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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达技巧之二:针对具体类型,注重实践演练 应用文(一) 建议信&求助信 ‎[考点突破·洞悉考向]‎ ‎(2019·湖南六校联考)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jamie来信说他对中国传统文学非常感兴趣,但在阅读时遇到了困难,比如很多汉字不认识,读不懂文章的意思等,希望得到你的帮助。请给他回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.表示理解并给予安慰;‎ ‎2.提出建议。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.信的开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:中国传统文学traditional Chinese literature;汉字Chinese character Dear Jamie,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[审题谋篇]‎ 体裁 建议信 人称 第二人称为主 时态 一般现在时为主 要点 ‎①开头:理解安慰朋友 ‎②主体:建议如何提高阅读 ‎③结尾:表达愿望,并期待对方尽早回复 ‎[学生习作]‎ Dear Jamie,‎ ‎①I'm very glad to know that you were interested in the traditional Chinese literature. ②As a matter of fact, it's never easy to learning Chinese characters and essays. ③Even native Chinese speakers may find hard to learn them good. ④There is no need to feel upset. ⑤Here are some useful tips on how to improve my Chinese characters and essays.‎ ‎⑥To begin with, when have a problem, you are supposed to turn to the Internet for help. ⑦You can learn how to read and write the characters there. ⑧Besides, you can learn from Chinese people around and I'm willing to give you a hand. ⑨Last but not least, it is the most important thing are that you should keep on learning and practicing. ⑩I hold the firm belief that you are bound to make a great progress in traditional Chinese literature.‎ ‎⑪I hope my advices will be of benefit to you. I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[升级方案]‎ 第一步 规避错误——保基本 改正习作中的错误,共10处,每句中最多有两处。(请在习作中标注)‎ ‎①were→are ‎②learning→learn ‎③find_后加it或it's;good→well ‎⑤my→your ‎⑥have→having ‎⑨it→what;_are→is ‎⑩去掉a ‎⑪advices→advice 第二步 词句靓化——上档次 根据下列要求完善修改后的习作 ‎1.把①句中very glad升级为高频词汇 I'm_more_than_delighted_to_know_that_you_are_interested_in_the_traditional_Chinese_literature.‎ ‎2.把③④句合并升级为so引导的并列句 Even_native_Chinese_speakers_may_find_it_hard_to_learn_them_well,_so_there_is_no_need_to_feel_upset._‎ ‎3.把⑥⑦句合并升级为定语从句 To_begin_with,_when_having_a_problem,_you_are_supposed_to_turn_to_the_Internet_for_help,where_you_can_learn_how_to_read_and_write_the_characters.‎ ‎[满分作文]‎ Dear Jamie,‎ I'm more than delighted to know that you are interested in the traditional Chinese literature. As a matter of fact, it's never easy to learn Chinese characters and essays. Even native Chinese speakers may find it hard to learn them well, so there is no need to feel upset. Here are some useful tips on how to improve your Chinese characters and essays.‎ To begin with, when having a problem, you are supposed to turn to the Internet for help, where you can learn how to read and write the ‎ characters. Besides, you can learn from Chinese people around and I'm willing to give you a hand. Last but not least, what is the most important thing is that you should keep on learning and practicing. I hold the firm belief that you are bound to make great progress in traditional Chinese literature.‎ I hope my advice will be of benefit to you. I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[技法点津]‎ 建议信 一、写作架构要规范 建议信是生活中常见的一种文体,是写信人向收信人对某事提出的建议或忠告。建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确,具有合理性和说服力。‎ 具体写作步骤一般是“三段式”,通常以firstly, secondly, thirdly或to begin/start with, then, later, last but not least 等依次陈述建议。具体写作结构为:‎ 二、 靓点句式背一番 ‎1.常用开头句式 ‎(1)I'm writing to give you some tips/suggestions on how to spend gift money.