2018-2019学年新疆第二师华山中学高一上学期期中考试 英语

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2018-2019学年新疆第二师华山中学高一上学期期中考试 英语

‎2018-2019学年新疆第二师华山中学高一上学期期中考试 英语 第一部 分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. How much will the man pay?‎ A. $70.‎ B. $80.‎ C. $100.‎ ‎2. What happened to Amanda?‎ A. She failed to go to the beach.‎ B. She was caught in a fire.‎ C. She got sunburnt.‎ ‎3. Where does the conversation take place?‎ A. In a restaurant. ‎ B. In a hotel. ‎ C. In a shop.‎ ‎4. Why is the man looking for Sharon?‎ A. To invite her for lunch.‎ B. To check some information.‎ C. To hand in his sales report.‎ ‎5. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. Some books.‎ B. A project. ‎ C. A desk.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What sport did Paul play?‎ A. Basketball.‎ B. Baseball.‎ C. Football.‎ ‎7. Who showed little interest in the sports afternoon?‎ A. Anne. ‎ B. Tom.‎ C. Susan.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What is the woman doing?‎ A. Asking for directions.‎ B. Checking job information.‎ C. Having an interview.‎ ‎9. What do we know about the woman?‎ A. She has been working for three years.‎ B. She teaches second-year students.‎ C. She is a student reporter.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. How did the woman travel?‎ A. By plane.‎ B. By car.‎ C. By train.‎ ‎11. What does the woman want to drink?‎ A. Orange juice.‎ B. Coffee.‎ C. Water.‎ ‎12. What does the man ask the woman to do for a book in the end?‎ A. Write a passage.‎ B. Design a cover.‎ C. Take photos.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Who is the man probably?‎ A. The house owner.‎ B. The woman’s father. ‎ C. The woman’s husband.‎ ‎14. What is the problem with the air conditioner in the bedroom?‎ A. It is old.‎ B. It is noisy. ‎ C. It looks awful.‎ ‎15. What was fixed last year?‎ A. The TV set.‎ B. The fridge.‎ C. The washing machine.‎ ‎16. What will the man do next week?‎ A. Repair the sofa.‎ B. Have the TV set checked out.‎ C. Replace the bedroom air conditioner.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. When did the speaker get home?‎ A. At about 2:30 am.‎ B. At about 7:30 am.‎ C. At about 8:30 am.‎ ‎18. How did the speaker feel about the weather during the party?‎ A. Surprised.‎ B. Unconcerned.‎ C. Worried.‎ ‎19. What can we learn about the speaker?‎ A. He couldn’t find his car.‎ B. He likes disco very much.‎ C. He had a good time at the party.‎ ‎20. How did the speaker get home?‎ A. On foot. ‎ B. By car.‎ C. By taxi.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.‎ FAIREMONT HOTEL Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:‎ WILSON BOOKSTORE Accountant(会计):‎ Aged under 22.‎ At least high school graduates.‎ Good-looking men at least 1.72 metres tall ‎ and women at least 1.65‎ Those knowing foreign languages ‎ favoured.‎ Paid 1600-2200 dollars per month.‎ One secretary:‎ Aged under 30. ‎ Females favoured.‎ Good at writing and skilled at computers.‎ Paid 2000-3000 dollars monthly.‎ If interested, call 465-4768 or write to : ‎ Mr. Jack Hundris Room 0825m Fairemont Hotel ‎567 Wood Street, San Marers, 78003‎ Fax: 6954828‎ Aged between 25 and 40.‎ With an experience of at least two years.‎ With a degree and an accountant ‎ certificate.‎ Paid 3000-4000 dollars monthly.‎ With a practical knowledge of computer.‎ Computer Salesclerk:‎ Aged 25 or less.‎ Basic education of 12 years or more.‎ Good at computer.‎ Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthly.‎ Tel: 447-4398‎ Fax: 3485269‎ ‎21. Which job of the four jobs will be paid best monthly from the passage?‎ A. Computer Salesclerk B. Accountant ‎ C. Secretary D. Not mentioned in the text ‎22. If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can just apply for the position as ______.‎ A. a secretary B. a waiter or waitress ‎ C. an accountant D. a salesclerk ‎23. If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following conditions except _________.