上海市黄浦区2021届高三上学期一模 英语卷

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上海市黄浦区2021届高三上学期一模 英语卷

1 / 15 黄浦区 2020 学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 英语试卷 (完卷时间:120 分钟 满分;140 分) 2020 年 12 月 第 I 卷(共 100 分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. I. A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife. D. Mother and son. 2. A. A waiter. B. A manager. C. A salesman. D. A barber. 3. A. He enjoys eating it. B. He cares little for it. C. He prefers fried seafood. D. He doesn't want to taste it. 4. A. The goods there were on sale last weekend. B. It's the woman's favourite shopping mall. C. It sold out 50% of the goods last weekend. D. It's the cheapest shopping mall nearby. 5. A. The woman isn't satisfied with her clothes, style. B. The woman is most probably pregnant. C. The woman doesn't like the new family member. D. The woman is trying her best to lose weight. 6. A. It is the only property she has. B. Her father asked her not to sell it. C. She inherited it from his father. 2 / 15 D. She has nowhere to live after selling it. 7. A. Call a repairman to come at once. B. Check the sink in the kitchen first. C. Clear up the kitchen right now. D. Stop the water from running immediately. 8. A. She lost her purse. B. She forgot to bring cash. C. She failed to attend the concert. D. She was unable to get the student discount. 9. A. Finish checking her reference. B. Complete the research. C. Put the material in order. D. Start typing the paper. 10. A. The woman enjoyed the movie very much. B. The woman didn't sleep well because of the movie. C. The man asked the woman to be careful at night. D. The man invited the woman to go to the theatre together. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. She wrote several books. B. She managed a farm. C. She was a business woman. D. She worked as a nurse. 12. A. 101 years. B. 76 years. C. 25 years. D. 22 years. 13. A. Pictures in plain style. B. A successful art collector. C. A great American artist. D. The secret of living longer. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. To concentrate for our quiet thought. B. To give full attention to the driving. 3 / 15 C. To avoid being caught by the police. D. To be as casual as possible in the driving. 15. A. Tn an elevator. B. At a special hall. C. In a bathroom. D. At a concert. 16. A. By listening comprehensively and analytically. B. By taking a sonic bath thoroughly. C. By attending classical concerts frequently. D. By listening to an emotional piece of music. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. Inquiring about the details of a trade fair. B. Booking rooms at a hotel. C. Complaining about the hotel room service. D. Giving suggestions on receiving guests. 18. A. It's a busy season for international tourism. B. There aren't many hotels available in the city. C. An important economic event will occur. D. There is a big conference to be held. 19. A. For five days altogether. B. From Dec. 11th to Dec. 13th. C. From morning to night on Dec. 15th. D. A whole day on the fourth day of their stay. 20. A. The woman wants to reserve rooms either on the 1st or 6th floor. B. The woman has to pay 1200 dollars for all the rooms she has booked. C. Whether the rooms are accessible by wheelchair will affect the woman's choice. D. Twelve people are most likely to attend the conference to be held on Dec. 13th. II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and 4 / 15 grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Consider the Mechanical Pencil If you used to collect small objects. I'm sure (if you were anything like my younger self) that you used to collect mechanical pencils. In one of the math preparatory classes I (21) ________ (go) to in elementary and middle school, we used to receive mechanical pencils as prizes for doing well on the in-class exams or answering questions in class. This was (22) ________ I built up my collection of Cadoozles, which are short mechanical pencils decorated with brightly colored spaceships and ice cream bars. But I've long since used up all my Cadoozles and a majority of the mechanical pencils that I (23) ________ (hide) in an empty moon-cake tin so many years before, which makes me reflect fondly back on those old days, when receiving a mechanical pencil was as easy as drinking a glass of water. Mechanical pencils are not only more convenient than your traditional Ticonderoga in the sense that they never need (24) ________ (sharpen); they also produce thinner, cleaner lines, which is extremely important for drawers and drafters. Furthermore, they are environmentally friendly, since you don't have to buy (25) ________ wooden pencil whenever you run out of lead (铅芯). You can simply refill your mechanical pencil. There is only one slight negative I must remark on, (26) ________ is that as someone who calls mechanical pencils "lead pencil" in casual conversation, the term "lead pencil" is confusing. Mechanical pencil lead is actually not made from the chemical element lead. It is made from a mixture of graphite and clay, which (27) ________ not give you lead poisoning. This is contrary to what my third-grade teacher said when she saw my classmate John clicking his mechanical pencil against his index finger out of boredom: "John, stop that! You're going to get lead poisoning!" I think all the third-graders (and teachers) in the world would feel much (28) ________ (safe) if they knew what really made up the pencils they use every day. It used to be so easy to grab a mechanical pencil whenever I needed one, but (29) ________ ________ the moon-cake tin has become increasingly lighter, I have learned to appreciate my writing instruments more. Perhaps I should have collected a few more Cadoozles when I was 5 / 15 younger; perhaps I should have appreciated the feeling of holding up the moon-cake tin when it was three-quarters full, hoping that three would always be a new pencil for me (30) ________ (use) tomorrow. Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. threatened B. designed C. preferences D. typically E. experimental F. theoretical G. abandoned H. instruments I. constantly J. extensive K. persuasive Science Isn't Always Perfect -- But We Should Still Trust It From environment pollution to climate change, we make decisions every day that involve us in scientific claims. Are genetically modified crops safe to eat? Is climate change an emergency? In recent years, many of these issues have become politically polarized, with people rejecting scientific evidence that is opposite their political __31__. When Greta Thunberg, the youthful climate activist, was asked by one member why we should trust the science, she replied, "because it's science!" For several decades, there has been a(n) __32__ and organized campaign intended to produce distrust in science, funded by regulated industries and libertarian think-tanks whose interests and beliefs are __33__ by the findings of modern science. In response, scientists have tended to stress the success of science. After all, scientists have been right about most things, from the structure of the universe to the relativity of time and space. That answer isn't wrong, but for many people it's not __34__. After all, just because scientists more than 400 years ago were right about the structure of the solar system doesn't prove that a different group of scientists are right about a different issue today. An alternative answer to the question -- Why trust science? -- is that scientists use "the scientific method." If you've got a high school science textbook lying around the house, you'll probably find that answer in it. But this answer is wrong. But what is __35__ declared to be the scientific method -- develop a hypothesis(假设), then design an experiment to test it -- isn't what 6 / 15 scientists actually do. Historians of science have shown that scientists use many different methods, and these methods have changed with time. Science __36__ changes: new methods get invented, old ones get __37__, and any particular point in time scientists can be found doing many different things. And that's a good thing, because the so-called scientific method doesn't work. False theories can produce true results, so even if an experiment works, it doesn't prove the theory that was __38__ to test it is true. There also might be many different theories that could produce that same __39__ result. On the contrary, if the experiment fails, it doesn't prove the theory is wrong: it could be that the experiment was badly conducted or there was a fault in one of the __40__. III. Reading Comprehensions Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Travelling, at least travelling any considerable distance, means dealing with airports. I've seen my share of airports. They come in several __41__. The smallest I have been through was in the African town of Hoedspruit where the main waiting area was smaller than many school classrooms, security and ticket checking were both __42__ by one person who was also controlling the gate onto the airfield and you had to walk out to the plane and climb the stairs to get in. It was even smaller than Canada's Moncton airport where the person taking the tickets was also one of the two __43__ on our flight. At the other extreme are the __44__, modern airports in the world's major cities. LAX, in Los Angeles has two parallel runways and provides the unusual opportunity to watch out the window of your landing aircraft as another one lands right beside you. Some, such as Beijing's Capital International Airport, SeaTac in Seattle and the International Airport in San Francisco, like those in Hong Kong and Shanghai, have __45__ terminals connected by different buses or underground trains. Finding a connecting flight often means changing terminals, which can be a little __46__. Heathrow airport in London, England, __47__ that bigger is not always better. Heathrow consists of terminals used by various __48__ and is centered around an area that contains stores and restaurants. At Heathrow the tired traveller gets the __49__ that they want you to spend your 7 / 15 time in the stores because they won't announce the gate from which your flight will leave until about an hour before flight time. Given that they start to get people onto the planes half an hour before takeoff that leaves just 30 minutes to find and __50__ your gate, some of which are a 15-minute walk from the store area. There is absolutely no __51__ for this because the airport authorities know even before the day begins how many flights are arriving and departing and where they plan to put them. If I have just come off one long flight and I'm waiting for another, what I want is a quiet place, not an area __52__ bright lights and noisy shoppers. Travel, for me, is interesting but when I have to fly, getting there is __53__ not half the fun. Airplanes are very efficient way to move people long distances and airports are a(n) __54__ part of the process. Most airport do their best to provide a good travelling experience but they are to be __55__, not really enjoyed. 