‎ 我写这封信的目的是给你一些如何花压岁钱的建议。‎ ‎(2)I'm pleased to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to get along well with your classmates.‎ 非常高兴收到你的来信,在信中,关于如何与同学相处好,你向我征求建议。‎ ‎(3)I know you have trouble in learning English after reading your letter.‎ 在读了你的信之后,我知道你在学习英语上有困难。‎ ‎(4)My suggestions are as follows.‎ 我的建议如下。‎ ‎2.建议常用句式 ‎(1)First of all,you'd better buy some books to enrich yourself.‎ 首先,你最好买一些书来丰富自己。‎ ‎(2)What's more,you may as well join in a summer camp, which not only broadens your horizons but also helps you develop the spirit of teamwork.‎ 此外,你不妨参加夏令营,这不但开拓你的视野而且有助于你培养团队精神。‎ ‎(3)Having a facetoface talk with your parents peacefully and listening patiently is a better choice.‎ 与你的父母心平气和地面谈并耐心地倾听是一个更好的选择。‎ ‎3.常用结尾句式 ‎(1)I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you./I hope you will find these suggestions useful.‎ 我希望我的建议对你有益。/我希望你认为这些建议有帮助。‎ ‎(2)Personally/In my opinion/As far as I'm concerned,it would be wise to take the following actions.‎ 在我看来,采取如下行动是明智的。‎ 求助信 一、写作架构要规范 写英文求助信的原因是目前自己遇到了一些困难,需要请求对方帮助,因此整篇文章应用一般现在时表达文意。当描述自己得到帮助后的进步时应用一般将来时。‎ 具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头部分常用语 ‎(1)My name is Li Hua, a student of senior three student. I am writing to seek for help.‎ 我叫李华,一名高三的学生。我写信的目的是寻求帮助。‎ ‎(2)I'm writing to ask you to do me a favor.‎ 我给你写信想请你帮我一个忙。‎ ‎(3)The reason why I am writing to you is that I quarrelled with my best friend Lucy and I need your help now.‎ 我给你写信的原因是我与我最好的朋友Lucy吵架了,现在我需要你的帮助。‎ ‎2.寻求帮助常用语 ‎(1)Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for help.‎ 面对这么多的困难,我不得不向你求助。‎ ‎(2)I really don't want to lose this friend. I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor.‎ 我确实不想失去这个朋友。如果你能帮助我我将不胜感激。‎ ‎(3)I would like you to give me some tips on how to get along with others.‎ 我想让你给我一些如何与他人相处的建议。‎ ‎3.结尾部分常用语 ‎(1)I'm sure I can make great progress with your help.‎ 我相信在你的帮助下我会取得很大的进步。‎ ‎(2)I'm eager for your timely help./I'm eager to get your timely help.‎ 我渴望得到你及时的帮助。‎ ‎[课堂应用体验]‎ Writing 1‎ 假定你是高三学生李华。你班的交换生Jim对中国传统文化感兴趣,准备下学期选修一门相关课程,向你征询建议。请给Jim写一封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.推荐一门选修课;‎ ‎2.说明推荐的理由;‎ ‎3.提出学习这门课程的建议。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.信的开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Jim,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Jim,‎ I am glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture and ‎ eager to explore more.‎ I think the Ancient Poetry is your best choice. By learning Chinese ancient poems, you can have an extensive knowledge of history and culture about ancient China. Furthermore, you can feel the charm of the language by reading poems, which helps to improve your Chinese. To follow the course well, you'd better read and recite as many poems as possible. Besides, it is a good idea to search for related background knowledge so that you can fully understand the conception of poetry.‎ What do you think of the course? I am sure you will have a lot of fun from it.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Writing 2‎ 假定你是学生会主席李华,你需要设计一张关于英语社团纳新的海报。你想请外籍教师Mr Smith来帮忙策划。请根据以下提示,用英语给Mr Smith写一封求助信。内容包括:‎ ‎1.求助事由;‎ ‎2.希望指导;‎ ‎3.感谢帮助。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.信的开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Mr Smith,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Mr Smith,‎ I'm writing to ask you for advice, hoping that you will do me a favor.