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‎2018届二轮复习 完形填空模拟试题10篇训练之三 ‎【一】‎ My husband,Tom,has always been good with animals,but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse(松鸡).It's 1 for a grouse to have any contact(接触)with people.In fact,they're hard to spot, 2 they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.‎ This grouse came into our lives in 3 .Tom was working out in the field when he 4 her walking around at the edge of the field.She was 5 unafraid and seemed to be 6 about what he was doing.‎ Tom saw the 7 bird several times,and she got more comfortable around him.We quickly grew 8 of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.‎ One day,as Tom was working,Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch.Tom 9 he didn't see her and kept working to see what she would do next.‎ Apparently,she didn't like to be 10 .She'd run up and peck(啄)at Tom's hands,then 11 off to see what he would do.This went on for about 20 minutes,until Mildred became tired of the 12 and left.‎ As spring went and summer came,Mildred started to 13 more and more often. 14 Mildred felt comfortable enough to jump up on Tom's leg and stay long enough for me to get a 15 of the two of them together.This friendly grouse soon felt 16 not just with our family,but with anybody who walked or drove by.‎ When hunting season opened,we put a 17 at the end of our driveway asking 18 not to shoot our pet grouse.My father,who lived down the road, 19 warned people not to shoot her. 20 ,hunters would stop and take pictures,because they had never seen anything like her.‎ ‎1.A.interesting B.reasonable ‎ C.impossible D.unusual ‎2.A.though B.because ‎ C.unless D.until ‎3.A.spring B.summer ‎ C.autumn D.winter ‎4.A.got B.kept ‎ C.noticed D.imagined ‎5.A.naturally B.certainly ‎ C.normally D.surprisingly ‎6.A.crazy B.curious ‎ C.concerned D.cautious ‎7.A.shy B.awkward ‎ C.friendly D.elegant ‎8.A.careful B.tired ‎ C.fond D.sick ‎9.A.supposed B.realized ‎ C.hoped D.pretended ‎10.A.ignored B.observed ‎ C.amazed D.disturbed ‎11.A.put B.back ‎ C.set D.take ‎12.A.game B.work ‎ C.place D.man ‎13.A.give up B.come out ‎ C.turn over D.fly by ‎14.A.Eventually B.Suddenly ‎ C.Constantly D.Presently ‎15.A.chance B.dream ‎ C.picture D.sense ‎16.A.comfortable B.guilty ‎ C.anxious D.familiar ‎17.A.lantern B.sign ‎ C.gun D.loudspeaker ‎18.A.drivers B.farmers ‎ C.hunters D.tourists ‎19.A.just B.yet ‎ C.thus D.also ‎20.A.In fact B.For long ‎ C.On the contrary D.By the way 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。作者的丈夫一向善待动物。但是当丈夫与从不与人接触的母松鸡交上朋友时,作者惊讶不已。那种人与动作和谐相处的情景真的让人倍感宽慰。‎ ‎1.D [由下文的描述可知,松鸡接触人类是很少有的。__2__之后的usually也有提示作用。]‎ ‎2.B [根据上下文间的逻辑关系可知:之所以很难看到松鸡,是因为它们听到人的脚步声就会飞走。]‎ ‎3.A [由倒数第二段“As spring went and summer came.”可知答案。]‎ ‎4.C [汤姆在田间耕作时看到(notice)这只松鸡在田埂上走动。]‎ ‎5.D [前文说到松鸡大多怕人,从不接近人。这只松鸡竟出人意料地(surprisingly)不害怕。]‎ ‎6.B [结合下文“...as Tom was working,Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch.”可以推知这只松鸡对汤姆的行动很是好奇。crazy(疯狂的),concerned(担忧的)和cautious(谨慎的)均不合题意。]‎ ‎7.C [这只松鸡主动接近人,可见它是友善的(friendly)。__16__前面的friendly也有暗示。]‎ ‎8.C [联系下文可知作者和丈夫很快就喜欢(fond)上了这只松鸡。]‎ ‎9.D [由语境可知,为了进一步观察松鸡接下来会有什么举动,汤姆假装没有看见它而继续干活。]‎ ‎10.A [看到汤姆无视自己的存在,这只松鸡就去啄他的手。这说明松鸡不喜欢受人冷落。]‎ ‎11.B [根据松鸡的这一串动作可知,啄一下汤姆的手之后,松鸡就退回去(back off)观察他有什么反应。]‎ ‎12.A [松鸡啄一下汤姆的手就飞走,如此反复的戏嬉简直就是与人玩游戏(game)。]‎ ‎13.B [通过试探发现人并没有伤害它的意思,松鸡越来越经常地出现在汤姆面前。give up(放弃),turn over(翻转),fly by(飞过)。均不能表达“出现”之意,与语境不符。]‎ ‎14.A [根据语境可知,松鸡胆子越来越大,最终竟敢跳到汤姆的腿上呆上很长时间。]‎ ‎15.C [短文结尾一句中的pictures一词与本空相照应。]‎ ‎16.A [本空与__14__后面的comfortable相呼应。]‎ ‎17.B [狩猎季节来临,为了不让猎人射杀这只松鸡,我们在车道的末端处立了一块标记牌。]‎ ‎18.C [__20__之后的句子暗示了答案。]‎ ‎19.D [父亲也用自己的方式来保护松鸡。]‎ ‎20.A [联系上文所述,事实上,猎人们不仅没有猎杀这只松鸡,而且还停下来和她一起拍照。因此答案选A。]‎ ‎【二】‎ Five months after my husband Steve died,I woke up one morning to the maddening sound of a leaking faucet (水龙头).I knew it needed repairs badly,but it 1 me so much just to think of it.‎ All our 2 life,I was the“artist”,bringing to our house much imagination.Steve ‎ wasthe“ 3 ”one.He had a real gift for handling chores (家务活), 4 me from unpleasant repair jobs.‎ But how could such a good man have his life cut short so suddenly!I had been so sad and angry that I completely 5 the house.That leaky faucet somehow awakened me to the fact that I now had to 6 the challenge of getting things fixed.‎ I got a workman named Ahmed.Entering the house,he stopped before a picture of Steve and me.“Doesn't your husband 7 this kind of work?”he asked.“It's not hard.”‎ ‎“He died months ago.When he was alive,he did all the repair jobs 8 ,”I said quietly.Ahmed looked at me 9 ,but didn't reply.He fixed the faucet,adjusted the dishwasher door,and replaced a showerhead.Apparently, he was gifted as Steve had been.‎ He did a(n) 10 job.I asked him to name his fee.“No charge,Ma'am,”he said.“My father died early,and the neighbors helped my family through.”‎ By fixing a faucet,Ahmed mended my soul.Although I would sure carry the pain of 11 with me along,Ahmed reminded me of the abundant 12 in the world.