‎ A. being a woman B. knowing well how to use a computer C. having been an accountant D. having an accountant certificate ‎24. If you want to try for a job in Fairemont Hotel, you _________.‎ A. have to be a woman and know foreign languages ‎ B. should be a university graduate C. have to be taller than 1.72 meters ‎ D. should be younger than 30 years of age B Do you like traveling? Here is some advice.‎ ˜Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys.‎ ˜Traveling on trains or buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.‎ ˜If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to wear sunblocks(防晒霜)and sunglasses.‎ ˜Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments.‎ ˜Be careful with your things whenever you go to busy places, like a train station. There are often thieves there.‎ ˜Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you have one, take your student card with you and save money.‎ ˜If you travel abroad, remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, don’t lose it!‎ ‎25. If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take with you.‎ A. some fruit and drinks B. warm clothes and sports shoes C. sunglasses and sunblocks D. most comfortable clothes ‎26. According to the passage, is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调).‎ A. reading a good book B. taking a camera ‎ C. listening to music D. playing games ‎27. The underlined word “capture” in this passage means .‎ A. 感受 B. 拍摄 C. 控制 D. 体验 C When I was a little girl, I remember that when my dad was repairing something, he would ask me to hold the hammer, so we would have time for a conversation with each other. I never saw my dad drinking or taking a night out. All he did after work was taking care of his family.‎ I grew up and left home for college and since then, my dad had been calling me every Sunday morning. And when I bought a house several years later, my dad painted it by himself in the fierce summer heat. All he asked was to talk to him, but I was too busy in those days.‎ Four years ago, my dad visited me. He spent many hours putting together a swing for my daughter. He asked me to have a talk with him, but I had to prepare for a trip that weekend.‎ One Sunday morning we had a telephone talk as usual. I noticed that my dad had forgotten some things that we discussed lately. I was in a hurry, so our conversation was short. Several hours later that day I received a call. My father was in the hospital. Immediately I bought a plane ticket and on my way I was thinking about all the occasions I missed to have a talk with my dad. By the time I arrived at the hospital, my father had passed away. Now it was he who did not have time for a conversation with me. I realized how little I knew about my dad, his deepest thoughts and his dreams.‎ After his death I learned much more about him and even more about myself. All he ever wanted was my time. And now he has all my attention every single day.‎ ‎28. When the author was a little girl, she .‎ A. liked playing on the swing B. often talked with her father C. was good at repairing things D. learned to take care of her family ‎29. When at college, the author .‎ A. received a call from her father every Sunday morning B. phoned her father every Sunday morning C. asked her father to call her every Sunday D. asked her father to talk with her ‎30. Why did the author fail to have a talk with her father four years ago?‎ A. She had got tired of talking with him. B. She was busy painting her house.‎ C. Her daughter asked her to play. D. She was busy planning a trip.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 31 . Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.‎ You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 32 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. 33 ‎ The following methods may work best for you.‎ ‎●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.