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‎2020届二轮复习 非谓语动词用法考点纵览学案 非限定动词既非谓语动词,包括动词不定式、动名词和分词(既然是非谓语动词,动词不定式、动名词和分词共同的显著特征是在句中不能充当谓语)。下面将分别阐述三类非谓语动词的用法并深刻比较学习,深化理解、全面掌握非谓语动词的用法。‎ 动词不定式 ‎① 构成及特征 动词不定式作为一种非谓语动词,由“to+动词原形”构成(不带to的不定式即动词原形)。在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,相应地可充当主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语,同时也具有动词的某些特征,具有时态和语态的变化,同样也可以带宾语或状语等。如:‎ The boy wants to cut class in the afternoon. (带宾语和状语)‎ He hoped to have passed that math exam. (完成式)‎ The thief happened to be caught by the police. (被动式)‎ 下面将着重介绍动词不定式的第一个特征:时态和语态意义。‎ 不定式有四种时态变化形式,即一般式、进行时、完成式、完成进行时,而一般式和完成式有表达语态的变化形式,对比列表如下。‎ 语态 ‎ 时态 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 to do to be done 进行式 to be doing ‎ 完成式 to have done to have been done 完成进行式 to have being doing ‎ ‎1、 时态意义 ‎⑴ 一般式 一般式表示动词不定式的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或前后发生。如:‎ The man is learning to drive. (同时发生)‎ He learns to attend an important meeting. (前后发生)‎ ‎⑵ 进行式 不定式的进行时表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生而且正在进行。不带to的动词不定式时常同情态动词may、must、can、might、could、should、would、will、ought to等连用,表示“可能应该”正在进行的动作。同时,不定式进行式也可表示“即将发生”。如:‎ The lady wants to be sleeping.‎ The bus may be leaving.‎ Spring ought to be coming.‎ He is likely to be telling a lie to his mother.‎ ‎⑶ 完成式 不定式的完成式表示的动作先于谓语动词动作之前发生(to have done表示动作,而to have been表示状态)。如:‎ He expected to have locked the door of his office.‎ The boy wished to have finished the papers.‎ Judging from his words, he seems to have been to Beijing.‎ The student is said to have gone abroad.‎ 不定式完成时用在过去式thought、planned、meant、wanted、desired、expected、intended、hoped、wished、was、were等后,表示“本想、打算、希望…做某事而没做成”,表示过去没有实现的愿望、期待或计划等。‎ ‎⑷ 完成进行时 不定式完成进行时表示的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生,而且一直持续下去,继续进行。如:‎ His parents are proud to have been seeing their son’s achievements.‎ ‎2、 语态意义 同动词一样,动词不定式亦有主动语态和被动语态之分。在此将着重介绍动词不定式被动语态的用法。‎ ‎⑴ 不定式被动式的作用 同其主动式一样,不定式的被动式可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语(宾语补足语和主语补足语)。如:‎ To be punished makes him very ashame and sad。(主语)‎ Nobody wants to be fooled by others.(宾语)‎ The book is to be published.(表语)‎ The meeting to be held this afternoon is cancelled.(定语)‎ He arrived at the station, only to be told the train had left.(状语)‎ People ask measures to be taken right away.(宾语补足语)‎ The boy was made to admit his fault.(主语补足语)‎ ‎⑵ 不定式的逻辑主语 a、 如果逻辑主语是动作执行者(即构成逻辑上的主谓关系、主动关系),不定式用主动式;如果逻辑主语是动作的承受者(即构成逻辑是上的动宾关系、被动关系),不定式用被动式。如:‎ Our boss asked me to finish the task.(“我”和“完成”是逻辑上的主谓关系,“我”是“完成”的执行者,所以用主动形式)‎ Our boss asked the task to be finished.(“任务”和“完成”是逻辑上的动宾关系、被动关系,“任务”是“完成”的承受着,所以用被动形式)‎ b、 在“名词(代词)+be+easy(difficult/fit…)+不定式”结构中,有时尽管主语是动作的承受者,两者构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即被动关系,形式上却用主动形式。如:‎ The problem is difficult to solve.‎ This puzzle is easy to guess.‎ The man is hard to get along with.‎ 既然意义上表示被动,为什么却用主动形式呢?对此可作如下解释:可看作省略了动词不定式的逻辑主语for me、for us、for him、for you等,用for引出表示人的逻辑主语(如上述实例)。可作如下理解。‎ The problem is difficult for me to solve.(“我”和“解决”之间为主动关系)‎ This puzzle is easy for us to guess.(“我们”和“猜测”之间为主动关系)‎ The man is hard for us to get along with.(“我们”和“相处”之间为主动关系)‎ 对于上述结构应注意:动词不定式为及物动词短语,因为动词不定式的逻辑宾语便是句子的主语。既然及物动词不定式有逻辑宾语,则不必再在动词不定式后面加上相应的人称代词(it、him、her、us、them等),否则便犯了重复的错误。如:‎ The tool is easy for us to use.(“tool”为“use”的逻辑宾语)‎ The tool is easy for us to use it.(既然use已经有逻辑宾语,那么it视为多余的宾语,应去掉)‎ c、 在there be存在句中用不定式的主动语态和被动语态均可。如:‎ There is a lot of homework to do.‎ There is a lot of homework to be done.‎ There are many files to arrange.‎ There are many files to be arranged.‎ 要注意:have sth to do、have sth done和have sth to be done三者之间的差别:have sth to do表示“有…要做”,逻辑主语为自己;have sth done表示“要别人做…”逻辑主语为别人;have sth to be done“要别人帮自己做”,逻辑主语为别人。如:‎ I have a lot of work to do.(to do的逻辑主语为I)‎ I have my hair cut.(cut的逻辑主语为别人)‎ I’m going to the post office. Do you have any letter to be posted?(post的逻辑主语为“我”而不是“你”)‎ d、 如果不定式的逻辑主语是该不定式的动作执行者,虽然不定式其所修饰的名词具有逻辑是的动宾关系,也必须用主动形式。因为逻辑主语同不定式的关系更为密切直接。如:‎ My family has a sick grandma to look after.‎ She has two letters to write.‎ The man had a big aim to achieve.‎ e、 在“too…to…”和enough…to…”结构中,不定式可用主动语态和被动语态表示被动含义。如:‎ The tower is too small to see (to be seen)in the distance.‎ The question is easy enough to understand (to be understood).‎ 下面介绍不定式的第二个显著特征:不带to的动词不定式。‎ ‎1、 当两个或两个以上不定式同时使用并起到同样的功能时,从第二个不定式开始往往省略不定符号to,以避免重复。如:‎ He planned to pay a visit to shanghai and Stay there for several days.‎ It’s a little difficult to understand, explain and solve the problem.‎ ‎2、 在使级动词及感官类动词后,常用不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。如:let、make、have、feel、hear、 listen to、see、look at、watch、observe、notice。如:‎ My mother has me clean the floor.‎ The boy is listening to the man telling story.‎ I noticed the thief escaping from the shop.‎ 动词help、know(看过、听过)、charge后的宾补不定式有无to均可。如:‎ Can you help me (to) carry the box?‎ I knew him (to) make great progress in his science study.‎ I have known the teacher (to) leave our school.‎ My father charges me (to) study hard.‎ ‎3、 以why引导的疑问句不用to。如:‎ Why come late again?‎ Why not have a try at it?‎ Why not后亦可接名词(短语)或动名词短语。如:‎ Why not coffee.‎ Why not a piece of bread.‎ Why not having a good rest.‎ ‎4、 在固定词组:had better(best)、would rather…(than)、would sooner…(than)、rather than、connot but、can’t choose but、can’t help but、may/might(just) as well、do nothing except(but)等结构后不用to。如:‎ You’d better take an umbrella with you.‎ I would rather die than give in.‎ She can’t choose but wait for the next bus.‎ You may just as well turn to your teacher for some help.‎ I have nothing to do but watch TV.‎ He didn’t do anything but surf the Internet.‎ 但当but或except前的动词不是实义动词do、help、choose时,to则不可省。如:‎ The man had no choice but to face the fact.‎ He never goes out except to do shopping.‎ ‎5、 当动词go、come和run后接不定式表目的时,可省略不定式符号to,而直接接另一个动词,表示请求、意愿、建议、命令等语气。如:‎ Go buy a bottle of vinegar. (=Go to buy…)‎ Come join us in playing basketball. (=Come to join…)‎ Run fetch that bag. (=Run to fetch…)‎ 还应注意go、come和run后接动词表示目的时常用and连接后一个动词,此种现象比用不定式表示目的更为常见。如:‎ Go and open the door.‎ Come and carry the box for me.‎ Run and help the poor girl.‎ ‎6、 在make do with、make believe、let go、go hang、hear say(tell)等固定搭配中,不用to。如:‎ I heard say he was a big liar.‎ The boy made believe that he didn’t see his uncle.‎ We shouldn’t let the problem go hang.‎ 上述结构是可省去不定式符号to的,但是有些情况下必须要加to。‎ ‎1、 在know better than to do结构中,不定式必须加to。如:‎ He knew better than to believe the man.‎ The wise man knew better than to do him a favor.‎ ‎2、 在“比较级+名词+than”结构中,后不定式要加to。如:‎ He has more confidence than to lose heart.‎ ‎3、 Instead of后接的不定式一般要加to。如:‎ She wants to refuse instead of (to) accept.‎ He went abroad to study instead of to travel.‎ 当前面的不定式不带to时,instead of后的to可省略。如:‎ He drove his car instead of (to) take a bus.‎ The teacher has us write instead of read.‎ 下面介绍不定式的第三个显著特征:不定式的复合结构。‎ 英语中常用介词for和of引出不定式的逻辑主语构成不定式的复合结构,或同关系副词、关系代词和人称代词连用,可有自己的逻辑主语,在句中作主语、宾语、定语、表语或状语等成分。