‎ ‎1.A.hurt B.puzzled ‎ C.cost D.disappointed ‎2.A.separate B.shared ‎ C.spiritual D.social ‎3.A.active B.boring ‎ C.careless D.practical ‎4.A.attracting B.sheltering ‎ C.driving D.prohibiting ‎5.A.ignored B.hated ‎ C.cleaned D.missed ‎6.A.come up with B.face up to ‎ C.look forward to D.step away from ‎7.A.begin B.check ‎ C.like D.find ‎8.A.gratefully B.firmly ‎ C.bravely D.wonderfully ‎9.A.strangely B.innocently ‎ C.painfully D.sympathetically ‎10.A.terrible B.excellent ‎ C.important D.dangerous ‎11.A.loss B.failure ‎ C.fear D.regret ‎12.A.friendship B.devotion ‎ C.kindness D.justice 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 这是一则情感故事。丈夫是一位特别会做家务活的人,但自从丈夫去世,陷入悲痛之中的“我”不得不面对修理工作的挑战。水龙头漏水“我”请来的修理工不仅修好了水龙头,还修补了“我”孤寂苦闷的心灵。‎ ‎1.A [善做家务的丈夫去世不久,家中水龙头急需修理。“睹物”思人,怎不让人受伤。]‎ ‎2.B [夫妻各有专长,共同(shared)生活在一起。]‎ ‎3.D [“我”是给家庭带来想象的“艺术家”,丈夫做的是实实在在的家务活,当然是“实用的”。]‎ ‎4.B [家务活全包在丈夫身上,如同为“我”撑起了保护伞。]‎ ‎5.A [由于丈夫不幸离世,“我”悲气交加,完全将家务抛在脑后。ignore 忽略;hate憎恶;clean 清理;miss 错过。唯有A项符合句意。]‎ ‎6.B [根据上下文可知,“我”不得不面对(face up to)请人修理水龙头的挑战。]‎ ‎7.C [由语境可知,修理工的意思是说:“这种活不难做,你丈夫难道不喜欢干这种活吗?”由此可知答案为C。]‎ ‎8.D [前文说丈夫非常擅长做家务。由此可以推断他干的活一定很出色。gratefully(感激地);firmly(坚定地);bravely(勇敢地)均不合题意。]‎ ‎9.D [听说主人的丈夫去世,修理工表示同情(sympathetically)。]‎ ‎10.B [从上面“Apparently,he was gifted as Steve had been.”一句可知修理工的活做得和丈夫同样好。]‎ ‎11.A [失去丈夫的痛苦肯定还会伴随着“我”。]‎ ‎12.C [像修理工所做的这种好心的行为在世界上会有很多,这让“我”心中有一丝宽慰。]‎ ‎【三】‎ Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved to Montreal,Canada at the age of five with her family.While 1 her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had a(n) 2 in medicine.At 18 she married and 3 a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a 4 Her husband supported her decision.‎ ‎ 5 ,Canadian medical schools did not 6 women students at the time.Therefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study 7 at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia.It took her five years to 8 her medical degree.‎ Upon graduation,Charlotte 9 to Montreal and set up a private 10 .Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,Manitoba,and there she was once again a 11 doctor.Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps.Charlotte 12 herself operating on damaged limbs and setting 13 bones,in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.‎ But Charlotte had been practising without a licence.She had 14 a doctor's licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was 15 .The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons,an allmale board,wanted her to 16 her studies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotte refused to 17 her patients to spend time studying what she already knew.So in 1887,she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to 18 a licence to her but they,too,refused.Charlotte 19 to practise without a licence until 1912.She died four years later at the age of 73.‎ In 1993,77 years after her 20 ,a medical licence was issued to Charlotte.This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor“this courageous and pioneering woman.”‎ ‎1.A.raising B.teaching ‎ C.nursing D.missing ‎ ‎2.A.habit B.interest ‎ C.opinion D.voice ‎ ‎3.A.invented B.selected ‎ C.offered D.started ‎ ‎4.A.doctor B.musician ‎ C.lawyer D.physicist ‎ ‎5.A.Besides B.Unfortunately ‎ C.Otherwise D.Eventually ‎6.A.hire B.entertain ‎ C.trust D.accept ‎ ‎7.A.history B.physics ‎ C.medicine D.law ‎ ‎8.A.improve B.save ‎ C.design D.earn ‎ ‎9.A.returned B.escaped ‎ C.spread D.wandered ‎ ‎10.A.school B.museum ‎ C.clinic D.lab ‎ ‎11.A.busy B.wealthy ‎ C.greedy D.lucky ‎ ‎12.A.helped B.found ‎ C.troubled D.imagined ‎ ‎13.A.harmful B.tired ‎ C.broken D.weak ‎ ‎14.A.put away B.taken over ‎ C.turned in D.applied for ‎ ‎15.A.punished B.refused ‎ C.blamed D.fired ‎ ‎16.A.display B.change ‎ C.preview D.complete ‎ ‎17.A.leave B.charge ‎ C.test D.cure ‎ ‎18.A.sell B.donate ‎ C.issue D.show ‎ ‎19.A.continued B.promised ‎ C.pretended D.dreamed ‎ ‎20.A.birth B.death ‎ C.wedding D.graduation ‎ 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文,记述了Charlotte Whitehead,一位伟大的女医生,在没有医生执照的情况下,在加拿大从医的经历故事。‎ ‎1.C [根据句意“在她几年来照顾(护理)她生病的大姐姐期间”,“照顾,护理”,故选C项。]‎ ‎2.B [根据下文她想成为一名医生,故对“医学”感兴趣,故选B项。]‎ ‎3.D [根据句意“她结婚了,开始了一个家庭生活”,故选D项,符合语境。]‎ ‎4.A [根据下文,她想成为一个医生,故选A项。]‎ ‎5.B [根据下文,她没有医生执照,当时加拿大医学院不接收女生,故选 B项“遗憾地”符合语境。]‎ ‎6.D [“接纳,吸收”女学生,符合上下文语境。]‎ ‎7.C [根据上下文语境,Charlotte去美国学习医学,故选C项。]‎ ‎8.D [句意:“她用了五年时间获得医学学位”,其他三个选项不符合语境。]‎ ‎9.A [根据下文可知,Charlotte在美国获医学学位后回到加拿大行医,故选A项。]‎ ‎10.C [根据上下文语境,她开办自己的“诊所”,故选C项。]‎ ‎11.A [Charlotte不但接生孩子,还要“接骨”,还有其他病人,因此,她很忙。故选A项。]‎ ‎12.B [根据上下文语境,她忙于给人看病,接生孩子,还要给跛脚的人、骨折的人做手术,find oneself为固定短语,“使某人处于某种状态”符合语境,故选B项。]‎ ‎13.C [broken“骨折的”,过去分词作定语,符合语境。]‎ ‎14.D [根据下文,Charlotte“申请”医生执照,但被拒绝了。故选D项。]‎ ‎15.B [根据上下文,申请但被拒绝,终生没得到“执照”;故选B项。]‎ ‎16.D [根据句意The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons学院想让她在他的学院“完成”学业。故选D项,“complete”。]‎ ‎17.A [根据语境,她不想“离开”她的病人,也不想再学她已经知道的东西,故选A项。]