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‎ 平罗中学2017-2018学年度第一学期第一次月考试卷 高二英语 ‎ ‎ ‎ 第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What do we learn about the women from this conversation?‎ A. She enjoys teaching herself at home B. Her classes aren’t difficult. ‎ C. She studies at night.‎ ‎2. Why didn’t the man get the job? ‎ A. Because he had no working experience.‎ B. Because he was late for the interview. ‎ C. Because he was not good at writing.‎ ‎3. What did the man buy? ‎ A.A used chemistry textbook of the first edition.‎ B. A used chemistry textbook of the third edition.‎ C. A new chemistry textbook.‎ ‎4. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? ‎ A.A clothes store. B. A blouse. C. A skirt.‎ ‎5. What is the man probably doing? ‎ A. Paying for the breakfast. B. Renting a house. C. Looking for a job.‎ 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6. What does the woman think of McDonald’s? ‎ A. Convenient. B.Expensive. C. Crowded ‎ ‎7. How many McDonald’s restaurants are there in the US?? ‎ A. About 2,020. B. Over 11,000 C. More than 8,000.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers? ‎ A. Guide an tourists. B.Guest and receptionist. C. Driver and passenger.‎ ‎9. Where can the man go to listen to music? ‎ A. The teahouse. B. The recreation centre. C. The garden. ‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. What type of problem is usually shown in the morning? ‎ A. New TV series. B. A short news. C. Sports event.‎ ‎11. What is the golden time in this country? ‎ A. From 6 p.m to 11 p.m. B. From 6 p.m. to. 10 p.m.. C.From 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.. ‎ ‎12. What do most people do in the evening in this country? ‎ A. Get together with friends. B. Do sports in the gym. C. Relax at home.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What does the women need to do at the travel agency? ‎ A. Have her plane ticket changed. B. Buy her plane ticket.‎ C. Arrange for her accommodations in Europe.‎ ‎14. Why doesn’t the woman want to give up her apartment entirely? ‎ A. She would have difficulty finding another apartment around here. ‎ B. She doesn’t like sharing a room with others.‎ C. She doesn’t have time to move. ‎ ‎15. How long will the women be in Europe? ‎ A. Three weeks. B.over a year. C. Three months.‎ ‎16. What will the woman most likely do with her apartment? ‎ A.Leave it for no one. B. Rent it to Michael.‎ C.Rent it to the man she’s talking with..‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. What should you do when introduced to a group of Germans? ‎ A.Kiss everybody on the cheek. B. Hug everybody including children. ‎ C.Shake hands with everybody.‎ ‎18. What can you do when invited to a German family for dinner? ‎ A. Take wine. B.Be late. C. Arrive early.‎ ‎19. What do Germans usually do on Sundays? ‎ A.Stay with their family or friends. B. Go shopping ‎ C. Work overtime in the office.‎ ‎20. What can be known about shopping in Germany? ‎ A. You can shop with a credit card in most stores.‎ B. You have to pay in cash for your purchase in most stores.‎ C. You can buy many discount products on weekends.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.      The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.      I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, and then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.      People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity as a whole. And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting. 21.Why was the bike so important to the couple? A.The man’s job was bike racing. B.They used it for work and daily ‎ life. C.It was a nice Kona 18 speed. D.It was their only possession. 22.We can infer from the text that ________. A.the couple worked 60 hours a week B.people were busy before Christmas C.life was hard for the young family D.the stranger brought over the bike 23.How did people get to know the couple’s problem? A.From a stranger. B.From radio broadcasts. C.From TV news. D.From a newspaper. 24.What do the couple learn from their experience? A.Strangers are usually of little help. B.One should take care of their bike. C.An act of kindness can mean a lot. D.News reports make people famous.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ B  ‎ Have you got any wonderful plans for your coming summer vacation? Here are some wonderful films for you to kill time. Away We Go With a baby on his way, a young couple, Burt and Verona, look at their lives and are puzzled about what they really want. So they hit the road and seek a place to call home. On their journey, they visit a handful of characters and learned a lot. It's about taking the scenic route in life, preparing for the hope and excitement and fear of new beginnings, while never forgetting to look out of the window. Orphan     Esther, a bright and well-behaved child, however, is not as innocent as she appears. Soon after being taken home, the peace of her adoptive family is completely changed. You want a good horror film about a child from hell. Then you got one! Do not, in any cases, take children to see it.