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第二讲 用 高级句式增 分 01 03 美句输入 完美文章 02 佳句输出 层级八 重点突出的“强调句” 美句输入 一 、美句输入 It is/was +被强调部分+ that + 其他 1 It was his continuous efforts that caused China to change gradually.(2016· 北京卷 · 书面表达 ) 正是他的不懈努力使得中国逐渐发生变化。 一 、美句输入 Is/Was it +被强调部分+ that +其他? 2 Was it in that park that the children saw the strange green objects? 正是在那个公园里孩子们看见了那些奇怪的绿色物体吗? 一 、美句输入 特殊 疑问词+ is/was it + that +其他? 3 When was it that you made up your mind to work as a volunteer teacher? 是什么时候你下定决心要当一名志愿者老师的? 一 、美句输入 It is/was not until...that... 4 It was not until he went through real hardship that he realized the love we have for our families is important. 直到经历了真正的苦难,他才意识到我们对家人的爱是多么重要。 一 、美句输入 强调 谓语时,借助于 do/does/did +动词原形 5 We did hope there would be more meaningful activities in the coming future . ( 2015· 北京卷 · 满分作文 ) 我们确实希望今后有更多有意义的活动。 补全句子 1 . ____________________ not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits ____________________ . (2016· 天津卷 · 书面表达 ) 不仅是你的热情,而且团队合作和良好的精神状态给我们留下了深刻的印象。 2 . But rules alone don't secure an orderly society . _______________________________ obey the rules that matter.(2015· 江苏卷 · 书面表达 ) 但是制度本身不能保证一个有秩序的社会,遵守规则的人才是重要的。 3 . __________________________________________ contributes to your success? 是你老师的帮助才促进你的成功吗? It is that impress us It is the people who Is it the teacher's help that 补全句子 4 . ____________________________________ I realized the importance of team work. 直到上个学期我才理解了团队合作的重要性。 5 . _________________________________________________ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.(2015· 湖南卷 · 书面表达 ) 正是在我们回家的时候我才意识到帮助别人于危难之时的感觉是多么令人愉悦。 It was not until last term that It was when we were returning home that 利用所学的强调句型,结合中文提示补全短文并 背诵(道歉信) Dear Bob , I am sorry to tell you that I can't go to the bookshop with you on Sunday morning as we planned last week . I am writing to apologize for breaking my promise . 1. ________________ ________________________________ ( 是因为期末考试即将来临 ) that I decide to stay at home to go over my lessons. You know , I 2 . __________________________ ( 在上次考试中我的确做得很差 ) . So I want to devote all my spare time to working on my lessons in order to get good scores in the final exam.3 . ____________________________________________ ( 是一月份的第二个星期天 ) I want to go to the bookstore with you . I am wondering if you will be free at that time . Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours , Li Hua It is because the final exam is just around the corner did do badly in the last exam It is on the second Sunday in January that