‎ ‎18.C [根据下文语境,In 1993,...a medical licence was issued to Charlotte,issue“发行,颁发”,符合语境。]‎ ‎19.A [根据上下文语境,她虽然没有执照,但是她仍继续行医,故选A项。]‎ ‎20.B [根据语境,她死后77年才颁发给她“执照”。故选B项。]‎ ‎【四】‎ Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top 1 ,but on their way back conditions were very 2 .Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if Simon 3 alone,he would probably get back 4 .But Simon decided to risk his 5 and try to lower Joe down the ‎ mountain on a rope(绳).‎ As they 6 down,the weather got worse.Then another 7 occurred.They couldn't see or hear each other and, 8 ,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).It was 9 for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joe's 10 was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. 11 ,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to 12 .In tears,he cut the rope.Joe 13 into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He couldn't walk,but he 14 to get out of the crevasse and started to 15 towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers 16 .‎ Simon had 17 the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be 18 ,but he didn't want to leave 19 .Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joe's voice.He couldn't 20 it.Joe was there,a few meters from their tent,still alive.‎ ‎1.A.hurriedly B.carefully ‎ C.successfully D.early ‎ ‎2.A.difficult B.similar ‎ C.special D.normal ‎ ‎3.A.climbed B.worked ‎ C.rested D.continued ‎ ‎4.A.unwillingly B.safely ‎ C.slowly D.regretfully ‎ ‎5.A.fortune B.time ‎ C.health D.life ‎6.A.lay B.settled ‎ C.went D.looked ‎7.A.damage B.storm ‎ C.change D.trouble ‎ ‎8.A.by mistake B.by chance ‎ C.by choice D.by luck ‎9.A.unnecessary B.practical ‎ C.important D.impossible ‎ ‎10.A.height B.weight ‎ C.strength D.equipment ‎11.A.Finally B.Patiently ‎ C.Surely D.Quickly ‎12.A.stand back B.take a rest ‎ C.make a decision D.hold on ‎13.A.jumped B.fell ‎ C.escaped D.backed ‎14.A.managed B.planned ‎ C.waited D.hoped ‎ ‎15.A.run B.skate ‎ C.move D.march ‎16.A.around B.away ‎ C.above D.along ‎ ‎17.A.headed for B.traveled to ‎ C.left for D.returned to ‎18.A.dead B.hurt ‎ C.weak D.late ‎19.A.secretly B.tiredly C.immediately D.anxiously ‎20.A.find B.believe ‎ C.make D.accept 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文,Joe Simpson和Simon Yates在一次登山返程时遭遇意外,Joe摔伤了腿,Simon迫不得已割断绳子,Joe摔下悬崖。但令人惊奇的是,Joe三天后还活着,并在营地的不远处。‎ ‎1.C [考查副词辨析。根据文章第一句话提示,他们成功地(successfully)到达了山顶。故选C。]‎ ‎2.A [考查形容词辨析。根据__1__空之后的but提示可知,他们成功地到达山顶后,在返程时情况很糟糕(difficult)。故选A。]‎ ‎3.D [考查动词辨析。根据句意他们都知道,如果Simon独自一个人继续(continued)的话,他将会平安(safely)归来。]‎ ‎4.B [考查副词辨析。解析同上。]‎ ‎5.D [考查固定搭配。根据__4__后But可知,Simon决定冒险用绳子把Joe放下山。risk one's life(to do)冒生命危险去做……]‎ ‎6.C [考查固定搭配。go down 往下走。lie down躺下来;settle down定居下来;look down向下看。]‎ ‎7.D [考查上下文联系。当他们继续往下走时,天气变得更糟糕了,这时,另外一个麻烦(trouble)出现了,他们彼此看不到也听不到了。]‎ ‎8.A [考查介词短语辨析。by mistake错误地;by chance偶然地;by choice出于选择;by luck侥幸地。根据下文,Simon把Joe错误地放在峭壁的上方。因为对于Joe而言攀爬回来是不可能的,而Simen要把Joe拉回来也是不可能的(impossible)。]‎ ‎9.D [考查形容词辨析。解析同上。]‎ ‎10.B [考查名词辨析。根据文章,Joe的体重(weight)正逐渐地把Simon拉向峭壁,故选B。]‎ ‎11.A [考查副词辨析。最后(Finally)在坚持了一个多小时后,Simon不得不做出一个决定(make a decision),含泪切断绳子。]‎ ‎12.C [考查动词短语辨析。stand back退后;往后站;不介入;take a rest 休息一下;hold on=hang on别挂断。]‎ ‎13.B [考查动词辨析。绳子被切断,被系在另一端的Joe肯定会落入(fell)裂缝中。]‎ ‎14.A [考查动词搭配。Joe不能走,但是他却成功地爬出了裂缝,‎ 开始向他们的营地前进。manage to do sth(成功地)做成了某事。]‎ ‎15.C [考查动词辨析。run跑,Joe腿断了,肯定不能跑;skate滑冰;march前进,行军。move移动,此处应为Joe爬行前进更为贴切。]‎ ‎16.B [考查副词辨析。nearly ten kilometers away将近10千米远。]‎ ‎17.D [考查动词辨析。head for向……前进;leave for动身去某地;return to返回到,根据文章,Simon回到他们的营地,但不愿离开。]‎ ‎18.A [考查形容词。Simon认为Joe从高处摔入裂缝中无粮无水,肯定死了(dead)。]‎ ‎19.C [考查副词辨析。尽管Simon认为Joe 肯定死了,但是他不愿立刻(immediately)离开。]‎ ‎20.B [考查动词辨析。当Simon听到Joe的声音时,他肯定特别吃惊,很难相信(believe)自己看到的Joe在几米之外,依然活着。]‎ ‎【五】‎ The Fittingin of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan,I knew I had to help her.She was really small for her age of 12.The boys in my class often 1 about her and laughed their heads off.She would open a book,pretending to read,with tears dropping on the open page.‎ All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa.She had just been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids.I looked down at this 3 girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.‎ But how could I help her 4 in with us?There had to be a 5 .‎ One day,when I went into the classroom,I saw that Suzy had 6 her geography book to a picture of a train,and in her notebook,she had made a(n) 7 copy.‎ I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 8 show.So,I took her to see the art teacher,Miss Parker,and showed her what Suzy had 9 .“Why,it's wonderful,”said Miss Parker,who then showed us a poster she had painted 10 the ‎ talent show.“I need more of these,but I just don't have enough 11 .Could you help me,Suzy?”‎ On the day of the talent show,Suzy's 12 were everywhere—all over the hall and all over the school,each one different.