‎ ‎500 Days of Summer     Tom is in love with Summer from the moment he sees her. Can he accept that she simply likes him for now, not for forever. The movie is about Tom wrestling with that reality. Tom remembers his love, Summer, as a series of joys and bafflements (疑惑). But Summer is just herself and he cannot have her.     Here is a rare movie that begins by telling us how it will end and is about how the hero has no idea why. 2012     The director Roland Emmerich successfully dresses an old story with an old Mayan prediction, which is believed by many to happen in the coming 2012 and as a result, attracts millions of people into the ‎ cinema.     It's just an entertaining Hollywood blockbuster (大片)with plenty of jokes, instead of a description of what the end of the world is really like. Don't take it too seriously! ‎ ‎25.This passage aims to            ‎ A. recommend several films for fun B. introduce films for a film corporation ‎ C. advertise several films for a website D. make comments on films for a cinema ‎26.If you want to kill time with your nine-year-old little brother in the cinema, which of the following film should you avoid ‎ A.2012 B.Orphan C.500 Days of Summer D.Away We Go ‎27.Who is a film director in Hollywood? ‎ A. Esther. B. Tom and Summer. C. Roland Emmerich. D. Burt and Verona. ‎ ‎28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ‎ A. Orphan is a comedy(喜剧) about Esther adopted by a kind family. B. Away We Go shows beautiful scenery on the young couple’s journey. C. 500 Days of Summer is a romance with a happy ending D. The ancient Mayan prediction is going to happen in 2012.‎ C Feeling tired lately? Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you. ‎ Then, consider this: you might be in a state of subhealth.‎ Subhealth, also called the third state or gray state, is explained as a borderline state between health and disease. According to the study by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middle-aged or elderly. The percentage is even higher among people who work in management position as well as students around exam time. Symptoms include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, sleeplessness, anxiety, and poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs. The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternately work with rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open air activities.     As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits ‎ and fish because they are rich in nutritional elements-vitamins and trace elements(微量元素) 一that are important to the body. Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道). They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth. 29.According to this passage, which of the following is right? A.When you are in a state of subhealth, you should be sent to a hospital. B.When you are in a state of subhealth, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself. C.When you are in a state of subhealth, you should buy some medicine and quit your job.‎ D.When you are in a state of subhealth, you should have yourself examined in foreign countries. 30.Middle-aged people may feel subhealthy, because                  . A.they have more pressure in life and work B..they have used up their energy C.they eat less than others D.they begin to get older 31.As for food, experts suggested that                 . A.we should never eat meat B.we should eat more meat C.We should have meals without salt or sugar D.we should have meals with less salt and sugar ‎ D ‎ ‎ If you're a high school student,you may tend to measure your self-worth based on your popularity and status.You may feel dejected or disappointed if you have a difficult time fitting in or if you lack the confidence to talk to others.If you want others to like you,you'll need to have a healthy understanding of how people think,what appeals to them and how you can gain their approval.There are four tips on how to be popular in high school.And if you are popular with your classmates,you can get many benefits from it. You must be yourself in order to gain any real popularity in high school.While imitation is the ‎ sincerest form of flattery(奉承),copying another's style and personality will have a negative effect on your popularity.If you're not comfortable enough to be yourself 100 percent of the time,others won't feel comfortable around you.If you establish your own style and finesse and stay true to yourself,popularity will soon follow. Make yourself approachable to appeal to others and be popular in high school.People love to be around others who are confident and ready to have a good time.Hold your head up high,keep your shoulders back,and smile as you walk with an air of confidence to instantly attract others and boost your popularity.   