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‎2019-2020学年度下学期第一次周考英语试答案 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎ 第一节 ‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎ 1. How does the woman sound now?‎ ‎ A. Worried. B. Indifferent.(漠不关心) C. Grateful.‎ ‎ 2. What will the man do next?‎ ‎ A. Go to bed. B. Watch a movie. C. Watch TV upstairs.‎ ‎ 3. Who is the woman?‎ ‎ A. Mr. Johnson’s employee. B. Mr. Johnson’s mother. C. Mr. Johnson’s wife.‎ ‎ 4. How many more pieces of chicken should the woman buy?‎ ‎ A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight.‎ ‎ 5. Why don’t the speakers see a movie now?‎ ‎ A. They didn’t know there was a movie theater.B. They want to enjoy the nice weather first.‎ ‎ C. They are already on a walk.‎ ‎ 第二节 ‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。‎ ‎ 6. Who might the woman be?‎ ‎ A. A police officer B. A witness. C. The driver of the truck.‎ ‎ 7. What was the woman doing when the accident took place?‎ ‎ A. Standing outside a bank B. Crossing the road. C. Walking along Churchill Avenue.‎ ‎ 8. How did the accident happen?‎ ‎ A. A truck hit a car. B. A car ran into a truck. C. A traffic light broke down.‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。‎ ‎ 9. Why isn’t the woman in the office very often?‎ ‎ A. She can’t work well there. B. She has many classes to teach.‎ ‎ C. She isn’t a popular person.‎ ‎ 10. Who is Tom?‎ ‎ A. The speakers’ co-worker. B. The speakers’ student. C. The speakers’ boss.‎ ‎ 11. What will the speakers do?‎ ‎ A. Have a talk with Tom. B. Move to another office. C. Ask for a meeting room.‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第12至第14三个小题。‎ ‎ 12. Who is the woman shopping for?‎ ‎ A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her brother.‎ ‎ 13. What is the man going to buy?‎ ‎ A. Some plants. B. Some earrings. C. Some chocolate.‎ ‎ 14. What is the man’s plan for Christmas?‎ ‎ A. Staying with his family. B. Traveling to New York. C. Visiting his relatives.‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第15至第17三个小题。‎ ‎ 15. What is the man related to the woman?‎ ‎ A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.‎ ‎ 16. What do we know about the man?‎ ‎ A. He doesn’t like to cook B. It was his idea to do something different.‎ ‎ C. He has children.‎ ‎ 17. Where will the speakers probably go for Thanksgiving?‎ ‎ A. To a restaurant. B. To the man’s house. C. To the woman’s house.‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。‎ ‎ 18. How can people get around on the Gili Islands?‎ ‎ A. By bike. B. By car. C. By motorbike.‎ ‎ 19. When did tourism begin there?‎ ‎ A. In the 1970s. B. In the 1980s. C. In the 2000s.‎ ‎ 20. What were the Gili Islands like before?‎ ‎ A. There was much waste. B. There was plenty of fresh water.‎ ‎ C. There were full of wild animals.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节:阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30分)‎ A Victoria Falls Situated on the Zambezi River in southern Africa and forming the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe,regarded as a UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)World Heritage Site in 1989,Victoria Falls is known as one of the most magnificent(华丽的)and the largest curtains of falling water in the world.The Victoria Falls makes a great holiday destination with many travelers visiting not just for the Waterfall,but also for the incredible activities.At its peak flow around June,a mile-wide crack 100m straight down is filled with the roar of water falling at a rate of 3,000 tons per second. Mount Kilimanjaro Located in the East African country of Tanzania within Kilimanjaro National Park,with an elevation of 19,340 feet,Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa and the fourth highest in the world.Unlike many of the other mountains,climbing Mount Kilimanjaro doesn't require any technical mountain climbing skills. Mount Kenya Being the tallest mountain in Kenya and only second to Mount Kilimonjaro,Mount Kenya is located in the Mount Kenya National Park close to the equator.The mountain features three peaks over 16,000 feet:1)Batian as the tallest at 17,058 feet,2)Nelion at 17,022 feet and 3)Lenana at 16,355 feet.The peak and area receives approximately 15,000 visitors each year. Nile River The Nile River is located in northern Africa spanning across many countries that include Uganda,Ethiopia,Sudan,South Sudan,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Kenya,Tanzania,Rwanda,Burundi and ending in Egypt as it feeds into the Mediterranean Sea.The Nile River is the longest river in the world beating out the Amazon by 155 feet.‎ ‎21.Victoria Falls is popular because ______ .‎ A. it will apply for the list of world heritage.B. it is the largest curtain of falling water. C. it is a place with incredible activities. D. it can offer the peak flowing all the year.‎ ‎22.What is the special character of Mount Kenya? ______ ‎ A. It is located in the Mount Kenya National Park.B. It is suitable for people to reach the summit. C. It receives about 15,000 visitors each year. D. it shows its three peaks to the world.