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第十四周·周一 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.strike v.(struck, struck/stricken)     打,撞击,突然袭击;罢工 n. 罢工 ‎2.struggle n.& vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力 ‎3.stubborn adj. 顽强的,倔强的;固执的 ‎4.student n. 学生 ‎5.study v. 学习;研究 n. 书房 ‎6.stupid adj. 愚蠢的,笨的 ‎7.subject n. 课程;主题;学科;主体 ‎8.such pron. (泛指)人,事物 adj. 这样的,如此的 ‎9.summer n. 夏天,夏季 ‎10.Sunday n. 星期日 ‎11.sunglasses n. 太阳眼镜,墨镜 ‎12.sunlight n. 日光,阳光 ‎13.sunshine n. 阳光 ‎14.supermarket n. 超级市场;超市 ‎15.supply vt.& n. 供给,供应 ‎16.suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 ‎17.suit v. 适合;适宜 n. 一套外衣;套装 suitable adj. 合适的;适宜的;适当的 unsuitable adj. 不合适的 ‎18.sun n. 太阳;阳光 sunny adj. 阳光充足的 ‎19.support vt.& n. 支持,赞助 supporter n. 支持者 ‎20.surprise v. 使惊奇;使震惊 surprising adj.  令人吃惊的 surprised adj.    对……感到吃惊的 surprisingly adv. 使人吃惊地 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.sunrise n. 黎明,拂晓 ‎2.sunset n. 日落(时分)‎ ‎3.superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的 ‎4.superior adj.& n. 优良的,优越的;上级,长官 ‎5.superman n. 超人 ‎6.surface n. 表面 ‎7.surgeon n. 外科医生 ‎8.survival n. 幸存;生存 survive v. 幸存;比……活得长 survivor n. 幸存者 ‎9.suspect n. 犯罪嫌疑人 ‎10.swallow vt. 吞下;咽下 ‎11.swap v. 交换;代替 ‎12.swear v.(swore, sworn) 发誓;郑重承诺 ‎13.sweater n. 厚运动衫,毛衣 ‎14.swift adj. 快的,迅速的 ‎15.swing vt. 挥舞,摆动 n. 秋千 ‎16.sword n. 剑,刀 ‎17.symbol v. 象征 ‎18.sympathy n. 同情;慰问 ‎19.symptom n. 症状 ‎20.system n. 体系;系统 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 ‎2.suffer from 遭受 suffer a heart attack 心脏病突发 ‎3.suit ...to 使……适合 be suitable for 适合 ‎4.in summary 总的来说 ‎5.be superior to 超越 ‎6.supply sth.to sb./supply sb.with sth. 提供给某人某物 ‎7.(be) supposed to be/to do sth. 被认为;被当作;应该;理应 ‎8.struggle for 为了……而斗争 struggle with/against 与……斗争 ‎9.such as 例如 ‎10.to sum up 总之 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 求助信 ‎1.The reason why I am writing to you is that I quarreled with my best friend Lucy and I need your help now.‎ 我给你写信的原因是我与我最好的朋友露西吵架了,现在我需要你的帮助。‎ ‎2.I have some difficulty in learning English, which bothers me a lot. So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.‎ 我在英语学习方面有困难,这很困扰我。所以我别无选择只能向你求助。‎ ‎3.I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.‎ 我写信请你帮我个忙。‎ ‎4.I am eager for your timely help./I am eager to get your timely help.‎ 我渴望得到你及时的帮助。‎ ‎5.I really don't want to lose this friend. I would appreciate it if you could do me a favour.‎ 我确实不想失去这个朋友,如果你能帮助我我将不胜感激。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.Faced with the increasing unemployment, many people went on strike (罢工) in most of the European countries.‎ ‎2.Tom is a_stubborn (固执的) boy, so it is no use debating with him. ‎ ‎3.Besides, Chinese has always been my strength among all the subjects (课程).‎ ‎4.Many people tried to leave the country, where there was much violence and a serious shortage of food supply (供应).‎ ‎5.To our great surprise,_he didn't feel surprised at the_surprising news at all.(surprise)‎ ‎6.An apartment with two bedrooms and a hall is_suitable_for (适合) a family of three, unless you need more space.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.当朋友遇到困难时,你应该帮助他们,常言道“患难见真情”。‎ Whenever your friends meet with trouble, you are_supposed_to_help_them.Just as the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”‎ ‎2.在你所就读的大学里住宿的优点是如果你有问题可以得到帮助。‎ The advantage of using your university accommodation is_that_you_can_get_support if you have a problem.‎ ‎3.爬山时,我们享受着温暖的阳光,欣赏着美丽的风景。‎ While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed_the_warm_sunshine and a better view.