‎ As you know, every year we hold an activity, appealing to new members to join a variety of student societies. I'm keen to organize an English club and throw English parties if possible. What I should do is to put up attractive posters. I've been told that no one else can design a better poster than you. Would you please do me a favor and create the poster? If you agree, I will come to your house at your convenience.‎ I'd appreciate it if you'd like to offer me a helping hand. Looking ‎ forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 应用文(二) 邀请信&道歉信 ‎[考点突破·洞悉考向]‎ ‎ (2019·全国卷Ⅲ)假定你是李华,你校将举办音乐节。请写封邮件邀请你的英国朋友Allen参加,内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间;‎ ‎2.活动安排;‎ ‎3.欢迎他表演节目。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎[审题谋篇]‎ 体裁 邀请信 人称 第二人称为主 时态 一般现在时和一般将来时 要点 ‎①介绍写作背景、发出邀请 ‎②介绍学校音乐节的时间、活动安排和相关细节 ‎③欢迎Allen参加音乐节并表演节目 ‎[学生习作]‎ Dear Allen,‎ ‎①I'm Li Hua. ②I'm your Chinese friends. ③I have a good news to tell you. ④Our school will held a Chinese classical music concert in the music hall of our school in November 8th. ⑤According to the concert poster,much music masterpieces will be played by a famous band. ⑥I know you fond of classical music. ⑦ I'd like to invite you to join in me and welcome you to show your performance. ⑧I'm sure it is good chance to perform your favorite music.‎ ‎⑨If you are freely, I'll meet you at the entrance to the music hall at 7:00 that evening.‎ ‎⑩I'm look forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[升级方案]‎ 第一步 规避错误——保基本 改正习作中的错误,共10处,每句中最多有两处。(请在习作中标注)‎ ‎②friends→friend ‎③去掉a ‎④held→hold;_第二个in→on ‎⑤much→many ‎⑥fond前加are ‎⑦去掉in ‎⑧good前加a ‎⑨freely→free ‎⑩look→looking 第二步 词句靓化——上档次 根据下列要求完善修改后的习作 ‎1.把①②句合并升级为名词短语作同位语 I'm_Li_Hua,_your_Chinese_friend.‎ ‎2.把④句改为被动语态 A_Chinese_classical_music_concert_will_be_held_in_the_music_hall_of_our_school_on_November_8th.‎ ‎3.把⑥⑦句合并升级为分词作状语 Knowing_that_you_are_fond_of_classical_music,_I'd_like_to_invite_you_to_join_me_and_welcome_you_to_show_your_performance.‎ ‎4.把⑧句中I'm sure升级为高频词汇 I_hold_the_firm_belief_that_it_is_a_good_chance_to_perform_your_favorite_music.‎ ‎5.把⑨句中free升级为高频词汇 If_it_is_convenient_for_you,_I'll_meet_you_at_the_entrance_to_the_music_hall_at_7:00_‎ that_evening.‎ ‎[满分作文]‎ Dear Allen,‎ I'm Li Hua,your Chinese friend. I have good news to tell you. A Chinese classical music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th. According to the concert poster, many music masterpieces will be played by a famous band. Knowing that you are fond of classical music, I'd like to invite you to join me and welcome you to show your performance. I hold the firm belief that it is a good chance to perform your favorite music.‎ If it is convenient for you, I'll meet you at the entrance to the music hall at 7:00 that evening.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[技法点津]‎ 邀请信 一、写作架构要规范 邀请信是邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信,在写作时,语气要热情真挚,不要强人所难。具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头常用语 ‎(1)(2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)I'm Li Hua,chairman of the Students'‎ ‎ Union. Knowing that you are fond of classical music, I'm writing to invite you to take part in music festival to be held in our school.‎ 我是学生会主席李华。知道你喜欢古典音乐,我写信邀请你参加将在我校举办的音乐节。‎ ‎(2)(2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达) A Chinese classical music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th. It's my great honour to invite you to join in the classical music concert on behalf of our school.‎ ‎11月8日在我校音乐厅将举行一场中国古典音乐会。