life is not easy for a sportsman B. How Li Ning succeeded and persisted in his choice.‎ C. how Li Ning won so many medals D. how Li Ning started a new brand of sportswear Key: CACDB ‎2. Skimming ‎ Ask the students to read the text again and then work together with their partners to get some detailed information.‎ T: Now we are going to read the passage again and answer a few detailed questions. Please look at the questions on the screen.‎ Show the following questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. What does Li Ning’s advertising slogan say? ‎ ‎2. Why did Li Ning retire? ‎ ‎3. What are the two pinyin letters that the bright red logo is made up of? ‎ ‎4. How many Li Ning products can be purchased in 10 minutes? ‎ A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Time is up. Well, who’d like to answer the first question? ‎ S4: Anything is possible. ‎ T: Good! The second one. ‎ S5: Because he didn’t performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. ‎ T: OK! Next one. ‎ S6: L and N. ‎ T: Very Good! Who knows how many Li Ning products can be purchased in 10 minutes?‎ S7: As many as 60. ‎ T: All of you have done quite well. Thank you!‎ ‎3. Listening and getting the main idea of the passage Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to try to get the main idea of the text after listening. ‎ T: Now we are going to listen to the whole passage. After listening, try to get the main idea of the passage. You can discuss your main idea with your partners. ‎ Play the tape for the students to listen and give the students two minutes to prepare after listening. Then ask one of them tell the main idea.‎ T: Well, who wants to tell us the main idea of the passage? Volunteer! ‎ S8: In this passage, the writer mainly talks about Li Ning’s success both as a sportsman and as a businessman. ‎ T: Excellent! Thank you! ‎ Step Ⅳ Post-reading ‎ Ask the students to read the text again and finish the activities. Then check the answers to Activity 3.‎ Then ask the students to discuss the two questions in Activity 4. Then check the answers in class. ‎ T: Now, please discuss the two questions in Activity 4. When you answer my questions, you’d better answer my questions in your own words. ‎ A moment later, check the answers. ‎ T: Well, who knows why Li Ning started a sportswear company? ‎ S1: He failed in the Seoul Olympics. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. Later he launched a new brand of sportswear. ‎ T: Good! The second one. ‎ S2: Let me try. He has been successful for two reasons. One reason is that he won many gold medals in the world’s major competitions. He is a famous gymnast. The other reason is that he started a well-known sportswear after his retirement. What we ‎ can learn from Li Ning is that we should never give up even if we fail sometimes. ‎ For Activities 5 and 6, ask the students to give their answers individually. ‎ T: I’d like to know if you master the new words in the passage well. Please finish off Activities 5 and 6. A moment later, check the answers in class.‎ Step Ⅴ Comprehension ‎ Show the following form on the screen. Ask the students to divide the text into several parts and try to summarize the main idea of each part.‎ Parts Main idea A few minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.‎ Sample answers:‎ Parts Main idea Part 1 (Para 1)‎ Li Ning was a great sportsman.‎ Part 2 (Para 2-4)‎ Li Ning succeeded in his new life as a businessman.‎ Part 3 (Para 5)‎ Li Ning’s dream of opening a school for gymnasts came true.‎ Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework ‎ T: In this lesson, we learned about a great sportsman, Li Ning. He is well-known also because he started a new brand of sportswear after this retirement. From his story we know that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the sport. After class, please finish off the activities and preview the Grammar part. Bye-bye. ‎ Ss: Bye-bye. ‎ The Third Period Grammar Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 although, however, unless, until, whatever, even if, as soon as, ever since b. 重点句子 P42‎ If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.‎ Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits. ‎ But even if he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. ‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to use the adverbial clauses. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to use the adverbial clauses. ‎ Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点 The usage of adverbial clauses. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Explaining and practicing. ‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision ‎ T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!‎ Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. Chen. ‎ T: During the last period, I asked you to do the activities. Now let’s go through the activities and see if you have done well. ‎ Check the activities one by one. ‎ ‎...‎ Step Ⅱ Grammar ‎ Show the following sentences on the screen. ‎ ‎1. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. ‎ ‎2. Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits. ‎ ‎3. But even if he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. ‎ T: In this lesson, we are going to review adverbial clauses. We know that adverbial clauses can be used to indicate time, condition, concession, place, reason and so on. Please look at the sentences on the screen. Try to tell which underlined clause indicates (a) time, (b) condition, or (c) concession. ‎ Ask the students to discuss in pairs. Then check the answers in class.‎ T: Well, who knows what the underlined clause in the first sentence indicates? ‎ S1: The underlined clause in the first sentence is used as condition. ‎ T: Yes, you are right. Do you know which words can connect adverbial clause that is used as condition with the main clause?‎ S1: The following conjunctions can connect adverbial clause of condition with the main clause. They are: as long as, assuming, if, unless, supposing and provided. ‎ T: Excellent! What about the second underlined clause? S2: The underlined clause in the second sentence is used as time. The following conjunctions can connect adverbial clause of time with the main clause. They are: when, after, as, as long as, before, directly, immediately, the moment, once, since, while and until. ‎ T: Very good! Now, the last adverbial clause. ‎ S3: The underlined clause in the last sentence is used as time. Many conjunctions such as although, even if, even though, no matter how, considering, however and so on can connect adverbial clause of concession with the main clause.‎ T: OK! Who would like to give more sentences about adverbial clause of time, condition or concession? S4: After she got married, Lucy changed completely. S5: You didn’t look very well when you got up this morning. ‎ S6: If the rain stops, we’ll be able to go for a walk. ‎ S7: Supposing (that) we miss the train, what shall we do? ‎ S8: We intend to go to India, even if air fares go up again between now and the summer. ‎ S9: However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight. ‎ Step III Grammar Practice ‎ Ask the students to finish Activities 2 and 3. These two activities are designed for the students to practice choosing the proper conjunctions. Then check the answers in class. ‎ T: Now let’s go on to Activity 4. Complete the sentences with information about yourself. First please write down your sentences on your book. Then read the sentences to your partner. ‎ A moment later, ask several students to read out their sentences. ‎ Sample sentences: ‎ ‎1. Before I went to bed, I had finished all the exercises. ‎ ‎2. Ever since I study here, my parents have always been worried about me. ‎ ‎3. Whenever I see the photo, I will think of my former teacher. ‎ ‎4. While I left the classroom last night, there were few students there. ‎ ‎5. I won’t give in until I make great progress in English study. ‎ ‎6. Soon after I have lunch, I will have a good sleep. ‎ ‎【高考试题赏析】‎ ‎1. The WTO cannot live up to its name _____ it does not include a country that is ‎ home to one fifth of mankind. ‎ ‎ A. as long as B. while ‎ ‎ C. if D. even though ‎2. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could ‎ answer the phone. ‎ ‎ A. as B. since C. until D. before ‎3. —Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?‎ ‎ —Yes, I gave it to her _____ I saw her. ‎ ‎ A. while B. the moment ‎ ‎ C. suddenly D. once ‎4. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _____ he could prepare his grand surprise ‎ for the party. ‎ ‎ A. which B. when C. so that D. as if ‎5. Don’t be afraid of asking for help _____ it is needed. ‎ ‎ A. unless B. since C. although D. when ‎6. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _____ it got worse.‎ ‎ A. until B. when C. before D. as ‎7. Come and see me whenever _____. ‎ ‎ A. you are convenient ‎ B. you will be convenient ‎ C. it is convenient to you ‎ D. it will be convenient to you ‎8. —How far apart do they live?‎ ‎ — _____ I know, they live in the same neighborhood. ‎ ‎ A. As long as B. As far as ‎ C. As well as D. As often as ‎9. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity _____ he reaches the ‎ end of the story.‎ ‎ A. when B. unless C. after D. until ‎10. Roses need special care _____ they can live through winter. ‎ ‎ A. because B. so that C. even if D. as ‎11. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _____ I disagree.‎ ‎ A. why B. where C. what D. how ‎12. We cannot figure out _____ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are ‎ dying out. ‎ ‎ A. that B. as C. why D. when ‎13. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _____ she was bitten on ‎ the leg by a lion. ‎ ‎ A. when B. while C. since D. once ‎14. _____ accept that he is not perfect; I do actually like the person. ‎ ‎ A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless ‎15. There were dirty marks on her trousers _____ she had wiped her hands.‎ ‎ A. where B. which C. when D. that ‎16. You should try to get a good night’s sleep _____much work you have to do.