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2020 届二轮复习 构词法 熟读深思 John and his father never agree on one thing, so they often disapprove [ 1 ] of each other, for there was some misunderstanding [ 2 ] between them. Once, John and his parents went to his aunt’s home for dinner. When they left after dinner, John said “Bye-bye!” to his aunt in a low voice. However, his father didn’t hear it and he thought John misbehaved [ 3 ] himself for it was impolite [ 4 ] to leave without saying goodbye. John insisted that he did say it, but his father didn’t listen to him. From then on, John was unfriendly [ 5 ] to his father, which made his father extremely unhappy [ 6 ] . Undoubtedly [ 7 ] , it is unwise [ 8 ] of John to do so. After all, they are father and son. His father sent him to a class of manners to enrich [ 9 ] his knowledge of manners, which his father believed would enable [ 10 ] him to be a good-mannered boy. John’s father said he was angry at his son’s dishonesty [ 11 ] , which would certainly endanger [ 12 ] his future. His father’s nonstop [ 13 ] nonsense caused John much discomfort [ 14 ] . John had to go to the class. Later on, he did everything against his father’s will. 熟读深思 1. dis 表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀 dis 可以加在动词的前面 , approve 赞同→ disapprove 不赞同 , 反对。 2. mis 表示“错误或否定”意义的前缀 mis 可以加在动词的前面, understand 理解→ misunderstand 误解, misunderstanding 是其名词形式。 3. mis 表示“糟糕或否定”意义的前缀 mis 可以加在动词的前面 , behave 表现得体→ misbehave 行为不端。 4. im 前缀 im 通常加在以字母 p 开头的形容词前,表示“不、非”的意思, polite 有礼貌的→ impolite 没礼貌的,而同是表示“不、非”的前缀 il 常加在以字母 l 开头的单词前;前缀 ir 则常加在以字母 r 开头的单词前。 5 ~ 8. un 前缀 un 通常加在形容词前或加后缀才得来的形容词或副词的前面,表示“不、非”的意思, friendly 友好的→ unfriendly 不友好的, happy 开心→ unhappy 不开心 。 9 ~ 10. en 前缀 en 通常加在形容词前面,表示“使 ……” 的意思, rich 丰富的→ enrich 使丰富,使充实; able 能够→ enable 使能够 。一般的前缀不会改变词性,但前缀 en 会改变所加的单词的词性。 11. dis 表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀 dis 可以加在名词的前面, honesty 诚实→ dishonesty 不诚实。  12. en 前缀 en 也可以加在名词前面,表示“使 ……” 的意思, danger 危险 → endanger 危及。 13. non 前缀 non 构成形容词、副词和名词,表示“无、没有”的意思。 14. dis 表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀 dis 可以加在名词的前面, comfort 舒服→ discomfort 不舒服。 构词法与高考 1. 阅读理解中考纲词的派生词与合成词不算生词,不用汉语注明。因此,熟练掌握考纲词汇和常见的构词法,阅读这一关就好突破了。 2. 语法填空中必考词类转换。考查不同词性在句中的不同用法,其中主要涉及以下三条: ⑴ 在句中修饰动词、形容词、另一副词或全句等作状语,用副词。 ⑵ 在句中作定语、表语或补语,一般用形容词。 ⑶ 作主语、作及物动词或者介词的宾语,用名词。 3. 短文改错中也必考不同词性在句中的不同用法。 1.(2011 年 )He must be _______(mental) disabled. 解析: 修饰分词形容词 disabled ,作状语,用副词形式,故填 mentally 。 近年广东高考真题: 3.(2010 年 )His teacher took a deep drink, smiled ________(warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. 解析: 修饰谓语动词 smiled ,作状语,用副词形式,故填 warmly 。 4.(2009 年 )But Jane knew from past experience that her _____(choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father. 解析: 在 that 引导的宾语从句中作主语应当用名词,或者说,在形容词性物主代词后,一定是用名词形式,故填 choice 。 5.(2008 年 )This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _______(nature) course. 解析: 在名词 course 前作定语,要用形容词,故填 natural 。 1. I was supposed to arrive at the airport on time. _____________ (fortunate), I was held up by the heavy traffic jam. 2. Therefore, when they become older they are ________ (able) to do any other kind of work. unable unfortunately 灵活运用 3. Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally ___________(expect) way. 4. I won’t do the purchase because the price of this dress is ____________(reason). unreasonable unexpected 5. Job _________ (apply) need to show their ability to be both organized and flexible in taking on many tasks at the same time. 6. All facts are the source of _________ (conclude). conclusions applicants 7. However, most _________(science) agree that EQ has a lot to do with _______ (educate). 8. Excellent oral and written __________ (communicate) skills in Chinese and English are of ___________ (important). importance scientists education communication 9. Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide much of our daily _____ (require). 10. It is your ________ (free) to do what you want after class. freedom requirement 11. As is known to us all, the Entrance Exam is a great ____________, and the students are ____________. (compete) 12. I am __________(thank) to you for your help. 13. He gave me some __________(construct) suggestions. thankful competition competitors constructive 14. A jury’s decision in a court case must be absolutely ________ (object). 