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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit5Theme Parks单元学案 一单元基础训练 一、单元单词短语回顾 theme [θi:m] n. 题目;主题(曲)‎ ‎△Camelot Park 卡默洛特公园 ‎(位于英国)‎ central [ˈsentrəl] adj. 中心的;中央的 ‎△Central [ˈsentrəl] Park 中央公园 ‎(位于美国纽约)‎ ‎△Dollywood [ˈdɔlfin n. 多莱坞 ‎(公园名,位于美国)‎ various [ˈvɛəriəs] adj. 不同的;各种各样的 cartoon [kɑ:ˈtu:n] n. 漫画;动画片 be famous for 以……而闻名 ‎△roller coaster n. 过山车 whichever [witʃˈevə] pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个 ‎△pirate  [ˈpaiərət] n. 海盗;盗版 ‎△fairy  [ˈfeəri] tale 神话故事;童话 fantasy [ˈfæntəsi] n. 幻想;怪念头 amusement  [əˈmju:zmənt] n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)‎ swing  [swiŋ] n.秋千;摇摆vt. & vi. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动 attraction  [əˈtrækʃən] n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引 no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 tourism [ˈtuərizəm] n. 旅游业 wherever  [weərˈevə] pron. 无论在什么地方;各处 unique  [ju:ˈni:k] adj. 独一无二的;仅有的 carpenter  [ˈkɑ:pintə] n. 木匠 ‎△craftsman  [ˈkrɑ:ftsmən] n. 匠人;能工巧匠 engine [ˈendʒin] n. 引擎;发动机 ‎△bald bɔ:ld] adj. 秃头的 preserve  [priˈzə:v] vt. 保存;保留 ‎ n. 保护区 length  [leŋθ] n. 长度;长 deed [di:d] n. 行动;事迹 ‎△knight  [nait] n. 骑士;爵士 ‎ be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造 ‎△Merlin the Wizard 魔术师梅林 sword [sɔ:d] n. 剑 ‎△joust  [dʒaust] vi. (指中世纪骑士)‎ ‎ 骑着马用长予打斗 tournament [ˈtuənəmənt]n.锦标赛;联赛 settler  [ˈsetlə] n. 移民;殖民者 athletic [æθˈletik] adj. 运动的 translator  [træns'leitə] n.译员;翻译 minority  [maiˈnɔriti] n.少数;少数民族 cloth [klɔθ] n. 布 ‎△Futuroscope n. 观测未来 ‎(公园名,位于法国)‎ jungle  [ˈdʒʌŋgəl] n. 丛林 ‎△diver  [ˈdaivə] n. 潜水员 creature [ˈkri:tʃə] n. 生物;动物 sunlight [ˈsʌnlait] n. 阳光 ‎△T-Rex n. (=Tyrannosaurus Rex)霸王龙 advance [ədˈvɑ:ns] vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前 in advance 提前 advanced[ədˈvɑ:nst] adj.高级的;先进的 brand [brænd] n. 商标;牌子 get close to 接近 come to life 活跃起来 outing [ˈautiŋ] n.外出;短途旅行;远足 admission [ədˈmiʃən] n. 允许进入;入场费;承认 shuttle [ˈʃʌtl] n. 往返汽车;航天飞机 freeway ˈfri:wei] n. 高速公路 souvenir [ˌsu:vəˈniə] n. 纪念品 sneaker  [ˈsni:kiŋ] n. 运动鞋 brochure  [ˈbrəuʃə] n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南 二、单元重要句式回顾:根据括号内要求翻译句子 ‎1.公园里有许多人。有的在跳舞,有的在画画。(some ... others ...)‎ There_are_a_number_of_people_in_the_park._Some_are_dancing,_others_are_drawing.‎ ‎2.无论他遇到什么问题,都决不放弃。(whatever)‎ Whatever_problems_he_meets_with,_he_never_gives_up.‎ ‎3.我们不仅应该为他们筹集资金,而且应该帮助他们重建家园。(not only ...but also倒装句)‎ Not_only_should_we_raise_money_for_them,_but_also_we_should_help_them_rebuild_their_home.‎ ‎4.杭州以壮丽的风景出名。 (be famous for)‎ Hangzhou_is_famous_for_its_magnificent_scenery.‎ ‎5.这是他们第一次到北京游览,难怪这些孩子们这么高兴。(no wonder)‎ This_is_their_first_visit_to_Beijing_—_no_wonder_the_children_are_so_excited.‎ ‎6.无论她去哪里,那个人都跟着她。(wherever)‎ She_is_followed_by_that_person_wherever_she_goes.‎ ‎7.购物中心卖各种各样的货物。(a variety of)‎ The_shopping_center_sells_a_variety_of_goods.‎ ‎8.那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。(come to life)‎ The_quiet_girl_has_come_to_life_since_she_worked_as_a_sales_assistant.‎ ‎9.扬帆驾舟十分有趣。(It's fun doing sth.)‎ It's_great_fun_sailing_a_boat.‎ ‎10.他的笑话让孩子们发笑。(amuse)‎ His_jokes_amused_the_children.‎ 单元综合知识运用 一 完形填空提速训练 ‎(2018·重庆重点中学协作体适应性考试)It was a sunny day when my dad and I were arriving at his company. We __1__ the car and got out of it. I __2__ and saw a gray thing on the ground. I thought it was a __3__, but it started to move. As we approached we __4__ that it was a small wounded dog.‎ We were so moved by the __5__ that we decided to help the __6__ dog. We bought some dog food in the store across the street and got some __7__ water for the dog in order to help him regain __8__.‎ He was desperate __9__ while we were giving him the food and water he almost __10__ his head in them. Once he had eaten we encouraged him to move; __11__, he could not. My dad tried to take him in his arms, but he started barking due to a wounded bleeding paw. __12__, we made a decision to carry him on a small stretcher (担架) to our __13__.