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2012 年高考英语模拟试卷 本试卷共 150 分。考试时长 120 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无 效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分)(略) 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. According to _______announcement by Guangzhou Price Bureau, _______new measures which have been taken recently are expected to cut the operation costs of each taxi driver by 1280 yuan. A. the; / B. an; the C. /; the D. an; / 22. This machine __________ It has worked for years. A. didn’t work B .wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working 23. “Well done, John! Not a single mistake _______ in your exam paper this time!” said the teacher. A.you made B.did you make C.had you made D.have you made 24. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is __________starting in a new one. A. lately B. actually C. recently D. currently 25. The traffic is heavy these days, I _______ arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place? A. can B. must C. need D. might 26. The U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in China’s economic center Shanghai on Sunday night of November 15th 2009, ___________a state visit to China. A. starting B. started C. to start D. having started 27. If you’d written earlier, I’d have known when you to go on holiday. A.want B.have wanted C.wanted D.will want 28.—Where on earth have they gone? —I have no idea, but I wish I . A.know B.knew C.would know D.would have known 29. They didn’t discover until they happened to enter the back room _______ someone had stolen the priceless painting. A. that B. what C. which D. when 30.____________Tom has no interest in piano, there is no point pushing him to learn it. A.In case B.Now that C.Even if D.As tar as 31. Henry hurried to the library only to find a notice at the gate, saying “No ________ before12 noon”. A. permission B. admission C. submission D. commission 32. — I’m sorry to hear that some villagers got disabled in the earthquake. — That’s too bad, but _______. A. all is well that ends well B. the darkest hour is nearest the dawn C. where there is life, there is hope D. it is good to have friends in trouble 33. _________ you will carry out my instructions or I will offer the job to someone else. A. Either B. Unless C. Until D. Whether 34. --- Do you think the bright girl will soon get used to the new job? --- It’s hard to say.Intelligence only________ for her lack of experience in part. A.accounts B.compensates C.counts D.answers 35.We know that the Black Sea, one thousand years ago, was a fresh water lake about ________ and unconnected with the Mediterranean. A. its two thirds present size B. two-thirds size of the present C. its two-thirds of the present size D. two- thirds its present size 第二节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36—55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 When I was about five years old, I used to watch a bird in the skies of southern Alberta from the Blackfoot Blood Reserve in northern Montana where I was born.I loved this bird; I would 36 him for hours.He would 37 effortlessly in that gigantic sky, or he would come down and light on the 38 and float there beautifully.Sometimes when I watched him, he would not make a sound and liked to move 39 into the grasses.We called him meksikatsi, which in the Blackfoot language 40 “pink-colored feet”; meksikatsi and I became very good friends. The bird had a very particular significance to me 41 I desperately wanted to be able to fly too.I felt very much as if I was the kind of person who had been born into a world where 42 was impossible.And most of the things that I 43 about would not be possible for me but would be possible only for other people. When I was ten years old, something unexpected 44 my life suddenly. I found myself become an 45 child in a family I was not born into; I found myself in a 46 position that many native Americans find themselves in, living in a city that they do not understand at all, not in another culture but 47 two cultures. A teacher of the English language told me that meksikatsi was not called meksikatsi, even though that is what 48 people have called that bird for thousands of years.Meksikatsi, he said, was really “duck”.I was very 49 with English.I could not understand it.First of all, the bird did not look like “duck”, and when it made a 50 , it did not sound like “duck”, I was even more 51 when I found out that the meaning of the verb “to duck” came from the bird. As I 52 to understand English better, I understand that it made a great deal of 53 , but I never forgot that meksikatsi made a different kind of meaning.I 54 that languages are not just different words for the same things but totally different 55 , totally different ways of experiencing and looking at the world. 