‎ 第十四周·周三 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.supper n.      晚餐,晚饭 ‎2.sweat n. 汗,汗水 ‎3.sweep v. (swept, swept) 扫除,扫 ‎4.sweet n. 甜食;糖果;芳香 adj. 甜的;可爱的 ‎5.surround v. 包围;环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. 环境 ‎6.swim v.(swam, swum) 游泳 swimming n. 游泳 swimmer n. 游泳者 ‎7.talent n. 才能;天才 ‎8.talk n.& v. 谈话,演讲;交谈 ‎9.tall adj. 高的 ‎10.taxi n. 出租车 ‎11.tea n. 茶 ‎12.teacher n. 教师,教员 ‎13.team n. 队,组 ‎14.tear v. (tore, torn) 扯破,撕开 n. 眼泪 ‎15.technology n. 技术 ‎16.teenager n. (13至19岁之间的)‎ ‎ 青少年,十几岁的少年 ‎17.table n. 桌子,表格 ‎18.take vt. (took, taken) 拿;拿走;做;服用;‎ ‎ 乘坐;花费 ‎19.taste v. 有……味道;品尝 n. 味道;品尝;体验 tasteless adj. 无味的 tasty adj. 美味的 ‎20.teach v. 教授 teaching n. 教学;学说 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.tablet n. 药片 ‎2.tail n. (动物的)尾巴 ‎3.tailor n. 裁缝 ‎4.tale n. 故事,传说 ‎5.target n. 目标,对象 ‎6.tax n. 税 vt. 对……征税 ‎7.teamwork n. 合作,协同工作 ‎8.technical adj. 技术的,工艺的 ‎9.technique n. 技术;技巧,方法 ‎10.telegram n. 电报 ‎11.telephone booth或telephone box n. 公用电话间 ‎12.telescope n. 望远镜 ‎13.temperature n. 温度 ‎14.temple n. 庙宇,寺院 ‎15.temptation n. 引诱;诱惑 ‎16.temporary adj. 短暂的;暂时的 ‎17.tennis n. 网球 ‎18.tense adj. 心烦意乱的,紧张的 tension n. 紧张 ‎19.theft n. 偷;盗窃罪 ‎20.theoretical adj. 理论的 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.in support of 支持 ‎2.make sure 确保,查明 for sure 肯定的,毫无疑问的 ‎3.in surprise 惊奇地 to sb.'s surprise/to the surprise of sb. 某人吃惊的是 be surprised at 对……感到惊讶 ‎4.suspect sb.of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事 ‎5.swallow up 吞没;淹没;用尽 ‎6.switch off 关上(电灯、电视等)‎ switch on 打开(电灯、电视等)‎ switch over 改变;转换 ‎7.take apart 拆开 take away 拿走;带走 take back 退回;收回 take down 取下;记下 take in 包括;吸收;理解;欺骗 take off 脱下;(飞机等)起飞 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 take out 取出,拿出 take over 接收;接管 take up 开始(从事);占据;继续 ‎8.tear down 扯下;拆毁 tear up 撕碎 ‎9.have a talent for 在……方面有天赋 ‎10.be surrounded with 被……包围 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 推荐信 ‎1.The reason why I recommend you to listen to the song is that the music is a good symbol of Chinese culture.‎ 我推荐你听这首歌的原因是这首音乐是中国文化的典型代表。‎ ‎2.In addition, please recommend a reasonable tour route so that we can save a lot of time.‎ 此外,请推荐一个合情合理的观光线路以便于我们节省一些时间。‎ ‎3.We'd like you to recommend us a hotel near the subway in order to get around New York easily.‎ 为了更容易游览纽约,我们想让你推荐一个地铁附近的宾馆。‎ ‎4.I'll be more than happy if you can take my ideas/suggestions into consideration.‎ 如果你能考虑我的想法/建议,我会非常高兴。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.With the development of science and technology (技术), people live a better life.‎ ‎2.It reflects a trend that nowadays teenagers (青少年) care more about their phones instead of friends.‎ ‎3.Moreover, I consider it a golden chance to tour around China to enjoy the wonderful scenery and taste (品尝) the delicious food here and there.‎ ‎4.The surrounding houses are surrounded by green trees, so the surroundings are very good.(surround)‎ ‎5.He was_suspected_of (被怀疑) stealing the ring at the party last night, and the police were looking into the matter.‎ ‎6.I suggest all the students should obey the traffic rules when walking in the street to_make_sure (确保) we are safe and avoid trouble.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.每一位学生,不管他或她有多么聪明、多么努力,在学习中总会遇到困难。‎ Every student, no_matter_how_talented_or_hardworking,_will come across difficulties in his or her study.‎ ‎2.有一大家人要养活, 所以他不能冒险失去这一次好机会。 ‎ He has_a_large_family_to_support,_so he can't take risks/a risk to lose the good chance.‎ ‎3.他没吃晚饭匆忙赶到体育场,结果被告知足球比赛取消了。‎ He hurried_to_the_stadium_without_supper,_only to be told the football match was cancelled.