我非常荣幸代表学校邀请你参加古典音乐会。‎ ‎2.主体部分常用语 ‎(1)Here are some details about this activity./Some details about this activity are as follows.‎ 这次活动的一些细节如下。‎ ‎(2)I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.‎ 我想在那里见到你,请尽快告诉我你的决定。‎ ‎3.结尾常用语 ‎(1)(2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)I hold the firm belief that it is a good chance to perform your favorite music.‎ 我坚信这是一个表演你最喜欢的音乐的好机会。‎ ‎(2)I would appreciate it if you could take my invitation into ‎ consideration at your early convenience.‎ 如果你能尽早在你方便时考虑我的建议,我将不胜感激。‎ ‎(3)I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.‎ 我想在那里见到你,请尽快告诉我你的决定。‎ ‎(4)I'm looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.‎ 盼望着早日收到你的来信。‎ 道歉信 一、写作架构要规范 道歉信通常是在因自己的过失或疏忽给别人带来了麻烦或损失并在发觉的情况下,为了向对方表示歉意而写的信件。‎ 具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头部分常用语 ‎(1)I am writing this letter to apologize to you for breaking the clock on the wall in your room.‎ 我写这封信是因把你房间墙上的钟弄坏了向你道歉。‎ ‎(2)I would like to express my deepest apology for not being able to pick you up at the airport, for I have an urgent thing to attend to.‎ 因为有紧急事情要处理,我没能去机场接你,我向你表达最真诚的歉意。‎ ‎(3)I would like to offer my apology for not being able to teach you to make Chinese knots this Saturday.‎ 非常抱歉本周六我不能教你制作中国结了。‎ ‎2.解释理由 ‎(1)The reason is that I have got a cold,and the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so.‎ 原因是我感冒了,医生建议我卧床休息大约一周。‎ ‎(2)I'm writing to make an apology to you for not being able to attend the party. That's because I have to go to the airport to pick up my friend.‎ 因不能参加晚会我写信向你道歉。那是因为我必须去机场接我的朋友。‎ ‎3.结尾部分常用语 ‎(1) Please allow me to say sorry again. I have the confidence that you can learn how to make Chinese knots. Wish you a good time!‎ 请允许我再次道歉。我确信你会学会如何做中国结的。希望你玩得开心。‎ ‎(2)I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies.‎ 我衷心希望你能宽容地接受我的道歉。‎ ‎[课堂应用体验]‎ Writing 1‎ ‎(2019·山东潍坊高考模拟)‎ 假定你是李华,你想邀请你的朋友John在周六晚上去看科幻电影The Wandering Earth,请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.发出邀请;‎ ‎2.介绍电影(主题:保护人类共同的地球家园;观众评价等);‎ ‎3.请求回复。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.信的开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear John,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear John,‎ Knowing that you are interested in science fiction, I'd like to invite ‎ you to see a film this weekend.‎ The Wandering Earth is being shown these days, whose aim is to save the earth and protect our common home. Viewers describe it as a breakthrough of the Chinese film industry and it has received a wide range of positive reviews so far. Shall we go to see the film if you are available? How about this Saturday evening? Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can book the tickets in advance.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Writing 2‎ 假定你是李华,上周从外教Jackson处借得一本英文杂志,原定本周六下午归还,但你因某种原因不能按时还书。请给他写一封电子邮件说明情况,内容包括:‎ ‎1.表示歉意;‎ ‎2.说明原因;‎ ‎3.另约时间。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.信的开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Mr. Jackson,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Mr. Jackson,‎ I'm indeed sorry to say that I can't return you the English magazine which I borrowed last week this Saturday afternoon. I hope you can forgive me for not keeping my word. Just now my monitor informed me that we would have a class meeting on that day. As the final examination of this semester is coming, we intend to have a meeting about the arrangement for the exam. It is so important that I could not refuse to attend.