‎ Rapidly, we took him to the vet's for him to receive __14__ treatment. The vet told us that he had a broken leg and that ‎ he had been __15__ for days. He got out of the vet's office after 5 days of __16__, and we decided to look for a __17__ for him.‎ He was finally __18__ by one of my dad's workers and is living __19__. In conclusion, I learned from this that everybody can do an act of kindness. Everyone __20__ a second chance to be happy.‎ 语篇解读:本文为一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己和父亲一道救助一只受伤的狗,最终狗被一个好心人收养的经历。通过这个故事,作者告诉我们每个人都能尽一份爱心,每个人都拥有再次快乐的机会。‎ ‎1.A.left          B.parked C.drove D.boarded 解析:选B 根据上文中的“were arriving at his company”及下文中的“got out of it”可知,作者和父亲把车停(parked)好后下了车。‎ ‎2.A.looked around B.came up C.passed by D.went away 解析:选A 作者环顾(looked around)四周,看见地面上有一个灰色的东西。pass by“路过,经过”;go away “走开,离开”。‎ ‎3.A.plastic box B.rubbish bin C.garbage bag D.metal can 解析:选C 作者以为它是一个垃圾袋,但是它开始移动了。根据上文的“saw a gray thing on the ground”和下文的“it was a small wounded dog”可知,只有garbage bag和gray thing, dog能联系起来。‎ ‎4.A.remembered B.admitted C.expected D.realized 解析:选D 当作者和父亲走近时,他们才意识到那是一只受伤的小狗。remember“记得,记住”;admit“承认”;expect“期待,期望”;realize“意识到”。‎ ‎5.A.scene B.view C.condition D.situation 解析:选A 作者和父亲被眼前的这一幕(scene)打动了,决定帮助这只可怜的小狗。condition“状态,状况”;situation“情况,局面”。‎ ‎6.A.lucky B.missing C.poor D.lovely 解析:选C 参见上题解析。poor“可怜的,不幸的”。‎ ‎7.A.pure B.salty C.sweet D.delicious 解析:选A 作者和父亲在街对面的商店买了一些狗粮并弄了一些纯净(pure)水来帮助它恢复体力。‎ ‎8.A.power B.strength C.energy D.spirit 解析:选B 参见上题解析。power“动力”;strength“体力,力气”;energy“精力”;spirit“精神”。‎ ‎9.A.even if B.as if C.so that D.in that 解析:选C 前后句之间是原因和结果的关系,故用so that“因此,结果”引导结果状语从句。in that“因为”,引导原因状语从句。‎ ‎10.A.hurt B.abandoned C.shook D.buried 解析:选D 根据上文中的“He was desperate”可知,小狗非常需要食物和水,因此当作者和父亲提供给它食物和水时,它差点儿把它的头埋(buried)在其中。‎ ‎11.A.therefore B.besides C.instead D.however 解析:选D 小狗一吃完,作者和父亲就鼓励它动一动,但是,它动弹不得。根据语境可知,本空应填表示转折的however。‎ ‎12.A.In the end B.At first C.In fact D.At one time 解析:选A 最后,作者和父亲决定用小担架把狗带到他们的车上。in the end“最后”;at first“起初”;in fact“事实上”;at one time“一度”。‎ ‎13.A.car B.company C.home D.office 解析:选A 参见上题解析。‎ ‎14.A.affordable B.free C.immediate D.available 解析:选C 很快,作者和父亲带小狗去看了兽医,以便它能得到及时的治疗。affordable“负担得起的”;immediate“立即的,即刻的”;available“可利用的,可得到的”。‎ ‎15.A.continuing B.struggling C.surviving D.starving 解析:选D 根据常识可知,兽医应是对狗的身体状况作评论,故此处应表示“兽医告诉我们它腿受伤了,而且饿了好几天”‎ ‎,故选starving“挨饿”。上文的“He was desperate”也是暗示。‎ ‎16.A.operation B.recovery C.exercise D.adjustment 解析:选B 经过五天的恢复(recovery),小狗得以从兽医诊所出来了,作者和父亲决定为它找一个家。‎ ‎17.A.hospital B.unit C.market D.family 解析:选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎18.A.supported B.adapted C.received D.adopted 解析:选D 根据上文提到的作者和父亲要给狗找一个家的内容可知,作者父亲公司的一名工作人员最终收养(adopted)了这只狗。support“供养,支持”;adapt“适应”;receive“收到”。‎ ‎19.A.happily B.positively C.easily D.simply 解析:选A 结合全文来考虑,这只受伤的狗被作者和父亲救助,然后又被好心人收养,问题最终被圆满地解决,故happily最契合全文主旨。下文中的“to be happy”亦是提示。‎ ‎20.A.demands B.deserves C.allows D.shares 解析:选B 作者通过救治受伤的狗得出启示:每个人都能尽一份爱心,每个人都值得(deserves)拥有再次快乐的机会。demand“需要”;allow“允许”;share“分享”。‎ 二、阅读理解提速练(限时25分钟)‎ A We lived in a very quiet neighborhood.One evening, I heard a loud crash in the street.Earlier, my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks.It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly practice her driving, so I sent her to the store in my truck.‎ At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my truck.I enjoyed having it, but I said, “Guy, my heart is not set on that truck.I like it, but it is just metal and won't last forever.Never set your heart on anything that won't last.”‎ After hearing the loud noise, the whole family ran outside.My son shouted, “Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck.”‎ My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts.Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say, “Here is a chance to show Holly what you really love.She'll never forget it.”‎ The accident had occurred in my own driveway.Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle, the family van.In her inexperience, she had confused the brakes and the gas pedal (加速器).Holly was unhurt physically, but when I reached her, she was crying and saying, “Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry.I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.