2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book4Unit4Bodylanguage课时跟踪练 人教版

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2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book4Unit4Bodylanguage课时跟踪练 人教版

课时跟踪练19 Unit 4 Body language Ⅰ.阅读理解 A It was the beginning of another school year.I had agreed to teach all struggling students in need of critical intervention (介入).I knew what lay ahead—tough work hours overlaid with guilt, consumed with essays that needed feedback and lesson plans with best practice strategies.No wonder people always acknowledge my teaching career with, “I'm glad it's you and not me.”‎ Suddenly, my mind transported me to my first few years of teaching.‎ ‎“Peter Potter,” I called from my name list, trying to control my laughter.“Laughlin McLaughlin?” Surely these were not real names.‎ ‎“Emotionally disabled...keeps them separated from the other kids...,” the vice headmaster commanded.This was my first teaching assignment.‎ Surely this year could never be as discouraging as those first few.In my new classroom, I looked into the face of Jason.At eleven, his mother was killed in an accident, leaving him with physical,academic,and certainly emotional scars.I looked at another student, Robert, standing at the door; my vice headmaster asked if I would take him, even though he was an eleventh grader in my tenth grade class.‎ But then there were—and are—stories of success—of Dustin, in Graduate School for Electrical and Computer Engineering; of Michael, now a teacher in a city school; of Willie...I thought of the thousands of students whose lives have touched mine far more than I could have ever touched theirs.‎ I broke from my daydream,a smile spreading across my face.Sadness,tears,challenges, fears—yes, teaching is filled with all of these—yet, it is also filled with laughter and smiles, hope, dreams, and rewards beyond measure.‎ ‎“I'm glad it's you and not me.” Those words resounded in my mind once again.‎ ‎1.What might the author's job be like?‎ A.Easy.      B.Boring.‎ C.Interesting. D.Challenging.‎ ‎2.What does the underlined sentence imply?‎ A.These people would like to teach.‎ B.These people did not like the author.‎ - 8 -‎ C.These people would not want this job.‎ D.These people wanted to learn from the author.‎ ‎3.Why did the author mention Jason and Robert?‎ A.To stress the importance of family education.‎ B.To show her regrets about taking up teaching.‎ C.To express her dissatisfaction with the school.‎ D.To introduce the basic situation of her students.‎ ‎4.How did the author feel thinking of the successful students?‎ A.She was doing a worthwhile job.‎ B.She could never go back to the past.‎ C.She was the inspiration behind the success stories.‎ D.She would never make greater achievements in the future.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文讲述了作者从事特殊教育的职业经历。尽管教学中充满了挑战、悲伤、泪水,但是也给作者带来了欢乐、微笑、希望、梦想,以及无法估量的回报。‎ ‎1.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I knew what lay ahead—tough work hours overlaid with guilt,consumed with essays that needed feedback and lesson plans with best practice strategies.”可知,摆在作者面前的是充满内疚感的艰难工作、需要反馈的文章和关于最佳实践策略的课程计划,由此可见作者的工作是具有挑战性的。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎2.解析:句义猜测题。根据画线部分所在句“No wonder people always acknowledge my teaching career with,‘I'm glad it's you and not me’.”(难怪人们总是以“很高兴是你而不是我从事这项工作”来评价我的教学生涯)以及前文所述的教学工作的艰巨性可知,此句话暗示说这些话的人们不愿意做这样的工作。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎3.解析:推理判断题。根据第五段提到的两个学生贾森和罗伯特的情况,以及第六段的内容可知,提及贾森和罗伯特的目的是介绍班级学生的基本情况,故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎4.解析:推理判断题。根据第六段中的“I thought of the thousands of students whose lives have touched mine far more than I could have ever touched theirs.”可知,作者想起了成千上万的学生,他们的生活对作者的影响远远超过作者对他们生活的影响,这说明作者认为自己的工作是值得的,故选A项。‎ 答案:A B Forget the morals that children have learned from The Rabbit and the Turtle and ‎ - 8 -‎ The Lion and the Fox over the years.Children's author Aesop would have had a greater effect with his works if he'd put the stories into the mouths of human characters, at least according to new research from the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE).‎ In the study, researchers read one of three stories to almost 100 children.Story A was Mary Packard's Little Raccoon Learns to Share, in which humanlike animals learn that sharing makes you feel good.Story B is another version of story A, with the animal drawings being replaced with human characters.Story C was about seeds used as a control in the experiment.