2017-2018学年黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

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2017-2018学年黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

‎2017-2018学年黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题 共分II卷 (考试时间120分钟,总分150分)‎ 第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ A The 2016-2017 Jack and Jill Cover Contest To celebrate The National Park Service’s (NPS’s) 100th anniversary, we’re asking you to draw your favorite national park.‎ Draw your picture on page 28 of Jack and Jill. Then, have your grown-up send your entry at uskidsmags.com/artcontest/enternow or fill out the form on page 27 and mail your art to Jack and Jill’s Annual Cover Contest, P.O. Box 88928, Indianapolis, IN 46208.‎ All entries will be shown at facebook.com/jackandjillmag in the competition photo album.‎ The entry with the most likes on Facebook will win our Readers’ Choice Award! For more information, visit our website: uskidsmags.com/artcontest Prizes include:‎ Your Art on the Cover!‎ The first-place winner’s art will appear on the cover of Jack and Jill! Second- and third-place winners’ artwork will appear inside the magazine. Money for Your School’s Art Program Each of our top three artists will earn a check for their school art program:‎ First place:$500‎ Second place:$250‎ Third place:$100‎ Gift Cards for Art Supplies Our three winners and the Readers’ Choice artist will win gift cards from Blick Art Materials.‎ First place:$200‎ Second place:$150‎ Third place:$100‎ Readers’ Choice:$100‎ The Art of Drawing for Kids The four top artists will also receive The Art of Drawing for Kids, a DVD set of step-by-step art lessons!‎ Enter now! See your art on the cover of this magazine!‎ 1. What can we learn about the competition?‎ A. All entries must be sent by mail. B. All entries will be seen online.‎ C. It is supported by NPS. D. It is held by Facebook.‎ 2. How will the Readers’ Choice Award be chosen?‎ A. By school teachers. B. By Facebook users.‎ C. By Jack and Jill’s readers. D. By Jack and Jill’s writers.‎ 3. What will the first-place winner win?‎ A. ‎$500 for his school art program. B. A copy of Jack and Jill.‎ C. $250 in gift cards. D. $100.‎ B Worn-out tires(轮胎) are no good for a car, right? But they can be good for walking!‎ Where I live, in Zimbabwe, and in many other countries, old tires are not thrown away. Instead, shoemakers cut them up and make them into sandals(凉鞋).‎ One of these shoemakers if Casper Mamutse. He runs a small sandal-making business. When Casper first saw a man named Isaac said he had made them himself. Casper decided to buy a pair to amuse his friends. But his friends didn’t laugh. They wanted their own. Therefore, Casper asked Isaac to teach him how to make tire sandals.‎ For more than six months, Casper learned how to cut and shape soles(鞋底) from tires. To make the right size, Casper draws a shoe sole on the tire and cuts out a sole. Casper says this is the hardest part of making tire sandals. “Cutting a tire with a knife requires as much brains as force,” he says. After the sole is cut, Casper cuts off the soft inside part of the tire and cuts it into long pieces. He uses the long pieces to make ties for the tire sandals.‎ Some tire sandals have flat heels(鞋跟) for city streets. Others have a strong “tractor wheel” design for the countryside. The Zimbabwe countryside is full of stones. Unless you have thick soles, stones can harm you feet.‎ ‎“Almost half of my schoolmates don’t have anything to put on their feet,” says Fadzai, a ‎ 10-year-old boy whose dad bought him a pair of tire sandals.‎ But now they can get tire sandals, which are strong and cheap. Fadzai thinks that what his friends need now are not cars to take them to school, but shoes. In his village, there are only a few roads for cars and buses anyway.‎ ‎“Going to school on foot instead of in a car does not worry me very much,” he says. “After all, we are still moving on tires.”‎ ‎4. Why did Casper buy a pair of tire sandals?‎ A.To make fun of Isaac. B.To send them to his friend.‎ C.To make his friends laugh. D.To learn how to make them.‎ ‎5. What is the most difficult part of making tire sandals?‎ A.Cutting soles from tires. B.Finding the suitable tires.‎ C. Cutting tires into long pieces. D.Putting soles and ties together.‎ ‎6. What can we infer from Paragraph 5?