2017届高考英语(外研版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修2-Module 2 No Drugs

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2017届高考英语(外研版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修2-Module 2 No Drugs

‎[话题素材]‎ 好词 ‎1.abuse n.&v. 滥用 ‎2.victim n. 受害者 ‎3.debt n. 债务 ‎4.physical adj. 身体的 ‎5.mental adj. 精神的 ‎6.depend on 依靠 ‎7.carry out 实施 ‎8.bring...under control 使……得以控制 ‎9.cause/do damage to 对……造成危害 ‎10.take measures 采取措施 ‎11.be aware of 意识到 ‎12.be sentenced to... 被判(……年)刑 ‎13.look into 调查 ‎14.charge sb. with sth. 控告某人做某事 佳句 ‎1.We should treasure our life and keep_away_from drugs.‎ 我们应该珍惜生命,远离毒品。‎ ‎2.Smoking is_harmful_to your health. The Chinese government has decided to ban_smoking in public places.‎ 吸烟有害健康,中国政府决定在公共场所禁烟。‎ ‎3.When_it_comes_to this heated issue of drug abuse, many people begin to focus_on it.‎ 当谈到滥用毒品这个热门话题时,很多人开始聚焦于此。,[精美语篇]‎ A Letter to High School Students Dear friends,‎ June 26th is the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking every year and it aims to keep people from drugs. As we all know, drugs are harmful to our health. Taking drugs increases people's heart rate and high blood pressure. Drug takers may suffer from heart attacks. It is easy for drug takers to become addicted to drugs, but it is hard for them to break this addiction. Drugs cost people much money. If they don't have enough money to buy drugs, they will suffer great pain. In that case they may commit a crime. When you see drug takers, you should call the police. Keep away from people who take drugs and don't keep in ‎ touch with them.‎ Dear friends, let's start fighting against drugs now and say yes to life and no to drugs.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.drug (n.) 毒品;药品 ‎2.reduce (vt.) 减少 ‎3.adult (n.) 成人 ‎4.ban (vt.) 禁止 ‎5.danger (n.) 危险→dangerous (adj.) 危险的→endanger (vt.) 使遭受危险;危害→endangered (adj.) 濒危的 ‎6.powerful (adj.) 有力的;(药等)有功效的→power (n.) 权力→powerless (adj.) 无能力的;无权力的 ‎7.participant (n.) 参与者→participate (v.) 参与 ‎8.crime (n.) 罪行;犯罪行为→criminal (n.) 罪犯 ‎9.connection (n.) 联系;关系;关联→connected (adj.) 连接的;相连的→connect (v.) 连接 ‎10.illegal (adj.) 违法的;不合法的→legal (adj.) 合法的 ‎11.treatment (n.) 治疗→treat (v.) 治疗;对待 ‎12.likely (adj.) 可能的→unlikely (adj.) 不可能的 ‎13.disagree (vi.) 不同意;意见不合→disagreement (n.) 不同意;争执 ‎14.affect (vt.) 影响;对……有坏影响→effect (n.) 影响 ‎15.recognise (vt.) 认知;认出→recognition (n.) 认出;识别 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.take/follow_one's_advice  听从某人的建议 ‎2.in_order_to/so_as_to 为了……‎ ‎3.be_likely_to_do 可能做 ‎4.give_up 放弃;停止 ‎5.share_sth._with_sb. 和某人分享某物 ‎6.become/be_addicted_to... 对……上瘾;沉迷于……‎ ‎7.belong_to 属于 ‎8.break_into 破门而入 ‎9.be_related_to 与……有关系,与……有关联 ‎10.set_a_date 定个日期 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.v.ing形式作伴随状语 Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping_others_to_stop_taking_drugs.(教材P13)‎ 现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助其他吸毒者戒毒。‎ ‎2.stop (prevent/keep) sb./sth. from doing sth.... “阻止……做……”‎ The government put up the price of cigarettes so as to stop_people_buying_them.(教材P14)‎ 为了阻止人们购买香烟,政府提高了香烟价格。‎ ‎3.be likely to do“可能做某事”‎ Drug users are_more_likely_to_get into trouble at school.(教材P16)‎ 在学校里吸毒者更可能会陷入麻烦。‎ ‎4.couldn't/can't ... more...“不能再……”,否定词与比较级连用表述最高级的含义 I couldn't_agree_more.(教材P18)‎ 我完全同意。‎ ‎5.whatever引导让步状语从句 Whatever_you're_doing when you want to smoke-do something else!(教材P19)‎ 无论你在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧!‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.In the United kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000) ________ (death) a year.‎ 答案:deaths ‎2.Every year, about (20/200) people ________ (kill) and (200/2,000) ________ seriously ________ (injure) in fires caused by smoking.