‎ ‎1、 作主语 It is easy for you to work out the plan.‎ When to arrive is unknown.‎ ‎2、 作宾语 I find it difficult for the little boy to raise the box.‎ I don’t know what to do next.‎ ‎3、 作表语 What he said was for you to make the final decision.‎ The problem is where to get that missing watch.‎ ‎4、 作定语 On the desk is a Chinese-English dictionary for you to refer to.‎ The question how to conclude the text is difficult.‎ ‎5、 作状语 I gave her a map for her to find the way.(表目的)‎ I’m glad for you to help me.(表原因)‎ ‎6、 作同位语 The problem what to do with it made her very worried.‎ ‎② 功能 不定式作为一种非谓语动词,在句中不能充当谓语(这一点必须明确,动名词、分词同样如此)。但可充当除谓语外的其他句子成分,如主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语(宾语补足语和主语补足语)等。‎ ‎⑴ 作主语 To see is to believe.‎ To win a medal is a great honor.‎ To have finished the papers makes him free.‎ For him to say sorry is out of the question.‎ How to study English is of great importance.‎ 对于动词不定式作主语,予以补充说明以下几点:‎ ‎1、 动词不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将真正主语不定式后置。‎ ‎2、 不定式作主语时,在很多情况下都可用动名词代替,但要保持统一性、平行性。如:‎ To know (knowing) oneself is difficult.‎ To see is to believe (Seeing is believing).‎ To err is human.‎ To teach is to learn.‎ ‎⑵ 作表语 a、 表示用途、目的。如:‎ The knife is to cut things.‎ To live is to make contributions to our country.‎ b、 表示结果、不幸的命运等。如:‎ The old man is to die from the cancer.‎ The boy is to be praised.‎ One is to live for all people loving him.‎ c、 用于第一人称疑问句中,表示征求对方意见。如:‎ What am I to do next?‎ What are we to say to our boss?‎ d、 to be done表示“应该、可能、必须”等含义,具有情态意义,相当于should、ought to、can(could)、must等。如:‎ The boy is to be scolded.‎ The panda is to be protected.‎ Rules are to be obeyed.‎ e、 表示“计划、打算、安排、命令、决定、禁止”等含义。如:‎ We are to pay a visit to Yellow Mountain next week.‎ Everyone is to remain after the meeting.‎ You are to come to class ahead of time.‎ People are not to pick flowers in the park.‎ 注意不定式作表语可用主动形式,表示被动含义。如:to blame(受责备)、to let(被出租)、to seek(找到)等。‎ ‎⑶ 作宾语 I want to go back now.‎ She longs to go to college earlier.‎ Jim offers to help the girl with her math.‎ 下列动词常跟不定式作宾语:agree、decide、mean、want、except、refuse、choose、fail、determine、hope、long、wish、desire、plan、learn、offer、attempt、seek、intend、tend、claim、pretend、manage、promise、afford、appear、seem、care、demand、like、dislike、forget、remember、get、happen、hate、hesitate、prefer、venture等。‎ 动词feel、think、find、believe、consider等动词后如果跟不定式作宾语补足语是形容词(或名词)时,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的被动式宾语后置。如:‎ I find it difficult to communicate with the foreigners.‎ He thinks it possible to catch the first bus.‎ I considered it a pity to miss that wonderful lecture.‎ People believe it a hard job to get used to the environment.‎ 在疑问句和否定句中,think后有时可跟不定式作宾语。如:‎ Do you think to overcome the difficulty?‎ I didn’t think to have such a good opportunity.‎ ‎⑷ 作定语 不定式作定语时常常后置,放在被修饰词之后。‎ a、 动词不定式与其所修饰的词之间往往有动宾关系。如果不定式为不及物动词或不定式已经都有了自己的宾语,其后应有必要的介词。如:‎ The boy asks a piece of cake to eat.‎ He has a comfortable flat to live in.‎ She is a good girl to make friends with.‎ I have a big bag to travel with.‎ 但当place、time和way被不定式修饰时,即使不及物动词不定式同place、time和way构成动宾关系,也可以不和介词连用。如:‎ During the war, people try to find a place to live (in).‎ That is the best way to solve the problem (with).‎ b、 不定式作定语可以表达各种情态意义,相当于can、may、should、must、will、would等。如:‎ He has a family to support. (=that he should support)‎ Teachers give us many rules to obey. (=that we must obey)‎ He is a reliable man to depend on. (=that we can depend on)‎ c、 不定式用在there be存在句中作后置定语。如:‎ There are many dishes for my mother to wash.‎ There is an important issue to discuss in the meeting.‎ d、 由常跟不定式的动词或形容词派生而来的名词也常跟不定式做后置定语。如:‎ I had the ability to operate the machine.‎ He came to his final decision to attend this exam.‎ I hope my wish to become an expert can come true.‎ 常用的这类名词有:ability、decision、hope、wish、refusal、ambition、attempt、determination、promise、obligation、agreement、need、inclination、plan、tendency、intention等。‎ e、 The first、the second、the last、the best、the only等序数词及最高级形容词在句中充当被修饰词或被修饰词定语时,后用不定式作后置定语。如:‎ He is always the first to arrive.‎ The man is the last person to leave the meeting.‎ He is the only man to disagree to the plan.‎ f、 不定式修饰名词相当于一个定语从句,表示即将发生的动作。如:‎ The man to come to address the meeting is my uncle.‎ The meeting to be held is about the air pollution.‎ g、 不定式作定语时一般需后置,但由连字符连接的不定式短语要前置。其组成结构一般有“动词+名词(代词)、动词+动词、动词+副词、形容词+动词”几类。如:‎ an eat-and-run shop a walk-through examination a do-nothing man a easy-to-solve problem a much-to-be-desired life a never-to-be-forgotten accident a do-or-die decision a fellow-up statement the take-home exam ‎⑸ 作宾语补足语或主语补足语 My mother asks me to pick up my grandpa.‎ He encourages me to make great efforts to study.‎ The man warned me not to provoke the tiger.‎ I was told to leave right away.‎ The girl was reminded to get changed.‎ 下列一些词常跟不定式作补足语。如:ask、tell、like、want、except、wish、get、cause、prefer、invite、press、encourage、remind、command、order、force、instead、advice、warn、persuade、challenge、drive、hate、inform、assist、assign、bring、arrange for、call on、hope for、depend on、let、make、have、hear、feel、listen to、look at、watch、notice等。‎ 对不定式作补足语应注意以下几点:‎ ‎1、 动词hope、demand、suggest等动词后面不能接动词不定式作为补足语。‎ I hope you to attend my party. (误)‎ You are hoped to attend my party. (误)‎ I hope (that) you can attend my party. (正)‎ The police demanded the thief to hand in what he had stolen. (误)‎ The thief was demanded to hand in what he had stolen. (误)‎ The police demanded that the thief (should) hand in what he had stolen.(正)‎ I suggest you to say sorry to her. (误)‎ You are suggested to say sorry to her. (误)‎ I suggest (that) you (should) say sorry to her. (正)‎ ‎2、 使级动词后跟宾语补足语用不带to的动词不定式,变成被动语态时要用带to的不定式(let除外)。对于感官类动词在主动语态中后跟不带to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,而在被动语态中要用带to的不定式。当然若表示“正在进行”的动作时,也可用doing的形式。如:‎ My father made me drive him to his office.‎ I was made to drive him to his office.‎ I let you borrow my dictionary.‎ You are let borrow my dictionary. (仍用不带to的不定式作主语补足语)‎ I noticed the man cross the street.‎ The man was noticed to cross the street.‎ Finally, people saw the lost boy playing on the river.‎ Finally, the lost boy was seen playing on the river. (表示动作正在进行,表示“那个丢失的男孩正在河边玩”)‎ ‎⑹ 作状语 不定式作状语,可用来表示目的、原因、结果、条件、方面、评论、伴随及评注性状语。(表示目的、原因、结果、条件、方面时,不定式的逻辑主语为句子主语。)‎ a、 表示目的 不定式作目的状语时,其动作发生在谓语动词动作之后,一般放在放在句子后面,当表示强调时,也可位于句首,前面加上in order或so as,in order to do可位于句首或句中,而so as to do只能位于句中。不定式作状语时不能用not to do,必须用in order not to do或so as not to do。如:‎ I come here to see my sick aunt.‎ In order to make progress we must spare no pains.‎ We must spare no pains so as to (in order to) make progress.‎ In order not to miss the train, he got up early.‎ He got up early so as not to miss the train.‎ 考察下面两个句子:‎ In order to attend the meeting on time, he drove fast. (正)‎ In order to attend the meeting on time, the car ran fast. (误)‎ ‎“参加会议”的逻辑主语执行者应该是人,而不是车,所以第一句是正确的,he充当attend the meeting的逻辑主语。第二句是错误的the car不能充当attend the meeting的逻辑主语,构成主谓关系(使用不定式表目的时要特别注意)。