高考卷 20届 高考英语必刷卷(新课标卷)07(解析版)

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高考卷 20届 高考英语必刷卷(新课标卷)07(解析版)

1 2020年高考必刷卷(新课标卷)07 英 语 (考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A With all the attention Thanksgiving and Christmas get from travellers, it’s easy to overlook Halloween as a destination holiday. While a few cities provide a ghostly atmosphere all year round, annual festivals, theme park pop-up events and other haunted happenings elsewhere have helped make the holiday a travel mini-season all its own. New Orleans Home to year-round cemetery walks, New Orleans is among the cities that naturally harmonize with Halloween. Worth noting every October is the family-friendly Halloween parade, happening this year on Oct. 21, with floats devoted to themes like werewolves and vampires. Float riders throw locally made candies to the crowd. New Orleans hosts plenty of after-event-parties, but the procession itself draws all ages in costume. Whitby, England This picturesque town on England’s Yorkshire coast is considered to be the home of Dracula, though in a different way. Bram Stoker spent just a month in Whitby, but those four weeks in July and August 1890 were important in the creation of his most famous book, “Dracula”, which was published in 1897. Whitby celebrated the 125th anniversary of Stoker’s visit in 2015, but this year you can see the skeletal remains of Whitby Abbey illuminated throughout the final week of October. Salem, Massachusetts Home to the infamous witch trials of the early 1690s, it should come as no surprise that this town is a hotbed for Halloween activity. One way Salem builds on its spectral past is with the nearly month-long festival of the Dead. Events starting from mid-October this year include psychic readings, mourning-themed tea and on Halloween night, a witches gathering. 2 Orlando, Florida The home of Disney World and Universal Studios goes all-out with huge Halloween events. Universal this year will hold its 27th Halloween Horror Night on Oct. 30, a seasonal pop-up featuring haunted houses and “scareactors” employed to frighten visitors. Plus, there are many other activities like trick-or-treating, Disney character encounters, a Halloween ball and fireworks. 1. Which of the following is most recommended for a family going together? A. New Orleans. B. Whitby, England. C. Salem, Massachusetts. D. Orlando, Florida. 2. Where do Halloween activities last the longest this year? A. New Orleans. B. Whitby, England. C. Salem, Massachusetts. D. Orlando, Florida. 3. What can you do in Orlando, Florida ? A. Have mourning-themed tea. B. Enjoy dancing. C. Watch Disney movies. D. See skeletal remains. 【答案】 1. A2. C3. B 【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了在一些城市,万圣节以年度节日、主题公园的快闪活动和其 他的一些闹鬼事件为体现形式,形成了一个独立的旅游小假日。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一个黑色小标题下“Worth noting every October is the family-friendly Halloween parade, happening this year on Oct. 21, with floats devoted to themes like werewolves and vampires.(值得注意的是,每 年 10月都会举行适合家庭的万圣节游行,今年的万圣节游行将于 10月 21日举行,花车主题包括狼人和吸 血鬼。)”文中的“family-friendly”和题干中的“a family going together”相呼应。故选 A项。 2. 细节理解题。本题问的是“今年哪里的万圣节活动持续的时间最长”。根据第一个小黑标题下的“happening this year on Oct. 21”可知 New Orleans的万圣节活动时间是一天。根据第二个小黑标题下的“but this year you can see the skeletal remains of Whitby Abbey illuminated throughout the final week of October.(但今年你可以看 到惠特比修道院的遗骸将照亮整个 10月的最后一周。)”可知Whitby, England的万圣节活动时间是一周。根 据第三个小黑标题下的“One way Salem builds on its spectral past is with the nearly month-long festival of the Dead. (塞勒姆建立在过去幽灵般的历史上的一种方式是伴随近一个月的亡灵节。) ”可知 Salem, Massachusetts 的万圣节活动时间是将近一个月。根据第四个小黑标题下的“Universal this year will hold its 27th Halloween Horror Night on Oct. 30”可知 Orlando, Florida的万圣节活动时间是一天。故选 C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据题干中的“Orlando, Florida”可将答案定位在第四个小黑标题下。由最后一句话中的“a 3 Halloween ball and fireworks.(万圣节舞会和烟火。)”可知在这个活动中你可以跳舞。故选 B项。 