‎ 答案:are killed; are; injured ‎3.I continued to buy cannabis from ________ same man for about six months.‎ 答案:the ‎4.Cocaine is a ________ (powerful) addictive drug.‎ 答案:powerfully ‎5.The next day, I broke into a house and ________ (steal) a television and a video recorder.‎ 答案:stole ‎6.I hope you don't mind ________ (answer) these questions.‎ 答案:answering ‎7.In most states in the US, it is now ________ the law to smoke in public buildings.‎ 答案:against ‎8.In fact, I think smoking should ________ (ban) in people's homes as well.‎ 答案:be banned ‎9.Deep breathing: Breathe in slowly and ________ (deep).‎ 答案:deeply ‎10.Make a list ________ friends who smoke and places ________ you smoke.‎ 答案:of; where ‎1  addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 v.使……上瘾;使……沉迷 I'm 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict.(P12)‎ 我19岁了,曾经是个吸毒者。‎ ‎(1)addict oneself to... 沉溺于……;醉心于……‎ be/become/get addicted to 沉迷于;热爱 ‎(2)addiction n. 入迷;嗜好 addiction to... 对……成瘾 ‎(3)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的(一般用于修饰物) ‎ ‎①[人教⑥-3]During adolescence I also smoked and became addicted_to cigarettes.‎ 当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。‎ ‎②[2015·安徽高考]We are addicted to buying new things.‎ 我们都热衷于买新东西。‎ ‎③[2014·江苏高考]For certain individuals, seeking social acceptance is so important that it becomes like an addiction.‎ 对于某些个体,寻求社会认可非常重要,就像上瘾。‎ 误区点拨 (1)addicted, addiction 常与介词to连用,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。‎ ‎(2)addicted常修饰人,addictive常修饰物。‎ ‎2  affect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 Smoking in a park doesn't affect other people in the same way.(P18)‎ 在公园里抽烟同样不会影响其他人。‎ ‎(1)be affected by 被……侵袭;被……感动/影响 be affected by heat/cold 中暑/着凉 ‎(2)effect n. 影响 have an effect on 对……有影响 affection n.喜爱;感情 ‎①[译林⑦-2]Diseases affect almost everyone at some time during their lives.‎ 生活中几乎每个人都会生病。‎ ‎②[2015·课标全国卷Ⅱ]Your house may have an effect on your figure.‎ 你的房子可能会影响身材。‎ ‎③All the people in the room were affected/moved to tears.‎ 屋里所有的人都被感动得流下了眼泪。‎ ‎3  recognise (recognize) vt.认识;认知;认出;承认;认可 Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.(P19)‎ 参与者学会识别导致吸烟的诱因,并尝试在将来确定一个能戒掉烟的日期。‎ ‎(1)recognise sb./one's voice 认出某人/听出某人的声音 recognise sb./sth.... to_be... 认为某人/某物是……‎ be recognised as... 被公认为……‎ it is recognised that...人们认为……‎ ‎(2)recognition n. 认出;认识 out_of/beyond recognition 认不出来 ‎①[2014·北京高考]The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without being_recognised.‎ 这位影星带着太阳镜,这样他就可以去购物而不被认出来。‎ ‎②Lisa, I didn't recognise you—you've had your hair cut.‎ 丽莎,我没认出你来——你把头发剪了。‎ ‎③[现代英语用法词典]Acid rain is recognized as one of the most serious global environmental problems.‎ 酸雨被认为是最严重的全球环境问题之一。‎ ‎④[牛津高阶]This place has changed beyond_recognition.‎ 这个地方变得认不出来了。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.________ (addicted) to computer games, he lost interest in his study.‎ 答案:Addicted 句意:沉迷于电脑游戏,他对学习没了兴趣。addict与主语he构成被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。‎ ‎2.[2013·福建高考]The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those whose lives were ________(affect).‎ 答案:affected 句意:这本书通过那些生活受到影响的人的见证讲述了地震的故事。‎ ‎3.[2015·陕西高考]Punctuality is a necessary virtue. It is a ________(recognise) of the importance of other people.‎ 答案:‎ recognition 句意:守时是一种必要的美德,是对别人重要性的一种承认。空白处需填名词形式。‎ ‎4.[2015·四川高考]Brian is gifted in writing music; he is very ________(like) to be a Beethoven.‎ 答案:likely 句意:布莱恩在创作音乐方面有天赋,他有望成为另一个贝多芬。‎ ‎5.[2014·大纲全国卷]Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want ________ (reduce) hours as well.‎ 答案:reduced 句意:护士不仅想要提高工资,他们还想要减少工作时间。前一分词want后的a pay increase是一个名词词组,根据句式平衡结构,后一分句want后也应是一名词(hours); 故用reduced为最佳答案。‎ ‎6.[2014·陕西高考改编]Men and women must ________ (treat) equally in education and employment.‎ 答案:be treated 句意:男女在教育和工作上必须被平等对待。