Be friendly and kind to everyone you meet.It's not enough to gain the approval of the other popular students in your school.In order to gain real popularity,you'll need to be kind and polite to everyone you meet.Make an effort to talk to your classmates regardless of their popularity or economic status and try to develop friendships with them.The more people you appeal to,the more popular you'll become. Involve yourself in school activities that interest you.You can be popular in high school if you play an active role in your school's extracurricular activities(课外活动).The more you participate in group activities,the more popular you'll become. ‎ ‎32. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? ‎ A. How to Establish Your Own Lifestyle. B. Ways to Gain Confidence in Your School Life. C. Tips on How to Be Popular in High School. D. How to Develop Friendships with Your Classmates.‎ ‎33. The underlined word “dejected"  in Paragraph 1 probably means ________ ‎ A.depressed B.frightened C.surprised D.excited ‎34. It can be known from the passage that ________. ‎ A. the first step to be popular is to show your pride to your classmates B. taking part in extracurricular activities goes against one's popularity C. if you want to be popular you should only make friends with popular students  D.setting up your own style and personality will benefit your popularity ‎35. The passage is probably followed by a paragraph about ________. ‎ A. some other ways to become popular B. the benefits of being popular C. the negative effect of popularity D. the examples of famous people ‎ 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项 You are one of the most familiar faces in class, not because you are funny or have great note-taking abilities but because you ask the most number of questions.   36      It is important to have a good way to ask questions. Here are a few tips for improving your questioning skills:‎ Be clear about what you want to know.‎ Be clear about what you want to know and frame your question accordingly.      37    If you beat around the bush, your teachers won’t be entirely sure what it is that you haven’t understood, or need an explanation for.‎ ‎ 38 ‎ If you are uncertain about a particular subject, make it clear when it is being discussed. If you put your question in context(语境), you can be sure of it. Because questions often open up new avenues within a subject, doing this would benefit the whole class.‎ Don’t hesitate to talk to your teacher after class.‎ ‎         39    Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable about asking a question in front of your classmates, wait till the class is over. This will probably put you more at ease.‎ ‎     Write down your questions.‎ ‎         40    They may appear when you’re studying, reading or taking notes. Note them down on a piece of paper so that you won’t forget to ask them later. This can also make sure that you don’t have any unanswered questions when the exam approaches.‎ A. Don’t ask more questions once a time.‎ B. Being curious is not a bad quality.‎ C. Questions may appear at any time.‎ D. Ask questions related to the context.‎ E. You may think it is good to ask no questions.‎ F. A question needs to be easy to be understood and to the point.‎ G. One-to-one interactions(互动) are always much better than one-to-many.‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中 所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中),选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。‎ ‎ While driving around the corner of our townhouse, I always noticed an old man sitting by his front yard. He seemed cold and     41     . One morning, while I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to  42   him. At the beginning, he looked    43  and looked around—there was     44    there. Then, I saw his hand go up   45   and he waved back shyly. “Why did you wave at him? We don’t    46   him,” my daughter said.    I told her that it was just an act of kindness that didn’t    47   anything, and it gave both him and me a sense of   48    . She told me she had thought waving to a stranger was   49  , but next time she would    50    it. It seemed not bad.   Interestingly, we lived close to the old man, so we  51  him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would wave at him and, pretty soon, the old man   52   waving at everyone who passed by his home. One day, my daughter’s friend came to visit and said that she just saw a(n)   53   old man who waved at her in a   54   way. She mentioned that she waved back at him   55  she didn’t know him, and it was really 56  and even made her day. Upon hearing this, my daughter told her the  57   of how all the waving began.