‎ ‎●Read the text and watch for words carefully that can show main points and supporting facts.‎ ‎● Write your notes in your own words.‎ ‎● 34 ‎ ‎● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.‎ As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols(符号) and that you use them all the time. 35 ‎ A. Use words not complete sentences.‎ B. There are three practical note-taking methods.‎ C. You must write your notes on separate paper.‎ D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.‎ E. You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.‎ F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes. ‎ G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分) ‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ A man worked in a post office. His job was to deal with all 36 that had unclear addresses. One day he came across a letter which was 37 to God. He opened it and it 38 ,“Dear God, I am an 83yearold woman and I live on a very small pension(养老金).Yesterday someone stole my 39 .There was a hundred dollars in it, which was all the money I had 40 until my next pension comes. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and I have invited my last two friends for 41 Without that money ,I have 42 to buy food with. I have no family to 43 ,and you are my only 44 .Can you please help me?” The man was 45 ,and went around showing the letter to all the other workers Each of them 46 their wallets and donated a few dollars. By the time he 47 his showing, he had collected 96 dollars. 48 then he sent it to the old woman. Thanksgiving Day came and went. The workers 49 forgot about it. Then one day, there came another letter from the old lady to God .All the 50 gathered around when the letter was 51 .It read, “Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me?Because of your kindness, I was able to 52 a lovely dinner for my friends. We had a very 53 day, and I told my friends about your 54 gift. Thank you very much!” Seeing this, all the workers felt 55 with the nice thing they had done. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.‎ ‎36. A. stamps B. money C. mail D. postcards ‎37. A. spoken B. written C. recorded D. pointed ‎38. A. noticed B. talked C. read D. told ‎39. A. clothes B. purse C. house D. food ‎40. A. borrowed B. wished C. paid D. left ‎41. A. dinner B. fun C. business D. picnic ‎42. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ‎43. A. live in B. live on C. turn to D. turn back ‎44. A. family B. hope C. friend D. partner ‎45. A. excited B. amazed C. surprised D. moved ‎46. A. gained B. earned C. searched D. explored ‎47. A. finished B. planned C. started D. toured ‎48. A. Or B. As C. And D. But ‎49. A. gradually B. usually C. especially D. easily ‎50. A. friends B. workers C. officers D. guests ‎51. A. sent B. replied C. accepted D. opened ‎52. A. bring B. choose C. prepare D. enjoy ‎53. A. nice B. strange C. common D. formal ‎54. A. traditional B. wonderful C. expensive D. extra ‎55. A. annoyed B. confident C. pleased D. hopeful 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的定语从句关系代词或副词。‎ I was born in a small village, 56 lies in the south of Xinjiang. In this summer vocation, I visited a city 57 name is Shhezi. A famous former general(将军) 58 was named Yang Chengwu was born there. General Yang’s museum is the place 59 he was born.After summer vacation, I went to Kuerle to continue my study. The school 60 name is Hua Shan High School is very famous.The reason 61 I like Hua Shan High School is that there are lots of excellent teachers and students there.Kuerle is a beautiful city, in 62 people are kind and friendly. That’s the reason for 63 I love it so much.64 we all know, senior school is very important. I will try my best to make my school life meaningful.I firmly believed that I will never forget these days 65 I studied there.‎ 第四部分 写作 (共三节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 教材单词拼写。