‎ 第十四周·周五 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.throw v. (threw, thrown)      投,掷,扔 ‎2.Thursday n. 星期四 ‎3.thus adv. 这样;因而 ‎4.tidy adj. 整洁的,干净的 vt. 弄整洁,弄干净 ‎5.tie vt. (用绳、线等)系,拴,‎ ‎ 绑,捆 n. 领带,绳子,结;关系 ‎6.time n. 时间;时期;钟点;次,回 vt. 测定……的时间,‎ ‎ 记录……的时间 ‎7.tip n.& v. 顶端,尖端;告诫;‎ ‎ 提示;(给)小费 ‎8.title n. 标题,题目 ‎9.today adv.& n. 今天;现在,当前 ‎10.together adv. 一起,共同 ‎11.tomorrow adv.& n. 明天 ‎12.tonight adv.& n. 今晚,今夜 ‎13.too adv. 也,还;又;太;很,非常 ‎14.topic n. 题目,话题 ‎15.threat n. 威胁;恐吓 threaten v. 威胁;恐吓 ‎16.thrill n. 激动;兴奋 v. (使)激动 thriller n. 惊险小说(戏剧等)‎ thrilling adj. 令人激动的 ‎17.tire v. (使)疲劳;(使)厌倦 tiredness n. 疲劳;困倦 tired adj. 疲劳的;厌倦的 tiring adj. 累人的 tiresome adj. 令人厌烦的 ‎18.total adj. 完全的,彻底的 totally adv. 完全地 ‎19.touch vt. 触摸,接触 touched adj. 感动的 ‎20.tough adj. 艰苦的;棘手的;坚强的;坚固的 toughly adv. 固执地;强硬地 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.tourism n. 旅游业;观光 ‎2.tourist n. 旅行者,观光者 ‎3.towel n. 毛巾;手巾 ‎4.tower n. 塔 ‎5.track n. 轨道;田径 ‎6.tractor n. 拖拉机 ‎7.trace n. 踪迹,迹象 ‎8.transparent adj. 透明的;明显的 ‎9.trap n. 陷阱 ‎ vt. 使陷入困境 transform v. 转化;改造;变换 ‎10.tremble v. 颤抖 ‎11.trend n. 趋势 ‎12.trial n. 审判;试验;试用 ‎13.triangle n.& adj. 三角形;三角形的 ‎14.troop n. 部队 ‎15.troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的;讨厌的 ‎16.truck n. 卡车,运货车;车皮 v. 用货车运 ‎17.tube n. 管子 ‎18.tune n. 曲调;曲子 ‎19.turkey n. 火鸡 ‎20.twin n. 双胞胎之一 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.at the thought of 一想起……(就……)‎ ‎2.think about 思考;考虑 think highly of 对……高度评价 think of 考虑;关心;想起 think over 仔细考虑 think up 想出 ‎3.throw away 扔掉;浪费(金钱等);‎ ‎ 放过(机会等)‎ throw off 扔掉;摆脱 throw oneself into 投身于 throw out 抛出;扔掉 ‎4.in time 及时;迟早 on time 按时;准时 at times 有时;间或 at a time 一次;同时 ‎5.take one's time 别着急 ‎6.can't/can never ... too ... 再怎么……也不过分;越……越好 ‎7.be tired of 厌烦 ‎8.give sb. some tips/advice on 给某人一些关于……的建议 ‎9.a tour guide 导游 ‎10.together with 同……一起;包括……在内 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 安慰信常用句式 ‎1.I'm sorry to learn that you didn't do well in that exam and that you are worried about your study.‎ 我非常遗憾地得知你上次考试发挥失常并且你担心你的学习。‎ ‎2.In the first place, taking a positive attitude to the examination is particularly important.‎ 首先,对考试有一个积极的态度是尤其重要的。‎ ‎3.As the College Entrance Examination is approaching, most of the students are more or less stressful.‎ 随着高考的临近,大部分学生或多或少有压力。‎ ‎4.What you have to do now, I think, is to have a good rest and follow the doctor's advice.‎ 我认为,现在你必须做的是好好休息,听从医生的建议。‎ ‎5.When you recover and get back, our classmates and I are all willing to help you to make up the missing lessons at the weekend.‎ 当你康复返校时,我和同学们在周末都乐意帮助你补习落下的功课。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.How do you manage to keep the place so tidy (整洁的)?‎ ‎2.As we all know, environmental protection has become one of the current hot topics (话题).‎ ‎3.There is no doubt that global warming is a security threat (威胁) to us all.‎ ‎4.I was completely tired out after doing the tiring job. I had to have a good rest to recover from the tiredness. (tire)‎ ‎5.If they had been taken to the hospital in_time (及时), the victims would have survived the airplane crash.‎ ‎6.It is known that mobile phones have become the most important means of communication, we can get_in_touch_with_each_other (彼此取得联系) wherever and whenever we are.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.我知道你在艺术学习方面有困难,因此我想给你提出如下的一些建议。‎ I have learned that you have some trouble in learning art and I_would_like_to_offer_you_the_following_tips.‎ ‎2.我不应该扔掉那支旧铅笔的。‎ I shouldn't have_thrown_away_the_old_pencil.‎ ‎3.我父亲和他的同事们曾一起去过北京。‎ My father, together_with his workmates, has been to Beijing.‎

