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第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 1. ‎ What does the woman mean?‎ A. She doesn’t want to get the tickets. ‎ B. She thinks it will be hard to get the tickets.‎ C. She already has two tickets.‎ ‎2. When did the reading class begin?‎ A. At 11:00. B. At 10:15. C. At 10:05.‎ ‎3. What does the woman mean?‎ A. She considers the exhibition not good enough.‎ B. She thinks the scientific development is rapid.‎ C. She thinks the exhibition is great.‎ ‎4. Where is Tom probably now?‎ A. In the school. B. In the office. C. In the library.‎ ‎5. On which days next week will the man have examination?‎ A. Every day except Thursday.‎ B. Monday, Tuesday and Friday.‎ C. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6. Why can’t the woman have dinner with the man tonight?‎ A. She will meet her new guard.‎ B. She has to go home.‎ C. She has to work late.‎ ‎7. When will the two speakers have dinner together?‎ A. Next week. B. On Friday night. C. On Saturday evening.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. What did the man tell the woman?‎ A. He had an accident. B. He got a speeding ticket. C. He lost her car.‎ ‎9. At what speed did the man drive?‎ A. 40 miles per hour. B. 35 miles per hour. C. 30 miles per hour.‎ ‎10. How would the woman punish the man?‎ A. She would keep him at home.‎ B. She would not give him any money.‎ C. She would not allow him to drive any more.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?‎ A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary.‎ ‎12. Why does the woman want to talk to the man?‎ A. He failed in the exam. ‎ B. He quarreled with his teacher.‎ C. He often misses class.‎ ‎13. How many courses does the man feel very boring?‎ A. Two. B. Six. C. Eight.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ ‎14. How many people are mentioned in this conversation?‎ A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.‎ ‎15. Where is the woman’s flat?‎ A. On the fifth floor. ‎ B. On the twenty-fifth floor. ‎ C. On the fourth floor .‎ ‎16. What is the weather like now?‎ A. It is cold. B. It is hot. C. It is warm.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Who is the speaker talking to?‎ A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Reporters.‎ ‎18. How often is The Voice printed?‎ A. Every other day. B. Once a week. C. Five times a week.‎ ‎19. What is the most probable reason for taking the job?‎ A. To learn to type. B. To make some money. C. To enjoy oneself.‎ ‎20. When should volunteers be expected to begin working?‎ A. Immediately. B. Tomorrow. C. In a few days.‎ 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55 分)‎ 第一节:单项填空(共 25 小题;每小题 1分,满分 25 分)‎ ‎21. —Can I come and have a look at your new house?‎ ‎ —Yes, _____!‎ A. it’s a pleasure B. I like it C. I quite agree D. by all means ‎22. Although ______ British are known for their humor, it is really difficult for foreigners to understand ______ British humor.‎ A. the; the B. the; / C. the; a D. /; the ‎ ‎23. It is in this village, ______Sophie was born 35 years ago, ______she will build her first school,________inspires everyone to help her. ‎ A. that; when; which B. that; that; that ‎ C. where; that; which D. where; when; that ‎24. —Why are you smiling at me?‎ ‎— You look ______ in that hat.‎ A. accurate B. original C. positive D. absurd ‎25. The book made ______ this kind of paper is not popular, because the paper ______ easily.‎ A. of; is torn B. from; tears C. of; tears D. from; is torn ‎26. I didn’t know his telephone number. ______ it, I______ then.‎ A. If I had known; would have rung him up B. Should I know; would have rung him up C. If I knew; would ring him up D. Had I known; would ring him up ‎27. —Mum, is the pair of gloves _____ mine?‎ ‎ —Yes. You have to wear another pair.‎ A. washing B. have washed ‎ C. having washed D. being washed ‎28. After work I went to the box office to buy the tickets for Kungfu Panda 2, but there was ______ left.‎ A. nothing B. none C. no one D. neither ‎29. Steve Jobs, American former Apple CEO and founder, ______ a week after birth by Paul and Clara Jobs, was a person who changed the world. ‎ A. adjusted B. adopted C. adapted D. absorbed ‎ ‎30. The project, _______ by the end of 2011, will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.‎ A. accomplished B. being accomplished ‎ C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished ‎31. —Why are you late?‎ ‎—We were ______ because the road was under construction and we had to take another road. ‎ A. held up B. held on C. held out D. held back ‎32. —I______ downtown to the shopping centre soon. Could I get you something?‎ ‎ —No, thanks. I will do e-shopping.