‎ A.Tire sandals come in different designs. ‎ B.People in Zimbabwe need more soft shoes.‎ C.Tire sandals with flat heels are for the countryside. ‎ D.Sandals made from tractor wheels are more popular.‎ ‎7. What is Fadzai’s attitude towards tire sandals?‎ ‎ A.He thinks they are too hard to wear. B.He hopes to buy them at once.‎ ‎ C.He shows no interest in them. D.He thinks highly of them.‎ C What does it take to graduate from a university? Many may say all you have to do is take classes and pass the exam. Well, it requires more than it if you’re a student at Tsinghua University.‎ Starting this September, freshmen at the university will have to take swimming courses. If they fail a swimming test at the beginning of their university course, they won’t receive their degree until they can pass the test successfully. Exceptions will be allowed for students with certain physical or mental conditions, if proved by doctor.‎ Liu Bo, head of the Division of Sports, explained why the university is linking swimming ability with degrees. “As a requisite(必要的) survival skill, swimming is beneficial for students in the long run,” he said. Viewing the ability to swim as a must for students is not something new to ‎ this university---it was also a requirement in the early 20th century. Besides Tsinghua University, Peking University and Xiamen University have also listed swimming as a compulsory(必修课) course for students.‎ However, the announcement has caused a heated debate. Some welcomed the new rule, saying it’s a necessary skill that can save lives. “Swimming is a basic skill. It’s a way to stay healthy and is lifesaving in emergency situations.” Yuan Jiaxiang, a junior student said.‎ But some said it has nothing to do with getting a degree. “It’s not reasonable to require people to be able to swim for them to graduate,” said Zheng Xiaoyu, a high school student. “For a lot of people who grew up in inland cities, learning how to swim as an adult will be difficult.” In fact, Chinese universities are not the only education organizations that encourage their students to swim. A few colleges in the United States---including Cornell, Columbia and MIT---offer swim classes to students.‎ ‎8. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?‎ A.To tell us that passing the exam is not the most important. ‎ B.To lead to the main topic of the passage.‎ C.To remind us to do more than just taking classes. ‎ D.To inspire us to get more skills of making a living.‎ ‎9. From the passage, we know if you can’t swim, you may graduate from .‎ A.Peking University B.Xiamen University C. Shandong University D.Columbia University ‎10. Why does Tsinghua University require the students to pass swimming test to get degrees?‎ A.Because swimming can make the students stronger. ‎ B.Because swimming is necessary to live a happy life.‎ C.Because swimming is a requisite survival skill and it does good to them. ‎ D.Because swimming can help them smarter.‎ ‎11. According to the passage, we can know Tsinghua University thinks .‎ ‎ A.all students in the university must pass swimming test successfully ‎ B.if students live in inland cities, it’s not necessary to learn swimming ‎ C.the disagreements are so few that they can be ignored ‎ D.swimming is not only a survival skill but also beneficial for students.‎ D ‎ Ever since it was created 30 years ago, The Simpsons, the longest running prime-time(黄金时段) TV show in the country, has become part of US life.‎ ‎ It was the show that changed the very concept of cartoons in Western society. Before it appeared, cartoons were considered a way to learn and have fun, not serious adult entertainment. The Simpsons changed this. The genius of the show is that it has something to offer both adults and children.‎ It’s a hugely entertaining program that’s also full of satire(讽刺的) and clever humor. The show’s creators make fun of the US government, social customs, and of course, the idea of family life. But unlike most classic US prime-time TV characters the Simpsons are a dys-functional(功能失调的) family.‎ Bart, the boy, is always in trouble---both at home and at school. That may be in part because of his paternal example. Homer Simpson, perhaps the most iconic(标志性的) character, is a beer-swilling, overweight slob who is normally found in front of the TV. And Marge, Homer’s wife and the mother of the family, spends most of her time cooking, cleaning or trying to fix the messes that bart and homer make.