B On November 7, Lewis Pugh completed a one-kilometer swim in the freezing waters of King Edward Cove, off South Georgia in Antarctica. He was wearing only his swimming glasses, cap and speedos! Pugh is an advocate for our oceans and seas, working to protect these ecosystem with their large diversity of marine life. When asked why he doesn’t wear a wetsuit, Lewis says, “I ask world leaders to do everything they can to protect our oceans. Sometimes the steps they need to take are difficult and unpopular. If I’m asking them to be courageous, I must also be. Swimming in a wetsuit would not send the right message.” It took Pugh about 19 minutes to complete the one-kilometer swim in Antarctica where the water averaged about 1.6 degrees Celsius . He says that his body can only tolerate about 20 minutes in the freezing waters before it starts shutting down. As he swims, his body temperature steadily drops, which in turn causes his muscle control to drop, slowing him down. When he is done with his swim, his support team rushes him to a hot shower and it takes almost an hour for his body temperature to return to normal. Doctors and Pugh caution that one must receive months of training to swim in such cold waters. Even expert swimmers who are unused to freezing water can drown within minutes because of the physical shock experienced by the body. Pugh says he trained for six months before this swim. This is not the first time that Lewis has swum in dangerous conditions. In 2007, he swam one kilometer in the North Pole to draw attention to the melting Arctic ice due to climate change. In 2015, he swam in the Bay of Whales in Antarctica’s Ross Sea as part of his successful campaign to help set up a marine reserve there. 4. Why did Lewis Pugh swim without a wetsuit? A. To swim faster. B. To show his bravery. C. To build up his body. D. To win public attention. 5. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. His body. B. The water. C. His body temperature. D. The water temperature. 6. What’s Pugh’s advice about swimming in freezing waters? A. One must be fully prepared. B. One should be expert at swimming. C. One should be ready to take on challenges. D. One must be used to long-distance swimming. 7. What may be the best title for the text? 4 A. Lewis Pugh: swimming for a cause B. How to survive a swim in cold waters C. How to prepare for extreme swimming D. Lewis Pugh: achieving the impossible 【答案】 4. B5. A6. A7. A 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了 Lewis Pugh 为了呼吁政府采取措施保护海洋而在南极海洋 水温很低的情况下,不穿防寒泳衣游泳的勇敢事迹。 4. 细节理解题。根据第二段的 I ask world leaders to do everything they can to protect our oceans. Sometimes the steps they need to take are difficult and unpopular. If I’m asking them to be courageous, I must also be. Swimming in a wetsuit would not send the right message.可知,他不穿防寒泳衣的原因是展示他的勇敢,故选 B。 5. 词义猜测题。此题要结合上文语境 He says that his body can only tolerate about 20 minutes in the freezing waters before可知他在冰水里游泳身体只能忍受 20分钟,下文中提到他游泳时体温在慢慢下降,肌肉控制 力也在下降,可推测出此处的 it指的是 his body,故选 A。 6. 细节理解题。根据第四段的 Doctors and Pugh caution that one must receive months of training to swim in such cold waters.可知,一个人要想在冰冷的水里游泳必须得训练很长时间才可以,即要做足准备工作才行,故选 A。 7. 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是 Pugh为保护海洋而在极寒的水里游泳,他用行动去展示他保护海洋的决 心和勇气,由此可知 A项是最佳标题。 C Attending college can be expensive, and applying to college can be costly as well. With today’s college application fees averaging around $ 80, you can expect to spend hundreds of dollars on college before you are even accepted into a school. One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. To save money, try to limit the schools to which you apply to about 2-3 reach schools and 2-3 safety schools. At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. If you are applying to a school where one of your parents or grandparents is a former graduate, check to see if you’ re qualified for it. Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Some schools offer free online applications, yet charge a fee for paper submissions. This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the application information. 