‎ ‎“And finally,”said Mr.Brown,the schoolmaster,at the end of the show,“we have a (n) 13 award.I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters.”Everyone nodded.“One of our own students 14 them.”‎ I could hear everyone whispering.“Who in our school could draw 15 well?”‎ Mr.Brown waited a while before saying,“ 16 this student worked so hard on the posters,she deserves a 17 ,too.Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student—Suzy Khan!”‎ Mr.Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist's set.“Thank you,”she cried.‎ I 18 ,at that time when I was looking at her excited face,she'd probably never 19 anything in her whole life.‎ Everyone started to 20 their hands.Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening.I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.‎ ‎1.A.joked B.cared ‎ C.forgot D.worried ‎2.A.reported B.decided ‎ C.complained D.questioned ‎3.A.rich B.proud ‎ C.tiny D.popular ‎4.A.come B.fall ‎ C.fit D.tie ‎5.A.manner B.pattern ‎ C.choice D.way ‎6.A.read B.taken ‎ C.opened D.put ‎7.A.free B.perfect ‎ C.final D.extra ‎8.A.art B.talk ‎ C.quiz D.talent ‎9.A.colored B.written ‎ C.carved D.drawn ‎10.A.at B.after ‎ C.for D.around ‎11.A.room B.time ‎ C.paper D.interest ‎12.A.gifts B.books ‎ C.photos D.posters ‎13.A.special B.academic ‎ C.national D.royal ‎14.A.painted B.found ‎ C.printed D.collected ‎15.A.very B.that ‎ C.quite D.too ‎16.A.If B.Though ‎ C.Unless D.Since ‎17.A.prize B.rank ‎ C.rest D.place ‎18.A.replied B.realized ‎ C.remembered D.regretted ‎19.A.offered B.valued ‎ C.owned D.controlled ‎20.A.clap B.wave ‎ C.raise D.shake 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位新生Suzy Khan刚开始入学时不适应,被班里的同学嘲笑,后来在老师的帮助下,通过自己独立给学校的达人秀画海报而受到校长、老师和同学们称赞的故事。‎ ‎1.A [考查动词辨析。大家都嘲笑她laughed their heads off,可知其他同学对她并不友好,班里的男孩子应该是常开她的玩笑,因此选A,开……玩笑。care意为“关心”;forget意为“忘记”;worry意为“担心”。]‎ ‎2.B [考查动词辨析。Suzy 被镇上的一个家庭收养,她的养父母应是“决定”:对于Suzy来说,学会美国生活方式的最好的方法就是和美国孩子待在一起。report意为“报告”;complain意为“抱怨”;question意为“质问,疑问”。]‎ ‎3.C [考查形容词辨析,上下文信息题目。由第一行“She was really small for her age of 12”中的small可以看出Suzy的相貌不符合她12岁的年龄,太显小了。small一词给此处提供了答案信息,因此选择C.tiny小的。rich意为“富有的”;proud意为“骄傲的,自豪的”;popular意为“受欢迎的”。]‎ ‎4.C [考查动词辨析。结合句意以及标题可以看出现在作者在思考如何帮助Suzy适应新生活,fit in with sb和某人相处融洽;适应,因此选C项。come意为“来到”;fall意为“掉落”;tie意为“系”。]‎ ‎5.D [考查名词辨析。结合句意:我怎么样才能帮助她适应呢?总会有一个方法的。因此D项way正确。manner意为“礼仪;方式”;pattern意为“图案”;choice意为“选择”。]‎ ‎6.C [考查动词辨析。由空后to a picture of a train可以看出此处应该是Suzy打开课本,翻到书上的一幅火车图片并在练习本上临摹这幅画,因此选择C选项。read意为“阅读”;take意为“带走”;put意为“放”。]‎ ‎7.B [考查形容词辨析。由空后作者惊讶的态度I was surprised...来看,Suzy所画的东西应该是很逼真,结合句意,因此选B项。free意为“自由的,免费的”;final意为“最后的”;extra意为“额外的”。]‎ ‎8.D [考查上下文信息。由__10__后面的the talent show,‎ 看出D项正确。art意为“艺术”;talk意为“谈话”;quiz意为“测验”。]‎ ‎9.D [考查动词辨析。作者给Miss Parker看的应该是Suzy所画的东西,因此选D。color意为“上色,涂色”;write意为“写”;carve意为“雕刻”。]‎ ‎10.C [考查介词辨析。结合句意,Miss Parker此时展示的是她为这次达人秀所画的海报,for the talent show。at意为“在……”;after意为“在……之后”;around意为“在……周围”。]‎ ‎11.B [考查名词辨析。从空后来看,Miss Parker此时向Suzy求助帮忙画海报,此空应是没有足够“时间”画才向Suzy求助,因此选B项。room意为“房间,空间”;paper意为“纸”;interest意为“兴趣”。]‎ ‎12.D [考查上下文信息。根据下文信息,__13__后面的I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters,应是Suzy所画的海报能够在各处看到,因此选D项。gift意为“礼物”;book意为“书”;photo意为“照片”。]‎ ‎13.A [考查形容词辨析。结合句意,此时校长Mr.Brown应是想要给Suzy嘉奖,而这个奖应是一个“特殊的”荣誉,因此选A项。academic意为“学院的,学术的”;national意为“国家的”;royal意为“皇家的”。]‎ ‎14.A [考查动词辨析。结合句意,them指代海报,我们自己的一位学生画了海报。因此选A。find意为“找到”;print意为“打印”;collect意为“收集”。]‎ ‎15.B [考查副词辨析。结合句意,此处学生们好奇谁能够画的那么好,that=so意为“那么”,因此选 B,very意为“非常”;quite意为“十分”;too意为“太”。]‎ ‎16.D [考查连词。结合句意,既然Suzy在海报上花了很大功夫,她应该受到嘉奖。因此选D。if意为“如果”;though意为“尽管,虽然”;unless意为“除非,如果不”。]‎ ‎17.A [考查名词辨析。结合句意,deserve a prize应受嘉奖,因此选A。rank意为“排名”;rest意为“休息”;place意为“地方”。]‎ ‎18.B [考查动词辨析。结合句意,当我看到她兴奋的脸时,我意识到,Suzy也许一生中从未拥有过这样的时刻。因此选 B。reply意为“回复”;remember意为“记得”;regret意为“后悔,遗憾”。]‎ ‎19.C [考查动词辨析。结合句意,对于Suzy来说,她应是从未拥有过这些,因此选C。offer意为“主动提供”;value意为“珍惜”;control意为“控制”。]‎ ‎20.A [考查动词辨析。结合句意,此处其他学生开始为Suzy鼓掌,从空后applause能够看出此处应为clap,因此选A。wave意为“挥舞”;raise意为“举起”;shake意为“摇晃;颤抖”。]‎ ‎【六】‎ In 2012,I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writer's conference in Orlando,Florida.My family persuaded me that a(n) 1 might be just what the doctor ordered,so off I 2 .‎ Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring,but I 3 to catch a taxi to my 4 and settle in.Next morning,I took another 5 to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs. 6 I went to a café to have lunch,but all the tables were 7 .Then I heard a friendly voice saying,“You can 8 my table.”‎ I gratefully sat down with the 9 lady and we had a happy lunch together.As the 10 drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando.I had already told her that I hadn't 11 a car,and hadn't realised how 12 taking taxis would be.After a while she said,“My dear,don't use any more taxis.I'm retired and it would be my pleasure to 13 you wherever you wish.”I told her that I couldn't put her to that 14 ,but she brushed aside my protests (反对).She asked me where I was 15 and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the 16 time to take me to Disney World.She spent some time with me before leaving me to 17 alone.At the end of the day,she 18 to take me back to my accommodation.I 19 her money but she refused to take any.