‎ Before they were read the story, the children chose ten stickers (贴纸) to take home and were told that some children would not have any stickers.It was suggested to the children that they should share their stickers with the stickerless children by putting them in an envelope when the experimenter was not looking.After they had been read the story, the children were allowed to choose another ten stickers, and again asked to donate to the stickerless children.‎ The study found that those children who were read the book with human characters became more generous, while “in contrast, there was no difference in generosity for children who were read the book with humanlike animal characters and the control book; both groups showed a decrease in sharing behaviour”, researchers wrote.‎ The study was led by Patricia Ganea from OISE.“The finding is surprising given that many stories for young children have humanlike animals,” said Ganea.From Aesopica to The Gruffalo and WinniethePooh, taking animals plays a major part in children's literature.‎ Ganea felt that it would be useful for children's book authors to be aware of her research.“We tell stories to children for many reasons, and if the goal is to teach them a moral lesson then one way to make the lesson more accessible is to use human characters,” she said.‎ ‎5.What did researchers do first in the study?‎ A.They read three stories to the children.‎ B.They gave the children three books to read.‎ C.They let the children pick out ten stickers.‎ D.They told the children they should share their stickers.‎ ‎6.What has the study found out?‎ A.Children were not born generous.‎ - 8 -‎ B.Children tend to share if they are taught so.‎ C.Morals learned from storybooks are easy to forget.‎ D.Children's books about humans have a greater moral effect.‎ ‎7.Whom did Ganea offer advice to in the last paragraph?‎ A.Children.‎ B.Story characters.‎ C.Storybook readers.‎ D.Children's book authors.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 多伦多大学安大略教育研究所的最新研究显示,儿童作家伊索作品中的故事如果通过人物角色讲出来,会有更大的效果。研究员发现:那些读过带有人类角色的书的孩子变得更慷慨。‎ ‎5.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Before they were read the story,the children chose ten stickers to take home and were told that some children would not have any stickers.”可知,在进行这项研究之前,研究人员让孩子们选择十张贴纸带回家,并告知他们有一些孩子会没有贴纸。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎6.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的内容可知,加内亚认为让儿童书作者了解她的研究将会很有用。她说:“我们给孩子们讲故事有很多原因,如果我们的目标是给他们上一节道德课,那么让这节课更容易理解的一个方法就是使用人类角色。”故D项正确。‎ 答案:D ‎7.解析:根据最后一段中的“Ganea felt that it would be useful for children's book authors to be aware of her research.”可知,加内亚给儿童读物的作者提出了建议。故选D项。‎ 答案:D Ⅱ.七选五 What happens when you want to go from one place to another, but there's water in the way? That's the problem people faced for hundreds of years in the area that is now New York City.In the city, there is a natural canal called the Narrows, separating Brooklyn on one side from Staten Island on the other.‎ But the Narrows isn't really so narrow.The water is almost a mile wide,and it's more than 100 feet deep. 1 When they wanted to talk to each other, they climbed into their boats and sailed across.‎ By the late 1800s, circumstances had changed dramatically. Population growth meant there were now many people needing to travel between Staten Island and Brooklyn - 8 -‎ ‎ for work. 2 ‎ Between 1888 and 1920 there were two major efforts to build a train tunnel to connect the areas. 3 Proposals to build a connecting bridge made during the 1910s also ended in failure due to opposition from the US Navy.‎ Finally, after World War Ⅱ, there were so many people living in New York City that leaders decided Brooklyn and Staten Island needed a direct connection.Since tunnels were too expensive, they decided to build a bridge.The design selected had two separate roadways stacked on top of each other. 4 Construction, which took five years, was completed in 1964 and cost $320 million.Today about 190,000 cars and trucks cross the bridge every day.‎ ‎ 5 But in the case of the Narrows, figuring out a good solution took hundreds of years.‎ A.Sometimes getting from one place to another is easy.‎ B.Both were quickly abandoned however due to the high costs involved.‎ C.Neither road was large enough to satisfy the existing transport demands.