5 Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Be sure to contact the schools to I j which you are applying to see if they participate in College Application Week and when the program takes place in that state. Apply for early admission. If you have already decided on which college is your top choice, consider applying under an Early Action or Early Decision admission program. If you are accepted, you won’t have to submit application fees to other schools. For more information regarding college applications and the fees associated with them, contact your high I school advisor or the admissions department at your school(s) of interest. 8. The passage is mainly written to______. A. introduce famous universities in the United Stales B. show some practical ways to apply an ideal college C. advertise for successful applications and advisors D. offer tips to save money on college application fees 9. What does the author advise to do in the second paragraph? A. Write down your favorite universities. B. Reduce the number of your university choices. C. Apply to two universities each time. D. Mind your safety when applying to college. 10. Some schools offer free online application to______, A. receive fees faster than before B. employ someone else to work C. cut down the cost of employment D. enter the application information 11. It can be known from the passage that______, A. application fee might be canceled conditionally B. many countries attend College Application Week C. applying for early admission is the best policy D. admission departments determine your future 【答案】8. D9. B10. C11. A 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍一些方法节省申请大学的相关费用。 8. 推理判断题。由第二段到第六段“One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure 6 you a free application. Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Apply for early admission ”可知,在你开始申请之前,节省大学 申请费用最简单的方法之一就是缩小你申请的学校范围。在一些学校,成为毕业生的亲戚可以让你免费申 请。研究申请名单上每所学校的首选方法。一些州,如密歇根州和北卡罗莱纳州,参加了大学申请周,参 加申请周的许多学校会取消他们的申请费用。申请提早入学。所以本文旨在介绍一些方法节省申请大学的 相关费用,故选 D. 9. 细节理解题。由第二段的 One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools可知,在你开始申请之前,节省大学申请费用最简单的方法之 一就是缩小你的学校范围。所以作者建议缩减申请学校。故选 B. 10. 细节理解题。由第 4 段“This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the application information.”可知,这是因为在线申请为学校节省了雇佣职员来输入信息的 费用。所以一些学校提供免费的网上申请,以降低雇佣成本。故选 C. 11. 推理判断题。由第二段到第六段“One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Apply for early admission ”可知,在你开始申请之前, 节省大学申请费用最简单的方法之一就是缩小你申请的学校范围。在一些学校,成为毕业生的亲戚可以让 你免费申请。研究申请名单上每所学校的首选方法。一些州,如密歇根州和北卡罗莱纳州,参加了大学申 请周,参加申请周的许多学校会取消他们的申请费用。申请提早入学。所以本文介绍了一些方法节省申请 大学的相关费用,故申报费用“在某些条件”是不用交的。故选 A. D Every summer, the Serengeti plains (平原) of Africa are worth visiting. Millions of wild animals begin their 1,800-mile journey northwards on their annual migratory (迁移的) route. In the month of November, polar bears in their thousands cross the Canadian Arctic, as they head towards the ice sheets of Hudson Bay. The sea ice that forms every winter is the key to the bear’s managing to exist, for here they hunt for seals (海豹). The Great Bustard, one of the heaviest flying birds, migrates each year across Europe and Asia to its wintering grounds. Unluckily, these and other migratory animals are in danger from human activity. We have written several articles on climate change and the effect of rising ocean temperatures. Since 1979, ice 7 sheets in the Arctic have gone down by 30 percent. What does this mean for polar bears? They are forced to stay on land for longer periods of time, which delays their search for food. As a result, bears today are 60 pounds lighter than what they were. Besides, smaller bears also produce weaker babies, and their chances of survival are at risk. In the plains of Africa, migratory animals like gazelles are traveling long distances for food, just to avoid falling prey (牺牲品) to humans who hunt them. In an unusual step, experts from 120 countries have agreed to protect 31 migratory mammals, fish and birds. The United Nation’s 11th annual Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) was held in Quito, Ecuador. For the first time, 900 experts attended the conference, and the enthusiastic support shows the world is united in conservation (保护) efforts. What does getting on a protected list mean? Countries that have signed the agreement will be required to pass laws locally and work with other countries that fall within the animal’s migratory path. Only one animal did not make the list. The African lion was rejected (拒绝) for lack of information of the countries where it lives. 