‎ I'll never forget that wonderful lady who,through her 20 ,filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.‎ ‎1.A.holiday B.ceremony ‎ C.operation D.experiment ‎2.A.kept B.went ‎ C.dropped D.knocked ‎3.A.intended B.promised ‎ C.managed D.deserved ‎4.A.hospital B.company ‎ C.university D.accommodation ‎5.A.colleague B.passenger ‎ C.suitcase D.taxi ‎6.A.Instead B.First ‎ C.Later D.Once ‎7.A.classified B.occupied ‎ C.decorated D.painted ‎8.A.share B.reserve ‎ C.set D.possess ‎9.A.old B.poor ‎ C.innocent D.stubborn ‎10.A.journey B.meal ‎ C.speech D.interview ‎11.A.donated B.repaired ‎ C.hired D.guided ‎12.A.convenient B.worthwhile ‎ C.unfortunate D.expensive ‎13.A.inspire B.entertain ‎ C.call D.drive ‎14.A.business B.argument ‎ C.trouble D.challenge ‎15.A.working B.staying ‎ C.moving D.shopping ‎16.A.appointed B.limited ‎ C.favourite D.regular ‎17.A.digest B.explore ‎ C.perform D.calculate ‎18.A.forgot B.refused ‎ C.returned D.preferred ‎19.A.sent B.lent ‎ C.offered D.owed ‎20.A.confidence B.dignity ‎ C.curiosity D.kindness 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。我大病初愈后到奥兰多度假,在一个咖啡馆吃午饭时与一位女士共用一张桌子,并进行了愉快的交谈。这位女士非常热心;第二天亲自开车陪我在迪斯尼乐园玩了一天,让我对假期充满了美好的回忆。‎ ‎1.A [考查上下文语境。根据文章最后一段“...filled my brief holiday”可知这个假期(holiday)可能是医生预约的,故选A。]‎ ‎2.B [考查固定搭配。keep off 远离;go off 离开;进行;drop off 减少,让……下车;knock off 击倒;中断;根据文章so off I went是倒装句,意为:所以我就去(度假)了。]‎ ‎3.C [考查词组搭配。尽管我到达那里时很疲惫,但是我还是坐上出租车到了我的住所。manage to do sth(成功地)做成了某事。intend to do sth打算去做某事;promise to do sth许诺去做某事;deserve to do值得去做;根据句意应选C。]‎ ‎4.D [考查上下文联系。根据__18__之后的accommodation(住所)可知,我坐出租车到达了住所,应选D。]‎ ‎5.D [考查上下文联系。根据__3__后的catch a taxi(搭乘出租车)可知,第二天我乘了另外一辆出租车。take a taxi乘出租车。故选D。]‎ ‎6.C [考查语境。我先去购物中心买了一些纪念品,之后(later)才去咖啡馆吃午餐,应选C。]‎ ‎7.B [考查形容词辨析。classified 分类的;occupied 满的;decorated 装饰好的;painted 粉刷好的。此处指每张桌子都满了,故选B。]‎ ‎8.A [考查动词辨析。share 分享;reserve 保存,预留;possess 拥有;根据文章,‎ 你可以和我共用(分享)一张桌子,故选A。]‎ ‎9.A [考查上下文联系。根据__13__之前“I'm retired and...”可知,这位女士已经退休了,所以是the old lady,应选A。]‎ ‎10.B [考查语境。根据上文可知,我来咖啡馆吃午饭,所以是“随着午餐接近尾声”,应选B。]‎ ‎11.C [考查动词辨析。hire a car 租车。根据上下文可知作者来度假并没有开车,所以只能租车(hire)。应选C。]‎ ‎12.D [考查形容词辨析。convenient 方便的;worthwhile值得的;unfortunate 不幸的;expensive 昂贵的。根据文章乘出租车的花费应该是昂贵的。故选D。]‎ ‎13.D [考查动词辨析。inspire激励;entertain娱乐,款待;drive 驾驶,行驶。根据下文可知,这位女士开车带我去了迪斯尼乐园,应选D。]‎ ‎14.C [考查固定搭配。put sb to trouble 给某人添麻烦。]‎ ‎15.B [考查语境。因为这位女士要开车带我去迪斯尼乐园,所以她要知道我的住处。应选B。]‎ ‎16.A [考查形容词辨析。the appointed time 预约好的时间;limited 有限的;favourite喜欢的;regular 定期的。根据上下文应选A。]‎ ‎17.B [考查动词辨析。digest 消化,领悟;explore 探索;研究;perform 表演,履行;calculate 计算。根据语境,她陪我玩了一会才让我一个人去探险,故选B。]‎ ‎18.C [考查固定搭配。forget to do sth忘记去做某事;refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事;return to do sth回来去做某事;prefer to do sth喜欢去做某事。根据上下文,这位女士在傍晚时回来接我,故选C。]‎ ‎19.C [考查动词辨析。offer sb money给某人钱。owe sb money 欠某人钱;lend sb money 借给某人钱,根据文章,我给这位女士钱,但她不收。应选C。]‎ ‎20.D [考查名词辨析。confidence 信心;dignity尊严;curiosity 好奇心;kindness善良。根据文章可知,我将不会忘记这位女士,她用她的善良使我的短暂假期充满美好的回忆,故选D。]‎ ‎【七】‎ Dad had a green comb.He bought it when he married Mum.Every night,he would hand me ‎ his 1 and say,“Good girl,help Daddy clean it,OK?”‎ I was 2 to do it.At age five,this dull task brought me such 3 .I would excitedly turn the tap 4 and brush the comb carefully.Satisfied that I'd done a good job,I would happily return the comb to Dad.He would 5 affectionately at me and place the comb on his wallet.‎ Two years later,Dad started his own 6 ,which wasn't doing so well.That was when things started to 7 .Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used to.Mum and I became 8 with him for placing our family in trouble.With 9 ,an uncomfortable silence grew between us.‎ After my graduation,Dad's business was getting back on track.On my 28th birthday,Dad came home 10 .As usual,I helped him carry his bags into his study.When I turned to leave,he said,“Hey,would you help me 11 my comb?”I looked at him a while,then 12 the comb and headed to the sink.‎ It hit me then:why,as a child, 13 Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure.That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home early to 14 the evening with Mum and me.It 15 a happy and loving family.‎ I passed the clean comb back to Dad.He smiled at me and 16 placed his comb on his wallet.But this time,I noticed something 17 .Dad had aged.He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, 18 his smile was still as 19 as before,the smile of a father who just wanted a good 20 for his family.