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‎2019 学年高一第一学期月考英语试题 第 I 卷 第一部分:听力(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 1. What does the man plan to do?‎ A. Take another class. B. Borrow some money. C. Buy a used book.‎ 2. What will the man probably give the woman?‎ A. His office phone number. B. His personal number. C. His e-mail address.‎ 3. How did the woman get to the airport?‎ A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bus.‎ 4. What was the weather like yesterday?‎ A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.‎ 5. When will the school term end?‎ A. On July8. B. On July 11. C. On July 12.‎ 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每 段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。‎ 6. What kind of pizza is the man ordering?‎ A. A tomato pizza. B. A seafood pizza. C.A cheese pizza.‎ 7. How soon will the pizza be ready?‎ A. In about 10 minutes. B. In about 20 minutes. C. In about 30 minutes.‎ 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。‎ 8. Where was the picture of the violin taken?‎ A. In Ireland. B. In Egypt. C. In Greece.‎ 9. Which picture was taken in New Zealand?‎ A. The picture of a boat. B. The picture of a storm. C. The picture of a house.‎ 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。‎ 10. Who did Jessica forget to invite last year?‎ A. Mary. B. Alice. C. Lily.‎ 11. When will the party start?‎ A. At 7:30pm. B. At 8:00pm. C. At 8:30pm.‎ 12. What will the woman do next?‎ A. Wait for her invitation. B. Go to her friend’s home. C. Buy a gift for her friend.‎ 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。‎ 13. What did bill study at university?‎ ‎‎A. 6‎ Maths. B. Engineering. C. Geography.‎ 1. How old was bill when he stared training to be an astronaut? A.28. B. 32. C. 38.‎ 2. When will bill’s next space flight begin?‎ A. In August. B. In September. C. In October.‎ 3. How long will Bill be in space?‎ A. For three months. B. For four months. C. For six months.‎ 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。‎ 4. Where does the speaker suggest going in Orlando?‎ A. Kennedy space center. B. Amway center. C. Disneyland.‎ 5. What does the speaker probably like doing the most?‎ A. Watching plays. B. Shopping in SoHo. C. Visiting the city’s neighborhoods.‎ 6. Which place impressed the speaker the most in America?‎ A. Beach in Maui. B. Grand Canyon. C. Central park.‎ 7. What is the speaker doing?‎ A. Sharing her experiences. B. Advertising a holiday plan. C. Introducing some places for a visit.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) ‎ 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.‎ A Beijing Acrobatic(杂技的) Show in Chaoyang Theatre Introduction of Acrobatic Show This is the entertainment that should not be missed by the young and old on a visit to Beijing. You can see breath-holding acrobatic, some of which can be so demanding in the balance skills as to be close to the impossible.‎ This time you can see the bicycling show---ten cycling girls all ending up on a bicycle with their fans spread out like a peacock.‎ There are also girls bending and folding their bodies to a position where the feet hold the face and the head and hands are still balancing some glasses. Other exciting acts are the martial arts(武术), balancing of bowls, rope walking, pole climbing, roller skating and plate-swirling(转碟子), etc.‎ Ticket Prices Two daily acrobatic shows from 5:15pm to 7:15pm. The detailed price is as follows(including 5-65 years old): Yellow Zone: (Mid Rows 14-23) RMB120‎ Blue Zone: (Mid Rows 1-4) RMB160 Green Zone: (Mid Rows 8-13) RMB220‎ Red Zone: (Mid Rows 5-7) RMB400‎ Booking Book at Beijing-travels.com or call 13801067568‎ Booking information: Your Name, Shows, Date, Time, Tickets, Telephone Number We will explain your enquiry or confirm booking within one working day. When your booking is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation letter by e-mail, which includes the detailed tickets with prices.‎ Payment Please pay cash to our clerks(职员) when you get to the theatre. Both RMB and US dollar are acceptable.‎ 6‎ 1. What can we learn about acrobatic show?‎ A. Only old people would like to watch it. B. It will include a bicycling show and a peacock.‎ C. It will performed by the best acrobatic group. D. It will last two days, from 5:15pm to 7:15pm each day.‎ 2. If a couple with their 10-year-old child want to sit in Row 13, they should pay .‎ A. ‎360 yuan B. 660 yuan C. 240 yuan D. 320 yuan 3. According to the text, we can infer that .‎ A. clerks will give us confirmed information within one week B. we must call 13801067568 to book tickets C. a confirmation letter will be given to us by e-mail D. we should tell clerks our own detailed address.‎ B There was a robbery (抢劫案)at City Central Bank late yesterday afternoon. Two men entered the bank at about 4 p. m. and told the bank teller on duty to give them S 1 000 000. The robbers were carrying guns and wearing black masks to cover their faces. The robbers told all the customers in the bank to lie down on the floor. Witnesses ( 证 人 ) said that everyone in the bank was very frightened and did what the robbers told them.