12. What can we learn from the passage? A. The Great Bustard is one of the largest flying birds. B. The weight of polar bears today is lighter than what it was. C. In the 1970s, ice sheets went down by 30 percent. D. 120 experts have agreed to protect 21 migratory animals. 13. Why was the African lion not included in the list from the passage? A. We don’t know which countries it lives in. B. It isn’t a migratory animal. C. Experts were not interested in this animal. D. It was not traveling long distances for food. 14. The writer writes this passage aiming to __________. A. let us know about the animals B. prevent the rare animals from dying out C. inform us of the effects of climate change D. draw our attention to helping the migratory animals 15. All these factors have probably put the migratory animals in danger EXCEPT _______. A. some human activity B. the enthusiastic support from experts C. rising ocean temperatures D. climate change 【答案】 8 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 【语篇解读】本文是一篇生态环保类说明文,介绍了很多野生动物在迁徙途中遭受人类的捕杀或受到 人类活动的影响导致数量急剧下降,在联合国第 11届野生动物迁徙物种年度保护大会上,专家们呼吁世界 各国联合起来保护迁徙物种。 12. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“As a result, bears today are 60 pounds lighter than what they were.”可知,现 在北极熊的体重比原来少了 60磅,故 B项正确。 13. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Only one animal did not make the list. The African lion was rejected for lack of information of the countries where it lives. ”可知,非洲狮没有在名单之内是因为我们不知道它们生活在哪些 国家,故 A项正确。 14. 文章意图题。通读文章可知,文章介绍了很多野生动物在迁徙途中遭受人类的捕杀或受到人类活动的影 响导致数量急剧下降,在联合国第 11届野生动物迁徙物种年度保护大会上,专家们呼吁世界各国联合起来 保护迁徙物种,由此可知本文的目的是引起人们的注意来帮助迁徙动物,故 D项正确。 15. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“We have written several articles on climate change and the effect of rising ocean temperatures.”及“In the plains of Africa, migratory animals like gazelles are traveling long distances for food, just to avoid falling prey to humans who hunt them.”可知,气候变化、海洋温度上升以及人类活动都是威胁迁 徙物种的因素,专家的支持则是为了保护它们,故 B项正确。 第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Things to Keep Your Brain Sharp and Healthy Later in Life These behaviors and activities are proven to help keep your brain young. Keep learning new things. Learning new information and skills throughout your entire life helps to keep your brain strong even in the later years of life. Activities that have the highest value for brain health are novel and complex to each particular person. What is easy for one person may be challenging for another. 16. Exercise regularly. Exercise can improve our energy levels, sense of well-being, sleep, and brain health. 17. Identifying why we do not exercise permits us to systematically break down our barriers, and to slowly change our behaviors towards a healthy lifestyle. Socialize and have fun! Friends provide opportunities to enable the sharing of experiences, new learning, challenge, emotions, trust, and understanding. Friendship also provides the necessary motivation towards activity and involvement. Engaging 9 in new pursuits with friends often helps develop new life roles, which provide us with an opportunity to feel appreciated, enjoy life, laugh, and have fun. 18. Be health conscious. It is important for us to take control of our health and understand that we are in charge of managing of our bodies. 19. Once we establish our own role in the management of our health, the importance of a close and trusting relationship with our physician becomes apparent. Slow down and appreciate the silence. 