另外,英语中表目的一般用不定式表示,不用for+动名词这一形式。如:‎ I come to pick up my daughter. (不用for picking up)‎ b、 表示结果 不定式常表示出乎意料的结果,常同only、never连用。这类结构中不定式的逻辑主语同样是句子的主语)。‎ He came back only to find the room broken into.‎ The man went to his office only to be told he had been laid off.‎ He drove carefully only to cause an accident.‎ The professor went abroad never to come back.‎ She grew up to be a great dancer and singer.‎ The old man lived to see all his children.‎ 对人的品质、性格进行评价的形容词后常接不定式表示结果。如:kind、polite、crazy、mean、generous、good、selfish、selfless、silly、unkind等。如:‎ He is very kind to help you.‎ She is selfless to do a lot for others.‎ c、 表示原因 不定式常跟在一些形容词或过去分词后说明产生某种情绪的原因,一般放在句尾。(这类结构中不定式的逻辑主语同样是句子的主语)如:‎ I’m glad to see you.‎ He felt very sad to hear of the bad news.‎ They laughed to hear the interesting story.‎ I feel sorry for my son to break your glass.‎ 常用的这类形容词有:glad、happy、honorable、lucky、sorry、sad、fortunate、pained、ashamed、surprised、frightened、delighted、disappointed、ready、wise、clever、foolish、rude、cruel、wrong、worried、puzzled等。‎ d、 表示条件 动词不定式也可表示条件,一般置于句首,否定不定式表示条件时多置于句尾,相当于if引导的条件状语从句,谓语常含有will、shall、would、should、may、might、can、could、must等。如:‎ To see her, you will love her. (=If you see her)‎ You will make progress to study hard. (=If you study hard)‎ To disobey traffic rules, you would be done a fine. (=If you didn’t obey the traffic rules)‎ You will solve it to get help from him. (If you get help from him)‎ You’ll regret for your son to be nursed to others. (带有逻辑主语)‎ e、 表示方面或方式 Slow、quick、prompt等形容词后接的不定式常表示方面或方式,这类结构可转化为“动词+副词”或“形容词+in+动名词”。如:‎ He is quick to respond.‎ He responds quickly.‎ He is quick in responding.‎ 某些表示意愿、企图、倾向、可能性的形容词后接的不定式也是表示方面的。常见的这类形容词有:ready、eager、anxious、sure、certain、willing、reluctant、likely、long、pleased、able、apt、determined、qualified、inclined、prepared、worthy、greedy、hesitant、liable、fit、keen等。如:‎ He is likely to work as a teacher.‎ He is ready to help others.‎ She is hesitant to make the final decision.‎ The man is greedy to gain things from other.‎ He is anxious for you to go there.‎ I’m pleased for you to take part in my party.‎ f、 表示评述 不定式可对前面的形容词或名词(短语)进行评述,一般评述在前,事实在后。可用陈述句、疑问句或感叹句。如:‎ He is rude to beat a girl.‎ He is heartless to desert his wife and children.‎ She is a good girl to study hard and well.‎ He is a coward to escape from a fight against his friend.‎ Are you foolish to believe this liar?‎ What a great man he is to sacrifice himself to save a girl.‎ g、 表示伴随情况 这种用法的不定式常以独立主格的结构形式出现。如:‎ My father gave us each housework, I to clean the floor, Tom to wash the dishes and John to lay the table.‎ A lot of students went on a trip, some to go fishing and others to go boating.‎ h、 表示说话人的态度,作评注状语,在句中作独立成分。常见的这类不定式评注性状语有:to tell the truth(说实话)、to be true(当然,说真的)、sad to say(说来令人悲伤)、strange to say(说来奇怪)、to say the least of it(至少)、to make a long story short(长话短说)、truth to say(speak)(说句实话)、to be plain/frank(老实地说)、to be brief(简言之)、to be exact(精确地说)、to be honest(老实说)、to sum up(概括地说)、to start(begin)with(首先)、to conclude(总之)、to say nothing of(不用说)、to put it straight(直截了当地说)、to return to my subject(言归正传)、to make matters worse(更糟的是)。如:‎ To make matters worse, it stormed.‎ To tell the truth, this is a bad method.‎ To say the least of it, he is a happy boy.‎ Strange to say, the thief dared to break in where somebody was at home.‎ 对于此种用法的不定式是一种独立成分,没有自己的逻辑的主语,后一个句子的主语绝不是不定式的逻辑主语(要特别注意),这种用法的不定式有似于后面将要讲到的悬垂分词。‎ ‎③ 如何区分不定式符号to和介词to 英语中有许多短语以to结尾,to既可以是介词也可以使不定式符号.作为介词,to后面须接名词或动名词;作为不定式符号,to后面须接动词原形.不能混淆,下面作一简单的归纳.‎ a、 带不定式符号to的短语 be used to do被用于 be supposed to do应该…‎ go all out to do全力以赴 go out of one’s way to do特地…‎ have the front to do居然有脸做 have the goodness to do劳驾 have a great mind to do很想 可从以下几个角度判断是动词不定式符号:‎ ‎1、 某些动词后常跟不定式作宾语。如:want to do、fail to do等。‎ ‎2、 需要用不定式充当目的、原因、结果等状语。如:be used to do(被用于),to do可看作目的状语;go out of one’s way to do(特地),不定式同样可看作目的状语。‎ ‎3、 用不定式的用法去分析并结合句子分析法,平时还要多积累带动词不定式符号to的短语。‎ b、 带介词to的短语 get/be used to习惯于 look forward to渴望 take to喜欢上、从事 lead to导致 be accustomed to习惯于 turn to转向、求助于 object to反对 get sth over to sb被…懂得 relate to与…有关 keep to遵守、坚持 be given(over)to沉溺于、喜爱 stick to坚持 give way to对…让步 confess to承认 be reduced to沦为 give one’s mind to专心于 admit to承认 be opposed to反对 be equal to胜任、等于 give rise to使…发生 look up to尊敬 succeed to继承 face up to勇敢面对 see to注意 be addicted to沉溺于 with a view to为了 等 对于带介词to的短语,可从句子分析法角度进行判断,如:give one’s mind to可看作“give…to…”这一短语,to后为间接宾语,表示“把…给…”,to当然是介词,但最关键最有效的方法是多积累类似短语。‎ 动名词 ‎① 构成及特征 动名词也是动词的一种非限定形式,由动词原形加ing构成,与现在分词同形。动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,其动词特征表现在可以带宾语、表语或状语。动名词的名词特征主要表现在句中可充当主语或宾语,可以受形容词、代词和名词的修饰构成动名词的复合结构。此外,动名词的动词特征还表现在时态和语态上的变化。如:‎ Seeing is believing.(作主语)‎ I enjoy playing volleyball.(带宾语)‎ Sleeping late is bad for our health.(带状语)‎ Becoming a soldier is his future aim.(带表语)‎ Do you mind me (my) smoking here?‎ Being fined ten dollars makes him angry.‎ He insisted on his having bought the ticket.‎ 动名词的第一个显著特征:动词和名词的二重属性。‎ ‎1、 动名词的动词特征及作用 动名词的动词特征和作用主要表现在可以带宾语、状语或表语。如:‎ Eating an apple everyday can keep the doctor away.(带宾语)‎ Climbing high is very dangerous.(带状语)‎ The boy’s aim is becoming a doctor one day in the future.(带表语)‎ ‎2、 动名词的名词特征及作用 动名词的名词特征主要表现在在句中可充当主语和宾语,还可以受形容词、代词和名词修饰。如:‎ Taking a walk outside is comfortable. (作主语)‎ Please stop making noise. (作宾语)‎ Tom’s being late for school angered his teacher. (形容词修饰)‎ I think of that being a right answer. (代词修饰)‎ What do you think of Tom joining the army? (名词修饰)‎ 动名词的第二个显著特征:动名词的时态和语态意义。‎ 因为动名词具有某些动词的特征,因而具有时态和语态的变化。时态有一般式和完成式;语态有一般被动式和完成被动式,具体列表如下。‎ 时态 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done ‎1、 动名词的时态意义 同动词不定式一样,动名词也没有独立的绝对的时态意义,的时态意义从属于句中谓语动词时态。动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时或前后发生或表示一般情况;动名词完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生。如:‎ He is trying opening the door.(同时发生)‎ He is thinking of buying a car.(以后发生)‎ The man regretted having offend his boss.(之前发生)‎ The player is proud of having become the champion.(之前发生)‎ Swimming in hot weather is an enjoyment.(一般情况)‎ forget、remember、regret等动词后可以用动名词的一般式和完成式,意义上没有差别,只是一般式表示一个单纯的事实,而完成式强调动作的完成。如:‎ I remembered seeing the man in the past.‎ I remembered having seen the man in the past.‎ ‎2、 动名词的被动语态 动名词的主动语态表示主动行为,被动语态表示被动行为。用主动时态时,逻辑主语是动作的执行者,而在被动语态中,逻辑主语是动作的承受者。如:‎ Everyone likes being praised.‎ He is proud of having been admitted to a key university.‎ The house is being torn down.‎ 但动名词在want、require、need、deserve、bear、repay、take(需要)、stand(忍受)等表示“需要、值得、忍受、该受”等动词或形容词worth后面时,常用主动形式表被动意义,也可以用不定式的被动式即to be done的形式,意思不变。如:‎ The bike needs repairing. (=to be repaired)‎ The house wants decorating. (=to be decorated)‎ The hero deserves praising. (=to be praised)‎ The crops take watering. (=to be watered)‎ The film is worth seeing.‎ I can’t bear (take) bothering. (to be bothered)‎ 介词past后用动名词的主动语态和被动语态均可。如:‎ The life of the patient is past saving. (=being saved)‎ 动名词的第三个显著特征:动名词的复合结构。‎ 动名词也可同逻辑主语构成动名词复合结构,具体规则如下:①逻辑主语是有生命的人时,用名词所有格构成复合结构。