‎ Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck.I told her the whole story.Her eyes became wet and she said, “That happened to me when I was a girl.I ‎ borrowed my dad's car and ran into a tree trunk that had fallen across the road.I ruined the car.When I got home, my dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.”‎ Over 40 years later, she still felt the pain of that night.It was a deep wound on her soul.‎ I remember how sad Holly was the night she crashed our truck, and how I comforted her.One day, when Holly thinks back on her life, I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of possession.‎ I repaired the van, but the dent (凹痕) in my truck is still there today.It reminds me every day of what really matters in my life.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者有一辆心爱的卡车,一次他让女儿练习开车结果出了事故,作者没有因为爱车受损而责备、打骂女儿,而是安慰她,让她知道自己最在意的是她。‎ ‎1.Why did the author ask Holly to buy the drinks for him?‎ A.He was unwilling to obey his wife.‎ B.He hoped to teach Holly a life lesson.‎ C.He was busy talking with his son about the truck.‎ D.He wanted to give Holly a chance to drive the truck.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly practice her driving, so I sent her to the store in my truck.”可知,作者让Holly替他买饮料是因为他想给Holly一个开卡车的机会。故选D。‎ ‎2.How did the author feel when told about the crash?‎ A.Confused.       B.Concerned.‎ C.Ashamed. D.Annoyed.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一至三句“My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts.Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved?”可知,作者在得知出了车祸后首先想到的是有没有人受伤,所以他感到担忧。故选B。‎ ‎3.Why did the author's friend cry?‎ A.She missed her dad very much.‎ B.She felt extremely sorry for Holly.‎ C.She thought of her painful experience.‎ D.She was moved by what the author had done.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。当作者把女儿撞车的事以及作者对此事的态度和做法告诉了他的朋友之后,他的朋友想起了自己小时候也碰到过的同样的事,由第六段最后两句可知,作者朋友的爸爸残忍地打了她。由此可推断,作者在女儿撞坏汽车后的做法和态度让他的朋友想起了伤心的往事。故选C。‎ ‎4.What's the best title for the passage?‎ A.A Narrow Escape B.A Lesson in Life C.A Valuable Truck D.A Painful Accident 解析:选B 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是最后三段可知,本文旨在让读者认识到生活中真正重要的是什么。B项“生活中的一课”最能概括文章的主旨,适合做标题。故选B。‎ B Music is magic! Music speaks louder than words and it is ‎ a “language” that the whole world can understand.A piece of music can produce a response in the heart and mind.Like feeling an electrical current or receiving a personal radio signal, music has a spiritual effect on a person.Different kinds of music influence people in different ways.‎ I have listened to music all my life. When I was twelve years old, the Beatles came to America and my whole world opened up.Maybe young people today cannot understand the influence of the Beatles when they exploded across America.Their influence changed the way we dressed, looked, acted and spoke ...even our culture.The Beatles arrived in America from the UK just three months after the assassination (暗杀) of President John Kennedy, which had put America into a great depression.And the freshness and lively spirit of the Beatles were exactly what the country needed to refresh itself.‎ Music links the heart of the hearer with that of the composer.This means that it mixes the spirit of the composer with your spirit when you listen to it.And the music can take your spirit out of your body and transport you into another world.Music has a great way of touching people.Music can make you laugh, cry or shout.It's also a great source of inspiration.‎ Try this one day and notice what happens: make yourself a cup of tea, sit on your sofa and play one of your favorite ‎ songs.Close your eyes, and soon you'll find yourself creating vivid mental images matching the music that you are listening to.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了音乐的魅力以及其对人们的影响。‎ ‎5.Music has magical power because it ________.