20. Our brains require time to process information more deeply, in order to gain more benefit from our daily experiences. A fast-paced lifestyle can cause chronic stress and have other negative effects on our health and well-being. Reducing demands we place on ourselves is an important step towards stress reduction, and a more fulfilling life. Studies have shown a relationship between spirituality and the immune system. As we continually learn more about the potential of positive thoughts to influence health, people are beginning to integrate these practices more frequently into their daily lives, and experiencing life-changing results. A. Engaging in it regularly also reduces the risk of depression and anxiety. B. Reading gives you a unique pause button for comprehension and insight. C. The things that challenge you the most have the most value for your brain. D. Physicians work for us, and when it comes to our bodies, we are the boss. E. Parent-teacher organizations are great places to develop relationships with other people. F. Open communication can help the physician make sound decisions regarding our health. G. Our society is developing quickly, leaving us with little time to relax and process our environment. 【答案】 16. C17. A18. E19. D20. G 【语篇解读】本文为说明文。本文主要告诉我们如何在以后的生活中保持头脑敏锐和健康。 16. 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上一句“Activities that have the highest value for brain health are novel and complex to each particular person” 对大脑健康价值最高的活动对每个人来说都是新奇而复杂的。分 析选项可知,C项(The things that challenge you the most have the most value for your brain最能挑战你的东西 对你的大脑最有价值)。C项中的(the highest value for brain health)“对大脑最有价值”与空前的“the highest value for brain health”是同义词转换。C项中的“challenge you the most(最挑战你的)”与文章中的“novel and complex to each particular person(新奇而复杂的)”也是同义转换。而且在意义 C项是与本段的意义一致。 故选 C。 10 17. 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本段的中心句“Exercise regularly(经常锻炼)”。分析选项可知 A 项(Engaging in it regularly also reduces the risk of depression and anxiety.)中的词 Engaging in it regularly 与 Exercise regularly 是一致的。再根据空前的“Exercise can improve our energy levels, sense of well-being, sleep, and brain health.” 运动可以提高我们的精力、幸福感、睡眠和大脑健康。可知 A项(Engaging in it regularly also reduces the risk of depression and anxiety 经常运动也会降低抑郁和焦虑的风险)中的“aslo”是递进关系,说明 A项进一步说明经常锻炼的好处。由此可推断出 A项符合题意,故选 A。 18. 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本段的中心句“Socialize and have fun(社交和娱乐)”本段主要叙 述了朋友间关系(即人际关系中的一种)的好处:朋友间可分享经验、学习新知识、新挑战、情感、信任 和理解的机会。友谊也为人们的活动和参与提供了必要的动力。朋友间可感受被欣赏、享受生活、欢笑和 享受乐趣。朋友间关系也是人际关系(relationships with other people.)中的一种。由此可知,要搞好人际关 系。分析选项可知 E项(Parent-teacher organizations are great places to develop relationships with other people) 即“家长——教师组织是与他人发展关系的好地方”在意义上是一致的,故选 E。 19. 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本段的中心句为“Be health conscious(注重健康)”。本段叙述对 我们来说健康很重要。我们要对自己的健康负责。分析选项可知 D 项(Physicians work for us, and when it comes to our bodies, we are the boss医生为我们工作,说到我们的身体,我们要做我们身体的主人)中的 when it comes to our bodies, we are the boss 即是说我们要做我们身体的主人(we are the boss),即对应文中的“我 们要对自己的健康负责(we are in charge of managing of our bodies)”。本段中的“physician”也在 D项中复现。 综合分析可知 D项与本段意义一致,且有词的复现,D项符合题意,故选 D。 20. 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本段的中心句“Slow down and appreciate the silence(放慢脚步, 欣赏寂静)” 本段说我们的快节奏的生活方式(A fast-paced lifestyle)让我们没有时间来放松,导致我们有 压力,对我们的健康和幸福有影响。分析选项可知 G项(Our society is developing quickly, leaving us with little time to relax and process our environment.)“我们的社会发展很快,我们几乎没有时间来放松和处理我们周围 的环境。”与本段“快节奏的生活让我们无法放松意义”一致。且 G项中的 A fast-paced lifestyle 即是说明我们 有“快节奏的生活 a fast-paced lifestyle”。G项符合题意,故选 G。 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Our families lived more than 450 miles away, so a few weeks before Thanksgiving one year, my husband and I decided to invite a guest over 21 the holiday. I called a senior center in the Dallas area and they 22 Ilse, a woman I imagined would be quiet and good-natured. When seeing her, I was wrong. Ilse was a stubborn 78 -year-old lady, who favored spending time at the center 23 she had her own apartment. 