根据句意,treat应用被动语态。‎ ‎7.[2014·山东高考]Fining drivers who are in areas where cars have been ________ (ban) can also tend to encourage them to leave their cars behind.‎ 答案:banned 句意:对于那些在禁停的地方停车的司机,罚款也许会鼓励他们把车留在家中。‎ ‎8.[2014·辽宁高考]Thinking more about Ken's words, I gradually recognized the root cause of such ________ (disagree).‎ 答案:disagreement 句意:想想Ken的话,我逐渐认识到我们之间分歧的根本原因了。空白处应用名词形式。‎ ‎9.[2014·江苏高考]Tom always goes ________ (jog) in the morning and he usually does pushups too to stay in shape.‎ 答案:jogging go jogging “慢跑,去跑步”。‎ ‎10.[2015·课标全国卷Ⅰ]James Brindley is recognized ________ one of the leading early canal engineers.‎ 答案:as be recognized as意为“被承认,公认为……”。‎ ‎1  break into 破门而入;强行闯入;突然……起来 The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.(P13)‎ 第二天,我闯入一座房子偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。‎ break in    打断;插嘴;闯入 break out 爆发;突然发生 break through 突围;突破;冲垮 break down (身体)垮掉;(机器)出故障;(化学)分解 break off 折断;中断;挣脱……的束缚 break up 破碎;拆散,驱散;开始放假 ‎-关键一点-‎ break into和break in都有“闯入”的意思,但break into是及物动词补语,后面要加宾语;而break in 是不及物动词短语,后面不加宾语。‎ When the unlucky couple arrived home, they found their home broken into but there was no sign of breaking in.‎ 当这对不幸的夫妇到家时,他们发现家被破门而入了,但是没有闯入的迹象。‎ 根据语境完成句子 a.[2014·陕西高考]No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke ________ thunderous applause.‎ b.[2015·湖北高考]The boy broke ________ as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.‎ c.[2014·重庆高考]War broke ________ one evening.‎ d.[朗文词典]Thieves broke ________ and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.‎ e.[牛津高阶]He broke ________ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.‎ f.[牛津高阶]Their marriage has broken ________.‎ 答案:a.into b.down c.out d.in e.off f.up ‎2  so as to (do sth.) 为了做……(in order to)‎ Adam went to the man so as to buy cannabis.(P14)‎ 亚当去找那个人,目的是想买些大麻。‎ ‎-特别提示-‎ so as to 不能放于句首,而in order to或不定式短语则可放于句首。‎ ‎①[2014·湖北高考]The community college has to cut down on staff in_order_to/so_as_to save money.‎ 为了省钱,那所社区学院只好裁员。‎ ‎②[2014·广东高考]In_order_to understand the meaning of successful life in different cultures, Richard began to seek time twins around the world.‎ 为了理解在不同文化中成功生活的意义,里查德开始在全世界寻找同年同月同日生的人。‎ ‎③句型转换 He went to school without breakfast so that he could not be late for class again.‎ ‎=He went to school without breakfast so_as_not_to/in_order_not_to be late for class again.‎ ‎3  give up 戒除;放弃;让给;停止 And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking.(P19)‎ 这儿有几条建议可以帮助人们戒烟。‎ ‎-关键一点-‎ give up后跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语,代词要放在give up的中间。其同义词quit后面也跟v.ing形式作宾语。‎ ‎①根据语境完成句子 a.[2013·江西高考]She would scream and kick and lie on the floor drumming her heels. Her parents always gave ________.‎ b.[2015·陕西高考]Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave ________ all hope of finding her alive after a 90minute search.‎ c.[现代英语用法词典]Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give ________.‎ d.[朗文词典]After two hours her patience gave ________.‎ 答案:a.in b.up c.away d.out ‎②单句改错 I know smoking is bad for my health. But I simply can't give up it.‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:把it和up互换位置 it为代词需放在give up中间。‎ 过关演练 选词填空 be likely to; so as to; give up; stop...from; look up; share...with...; be related to; belong to ‎1.[2014·福建高考]I was about to ________ when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.‎ 答案:give up ‎2.[2014·江西高考改编]Dangerous areas didn't ________ him ________ continuing his search.‎ 答案:stop; from ‎3.[2014·上海高考]We can infer from the experiment at the Be Another lab that our feelings ______________ our bodily experience.‎ 答案:are related to ‎4.The book ________ me is on the desk.‎ 答案:belonging to ‎5.[2014·北京高考改编]The brown bear approached the family __________ start an attack.