41. A. types B. cities C. areas D. sizes 42. A. identified B. handled C. promoted D. processed 43. A. guards B. astronauts C. pilots D. passengers 44. A. tremendous B. crowded C. international D. fashionable 45. A. flexible B. multiple C. available D. irregular 46. A. exciting B. astonishing C. confusing D. encouraging 47. A. regulates B. emphasizes C. encounters D. demonstrates 48. A. functions B. departments C. airlines D. authorities 49. A. recreation B. presentation C. announcement D. impression 50. A. look for B. get to C. meet at D. check out 51. A. exception B. doubt C. apology D. excuse 52. A. filled with B. dominated by C. decorated with D. recognized by 53. A. increasingly B. permanently C. attentively D. definitely 54. A. effective B. optional C. necessary D. suitable 55. A. simplified B. endured C. declared D. paralleled Section B 8 / 15 Directions: Read the following two passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Sometimes when she felt bored, she would pick up one of the numerous biographies(传记) about herself and begin to note in. "I never did that" or "simply not true" she would write roughly in the margins at the sides of pages. Since journalists, biographers and more recently even "bloggers" had been writing about her since the day she was born, there was plenty of material to edit. Not that her notes or corrections were ever shared with the authors. Lately, however, she even seemed to have lost her appetite for correctness. Did it matter anymore if things were not right? She knew that sitting alone chewing away on downbeat thoughts would not get her anywhere and would leave those around her confused and upset, should they ever catch her out. After all she was the decisive one, always on top of her game. A printed timetable for the following day lay on the table. A full day of openings and presentations, of smiling and nodding and flowers. Shaking herself out of her gray mood, she stepped over towards the computer where a sudden burst of energy gave her an idea. The screen flashed up in front of her but instead of clicking on the familiar icons which would lead her to the emails Randolph considered she needed to read, she simply went to visit Mr. Google and began her search for train timetable. A dish heaped with multi-coloured jellies and plenty of ice cream, served by a white-gloved train waiter with a perfect moustache. So many years had passed but she still remembered the jelly dissolving on her tongue in small but delicious mouthfuls. Each spoonful had to be lifted delicately to her mouth under the watched eye of her grandmother, who was a stickler for good manners. It was unlikely that they served jelly on the trains these days, what with all the concern about childhood fatness, but even a Spartan menu could not kill the romance of a train journey. As the timetable for Line-burst line flashed in front of her, she remembered that the Mayor of Alwoy would be expecting her to make a short, predictable speech at the opening of the now bridge. 56. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The main character is probably a journalist writing blogs about royal members. B. The main character is always busy editing plenty of material about herself. 9 / 15 C. The authors probably had chances to get the notes or correctness from the main character. D. Randolph is probably an assistant or a secretary to the main character. 57. Why does the main character recall the time she ate jellies and ice cream? A. She wishes that she were still a child so that she could eat jellies and ice cream. B. She is reminded of these foods because the thought of a train journey reminds her of them. C. She wishes she still knew where the handsome train waiter was D. Today's children aren't allowed to eat the same things that she ate as a child. 58. A "Sparten menu" (paragraph 4) would most likely ________________________. a. have mainly low fat, healthy foods B. be suitable for a romantic dinner C. include a range of sweets, but no jelly D. include foods which are easy to transport 59. What is most likely to happen next in this passage? A. The main character will practise her speech for greeting the Mayor of Alwoy. B. The main character will decide to take a rail journey. C. Randolph will send some emails to the main character. D. The main character will update her blog on the internet. (B) Canals have to be built on a level, otherwise the water drains out of them and the canal becomes useless. This was the great problem facing the early canal builders, and they overcame it in different ways. The early engineers like James Brindley simply followed the outlines of the countryside and kept their canals level though it often meant choosing very roundabout routes. Later engineers, such as Thomas Telford, developed a new technique known as 'cut and fill' in which they fixed a level through very accurate surveying. This allowed them to fill in the hollows