‎ ‎ A. however B. no matter ‎ ‎ C. although D. whatever Key: 1~ 5 CDBCD 6~10 CCBDD 11~15 BCAAA ‎‎16 A Step IV Preposition Practice ‎ First go over the usage of some prepositions. Then ask the students to finish Activities 5 and 6. ‎ Show the following two sentences on the screen. ‎ I spoke to a girl who has brown eyes. ‎ I spoke to a girl with brown eyes. ‎ T: Well, please look at the screen. There are two sentences that mean the same thing. In the second sentences we use the preposition with which means having or possessing. Now, I will explain other three prepositions to you. ‎ Show the following on the screen. ‎ from: someone who comes from a particular place lives, works, or belongs there in: wearing something ‎ on: touching or being supported by a particular surface ‎ T: Now, please complete the phrases with the prepositions in the box in Activity 5. ‎ A moment later, check the answers. ‎ Sample answers: ‎ a girl in a Li Ning tracksuit ‎ a journalist from a national channel ‎ a child with blue eyes ‎ a young man on a bike ‎ T: Let’s go on to next activity. Please rewrite the sentences with preposition phrases in Activity 6. ‎ A moment later, ask several students to read their sentences with their answers. Then ask the students to finish Activities 1, 2 and ‎4 in the WORKBOOK. ‎ Step V Homework ‎ ‎1. Finish off Activity 4. ‎ ‎2. Preview the Listening part. ‎ The Fourth Period Listening Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 boxing, world champion, World Cup b. 重点句子P46‎ How many goals did Pele score in his first World Cup?‎ How did he score in the 1972 World Cup final?‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Through listening, enable the students to learn something about world famous sports stars and learn to seize the useful information according to the listening material.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the students to know how to get the main idea about sports stars.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Help the students learn something about some world famous sports stars about sports stars. ‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to help the students understand the detailed materials.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening-and-answering activities, discussion, individual or group work.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder and a multiple-media computer.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ StepⅠ Revision ‎ Check the homework.‎ T: During the last period, I asked you to do Activity 3. Now I’ll ask one of you to read the passage with your answers. ‎ A sample answer:‎ Ever since I was a child, my dream has been to play table tennis like Deng Yaping. However, I had no opportunity to go to a sporting school. So I have not enough time ‎ to practice until recently I was chosen as a team member by our school team. Now I spend several hours on practicing it every week. Whatever difficulties I meet, I will try my best to overcome them and improve my skill.‎ Step Ⅱ Warning up and Lead-in Show some pictures of sports stars home and abroad on the screen.‎ T: Look at the screen please. Who are they?‎ ‎ ‎ Ss: Deng Yaping, Yao Ming‎, ‎Jordan and Liu Xiang.‎ T: They are all sport stars. Do you know any other sports stars?‎ Ss: Sun Jihai, Xing Luna ...‎ T: Then do you know what they do? Please make a chart like the one on the screen.‎ Name Sports Vocation Den Yaping Table tennis Table tennis player Let the students work in groups of six. A few minutes later, check their answers.‎ T: What else do you know about them?‎ S1: I’d like to say something about Liu Xiang. He was born on July 13th, 1983. He comes from Shanghai. He is 1.88 metres tall and 74 kilograms. In the last Olympic games, he got a gold medal in 110-metre hurdle. It was the first time that our country won a gold medal in such an event.‎ Ss: ...‎ T: Great! You know so much about these sports stars. But we should know it is not easy to become a sports star. He or she must have an iron will and decent spirit. He or she must face many difficulties and challenges, including serious injury. He or she must know he or she is working for his / her motherland.‎ Step Ⅲ Listening T: OK! Now let’s open the textbook. Look at the three pictures. Can you name each sport? ‎ Ss: Yes. The sport in picture 1 is boxing. The one in picture 2 is running race and the last one is football game.‎ T: Who is the sportsman in each picture?‎ Ss: The first one is Ali, the second one is Kip Keino and the last one is Pele.‎ T: Can you tell me more about them?‎ S1: I will have a try. Ali was recognized as the world’s greatest sportsperson ever when he was granted award of “Sports Personality of the Millennium” by BBC people’s choice award at the end of the millennium.‎ T: Who can tell something about the other two people?‎ S2: I just know Kip Keino is famous for running and he won many medals in Olympic Games. Pele, a South American superstar, who was the world’s most famous and highest-paid athlete when he joined a North American team in 1975. He led the Brazilian national soccer team to win three World Cup victories in 1958, 1962 and 1970. In 1980, he was named athlete of the century.‎ T: Good! Let’s listen to part 1 first and tick what people listening to the program have to do.