‎ If it's convenient for you, we can make it next weekend, or let me know when you are available.‎ Please allow me to say sorry again.‎ Yours,‎ Li hua 应用文(三) 申请信& 普通书信/电子邮件 ‎[考点突破·洞悉考向]‎ ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)假定你是李华,暑期在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:‎ ‎1.写信目的;‎ ‎2.个人优势;‎ ‎3.能做的事情。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.结束语已为你写好。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[审题谋篇]‎ 体裁 申请信 人称 第一人称 时态 一般现在时 要点 ‎①介绍写信的目的——申请当一名志愿者 ‎②介绍个人优势及所做的事情 ‎③希望——如果同意我的申请将感激不尽 ‎[学生习作]‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ ‎①I'm Li Hua. ②I'm a Chinese student.③ I am take a summer course in London now. ④I know that your gallery will hold a Chinese painting exhibition.⑤ I would like to do any voluntary work for the exhibition. ⑥So I am writing to apply to being a volunteer.‎ ‎⑦Here is three main reasons why I am the best choice for you.‎ ‎⑧To begin with, I am good at English; as a result, it is a piece of cakes for me to introduce everything to international friends.⑨Beside, I would like to introduce Chinese paintings,spread Chinese culture or strengthen world cultural exchanges. ⑩My aim is let China go to the world and let the world understand China. ⑪Last but not least, as a vice monitor of our class, I am kind, patient and always ready to help other.‎ ‎⑫I would appreciate it if you could consider my application. Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[升级方案]‎ 第一步 规避错误——保基本 改正习作中的错误,共10处,每句中最多有两处。(请在习作中标注)‎ ‎③take→taking ‎⑤any→some ‎⑥being→be ‎⑦is→are ‎⑧cakes→cake ‎⑨Beside→Besides;_or→and ‎⑩is_后加to ‎⑪去掉as_后的a;_other→others 第二步 词句靓化——上档次 根据下列要求完善修改后的习作 ‎1.把①②③句合并升级为名词短语作同位语、定语从句 I'm_Li_Hua,_a_Chinese_student_who_is_taking_a_summer_course_in_London_now.‎ ‎2.把④⑤句合并升级为分词作状语 Knowing_that_your_gallery_will_hold_a_Chinese_painting_exhibition,_I_would_like_to_do_some_voluntary_work_for_the_exhibition.‎ ‎3.把⑧句中be good at, as a result升级为高频词汇 To_begin_with,_I_have_a_good_knowledge_of_English;_as_a_consequence,_it_is_a_piece_of_cake_for_me_to_introduce_everything_to_international_friends.‎ ‎4.把⑫句中consider升级为高频词汇 I_would_appreciate_it_if_you_could_take_my_application_into_account/consideration.‎ ‎[满分作文]‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student who is taking a summer course in London now. Knowing that your gallery will hold a Chinese painting exhibition, I would like to do some voluntary work for the exhibition. So I am writing to apply to be a volunteer.‎ Here are three main reasons why I am the best choice for you.‎ To begin with, I have a good knowledge of English; as a consequence, it is a piece of cake for me to introduce everything to international friends. Besides, I would like to introduce Chinese paintings,spread Chinese culture and strengthen world cultural exchanges. My aim is to let China go to the world and let the world understand China. Last but not least, as vice monitor of our class, I am kind, patient and always ready to help others.‎ I would appreciate it if you could take my application into ‎ account/consideration. Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[技法点津]‎ 申请信 一、写作架构要规范 申请信有很多种,比如求职申请、加入某组织或活动的申请、报考申请、留学申请等。由于此类题目常有较多的文字提示,写作时除应注意格式上的要求外,也应注意审题全面,不能遗漏要点。具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.常用开头句式 ‎(1)I'm Li Hua,a student from Xinhua Middle school. I am writing to apply for the membership of the English tutorial.‎ 我是新华中学的一名学生,李华。我写信申请上英语辅导班。