‎ The teller agreed to give them the money but told them they'd have to wait a few minutes. She said the bank manager would have to get to money out of the safe. As the robbers were waiting for the money, the teller managed to press an alarm button that was hidden under the counter. It was a silent alarm, so the robbers didn't realize it had been set off. Just as the manager arrived with the money, ten police officers entered the bank. The robbers were very surprised that officers caught them easily.‎ The robbers are now in custody (拘留), and will appear in court next week. Police congratulated Miss Alston, the bank teller, on her brave act. The bank manager said that he would give Miss Alston a week's vacation to thank her. 24.What did the customers do?‎ A. Lay down on the floor. B. Covered their faces. C. Waited a few minutes. D. Gave the robbers the money. 25.What did the bank teller do?‎ A. Called the police. B. Told the manager to call the police.‎ C. Set off an alarm. D. Frightened the robbers. 26.Who were the robbers surprised to see?‎ A. The bank teller. B. The police. C. The witnesses. D. The bank manager.‎ 27. The police caught the robbers so easily because the robbers didn’t .‎ A. know who the police officers were B. get the money C. expect the police arrived at the bank so quickly D. expect the money to be in the safe C To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very different.‎ Firstly, there are no lessons. All the children, aged between 4and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachers, only “staff members”. The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway. “You do not need to say to the three-year-olds, ‘Go explore your environment.’ You can’t stop them!” says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school. “But if you make children do what you want all day, they will lose all tastes for learning.”‎ At Sudbury Valley School, you will permit children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers, study French, play the piano, climb trees, or just run around. Two boys spent three years just fishing!‎ The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote each---even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget, and even which staff they want and no not want anymore.‎ When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today. One of them is musician and the other is a computer scientists.‎ 28. What is the main topic of the article?‎ ‎‎A. 6‎ An unusual school. B. Children’s hobbies.‎ C. A school without rules. D. Education in the US.‎ 27. What does Daniel Greenberg say about the three-year-olds?‎ A. They love learning. B. They are very naughty.‎ C. They want to be outside all the time. D. They are too young to learn anything.‎ 28. What happens to the children after they leave this school?‎ A. They do the same things as children from other schools.‎ B. They have problems getting into college or getting a job.‎ C. They usually do very good jobs.‎ D. They are not successfully.‎ 29. What does the school believe? A.Teachers cannot teach children well.‎ B.Children learn best when they do what they want to do. C.Learning is for adults — children should only play.‎ D.Children should only learn about one thing at a time.‎ D As everybody knows, tourism plays an important part in the development of a country’s economy( 经 济), the life of the nation and international cooperation. Individually, it can enlarge our personal perspective and knowledge, and make us feel good.‎ However, tourism can also lead to pollution and the destruction(毁坏) of places of interest which is difficult to avoid.‎ Fortunately, “Green Tourism ” is now being promoted and developed all over the world. As time goes by, people will begin to realize t he importance of these places of interest. “Green Tourism” teaches people to love nature more and to consciously protect it by enjoyin g its beautiful scenery and learning more about it. “Green Tourism ”is the best kind of tourism as its purpose is to appreciate and resea rch natural environments including wild plants and animals, and of course the cultures of many places.‎ Compared with traditional ( 传 统 的 ) tourism, the main characteristic( 特 色) of “Green Tourism” is learning more about nature and people. Traditionally, people travel through the world to amuse themselves and pass time pleasantly. But “Green Tourists” are different. They travel because they are attracted by the characteristics of protected a reas. They want to make good use of natural resources but not use them up. For example, they research the wildlife, the culture and th e customs or a place so that they can learn more about the history and value of the area.‎ 30. What would be the best title for the text?