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‎2020届二轮复习虚拟语气 概念引入 动词的语气表示说话人的态度和看法,可分为陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。‎ ‎1. 陈述语气用来陈述事实或可能发生的事,有肯定、否定、疑问和感叹等形式。‎ ‎ Aileen showed great concern about you. 艾琳很为你担心。(肯定)‎ ‎ My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand. 我的腿软得简直不能站立。(否定)‎ ‎ Would you care to come and stay with me over the weekend? (疑问)‎ ‎ 你愿意来和我过周末吗? ‎ ‎2. 祈使语气用来提出请求、发出命令、警告、威胁、叮嘱、祝福、建议等。‎ ‎ Enjoy yourselves with your trip. 一路愉快。(叮嘱)‎ ‎ Don’t let this type of things happen again. 别让这种事再次发生。(警告)‎ ‎3. 虚拟语气是说话人为表达一种假设, 或一种主观愿望, 即认为动词所表示的动作或状态并非真实或仅是主观设想时所用的动词形式。‎ 我们先看这些含虚拟语气的句子:‎ ‎1. If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?‎ ‎2. If you could have three of these paintings on the walls of your classroom, which would you choose?‎ ‎3. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.‎ ‎4. Without the new paints and new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.‎ ‎5. Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist?‎ 本单元将重点学习if从句的虚拟语气和wish和“suggest”类后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气的用法。‎ 用法讲解 if引导的虚拟条件句 ‎1. 真实条件句与虚拟条件句:‎ ‎ 条件句分成两种,一种是真实条件句,一种是非真实条件句。真实条件句用陈述语气,所做的假设,说话人认为是可以实现的,或者与事实相符的;而使用虚拟条件句时,说话人知道所做假设与事实不符,或者很可能无法实现的。如:‎ If I have enough money, I will go to the zoo with you. ‎ 如果我有足够的钱,我会和你一起去动物园。(暗含“我看看钱是否够,如果够我就去”)‎ If I had enough money, I would go to the zoo with you.‎ 如果我有足够的钱,我会和你一起去动物园。‎ ‎(暗含“我事实上没有足够的钱,没法和你去”)‎ ‎2. 虚拟条件句的构成:‎ 假设类型 条件从句(if从句)谓语动词 主句的谓语动词 与现在事实相反 一般过去式(be用were)‎ would/should/might/could +动词原形 与将来事实 可能相反 ‎1)一般过去式(be只用were)‎ ‎2)were to + 动词原形 ‎3)should + 动词原形 would/should/might/could+动词原形 与过去事实相反 had done would/should/might/could + have+过去分词 ‎ ‎(注:与过去事实相反的用法将在下个单元学习。)‎ If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky. 如果我是只鸟,我要飞向天空。‎ ‎(“我”不是鸟,也不能飞向天空,所以假设与现在事实相反,从句的be用were,主句用would+动词原形)‎ If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 如果明天下雨,会议就会延期。‎ ‎(说话人认为明天不会下雨,要表示“与将来事实可能相反”,从句用were to+动词原形,从句用would+动词原形,因为动词短语put off与主语“会议”有被动关系,用be put off)‎ If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk. ‎ 假如没有地心引力,我们就不能行走。(事实:There is gravity. 与现在事实相反)‎ I would go travelling, if I had lots of money. ‎ 如果我有许多钱,我会去旅游。(事实:I don’t have lots of money. 与现在事实相反)‎ If he should see me, he would know me. ‎ 假如他看见我, 就会认识我。(事实:He won’t see me. 与将来事实相反)‎ If it were Sunday tomorrow, I might go to see my grandmother. (与将来事实相反)‎ 如果明天是星期天,我就去看望我奶奶。‎ ‎3. 注意:‎ ‎1. 在虚拟语气中,be的各人称形式都用were;在非正式文体中,第三人称单数有时也用was。但是在If I were you中,不能用was。‎ ‎2. 