(作主语时,其逻辑主语只能用所有格;若作宾语,逻辑主语可用所有格,也可用通格。)②逻辑主语是无生命的名词或抽象概念时,只用通格。③逻辑主语是以s结尾的名词或是两个名词即两个名词以上构成的词组,只用通格。④逻辑主语是数词、指示代词或不定代词this、that、somebody、anybody、nobody、someone、anyone、none时一般用通格。如:‎ Tom’s getting the first prize makes his family very happy.‎ Her studying hard is known to all of us.‎ Do you mind me (my) opening the window?‎ The teacher hates us (our) making noise in the class.‎ I like coffee being served with milk.‎ Somebody even thinks of money speaking.‎ The development of the school depends on teachers working hard and students studying hard.‎ I don’t like Jim and John saying dirty words.‎ He insisted on that making for completing the project.‎ She was disturbed by somebody quarrelling with others.‎ Despite of the two giving him suggestions, he did it in his own way.‎ 对于动名词的复合结构要特别注意以下几点:‎ ‎1、 动名词的复合结构多用作主语或宾语。如:‎ The lost boy’s coming back makes his parents little worried.‎ The meeting begins with the professor making a speech.‎ ‎2、 前面我们提到当动名词作宾语时,可用名词通格的形式引出逻辑主语。这种用法常用于可接动名词作宾语补足语的动词及介词后面。如果一个动词后面常跟不定式作宾语时,最好用所有格引出逻辑主语,不要用通格的形式。(如果这样的话,难免造成一个误区,所有及物动词后面都可跟动名词作宾补,这显然是不合适的,因为在英语中有的及物动词要跟动名词作宾补,如:see、hear、notice等,有些则需跟动词不定式作宾补)如:‎ Do you mind me (my) borrowing your car.‎ 因为mind后常跟动名词作宾语补足语,所以可以说do you mind me borrowing your car。当然也可用形容词性物主代词去修饰borrowing your car构成动名词短语作mind的宾语。‎ His teacher encourages his studying hard.‎ 这里的his studying hard动名词短语作encourage的宾语,当然从动名词的复合结构的角度来说,好像可以说His teacher encourages him studying hard.但我们平时所熟知的结构是encourage sb to do sth,encourage后常用不定式而非动名词作宾语补足语。所以,上述句子难免同我们习惯表达法His teacher encourages his studying hard.相抵触,而且如果对于所有的动名词都可用上述表达法那么“及物动词+宾语+to do(宾补)”的结构便不复存在了,都可代之为“及物动词+动词+宾语+动名词”的形式,这显然是荒谬。所以要慎用及物动词后动名词复合结构中的所有格和通格。‎ ‎3、 现在分词作宾语补足语时,其逻辑主语只能用通格的形式,不能用其所有格。如:‎ I watch him brushing the glass. (正)‎ I watch his brushing the glass. (误)‎ ‎4、 动名词的逻辑主语用作介词with的宾语时,应该用通格。如:‎ They got up with the birds singing.‎ Ha was desperate with him being left in the desert.‎ ‎② 功能 ‎⑴ 作主语 Lying is a bad habit.‎ Writing several letters makes him tired out.(带有宾语)‎ Becoming a millionaire overnight surprised him.(带有表语)‎ Talking with others with mouths full is a bad habit.(带有状语)‎ Tom’s celebrating his birthday costs a lot.(带有主语)‎ Having drunk a lot of wine yesterday night made him throw up.(带有宾语和状语的完成式)‎ Point、use、good、fun、nice、tiring、dangerous、worth、worthwhile、interesting、enjoyable、terrible等名词或形容词作表语时,可用it作形式主语,把真正的动名词主语后置。如:‎ It’s no point arguing with him.‎ It’s no use (good) taking that medicine.‎ It's tiring arranging a number of files.‎ It’s worth (worthwhile) reading the novel.‎ It’s very dangerous crossing the street at rush hours.‎ It’s terrible walking in the thick forest.‎ It’s enjoyable my going to the theatre.‎ ‎⑵ 作表语 Seeing is believing.‎ My task is directing other workers in the factory.‎ The most suitable way to prevent the air pollution is calling on people to do their part.‎ His worry is being dismissed by his company.‎ The pity is his having missed the moving film.‎ ‎⑶ 作宾语 a、 作动词宾语 常跟动名词作宾语的及物动词有(有时也可用动名词作宾语补足语):permit、allow、admit、enjoy、like、love、appreciate、hate、resent、fancy、stand、bear、anticipate、avoid、escape、complete、consider、delay、deny、excuse、finish、forgive、keep、miss、require、imagine、mind、postpone、pardon、prevent、practise、omit、overlook、foresee、predict、shirk、favor、justify、visualize、envision、despise、loathe、tolerale、bar、ban、prohibit、hinder、imply、picture、confirm、guarantee、involve、facilitate、reject、decline、acknowledge、recommend、suggest、advise、risk、stop、quit、resist、recall、recollect等。如:‎ Don’t imagine getting a piece of cake from the sky.‎ He anticipated playing the game.‎ The wise man enjoys taking good suggestions from others.‎ We should practice speaking English everyday as much as possible.‎ The park bans smoking.‎ He can’t stand being laughed.‎ Fancy seeing you.‎ Because of bad weather, we delay holding the sports meeting.‎ b、 作介词的宾语 动名词作介词宾语,常用在某些词组后面,如:look forward to、long for、get used to、go on、put off、think of、dream of、care for、give up、accuse…of、charge…with、take to、feel like、desirous ‎ of、fond of、difficulty in、pay attention to、set about、depend on、aim at、believe in、prevent…from、engaged in、be tired of、be afraid of、be capable of、guilty of、right in等。如:‎ I’m looking forward to receiving your letter.‎ Let’s go on talking about the history of the Second World War.‎ He dreams of picking up a million in the street.‎ Don’t give up making our way to the final success.‎ The man was accused of protecting the criminal.‎ I feel like having a breath of fresh air.‎ She is fond of hearing stories told by her old grandpa.‎ Let’s set about doing our work.‎ He aims at giving happiness to his wife.‎ She can’t help smiling at the good news.‎ can’t help doing相当于can’t avoid/resist或can’t refrain (keep) from doing或can’t keep/hold back from doing。‎ 动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语在句中常作状语和定语用。如:‎ He left my office without saying any word to me.‎ The way of solving the problem came up in yesterday’s meeting.‎ 这类用介词短语作定语的常见名词有:way(of)、method(of)、intention(of)、failure(in)、attempt at、chance/opportunity(of)、necessity(of)、time(for)、desire(of)、honor(of)、capacity(of)、habit(of)、hope(of)、purpose(of)、excuse(for)、reason(for)、astonishment(at)、means(of)等。‎ 上述的介词+动名词作定语,也可换成不定式作定语。如:‎ attempt at doing=attempt to do试图 way of doing=way to do方法 chance of doing=chance to do机会 time for doing=time to do时间 但名词ability、resolution、desire、effort、promise、ambition、tendency、determination等后接不定式作后置定语,而不用“介词of+动名词”结构。(因为这些名词大多是由常跟不定式的动词和形容词派生而来的,保持原有的搭配习惯,所以常用不定式作后置定语。)如:‎ He shows his ability to deal with others.(正)‎ He shows his ability of dealing with others.(误)‎ She made a promise to keep the date.(正)‎ She made a promise of keeping the date.(误)‎ 相反,名词idea、habit、method、purpose只用of+动名词作定语而不用不定式。如:‎ That’s a good idea of go swimming in summer.(正)‎ That’s a good idea to go swimming in summer.(误)‎ We should keep the habit of eating less at super.(正)‎ We should keep the habit to eat less at super.(误)‎ ‎⑷ 作定语 动名词作定语时,动名词表示该名词的用途。“动名词+名词”结构相当于“名词+for+动名词”结构。如:‎ a swimming pool=a pool for swimming a bathing suit=a suit for bathing a dining car=a car for dining drinking water=water for drinking 动名词作定语修饰名词,两者结合即构成合成复合名词。常见的有:‎ swimming pool游泳池 racing car赛车 drinking water饮用水 bathing suit游泳衣 cooking oil食用油 frying pan煎锅 waiting room候车室 operating room手术室 fishing rod钓鱼竿 writing table写字台 sleeping pill安眠药 parking lot停车场 dressing table梳妆台 driving licence驾驶证 hearing aid助听器 magnifying glass放大镜 在有的合成词中动名词却位于名词之后。‎ weightlifting举重 water surfing冲浪 family planning计划生育 sunbathing日光浴 fire fighting消防工作 stamp collecting集邮 ‎⑸ 作状语 动名词单独不能做状语,但放在介词后面,构成介词短语则可作状语,用以表示时间、原因、目的、让步、方式等。如:‎ After having breakfast, he went to school.(时间)‎ He was scolded for beating the little boy.(原因)‎ He left early with the intention of seeing his uncle off.(目的)‎ You can find the way by turning to the policeman for help.(方式)‎ For all his making great efforts, he failed at last.(让步)‎ 以上我们介绍了不定式和动名词的用法,下面将比较不定式和动名词的相同点和不同点,关键在于不同点的比较及相关用法比较。