‎ A. Green Tourism B. The Differences Between Green Tourism And Traditional Tourism C. Travel Habits Are Changing D. How To Have A Good Journey ‎33.The underlined word “promoted” in the third paragraph probably means .‎ E. raised B. pushed C. encouraged D. advanced 31. Which of the following is NOT the difference between Green Tourism and traditional Tourism?‎ A. Green Tourism can enlarge people’s personal perspective and knowledge and make them feel good.‎ B. The main characteristic of green Tourism is learning more about nature and people.‎ C. Traditional tourism is to amuse people themselves and make them pass time pleasantly.‎ D. Traditional tourism can lead to more pollution and the destruction of places of interest than Green Tourism.‎ 32. From the passage we know that the author is most probably .‎ A. a supporter of tourism B. a supporter of Traditional Tourism 6‎ A. a supporter of Green Tourism B. a lover of tourism 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。‎ My Name is Li Kang. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down my 36 about it.‎ My new school is very 37 and I can see why. The teachers are very 38 and friendly and the classrooms are 39 .‎ ‎54. A. give B. write C. introduce D. say 55. A. expecting to B. hoping to C. wishing to D. looking forward to 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分 英语知识运用 第二节 (共 10 分;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)‎ 填空(每空 1.5 分,共 15 分)‎ 56. He can speak Spanish .(流利地)‎ 57. She holds a positive attitude the programme.‎ 58. Can you give a (描述) to her work?‎ 59. You must read the (说明) on the bottle carefully and take right amount of medicine.‎ 6‎ Every room has a computer with a special 40 . The teachers write on the computer, and their words 41 on the screen ‎54. We shall go to Shanghai on business before he ‎(come) back next week.‎ 6‎ behind them.‎ The English class is really interesting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman 42 .We 43 a new textbook and Ms Shen's ‎54. .Seeing the (encourage) result, we are all (encourage). 62.She (误解) what I said.‎ 63. His behavior at the party made us .(disappoint)‎ 6‎ method of teaching is nothinglike 44 of the teachers at my Junior High school. She thinks that reading comprehension is ‎63. He is very ‎(热心的) about computer games.‎ 6‎ important, 45 we speak a lot in class, too. And we 46 . I don't think I will be 47 in Ms Shen's class!‎ Today we introduced 48 to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were embarrassed 49 but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked 50 .Besides,Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this 51 , with spelling games and other activities.‎ There are sixty-five students in my class—more than my 52 class in Junior High. Forty-nine of them are girls. 53 , there are three times as many girls as boys. For our homework tonight, we have to 54 a description of the street where we live. I'm ‎ ‎55 doing it!‎ 36. A. advice B. ideas C. thoughts D. attitude 37. A. poor B. wealth C. bad D. good 38. A. enthusiastic B. strict C. serious D. kind 39. A. amazed B. amazing C. disappointing D. disappointed 40. A. technology B. blackboard C. screen D. pen 41. A. appear B. disappear C. describe D. cover ‎‎65. 6‎ ‎.She impressed the world her courage.‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)‎ 第一节单句改错:每个句子有一个错误。在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。(每空 1 分,共 10 分)‎ 65. He bought twice as much books as I had.‎ 66. Tom can speak Chinese and so does his friend.‎ 67. He is always looking forward to receive some presents.‎ 68. He told us the amazed news in an excited voice.‎ 69. The whole class is divided for three groups.‎ 70. The English in the USA is different from it in England.‎ 71. He is always talk aloud in public places.‎ 72. In the end of twelve grade, students receive the high school diploma.‎ 73. In his letter he asks Li Kang for some informations about the Chinese school system.‎ 74. He plays football, basketball, volleyball and he go to the theater club, too.‎ 第二节单词与短语翻译(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)‎ 6‎ 42. A. calling Ms Shen B. called Ms Shen C. is called Ms Shen D. is calling Ms Shen ‎76.制度/体系 n. ‎ ‎77 .以前的 adj. ‎ ‎78 .包含 vt. ‎ 6‎ 43. A. use B. used C. are using D. were using ‎79.理解/领悟 n. ‎ ‎80.消失 vi. ‎ ‎81 对…印象深刻 ‎ 6‎ 42. A. this B. it C. one D. that 43. A. and B. but C. so D. for 44. A. are tired B. are tiring C. have great fun D. have a great fun 45. A. interesting B. interested C. boring D .bored 46. A. us B. ourselves C. her D. herself 47. A. first of all B. first C. at first D. at last 48. A. by ourselves B. by themselves C. on their own D. with her help 49. A. in a embarrassing way B. in a fun way C. in fun way D. in embarrassing way 50. A. new B. modern C. previous D. old 51. A. in a word B. in other words C. together with D. regardless of ‎‎ ‎82.把…介绍给… 83.远非/完全不 84.在…开始的时候 ‎ ‎85.参加 ‎ 第三节 书面表达 (25 分)‎ 假如你是高一新生李华,进入高中后发现高中的学习和生活与初中的完全不同,以 My Colorful New School Life 为题写一 篇文章。‎ 内容需包含以下几个要点:1.所学科目 ‎ ‎ 2.和同学们的相处 ‎ ‎3.你的感受 注意:1、可适当增加情节以使行文连贯;‎ ‎2、词数:100 左右。‎

