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必修二 Module 4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts (主题语境:人与社会——文学与艺术) 1.alive adj .有活力的;有生气的;活着的;仍然存在的 ◆选词填空(alive/live/living/lively) ①I watched a  live     TV program.There was a boy who was very  lively    liking all  living     things.He kept a  live     fish in a small jar.He decided to free it and kept the fish  alive     in the river. ◆完成句子 ②它们看上去如此充满活力。(教材原句) They  look so alive     . 重点单词 ③当大猩猩和我都惊吓了对方时,发现它们都还活着我很高兴。 When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad  to find them alive    .(2018课标全国Ⅲ) ④图片使得这本书生动有趣。 The pictures  bring the book alive     . ⑤比赛在下半场变得有看头了。 The game  came alive     in the second half. 点拨 come alive变得活跃起来 bring...alive使 …… 变得活跃 keep...alive使 …… 生存下去 辨析 alive/lively/live/living alive 活着的,充满活力的。是表语形容词,可用于修饰人或物,作表语、后置定语、宾补,不可作前置定语 lively 活泼的,生动的,有生机的。可指人,也可指物,作定语、表语、宾语补足语 live 活的,活生生的,现场直播的。作前置定语,只能修饰物,不能修饰人 living 有生命的,活的,健在的。可修饰人或物,作表语或前置定语 2.observe v.观察;注意到;庆祝;遵守,遵循;评论 ◆赏句猜义 写出下列句子中observe的汉语意思。 ①Most of us observed much more as children than we do as adults.  观察     ②Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?   庆祝     ③The police observed the man enter a bank.  注意到     ◆单句填空 ④ Qi Baishi   observed     (observe) the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this.( 教材原句 ) ⑤I was searching for these three western lowland gorillas I ' d been  observing     (observe).(2018课标全国Ⅲ) ⑥The lecture, starting at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an  observation     (observe) of the Moon with telescopes. ⑦Officers observed him  driving     (drive) at 90 miles per hour. 点拨 (1)observe sb. doing...注意到某人正在做 …… observe sb. do...注意到某人做 …… (2)observation n .观察;观察力 observer n .观察者 易错 observe sb. do sth. 结构如果改成被动语态,应补上省略的to,即sb. be observed to do sth.。 3.stand v .忍受;站立;处于(某种状态) n .看台;摊子;立场 ◆赏句猜义 写出下列句子中stand的汉语意思。 ①But I can ' t stand that picture of a golden-haired girl.(教材原句)  忍受     ②I can ' t stand it when you do that.  忍受     ③The house stood empty for a long time.  处于某种状态     ④Mike was unwilling to take a stand on the issue.  立场     ◆单句填空 ⑤ After several rounds of competition, the little girl stood   out     because of her excellent English. ⑥Why did so many people stand   by     while the woman was being robbed in broad daylight? ⑦In China, these knots stand  for     friendship, love and good luck. ⑧I simply can ' t stand  waiting     (wait) in line for the movie ticket. 点拨 can ' t stand(sb./sth.)doing sth.不能忍受(某人/某物)做某事 stand by袖手旁观     stand by sb. 支持某人 stand for代表;象征   stand out显眼;突出 点津 stand意为“忍受”时,常与can、could连用,用于否定句和疑问句,其后常接名 词、代词或 v .-ing形式,不能用于进行时。 4.adopt vt .采纳,采用;收养,领养;选举 ◆赏句猜义 写出下列加黑单词的汉语意思。 ①a style of painting adopted by a group of artists(教材原句)  采纳;采用     ②The government has launched a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt homeless children.  收养     ③Eventually, he was adopted as manager of the company.  选举     ④Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.  采纳     ◆单句填空 ⑤Environmentalists urged that more effective measures  (should) be adopted     (adopt) by the government to reduce pollution. 