‎ ‎23.Floating down the Nile river,you will ______ .‎ A. end your travel at the Amazon B. find a great many water sources C. see it going through 10 countries D. be surprised by the scenery of Egypt B There are many American expressions about insects. ‎ Bees are known as very hard workers.So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house.In fact,you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean.You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away.When we go to see a movie,my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn.If something was the best of its kind,you might say it was the bee's knees.Now,we admit that we do not know how this expression developed.In fact,we do not even know if bees have knees!If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important,you might say she has a bee in her bonnet.If someone asks you a personal question,and you would like not to tell him or her,you might say,"That is none of your beeswax." Butterflies are beautiful insects,but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach.That means to be nervous about having to do something,like speaking in front of a crowd.You would also not want to have ants in your pants.That is,to be restless and unable to sit still. If a friend keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do,you might ask him to leave you alone or"stop bugging me".A friend also might tell you again and again to do something.If so,you might say he put a bug in your ear.If you were reading a book in your warm bed on a cold winter's day,you might say you were snug as a bug in a rug.And,if you wish someone good night,you might say,"sleep tight-don't let the bed bugs bite."‎ ‎24.When you describe a wonderful bike of your friend,you can say ______ .‎ A. it makes a beeline B. it is the bee's knees C. it is a beehive of activity D. it has a bee in its bonnet ‎25.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 means" ______ ".‎ A. has nothing to do with you B. draws your attention C. goes wrong D. is the bee's knees ‎26.In the text,butterflies and ants are used to ______ .‎ A. speak highly of a beautiful person B. describe a person without confidence C. stand for bad effects on a person D. comfort a person in a bad mood ‎27.What can we learn from the last paragraph? ______ ‎ A. The word"bug"can be a noun or a verb.B. Bug is a kind of good insects for man. C. Bugs live mainly in human's ears. D. A bug in a rug is very danger.‎ C Many college students complain about dormitory life: a sweltering room without air-conditioning in summer and a dormitory gate which is closed at 11 pm. But they may miss their dormitories after graduation,when they have to spend as much as a third of their income renting a shabby room. The rising prices of daily necessities, including food, water, gas and electricity, are also making graduates save every penny to make ends meet. Faced with the high cost of living, college graduates need to make every penny work when they budget their income. When it comes to renting, try to spend no more than one third of your income on it.Better still, only spend a quarter, according to Hao Qian, a career consultant(咨询师). Hao also reminds graduates to set aside about one fifth of their income for social activities. "People have spent more on their social lives because of changes in forms of entertainment,"said Hao. For example, new friends may want to meet you at a quiet club instead of at a noisy house. In spite of the high cost of living, many college graduates still, try to stay in big cities.They usually work in industries such as finance, public relations and IT, which depend on a booming city economy and technology.‎ ‎ Hao advises such graduates to reduce their expenditure on shopping as much as possible."If you are not in jobs such as PR and sales which require you to dress well, you don't need to spend much on clothes and " accessories ," said Hao."Spend less than one eighth of your monthly income on shopping. "‎ ‎28.What does the underlined word "sweltering" in the first paragraph probably mean? ______ ‎ A. Hot and airless. B. Damp and narrow. C. Simple and dull. D. Comfortable and rich.‎ ‎29.Which item takes up the most income of the graduates according to Hao Qian? ______ ‎ A. Travel B. Shopping. C. Social activities. D. Renting.‎ ‎30.How does the author begin the text? ______ ‎ A. By making comparisons. B. By making analysis. C. By using an example. D. By describing processes.‎ ‎31.We can know from the text that ______ .‎ A. the money spent on social activities is mainly to broaden business cooperation B. it's unwise to meet your new friend in your dormitory with loud roommates C. more and more graduates choose to work in small towns or medium cities D. if you take up a PR job in a firm, you can wear casual clothes D Billy Wilder (1906-2002)was a Jewish Polish-born American filmmaker, screenwriter,producer. Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had. Billy Wilder started law' school in Vienna, Austria. Then he decided not to become a lawyer. Instead, he began reporting for a Vienna newspaper. Wilder became a screenwriter in the late 1920s while living in Berlin. After the rise of the Nazi Party, Wilder, who was Jewish, left for Paris, where he directed a movie The Bad Seed for the first time. He moved to Hollywood in 1933, and in 1939 he had a hit when he co-wrote the screenplay for Ninotchka. In 1944, Billy Wilder made a film called Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. As a director, Billy Wilder often violated Hollywood customs about social issues. For example, someone who drank too much alcohol had rarely been a movie subject. But Wilder ‎ directed The Lost Weekend in 1945, whose subject was about alcohol. Reports at the time said manufacturers of alcoholic drinks tried to stop the movie. They did not succeed. The Lost Weekend also won the first prize of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevar, which won three Academy awards. The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilder's first movie The Seven Year Itch as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. In 1959, Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies. In recent years, however, Billy Wilder received many more awards and honors. Critics praised his gifts to movie making. In 1987, he received the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, which is the highest award a producer can receive, Wilder died in 2002. A current Hollywood producer said," Billy Wilder dies. Nobody's perfect".‎ ‎32.The author introduces Billy Wilder mainly by ______ .‎ A. giving examples B. comparing facts C. following space order D. following time order ‎33.What does the text mainly talk about? ______ ‎ A. The background of American movies.‎ B. Billy Wilder's achievements in American movies. C. Billy Wilder's attitude to American movies.D. The development of American movies.‎ ‎34.From the text, what can we learn about Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity? ______ ‎ A. It met many critical challenges. B. It was a major hit. C. It won many awards. D. It was his first works.‎ ‎35.What can be inferred from what a current Hollywood producer said? ______ ‎ A. Billy Wilder made lots of mistakes. B. Billy Wilder received high remarks. C. Billy Wilder was severely attacked by critics D. Billy Wilder was the greatest filmmaker.‎ 第二节:阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.分)‎ How to Know Yourself Better Most of us believe that we know ourselves better than anyone in this world. 36 Why? Not everyone is courageous enough to travel the path to achieving a better ‎ self-understanding. For a person to have a well-lived life, it is important that he know himself good. If you are one of those who are trying to know yourself better, these following steps will guide you. 1.Take a moment to write down things that you know "very good"about yourself-your interests, likes, dislikes, preferences, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, dreams, etc. 37By creating a list of your personal characteristics that you are familiar with, you are keeping yourself in touch with yourself. 2. 38 This is another way to know yourself better. The Internet has a rich source of free online personality and psychological assessments and tests. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to love yourself. 3. Know yourself better by understanding people's viewpoints about you. 39. Sometimes, you think you know yourself enough, but other people who see you from their point of view can offer you some insights(见解) how you act and get understood by others. Be careful, however, to balance both perceptions to come up with an objective view of yourself. 4. Keep on learning who you are. 40 Everyday you will be given new insights about yourself. Writing a journal will help you keep track of these new discoveries. Maintaining that hunger to know yourself better will make you more self-aware, opening up new opportunities to enrich your life. A. It's a lifetime process. B. Take personality and psychological tests. C. Remember that you are a worthy person. D. But a lot of people are still strangers to themselves. E. By answering them, you will understand yourself better. F. Reflect on these qualities above and find out how they influence your entire life. G. Pay attention to what your family, friends, coworkers, etc. observe and say about you.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ For some time I've had a church member provide me with a rose to pin on the lapel(翻领) of my suit every Sunday. Because I always got a __41__ on Sunday morning, I really did not think much of it. It was a nice gesture that became routine. One Sunday,__42__, what I considered ordinary became very __43__.‎ As I was leaving the Sunday service, a young boy __44__ and said,“Sir, what are you going to do with your flower?” At first I was __45__, but then I understood. “Do you mean this?” I said as I __46__ the rose pinned to my coat.