‎ 相同点:1、动名词和动词不定式都是非限定性动词,作为非谓语动词,在句中都不能充当谓语,但可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、补足语、状语等句子成分。‎ ‎2、两者都具有时态意义、语态意义及相应的复合结构形式。对于时态,两者都有一般式和完成式,都有主动语态和被动语态之分。‎ 不同点:1、两者的构成不同。动词不定式由to+动词原形构成或不带to的动词不定式;动名词由动词原形+ing构成。(构成上的差异)‎ ‎2、动词不定式有一般式,完成式,进行式和完成进行式;而动名词只有一般式和完成式,没有进行式和完成进行式。(时态多样性上的差异)‎ ‎ 3、作表语时不定式可表示用途、目的、原因等多种特殊含义,而动名词却不能。(作表语时意义上的差异)‎ ‎ 4、作定语时,动词不定式往往作后置定语,且常同被修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系;而动名词常作前置定语,且多表示被修饰词的某种用途。(作定语位置和意义上的差异)‎ ‎ 5、动词不定式在句中可单独充当各种状语,也可同in order或so as连用,可表示目的、结果、原因、条件、方面及方式、评述及独立主格中的伴随情况和评注性状语;动名词在句中不能单独充当状语,必须和相关介词或介词词组连用,共同构成介词短语作状语,作状语可表示时间、原因、目的、让步、方式等。(作状语构成和意义上的差异)‎ ‎ 6、动词不定式常用介词for或of引出逻辑主语构成不定式的复合结构或同关系代词或关系副词连用,构成动词不定式的复合结构;而动名词常同所有格、通格、数词、指示代词、不定代词连用,构成动名词的复合结构。‎ 非限定动词动词不定式和动名词逻辑主语表示法的比较,列表如下:‎ 逻辑主语表示法 非限定动词 逻辑主语+逻辑谓语(非限定动词)‎ 动词不定式分句 1、一般情况下用介词for+介词宾语+动词不定式。‎ ‎ 2、在思想、品德形容词后用介词of+介词宾语+动词不定式 动名词分句 1、较正式的表示法:用名词属格或形容词性物主代词+动名词 ‎ 2、非正式的表示法:用名词通格或代词宾格+动名词 ‎(复合结构及逻辑主语上的差异)‎ ‎7、在表示动作、时间和意志方面的差异:‎ 方面 非限定动词 动作 时间 意志 动词不定式 特指 一时、一次性动作 无意志上的支配 动名词 泛指 习惯、持续、反复性动作 有意志上的支配 上述三方面的区别主要体现在动词不定式和动名词作主语、宾语和表语上。如:‎ Going boating is very exciting.(泛指、习惯性动作)‎ To go boating will be exciting during our trip tomorrow.(特指、一次性动作)‎ I like eating out.(泛指习惯性动作)‎ I like to eat out with my best friend John.(特指一次性动作)‎ My happiest time is staying with parents.(泛指习惯性动作)‎ My happiest time is to stay with parents on the first day I return from abroad.(特指一次性动作)‎ I start doing my work.(有意志支配)‎ The engine starts to go wrong.(无意志支配)‎ ‎ 8、动词不定式和动名词作逻辑宾语和逻辑主语上的差异。‎ 动词不定式和动名词均可以作逻辑宾语和逻辑主语,用it充当形式宾语或主语,不定式作逻辑宾语和主语极为普遍。如:‎ I find it easy to look after the lovely baby.(逻辑宾语)‎ It is easy to look after the lovely baby.(逻辑主语)‎ It is a rule to reach the factory on time.(逻辑主语)‎ Our boss makes it a rule to reach the factory on time.(逻辑宾语)‎ 但动名词作逻辑宾语和主语只限于少数句型,一般只用于下面名词(短语)及形容词后。如:(no)good、(no)point、(no)sense、(no)fun、any good、a bore、a waste of time、interesting、terrible、dangerous、worth、worthwhile、tiring、enjoyable。如:‎ I find it no point taking in others.(逻辑宾语)‎ It is no point taking in others.(逻辑主语)‎ I think it a waste of time hanging about all day.(逻辑宾语)‎ It is a waste of time hanging about all day.(逻辑主语)‎ She thinks it enjoyable having a walk in the countryside.(逻辑宾语)‎ It is enjoyable having a walk in the countryside.(逻辑主语)‎ ‎ 9、动名词和动词不定式接在同一个动词后面时,所充当的句子功能不同。‎ 动词stop和quit可接动名词和动词不定式,但二者的功能不同,动名词作宾语而动词不定式作目的状语。(因为stop和quit既可作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,作及物动词时,后接动名词作宾语,作不及物动词时,后接不定式表目的)由此可以更好地理解:stop/quit doing sth表示“停止做某事”,而stop/quit to do sth表示“停下来去做另一件事情”的不同含义。如:‎ In order to keep health, he stopped smoking.(stop在此为及物动词,smoking为stop的宾语,句意为“为了保持身体健康,他停止了抽烟。”)‎ After working a long time, he stopped to have a rest.(stop在此为不及物动词,to have a rest为stop的目的状语,句意为“工作了好长时间,他停下来休息一下。”)‎ ‎ 10、动名词和动词不定式作为同一个及物动词宾语时,动名词表已完成的动作,不定式则表示未完成的动作即将发生的动作。‎ 常见的这类及物动词有:remember、forget、regret等。如:‎ I remember locking the door.(locking表示已完成的动作)‎ Remember to lock the door.(to lock表示未完成的动作而且是将要发生的动作)‎ I regret missing the film.(动名词missing指过去完成的动作)‎ I regret to say that I cannot come.(动词不定式to say指现在未完成的动作)‎ ‎ 11、某些动词之后只能用动名词,而另一些动词后只能用不定式。‎ 常后接动名词的动词有:acknowledge、admit、advocate、allow、permit、avoid、consider、contemplate、defer、delay、deny、complete、dislike、prevent、enjoy、escape、evade、fancy、finish、imagine、include、keep、mind、miss、postpone、practice、recall、recollect、repent、resent、resist、risk、stop、suggest、advise等。‎ 常后接不定式的动词有:afford、agree、aim、ask、claim、choose、decide、decline、demand、desire、determine、expect、fail、hope、wish、manage、offer、plan、pretend、promise、refuse等。‎ ‎ 12、动词后接动名词与不定式的异同 英语中有少数动词或动词短语既可后接动名词,又可后接不定式,常见的有:attempt、begin、start、commence、continue、deserve、dread、endure、fear、forget、hate、like、love、dislike、prefer、remember、intend、mean、need、want、require、regret、neglect、omit、proceed、propose、try、scorn、can’t help、go on、can’t bear、can’t endure等。‎ 上述动词后接的动名词与不定式在意义上往往没什么区别,但有时二者的意义却有所不同或完全不同。‎ neglect doing=neglect to do忽略做 continue doing=continue to do继续做 can’t bear(endure)doing=can’t bear(endure)to do受不了 begin/start/commence doing= begin/start/commence to do开始做 like/love doing=like/love to do喜欢做 intend doing=intend to do想要 dread doing=dread to do怕做 aspire to do=aspire to doing渴望去做 下面动名词和动词不定式所表达的意义却有所不同。‎ try doing尝试着 try to do试图、企图、努力 mean doing意味着 mean to do打算 remember doing记得做过 remember to do记得去做 stop/quit doing停止做 stop/quit to do停下来去做 can’t help doing禁不止 can’t help to do不能帮助 propose doing建议 propose to do打算 forget doing忘记做过 forget to do忘记去做 regret doing后悔做过 regret to do后悔去做 go on doing接着做 go on to do接下来去做 ‎③ 动名词的名词化 有的动名词只有名词的特征,没有动词的特征,我们把这种动名词称作名词化的动名词。(所以动名词和名词化的动名词最本质的区别是:动名词具有名词和动词的二重属性,而名词化的动名词则只有名词的属性,没有动词的属性。)下面将从用法和含义两个方面比较说明动名词和名词化的动名词。‎ ‎⑴ 用法上的区别。‎ a、 动名词没有复数形式而名词化动名词则可有复数形式;名词化的动名词和名词一样也可以有冠词和定语修饰,当然也有单复数之分,动名词则不可以。如:‎ What’s the price of the painting?‎ He made a living as a shop seller.‎ His acting is wonderful.‎ He keeps his savings in the bank.‎ The book told us his doings abroad.‎ English has many borrowings from other languages.‎ Everyone has some failings.‎ Good beginnings will bring good endings.‎ We shouldn’t hurt others’ feelings.‎ The science findings will explain the mystery.‎ Sufferings are part of our life.‎ b、 动名词有时态和语态的变化而名词化的动名词则没有(因为名词化的动名词不具有动词特征)。如:‎ I forget having finished my job.(动名词)‎ He hates being laughed at by others.(动名词)‎ c、 动名词用状语修饰(具有动词特征),而名词化动名词用形容词修饰,且可有后置定语。如:‎ She likes dancing together with a man in the ball.(动名词)‎ We should have a good understanding of our friend ship.(名词化动名词)‎ The ending of the film is a tragedy.(名词化动名词)‎ The coming of my parents makes me more confident.(名词化动名词)‎ d、 动名词常用it作形式主语,逻辑主语常为动名词前的所有格(属格和通格),名词、数词、指示代词、不定代词等;而名词化动名词的逻辑主语通常以介词of的宾语形式出现。如:‎ It’s terrible having a bad cold.‎ Do you mind my (me) changing a seat with you?‎ The shouting of the man is so noisy.‎ e、 及物意义的动名词可直接跟有宾语,名词化动名词的逻辑宾语要用of介词短语。如:‎ He dislikes speaking English in public.‎ The printing of paper is a hard job.‎ The collecting of stamps is a good hobby.‎ f、 动名词常作定语修饰名词,而相反地,名词化动名词常被名词修饰。如:‎ 动名词:swimming pool、fishing rod、writing table、dining hall、walking stick 名词化动名词:hand-writing、day-dreaming、tiger-hunting、stamp-collecting 注意:名词化的动名词和动名词同形,都是由动词+ing构成的,但是如果动词有其同根名词或形容词时,通常用其同根名词或形容词而不用名词化动名词。如:‎ The argument over the issue is fierce.(而不用arguing)‎ Her refusal makes him very sad.(而不用refusing)‎ ‎⑵ 含义上的区别 a、 名词化的动名词的动作意味较名词更强。如:‎ struggling----struggle flooding----flood negotiating----negotiation imaginating----imagination studying----study mentioning----mention b、 名词化的动名词表持续动作,名词则表一次性动作。如:‎ swimming(游泳)----a swim(一次游泳)‎ running(跑)----a run(跑一次)‎ rowing(划船)----a row(划一次船)‎ walking(散步)----a walk(一次散步)‎ talking(谈话)----a talk(一次谈话)‎ kissing(吻)----a kiss(一个吻)‎ lying(撒谎)----a lie(一个谎言)‎ c、 名词化的动名词表示未完成的动作,名词表已完成的动作(即结果)。如:‎ collecting(收集)----collection(收藏品)‎ working(工作)----work(作品)‎ translating(翻译)----translation(译作)‎ composing(作曲)----composition(乐曲)‎ combining(联合)----combination(联合体)‎ creating(创造)----creation(创造物)‎ thinking(想)----thought(思想)‎ d、 二者有时在意义是不同。