‎ Give the students several seconds to scan the requirement and make sure they know what they should do. Then play the tape for the students and finish Activity 2. After that check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Just now, some students gave a brief introduction about Ali, Kip Keino and Pele. Do you want to know more about them?‎ Ss: Yes. ‎ T: Then let’s listen to Part 2 of the conversation.‎ Go through the requirement of Activity 3 with the students. Play the tape twice. For the first time, students just listen. For the second time, students should answer the questions. Pause the tape if necessary. Finally, check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Let’s listen to Part 2 again and finish Activities 4 and 5.‎ Play the tape again and let the students discuss the questions in pairs. Then check the answers.‎ Step IV Listening Practice ‎1. Pre-listening ‎ Ask the students to finish Activity 12 of WORKBOOK. ‎ T: Look at Activity 12. You can use the words in the boxes to help you. For example, I don’t think girls could do boxing because they might get hurt. Now discuss with your partner and write down as many sentences as possible. Then I will ask some of you to read your sentences. ‎ A few minutes later, ask several students to read their sentences. ‎ T: Well, who would like to read your sentence first? ‎ S1: I don’t think boys and girls in China can play golf because it will cost them too much money. ‎ S2: In my opinion, girls had better not go mountain climbing because it is dangerous for them. ‎ S3: I believe boys enjoy playing football because they think playing football is exciting. ‎ ‎...‎ ‎2. Listening ‎ T: Now we are going to listen to a passage about sports. You will listen to it three times. When I play the tape for the first time, just listen without making notes. The second time I play the tape, try to write down the answers. The last time I play the tape, check your answers. ‎ Then check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step V Summary and Homework T: Today we have reviewed some sports names and known some world stars. After class please collect some information about your favorite sports star. You can go to the library or surf the Internet. Then preview CULTURAL CORNER.‎ The Fifth Period Extensive ‎Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 marathon, final, champion, quality, ultimate, rise to one’s feet, pick ... up b. 重点句子P49‎ The marathon has been an Olympic event since the modern games started in 1896. ‎ Officials picked him up and helped him to the finishing line. ‎ Perhaps one of the most beautiful and extraordinary marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon, which most competitors find is the toughest course to run. ‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about marathon and the Paralympics. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to talk about sports with the target language in this unit. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Talk about marathon. ‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to talk about sports using the words learnt in this module.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Fast reading.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder, a projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in ‎ T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!‎ Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. Chen. ‎ T: Everyone knows a lot about Olympics. Who knows which is the final event in the Olympics? ‎ Ss: The final event in the Olympics is the marathon. ‎ T: Yes, you are right. In this lesson, we are going to learn something about the marathon. ‎ Step Ⅱ Cultural Corner ‎1. Scanning ‎ Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately. Give students several minutes to look through the whole passage and try to remember some information. Tell the students to read silently and then choose the right answers according to the passage. ‎ T: Now please go through the passage quickly and choose the best answers according to the text.‎ Show the following on the screen.‎ ‎1. At first the distance of the marathon was ______ kilometers. ‎ A. 26 B. ‎40 C. 42 D. 50 ‎ ‎2. The marathon became an Olympic event ______. ‎ A. in 776 BC B. in 1896 ‎ C. in 1908 D. in 1992‎ ‎3. There are marathons in over 60 countries and ______ cities around the world today. ‎ A. hundreds of B. thousands of C. two million D. more than one hundred Several minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.‎ Key: BBA ‎2. Skimming Ask the students to read the text again and then work together with their partners to get some detailed information. ‎ T: Now we are going to read the passage again and answer a few detailed questions. Please look at the questions on the screen.