‎ ‎1.A.bag B.wallet ‎ C.comb D.brush ‎2.A.annoyed B.relieved ‎ C.ashamed D.pleased ‎3.A.joy B.sadness ‎ C.courage D.pain ‎4.A.out B.over ‎ C.in D.on ‎5.A.stare B.smile ‎ C.shout D.laugh ‎6.A.family B.business ‎ C.task D.journey ‎7.A.progress B.change ‎ C.improve D.form ‎8.A.satisfied B.delighted ‎ C.mad D.strict ‎9.A.time B.patience ‎ C.speed D.ease ‎10.A.occasionally B.early C.frequently D.rarely ‎11.A.sharpen B.repair ‎ C.clean D.keep ‎12.A.dropped B.took ‎ C.handed D.threw ‎13.A.watching B.letting ‎ C.helping D.hearing ‎14.A.find B.lose ‎ C.waste D.spend ‎15.A.affected B.broke C.meant D.supported ‎16.A.firmly B.hurriedly ‎ C.casually D.carefully ‎17.A.different B.exciting ‎ C.interesting D.urgent ‎18.A.for B.or ‎ C.so D.yet ‎19.A.convincing B.heartwarming C.cautious D.innocent ‎20.A.origin B.life ‎ C.reputation D.education 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 父亲的绿色梳子曾给我的孩提时代带来了许多的快乐,然而,父亲开始做生意之后,这一切都悄悄地发生着变化,父亲不再早归,我也不再帮助他清洗梳子。直到我28岁生日的那一天,我才知道,无论如何变化,不变的是父亲的微笑,父亲希望带给我们幸福生活的心。‎ ‎1.C [考查名词辨析。本文首句说父亲有一把绿色的梳子,所以每天晚上,父亲会把他的梳子递给我让我去清洗。]‎ ‎2.D [考查形容词辨析。根据后文的excitedly可以看出,作者很乐意帮父亲洗梳子。]‎ ‎3.A [考查名词辨析。父亲让我洗梳子这件事给五岁的我带来了很多快乐。虽然单调,但是我很乐意这样做,从后文的excitedly可以看出。]‎ ‎4.D [考查固定搭配。我打开水龙头。turn on打开。]‎ ‎5.B [考查名词辨析。我洗完梳子,会很开心地交还给父亲,而父亲会亲切地朝我微笑,并把梳子放入他的钱包。]‎ ‎6.B [考查名词辨析。两年后,父亲决定开始自己创业,但是进展的并不是很好。start his own business开始创业。]‎ ‎7.B [考查名词辨析。就在父亲开始创业的时候,事情开始发生了变化。父亲不再像往常一样回家早了。]‎ ‎8.C [考查形容词辨析。因为父亲创业的形势不是很好,我和母亲因为他把我们的家庭陷入了困境中,所以变得快发疯了,此处表示我和母亲很生气。不可能是满意的,高兴的或者是严格的。]‎ ‎9.A [考查名词辨析。随着时间的流逝,我们之间有了一种令人不舒适的寂静,这儿指我和父亲不大交流了。]‎ ‎10.B [考查副词辨析。我毕业后,父亲的生意开始回到了正轨,在我28岁生日那天,父亲早早地回到了家。]‎ ‎11.C [考查形容词辨析。我帮父亲把包拿到了书房,正要离开,父亲问我:“你愿意帮我清洗我的梳子吗?”这是数年前的问法,当然是clean。]‎ ‎12.B [考查动词辨析。看了父亲一会儿,我然后把梳子拿过来,去了洗涤槽。take拿;取。]‎ ‎13.C [考查动词辨析。我突然想起:为什么在我是个小孩子的时候,帮父亲洗梳子是一件快乐的事情呢?]‎ ‎14.D [考查动词辨析。那个习惯意味着父亲回家很早,与我和母亲一起度过晚上。spend度过。]‎ ‎15.C [考查动词辨析。照应上一句的meant,那意味着我们是一个快乐有爱的家庭。]‎ ‎16.D [考查副词辨析。我洗完梳子,还给父亲,父亲朝我微笑着,并小心翼翼地把它放进钱包里。firmly坚定地;hurriedly匆忙地;casually随意地。]‎ ‎17.A [考查形容词辨析。但是这一次,我注意到一些不同的事情:父亲变老了,当他微笑时,他的眼角出现了皱纹。]‎ ‎18.D [考查连词辨析。然而,他的微笑却和以前一样温暖人心。]‎ ‎19.B [考查形容词辨析。解析如上。heartwarming暖人心的;convincing令人信服的;cautious小心的;innocent无辜的;清白的。]‎ ‎20.B [考查名词辨析。父亲的微笑仍然是一个想让自己的家人过上快乐生活的父亲的微笑。]‎ ‎【八】‎ My fiance(未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home.But our funds were 1 , and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.‎ One agent 2 a house in particular.Although her description sounded wonderful, the price was 3 our range, so we declined.But she kept urging us to have a look 4 .‎ We finally did and it was 5 at first sight.It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake.Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a nice elderly ‎ couple, we felt the warmth and 6 of the marriage within that home.As perfect as it was, the price remained too high for us.But every day, we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of 7 it would be like to live there.‎ Days later, we made a(n) 8 —far below the asking price.Surprisingly, they didn't 9 us.They renewed their offer 10 .It was also much more than we could afford, but far 11 than the original asking price.‎ The next day, we got a 12 message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.Even so, we decided to talk with the 13 directly.We made our final offer, which 14 was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer's bid.We knew it, 15 we had to try.‎ ‎“Sold!” said the owner.Then he 16 : He'd seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that we'd 17 the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a 18 by selling it to us, but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there.He told us to consider the 19 in the price “an early wedding present.”‎ That's how we found our home and how I learned that when people are 20 , they are not strangers, only friends we haven't yet met.‎ ‎1.A.needed B.limited C.enough D.large ‎2.A.recommended B.decorated C.sold D.rented ‎3.A.below B.within C.beyond D.between ‎4.A.at least B.at most C.at times D.at hand ‎5.A.relief B.concern ‎ C.love D.curiosity ‎6.A.pride B.happiness ‎ C.challenge D.desire ‎7.A.which B.why ‎ C.that D.what ‎8.A.effort B.offer ‎ C.promise D.profit ‎9.A.come across B.look after C.depend on D.laugh at ‎10.A.instead B.indeed ‎ C.aside D.apart ‎11.A.worse B.better ‎ C.less D.higher ‎12.A.relaxing B.disappointing C.pleasant D.regular ‎13.A.agents B.buyers ‎ C.managers D.owners ‎14.A.already B.still ‎ C.generally D.ever ‎15.A.so B.or ‎ C.for D.but ‎16.A.apologized B.complained C.criticized D.explained ‎17.A.check B.analyze ‎ ‎ C.appreciate D.ignore ‎18.A.loss B.risk ‎ C.chance D.lead ‎19.A.increase B.difference ‎ C.interest D.average ‎20.A.kind B.polite ‎ C.smart D.energetic ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是作者购买房子时与房东之间发生的感人故事。‎ ‎1.B [考查形容词辨析。根据前面的But和后面的none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory可知,我们的钱很有限,在我们价格范围内的房子都令人不满意。limited有限的,不多的,符合语境。]‎ ‎2.A [考查动词辨析。一个代理商特别为我们推荐了一个房子。recommend推荐,介绍,符合语境。]‎ ‎3.C [考查介词辨析。根据后面的so we declined可知,这所房子的价格超出了我们的承受范围。beyond (表示范围)超出,非……所能及。]‎ ‎4.A [考查介词短语辨析。但她力劝我们至少去看一看。at least至少,符合语境。at most最多;at times有时;at hand在手边,在附近,即将来临。]‎ ‎5.C [考查名词辨析。