on a route with the exact amount of soil they took from the higher ground. By this method, very direct routes could be taken, which cut down the time of a journey very considerably. A good example of this type of canal is Telford's Liverpool and Birmingham Junction Canal, which he began in 1826 to provide a direct route from the Midlands to the River Mersey. It was seldom possible to build a completely level canal, of course, whichever method was used, and most canals were provided with locks in which barges were raised or lowered to new 10 / 15 levels. If you look at the diagram on the right, you can see a barge being raised in a lock by means of water which was allowed into the lock basin, or pound, from the upper level of the canal. When a barge had to be lowered, water was allowed out of the pound into the lower level of the canal. 60. Brindley's canals were less efficient, most likely because ________. A. he was not a good canal engineer B. the techniques and skills available at the time were useless C. his canals were built to keep the water drains out D. they had too many roundabout routes 61. According to this passage, why was the 'cut and fill' technique designed? A. The outlines of the land could not be followed directly. B. It could make travelling distances shorter and save journey time. C. New surveying techniques had been invented successfully. D. The distance between the Midlands and River Mersey is great. 62. Locks are needed in canals to ________________. A. help boats to travel in both directions B. keep water levels changing all the time C. allow large ships to travel in canals D. transfer boats across differing water levels (C) In the ancient world, the practice of medicine was inescapably linked to supernatural belief and magic. That was until the Greeks made advances in the field and brilliant figures such as Hippocrates laid the foundations for our medicine today. Recognized as the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates realised what seems obvious to us today -- that the observation and noting of symptoms is primary. He travelled across Greece teaching medicine, encouraging the view that disease had physical, not super-natural, explanations. Medical students still take the Hippocratic Oath, a formal promise made by new doctors that they will follow the standards set by their profession and try to preserve life, swearing to use their 11 / 15 skills to heal and do no harm. One of Hippocrates' theories was of the 'four humours', a belief that disease was caused by an imbalance of the four liquids supposedly contained in the human body -- blood, phlegm, and black and yellow bile (a liquid produced by your organ which helps you to digest fat). Blood-letting was a common response to illness and was used until only 150 years ago in the mistaken belief that it would restore the body's internal balance. But while the Greeks may have been wrong about the bleeding and the bile, they were still the first civilization to understand that diseases could be treated by using carefully observation and logical thought. Aristotle, political theorist, philosopher and teacher, also studied the natural world from a scientific point of view. He was the first to classify organisms, and although his method may seem simple now, he divided them into two basic categories, as either plant or animal -- he was the first to do so. Aristotle valued experimentation are discovered that evaporation, the process of becoming a vapour, turned salt water into fresh water. He was also believer in the theory that all matter is composed of four elements -- fire, earth, water and air. Hippocrates believed the four humours, related to the four liquids in the body, were each in line with organ, a season and with different moods. The four were based on the Greeks' idea of four base elements ( water, fire, earth). Although discredited now, the humours formed the basis of western medicine until the century. They were: - Blood from the liver; associated with Spring; with courage and hope - Phlegm from brain and lungs; Winter; calm and unemotional - Yellow bile from gall bladder(胆囊): Summer; anger and bad temper - Black bile from spleen(脾脏): Autumn; with blue and dark mood 63. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. It was the Greeks that made advances in the field of practice of medicine in the ancient world. B. The Hippocratic Oath is a formal promise made by new doctors to swear their responsibilities. C. Hippocrates thought disease was caused by imbalance of the four liquids contained in the human body. D. Hippocrates was the first to believe diseases could be treated by careful observation and logical thought. 12 / 15 64. The practice of blood-letting was based on the belief that ________ A. the blood was polluted by viruses B. the human body was not evenly balanced C. the patient was in a bad humour D. too much blood was bad for people 65. How did Aristotle find out that salt water can be turned into fresh water? A. He studied many books from a scientific point of view. B. He drew the conclusion according to the two basic categories. C. He made the discovery based on conducting experiments himself. D. He believed that all matter consists of four base elements. 