15. He devoted much money to building schools in ____________(mountain) areas. 16. Unfortunately, my car broke down on a _______ (mud) road. muddy objective mountainous 17. Everyone should play his part in building a ____________(harmony) society. 18. The ___________(mystery) letter sent from Taiwan made the professor lost in thought. 19. To make myself _________, I would do some _________exercise after work. (relax) relaxing harmonious mysterious relaxed 20. All the children felt __________ when they heard the ___________ news. (discourage) 21. We _________ (apology) for the late departure of this flight. apologized discouraged discouraging 22. The article can _________(long) out a little by adding some examples. 23. His illness _________(worse) during the night. 24. Letting that animal escape was no accident; you did it ___________(intention). intentionally lengthen worsened 25. The black people were against slavery and fought for their freedom __________(brave). 26. Our products are sold __________, (world). 27. He went out of the office _________ (hurry) to run after her. hurriedly bravely worldwide 28. I lost my balance and fell _____ (back). 29. They live in the ________(west) part of the village. 30. It’s very important to eat ________ (health). healthily backward western 二、语篇填空 阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性,用括号中所给词语的正确形式填空。 A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his 1.__________(month) bills when his young son rushed in and announced, “ Dad, because this is your birthday and you’re 55 years old, I’m going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year! ” But the father exclaimed, “ Oh, Andrew, don’t do it now; I’m too busy! ” monthly The youngster immediately fell 2. ________ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes. 3. _____________ (apologetical) the father said, “You can finish later.” The boy said nothing but 4. ________ (quiet) walked away,5. _________________ (disappoint) written over his face. That evening the father said, “ Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew! ” But the boy didn’t respond. silent Apologetically quietly disappointment 6. ______________(fortunate), the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote… “ If only I could tell him how much I regret my 7. _____________(thought) words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching.” Unfortunately thoughtless … Love is a two-way street. Any loving act must be 8. _________ (warm) accepted or it will be taken as 9. _________(reject) and can leave a scar. Nothing is more 10. ___________(importance) than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us. Because … there may be no chance at all as in the case of the little boy…   warmly rejection important 一个小孩在父亲 55 岁生日时想给父亲 55 个吻,但这位父亲因太忙叫儿子等以后有空再吻,几天后这个小男孩不幸溺水身亡 , 父亲伤心欲绝。故事告诫我们,对于那些在我们身边,对我们弥足珍贵的人,用爱去回应他们爱的渴望,这最重要不过了。 1. monthly 在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“每月的”填 monthly 。 2. silent 在系动词 felt 后作表语用形容词。 3. Apologetically 修饰谓语动词作状语用副词。 4. quietly 修饰谓语动词作状语用副词。 5. disappointment 后面有过去分词短语作定语,应是名词。 6. Unfortunately 修饰全句作状语用副词,溺水身亡是“不幸地”。 7. thoughtless 在名词前作定语用形容词,根据文意,加表示否定意义的后缀 less 。 8. warmly 修饰谓语作状语用副词。 9. rejection 在介词后作宾语用名词。 10. important 在系动词 is 后作表语用形容词 . 三、单句改错 1. A difficult person will be easier to cooperate if understand is achieved. understand→ understanding 作主语 , 用名词。 2. The actually reasons for this phenomenon are the subject of a very heated discussion. actually→ actual 作定语 , 用形容词。 3. It’s surprised what people will do for money. surprised→ surprising 因 -ing 表示“令人 …… 的 ( 多为事 )” 而 -ed 则表示“ ( 人 ) 感到 …… 的”。人们为了钱所做的事情“令人惊讶”。 4. When facing danger, one should keep calmly. calmly→ calm 作表语 , 用形容词。 5. Are you being completely honesty about your feelings ? honesty→ honest 作表语 , 用形容词。 6. I was thrilling to be invited. thrilling→ thrilled 我因为被邀请而感到兴奋。 7. Hopeful, we’ll arrive before dark. Hopeful→ Hopefully 作状语,修饰全句,用副词。 8. I felt extreme upset, and I couldn’t believe my mother refused to help the animal. extreme→ extremely 作状语,修饰形容词 upset ,用副词。 9. Was she telling me the true or trying to cheat me? true→ truth 作宾语 , 用名词。 10.In this increasingly competitive world , we are supposed to enrich ourselves constant to keep in pace with the modern society. constant→ constantly 作状语,修饰动词 enrich ,用副词。