‎ He said,“Yes, sir. I would appreciate __47__ if you are just going to throw it away.” The little boy said, “Sir, I'm going to give it to my granny. My mother and father __48__ last year. I was living with my mother, but I could not __49__, so she sent me to live with my grandmother. She has been so __50__ to me that I want to give that pretty flower to her for __51__ me.” ‎ When the little boy finished I could __52__ speak. My eyes were filled with tears and I knew I had been touched in the __53__ of my soul. I reached up and unpinned my flower. With the flower in my hand, I looked at the boy and said, “Son, that is the nicest __54__ I have ever heard, but you can't have this flower because it's not __55__. If you'll look in front of the pulpit(布道讲坛), you'll see a big bouquet(花束) of flowers. Different families buy them for the __56__ each week. Please take those flowers to your granny because she __57__ the very best.” ‎ ‎__58__ I hadn't been touched enough already, he made one last __59__ and I will always cherish it. He said, “What a wonderful day! I __60__ one flower but got a beautiful bouquet!”‎ ‎41. A.member B.flower C.suit D.lapel ‎42. A.though B.therefore C.however D.anyway ‎43. A.meaningful B.common C.strange D.special ‎44. A.approached B.called C.interviewed D.shouted ‎45. A.realized B.confused C.recognized D.determined ‎46. A.talked to B.promoted to C.pointed to D.compared to ‎47. A.them B.it C.you D.her ‎48. A.got divorced B.got lost C.gave in D.ran away ‎49. A.advise B.associate C.stay D.celebrate ‎50. A.helpful B.merciful C.meaningful D.good ‎51. A.loving B.bringing C.protecting D.choosing ‎52. A.seldom B.constantly C.hardly D.delightedly ‎53. A.reaction B.depths C.existence D.relief ‎54. A.granny B.family C.connection D.thing ‎55. A.fresh B.expensive C.enough D.useful ‎56. A.old B.church C.poor D.relatives ‎57. A.possesses B.matches C.deserves D.enjoys ‎58. A.Even if B.Since C.Although D.If ‎59. A.promise B.statement C.arrangement D.explanation ‎60. A.asked for B.cut up C.cared for D.gave away 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Talking is the most effective and satisfying way of communication with others. There are many forms of communication, __61__ (include) texting, phone calls, email, and the social media. Using these alternative forms to communicate with others may be __62__(fast), but it lacks many __63__(quality) that a face-to-face conversation possesses.‎ Facial expression and body language can __64__ (great) affect a conversation. They can be used to give a person some information about what the other person __65__(think) and feeling. Facial expression can __66__(apply) to video chatting, but body language can only be found __67__ a face-to-face conversation. Talking in person can have physical features. Giving someone __68__ hug and holding their hands __69__(comfort) them can only be done in person. When you are talking to someone by texting, physical touch does not exist at all, __70__ can limit the connection between the people in the communication. ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ It's reporting that there are eighty million disabled people in our country. Although our government have done a lot for them, it's not enough.‎ As student, what should we do for the disabled? To begin with, we should respect them and treat them good. We shouldn't look up on them or ignore their value to society. Additionally, we should care for them and try our best to help them, make their life easier. Lastly, it's necessary for us to help develop our confidence, which is first step to success. ‎ In conclusion, if everyone does his or her best, that the disabled are sure to live a happy life but they will make a great contribution to our society.‎ 六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共25分)‎ 1. 书面表达 随着电脑和手机的普及, 有人认为使用它们与人沟通起来方便省钱, 因此写信的人会越来越少, 书信在将来会完全消失。但也有人认为书信不仅有利于传递情感, 更作为一种艺术形式而成为民族文化的一部分。你赞成哪种观点? 并陈述理由。 要求: 1. 词数100个左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯流畅。‎ 高二下学期第一次周考英语试卷答案 ‎1—5 CACAB 6—10 BABAA 11—15 CBBCB ‎16—20 CAABC ‎21—25CDCBA 26—30CAADC 31—35BDBBB 36---40DFBGA 41—45BCDAB 46—50CBACD51—55ACBDC56—60BCBDA ‎61. including 62. faster 63. qualities 64. greatly 65. is thinking 66. be applied 67. in 68. a 69. to comfort ‎ ‎70. which ‎71.Reporting---reported 72.have—has73. student--students,74. good--well. 75.up--down 76.make—making 77. our--their 78first前∧the 79去掉that 80. but--and 写作 Recentlywehavefoundletter writings declining sharply in our daily communication due to the wide useof mobile phones and computers. There is no doubt that we have benefited much ‎ from these latest communication inventions.  ‎ For one thing, they make it convenient for us to communicate. For another, we can never ignore the matter of money, for ‎ much will be saved when we use computers. ‎ Despite the benefits mentioned above, we can’t deny the significance of letter writing. As we know, letters often work better than mobile phones when it comes to some sensitive feelings. Apart from this, letter writing is a body of art, relevant not only to distinctive personality but also to the culture of nation. ‎ Therefore, in light of what’s analyzed above, letter writing will never fade out, as it is determined by itsimportance. ​   ‎