‎ A. was just going B. am just about to go C. have just gone D. am just going ‎33. — My son, who is now studying at a university, uses more than 3,000 yuan a month.‎ ‎— Well, tell him to be economical. After all, ______.‎ A. money doesn’t grow on trees B. the morning sun never lasts a day ‎ C. light come, light go D. penny wise, pound foolish ‎34. The ______ of students in our class are girls, about 65 percent.‎ A. minority B. majority C. minimum maximum ‎35. There’s a saying in China______ people with the same family name were brothers and sisters 500 years ago.‎ A. that B. which C. when D. where ‎36. The sign reading “No Photos” means that no one ____ take any photos in the Palace Museum.‎ A. need B. may C. must D. shall ‎37. ______ his efforts and continuous practice, he finally passed the driving test.‎ A. Because B. Since C. As D. As a consequence of ‎38. ______will you find that most people will not support this type of scientific research.‎ A. Conduct a survey among UK citizens ‎ B. Only by conducting a survey among UK citizens C. If you conduct a survey among UK citizens D. Conducting a survey among UK citizens ‎39. After all, learning about cultural differences ______ a good way to understand more about each other.‎ A. are B. is C. was D. seem ‎40. After Gaddafi’s death, it will be the job of the Libyans ______, and also the job of the UN and some of the key countries in this area to rebuild the war-torn country.‎ A. in particular B. in order C. in case D. in brief ‎41.Almost all the students agreed to the suggestion that they _______enough time to prepare for the mid-term examination. ‎ A. give B. should give C. be given D. would be given ‎42. He hurried to the airport, only ______ his girlfriend ______.‎ A. to find; had left for Paris B. finding; enjoying an interview in the plane ‎ C. to find; on the way to becoming a film star D. finding; on the way home ‎43. Do remember that there is always a chance of the weak ______ the strong.‎ A. beating B. beat C. to beat D. being beaten ‎44. It seems as if the sun______ around the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.‎ A. circle B. has been circling C. is circling D. were circling ‎45. —I won the first place in the speaking competition.‎ ‎—______‎ A. Is that true? B. Congratulations!‎ C. Best wishes! D. Congratulate to you on your success!‎ 第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ I always long for romantic moments, like a little girl longing for candies. However, my husband is my complete 46 . His inability to bring romantic moments into our life has made me get tired of our 47 . One day, I finally told him that I wanted a divorce(离婚).‎ ‎ “Why?” he asked, 48 .‎ ‎“I am tired; there are no 49 for everything in the world!” I answered.‎ He kept 50 , seeming to be in deep thought, with a lighted cigarette in his hands. Finally he asked, “What can I do to change your 51 ?”‎ Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered, “Let’s say, I want a flower on a mountain cliff and picking the flower will cause your 52 . Will you do it for me?”‎ He answered, “I will give you my answer tomorrow.”‎ I 53 the next morning, finding a piece of paper on the dining table, which read: “My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, but please allow me to 54 .”‎ My feeling of disappointment only 55 , but I continued reading:‎ ‎“You always leave the 56 keys behind, so I have to save my legs to 57 home to open the door for you. You always like to stay indoors and I 58 that you will feel too lonely, so I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories. You always stare 59 the computer and that will do nothing 60 for your eyes, so I have to save my eyes so that when we grow 61 , I can help to clip your nails. Thus, my dear, 62 I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do, I could not pick that flower yet, and die.”‎ My tears fell on the 63 and I continued reading:‎ ‎“Now that you have finished reading my answer, if you are 64 , please open the front door for I am standing outside 65 your favorite bread and fresh milk.”‎ Love, not words, wins arguments.‎ ‎46. A. supporter B. follower C. opposite D. advocate ‎47. A. marriage B. connection C. career D. future ‎48. A. annoyed B. frightened C. shocked D. amused ‎ ‎49. A. reasons B. signs C. causes D. results ‎50. A. easy B. silent C. normal D. calm ‎51. A. habit B. mind C. attitude D. feeling ‎52. A. death B. injury C. happiness D. trouble ‎53. A. hurried up B. looked up C. woke up D. went up ‎54. A. love B. change C. stay D. explain ‎55. A. arose B. reduced C. increased D. disappeared ‎56. A. car B. office C. bicycle D. house ‎57. A. leave B. walk C. rush D. get ‎58. A. think B. worry C. believe D. remind ‎59. A. in B. to C. at D. in ‎60. A. bad B. good C. terrible D. important ‎61. A. weak B. ill C. old D. close ‎62. A. if B. unless C. since D. because ‎63. A. photos B. flowers C. letter D. floor ‎64. A. hungry B. thirsty C. satisfied D. regretted ‎65. A. bringing B. buying C. heating D. catching 第三部分:阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)‎ A One thing we love about soup is that it’s easy to make and it only needs a few simple ingredients (食材).Here are four of our favorite, simple homemade soups. Enjoy!