‎ ‎(2)I'm more than glad to work as a volunteer for the 2022 Beijing & Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games. I hold the firm belief that I'm fit for the job.‎ 我非常高兴做一名2022年北京&张家口冬奥会的志愿者,我坚信我适合这项工作。‎ ‎2.申请常用句式 ‎(1)I won the first prize in the Middle School English Speaking Contest last year; besides, I once worked as a voluntary guide for foreign guests.‎ 去年我在中学生英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖;此外,我曾经担任外国游客的志愿者导游。‎ ‎(2)With all these advantages, I hold the firm belief that I will be very qualified to be a volunteer for the expo.‎ 有上面的优势条件,我坚信我将非常适合担任博览会的一名志愿者。‎ ‎(3)In addition,I think I can do the job well thanks to my language skills and a good command of English.‎ 此外,由于我的语言技能和精通英语,我认为我能把这项工作做好。‎ ‎3.常用结尾句式 ‎(1)I would really appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.‎ 如果你能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。‎ ‎(2)I would be very grateful if you could offer me a chance to be a volunteer.‎ 如果你能给我一次当志愿者的机会,我将不胜感激。‎ ‎(3)I am interested in being a volunteer and hope to join this ‎ significant activity.‎ 我对当志愿者感兴趣,希望加入到这个重要的活动中。‎ 普通书信/电子邮件 一、写作架构要规范 英文电子邮件和普通书信的写法和格式大体相同,其开头、结尾常常都会给出,正文可根据作文要求分段把内容表达清楚即可。具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头常用语 ‎(1)I am very glad to have received the letter you sent me two days ago. ‎ 我很高兴收到你两天前寄给我的信。‎ ‎(2)There is nothing happier to me than to receive your letter. ‎ 再也没有比收到你的来信更让我开心的了。‎ ‎(3)Sorry to reply to your letter so late. ‎ 抱歉这么晚才给你回信。‎ ‎2.主体部分常用语 ‎(1)(2019·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)Now I will give you an introduction to the coming volleyball game so that you can make full preparations for it. ‎ 现在我将给你介绍一下即将到来的排球比赛,这样你就可以做好充分的准备。‎ ‎(2)If necessary, we can arrange a facetoface discussion sometime this week.‎ 如果有必要,本周我们可以找个时间安排一次面谈。‎ ‎3.结尾常用语 ‎(1)I'd appreciate it if you could make a response at your earliest convenience.‎ 如果您能在方便时尽早回信,我将非常感激。‎ ‎(2)Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.‎ 盼望能尽快收到你的回信。‎ ‎[课堂应用体验]‎ Writing 1‎ ‎(2019·桂林、贺州市调研)假定你是高三学生李华,你在校园网上看到一则招募暑假英语夏令营志愿者的广告,请你写一封信申请参加。内容包括:‎ ‎1.自身的英语情况;‎ ‎2.相关经验。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:英语夏令营 English Summer Camp Dear Sir/Madam,‎ My name is Li Hua and I'm a student in a high school.  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ My name is Li Hua and I'm a student in a high school. I'd like to apply to be a volunteer of the English Summer Camp.‎ First of all, I'm very fond of English and take an active part in all kinds of activities related to English. Having a good knowledge of English grammar and going to the English corner every Sunday afternoon does a lot of good to my spoken English. Second, I've taken part in plenty of voluntary work since Senior One, through which I have gained much valuable experience. I find it meaningful to help people and consider it a pleasure. Last but not least, I've got a great deal of experience in organizing English activities.‎ All in all, I'd be honored if you can choose me. I'll make every effort to do my job and you won't regret it.‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua Writing 2‎ ‎(2019·潍坊高三模拟)假定你是李华,是一名高三学生。上周五,你校举办了一场英语演讲比赛,你荣获了一等奖。请根据下面的写作提纲,给外教Susan Hill写一封感谢信。‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎1.写信的目的;‎ ‎2.她如何帮助了你;‎ ‎3.再次表示感谢。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Susan Hill,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Susan Hill,‎ I am Li Hua, a student of Senior 3. I am writing to express my gratitude for your kind help.