(共5题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据汉语提示,写出考试范围内教材规定单词的正确形式。‎ ‎66.Not knowing a single person at the party, he felt ________ (忽视)by all the people present.‎ ‎67.The ________(表情) on his face suggested that he was not satisfied with the result.‎ ‎68.You'd better find a ________(本地人)to show you the way to the nearest hospital.‎ ‎69.Tom has a good ________(态度) towards his schoolwork and always finishes his homework on time.‎ ‎70.Which sports do you ________(比较喜欢),swimming or rock climbing?‎ 第二节 请选择方框内的短语填入句子的空白处,有一个短语是多余的。(注意所填短语的形式变化)。(共5题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ care about;be concerned about ;give in;‎ face to face;in return;be determined to ‎71. We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met __________.‎ ‎72. It was nearly 11 o’clock yet he was not back. His mother _________ him. ‎ ‎73. The only thing he ___________ is money.‎ ‎74. I thought he was right, so I had to __________.‎ ‎75.I gave him some apples ____________for his help.‎ 第三节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 为了丰富同学们的课外活动,校学生会决定组建自行车俱乐部(cycling club)。假如你是学生会主席,请根据以下提示,用英语准备一份书面通知。‎ ‎1.俱乐部的主要活动内容:‎ 每周一次的基础训练,有教师辅导,安排在课外体育活动时间;‎ 每月一次的户外骑车旅行,安排在月末双休日;‎ ‎2.参加俱乐部的好处(内容自拟,至少两点);‎ ‎3.注意事项:器材自备,活动免费;‎ ‎4.如何加入俱乐部:12月20号前到5号大楼6层602房间报名。‎ 注意:1.通知应包括以上所有信息,可适当发挥;‎ ‎2.词数100左右。‎ Notice In order to make our school life more colorful,we are happy to inform you that ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The Students' Union ‎ December 4‎ 华山中学2018—2019学年 第一学期期中考试 高一英语参考答案 听力答案(1.5*20=30分)‎ ‎1、 A 2、 C 3、 A 4、 B 5、 A ‎ ‎6、 B 7、 A 8、 C 9、 C 10、 B ‎ ‎11、 A 12、 C 13、 A 14、 B 15、 C ‎ ‎16、 B 17、 C 18、 B 19、 C 20、 A ‎ 阅读理解(21-30题,3*10=30分,31-35,2*5=10分,总分40分)‎ ‎21、 B 22、 B 23、 A 24、 D 25、 C ‎ ‎26、 A 27、 B 28、 B 29、 A 30、 D ‎ ‎31、 G 32、 E 33、 F 34、 A 35、 D ‎ 完形填空(1.5*20=30分)‎ 36、 ‎ C 37、 B 38、 C 39、 B 40、 D ‎ ‎41、 A 42、 A 43、 C 44、 B 45、 D ‎ ‎46、 C 47、 A 48、 C 49、 A 50、 B ‎ ‎51、 D 52、 C 53、 A 54、 B 55、 C ‎ 语法填空(1*10=10分)‎ ‎56、which 57、whose 58、who 59、where 60、whose ‎61、why 62、which 63、which 64、As 65.when 教材单词拼写(1*5=5分)‎ ‎66、face to face 67、was concerned about 68、cares about 69、give in 70、in return 短语填空(2*5=10分)‎ ‎71、face to face 72、was concerned about 73、cares about 74、give in 75、in return 书面表达(1*25=25分) ‎ Notice In order to make our school life more colorful,we are happy to inform you that the Students' Union has decided to set up a cycling club.‎ Our cycling club will have a lot of activities. We have basic training once a week which will be instructed by teachers. It will be arranged during the time of afterclass physical activities. There will also be an outdoor cycling trip at the last weekend of each month. We are sure it will be an ideal place where you can make friends and exchange ideas. Besides,the more exercise you take,the better your body will become.‎ So,if you are interested in our club,you can come to our club in Room 602,on the sixth floor,Building 5 before December 20. By the way,you have to prepare the equipment by yourself. Joining the club will be an interesting experience. Besides,it is free of charge.‎ The Students' Union ‎ December 4‎ 听力原文:‎ Text 1‎ M: Is this the bookcase you advertised?‎ W: Yes, it’s our regular $50 bookcase on sale today for $40. If you buy a pair, you can save another $5 for each. ‎ M: OK. I’ll take a pair. ‎ Text 2‎ M: Oh, Amanda, look at you! You are so sunburned! ‎ W: I know! I went to the beach yesterday.‎ M: Does it hurt?‎ W: Oh, yes. I feel like I’m on fire.‎ Text 3‎ W: I waited ten minutes at the table before the waiter showed up and when I finally got served I found it was not what I ordered.‎ M: I’m terribly sorry. It’s been unusually busy tonight.‎ Text 4‎ M: Hi, Mary. I need to check some numbers from the sales report. Is Sharon there?‎ W: No, she’s out for lunch at the moment.‎ M: OK. Please tell her I looked for her when she gets in.‎ Text 5‎ M: Sara, can I have my books back tomorrow? I need them for my project.