36.A.keep B.watch C.follow D.search 37.A.jump B.dive C.circle D.wander 38.A.nest B.hill C.water D.road 39.A.quickly B.naturally C.freely D.quietly 40.A.means B.reads C.shows D.states 41.A.though B.because C.while D.until 42.A.communication B.imagination C.belief D.flight 43.A.dreamed B.worried C.knew D.argued 44.A.improved B.enriched C.changed D.ruined 45.A.educated B.adopted C.outgoing D.independent 46.A.weak B.comfortable C.terrible D.central 47.A.between B.against C.without D.beyond 48.A.most B.few C.their D.my 49.A.desperate B.bored C.uncomfortable D.disappointed 50.A.noise B.call C.decision D.choice 51.A.ashamed B.confused C.embarrassed D.frightened 52.A.tried B.came C.determined D.expected 53.A.evidence B.distinction C.profit D.sense 54.A.identified B.confirmed C.realized D.predicted 55.A.concepts B.regulations C.messages D.evaluations 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题,每题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 A The pupils of the remote Beau-Roc primary school in Haiti are chanting.One of them plays a guitar made from an empty oil tin.Their headmistress, Emile Jean-Noel, is one of the few women school headteachers in the country. Today, over 70% of Haitian population live without proper food, water, schools, or housing. To reduce the hunger that prevents learning and to encourage parents to send their children to school, meals are provided by the World Food Programme. "We are so cut off that we have many difficulties," comments Emile, adding that finding chalk, school books and other materials is practically impossible.Emile tries to encourage people around her to make use of available resources.Her efforts are bearing fruit.One of her successes was convincing local women to contribute to their children' s schooling and increase their income by selling embroidery( 刺绣) and other handicrafts. Recent political instability has meant that the country has not invested (投资) in education for ten years.Only 44% of children go to school and less than half of them finish primary school. Less than a third of these children go on to secondary school.In rural areas it is not rare to find 17 and 18 year olds in primary school- Beau-Roc has only 4 teachers for 260 pupils.Emile works constantly to improve her pupils' environment.Under her direction, a local worker is now constructing a store house for the food delivered regularly by the WFP. Not only is Emile' s salary small, but she receives it irregularly.For her, transport is a real headache.She lives five kilometers away and has to take the tap tap, a privately-owned bus, costing more than she can afford. "The decision to be a rural teacher in Haiti should not be taken lightly" , Emile comments. "With all the sacrifices and risks it requires, only those who are really cut out for teaching should do it." However, Emile loves her job."I always feel at home with the children and, because the parents understand what I'm doing, I try to give my best." 56.Which of the following is extremely difficult for Beau-Roc primary school? A.Teaching the women how to make embroidery and other handicrafts. B.Persuading local women to care about their children' s education. C.Encouraging people around to use those available resources. D.Finding chalk, school books and other materials. 57.The many figures in Paragraph 4 indicate _____. A.poor investment in Haitian education B.political instability in Haiti C.challenges in Emile' s life D.Emile' s constant efforts 58.In the last paragraph, "those who are really cut out for teaching" refer to people who are _____. A.dismissed from teaching B.unfamiliar with teaching C.qualified for teaching D.cautious about teaching 59.What topic is presented in this passage? A.Hardship for teachers. B.Devotion to education. C.Politics and children. D.Love and beauty. B Ani—mazing Animation Contest Ani—mazing is proud to announce its second animation (动画片) contest to introduce new animation talents to the world.Contest entries (参赛作品) will be shown at the West Coast Animation Exhibition from September 20.The exhibition will last for a week.Winners will be determined by a group of Animation Industry experts who will review every entry.The result will be announced on September 28 , 2011, when the awards ceremony will be held at the world - famous Egyptian Theatre, in Hollywood.We are also planning to have a number of programs leading up to September 28, so hopefully this second year will be a " Week of Animated Shorts". Cash prizes ranging from $500 to $5,000 will be awarded, as well as giveaways such as animation software packages, resort trips and computer equipment. Please review these guidelines before sending your entry in: 1.There are no restrictions on animation technique, no age limits or education requirements.All animated films must be more than one minute long. 2.All entries must be original and have received no major award before submitting to Ani - mazing.Both computer and hand animation is accepted. 3.Keep in mind that your animation will be viewed by an all - ages audience. Ani—mazing reserves the right to reject entries containing inappropriate subject matter. 4 . More than one entries is allowed, however, all entries must be the work of nonprofessionals.Time limits may prevent us from exhibiting all of the entries received, so please choose one animation to be your primary entry. 5.All entries must be handed in by July 30.If you have trouble making this deadline, contact us and we will consider extending the deadline for you. 6.Please send a copy of your animation, not the original.We will not be able to return media to you. 7.Your entry MUST include your name, age, educational background, contact information, and length of the animation. 60.Why will the animation contest be held? A.To collect works for an animation exhibition. B.To attract more people to a course. C.To find new animation talents. D.To increase people' s awareness about animation. 61.Which of the following meets the requirements of the contest? A.An animation made by hand. B.An animation lasting 50 seconds. C.An animation winning an award last year. D.An animation downloaded from the Internet. 