‎ A.is a kind of language B.can be played much louder than words C.receives a personal radio signal D.can influence a person's spirit 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Like feeling an electrical current or receiving a personal radio signal, music has a spiritual effect on a person.”可知,音乐之所以有着神奇的力量是因为它对人们的精神有影响,故选D。‎ ‎6.What can we learn about the Beatles from the passage?‎ A.They appeared at a special time in American politics.‎ B.They are not accepted by modern American people.‎ C.They were the biggest band in American history.‎ D.They represented the roots of American culture.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句“The Beatles arrived in America from the UK just three months after the assassination (暗杀) of President John Kennedy, which had put America into a great depression.”可推知,甲壳虫乐队在总统被暗杀三个月后出现了,这是美国一个特殊的政治时期,故选A。‎ ‎7.What does the writer suggest people do in the last paragraph?‎ A.Create vivid pictures.‎ B.Enjoy drinking in spare time.‎ C.Relax and listen to their favorite music.‎ D.Notice everything happening around.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的整体内容可推知,作者建议人们选择时间放松下来并享受音乐,故选C。‎ C When life takes you away from home, take technology to help guide and entertain you.Travel apps can help make your trip easier and more fun.‎ TripIt Sign up for a free account at the TripIt website and download the app.After that, send any email confirmations for hotels, flights, trains, theaters and other reservations to plans @ tripit.com. TripIt will create a travel route that will be shown in the TripIt app on your phone.TripIt is free but a paid version is available that offers better services.‎ Google Translate When traveling outside your home country, you may need some language assistance.Google Translate is an app that can translate between 103 different languages and help you understand a language other than your native tongue.Copy and paste the text into the app to see a translation.You can also handwrite the text onto the screen.Use your phone's camera and point the lens at words to see the translation on the phone's ‎ screen.Google Translate is available for free.‎ OpenTable OpenTable is a restaurant reservation app to help users discover and make reservations at restaurants.Search by location, cuisine, reviews and prices.OpenTable includes 31,000 restaurants around the world.Check the app to see availability and make reservations within the app.Earn Dining Rewards by making your reservations through OpenTable and get a free meal.OpenTable is available free for Android and iPhone and iPad.‎ Waterlogue Waterlogue is an app that edits photos to look like watercolor paintings.The app is best used on photos of places instead of people.It can make your photos look like works of art.Choose from 14 different filters to get different colors and effects.Waterlogue is available for iPhone/iPad for under D|S4.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四款旅游应用软件,它们会让你的旅行更方便有趣。‎ ‎8.Which travel app can help you plan your trip?‎ A.TripIt. B.Google Translate.‎ C.OpenTable. D.Waterlogue.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段的第三句“TripIt will create a travel route that will be shown in the TripIt app on your phone.”‎ 可知,该款软件能帮你创建旅游路线信息,给你提供较好的旅游计划。故选A项。‎ ‎9.If you want to download the apps mentioned above, which of them do you have to pay for?‎ A.Google Translate. B.Waterlogue.‎ C.TripIt. D.OpenTable.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。四款软件中,只有第四款Waterlogue是付费软件,收费低于4美元。故选B项。‎ ‎10.Google Translate responds to the following ways EXCEPT ________.‎ A.handwriting words on the screen B.copying and pasting words into the app C.reading words into the microphone D.scanning words with the camera 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“You can also handwrite the text onto the screen.”和“Copy and paste the text into the app to see a translation.”以及“Use your phone's camera and point the lens at words to see the translation”可知,A、B、D三项都提到了。只有C项(reading words into the microphone)没有提到。故选C项。‎