如:‎ printing(印刷)----print(印刷的字体)‎ paying(付款)----pay(工资)‎ ending(结局)----end(结束)‎ coloring(着色)----color(颜色)‎ ‎⑶ 动名词形式的名词 a、 普通名词(有单复数变化),如:sewing缝补、covering覆盖物、drawing绘画、warning警告、writing文章、painting油画、meaning意义、reading读物、saying谚语、sitting一次开会 b、 普通名词(常用复数形式),如:incomings收入、feelings情感、greetings问候、earnings收入、belongings财产、savings储蓄、winnings奖金、surroundings问候 c、 抽象名词:surfing冲浪、hearing听、shooting射击、blessing祝福、bowling打保龄球、canoeing划小船、learning学识、accounting会计学、sightseeing观光 分词 ‎① 构成种类及特征 分词是动词的三种非限定形式之一,分词可分为:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词的形式是“动词原形+ing”;规则动词的过去分词在动词原形后面加“ed”。与动词不定式和动名词一样,分词也具有动词的特征,并可带状语、宾语等,有时态和语态的变化。现在分词具有动词和名词的双重属性;分词的否定形式在分词前加not。如:‎ She is a charming girl.(现在分词)‎ He likes eating smoked fish.(过去分词)‎ Having finished his job, he had a rest.(分词完成式)‎ The building being constructed is used as a museum.(分词被动式)‎ Having been writing my grammar book, I didn’t have time to do anything else.(分词完成进行式)‎ Running faster, he got the first prize in the race.(带状语)‎ Not knowing his address, I call him rather than write a letter.(分词否定式)‎ 分词的第一个显著特征:分词具有动词、形容词和副词的特征。‎ 分词具有动词的特征,决定了分词可带状语、宾语等;而分词具有形容词特征,因而在句中可作定语、表语及宾语补足语;具有副词的特征,在句中可充当状语。如:‎ Going down town, I called on my uncle.(现在分词going有状语down town)‎ The man driving that car is our director.(现在分词driving有宾语that car)‎ That is an interesting book.(现在分词作定语)‎ The boy is excited.(过去分词作表语)‎ What made you so disappointed? (过去分词作宾语补足语)‎ Being ill, I didn’t go to school.(现在分词作状语)‎ United, we stand; divided, we fall.(过去分词作状语)‎ 分词的第二个显著特征:分词的时态和语态意义。‎ ‎1、 时态意义 同动词不定式和动名词一样,分词的时态意义从属于谓语动词的时态。若分词所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生(或几乎同时发生)或表示正在发生,用现在分词的一般式;若分词所表示的动作发生在句中谓语所表示的动作之前,就要用分词的完成体或用过去分词(当分词作定语时)。‎ 现在分词的时态和语态变化 ‎ 语态 时态 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 完成进行时 having been done ‎ 因为过去分词本书就可表示被动含义和完成的动作,所以一般没有时态和语态上的变化,而通用一般式done的形式,不过being done可表示正在进行的动作,而to be done表示“将要发生的动作”。‎ Opening the door, he heard the telephone ringing.(几乎同时发生)‎ The man repairing the car is a worker.(动作正在进行)‎ Having passed the test, he didn’t feel nervous at all.(分词动作在前)‎ Having been objecting to this plan, he brought up a new one.(分词动作在前)‎ Asked by the police, he didn’t know what to say.(同时进行)‎ The paper being finished is an English one.(正在进行)‎ Having been hurt in an accident, he drove more carefully.(分词动作在前)‎ ‎2、 分词的被动语态 如果分词的逻辑主语是动作的执行者就用分词的主动形式,如果分词的逻辑主语是动作的承受者就用分词的被动形式。一般被动式表示正在进行的动作,完成被动式则强调动作一发生。如:‎ The man saving the drowning girl is really a hero.(主动关系)‎ The meeting being held will last two hours.(被动关系,分词动作正在进行)‎ Having been criticized many times, he behaved better.(被动关系,分词动作已完成)‎ ‎② 现在分词和过去分词的区别 现在分词和过去分词最本质的区别主要表现在语态和时间概述上,具体如下表。‎ 方面 分词 语态 时间 现在分词 主动(除被动式) 现在进行 过去分词 被动 已经完成 比较 the rising sun正在升起的太阳 the risen sun升起了的太阳 developing countries发展中国家 developed countries发达国家 the falling leaves纷纷飘落的叶子 the fallen leaves落了的叶子 the surprising result令人吃惊的结果 the surprised look感到吃惊的表情 the tiring job累人的工作 the tired worker感到疲乏的工人 a moving story动人的故事 a moved lady受感动的女士 boiling water正在沸腾的水 boiled water煮沸的水,开水 fading flowers正在凋谢的花 faded flowers凋谢了的花 exciting news振奋人心的消息 a excited boy感到兴奋地男孩 the changing weather变化着的天气 the changed weather已经发生变化的天气 ‎⑴ 同样地,合成现在分词表示主动,而合成过去分词表示被动或已完成。如:‎ ‎ 主动 被动或已完成 an epoch-making event划时代事件 a well-known writer著名的作家 an easy-going man随和的人 a well-read person博览群书的人 far-reading effects深远影响 a clear-cut reply明确的答复 oil-bearing crops油料作物 a much-travelled man见多识广的人 high-sounding words高调 a dimly-lighted room灯光暗淡的房间 ‎⑵ 作前置定语的现在分词既可以表示动作正在进行中,也可以表示不在进行中。如:‎ 在进行 不在进行 boiling water正在沸腾的水 running water自来水 setting sun落日 burning question燃眉之急 shining star闪烁的星星 reading public读者 ‎⑶ 过去分词也可以表示主动意义。过去分词作前置定语既可以表示已完成的被动动作(动词为及物动词),也可以表示已完成的主动动作(动词为不及物动词);在运用分词作前置定语时,有时会碰到这样的情况,所表示的动作既是主动同时又是已完成的动作,按主动意义应用现在分词,而从“已经完成了的”角度考虑,应用过去分词,如何处理呢?两者发生矛盾时,原则上语态服从时态,即以“已完成了的”为准。比较:‎ 主动动作(已完成) 被动动作(已完成)‎ retired worker退休工人 wounded soldier受伤士兵 escaped prisoner逃犯 improved condition改善了的环境 departed relatives离去的亲人 fried eggs煎鸡蛋 withered flowers枯萎的花 lost boy丢失的男孩 dated style过时的样式 smoken fish熏鱼 vanished memory消失的记忆 canned food罐头食品 英语中有许多不及物动词的过去分词用作前置定语时,表示的是已经完成的主动动作,指一种变化和状态,没有被动含义,几乎已成为形容词。‎ 这类动词除上述retired、escaped、withered、dated、vanished还有:‎ deceased wife亡妇 a drunken man醉汉 eloped pair私奔的男女 returned students回国的留学生 grown boys长大了的孩子 fled robber逃跑的强盗 the exploded bomb爆炸了的炸弹 travelled painters交游广的画家 shrunken clothes皱缩的衣服 gone days过去的岁月 aged writer年迈的作家 settled villagers安居的村民 expired license期满的通行证 failed candidate失败的候选人 new-arrived baby刚出生的婴儿 a run-away criminal逃犯 a burnt-out candle燃尽的蜡烛 a full blown rose盛开的玫瑰 对上述过去分词作定语,既可表示主动已完成的动作,又可表示被动已完成,要特别注意以下两点。‎ ‎1、 不管是及物动词还是不及物动词,凡是表示“已经完成了的”动作或被动动作做前置定语时,一律用过去分词而不用现在分词被动式。如:‎ a moved audience(正) a broken bike(正)‎ a being moved audience(误) a being broken bike(误)‎ ‎2、 及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示被动动作已完成,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句,而不及物动词的过去分词作定语表示主动动作已完成,相当于一个完成式的定语从句。如:‎ smoken fish相当于fish that is/has been smoken熏鱼 canned food相当于food that is canned罐头食品 a escaped prisoner相当于a prisoner that has escaped逃犯 a retired teacher相当于a teacher that has retired退休教师 vanished youth相当于youth that hasvanished逝去的青春 ‎⑷ 但有的过去分词作前置定语只表示主动意义,没有“已完成”的含义。如:‎ a learned man有学问的人(a man having much knowledge)‎ an experienced man有经验的人(a man having a lot of experience)‎ a well-behaved gentleman懂礼貌的绅士(a gentleman behaving well)‎ a contented man一个知足的人(a man who contents himself with what he was)‎ a practiced man技能娴熟的人(a man skilled through practice)‎ ‎⑸ 有的过去分词作前置定语只表示被动意义,没有“已完成”的含义。如:‎ guided missile导弹 so-called diplomat所谓外交家 ‎ a man-made satellite人造卫星 ‎⑹ 有些作前置定语的持续性动词的过去分词表示尚未完成或有待于进一步完成的动作,不过这种用法较少。如:‎ The workers demand increased wages.‎ Improved management is good for the company to produce.‎ ‎⑺ 和现在分词一样,有些过去分词也变成了形容词。它们失去了动词的性质,所以可以被副词very、too等修饰,也可有相应的比较级和最高级。这种过去分词常见的有:learned(博学的)、pleased(高兴的)、advanced(先进的)、aged(年老的)、surprised(惊讶的)、tired(厌倦的)、excited(激动的)、contented(满足的)、conceited(自负的)、disappointed(失望的)、interested(感兴趣的)、frightened(害怕的)、distinguished(杰出的)等。‎ ‎⑻ 尚未转化为形容词的过去分词用作定语或表语时,一般不可用副词very、too等修饰,但可用much修饰(因为much可修饰动词)。但少数未转化为形容词的过去分词也可用very修饰。常见的有:worried(担心的)、satisfied(满意的)、hurt(被伤害的)、shocked(吃惊的)、puzzled(迷惑的)、amazed(惊讶的)、balanced(平衡的)、exhausted(困乏的)、fascinated(被迷住的)等。‎ ‎⑼ 有些过去分词既可被much修饰又可被very修饰,但被much所修饰的过去分词的动词性质要强于被very所修饰的过去分词。如:‎ I felt much satisfied with the result.‎ She is very satisfied all the time.‎ 对于不知或不确定在某一过去分词之前用very还是much,则可以用副词greatly(greatly可修饰动词也可修饰形容词)。‎ ‎③ 功能 分词作为非限定动词在句中不可作谓语,也不可作主语或宾语。但分词具有动词特征同时又具有形容词和副词特征,因而在句中可以作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语等。‎ ‎⑴ 作定语 a、 单个分词作定语一般放在被修饰词之前,分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词之后,往往可以用定语从句代替,但完成式的现在分词短语不能用作定语。如:‎ A baking dog seldom bites.‎ Developing countries should quicken the economic development.‎ Working people are honorable.‎ A little children learning to walk often falls.‎ The man painting the wall is my father.‎ Her job is to take care of the wounded soldier.