‎ You don't know how excited I was to get the first prize in the English Speech Contest held in my school last Friday and I owe it to your kind help. I used to be too shy to speak aloud in public. Luckily, you asked me to practice several times in your office and corrected my pronunciation and intonation. In addition, you encouraged me to be confident and brave if I wanted to show my talent on the stage. I made great progress with your kind help, without which I couldn't have got the prize.‎ Thank you again for your kind help!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 应用文(四) 演讲稿&通知 ‎[考点突破·洞悉考向]‎ ‎(2019·山西八校联考)在成长的过程中,我们总是对未来从事的职业充满憧憬,你班将以“My dream career”为题举办演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求写一篇英语演讲稿,要点如下:‎ ‎1.你的理想职业;‎ ‎2.选择的理由;‎ ‎3.实现的途径。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以根据内容要点适当发挥,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [审题谋篇]‎ 体裁 演讲稿 人称 第一人称为主 时态 一般现在时为主 要点 ‎①开头:演讲主题(理想职业) ‎ ‎②主体:主题内容(选择的理由) ‎ ‎③结尾:总结演讲(实现的途径)‎ ‎[学生习作]‎ My dream career Good morning, everyone! ‎ ‎①Today, please allows me to give you a speech on the career I will do in the future. ②Undoubtedly, I had great expectations for the future job as everyone present. ③And my dream career is be a tour guide. ④From my early age, I have been admiring a guide who travel everywhere. ⑤You share the knowledge of the local culture and customs but enjoy the brilliant landscapes at the same time. ⑥Also,it is a wellpaying job.‎ ‎⑦To be a good guide is not easy job. ⑧I can achieve the qualification and serve for the people properly only by hard work.‎ ‎⑨Thank you for listen.‎ ‎[升级方案]‎ 第一步 规避错误——保基本 改正习作中的错误,共10处,每句中最多有两处。(请在习作中标注)‎ ‎①allows→allow ‎②had→have ‎③be前加to ‎④travel→travels ‎⑤You→They;_but→and ‎⑥wellpaying→wellpaid ‎⑦not后加an ‎⑧去掉for ‎⑨listen→listening 第二步 词句靓化——上档次 根据下列要求完善修改后的习作 ‎1.把①句中do升级为高频词汇 take_up ‎2.把②句升级为同位语从句 There_is_no_doubt_that_I_have_great_expectations_for_the_future_job_as_everyone_present.‎ ‎3.把④⑤句合并升级为非谓语动词作状语 From_my_early_age,_I_have_been_admiring_a_guide_who_travels_everywhere,_sharing_the_knowledge_of_the_local_culture_and_customs_and_enjoying_the_brilliant_landscapes_at_the_same_time.‎ ‎4.把⑥句中Also升级为高频词汇 In_addition ‎5.把⑧句升级为倒装句式 Only_by_hard_work_can_I_achieve_the_qualification_and_serve_the_people_properly.‎ ‎[满分作文]‎ My dream career Good morning, everyone!‎ Today, please allow me to give you a speech on the career I will take up in the future. There is no doubt that I have great expectations for the ‎ future job as everyone present. And my dream career is to be a tour guide. From my early age, I have been admiring a guide who travels everywhere, sharing the knowledge of the local culture and customs and enjoying the brilliant landscapes at the same time. In addition, it is a wellpaid job.‎ To be a good guide is not an easy job. Only by hard work can I achieve the qualification and serve the people properly.‎ Thank you for listening.‎ ‎[技法点津]‎ 演讲稿 一、写作架构要规范 演讲稿是演讲者在一定的场合,面对特定的对象,为了达到某种目的而采取的表达自己观点的文字,是高考中较为常见的应用文。‎ 具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头部分常用语 ‎(1)My name is Li Hua. Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.‎ 我是李华。今天很高兴能有机会做这个演讲。我很荣幸在这里与大家分享我对高中学习的看法。‎ ‎(2)It's my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about my concerns and comments about the climate change.‎ 我很荣幸有机会在这里就对气候变化的关注和评论发表我的一些看法。