‎ W: James, I’m very sorry. I lost one of them.‎ M: What? How come?‎ W: I don’t know. I put them on my desk. But I couldn’t find the one with the hard cover.‎ Text 6‎ W: Did you go to the sports afternoon last Friday, Tom? I couldn’t go.‎ M: Yes, we had a great afternoon. I had some horse-riding lessons.‎ W: Really! Sounds fun! What did the others do?‎ M: Well, 6Paul wanted to try basketball, but they don’t do that on Fridays—so he did baseball. ‎ W: Paul is always interested in that. I’m sure he had a good time. What about Susan?‎ M: She did very well. She played in a football team and got two goals!‎ W: Great... Did anyone play tennis?‎ M: Nobody did that. 7Anne didn’t want to do anything but she had to play something so she had a game of table tennis.‎ Text 7‎ M: Miss Park, I’m pleased to meet you. I’m Bill Smith.‎ W: Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith.‎ M: Did you have any difficulty finding our office?‎ W: Not at all, Mr. Smith. The directions were very clear.‎ M: Glad to hear that. Well, shall we start?‎ W: Yes, I’m ready.‎ M: OK. Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?‎ W: OK. I’m a second-year student at Hanguk High School. I’ve been working with the Flying Eagles, the school English newspaper, since I started at the high school.‎ M: Hmm, very interesting! This experience will be useful for the position. What do you do there?‎ W: 9I’m a student reporter. ‎ Text 8‎ M: Hello, Cindy. How was the trip? Did you get the train?‎ W: No, 10I drove. It took me two and a half hours. The highway wasn’t very busy.‎ M: Would you like some coffee or some water after a long trip?‎ W: No, thanks. 11Do you have some orange juice?‎ M: 11Juice, no problem. Here you are.‎ W: Thanks.‎ M: As I said on the phone, I got the designs for the cover of The Wonderful Pyrenees on Tuesday. I like the photos in the design a lot. Where did you get them?‎ W: I took them myself.‎ M: Really? So you’re not only a designer. You’re a photographer, too.‎ W: That’s right.‎ M: 12Are you interested in taking photos for the whole book?‎ W: Yes, of course!‎ Text 9‎ M: I have received your rent for the next year. So how’s everything in the apartment? 14Is the bedroom air conditioner working well?‎ W: Well, it cools pretty well now, 14but it sure makes an awful lot of noise. It makes it hard for me to sleep sometimes.‎ M: Oh, really? I’ll have someone take a look at it. How about the fridge? You said it wasn’t cooling properly?‎ W: Oh, it’s working fine now, thanks.‎ M: Good. 15And is the washing machine OK?‎ W: 15Yes, since you had it fixed last year, I haven’t had any problems with it. I want to talk with you about the sofa, though. It’s really uncomfortable. Maybe it’s time to change it for a new one. How old is it, anyway?‎ M: Well, it’s pretty old. About 20 years, I guess. Maybe it is time to think about a new one. 16Is the TV set working on all the stations?‎ W: 16Not really. ‎ M: OK. 16I’ll have it checked out next week. ‎ Text 10‎ M: I remember very well the night 17I went to a party in town but had to spend six hours getting the five kilometers back home. It was my friend’s dance party. The weather was fine when we left for the party and it only took us twenty minutes to get to the party by car. 19We had a great time at the party. Every now and then someone would arrive and tell us the weather was getting worse. We just kept on partying— 18We weren’t interested in what was happening outside. Then, 17around 2:30 am, it was time to go home. We couldn’t believe it when we got outside. Everything was covered with snow. Where was the car? Luckily we had parked near the disco, so we followed the walls around to the back and went from car to car, looking for ours. Finally, we found it. My brother drove.20I had to walk in front of the car, all the way home, following the side of the road. It was a good thing that I knew the way very well.‎