62.What is the deadline for entry? A.September 27. B.September 20. C.July 30. D.September 28. C No one wants to be tested.We would all like to get a driver' s license without answering questions about rights of way or showing that we can parallel park a car.Many future lawyers and doctors probably wish they could join their profession without taking an exam. But tests and standards are a necessary fact of life.They protect us from unskilled drivers, harmful products and dishonest professionals.In schools too exams play a.constructive role.They tell public officials whether new school programs are making a difference and where new investments are likely to pay off. They tell teachers what their students have learned——and have not.They tell parents how their children are doing compared with others their age.They encourage students to make more effort. It is important to recall that for most of century, educators used intelligence tests to decide which children should get a high - quality education.The point of IQ testing was to find out how much children were capable of learning rather than to test what they had actually learned.Based on IQ scores, millions of children were assigned to dumbed—down programs instead of solid courses in science, math, history, literature and foreign language. This history reminds us that tests should be used to improve education.Every child should have access to a high - quality education.Students should have full opportunity to learn what will be tested; otherwise their scores will merely reflect whether they come from an educated family. In the past few years, we have seen the enormous benefits that flow to disadvantaged students because of the information provided by state tests.Those who fall behind are now getting extra instruction in after - school classes and summer programs.In their efforts to improve student performance, states are increasing teachers salaries, testing new teachers and insisting on better teacher education. Performance in education means the mastery of both knowledge and skills.This is why it is reasonable to test teachers to make sure they know their subject matter, as well as how to teach it to young children.And this is why it is reasonable to assess whether students are ready to advance to the next grade or graduate from high school. 63.According to the passage, school exams enable ______. A.governments to make right policies B.students to meet their teachers' requirements C.teachers to understand if their students have made efforts D.parents to compare their kids' achievements across schools 64."Dumbed - down programs" in Paragraph 3 refer to the programs which . A.lead to high - quality education B.are less academically challenging C.are intended for intelligent students D.enable children to make steady progress 65.Which of the following does the author probably agree with? A.Disadvantaged students can benefit from state tests. B.Tests should focus on what students have actually learned. C.Intelligent tests decide if children should get a high - quality education. D.Intelligent tests are helpful in separating excellent students from poor ones. 66.What is the purpose of the passage? A.To re - assess the value of IQ testing. B.To defend the role of testing in education. C.To explain what high - quality education means. D.To call for thorough and complete reform in education. D In a natural disaster—a hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, or other catastrophes—minutes and even seconds of warning can make the difference between life and death.Because of this, scientists are working to use the latest technological advances to predict when and where disasters will happen.They are also studying how best to analyze and communicate this information once it is obtained. On September 29, 1998, Hurricane Georges made landfall in Biloxi, Mississippi, after damaging Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and several islands of the Caribbean badly with torrential rains and winds up to 160 km per hour.Few people lost their lives along the Gulf Coast of the United States, although hundreds died in the Caribbean. This was a very different outcome from 1900, when a powerful Gulf Coast hurricane made an unexpected direct hit on Galveston, Texas, killing at least 6,000 people. Vastly improved hurricane warnings explain the different circumstances at either end of the 20th century——residents of Galveston had no advance warning that a storm was approaching, while residents of Biloxi had been warned days in advance, allowing for extensive safety precautions (预防). At the same time that people in Biloxi were thankful for the advance warning, some residents of New Orleans, Louisiana were less satisfied.A day before Georges made landfall, forecasters were predicting that the hurricane had a good chance of striking New Orleans.Because much of New Orleans lies below sea level, the city is at risk for flooding.Emergency management officials must begin evacuations (疏散)well before a storm strikes.But evacuation costs money: businesses close, tourists leave, and citizens take precautionary measures.The mayor of New Orleans estimated that his city' s preparations for Georges cost more than 50 million.After Georges missed New Orleans, some residents questioned the value of the hurricane forecasts in the face of such high costs. The different views on the early warnings for Hurricane Georges show some of the complexities related to predicting disasters.Disaster prediction is a process of providing scientific information to the government officials and other decision makers who must respond to those predictions. 