在主句中,should只用于第一人称。‎ ‎3. 如果对正在进行的动作的虚拟,应换为相应的动词的进行时。‎ If I were not listening to the radio, I would be sleeping. ‎ 如果我现在不是在听收音机,我会正在睡觉。(事实是:现在正在听收音机,没在睡觉)‎ ‎4. 主句中would, could, might的意义:‎ If you had another go, you would succeed. 如果你再试一次,你一定会成功。‎ ‎(would表示必然的结果)‎ If you had another go, you could succeed. 如果你再试一次,你就能成功。‎ ‎(could表示“能够”)‎ If you had another go, you might succeed. 如果你再试一次,你或许能成功。‎ ‎(might表示可能的结果)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. 拓展——if only if only 意思是“要是......就好了”,后面常加虚拟语气:谓语动词用一般过去时表示目前的愿望,用过去完成时表示过去的愿望,用would或could接动词原形表示将来的愿望。‎ If only I knew his phone number. 我要是知道他的电话号码就好了。(与现在事实相反)‎ If only you had come to the get-together. 如果你参加了聚会就好了。(与过去事实相反)‎ If only she would listen to me carefully. 但愿她会仔细听我讲话。(与将来事实可能相反)‎ wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气 ‎ wish和hope wish表示“愿望”,而hope表示“希望”。wish后描述的是人们美好的愿望,很有可能是不能实现的,所以wish就要用虚拟语气,而其虚拟语气是通过宾语从句的谓语动词的变化实现的。‎ wish 现在时 did(be动词用were)‎ 希望“同步”发生某事 过去时 had + done 希望“之前”发生某事 将来时 ‎+ do could ‎ would ‎ 希望“之后”发生某事 ‎(1)  I wish I were ten years younger. 我希望我能够年轻十岁。‎ ‎ I wish I knew how to drive a car. 真希望我会开车。‎ ‎(2)  I wish I had gone to the football match last night. 我希望昨晚我去看足球比赛了。‎ ‎(注意:last night表明用had gone)‎ ‎(3)  He wishes you would go and visit him. 他希望你会来看他。‎ ‎ I wish the boys could be quiet. 我希望男孩们能保持安静。‎ 注意:‎ 从句谓语动词的变化不受wish的时态的影响,无论wish还是wished,我们只需判断从句谓语动作是和wish同步发生,还是在wish前,还是在wish后发生的,就可以了。不要受前面这个词的变形影响。‎ 试一试:‎ ‎1) I wish I ________a bird. (be)‎ ‎2) I wish/wished I ________ (not eat) so much watermelon. ‎ ‎3) The party was terrible, I wish I ________ (never go) to it.‎ ‎4) I wish it ________ (rain) tomorrow.‎ 答案与解析:‎ ‎1) were。现在的愿望,即与wish同步的愿望,用were。不用was。‎ ‎2) hadn’t eaten。说话人吃西瓜吃得肚子都大了,所以一定希望以前没有吃这么多西瓜,用hadn’t eaten。‎ ‎3) had never gone。从前句“晚会太糟糕了”可知,已经去过晚会了,是希望以前没去参加,所以用had never gone。注意never是副词,一般放在助动词后,一般动词前。‎ ‎4) would rain。希望明天下雨,用would rain。‎ ‎ “suggest”类的宾语从句的虚拟语气 ‎“suggest”类的宾语从句中谓语用(should)+动词原形。‎ 我们没有学虚拟语气时,老师经常告诉我们suggest作“建议”讲时,从句谓语用“(should)+‎ ‎ 动词原形”。现在我们知道还有一些词也有这种用法,这些词都表示主观的想法、看法、建议、命令、请求等等,因为是主观给别人的一些建议,所以你不能保证别人按你说的去做,因此属于虚拟的范围。这些词包括:‎ 第一种记法:(disco 迪斯科舞, rap 说唱)‎ D: demand (要求), desire (欲望) ‎ I: insist (坚持), idea (看法、注意) ‎ S: suggest (v.), suggestion (n.) 建议 ‎ C: command (命令)‎ O: order (命令)‎ R: require (要求), request (有礼貌的请求), recommend (推荐)‎ A: advise (v.), advice (n.) 建议 P: propose (v.), proposal (n.) 提议 注意:demand, desire, command, order, request既是名词,也是动词。