‎ Show the following questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. What are the origins of the marathon? ‎ ‎2. Why is the marathon the last Olympic event? ‎ ‎3. Which is the toughest marathon course to run for the competitors? ‎ A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Time is up! Who would like to answer the first question? ‎ S1: One is that a soldier ran from the scene of the battle, Marathon, to Athens, to ring the news of a Greek victory against the Persians. The other is that in 1908 the King of England wanted the runners to leave from his castle in Windsor and arrive in a new stadium in central London. The distance is about 42 kilometers. ‎ T: Good! Who knows why the marathon is the last Olympic event?‎ S2: Because it is thought to be the hardest. ‎ T: OK! The last one. ‎ S3: The toughest course is the Great Wall Marathon.‎ ‎3. Main idea Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to try to get the main idea of the text after listening. ‎ T: Now we are going to listen to the whole passage. After listening, try to get the main idea of the passage. You can discuss your main idea with your partner. ‎ Play the tape for the students to listen and give the students two minutes to prepare after listening. Then ask one of them to give the main idea.‎ T: Well, who wants to tell us the main idea of the passage? Volunteer! ‎ S4: In this passage, the writer mainly tells us that the marathon, the final Olympic event, is the most exciting event. ‎ T: Excellent! Thank you! ‎ Step Ⅲ Reading ‎1. Skimming Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and answer the questions. ‎ T: Everybody knows Olympics, who can tell me something about Olympics? ‎ S5: Olympics are held every four years. Many athletes from more than one hundred countries take part in the Olympics. ‎ S6: The first modern Olympic Games was held in 1896. T: OK! You know a lot about the Olympics, but do you know the Paralympics? ‎ Ss: Sorry, I don’t know. ‎ T: Well, in this lesson we are going to learn a passage about the Paralympics. Please ‎ look at the questions on the screen.‎ Show the following questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. What are the Paralympics?‎ ‎2. When did they start?‎ ‎3. How many schoolchildren watched them in Sydney? A moment later, check the answers by asking three students to answer the questions. ‎ Sample answers: ‎ ‎1. The paralympics are the games for sportsmen and women with a disability. ‎ ‎2. They started in 1948. ‎ ‎3. Fifty thousand Australian schoolchildren watched the Paralympics. ‎ ‎2. Passage Analyzing Ask the students to read the passage again and get the main idea of each paragraph. ‎ T: There are three paragraphs in this passage. Read the passage again and try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. ‎ Give the students enough time to prepare. ‎ Sample answers: ‎ Para‎ 1: What the Paralympics are. ‎ Para‎ 2: The history of the Paralympics. ‎ Para‎ 3: The games of the Paralympics. ‎ Step Ⅳ Homework ‎ T: In this lesson we learned the marathon and the Paralympics. After class, please preview the writing part. ‎ The Sixth Period Writing Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 noticeboard, regional, championship, contact, ban, revive, essential ‎ b. 重点句子 Any problems, please contact me at 6078512-123 before Thursday. P48‎ It is more important to compete than to succeed. P47‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Learn to write a notice about a sports event.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write a notice about a sports event. ‎ Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点 Teach the students the steps to write a notice about a sports event.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Task-based learning. ‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 StepⅠGreetings ‎ T: Good morning / afternoon, everyone!‎ Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. Chen.‎ StepⅡ Reading and Writing ‎ ‎1. Reading ‎ Ask the students to read the notice and answer the three questions. ‎ T: Read the notice and then try to choose the best answers. ‎ A few minutes later, check the answer in class.‎ T: Time is up. Now the first one, who is it for? ‎ S1: It is for athletics teams members. ‎ T: OK! The second one, who is it from? ‎ S2: It is from a team trainer. ‎ T: The last one, where can you find notices like this? S3: On a school noticeboard. ‎ T: Good! You are right. ‎ ‎2. Writing ‎ Show the following on the screen.‎ ‎﹡Choose a different sport. ‎ ‎﹡You are the trainer for your school team. ‎ T: Now, suppose you are the trainer for your school team. Write a similar notice for ‎ the team giving information about the next event. I think the notice above can give you ideas. You will have eight minutes to do this job. After that, I’ll ask two of you to read your notices to us. ‎ Give the students enough time to prepare. ‎ Sample notice: ‎ Athletics Next event Football Match Semi-finals Place Anhui Provincial Gym Centre Date Sunday October 15th Bus leaves at 8:‎30a.m, outside school gate Back at 6:00p.m Notes Remember to bring tracksuit, trainers and kneenaps. ‎ ‎ Lunch is free. ‎ ‎ Any problems, please contact me at 0551-6670116 before Friday. ‎ ‎ Cheng Taihe ‎ Step Ⅲ Task ( P50 )‎ ‎1. Making a list of names of Chinese personalities. Show the four pictures on the screen. ‎ T: Please look at the four pictures. Do you know who the four people are in the pictures?