11 By the end of the Thanksgiving evening, we felt as if she were an old friend. Two weeks later, I invited her to lunch. The more time I spent with Ilse, the more she became like my grandma, always full of energy. Since I was the only one left in her life, I felt 24 for her. I soon became her personal Uber driver (minus the fee), and also helped her hire a 25 . As the days went on, Ilse seemed more disconnected than before. Late one afternoon, she called from the emergency room to tell me she had 26 over her coffee table. After I got there, the doctor 27 she had suffered a mild stroke(中风). During the next few days, I 28 by her apartment, sadly finding that she was so weak. And she was no longer the 29 Ilse I knew. At the end of the week, I received an early-morning call from her caregiver. “Please come over now,” her voice matter-of-fact. “She’s passed away.” But I was too shocked to cry. The morning after Ilse’s death, I pulled her 30 out of my file cabinet. Ilse had 31 I take a copy of it a year earlier. I read through it and 32 when I saw my name. She had left me $ 50,000. I didn't 33 her saying anything about that. 34 , I would have insisted she donate the money to charity or give it to a friend she had known longer. Ilse was a friend I'd helped out of loyalty and 35 , not with the expectation of being paid. I opened an account in her honor. Over the next 20 years, Ilse's 36 grew and gave me the opportunity to 37 funds in her name to a cause she cared about deeply : children. Various families and charities 38 from her donations. It is beyond my expectation that a 39 I’d taken years before when I placed a call to the senior center and meet Ilse made my life richer and made me have a new understanding of 40 . 21. A. after B. for C. by D. of 22. A. believed B. begged C. observed D. suggested 23. A. unless B. because C. though D. if 24. A. responsible B. grateful C. pitiful D. happy 25. A. teacher B. caregiver C. doctor D. guide 26. A. talked B. looked C. came D. tripped 27. A. ensured B. confirmed C. warned D. reminded 28. A. drove B. walked C. dropped D. slipped 29. A. energetic B. outgoing C. generous D. determined 30. A. photo B. will C. book D. report 31. A. insisted B. ordered C. recommended D. proposed 32. A. questioned B. relieved C. explained D. stopped 33. A. mind B. imagine C. remember D. consider 12 34. A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. However D. Instead 35. A. courage B. ability C. respect D. ambition 36. A. gift B. desire C. need D. idea 37. A. return B. lend C. sell D. provide 38. A. learned B. kept C. benefited D. borrowed 39. A. risk B. praise C. reward D. chance 40. A. equality B. humanity C. possibility D. reality 【答案】 21. B22. D23. C24. A25. B26. D27. B28. C29. A30. B 31. A32. D33. C34. A35. C36. A37. D38. C39. D40. B 【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者和丈夫打电话给老年中心邀请一位老人共度感恩节,有了认识了伊 尔丝的机会。从此开始他们之间的交往和关爱,作者关心伊尔丝。当伊尔丝去世后,留给了作者 5万美金。 但作者却把这笔钱以伊尔丝的名义帮助孩子们,让爱传递,这是人性美的传递。 21. 考查介词辨析。句意:当时我丈夫和我决定邀请一位客人共度感恩节。A. after在......以后;B. for为了, 关于;C. by在......旁边;D. of属于(某人),关于(某人)。分析语境可知,作者和丈夫为了(for)过感恩节邀 请客人的。故选 B。 22. 考查动词辨析。句意:我给达拉斯地区的一个老年中心打了电话,他们推荐了伊尔丝。A. believed相信; B. begged乞求;C. observed观察;D. suggested建议,推荐,举荐。根据前面的语境可知,作者想邀请客人 共度感恩节,打了电话给老年中心,对方推荐了(suggested)伊尔莎,故选 D。 23. 考查连词辨析。句意:尽管她有自己的公寓,但她还是喜欢在中心打发时间。A. unless除非;B. because 因为;C. though 然而,尽管;D. if 如果。分析句子可知,本句是让步状语从句,意思为“虽然(though)” 故选 C。 24. 考查形容词辨析。句意:因为我是她生命中唯一的一个能托付的人,我觉得我应该为她负责。A. responsible负责任的;B. grateful感激的;C. pitiful可怜的;D. happy快乐的。根据前一句“Since I was the only one left in her life”作者是唯一能让她托付的人,所以作者觉得自己对她有责任(responsible),故选 A。 25. 考查名词辨析。句意:我很快就成了她的私人优步司机,还帮她雇了一个护理员。A. teacher老师;B. caregiver护理人员;C. doctor医生;D. guide 导游。根据文章的内容可知,伊尔丝已是 78岁的高龄,因此 帮助她雇佣的是护理员(caregiver),故选 B。 26. 考查固定搭配。句意:她从急诊室打来电话,告诉我她被咖啡桌绊倒了。A. talked谈话;B. looked看; C. came来;D. tripped绊倒。“trip over”为固定搭配,意为“(被)绊倒”符合句意。故选 D。 27. 考查动词辨析。句意:我到那里后,医生证实她患了轻度中风。A. ensured确保;B. confirmed 证实,证 13 明;C. warned警告;D. reminded提醒。根据语境可知,此处是指医生证实(confirmed)她患了中风。故选 B。 28. 考查固定搭配。句意:在接下来的几天里,我顺道去她的公寓。A. drove开车;B. walked散步,步行; C. dropped顺道拜访,下降;D. slipped滑倒,溜走。“drop by...”为固定搭配,意为“顺道拜访,造访”。本句 是指作者去顺道拜访她。故选 C。 29. 考查形容词辨析。句意:我悲哀地发现她是如此的虚弱。她也不再是我所认识的那个精力充沛的伊尔丝 了。A. energetic 精力充沛的;B. outgoing外向的;C. generous慷慨大方的;D. determined 坚定的,果断的。 根据前一句“she was so weak”她如此虚弱,所以不再精力充沛的(energetic),故选 A。 