‎ The smartest member of the family is daughter Lisa, who does well in school but is no goody-goody---Lisa never misses an opportunity to challenge authority. The youngest member of the family is baby Maggie, who will likely be as much of a handful as her brother and sister when she grows up.‎ But although the Simpsons are a problem family, viewers are always on their side. One of the reasons why the show has remained so popular all these years is that the characters are so lovely. Millions of us identify with them. They are a working class family struggling to make ends meet.‎ ‎ They aren’t perfect, but then, who is? And after 30 years, this is still what strikes a chord with millions of viewers worldwide.‎ ‎12. Compared with other cartoons, what makes The Simpsons so special?‎ A. It has been the longest running prime-time TV show since it was created. ‎ B. It has been popular with all the people, whether adults or children.‎ C. It describes a functional family, unlike other cartoons. ‎ D. It contains characters that each has unique habits.‎ ‎13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in The Simpsons?.‎ A. Social customs. B. The family life. ‎ C. Their government. D. International relationship.‎ ‎14. Why has The Simpsons remained so popular after 30 years?‎ A. The parents work hard and the children are lovely. ‎ B. It has been running at the prime-time, when most people are free.‎ C. It tells people how to bring up the children healthily. ‎ D. The characters are lovely and they live in the same way as ordinary people.‎ ‎15. Which of the following statements is true?‎ A. Most classic US prime-time TV characters live in normal families. ‎ B. There are two sons and one daughter in the family.‎ C. The father has set an example to the son who is good at school. ‎ D. The daughter is a good student and always follows the teacher’s orders.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ A city in the jungle ‎ In the summer of 1848, in Guatemala, a man called Ambrosio Tut went into the jungle(丛林), as he did almost every day. Tut was a gum(树胶) collector, looking for gum in the jungle. 16. One day, he got to the top of one tree and something caught his eye. He looked out across the trees and saw the tops of some old buildings.‎ ‎ 17. He ran to tell the local governor excitedly, and together they walked into the jungle. There they found Tikal, the city that the Mayans had built, many hundreds of years before. The two men saw pyramids(金字塔), squares and houses.‎ ‎ For a long time before that day, local people had known that somewhere in the jungle there was an old Mayan city. 18. Between 200 and 900AD, the city of Tikal had been the centre of Mayan civilization in the area, but then the Mayans left it---nobody knows why! After 1000AD, the jungle began to cover it. 19. ‎ Seven years before Tut found Tikal, two British explorers had gone to Guatemala and had written a report about Mayan treasures in the jungle---but they hadn’t mentioned Tikal. Even earlier than this, local Indians had told people about a great city hidden in the trees, but no one had listened to them. ‎ ‎20. Now the lost city had been found again, and people went there immediately to see it.‎ A. But no one had seen it for centuries.‎ B. To do this, he had to climb the tree.‎ C. And then people forgot that it was there.‎ D. So they lost the chance to find the treasure.‎ E. Tut found many other treasures after that.‎ F. More and more scientists began to study the Mayan city.‎ G. Tut didn’t really know what he had seen but he knew it was something special.‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将此选项涂黑。‎ Honest Thanks I sat down at my desk and started writing. I wrote an emotional letter of gratitude. I put the notecard into the 21. , sealed it and stuck the stamps on it, but when it came to actually placing the letter into the mailbox, I 22. .‎ The letter was to a schoolmate with whom I kept in contact via Facebook 23. . She had inspired me to live a (n) 24. life-for example, by 25. more.