‎ ‎ 1. Chicken Soup Chicken soup can help fight a cold. You can prepare your soup using a whole chicken or just thin pieces of chicken. Do either of them —although a whole chicken is likely to make your soup more delicious. The main ingredients are: chicken, water, onions, carrots, celery (芹菜), salt and pepper.‎ ‎2. White Bean Soup There are many types of beans to choose from. It’s simply a matter of personal taste. Dried beans are more traditional and cost less. However, canned beans also work.. The other main ingredients are: onions, tomatoes and carrots. Add salt and pepper to taste.‎ ‎3. French Onion Soup When you get French onion soup in a restaurant, it might look a bit difficult to make. Actually, it’s not. The hardest part is cutting up all those onions. Get ready for a good cry! The main ingredients are: six sweet onions, butter, water and salt.‎ ‎4. Garden Vegetable Soup In summer, you may find yourself with a lot of vegetables that need using up. Throw in potatoes, rice or even some meat with the vegetables. The best thing about this soup is that you can put in whatever you want. The main ingredients are: onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes and potatoes.‎ ‎66. How can you make the chicken soup more delicious?‎ A. By adding carrots. B. By using chicken pieces.‎ ‎ C. By using a whole chicken. D. By adding onions.‎ ‎67. What is the most difficult part when making French onion soup?‎ ‎ A. Getting good onions. B. Making the soup look good.‎ ‎ C. Cutting up the onions. D. Buying the ingredients.‎ ‎68. What might be the best soup in summer time?‎ A. Garden vegetable soup. B. Chicken soup.‎ C. French onion soup. D. White bean soup.‎ ‎69. Which of the following is TRUE?‎ ‎ A. You cannot put meat in garden vegetable soup.‎ ‎ B. Canned beans are cheaper than dried beans. ‎ ‎ C. It’s difficult to make French onion soup.‎ ‎ D. Chicken soup is good if you catch a cold. ‎ B ‎“Hey, little buddy, will you support me when I’m getting old?” Han Wenshan, 35 years old, asked his new-born baby as he picked him up at home.‎ The Chinese tradition of raising sons to support parents in their old age has been weakened by the rapidly growing economy and improved standard of living. As is the case with developed countries, China faces an aging society. People are living longer and having fewer children. Therefore many Chinese families are falling into a 4-2-1 family pattern: a couple raises one child and supports four elderly parents. But few realize this problem.‎ The aging of the population is a trend that now affects a growing number of countries. Not long ago, the Information Office of the state council, China’s cabinet, issued a white paper on measures China is taking to help its elderly population. The paper said China’s population entered the aging phase(阶段) at the end of the 20th century as the proportion of people aged 60 and above accounted for over 10 percent of the entire population. By the end of 2005, China had nearly 144 million people over 60, accounting for 11 percent of the population, according to the white paper.‎ An expanding aged population inevitably means that many issues must be settled, as the problem concerns every aspect of society. It puts more pressure on each family, causing disturbing economic consequences and serious social problem concerns every aspect of society. It puts more pressure on each family, causing disturbing economic consequences and serious social problem. It also challenges the labor force supply and the pension(养老金) system.‎ ‎“I used to think that it’s not an issue for me to provide for the aged.” said Han, whose parents and parents-in-law all enjoy pensions and medical insurance. But last year Han’s father suffered a serious illness and afterward Han began to feel the pressure on his shoulders.‎ ‎70. Which of the following is not caused by an aging society?‎ A. Social problems. B. The problem of the pension system C. Unemployment D. More pressure on the family.‎ ‎71. From the passage we can infer _______.