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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 阅 读 词 汇 ‎1.mean adj.    吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 ‎2.generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的 ‎3.easy-going adj. 随和的;温和宽容的 ‎4.self n. 自我;自身 ‎5.selfish adj. 自私的 ‎6.selfless adj. 无私的;忘我的 ‎7.selflessly adv. 无私地;忘我地 ‎8.invader n. 侵略者 ‎9.republic n. 共和国;共和政体 ‎10.principle n. 法则;原则;原理 ‎11.livelihood n. 生计;谋生 ‎12.mankind n. 人类 ‎13.lawyer n. 律师 ‎14.legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的 ‎15.fee n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金 ‎16.league n. 同盟;联盟;联合会 ‎17.Youth League 青年团 ‎18.quote n. 引用语;语录 ‎19.release vt. 释放;发行 ‎20.blanket n. 毛毯;毯子 ‎21.terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动 ‎22.anti-[前缀] 反;抗;阻 ‎23.anti-black adj. 反黑人的 ‎24.warm-hearted adj. 热心肠的 识 记 词 ‎1.quality n.    质量;品质;性质 ‎2.active adj. 积极的;活跃的 ‎3.devote vt. (与to连用)献身;专心于 - 10 -‎ 汇 ‎4.devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 ‎5.found vt. 建立;建设 ‎6.peaceful adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的 ‎7.hopeful adj. 怀有希望的;有希望的 ‎8.youth n. 青年;青年时期 ‎9.guidance n. 指导;领导 ‎10.stage n. 舞台;阶段;时期 ‎11.vote vt.‎& vi. 投票;选举 n. 投票;选票;表决 ‎12.attack vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 ‎13.equal adj. 相等的;平等的 ‎14.willing adj. 乐意的;自愿的 ‎15.unfair adj. 不公正的;不公平的 识 记 词 汇 ‎16.escape vi.&vt.  逃脱;逃走;避开;泄露 ‎17.educate vt. 教育;训练 ‎18.educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的 ‎19.beg vi. 请求;乞求 ‎20.relative n. 亲戚;亲属 ‎21.reward n. 报酬;奖金 vt. 酬劳;奖赏 ‎22.sentence vt. 判决;宣判 ‎23.president n. 总统;会长;校长;行长 ‎24.opinion n. 意见;看法;主张 ‎25.violence n. 暴力;暴行 ‎26.cruelty n. 残忍;残酷 拓 展 词 汇 ‎1.active adj. 积极的;活跃的→actively adv. 积极地;活跃地→activity n. 活动 ‎2.devote vt. 献身;专心于→devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的→devotion n. 关爱;献身;奉献;忠诚 - 10 -‎ ‎3.peaceful adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的→peacefully adv. 和平地→peace n. 和平;平静;和睦 ‎4.guidance n. 指导;领导→guide vt. 带领,引导 n. 向导 ‎5.violence n. 暴力;暴行→violent adj. 暴力的;猛烈的→violently adv. 猛烈地 ‎6.equal adj. 相等的;平等的→equality n. 平等;相等→equally adv. 同样地;相等地;公平地 ‎7.educate vt. 教育;训练→educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的→education n. 教育→educator n. 教育工作者;教育家 ‎8.cruelty n. 残忍;残酷→cruel adj. 残忍的;残酷的 短 语 记 忆 ‎1.out of work    失业 ‎2.in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中 ‎3.lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 ‎4.come to power 当权;上台 ‎5.turn to 求助于;致力于 ‎6.as a matter of fact 事实上 ‎7.blow up 使充气;爆炸 ‎8.set up 设立;建立 ‎9.be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑)‎ 句 型 整 理 ‎1.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress ...‎ 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡了我们的进步……‎ ‎2....only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.……只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ 句 型 整 理 ‎3.