‎ Children disciplined when they are young behave very well.‎ Some of them born and brought up in rural villages had never seen a train.‎ 上面提到分词作定语往往可用定语从句代替,下面将从定语从句省略法角度去解析定语从句与分词作定语的内在本质联系。‎ 首先,从定语从句的一种省略方式入手,定语从句中有一种省略方式是这样的:在定语从句中,若先行词在定语从句中充当主语且定语从句中出现有be动词时,这时可将引导定语从句并在句中充当主语的关系代词连同be动词一块省略;若定语从句中没有be动词而是纯do的各种形式作谓语时(即do不和任何助动词和情态动词连用,即do、does和did三种谓语动词形式),这时同样可以将引导定语从句并在从句中充当主语的关系代词省略(因为定语从句失去了主语),所以必须把谓语动词do、does和did形式改为非谓语动词doing的形式。‎ 总结上述省略方式包括两种情况:一、谓语动词中出现be动词的省略方式。二、谓语动词为do、does和did的省略方式。‎ 接着结合分词进行进一步剖析:在第一种情况中,当表语为doing和done时,这时省略关系代词和be动词,便成了现在分词和过去分词短语作后置定语的形式(要注意这里的现在分词表示“动作正在进行”)。在第二种情况中,省去关系代词并将谓语变为doing的形式,便直接形成了现在分词作后置定语的形式(要注意这里的现在分词表示“主动”,不表示“动作正在进行”)。如:‎ The world that is changing brings both opportunities and challenges.‎ 省略后The changing world brings both opportunities and challenges.‎ The baby that is newly-born is a boy.‎ 省略后The newly-born baby is a boy.‎ The girl that is singing on the stage is my sister.‎ 省略后The girl singing on the stage is my sister.‎ The girl that dances elegantly is my sister.‎ 省略后The girl dancing elegantly is my sister.‎ The ship that is battered by the storm crept into the harbor.‎ 省略后The ship battered by the storm crept into the harbor.‎ 注意省略后单个分词要作前置定语,分词短语仍作后置定语。‎ 上述所举事例还原为定语从句:‎ A dog that is barking seldom bites.‎ Countries that are developing should quicken the economic development.‎ People that work are honorable.‎ A little child that learns to walk often falls.‎ The man that is painting the wall is my father.‎ Her job is to take care of the soldier that is wounded.‎ Children who are disciplined when they are young behave well.‎ Some of them who are born and brought up in rural villages had never seen a train.‎ 上面讲的都是分词作限制性定语,但有时候也可作非限制性定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。‎ He was a great realist, writing about ordinary men and women in their misfortunes.‎ 相当于He was a great realist, who wrote ordinary men and women in their misfortunes.‎ The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the Chinese delegation.‎ 相当于The meeting, which is attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the Chinese delegation.‎ 有时候分词短语与其所修饰的名词并不紧密相连,而被一些词语隔开。如:‎ Definitions should be given containing much fewer words than what they describe.‎ The concert was a great success given by the symphony orchestra.‎ b、 as可以引导分词短语作后置定语。如:‎ The guests as coming to celebrate his birthday are all relatives.‎ 相当于The guests who came to celebrate his birthday are all relatives.‎ His talent as shown in literature surprises everyone.‎ 相当于His talent which is shown in literature surprises everyone.‎ c、 作定语的分词已转化为形容词。‎ 用作定语的现在分词有两种,一种已转化为形容词,已无动词性质,这种现在分词不但可被副词very修饰,而且还有比较级和最高级的变化;另一种则仍有动词性质,不可被very修饰,可用much修饰,也没有比较级和最高级的变化。常见的已转化为形容词的现在分词有:surprising、amusing、interesting、astonishing、exciting、disappointing、pleasing、charming、daring、demanding、encouraging、confusing、discouraging、inviting、misleading、promising、striking等。‎ 但多数现在分词未转化为形容词,动词特征依然很强。如:‎ a changing world不断变化的世界 running water自来水 developing country发展中国家 working people劳动人民 a barking dog爱吠的狗 the neighboring states邻国 the exploiting classes剥削阶级 a knowing smile会意的微笑 a shining example光辉的榜样 welcoming speeches欢迎辞 a burning log正在燃烧的木头 guiding principles指导原则 用作定语的过去分词同现在分词一样,有的已转化为形容词,有的还具有动词的特征。常见的已转化为形容词的过去分词有:‎ surprised look吃惊的表情 annoyed expression困惑的表情 excited laughter兴奋地大笑 blessed rain喜雨 a decided step决定性的步骤 determined efforts坚定的努力 inspired words激动人心的话语 a troubled place是非之地 带前缀-un的过去分词许多已成为形容词。如:‎ an uneducated boy没受过教育的孩子 unknown heroes无名英雄 an unemployed workers失业工人 unequalled beauty倾国美貌 unexpected guests突来的客人 unsettled problems未解决的问题 unqualified drivers不合格的司机 unfounded evidences毫无根据的证据 undreamt-of result做梦都没想到的结果 undone work未做的工作 以-en或-n结尾的过去分词有些已变为形容词。如:‎ a broken heart破碎的心 hidden meaning隐含的意义 frozen food冷冻食品 a rotten egg坏蛋 a sunken cheek凹陷的脸颊 a swollen face肿胀的脸 sawn timber锯好的木材 ill-gotten money不义之财 d、 分词作定语时意义上的转移 分词作定语时,表面修饰人却指代物,表面上修饰物却指代人,变成所谓的转移形容词。‎ 作前置定语的现在分词可以是及物动词,但更多的是不及物动词,作前置定语的及物动词的现在分词其意义上宾语可以是人也可以是物。‎ 意义上的宾语为人 a moving film=a film that moves people一部感人的电影 a loving father=a father who loves children慈爱的父亲 an interesting story=an story that interests people一个有趣的故事 an exciting game=a game that excites people令人兴奋的比赛 a fascinating girl=a girl that fascinates people迷人的女孩 a convincing promise=a promise that convinces people令人信服的承诺 意义上的宾语为物 inviting scenery=the scenery that invites people’s attention诱人的景象 an understanding man=a man that understands other’s feelings a knowing man=a man who knows the secret a forgiving smile=a smile that shows forgiveness 常用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物上,形成转移形容词。这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但所修饰的事物仍与人有直接关系,实质意义上还是指人。如:‎ The minister stared at him in startled admiration.‎ At this, he burst into loud, surprised laughter.‎ The boy looked up with a pleased expression.‎ 再如:a decided step坚定性的步骤、a determined effort坚定的努力、a troubled place是非之地、guarded optimism审慎的乐观 有时及物的过去分词所修饰的名词并非是承受者,反而是动作的执行者。如:a devoted friend一个忠实的朋友、a practiced man一个技艺娴熟的人、a convinced advocate一个坚定不移的倡导者、a threatened criminal具有危险性的罪犯 e、 常用分词作定语举例 单个分词作定语 pressing questions急迫的问题 the wounded soldier受伤的士兵 a knowing smile一个会意的微笑 a decided step决定性的步骤 developing countries发展中国家 developed countries发达国家 working people劳动人民 a troubled place是非之地 running water自来水 smoken fish熏鱼 the changing world不断变化的世界 armed forces武装部队 the neighboring states邻国 canned food罐装食品 a standing committee常务委员会 planned economy计划经济 everlasting friendship永恒的友谊 required course必修课 existing laws现存法律 a disappointed look失望的表情 a bleeding nose流血的鼻子 steamed bread面包馍 astonishing result令人吃惊的结果 cooked food熟食 a leading figure领导人物 a forced smile强笑 living things生物 reduced prices低价 tiring work累人的工作 dried fruit干果 convincing evidence有说服力的证据 a broken heart破碎的心 a disgusting smell令人厌恶的气味 revised edition修订本 humiliating treaty屈辱的条约 finished product成品 devastating war破坏性极大的战争 hidden meaning隐含的意义 an aging population老龄化人口 strained relation紧张的关系 the ruling group统治集团 polluted air受污染的空气 a booming city繁荣的城市 a drunken man醉汉 an embarrassing situation令人尴尬的局面 withered flowers枯萎的花 tempting food诱人的食物 expired pact期满的协议 合成分词作定语(本身有动状关系或动宾关系,通常由连字符连接,有时也可不用)‎ an epoch-making event划时代事件 hand-made bread手工馍 a time-consuming job费时间的工作 a hand-operated machine手工操作机器 oil-bearing crops油料作物 half-finished product半成品 a record-breaking game创纪录的比赛 a self-employed shop个体商店 a mouth-watering food诱人的食物 a well-dressed lady穿着讲究的女士 far-reaching effects深远影响 a clear-cut reply明确的答复 long-lasting interest长远利益 well-defined rules明确的规定 a long-running fight长期的斗争 badly-paid workers收入低的工人 hard-working people勤劳的人民 a well-designed plan精心设计的计划 never-ending quarrel没完没了的争吵 a long-awaited guest期待已久的客人 fine-sounding words动听的言辞 a cautiously worded statement措辞谨慎的申明 close-fitting clothes紧身衣 a powerfully built man身材魁梧的男子 f、 分词作定语应该注意的问题 ‎⑴ 现在分词的时间意义 现在分词作定语要么表示一个正在进行的动作,一个即将发生的动作。要么表示某个状态,要么表示长久或永久性的特点,这时形容词性更强。如:‎ We can see the small tree dancing happily in the wind.