根据后面的It was Our Home, small and charming可知,我们对这所房子一见钟情。]‎ ‎6.B [考查名词辨析。根据前面的warmth和后面的of the marriage可知,在这所房子里我们感受到了婚姻的温暖和幸福。]‎ ‎7.D [考查连接词辨析。梦想着生活在那里是什么样子。作be like的宾语要用what。]‎ ‎8.B [考查名词辨析。几天后,我们出价远远低于要价。make an offer还价,出价。]‎ ‎9.D [考查动词短语辨析。根据Surprisingly可知,我们出价太低,但他们没有嘲笑我们,这令我们感到很惊讶。]‎ ‎10.A [考查副词辨析。他们没有嘲笑我们,而是修改了价格。instead代替,而是。]‎ ‎11.C [考查形容词辨析。这一价格仍然远远超出我们的承受能力,但比原来的要价低多了。]‎ ‎12.B [考查形容词辨析。根据后面的another buyer had offered a much higher price可知,这是一个令人失望的消息。]‎ ‎13.D [考查名词辨析。谈价格当然要找房子的主人。]‎ ‎14.B [考查副词辨析。我们最终的出价仍然比其他购买者的出价低好几千美元。]‎ ‎15.D [考查连词辨析。我们明白这一点,但我们必须尽力争取一下。前后之间为转折关系。]‎ ‎16.D [考查动词辨析。根据后面的内容可知,他卖给了我们,然后解释其中的原因。]‎ ‎17.C [考查动词辨析。他知道我们很喜爱这所房子,我们将会赏识他们为这所房子所付出的劳动。appreciate欣赏,赏识,重视,符合语境。check检查,核对;analyze分析;ignore不理,忽视。]‎ ‎18.A [考查名词辨析。卖给我们他会遭受金钱上的损失,但这是值得的。]‎ ‎19.B [考查名词辨析。他告诉我们考虑一下价格方面的差别。]‎ ‎20.A [考查形容词辨析。当人们友好的时候,他们不是陌生人,只是我们还没有认识的朋友。]‎ 答案与解析 ‎【九】‎ My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard.That first year,I 1 feeding peanuts to the blue jays,then the squirrels.The squirrels had no 2 coming up right to me for them.As the months went by,the rabbits saw that I was no 3 and didn't escape.When I threw carrot slices(薄片),they even came for a nibble(啃).Slowly they came to 4 me,and by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.‎ That second year,the rabbits 5 me,and one would even sit up for slices!While I was feeding them,I 6 that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an 7 interest in this food situation.I carefully extended a long 8 ,with a keen eye on those teeth,and 9 ,there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit,both munching(津津有味地咀嚼)on carrots.A few months later,while 10 ,she would even turn her back to me. 11 when she was facing away,I reached out and 12 scratched(搔)her back with my finger.She didn't move.‎ By year three,the rabbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog 13 didn't have a problem with me scratching her back,and I got an idea.I'd always 14 ,while slicing up carrots,that the end looked like a cap. 15 one day,just to see what she would do,I gently ‎ ‎16 one on top of the groundhog's head.Again,not a 17 .The next time,I had my camera ready to record what you see here,one of several dozen such pictures. 18 she had a slice to eat,she never 19 the one on her head.It was a fair 20 —I got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.‎ ‎1.A.avoided B.started C.canceled D.suggested ‎2.A.business B.fun C.problem D.privilege ‎3.A.help B.cheat C.threat D.exception ‎4.A.trust B.miss C.admire D.appreciate ‎5.A.feared B.ignored C.discovered D.remembered ‎6.A.proved B.decided C.noticed D.understood ‎7.A.extreme B.increasing C.additional D.inspiring ‎8.A.squirrel B.rabbit C.peanut D.carrot ‎9.A.before long B.long ago C.over and over D.all over again ‎10.A.eating B.playing C.sitting D.sleeping ‎11.A.Next B.Once ‎ C.Soon D.Lately ‎12.A.carefully B.suddenly ‎ C.violently D.patiently ‎13.A.also B.thus ‎ C.just D.still ‎14.A.thought B.doubted ‎ C.admitted D.recognised ‎15.A.While B.Or ‎ C.So D.For ‎16.A.fixed B.placed ‎ C.hung D.kept ‎17.A.tremble B.move ‎ C.delay D.hesitation ‎18.A.Even if B.Ever since C.As far as D.So long as ‎19.A.welcomed B.required C.bothered D.expected ‎20.A.trade B.competition C.task D.affair 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 本文主要讲述的是作者从前的家中有个后院,院子里有许多小动物,作者通过喂养小动物,而逐渐使得这些小动物放弃警惕,最终作者拍下了许多可爱的照片。‎ ‎1.B [考查动词以及对语境的理解。avoid 避免;start开始;cancel取消;suggest建议。根据语意,第一年开始用花生喂冠蓝鸦,然后(喂)松鼠。是个循序渐进的过程,故选择B。]‎ ‎2.C [考查名词以及对语境的理解。business 生意;fun乐趣;problem问题;privilege特权。考查短语have no problem doing sth意为“做某事没问题”。根据意思选择C。]‎ ‎3.C [考查名词以及对语境的理解。help帮助;cheat欺骗;threat威胁;exception例外。根据下文的didn't escape可知,兔子不怕我,故选择C,意为兔子看到我并没有威胁。]‎ ‎4.A [考查动词以及对语境的理解。 trust信任;miss错过,思念;admire钦佩;appreciate感激,欣赏。根据下文的 by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.可知,小兔越来越信任我。故选择A。]‎ ‎5.D [考查动词以及对语境的理解。fear 害怕;ignore忽视;discover发现;remember记住。根据下文的one would even sit up for slices可知小兔们越来越不害怕我,也就是说他们开始记得我。]‎ ‎6.C [考查动词以及对语境的理解。prove证明;decide决定;notice注意 understand理解。根据下文的 a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an __7____ interest in this food situation.可知选择C, 意为注意到这么一个情况。]‎ ‎7.B [考查形容词以及对语境的理解。extreme极端的; increasing不断增长的;additional 额外的; inspiring 鼓舞人心的。根据下文的土拨鼠逐渐不怕作者可知,指土拨鼠开始对食物越来越感兴趣。]‎ ‎8.D [考查名词以及对语境的理解。 squirrel 松鼠; rabbit 兔子;peanut 花生;carrot 胡萝卜。根据下文的both munching(津津有味的咀嚼) on carrots.可知选择D。]‎ ‎9.A [考查连词以及对语境的理解。 before long 不久之后;long ago 很久之前;over and over 一次又一次;all over again 再一次。根据下文可知,不久之后土拨鼠不怕作者了。]‎ ‎10.A [考查动词以及对语境的理解。eat 吃; play 玩;sit坐;sleep 睡觉。根据上文可知土拨鼠在津津有味地吃胡萝卜,故选择A。]‎ ‎11.B [考查副词以及对语境的理解。 next 下一次; once 曾经、一次;soon 很快;lately 最近、近来。根据句意选B。]‎ ‎12.A [考查副词以及对语境的理解。carefully 仔细地、小心地;suddenly 突然;violently 暴力地; patiently 有耐心地。指作者小心翼翼地伸出手去搔她的背,故选择A。]‎ ‎13.D [考查副词以及对语境的理解。also 也;thus 因此;just 正好、恰恰;still 仍然。到了第三年动物仍然不怕他,故选择D。]‎ ‎14.A [考查动词以及对语境的理解。think 认为; doubt 怀疑; admit 承认;recognize 认识。根据下文的that the end looked like a cap可知,这是作者的想法,故选择A。]