‎ D.It was anticipated that the new train system would help the areas grow even faster.‎ E.Taking a boat every time was very slow, expensive and, in bad weather, unreliable.‎ F.Both would hang in the air from thick steel cables, supported by two giant steel towers.‎ G.For a long time that wasn't a problem, because only a few people lived in Brooklyn and Staten Island.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 纽约湾海峡分隔布鲁克林和斯塔滕岛,以前两岸的人们乘船到对岸去,但随着人口的增多,乘船已不能满足人们通行的需求。几百年来人们想了各种方法连通两地,均无功而返。直到1964年,纽约湾海峡两岸架起了一座桥才连接了两岸。‎ ‎1.解析:根据设空前两句“But the Narrows isn't really so narrow. The water is almost a mile wide,and it's more than 100 feet deep.”可知,纽约湾海峡并非特别狭窄,它有将近一英里宽,一百英尺深。再结合设空后一句“When they wanted to talk to each other,they climbed into their boats and sailed across.”可知,G项(长期以来这不是个问题,因为只有少数人居住在布鲁克林和斯塔滕岛)符合语境,设空后的they指代的是G项中的a few people。‎ 答案:G ‎2.解析:根据设空前一句“Population growth meant there were now many people - 8 -‎ ‎ needing to travel between Staten Island and Brooklyn for work.”可知,人口增长意味着许多人需要往返于布鲁克林和斯塔滕岛之间工作。E项“Taking a boat every time was very slow, expensive and,in bad weather,unreliable.”承上启下,通过说明人口增长后乘船的局限性,引出下文需要另外修建隧道和桥的内容。‎ 答案:E ‎3.解析:根据设空前一句“Between 1888 and 1920 there were two major efforts to build a train tunnel to connect the areas.”和设空后一句“Proposals to build a connecting bridge made during the 1910s also ended in failure due to opposition from the US Navy.”可知,B项中的Both呼应上句中的there were two major efforts,abandoned呼应空后中的also ended in failure。‎ 答案:B ‎4.解析:根据设空前一句“The design selected had two separate roadways stacked on top of each other.”可知,选定的桥的设计有两条相互重叠的独立道路,设空后一句中又提到桥于1964年建成,由此推知本空应接着介绍桥的情况,结合选项可知,F项符合语境。‎ 答案:F ‎5.解析:根据设空处后一句“But in the case of the Narrows, figuring out a good solution took hundreds of years.”中的But可知,设空处跟设空处后一句所表达的内容是相反的,设空处后一句说经过几百年的时间,纽约湾海峡才找到能够解决人们通行问题的好方法,再结合选项可知,A项符合语境。‎ 答案:A Ⅲ.语法填空 As we all know, eye contact is a natural part of most casual conversations, which 1. (be) not always so exciting but always important.‎ We make assumptions about people's personalities based 2. how much they meet our eyes or look away when we are talking to them.And when we pass strangers in the street or some other public places, we can be left feeling 3. (reject) if they don't make eye contact with us.‎ Some research has found eyes that are gazing (凝视) grab and hold 4. (we) attention, making us less aware of what else is going on around us.Research also shows that we 5. (general) consider people who make more eye contact to be more dependable, sincere and intelligent.‎ ‎ 6. eye contact is a great thing and a vital tool for improving 7. quality of all our facetoface interactions with others, it doesn't mean 8. (much) eye contact is always better.Psychologists recently conducted a study at a science - 8 -‎ ‎ museum 9. (find) out how long the eye contact should be.They concluded that, on average, the 10. (long) of eye contact was three seconds.Few people preferred gazes that lasted longer than nine seconds.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 眼神交流在人们的日常交往中起着很重要的作用。不同关系之间的交流是不同的,而且眼神交流的时间长短影响着交流的质量。‎ ‎1.解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意为:众所周知,眼神交流是大多数非正式谈话中很自然的一部分,它不总是那么令人兴奋,但却始终很重要。分析句子结构可知,此空为which引导的非限制性定语从句中的系动词,which指代的是主句中的eye contact,为第三人称单数,根据主句中的is可知,从句的时态也应为一般现在时。故填is。‎ 答案:is ‎2.解析:考查介词。句意为:我们对于人的个性的推测基于我们和他们谈话的过程中他们与我们的眼神交汇的次数或转移目光的次数。base...on...为固定搭配,意为“以……为根据;依据……”。故填on。‎ 答案:on ‎3.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:当我们在大街上或其他公共场所经过陌生人(的身旁)时,如果他们不与我们进行眼神交流,我们则会有一种被拒绝的感觉。分析句子结构可知,设空处应与feeling一同构成主语we的补足语,we与reject之间为逻辑上的被动关系。故填rejected。‎ 答案:rejected ‎4.解析:考查代词。句意为:一些研究已经发现凝视的双眼能吸引并保持我们的注意力,使我们较少注意到周围发生的其他事。设空处修饰名词attention,应用形容词性物主代词,故填our。‎ 答案:our ‎5.解析:考查词性转换。句意为:研究还表明,我们普遍认为那些与我们进行更多眼神交流的人更可靠、更真诚和更聪明。设空处在句中作状语,修饰动词consider,应用副词。故填generally。‎ 答案:generally ‎6.解析:考查状语从句。句意为:虽然眼神交流是一件很美妙的事情,也是提升我们与他人面对面互动交流质量的一个重要工具,但这并不意味着更多的眼神交流总是更好的。根据句意及空后的doesn't mean可知,前后部分存在让步关系,设空处应为让步状语从句的引导词。故填While/Although/Though。‎ 答案:While/Although/Though ‎7.解析:考查冠词。句意见上一题解析。根据句意可知,此处特指我们与他人面对面交流的质量,应用定冠词。故填the。‎ - 8 -‎ 答案:the ‎8.解析:考查形容词的比较等级。句意见第6题解析。设空处为修饰eye contact的定语,根据语境可知,此处应用比较级形式与后面的better保持一致。故填more。‎ 答案:more ‎9.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:心理学家最近在一个科学博物馆进行了一项研究,以明确眼神交流的最佳时长。设空处作目的状语,表示该实验的目的。故填to find。‎ 答案:to find ‎10.解析:考查词性转换。句意为:他们的结论是,眼神交流的平均时长是三秒钟。分析句子结构可知,设空处应为that从句中的主语,且其前有定冠词the限定,其后又有of修饰,应用名词形式。故填length。‎ 答案:length - 8 -‎