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ 我第一次向一个(参观)小组谈论(罗本岛监狱的情况)时,心里觉得很不好受。‎ The Attributive Clause (Ⅱ) (where,when,why,prep.+which∕whom) [定语从句(Ⅱ - 10 -‎ 重点 语法 ‎) (where,when,why,prep.+which∕whom)]‎ ‎1.devote vt.献身;专心于 归纳拓展 ‎①devote oneself to献身于;致力于;专心于 ‎②devote...to...把……奉献于……‎ ‎③be devoted to 深爱;致力于 ‎④devotion to 对……的专心∕投入∕奉献∕忠诚等 单句填空 ‎①Others insist that with children under increasing pressure to devote (devote)their downtime to internships (实习) or study,there’s still room for an institution that protects the lazy days of childhood.(2018年11月浙江,阅读理解B)‎ ‎②Mothers’ devotion(devote) to children can hardly be calculated.‎ ‎ 在短语devote...to中to为介词,其后接名词或动词-ing形式,类似短语还包括:look forward to期盼;get down to开始着手做;be∕get used to习惯于;be∕get accustomed to习惯于;lead to导致;pay attention to注意;object to反对。‎ ‎2.equal adj.相等的;胜任的;平等的 n.同等的人;相等物 v.等于;抵得上 归纳拓展 ‎①be equal to+n.∕doing sth.等于;与……相等;有……的能力;胜任 ‎②A equals B in...A在……方面比得上B或与B相匹敌 完成句子 ‎①Bill is equal to(胜任) (the task of) running the office.‎ ‎②After all,not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts,feelings,and most - 10 -‎ ‎ importantly,equal rights to survive(同等生存的权利).(2019江苏,完形填空)‎ ‎3.escape v.& n.逃脱;逃生 归纳拓展 ‎①escape from 从……逃脱,逃避 ‎②escape doing 避免做……‎ ‎③a narrow escape 九死一生 ‎④sth. escape(s) sb.某物被某人遗忘;未被注意 完成句子 ‎①A lunchtime escape (午餐间隙)allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.(2019全国Ⅱ,阅读理解C)‎ ‎②他险些溺死。‎ He narrowly escaped being drowned.‎ 翻译句子 ‎③我记不起他的名字了。‎ His name escapes me.‎ ‎4.reward n.报酬,报答,奖赏;酬金 v.酬劳,酬谢,报答,奖赏 归纳拓展 ‎①in reward (for...)作为(对……的)报答,作为(对……的)奖赏 ‎②give∕offer a reward to sb. for sth.因某事给某人报酬(或赏金)‎ ‎③reward sb.with sth. for (doing) sth.为(做)某事而用某物奖赏某人 完成句子 ‎①If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome,you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward(值得言语赞扬).(2019年6月浙江,概要写作)‎ ‎②我想做点什么报答她的好意。‎ I’d like to do something in reward for her kindness.‎ ‎③作者的母亲拿书来奖赏他。‎ - 10 -‎ The author’s mother rewarded him with books.‎ 词语辨析:‎ 单词 名词 动词 reward 报酬、奖金或一些非金钱的报酬 指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖赏reward sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事而报答∕奖励某人 award ‎ 奖品,奖金,与prize相似 授予,颁发award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.‎ 用reward,award的适当形式填空 He was awarded Golden Lion,which rewarded him for his achievement in films.‎ 他被授予金狮奖,以此奖励他在电影方面的成就。‎ ‎1.out of work 失业(=out of a job)‎ 归纳拓展 ‎①out of control 失控 ‎②out of repair 失修 ‎③out of order 有毛病,出故障 ‎④out of date 过时 ‎⑤out of danger 脱险 ‎⑥out of place不适当 ‎⑦out of breath喘不上气 用out的词组填空 ‎①他必须正视失业这一现实。‎ He must face the reality of being out of work.‎ ‎②街角的电话又坏了。‎ The phone at the street corner is out of order again.‎ ‎2.in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中(表状态)‎ 归纳拓展 ‎①ask∕look for trouble找麻烦;自讨苦吃 ‎②take trouble to do sth.费力∕不辞辛苦地做某事(可根据语境在trouble前加上a lot of∕a little∕great等)‎ ‎③get into∕out of trouble陷入∕摆脱困境(表动作) ‎ - 10 -‎ ‎ “be in+名词”结构 be in anger生气 ‎ be in surprise惊讶 be in a hurry匆匆忙忙地 完成句子 ‎①Getting a little closer,I realized one kayak(皮划艇) was in trouble(陷入困境).