‎ ‎15.C [考查连词以及对语境的理解。while 当……时; or 否则;so 因此; for 因为。根据上文可知,作者认为胡萝卜根部像帽子,然后有一天他就把它当帽子用了,故选择 C。]‎ ‎16.B [考查动词以及对语境的理解。fix 安装;place 放置;hang 悬挂;keep 维持。因为作者把胡萝卜根部当帽子戴在土拨鼠的头上,故选择B。]‎ ‎17.B [考查动词以及对语境的理解。tremble 颤抖;move 动;delay 推延;hesitation 犹豫。土拨鼠没有动,故选择B。]‎ ‎18.D [考查连词以及对语境的理解。even if 即使; ever since 自从;as far as 就……而言;so long as 只要。只要有胡萝卜片吃。]‎ ‎19.C [考查动词以及对语境的理解。welcome 欢迎; require 要求; bother 烦恼;expect 期待。根据上文可知,只要她有吃的,她就不会烦恼头上这片了,故选择C。]‎ ‎20.A [考查名词以及对语境的理解。trade 交易;competition 竞争; task 任务;affair 事务。这是一个公平的交易。]‎ ‎【十】‎ ‎“Daily Star,sir.” called Jason,carrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the street,but there were still twenty 1 left.His voice was almost gone and his heart was 2 .The shops would soon close,and all the people would go home.He would have to go home too,carrying the papers 3 money.He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a 4 for his mother and some seeds for his bird.That was why he had bought the papers with all his money.He 5 as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.‎ ‎“You don't know the 6 of selling papers.You must shout.‘Hot news! Bomb bursting!’” another newsboy Chad told Jason.“ 7 it's not in the paper at all,” replied Jason.“Just run away quickly 8 they have time to see,and you'll 9 out and get your money,”Chad said.‎ It was a new 10 to Jason.He thought of his bird with no 11 and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother,but was 12 that he would not tell a lie.Though he was 13 a poor newsboy,he had been 14 some good things.‎ The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers 15 .Several boys were crowding around Chad,who declared with a 16 smile that he sold six dozen the day before.He added that Jason 17 money because he would not tell a lie.The boy 18 at Jason.“You wouldn't tell a lie yesterday,my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted ‎ Jason's shoulder 19 .“You're just the boy I am looking for.” A week later Jason started his new 20 .He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie,but got a wellpaid job because he told the truth.‎ ‎1.A.shops B.coins ‎ C.people D.papers ‎2.A.open B.heavy ‎ C.pure D.weak ‎3.A.instead of B.in return for C.regardless of D.in exchange for ‎4.A.cup B.card ‎ C.comb D.cake ‎5.A.gave in B.broke down C.got away D.showed up ‎6.A.difficulty B.process C.goal D.secret ‎7.A.And B.But ‎ C.For D.So ‎8.A.before B.since ‎ C.though D.unless ‎9.A.call B.drop ‎ C.sell D.reach ‎10.A.edition B.idea ‎ C.policy D.task ‎11.A.bread B.insects ‎ C.seeds D.water ‎12.A.concerned B.amazed C.excited D.determined ‎13.A.still B.already ‎ C.just D.also ‎14.A.taught B.handed ‎ C.awarded D.allowed ‎15.A.at once B.by chance C.as usual D.on purpose ‎16.A.proud B.gentle ‎ C.warm D.polite ‎17.A.borrowed B.lost C.made D.saved ‎18.A.laughed B.shouted ‎ C.nodded D.started ‎19.A.bravely B.gratefully ‎ C.fondly D.modestly ‎20.A.duty B.business ‎ C.job D.method 答案与解析 ‎【语篇导读】 报童杰森不想撒谎,没有卖掉所有的报纸,无法给妈妈买蛋糕,给鸟儿买鸟食;但得到老板的青睐,诚实得到丰厚的回报。‎ ‎1.D [考查重词再现。本文最后一句中He lost the sale of twenty papers可知,剩了20份报纸。]‎ ‎2.B [考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他几乎说不出话来,心情沉重。open敞开心扉;heavy(心情)沉重;pure纯洁的;完全的;weak不牢固的,虚弱的。因卖不掉报纸,‎ 心情沉重,用heavy。]‎ ‎3.A [考查介词短语辨析。他也要回家了,带着报纸而不是钱。instead of代替;而不是……; in return for作为……的报答;regardless of不顾,不管;in exchange for作为……的交换。根据句意,选A。]‎ ‎4.D [考查重词再现。第三段He thought of his bird with no seeds and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother可知,答案选D。]‎ ‎5.B [考查动词短语辨析。give in屈服;让步;break down禁不住痛哭;身体、精神受不了;get away离开;逃脱;出发;show up露面;露出;揭露。根据句意:“他一想到没有卖掉所有的报纸,精神就要崩溃了。”可知选B。]‎ ‎6.D [考查名词辨析。句意:你不知道推销报纸的诀窍。difficulty 困难,难事;困境;process过程;程序;步骤;goal目的;目标;进球;得分;secret秘密,秘诀。据此选D。]‎ ‎7.B [考查连词。两个分句表示语义转折,用but。]‎ ‎8.A [考查从属连词。句意:在他们还没来得及看,就逃之夭夭。before在……以前;还没有来得及。]‎ ‎9.C [考查动词词义辨析。sell out卖光;call out大声叫喊;召集;drop out脱离;退学;退出;reach out伸出;根据句意:“你就会把报纸全部卖掉,赚到钱。”可知,选C。]‎ ‎10.B [考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于杰森而言,这是一个新主意。edition版,版本,版次;idea主意,想法;概念,思想;计划,建议; policy政策,方针;策略,手段;task任务,工作。选B。]‎ ‎11.C [考查重词再现。第一段...some seeds for his bird可知,答案为C。]‎ ‎12.D [考查形容词词义辨析。句意:……他下定决心不去撒谎。concerned有关的;关切的,担心的;amazed吃惊的,惊奇的;excited刺激的;对……感到兴奋的;determined坚决的;有决心的。根据句意,选D。]‎ ‎13.C [考查副词辨析。句意:尽管他只是一个贫穷的小报童,他学到了一些有益的东西。still还;更;仍; already已,已经; just=only只,仅仅;also也。根据句意,选C。]‎ ‎14.A [考查动词词义辨析。根据上题,他学到了一些有益的东西,换句话,(家庭)教了他很多有益的东西。]‎ ‎15.C [考查短语辨析。句意:第二天下午,杰森像往常一样去办公室去拿报纸。at once马上,立刻;by chance偶然;意外地;as usual像往常一样;照例;on purpose有目的地,‎ 故意地。根据句意,选C。]‎ ‎16.A [考查形容词词义辨析。proud骄傲的,自豪的;gentle温和的;文雅的;warm暖和的,温暖的,暖的;polite有礼貌的。]‎ ‎17.B [考查动词词义辨析。句意:他补充说杰森赔了钱是因为他不愿撒谎。lose money赔钱。]‎ ‎18.A [考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个男孩嘲笑杰森。laugh at嘲笑;取笑; shout at对……大喊;叱喝;nod at向某人点头;stare at凝视,盯住。根据句意,选A。]‎ ‎19.C [考查副词辨析。句意:在办公室的一位绅士走过来,怜爱地拍拍杰森的肩膀。bravely勇敢地,英勇地;gratefully感激地,感谢地;fondly快乐地;天真地;modestly谨慎地;适当地。根据句意,选C。]‎ ‎20.C [考查名词词义辨析。句意:一周后杰森开始了他的新工作。duty责任;本分;义务;business生意,业务,事情;job工作,职业;method方法,办法。]‎