‎ ‎(3)Learning that you will return to your country soon, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all my classmates.‎ 得知你很快就会回到你的祖国,我代表所有的同学向你表达我们真诚的感谢。‎ ‎2.结尾部分常用语 ‎(1)I hope I have made myself understood.‎ 希望我说的大家都能理解。‎ ‎(2)That's all I want to say about this point.‎ 关于这一点,我就讲这些。‎ ‎(3)Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today.‎ 我从心底感谢你们今天给了我这个机会与你们讲话。‎ 通知 一、写作架构要规范 通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某件事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。‎ 具体写作结构为:‎ 二、靓点句式背一番 ‎1.开头部分常用语 ‎(1)May I have/call your attention,please?‎ 请大家注意一下,好吗?‎ ‎(2)Attention,please,everybody!‎ 请大家注意!‎ ‎(3)I have an announcement to make.‎ 我有一件事情要宣布。‎ ‎2.中间部分常用语 ‎(1)In order to promote Chinese culture, our school will hold a Chinese Poetry Conference. I'd like to inform you of some details as follows.‎ 为了促进中国文化,我们学校将举行一次中国诗歌的会议。我想告诉你如下一些细节。‎ ‎(2)As scheduled,the conference is to be held in the school lecture hall at 7:00 pm on May 20, 2020, before which you are supposed to get fully prepared.‎ 按照计划,会议将于2020年5月20日晚上7点在学校演讲厅举行,之前你应该做好充分的准备。‎ ‎(3)We shall listen to a lecture on how to prevent the environment ‎ from being polluted.‎ 我们将听关于如何阻止环境被污染的讲座。‎ ‎3.结尾部分常用语 ‎(1)Please attend it on time and don't be late.‎ 请按时参加,不要迟到。‎ ‎(2)I hope you can have a good time.‎ 我希望你们玩得开心。‎ ‎(3)Everyone is welcome to attend/take part in it.‎ 欢迎所有人参加。‎ ‎(4)That's all. Thank you.‎ 就这些,谢谢。‎ ‎[课堂应用体验]‎ Writing 1‎ 友谊是人们能享受的最大的快乐之一。假设你正在参加全省中学生英语演讲比赛,请你以“Friendship”为话题,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。‎ 演讲稿的主要内容应包括:‎ ‎1.朋友的真谛;‎ ‎2.择友的标准;‎ ‎3.怎样对待朋友。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,‎ Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Thank you!‎ 参考范文:‎ Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,‎ Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. Real friends are those who can share all our sorrows and double our joys. No man can spend most of his life without the help of his true friends.‎ True friends cherish your ideas and feelings; they will not desert you when you are in hot waters; they will not take advantage of you when you are in favorable conditions; and they will offer you their sincere advice when you are lost. We should choose those as our friends who have good character, great ability and kind hearts. We'll treat our friends politely,‎ ‎ forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible. If so, we'll be able to keep the sacred friendship burning all our life.‎ Thank you!‎ Writing 2 ‎ ‎(2019·山西八校第一次联考)假定你叫李华,是班上的英语课代表。你班外教Peter因外出开会请你代他在班上发一个关于课后作业的英语通知,内容如下:‎ ‎1.写一篇关于中国茶文化的短文;‎ ‎2.同学间交换并修改错误;‎ ‎3.作业上交的时间。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ Notice Dear classmates,‎ Our teacher Peter is at a meeting, so he asked me to tell you about the writing assignment today. Here is something for your attention.‎ First of all, the topic of our writing is about our Chinese tea culture based on the text we have just learnt. We are supposed to write the essay in about 100 words. Secondly, after finishing writing, we need to exchange it with our partners, and correct each other's mistakes if any. Lastly, the deadline for handing our corrected essays in is this Friday morning.‎ Should you have any question about it, please don't hesitate to ask me.‎ Li Hua 近年来高考英语写作的命题坚持的思想就是高起点低落点。题目起点很高,突出体现在一些书面表达的话题涉及中国优秀传统文化和社会主义核心价值观。但是最终要将这些中国文化、中国故事、中国礼仪等抽象概念体现在具体的考生生活实际中,体现在考生熟悉的生活中,这就是低落点。这种高起点低落点现象有利于考生充分发挥自己的写作水平,但对平时靠死记硬背、不注重生活积累的考生来说是一个巨大的挑战。我们在此创编8个热点话题,旨在让考生开阔视野,熟悉并掌握当前的一些热点命题素材。‎