67.What is the purpose of disaster prediction according to the passage? A.To identify the cause of disasters. B.To save people' s lives and property. C.To prevent natural disasters from happening, D.To apply advanced technology to disaster prediction. 68.Which of the following areas suffered the most severe damage? A.Puerto Rico. B.New Orleans. C.Biloxi, Mississippi. D.Galveston, Texas. 69.The city residents of New Orleans were unsatisfied because __ _ . A.their preparations were made in vain B.the hurricane warning arrived rather late C.the forecast hurricane did not hit the city D.they suffered from a heavy hurricane attack 70.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.The different ways of disaster prediction. B.Technological advances in disaster prediction. C.The benefits and preparations of disaster prediction. D.The importance and uncertainty of disaster prediction. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s.They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. 71 This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that rime, because they could use it to make their life more comfortable and rewarding. In ancient Mexico there were many small clearings in the forest.In each clearing was a village with fields of corn, beans, and other crops around it.To clear the land for farms, the Maya cut down trees with stone axes.They planted seeds by digging holes in the ground with pointed sticks. 72 The Maya believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn gods.The people built large temples to honor the Mayan gods, around which cities were built.Today, many of these ancient Mayan cities and temples are still standing. Although the cities were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, few of them lived there.Usually, only the priests lived in the cities.The other people lived in small villages in the forests.They lived in small huts with no windows.The walls were made of poles covered with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leaves. 73 Measuring time was important to the Maya. 74 The Maya developed a system for measuring time accurately.Mayan priests made a system to keep track of time.They made a calendar based on their study of the sun, moon and stars.The Mayan calendar was far more accurate than the European calendars of the time. Around the year 800, the Maya left the ir villages and beautiful cities, never to return. 75 They may have died from an infectious disease.They may have left because the soil could no longer grow crops.Scientists are still trying to find the lost secrets of the Maya.They are still one of our greatest mysteries. A.No one knows why this happened. B.Most Maya lived a simple life close to nature. C.The Maya were an intelligent, culturally rich people, D.Farmers needed to know when to plant and harvest their crops. E.They had to fight against natural disasters as common occurrences. F.One farmer was able to grow crops producing food for several people. G.The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them. 第 II 卷 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 Mark Twain liked to play jokes in his friends.One day one of his friends lost his wallet and asked Mark pay the train fare for him."But I haven't got enough money to pay both your fare or mine," Mark said.Then he adds, "We can get on the train first and when the conductor comes to check ticket, you hide under my seat." Late, however, when the conductor came to check tickets, Mark gave him two more tickets.Then he said in the loud voice, "My friend is a strange man.When he travels on a train, he prefers to lying on the floor under the seat." Of course many passengers laughed at his poorly friend. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 近年来随着私家车的增多,交通事故也频繁发生。假设你是某市报社的一名记者,采访 有关部门,调查 2010 年该市交通事故的情况,获得了下面的数据图表,请根据得到的信息 为报社写一篇简短的英文报道,呼吁人们重视交通安全,遵守交通规则。 报道内容应包括: 1.交通事故的发生数量和趋势; 2.造成的损失情况 3.分析事故原因(道路拥挤、违章、酒后车等); 4.提出防范措施。 要求: 1.词数 110 左右。开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数。 2.发挥部分(防范措施)不少于两点,注意行文连贯。 With the increase of the number of private cars in recent years, there have been more road accidents in our city. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _ 第二部分:知识运用 第一节:单项填空 21—35BCBDD ACBAB BCABD 第二节 完型填空 36------40 BCCDA 41------45 BDACB 46------50 CADDA 51------55 BBDCA 第三部分:阅读理解 56------59 DACB 60------62 CAC 67------70 BDAD 63------66 ABAB 71------75 GFBDA 短文改错 1 .in → on 2.pay →to pay 3.or→ and 4.adds→added 5.ticket→ tickets 6.Late→ Later 7.去掉 more 8.in the→ in a 9.lying→ lie 10 poorly→ poor 第二节 书面表达 According to a police report, 387 road accidents happened in 2010, with an economic loss of over 5 million yuan. 25 people were killed and 189 injured in these accidents, which made up nearly a third of all accidents. What’s worse, road accidents are tending to increase. The main reason why so many traffic accidents have happened is that the roads are too crowded and people ignore traffic rule. Some drivers disobey traffic regulations or drive carelessly and some pedestrians also disobey traffic rules. Some drivers even drink and drive. In order to educe the traffic accidents, firstly, the government should take some proper measures, such as widening the roads. Secondly, the police should enforce the regulati ons strictly and call on everyone to obey traffic rules for the safety of all people, especially the drivers. Nobody is allowed to drink and drive. Only when people have decided to take action will traffic problems be solved.