‎ Her volunteer efforts weren't 26. —she wasn't building wells in Uganda, but 27. she was doing small, local good deeds, such as serving as a crossing guard. These were things I could do, too. She made me 28. I could make a difference here at home. I felt I should let her know how her 29. positively influenced my life. I could have easily sent her an e-mail, 30. that ‎ seemed a bit lame for such an important thank you. That's why I ended up 31. the letter. But now I stood before the mailbox, unable to place the envelope inside. What was 32. me? Why was this so 33. to do? I guess I felt strange because it wasn't like she was my best friend. I just knew her. “People don't 34. do this, ” I thought to myself. However, 35. thinking it over, I still felt a(n) 36. to let her know how grateful I was. Finally, I put the envelope in the mailbox. ‎ Weeks later I received her reply. She was 37. a tough time and my letter meant the 38. to her. She didn't know she had such a(n) 39. on others. Not only did this letter make her happy, but her response to it increased my 40. of happiness. I decided to write a gratitude letter to someone each month. Cultivating gratitude is a great skill to practice. Life is too short not to do it.‎ ‎21. A. pocket B. envelope C. drawer D. handbag ‎22.A. smiled B. sighed C. froze D. panicked ‎23.A. secretly B. usually C. formally D. occasionally ‎24.A. rich B. different C. tough D. enthusiastic ‎25.A. travelling B. enjoying C. volunteering D. exercising ‎26.A. huge B. essential C. meaningful D. ordinary ‎27.A. instead B. once C. also D. still ‎28.A. prove B. accept C. realize D. admit ‎29.A. emotion B. words C. thoughts D. example ‎30.A. or B. and C. but D. so ‎31.A. handwriting B. editing C. receiving D. answering ‎32.A. confusing B. stopping C. urging D. encouraging ‎33.A. cool B. boring C. pleasant D. hard ‎34.A. normally B. directly C. constantly D. equally ‎35.A. before B. until C. after D. while ‎36.A. curiosity B. desire C. ambition D. fear ‎37.A. going over B. going through C. going for D. going against ‎38.A. future B. earth C. world D. dream ‎39.A. concern B. comment C. honor D. influence ‎40.A. experience B. search C. appreciation D. level 第二节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A student once told me he found it’s hard to tell whether the news online is real or fake(假的).‎ ‎41. (actual), he is not alone. A recent study shows that a lot of teenagers have trouble 42. ‎ ‎(tell) the difference between real and fake information on the Internet. Fake news is often the one that 43. (make) up by people with the goal of misleading people. Fake news can be 44. (danger) as people will believe it and share it, which can do harm to others.‎ There 45. (be) a few helpful tips on how to tell fake news. Firstly, it is of great 46. ‎ ‎(important) to think about what you read and see 47. a critical(批判的) eye. Secondly, you can visit your local public library and ask the workers there, many of 48. are professional in telling fake news. They are also more than happy 49. (help) you. You can also check if there’s an “About Me” part on the website. This makes 50. much easier to know whether the news source is reliable.‎ 第三部分 词汇及语法知识考查(共三节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 单词及短语拼写(共10小题,51-55填写单词,56-60填写短语;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎51. Some animals (v. 拥有) the characteristic of man. ‎ ‎52. Please accept my (n.歉意) for the inconvenience this matter has given you.‎ ‎53.He was (adj.缺席的) from the conference yesterday because of his sudden heart disease.‎ ‎54.If there is something else I can do for you, please don’t (v.犹豫) to contact me.‎ ‎55.Much to his (n.欣慰), his son was eventually admitted to a key university.‎ ‎56.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything (作为回报).‎ ‎57.Please leave your phone number in case we (失去联系) you again.‎ ‎58.The children have been completely (摆脱控制) since their father left.‎ ‎59.Upon hearing the bad news, his mother (突然......起来) crying.‎ ‎60. (除......之外) our daily expense, we have to spend quite a lot on our daughter’s fu rther education. ‎ 第二节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎61. The student sat there, with his attention (fix) on the book. ‎ ‎62. We regret (inform) you that your application has not been successful. ‎ ‎63. Our club is open to everyone (regard) of age, sex or educational background. ‎ ‎64. I feel (honour) to be invited to give you a lecture on how to improve English reading ability. ‎ ‎65. Having a good knowledge of English is (benefit) to your future career. ‎ ‎66. The poor boy was totally (absorb) in the interesting book and didn’t notice what was happening. ‎ ‎67. The new clothes in that shop are so beautiful that Anna can’t resist (take) a close look at them, although she cannot afford them at present.