‎ 答案:so as to ‎6.[2015·课标全国卷Ⅱ]Dark environments ________ more ________ encourage overeating, for people are often less selfconscious (难为情) when they are in poorly lit places.‎ 答案:are; likely to ‎7.[2015·四川高考]It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want to ________ you some of the problems I have been experiencing.‎ 答案:share with ‎8.[2014·重庆高考]Then she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I ________ into her eyes.‎ 答案:looked up ‎1  I couldn't agree more.(P18)‎ 我非常同意。(我再同意不过了。)‎ 此句中,“couldn't+比较级”表示肯定意义,意为“再……不过了,非常”。‎ ‎ 表示最高级意义的常用结构还有:‎ ‎(2)完成时+never+ ‎(3)can't...+ ‎①[2013·浙江高考改编]I couldn't have enjoyed myself more—it was a perfect day.‎ 我玩得再开心不过了——真是完美的一天。‎ ‎②[2014·福建高考改编]As has been all too abvious in recent days at Balcombe, few issues cause greater concern than energy policy.‎ 最近几天在鲍尔科姆,没有别的问题比energy policy更引起人们担心了。‎ ‎③[人教③-2]His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better,” he thought.‎ 他的可乐又甜又凉,冰激凌用牛奶,奶油和水果制成的。他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”‎ ‎④You can't be too careful while driving a car, for accidents happen frequently.‎ 你驾车时再小心也不过分,因为交通事故经常发生。‎ ‎2  Whatever you're doing when you want to smoke-do something else!(P19)‎ 当你想吸烟时,无论你在干什么——做些别的事情!‎ 此句是 whatever引导的让步状语从句,其含义相当于no matter what, 意为“不管什么,无论什么”,其位置可在主句前,也可在主句后。‎ ‎ whatever no matter what 只能引导让步状语从句。‎ ‎①[2014·河南南阳期中]Ray is a new graduate, and it seems that he has difficulty in dealing with whatever problems arise.‎ 雷是刚刚毕业的学生,似乎处理出现的任何问题都很困难。‎ ‎②[2014·湖南高考]Whatever/No_matter_what failures I suffer in my life, an ironed shirt tells me I am good at something.‎ 无论我遭受什么样的失败,一件熨平的衬衫会告诉我我还是有所擅长的。‎ ‎③[2014·辽宁高考]No_matter_what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses.‎ 不论什么季节,戴太阳镜都极为重要。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.Our teacher always speaks slowly and clearly in class in order to ________ (understand).‎ 答案:be understood 句意:老师上课说的又慢又清楚是为了我们能够理解。此处为不定式的被动形式作目的状语。‎ ‎2.[2014·课标全国卷改编]Helping children develop some skills will serve them well no matter ________ the future holds.‎ 答案:what 句意:不论未来发生什么,帮助培养孩子们一些技巧会对他们有好处。what作holds的宾语成分。‎ ‎3.You can't have bought me a ________ (good) gift. I like it very much.‎ 答案:better 根据句意,应该是说话人认为这个礼物非常好。故否定句中用比较级表达最高级含义。‎ ‎4.It was ________ fine weather that we all went out for a walk.‎ 答案:such 此处为“such+adj.+不可数名词”结构。‎ ‎5.They are ________ good villagers that we get on very well.‎ 答案:such 此处为“such+adj.+复数名词”结构。‎ 动词不定式作目的状语的用法和结果状语从句 动词不定式作目的状语,常用的动词短语结构为:to do, so as to do, in order to do; 不定式短语的否定形式应该在不定式符号to前加not;动词不定式,in order to与so as to均可表目的状语,其中so as to不能放在句首,其余情况三者相同。‎ ‎1.________ (warm) himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other.‎ 答案:To warm 句意:为了让自己暖和,那位水手坐在火堆前面,用一只脚摩擦另外一只脚。‎ ‎2.All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to ________ (receive) in time for Christmas.‎ 答案:be received 礼物应该是“被收到”,故用不定式的被动形式。‎ 结果状语从句表示事态的结果,常置于主句之后,常由so ... that, such ... that引导。‎ ‎(1)so句型 ‎(2)such句型 ‎3.[2014·福建高考]—Could you tell me the trick of making ________ tasty cakes?‎ ‎—Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.‎ 答案:such such是用来修饰后面名词cakes的,故采用“such+adj.+复数名词”这一结构。‎ ‎4.We made ________ few mistakes that we were praised by our teacher.‎ 答案:so 当名词前有many, much, little(少), few修饰时应填so。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·北京高考]________ (catch) the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.‎ 答案:To catch ‎2.Having finished her project, she was invited by the school ________ (speak) to the new students.‎ 答案:to speak ‎3.[2014·湖南高考]________ (free) ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness.‎ 答案:To free ‎4.There's ________ much noise outside that we couldn't hear the teacher.‎ 答案:so ‎5.It is ________a little sheep that it can't run fast.‎ 答案:such