点拨 (1)adopt one ' s suggestion/advice采纳某人的建议 adopt an orphan 收养一个孤儿 adopt sb. as...选举某人为 …… (2)adopted adj .收养的;所选择居住的,移居的 adoption n .采用;收养 易错 adopt与adapt是容易混淆的单词,adapt意为“适应”。 1.be/get tired of对 …… 感到厌烦 ◆英译汉 ①In many schools, students have to do piles of homework every day, which makes them fed up with their studies.  在很多学校,学生每天都要做成堆的作业,这让他们厌倦了学习。     重点短语 ◆完成句子 ②我在学校学习艺术,我很开心,虽然老看图可能会看腻。(教材原句) I am studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at     pictures all the time. ③ 如果到了周五晚上你筋疲力尽的话,周六睡个懒觉听起来不错。 If you  are tired out     by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. ④孩子们在屋子里很快就待不住了。 The children quickly got  tired of/bored with     staying indoors. ⑤当我回到家,我感到很累,我直接上床睡觉了。 I  felt very tired     when I got home, and I went straight to bed. 点拨 (1)be/get tired of 对 …… 感到厌烦 be tired out 筋疲力尽 易错 be tired of表示状态,可与时间段连用;get tired of表示动作,不能与时间段连用。 联想 表示“厌倦/厌烦做某事”的短语还有:be/get bored with、be sick of、be fed up with。 2.put off 推迟;延期 ◆介(副)词填空 ①She put  off     completing the picture, because she didn ' t like it.(教材原句) ②The proposal put  forward     by Dobrindt aims to help promote fully automatic driving. ③After the earthquake, many people had to put  up     in a stadium because most of their houses were badly damaged. ④Kathy, don ' t be so discouraged.If you put  away     such feelings, you will do better next time. ⑤Considering your income, you should be able to put  aside     at least twenty dollars a week. ⑥Jack couldn ' t put up  with     the pressure of his work, so he chose to leave the company. ⑦Should it rain tomorrow, we should have to put  off     the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. 点拨 put aside把某物放到一边;储蓄;储存;不顾 put away把 …… 放起来,收好 put down写下;记下;平定 put forward提出 put on上演;穿上;戴上 put out熄灭;扑灭;生产;制造 put up提升;建造;张贴;投宿 put up with容忍 联想 “推迟 / 延缓做某事”还可以用 delay (doing) sth. 或 postpone (doing) sth. 来表达。 3.take turns(in doing sth./to do sth.)轮流,依次(做某事) ◆单句填空 ①Take turns  to ask     (ask) your questions.(教材原句) ②On the way there,the two drivers took turns  to drive     (drive)the car. ③All theories originate from practice and  in     turn serve practice. ④You ' ll get a chance to spread yourself when it ' s your turn  take turns toclean     (speak). ◆句型转换 ⑤We decided to clean our classroom by turns but now he has broken our agreement. →We decided to  take turns to clean     our classroom but now he has broken our agreement. →We decided to  take turns in cleaning     our classroom but now he has broken our agreement. 点拨 by turns轮流地,交替地 in turn轮流地;依次地;相应地;转而 It ' s one ' s turn (to do sth.)轮到某人(做某事)。 What do you make of...?你认为 …… 怎么样? 教材原句 What do you make of (it)? 你认为(它)怎么样? ◆单句改错 ①How do you make of the plan we made yesterday?  How→What     ②Make most of the sunshine, because we don ' t get much in winter. Make后加the     ③I didn ' t make more of his speech.  more→much     重点句型 ◆句型转换 ④What ' s your opinion of the concert last night? →What do you  think/make of     the concert last night? →  How     do you  like/find     the concert last night? 点拨 (1)What do you make of...?意为“你觉得 …… 怎么样?”,其中make of表示 “了解,理解,认为”。 (2)make something/nothing of 重视/轻视;理解/不理解 make much/little of 理解/几乎不理解;器重/轻视 make the best/most of充分利用/极为重视