‎ ‎68. We are (suppose) to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon life, which is of great significance.‎ ‎69. Whenever I mention (play) football, he says he’s too busy. ‎ ‎70. Though (lack) money, his parents managed to send him to university.‎ 第三节 语法(虚拟语气)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71. Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he (do) something instead of just talking.‎ ‎72. The order came that the medical supplies (send) to the earthquake-stricken area soon.‎ ‎73. Frankly, I’d rather you (not do) anything about it for the time being. The boss is very angry.‎ ‎74. If you had told me in advance, I (meet) him at the airport.‎ ‎75. My father suggests that I (take) enough sleep before the final examination.‎ ‎76. The girl is giving us a vivid description of the moon. It seems as if she (be) to the moon many times.‎ ‎77. We wish we (live) on the moon one day.‎ ‎78. How terrible the car accident was! If only the driver (not drive) so fast!‎ ‎79. We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we (visit) more places of interest yesterday.‎ ‎80. I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy would have been saved.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 英语课上,老师要求同桌同学相互修改作文。假设以下小作文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ That day I am at the supermarket for a long time and kept think about my son’s return from school. There was a long queue and I stood in the line. An elderly gentlemen was in front of me. I waited patient behind him. While his turn came, he looked behind and said to me with a smile, “Ladies first.” I told him it was alright, and that I could wait, and he continued to say that he was no hurry. He said that all of them were always in so a rush that we forgot to enjoy the little pleasure of life. I thanked him and moved forward.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 下面的饼状图(pie chart)显示了你对你校学生的兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此发表你的看法。‎ ‎ ‎ 注意:词数120左右。题目与开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Hobbies & Interests A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 双鸭山市第一中学2017-2018学年度上学期 高二期末英语试题参考答案 ‎(答题时间120分钟,试题总分150分)‎ 阅读理解(20×2’=40’):‎ ‎1-3 BBA 4-7 CAAD 8-11 BCCD 12-15 BDDA 16-20 BGACD 完形填空(20×1.5’=30’):‎ ‎21-40 BCDBC AACDC ABDAC BBCDD 语篇型语法填空(10×1.5’=15’):‎ ‎41.Actually 42.(in) telling 43.is made 44.dangerous 45.are 46.importance 47.with 48.whom 49.to help 50.it 单词拼写(10×1’=10’):‎ ‎51.possess 52.apology 53.absent 54.hesitate 55.relief 56. in return 57.lose touch with 58.out of control 59.burst out 60.In addition to 单句填空(10×1’=10’):‎ ‎61.fixed 62.to inform 63.regardless 64.honoured/honored 65.beneficial 66.absorbed 67.taking 68.supposed 69.playing 70.lacking 语法(10×1’=10’):‎ ‎71. did/should do 72. (should) be sent 73. didn’t do 74.would have met 75. (should) take 76. had been 77. would live 78. hadn’t driven 79. would have visited 80. Had 短文改错(10×1’=10’):‎ ‎81.第一句: am改为was 82.第一句: think改为thinking 83.第二句: 去掉the 84.第三句:gentlemen改为gentleman 85.第四句:patient改为patiently 86.第四句:When改为While 87.第七句:and改为but 88.第七句:in no hurry 89.第八句:them改为us 90.第八句:so改为such 写作(25’):‎ Hobbies & Interests A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. From the chart it can be apparently seen that as many as 53% of the students would devote their spare time to sports, for example ball games, while 36% of them say they find pleasure in surfing the Internet. Meanwhile, 8% of the students like to do some reading, with 3% playing musical instruments.‎ From the chart we can safely draw the conclusion that most students pay attention to their health, which can obviously guarantee the students enough energy for their studies. But it has also ‎ come to our notice that many students have spent a lot of time on the Internet, which I fear may have a negative effect on their studies. However, it is a good idea for students to play some musical instruments when they're free, thus making them relaxed and refreshed for their studies.‎ In a word, we should distribute our spare time properly.‎