‎ A. children will not support their parents in an aging society B. China will encourage young couples to have more than one children C. many people haven’t realized the problem of an aging society D. the aging problem is one of the concerns for the Chinese government ‎72. Which of the following can be used to replace the underlined w ord “inevitably?”‎ A. Naturally. B. Surprisingly. C. Hopefully. D. Unluckily.‎ ‎73. From the passage we can see that _______.‎ A. China is the only country to face an aging society B. most of the developing countries face an aging society C. developed countries face an aging society D. countries with a large population face an aging society ‎ C The secret of carrier pigeons’ unbelievable ability to find their way home has been discovered by scientists: the feathered navigators follow the roads just like we do.‎ Scientists now believe the phrase “as the crow (乌鸦) flies” no longer means the shortest most direct route between two points. They say it is likely that crows and other day birds also choose AA-suggested routes, even though it makes their journeys longer.‎ Scientists at Oxford University spent 10 years studying homing pigeons using global positioning satellite (GPS) and got a surprising result. The birds often don't use the sun to decide their directions. ‎ Instead they fly along motorways, turn at crossing and even go around roundabouts (绕道) , adding miles to their journeys. ‎ ‎“It really has knocked our research team sideways to find that after a decade-long international study, pigeons appear to ignore their inbuilt directional instincts (本能) and follow the road system,” said Prof Tim Guilford, reader in animal behavior at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology.‎ Guilford said pigeons use their own navigational system (导航系统) when doing long distance trips or when a bird does a journey for the first time.‎ ‎“But once homing pigeons have flown a journey more than once, they can fly home on a habitual route, much as we do when we are driving or walking home from work,” said Guilford.‎ ‎“In short, it looks like it is mentally easier for a bird to fly down a road. They are just making their journey as simple as possible.”‎ ‎74. What would be the best title of the passage?‎ A. Birds Follow Roads as We Do. B. Why Pigeons Can Fly long Distance?‎ C. How Pigeons Find Their Ways Home? D. Why Crows Fly the Shortest Distance?‎ ‎75. What does the words “the feathered navigators” refer to?‎ A. The pigeons. B. The crows. C. Day birds. D. Animals that can fly.‎ ‎76. Scientists used to think that homing pigeons often find their directions _______.‎ A. by global positioning satellite B. by the sun C. by the road system D. by following other birds ‎77. Why do homing pigeons tend to follow the road system during the journey?‎ A. Because they don’t have their inbuilt directional instincts now.‎ B. Because it is easier to make journey simple by following road system.‎ C. Because it is too hard to use their own navigational system.‎ D. Because their own navigational system doesn’t work. ‎ D WENZHOU(Xinhua) —The train collision in east China’s Zhejiang Province has killed 39 people and left 192 others injured as of Sunday night, said a spokesman with the Ministry of Railways.‎ A total of 132 people are still being treated in hospitals, said Wang Yongping, spokesman with the ministry at a press conference. Eleven people remain in critical condition, said Cheng Jinguo, head of the health bureau in the city of Wenzhou, where the collision happened Saturday night. Cheng said at the press conference that 52 people who suffered slight injuries had been discharged from ‎ hospital. Wang expressed deep sorrow to the concerning families and sincere apology to all the passengers.‎ The train’s “black box” has been discovered and the ministry is investigating the cause of the crash, Wang said. Wang said the ministry will make public the cause of the accident as soon as the investigation is done and publish the names of the killed and injured.‎ He said the crash has caused large number of casualties and great property losses. The ministry will find out the cause through thorough investigation and take effective measures to prevent similar accidents.‎ Despite the accident, the spokesman said the ministry is still confident in the high-speed train. “China’s high-speed train is advanced and qualified. We have confidence in it,” he said.‎ The damaged rails have been repaired and were ready to restart operation but the reopening was delayed by the stormy weather, according to Wang. Wang did not provide the exact time when the line would start operating again.‎ The accident occurred at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday on a bridge near Wenzhou when bullet train D301 rear-ended(追尾)D3115, which reportedly lost power after lightning strike. ‎ ‎78. According to Cheng Jianguo, ______ people who had been slightly injured had been recovered and left hospital.