66. Why is Hippocrates considered the founder of modern medicine? A. He proved that there are four base elements in all matter in the world. B. He showed the procedure of how the four bodily liquids affected moods. C. He made the discovery based on conducting experiments himself. D. He believed that all matter consists of four base elements. Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. Current evidence suggests that many of these benefits continue into adulthood. B. To increase physical activity for adolescents, the authors need to identify the many causes and inequities. C. The authors say that levels of insufficient physical activity in adolescents continue to be extremely high. D. To improve levels of physical activity among adolescents, the study provides some recommendation as follows. E. The authors note that adolescents' participation in physical activity will continue into adulthood. 13 / 15 F. The study highlights that young people have the right to play and should be provided with the opportunities to realize their right to physical and mental health and well-being. Adolescents Worldwide Not Sufficiently Physically Active New WHO-led study says majority of adolescents worldwide are not sufficiently physically active, putting their current and future health at risk. ________67________ "Urgent policy action to increase physical activity is needed now, particularly to promote and keep up girls' participation in physical activity," says study author Dr Regina Gut-hold, WHO. The health benefits of a physically active lifestyle during adolescence include improved heart and lungs fitness, bone health and positive effects on weight. There is also growing evidence that physical activity has a positive impact on cognitive development and socializing. ________68________. To achieve these benefits, the WHO recommends for adolescents to do moderate or vigorous physical activity for an hour or more each day. The authors estimated 80 percent of teems do not meet this recommendation by analysing data collected through school-based surveys on physical activity levels. ________69________ Urgent scaling up is needed of known effective policies and programmes to increase physical activity in adolescents. Multisectoral action is needed to offer opportunities for young people to be active, involving education, urban planning, road safety and others. The highest levels of society, including national, city and local leaders, should promote the importance of physical activity for the health and well-being of all people, including adolescents. ________70________ Strong political will and action can address the fact that four in every five adolescents do not experience the enjoyment and social, physical, and mental health benefits of regular physical activity. Policy makers and stakeholders should be encouraged to act now for the health of this and future young generations. IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. 71. Singapore's Information Technology Strategy 14 / 15 Singapore's information technology strategy rests on two major legs. The first leg is world-class basic facilities. Being a city-state, it is relatively easy to connect every home, office and hotel room. Our objective is to provide broad-band everywhere, either wired or wireless. We will make it a readily available utility like water, electricity, gas and telephone. We are well on our way there. We now require, by regulation, every new home to be equipped with broad-band in the same way as it is required to have water and electricity. The second leg is the education of our entire population in IT (information technology). Like reading, writing and arithmetic, computers are best learnt when we are young. Today's children can click the mouse faster than we can blink. In many countries, children of middle-class families have no difficulty with this new technology. But, without special effort, there is a danger that children of poorer families will miss out on the opportunity to learn IT. Like the piano and violin, one can still learn the computer as an adult. But rarely does one acquire the same facility. The strategy in Singapore is therefore to teach information technology to every child regardless of his family background. The Education Ministry now has a multi-billion dollar programme to provide one computer for every 2 schoolchildren in Singapore from first grade onwards. Every teacher will have a notebook. Most Singaporeans now understand the importance of IT, if not for themselves, at least for their children and grandchildren. Over 40% of households in Singapore now own PCs. Over one-third of households in Singapore already enjoy access to Internet. What we want is for every Singaporean to be computer literate so that he can function effectively in any bank, factory or restaurant, just as one would expect an employee to be able to read, write and count. An employer in Singapore in the future should not have to worry that his employee does not now how to use a computer or the Internet. 第 II 卷 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 如天公作美,周末我们就去郊游。(permit) 73. 端午时节吃粽子、赛龙舟是我们的习俗。(It) 15 / 15 74. 尽管该项目困难重重,但有当地政府和企业的共同努力定能取得进展。(progress) 75. 园艺使人们得以侍弄花草,通过与大自然的接触得到美的享受,能修身养性。(which) VI. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 76. 假设你是明启中学高三张华,在某英语报上看到一则报道,说某偏远山区的贫困村庄盛 产红茶,但由于交通不便、信息不畅,导致销售不利,影响了村民的收入。现号召广大读者 出谋策划。请你写一封信给英语报。在信中,你必须: 1. 就如何帮助该村庄销售茶叶、脱贫致富提出建议; 2. 说明你的理由。