30. 考查名词辨析。句意:我从文件柜里拿出了她的遗嘱。A. photo照片;B. will 遗嘱;C. book书; D. report 报告。根据后面的第 12题后的“She had left me $ 50,000”她留给我 5万美元,可知。此处是指她留下的遗嘱 (will),故选 B, 31. 考查动词辨析。句意:伊尔丝一年前坚持要我拿一份复印件。A. insisted 坚持;B. ordered 命令;C. recommended 建议;D. proposed 提议。根据“___14___, I would have insisted ...”可知,伊尔丝一年前坚持 (insisted)要作者拿一份复印件。故选 A。 32. 考查动词辨析。句意:A. questioned质问;B. relieved 宽慰;C. explained 解释;D. stopped停止。我通 读了一遍,看到自己的名字就停了下来。根据后面的“She had left me $ 50,000”可知是读到自己的名字时停了 (stopped)下来,发现她留给作者 5万美金,故选 D。 33. 考查动词辨析。句意:我不记得她说过什么(有关遗嘱给我钱的事)。A. mind介意;B. imagine想象; C. remember记住;D. consider思考,考虑。根据前面看见自己的名字停下来,以及第 14题后“I would have insisted she donate the money to charity or give it to a friend she had known longer.”可知,作者对此事一无所知, 即不记得(remember)。故选 C。 34. 考查副词辨析。句意:否则,我会坚持让她把钱捐给慈善机构,或者捐给她认识时间更长的朋友。A. Otherwise 否则;B. Therefore 因此;C. However然而;D. Instead 相反的是。根据语境可知,作者对于老奶 奶赠送的 5万一无所知,以及后面“让她捐赠给慈善机构等”,可知,这是一个假设,“否则的话(otherwise)”, 故选A。 35. 考查名词辨析。句意:伊尔丝是我出于忠诚和尊重而帮助的朋友,而不是期望得到报酬(才帮助她)。 A. courage 勇气;B. ability 能力;C. respect 尊敬,敬重;D. ambition野心,抱负。根据并列连词 and及 and前的“loyalty”,可知,与 loyalty 并列的只能是 respect(尊敬),故选 C。 36. 考查名词辨析。句意:在接下来的 20年里,伊尔丝的捐赠与日俱增,......,A. gift礼物,赠品,;B. desire 渴望,欲望;C. need需要;D. idea想法,点子。根据语境可知,作者把伊尔丝捐赠的钱用于慈善,故选 A。 37. 考查动词辨析。句意:以她的名义为一个她深爱的事业——孩子提供资金。A. return返回,归还;B. lend 14 借出; C. sell出售;D. provide 提供。根据语境可知,作者以伊尔丝的名义给她深受的事业——孩子提供 (provide)资金。故选 D。 38. 考查动词辨析。句意:许多家庭和慈善机构都从她的捐赠中受益。A. learned学到;B. kept保持;C. benefited 受益;D. borrowed借来。作者把钱提供给孩子们,因此许多家庭和慈善机构从中受益(benefited)。故选 C。 39. 考查名词辨析。句意:我没有想到,几年前我偶然打电话给老年中心遇到了伊尔丝...。A. risk风险;B. praise 表扬;C. reward 奖励,报酬;D. chance机会,偶然性。根据第一段的内容可知,作者几年前是为了邀 请一位客人与他们夫妻共度感恩节时偶然(chance)遇到了伊尔丝的,故选 D。 40. 考查名词辨析。句意:遇见了伊尔丝使我的生活更加丰富,使我对人性有了新的认识。A. equality平等; B. humanity人性; C. possibility 机会;D. reality现实。根据语境可知,本文主要叙述的人性(humanity)。 所以作者对人性有了新的认识。故选 B。 第二节(共 10小题;每小题 l5分,满分 15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In August, cases of a mysterious severe lung disease rocked the health society, 41. doctors looking for the cause of the illness. They found the link between vaping and lung disease. Now, there are 805 lung injury cases reported across 46 states in the United States. There had been twelve 42. (death) reported, and all cases reported a history of e-cigarette use. E-cigarette use poses a significant and avoidable health risk to young people in the United States. Besides increasing the 43. (possible) of addiction and long-term harm to brain development and respiratory health, e-cigarette use 44. (associate) with the use of other tobacco products that can do even 45. (great) damage to the body. Even breathing in e-cigarette smoke that someone else has breathed out 46. (carry) health risks. It is important to prevent harm to youth and young adults from e-cigarettes. Everyone has 47. role, including parents, health care providers, teachers, and those 48. work with and care about young people. A visit to a health care professional is a great chance 49. (educate) your child on the potential risks of e-cigarette use. Ask your provider to discuss these health risks, including nicotine addiction and the impact of nicotine on the 50. (develop) brain, etc. 【答案】 41. with 42. deaths 43. possibility 44. is associated 45. greater 46. carries 47. a 48. who 49. to educate 50. developing 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了电子烟对人体的伤害,并且说明了为防止电子烟对青少年 造成伤害,人们应该注意什么。 41. 考查 with 的复合结构。句意:今年 8月,一种神秘的严重肺部疾病的病例震惊了健康社会,医生们正 15 在寻找病因。空白处后面是宾语+doing的结构,所以此处应该是 with,构成 with+宾语+doing的复合结构, 在句中做状语。故填 with。 42. 考查名词单复数。句意:报告了 12例死亡,所有病例都报告了电子烟使用史。因为是 12例死亡,所以 应该用复数形式。故填 deaths。 43. 考查名词。句意:除了增加成瘾的可能性和对大脑发育和呼吸系统健康的长期伤害之外……,空白处前 面是 the,后面是 of addiction,所以此处需要一个名词。需将 possible变为名词形式。故填 possibility. 44. 考查被动语态。句意:除了增加成瘾的可能性和对大脑发育和呼吸系统健康的长期伤害之外,电子烟的 使用还与其他烟草产品的使用有关……。此句子的主语是“e-cigarette use”,空白处需要动词的谓语形式, associate需用被动语态,构成 A be associated with B的结构,意为 A何 B有关,结合主语性质用单数,结合 上下文时态用一般现在时,故填 is associated。 45. 考查形容词比较级。句意:……这些烟草产品对身体造成更大的损害。Even后面形容词需要用比较级。 故填 greater。 46. 考查谓语动词。句意:即使吸入别人呼出的电子烟也会带来健康风险。此句主语“breathing in……”为动 名词形式,smoke后是由 that引导的定语从句,空白处缺失谓语动词,动名词做主语谓语动词用单数,又因 为时态用一般现在时,故填 carries。 