‎ A. 39       B. 52         C. 139       D. 11‎ ‎79. What can be inferred from the passage? A. The operation was restarted the next day. B. There was a thunderstorm when the trains crashed. C. The cause of the collision was made clear. D. Similar accidents would be avoided in later operations.‎ ‎80. This passage is most likely to be taken from ________.‎ ‎ A. a newspaper B. an essay C. a science fiction D. a travel brochure 第四部分:单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 81. It usually only works if both the comedian and the audience have a_______ for or admire the person being made fun of.‎ 82. I’m still u_______ about what to do next. Could you help me?‎ 83. They play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours afterwards, and sometimes even t_______ the night!‎ 84. It’s illegal to read people’s private letters without p_______.‎ 85. To keep healthy, he followed the doctor’s advice and q_______ smoking. ‎ 86. Our whole nation ______ (哀悼)on hearing the sad news that 13 Chinese crewmen on the two attacked ships were killed on the Mekong River.‎ 87. The mother was filled with _______(焦虑) about her daughter’s health.‎ 88. It’s not _______(可信赖的) to judge a man only by his looks.‎ 89. Wherever the old man goes, his dog _______(陪伴) him.‎ 90. How I wish we could live in a place with tall trees and beautiful flowers_______(围绕) us!‎ 第五部分:用适当的介副词和连词填空(请用课文中的原词填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 91. He hopes to follow _______ the footsteps of other famous comedians, such as Bob Hope and George Burns.‎ 92. There are plenty of fireworks, and everyone eats hot dogs and other food that can be cooked ‎ _______ the fire.‎ 81. Though the festivals may share some things _______ common, they are not the same.‎ 82. Even though her training meant that she had to live _______from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.‎ 83. However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment _______ disabled people. She says that she likes to be optimistic.‎ 84. Enjoying a funny comedy or reading some jokes will drive _______ your negative feelings and make you feel much better.‎ 85. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, they headed directly _______ the doctor’s office.‎ 86. Research has been limited _______ increasing production profits, rather than making sure that GM foods are safe.‎ 87. Sang Lan is a very example of someone who is happy with her life, even _______ people expect her to be sad.‎ ‎100.We will have handy robots and computers to assist us _______ the things that are boring.‎ 第六部分:书面表达(共1题,满分25分)‎ 在一则报纸新闻中,一位专家称应取消高中英语考试中的听力测试,对此我们班举行了一次激烈的讨论。请根据下列表格用英语写一篇字数150左右的短文。开头已给出。‎ ‎70%的学生反对 ‎30%的学生同意 1. 听力是学好英语的四大技能之一。‎ 2. 听力不好就听不懂英美等国的人交流和用英语广播的新闻,也看不懂电视上的英语电影和其他英语节目。‎ ‎3. 四六级及出国考试都含英语听力。‎ ‎1. 绝大多数人没有出国深造机会。‎ ‎2. 听力占据很多时间,可用这些时间学好 ‎ 其他学科。‎ 你的观点:(至少两条)‎ 参考词汇:四六级考试 CET4 and CET 6‎ I read the news in yesterday’s newspaper that an expert suggested that listening not be included in high school examination. There has been a heated discussion among us students.‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 ‎1-5 BBCCB 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 BCABC 16-20 AACCA ‎21-25 DBCDC 26-30 ADBBC 31-35ADABA 36-40 DDBBA 41-45CAADB ‎46-50CACAB 51-55BACDC 56-60DCBCB 61-65CBCCA ‎66-69 CCAD 70-73 CDAC 74-77 CABB 78-80 BBA ‎81.affection 82. uncertain/unsure 83. throughout 84 . permission 85.quit/ quitted ‎ ‎86. mourned 87. anxiety 88. reliable 89. accompanies 90. surrounding ‎91.in 92. over 93. in 94. apart 95. for 96. away 97. for 98. to ‎ ‎99. when 100. with Wring:‎ ‎70% of the students in my class don’t agree with the expert for several reasons. Firstly, Listening is as important as speaking, reading and writing, which are the basic skills in leaning English. Secondly, a student who is poor at listening will be unable to understand communications between English speakers or the news broadcast in English. Also, he or she will have difficulty watching English movies or other programs on TV. Worse still, he or she is likely to fail CET4 or CET6, which includes listening when they are at college. ‎ However , less than one third of us think it unnecessary to test listening in exams. They hold that only a minority of us will have the chance to go abroad for further study. They also think that training listening takes up too much time, which can be made good use of to improve other subjects.‎ As far as I am concerned, listening is very important and should be included in exams. We should spend as much time as possible practicing listening. Only in this way can we learn English well and put it into practice.‎

