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‎2019届二轮复习连系动词用法 在既可以充当系动词, 也可以充当实意动词的动词后, 该接何种词性的词呢? 这是很多中等成绩考生的困惑之处。‎ 我们知道, 表示状态时, 系动词后一般是接形容词而非副词充当其表语。 遇到这种情况, 只能先根据其句意判断清楚到底该动词在此是系动词还是实意动词, 然后再对后面所接的单词的词性和词义作出正确的判断。 如:‎ The newly-invented drink tastes quite unique. 这种新研制的饮料尝起来挺奇特的。‎ The guests tasted the dishes enjoyably. 客人们饶毅趣味地品尝了菜肴。‎ 在第一句中, taste 是系动词, 意为 “尝起来”, 后接形容词 unique 充当其表语, 而在第二句中, taste 则为实意动词,意为 “品尝”, 其后接了宾语, 用副词 enjoyably 来修饰它。笔者就既可作系动词, 又可作实意动词的词编造了一些例句, 供考生学习参考:‎ ‎1. When it was her turn, she appeared on the stage,appearing a bit nervous.‎ ‎2. Every time my dad looks at the old photos, he looksexcited.‎ ‎3. The cook tasted the soup, saying it tasted delicious.‎ ‎4. The girl smelled the fresh flowers which smelledsweet.‎ ‎5. Please keep waiting outside and keep quiet at the same time.‎ ‎6. Bob always stayed positive no matter what challenges and hardship he was faced with when he stayed in America five years ago.‎ ‎7. Remain where you are until the police arrive. Whatever happens, remain calm.‎ ‎8. The truck driver was just about to turn around when he found the traffic light was turning red.‎ ‎9. As he grew old, he was fond of growing a variety of flowers in his garden.‎ ‎10. If you go to Africa, you' ll find a large number of poor children there going hungry.‎ ‎11. His sister has got much slimmer ever since she gothere and got married five years ago.‎ ‎12. My deskmate fell ill last month and it was not long before he fell behind other students.‎ ‎13. Her wish that her novel will come out one day has recently come true.‎ ‎14. My uncle had intended to run a business, but he soon found his money was running short.‎ ‎15. The old man lay in bed, lying awake, lost in thought.‎ ‎16. The police tried different means to prove that she was guilty, but she proved innocent eventually.‎ ‎17. Stand up and stand still, or I' ll shoot.‎ ‎18. At first, I felt that she was cheating me, but later I felt relaxed when I knew the truth.‎