‎ Ss: They are Wang Nan, Wang Yifu, Wu Peng and Liu Xiang. ‎ T: Why do you know them? ‎ Ss: Because they are famous sports personalities in our country. ‎ T: Can you give more examples? Now bring out a piece of paper and make a list of names of Chinese sports personalities. ‎ Go around the classroom and collect some good ones and read them in class. ‎ Samples: ‎ Xu Haifeng, Guo Jingjing, Liu Xuan, Kong Linghui, Tian Liang, Li Ning, Li Xiaopeng, Deng Yaping ...‎ ‎2. Discussion. ‎ T: OK! You know many Chinese sports personalities. Who do you think are the greatest ones? Vote for the three greatest and discuss your choices with your partner. ‎ A few minutes later, ask several students to tell their answers. ‎ Sample: ‎ Yao‎ Ming, Wang Nan, Guo Jingjing T: Please write a short fact file for one of the three greatest. If possible, complete the file with a photo and draw a medal-gold, silver or bronze.‎ Sample: ‎ Yao‎ Ming ‎ Age: 23 ‎ Height: ‎‎2.26 m Born: Sept. 12, 1980 ‎ Weight: ‎134 kg ‎ Position: Center ‎ Club: the Houston Rockets ‎ Achievement: one of the most exciting rookie years in NBA history In the NBA, scored an average of 13.5 points, 8.2 rebounds, and 1.74 blocks per game, earning him unanimous NBA All-Rookie First Team honors reached three blocks 26 times, as Houston held a 22-4 record in these contests started at center for the Western Conference in the 2003 NBA All-Star Game ‎ after ranking fourth overall in All-Star balloting with 1,286,324 votes and was named the Western Conference Rookie of the Month for December and February ‎ Wang Nan Birthplace: Fushun, Liao ning Province Birthday: Oct. 23rd, 1978‎ Height: 1.62 meters ‎ Weight: 59 kilograms ‎ Achievement: 1998 World Cup: one gold medal ‎ ‎ 1999 World Cup: one gold medal ‎ 2000 Olympics: two gold medals ‎ ‎ 2001 World Cup: three gold medals ‎ 2003 World matches: five gold medals ‎ 2004 Olympics: one gold medal Guo Jingjing Birthplace: Baoding‎, ‎Hebei Province Birthday: Oct. 15th, 1981‎ Height: 1.63 meters ‎ Weight: 49 kilograms Hobby: music ‎ Achievement: 2000 Olympics: two silver medals ‎ ‎2002 World Cup: two gold medals, one silver medal ‎2004 World Cup: one gold medal, one silver medal ‎2004 Olympics: two gold medals Step Ⅳ Writing ( P96 )‎ T: Now please to do Activity 16. Let’s read a fact file. After that please ask and answer questions about the information in each fact file in pairs. ‎ Several minutes later, ask several pairs to give their questions and answers in class. ‎ Samples: ‎ ‎1. S1: How long did ancient games last?‎ ‎ S2: One day. ‎ ‎2. S1: Who was the first modern Olympic champion? S2: James Connolly. ‎ ‎3. S1: What do the five Olympic rings stand for?‎ ‎ S2: They stand for the five continents. ‎ T: Now please write a short history of the Olympic Games for China Daily. Use the ‎ headings in the fact files to write one paragraph on each topic. ‎ Give the students enough time to prepare and then ask two students to read their articles. ‎ A sample version: ‎ ‎ The Olympic Games started in Olympia‎, ‎Greece over 2,700 years ago. The Olympics were banned by Roman emperor Theodosius 393 AD. In 1896, they were revived by Frenchman, Baron de Coubertin. ‎ ‎ At first ancient games lasted only one day. There were few sports. They were running, long jump, boxing, horse riding, and athletics. The Olympics have been developing. The 2004 Olympics in Athens lasted 16 days, much longer than before. Over 10,000 sportsmen and sportswomen took part in 28 different sports. ‎ ‎ Modern Olympics started in 1896. The champion is James Connolly. In the 2004 Olympics, the USA won the most gold medals and China ranked the second. ‎ ‎ There are three things that we should know. One is that time is measured in 100ths of a second. Another is that the five Olympic rings stand for the five continents. The last thing is that the important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning, but taking part. ‎ T: As we know the 2008 Olympics will be held in China. Now please write notes about the Olympic Games in China. They should contain the following. ‎ Show the following on the screen. ‎ ‎﹡where events will be held ‎ ‎﹡where the sportsmen and women will stay ‎ ‎﹡who will come and watch ‎ ‎﹡who will help organize the games ‎ ‎﹡which sports will China perform well in ‎ A few minutes later, ask several students to read their notes. ‎ A sample answer: ‎ ‎ The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008 which is organized by Beijing Organizing Committee for GAMES the 29th Olympiad. It will be a place where dreams come true. The events will be held in the main Olympic stadium ― the ‎ national stadium, the building is to be based on a nest-like design, planned jointly by Swiss and Chinese architects. By that time, the visitors of many other countries will come to China. They may come here to cheer for their athletes or learn something about China. I believe the visitors will be from every walk of life. I believe Chinese athletes will do well in some traditional events.‎ Step Ⅴ Homework ‎1. Review the whole module.‎ ‎2. Preview the next module.‎