47. 考查冠词。句意:每个人都有自己的角色,包括父母、卫生保健提供者、教师,以及那些与年轻人一起 工作和关心他们的人。空白处后面的 role角色是泛指。故填 a。 48. 考查定语从句关系代词。句意:以及那些与年轻人一起工作和关心他们的人。先行词是 those,指代人, 并且从句中缺少主语。故填 who。 49. 考查非谓语动词。句意:访问卫生保健专业人员是一个很好的去教育您的孩子有关电子香烟使用的潜在 风险的机会。此句是系表结构,表语 chance后面是后置定语,需用动词的非谓语形式,又因为此处的“去教 育您的孩子有关电子香烟使用的潜在风险的机会”是表示目的,故填 to educate。 50. 考查非谓语动词。句意:和你的供应商讨论这些健康风险,包括尼古丁成瘾和尼古丁对发育中的大脑影 响等。空白处是一个定语修饰 brain。又因为前文说到是孩子,是正在发育的大脑。故填 developing。 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 l分,满分 10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 16 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。 One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy about six or seven was standing in the front of a store window. The little child had no shoes and his clothes are just rags. A young woman passed by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought her some new shoes and a complete suit of warm clothings. They walked back into the street, so the woman told the child to go home and has a happy holiday. The little boy looked grateful at her and asked why she did all this to him. She smiled and replied what she was just returning a favor she received as a child. 【答案】1.去掉 the 2.are→were 3.passed前添加 who/that或 passed→passing 4.her→him 5.clothings→clothing 6.so→and 7.has→have 8.grateful→gratefully 9.to→for 10.what→that 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。本文写了在一个寒冷的晚上一位女士为一位穿着破烂的男孩买了一些暖和 的衣服和鞋子,小男孩感激地看着她,问她为什么要为他做这些。她笑着回答说,她只是在报答小时候得 到的恩惠。 【详解】 1. 考查冠词。句意:节日期间一个寒冷的晚上,一个六七岁的小男孩站在一家商店的橱窗前。in the front of 指在某物内部的前部,而 in front of指位置在某物的前面,在窗子前面,故去掉 the。 2.考查动词时态。句意:这个小孩没有鞋穿,衣服也只是破布。结合上文had可知为一般过去时,主语为 clothes, 谓语动词用复数形式。故 are改为 were。 3.考查定语从句或非谓语动词。句意:一个路过的年轻女人看到了这个小男孩,她能从他淡蓝色的眼睛里看 出他的渴望。本句可改为定语从句修饰先行词 woman,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故关系代词用 who 或 that,故 passed前添加 who/that;或分析句子结构可知 pass在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语 woman 构 17 成主动关系应用现在分词,故 passed改为 passing。故 passed前添加 who/that或 passed→passing。 4. 考查代词。句意:在那里,她给他买了几双新鞋和一套暖和的衣服。这位女士是给前文中的小男孩买的 东西,所以这里的他是男的,故 her改成 him。 5.考查名词。句意同上。clothing为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故 clothings 改为 clothing。 6.考查连词。句意:他们回到街上,那个女人告诉孩子回家过个愉快的假期。结合上下文语境可知是顺接关 系,应用连词 and。故 so改为 and。 7.考查动词。句意同上。根据短语 tell sb. to do sth.,此处 have与上文 go home为并列结构,应用动词原形。 故 has改为 have。 8.考查副词。句意:小男孩感激地看着她,问她为什么要为他做这些。修饰动词 look应用副词,故 grateful 改为 gratefully。 9.考查介词。句意同上。表示“为……”应用介词 for。故 to改为 for。 10.考查连词。句意:她笑着回答说,她只是在报答小时候得到的恩惠。本句为宾语从句,从句中不缺少成 分故用 that引导。故 what改为 that。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25分) 假如你叫李华,进入高三的学习,压力很大,想和父母说说心里话,请你用英文在你的博客上用书信 形式表达出来。主要内容如下: 知心话 感恩——感谢父母的关心、鼓励 对父母的期望——(1)多加交流 (2)适时提供帮助 学习打算 考生自拟(至少写两点) 注意: (1)短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥。 (2)词数:100左右(开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数)。 Dear Mom and Dad, With the College Entrance Examination approaching, I really hope to have a heart-to-heart talk with you! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Mom and Dad, I am quite confident about my future. Wish you good health and a happy life. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【范文】 Dear Mom and Dad, With the College Entrance Examination approaching, I really hope to have a heart-to-heart talk with you! During the years, I always feel grateful for your unselfish care and love. Thanks to your constant encouragement, I have been making remarkable progress in my studies. Since it will be less than one month before the exam, Iˈm under great pressure now. I would appreciate it if you can have a frequent talk with me and provide me with timely help, which contributes to my staying in a good state. I am fully aware of the responsibilities I am shouldering. I have made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the saying goes, "no pains, no gains. " Meanwhile, I will spare some time to participate in sports activities, aiming to build up my body and free myself from the heavy work of studies. Mom and Dad, I am quite confident about my future. Wish you good health and a happy life. Yours sincerely, ​ Li Hua