‎ Her friend responded, “Tell your mom that’s really    58  !”Her friend’s response taught my daughter that an act of kindness could be very   59   and effortless if you really wanted to do it. It showed us how giving happiness    60   both the giver and the receiver. ‎ ‎41.A funny       ‎ B.lonely ‎ C.busy     ‎ D.happy ‎42.A.smile at    ‎ B.wave at ‎ C. turn to    ‎ D.look after ‎43.A.frightened ‎ B.excited     ‎ C.worried     ‎ D.surprised ‎44.A.somebody     ‎ B.grass   ‎ C.nobody  ‎ D.snow ‎45.A.slowly    ‎ B.proudly     ‎ C.secretly    ‎ D.bravely ‎46.A.like ‎ B.understand    ‎ C.know     ‎ D.visit ‎47.A.get     ‎ B.cost ‎ C.lack    ‎ D.mean ‎48.A.importance    ‎ B.humor     ‎ C.relief    ‎ D.joy ‎ ‎49.A.embarrassing    ‎ B.wonderful    ‎ C.particular    ‎ D.interesting ‎50.A.avoid     ‎ B.receive     ‎ C.remember     ‎ D.try ‎51.A.praised     ‎ B.saw   ‎ C.helped     ‎ D.called ‎52.A.started     ‎ B.suggested     ‎ C.missed     ‎ D.forgot ‎53.A.rich    ‎ B.honest    ‎ C.strange   ‎ D.clever ‎54.A.special    ‎ B.friendly     ‎ C.silly     ‎ D.normal ‎55.A even though   ‎ B.now that     ‎ C.in case ‎ D.as if ‎56.A.necessary ‎ B.safe     ‎ C.good     ‎ D.fair ‎57.A.task     ‎ B.story  ‎ C.joke     ‎ D.plan   ‎ ‎58.A.different    ‎ B.common   ‎ C.simple   ‎ D.cool ‎ ‎59.A. natural    ‎ B.useful    ‎ C.dangerous     ‎ D.hopeful ‎60.A.comforted     ‎ B.saved     ‎ C.benefited     ‎ D.controlled 第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)‎ She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward 61 the challenge of her new A-level course . But unlike school friends ,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term  62 (rest). Instead, she is earning $6500 a day as 63 model in New York.     Sarah  64  (tell) that she could be Britain's new super model,earning a million dollars in the new year. Her father Peter wants her to give up school to model fulltime. But Sarah, 65 has taken part in shows along with top models, wants  66  (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carry on with her 67 (educate).     She has turned down several 68 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. After school she plans to take a year off to model full time before going to university to get a degree in engineering or architecture.     Sarah says, "My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school 69 (come) first. I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 70 (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I don't want to have nothing else to fall back on when I can't model my more." ‎ ‎61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ‎ ‎66. 67. 68. 69. 70. ‎ 第三节 单词拼写(根据汉语提示,每空填写一词,满分10分)‎ ‎71. 1.He often               (抱怨) about his low pay.‎ ‎72. The headmaster is really angry! Look at his             (吓人的)look.‎ ‎73. All men are (平等的)since we are living on the same planet.‎ ‎74. With all his            (力气), the boy lifted the heavy box onto his shoulder.‎ ‎75.She is an editor of the most ________(有影响力的)newspaper in Ningxia.‎ ‎76. Here is a problem that requires (紧急的)attention.‎ ‎77. The hotel offers a friendly (氛围)and personal service.‎ ‎78. They all went up some (狭窄的) steps into a large room.‎ ‎79. A new airport is under (建设).‎ ‎80. She answered all my questions with her usual _______(诚实). ‎ 第四节 ‎ 完成句子(每题1分,共5分)‎ ‎81.On the opening ceremony, the headmaster education.‎ ‎ 校长在开幕式上强调了教育的重要性。‎ 82. He the storm on the way to work.‎ 他在去上班的路上遇到了暴风雨。‎ ‎83.The custom medieval times.‎ ‎ 这种习俗始于中世纪。‎ ‎84.The heavy snow for them to get there on time.‎ 大雪使得他们不可能按时到达哪里。‎ ‎85. It was anything seemed possible. ‎ 那是一个任何事可能发生的时代。‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 以下标有题号的每一行均有一个错误,请找出,并按下列情况改正:‎ 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。‎ 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。‎ 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。‎ Beijing, that is our capital and also political center, is located in the north of our motherland. As we all known, it has so a long and interesting history. Therefore, my first piece of advice to your friend is that you should visit as many historical place as possible. For example, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City,‎ ‎ the Ming Tombs and the Temple of Heaven is all fascinating places to visit to. My two piece of advice is that he should buy a bicycle as soon as he can. Bikes are great use and convenience for getting around Beijing as the traffic can sometime be a problem during rush hours.‎ ‎ ‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是中学生李华,你市正在创建文明城市,请以“Changes I have Seen”为题发表演讲,呼吁大家为“创建文明城市”做贡献。‎ 要点: 1.分享你看到的变化(如交通志愿者); 2.你的呼吁。‎ 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头与结尾己给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:文明城市civilized city 行人pedestrian 闯红灯run the red light 注意:1.词数100左右,开头已经为你写好。‎ ‎ 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ Good morning,everyone!‎ It's a great honor for me ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Thank you for listening.‎