(2018全国Ⅱ,完形填空)‎ ‎②如果你这样摆弄危险的化学品,你简直是在自讨苦吃。‎ If you play with dangerous chemicals like that you’re just asking for trouble.‎ ‎③他们费了很大的劲才说服父亲和他们住在一起。‎ They took great trouble to persuade their father to live with them.‎ ‎④妈妈的心不在焉不仅让我们陷入困境,而且还给了我们许多有趣的时刻。‎ Mom’s being absent-minded not only got us into much trouble,but also gave us many funny moments.(2017年11月浙江,读后续写)‎ ‎3.lose heart丧失信心 归纳拓展 ‎①lose one’s heart to sb.爱上某人 ‎②heart and soul全心全意 ‎③from the bottom of sb.’s heart从某人的心底 ‎④lose face 丢脸,失面子 ‎⑤put one’s heart into一心扑在……上 用heart的相关短语完成句子 ‎①当Sally发现她的新学生中有很多问题时,她没有失去信心。‎ When Sally found there were so many problems among her new students,she didn’t lose heart.‎ ‎②我从心底里感谢她。‎ I thanked her from the bottom of my heart.‎ ‎③事实上,世上无难事,只怕有心人。‎ - 10 -‎ As a matter of fact,nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.‎ ‎ 短语“lose heart”中heart前不许有任何修饰、限定成分,heart也不用复数形式。‎ ‎4.come to∕into power当权;上台 归纳拓展 ‎①be in power 当权;执政 ‎②in one’s power 在某人能力以内;为某人能力所及 ‎③out of∕beyond one’s power 超出某人的能力 用power的相关短语填空 ‎①新总统上个月开始执政。‎ The new president came into power last month.‎ ‎②我恐怕无力帮助你。‎ I’m afraid it’s not in my power to help you.‎ ‎③这台电脑给你5%的折扣,这真的超出了我的权限。‎ It is really beyond my power to give you a 5% discount for this computer.‎ ‎1....only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ ‎……只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ 归纳拓展 only+状语+部分倒装 完成句子 ‎①只有在一年的友好讨论之后,Garza女士才最终同意。‎ Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms.Garza finally say yes.‎ ‎②Only on special occasions(场合) would they take it out (他们会把它拿出来)and let us hold it in our hands,” Adeline says.(2019年6月浙江,阅读理解A)‎ ‎ only修饰名词或代词位于句首作主语时,句子不用倒装。如:Only a doctor can do it.只有医生才能这样做。‎ ‎2.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ - 10 -‎ 我第一次向一个(参观)小组谈论(罗本岛监狱的情况)时,心里觉得很不好受。‎ 句中的名词短语the first time引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次……时”。‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)可引导时间状语从句的名词短语还有:‎ ‎①=as soon as 一……就……‎ ‎②‎ ‎(2)副词用作引导时间状语从句的连词有instantly,immediately,directly等,都相当于as soon as。‎ 完成句子 ‎①他第一次上这位年轻老师的课时就感兴趣。‎ He became interested in the young teacher’s lesson the first time he attended his class.‎ ‎② 他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。‎ He paid back the money he owed us immediately he returned home.‎ ‎③每次我在公园里看到这位老人时,他都在专注地读报。‎ Each time I see the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers.‎ ‎ for the first time只用作句子的状语,不具有连词功能,不可用来引导状语从句。‎ ‎3.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress ...‎ 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡了我们的进步……‎ 主语是时间或地点名词,谓语是see,find等动词,表示经历或目睹了某事。‎ 完成句子 The last few years have seen (过去几年已经见证……)environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are predicting far worse to come.‎ - 10 -‎ - 10 -‎