‎ 另外一种记法:‎ 一个坚持:insist 两个命令:order, command ‎ 三个建议:advise, suggest, propose 五个要求:demand, require, request, desire, ask ‎ ‎(注意:少recommend)‎ 例如:‎ He ordered that the students (should) wash the clothes every week by themselves. ‎ 他命令学生们每周自己洗衣服。‎ The doctor suggested that she (should) have an operation at once.‎ 医生建议她立刻手术。(should省略后,she后会紧接着have,这是正确的)■‎ 注意:‎ suggest, insist不表示“建议”或“坚持要某人做某事”,而suggest表示“暗示、表明”,insist表示“坚持认为、坚持已发生或存在的事实”时,宾语从句用陈述语气。‎ The smile on Mother’s face suggests that she agrees with us. ‎ ‎  妈妈脸上的微笑表明她同意我们的想法。‎ Jack insisted that he hadn’t broken the window. 杰克坚持说他没有打破窗户。‎ 拓展:‎ ‎“suggest”类动词的名词形式(见“第一种记法”)的表语从句和同位语从句,及其过去分词对应的主语从句也用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词的形式也是“(should)+do”结构。‎ My demand is that she (should) come to see me once a week. (表语从句)‎ 我的要求是她应该一周来看我一次。‎ All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory (should) be closed down. (同位语从句)‎ 我们所有人都赞成这家化工厂被关闭的建议。‎ I made a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week.(同位语从句) ‎ 我提议我们应该下周开个会。‎ It’s suggested that the plan (should) be carried out. (主语从句)‎ 有人建议执行这个计划。‎ It’s advised that one (should) take plenty of boiled water. (主语从句)‎ 有人建议每个人都应多喝开水。‎ would/ should rather后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气 在would/ should rather (should只能用于第一人称)后的宾语从句中,从句谓语用一般过去时来表示现在或将来要做的事;要谈到过去的动作,则用过去完成时。would/ should rather后不能加that。 ‎ ‎ Don’t always make noise. I’d rather you kept silent. ‎ 不要老是制造噪音。我想让你保持安静。‎ ‎—Do you mind if I smoke? 我吸烟你介意吗?‎ ‎—Well, I’d rather you didn’t. 哦,我宁愿你不吸。‎ I’d rather you hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。‎ Katie went by car and I’d rather she hadn’t (gone by car). ‎ 凯蒂是坐汽车去的,我宁愿地没有坐汽车去。‎ 拓展:‎ would rather… (than) 宁愿......(而不愿)‎ I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. ‎ 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。‎ She’d rather die than give a speech. 她宁愿死也不愿意发表言论。‎ as if/as though引导的从句 as if(as though)引起的方式状语从句和表语从句中,如果引出的从句与事实相反或很难实现时,也要用虚拟语气,其动词形式与wish宾语从句的形式相同。例如: ‎ She loves the baby as if it were her own son. (“be”与“loves”同时存在,用were)‎ 她喜爱这个婴儿,就像是她自己的儿子一样。‎ They talked as if they had been friends for years. (“be”在“talked”之前发生,用had been)‎ 他们交谈着,就好像他们是多年的老朋友一样。‎ It seems as if it were spring. 似乎是春天了。(似乎现在是春天,be用were)‎ She looks as if she would cry. (现在看起来将要哭了,用would cry)‎ 她看起来好像要哭了。‎ 上面句子中as if可以换成as though。‎ 注意:‎ as if/ as though引导事实或很可能实现的从句时,不用虚拟语气。‎ It seems as if he has no worries. 他似乎没有烦恼。(没有烦恼接近事实)‎ It seems as if he had no worries. 他似乎没有烦恼。(好像没有烦恼,其实很多)‎ Gary walks as if he were drunk. 加里走起路来好像醉了。(事实上并没醉)‎ Gary walks as if he is drunk. 加里走起路来好像醉了。(事实上很有可能醉了)‎