(=that is dancing happily in the wind表示正在进行的动作)‎ Look at the bird flying in the sky.(=that is flying in the sky表示正在进行的动作)‎ We are estimating the number of people attending the meeting.(=that will attend the meeting表示将要发生的动作)‎ There is a table standing in the corner.(=that stands in the corner表示状态)‎ Anyone respecting others will be respected.(=that respects others表示长久性)‎ All of us are living creatures.(表示长久性或永久性特点)‎ It’s a flying bird.(=that can fly表示长久性或永久性特点)‎ 由上述现在分词作定语的特点可知,如果现在分词短语作后置定语时,所表示的动作在时间上同谓语动词所表示的时间不符合上述条件时,则不能使用现在分词短语作后置定语,而应使用定语从句。比较:‎ The policeman asks whether she can recognize the man breaking into her room.(误)‎ The policeman asks the victim whether she can recognize the man who broke into her room.(正)‎ 根据上述现在分词短语作定语的特点之一可知,现在分词短语作后置定语时在时间是同谓语动词表示的时间应该同时发生,而且强调一个正在进行的动作。而上述例句明显可以看出“break into her room”这个动作发生在“ask the victim”之前,所以现在分词所表示的动作同谓语动词动作既不同时发生也不正在进行,所以不能用现在分词短语作后置定语而必须用地狱从句。所以第一句是错误的,而第二句是正确的。‎ Do you the girl having gone to Beijing University? (误)‎ Do you know the girl that has gone to Beijing University? (正)‎ 根据现在分词的时态意义可知,现在分词的完成式“having done”所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以这明显违背了现在分词作定语时的时间意义,所以第一句是错的,而第二句是正确的,这也充分映正了前面所说的“having done”现在分词的完成式结构不能作定语,这时必须用定语从句表达。‎ Is anyone swimming across the river? (误)‎ Is anyone that can swim across the river? (正)‎ ‎“swim across the river”并非表示长久或永久性的特点,所以第一句是错误的,而第二句是正确的。‎ 由此我们知道了用现在分词短语代替定语从句的条件:定语从句的谓语动词所表示的时间同主句谓语动词的时间相一致时。如:‎ Do you know the student talking (who is talking) to the old man?‎ ‎⑵ 过去分词的时间意义 a、 过去分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。如:‎ The plan made by the man is so effective. (=The plan that was made by the man.)‎ Most of the guests invited to the party were his relatives. (=who had been invited to the party)‎ b、 去过分词表示与句中谓语动词相应的经常性的动作。如:‎ The product exported to the world market is of good quality. (=which is exported to the world market)‎ He is a good boss respected by all his workers. (=who is respected by all his workers)‎ c、 过去分词表示一个正在进行的动作常用being+过去分词结构,而表示一个将来动作常用to be+过去分词结构。如:‎ The meeting being held (which is being held) is very important.‎ Will you attend the meeting to be held (which is to be held) tomorrow?‎ d、 表示长久或永久性特点,形容词特点更强。如:‎ He sold his used car. (=old)‎ Stolen love, though dangerous, tastes exceptionally sweet. (=sweet)‎ ‎⑶ 单个分词(现在分词和过去分词)一般作前置定语而不放在名词后作后置定语,但也在下面几种情况下,单个分词却可作后置定语。‎ a、 表示对比或强调。如:‎ There are many people coming and going around the cinema.‎ In western countries, it is very common that money spent is more than money earned.‎ Now, there are a lot of people succeeding and failing.‎ b、 被修饰的名词前有形容词最高级或是代词all、those、one、any等。‎ He is the best writer known.‎ She is the most famous black leader living.‎ All participating must arrive on time.‎ Those remaining should be well prepared for the trouble.‎ He is like one charmed.‎ Any person resisting shall be charged.‎ Most of the people dancing are young girls.‎ c、 在固定结构和习惯用法中。如:‎ in the year following(在第三年相当于in the next year)‎ for the time being(暂时)‎ for years running(一连数年)‎ That’s nothing doing.(不行)‎ He is a poet born.(或a born poet)‎ ‎⑵ 作表语 分词作表语时,现在分词往往表示主语所具有的特征,现在分词具有形容词的性质,所以可以用作表语。这种现在分词已变作形容词,可被very等副词修饰,也可有比较级和最高级的变化。过去分词作表语往往表示主语的状态或状况。(所以有时候会出现不及物动词的过去分词作表语的情况,这里的不及物动词的过去分词并非表示被动关系,而不是一种状态或状况。这类的结构是“主语+系动词+不及物动词过去分词”的主系表结构而不是被动句结构。如:the sun is risen表示“太阳在升起”。)如:‎ The words are encouraging.‎ The story is very interesting.‎ She seems unthinking.‎ The girl is very charming.‎ Don’t touch the electric wire because it is broken.‎ He is gone.(表状态而非被动)‎ She is deeply read in the novel.‎ The boy felt excited at the good news.‎ I’m determined to write a book of my own.‎ I am convinced of his honesty.‎ He was sunk in thought.‎ He got promoted.‎ The mother was satisfied that his son had made such great achievements.‎ 分词作表语可置于句首,用于倒装句中。如:‎ Attending the meeting are all the deans of universities and colleges in China.‎ Leading to the village is a small and narrow path.‎ Covering much of the earth’s surface is a blanket of water.‎ Gone are the days when we usually went hungry.‎ ‎⑶ 作宾语补足语 分词一般只在两类动词后补语:感觉、感官动词和使级动词、致使动词。作补语的现在分词表示正在进行的主动意义,过去分词则表示已经完成的被动意义。常用于以下四种句子结构中。‎ 结构 关系 动作 感觉、感官动词+宾语+现在分词补语 主动(逻辑是的主谓关系) 正在进行 感觉、感官动词+宾语+过去分词补语 被动(逻辑上的动宾关系) 已经完成 使级、致使动词+宾语+现在分词补语 主动(逻辑上的主谓关系) 正在进行 使级、致使动词+宾语+过去分词补语 被动(逻辑上的动宾关系) 已经完成 a、 感觉、感官动词后的分词宾补 常见的这类动词有:see、notice、watch、observe、look at、hear、listen to、feel、smell、find等。如:‎ I saw the boy playing with his toy.‎ Can you hear somebody singing upstairs?‎ I smell something burning.‎ She found the factory renovated.‎ He saw the criminal caught by the police.‎ When I returned, I found my room broken into.‎ b、 使级、致使动词后的分词宾补。‎ 常见的这类动词有:have、set、catch、make、get、keep、leave、send等。如:‎ Please have the machine going.‎ I won’t have you talking to your mother in such a rude way.(have在此表示不允许)‎ His lecture gets me thinking of my old parents.‎ His father caught him smoking secretly in the corner.‎ The teacher’s arrival sends us stopping speaking.‎ The story leaves me recalling my childhood.‎ I want to have my room painted.‎ He spoke so loudly in order to make himself heard.‎ We should get the job finished as soon as possible.‎ 既然上述两类动词后面都可以跟现在分词或过去分词作宾语补足语,那么如何判断和确定用现在分词还是过去分词呢?关键要把握分词的核心动词与宾语之间的逻辑关系。逻辑上构成主谓关系时,即宾语与分词之间是主动关系,这时便用现在分词作宾补。相反,如果分词的核心动词与宾语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,即宾语与分词之间是被动关系,这时便用过去分词作宾补。当然也可根据动作的“正在进行”还是“已经完成”进行判断,表示的动作“正在进行”,便用现在分词;表示的动作“已经完成”,便用过去分词。其次,对于分词核心动词的及物性和不及物性的明确界定也可判定使用小现在分词还是过去分词,如果分词的核心动词为不及物动词(或及物动词后紧跟有宾语时),这时用现在分词作宾补(因为在此种情况下,宾语同分词间只能构成逻辑上的主谓关系,表主动,构成不了逻辑上的动宾关系);而分词的核心动词为及物动词且后边没有宾语时,这时要用过去分词作宾补(因为一个及物动词必须跟有宾语才完整,既然后边没有宾语,那么就决定了句中的宾语必然充当其逻辑宾语,构成逻辑上的被动关系)。‎ c、 作宾语补足语的现在分词前可以加上as,前面的动词多用regard、quote、describe、consider、see、think of等。如:‎ We consider this language phenomenon as being useful.(being可省去,as后直接跟形容词)‎ She quoted a story as proving her words.‎ They described the young man as having initiative and drive.‎ I considered myself as having done my best.‎ They regarded the contract as having been broken. ‎ d、 作宾语补足语的分词如果表示正在进行的动作前面要加being。如:‎ He saw the sick old woman being taken to the hospital.‎ When the boy woke up, he found himself being looked after by a kind lady.‎ e、 分词作宾补的几种特殊情况及意义。‎ ‎⑴ make后吧宾语补足语只能用过去分词,不能用现在分词。如:‎ He couldn’t make himself understood.‎ The singer makes herself known for her beautiful songs.‎ 后接过去分词作宾语补足语的make后常接反身代词作宾语。‎ ‎⑵ set后的宾语补足语通常是现在分词,而不用过去分词。如:‎ He sets his broken watch going again.‎ The lecture set all of us thinking a lot about our future.‎ 对上述用分词作宾语补足语的结构,变成被动语态后,相应的宾语补足语就变成了主语补足语。如:‎ The fire had been reported controlled.‎ The accident was considered as having been caused by the icy road.‎ f、 感觉、感官类动词后现在分词宾补和不定式宾补的区别。‎ 这类动词后可以用现在分词作宾语补足语,也可以用不带to的不定式作宾补,其区别是:现在分词宾补表示动作正在进行尚未完成,不是全过程。不定式宾补表示动作的完成是全过程。另外,短暂性动作的现在分词作宾补表示动作的反复,而不定式则表示动作的一次性。比较:‎ He heard the dog biting.(=the dog was biting)(表示动作正在进行)‎ I was glad to hear my grandpa tell me a story.(my grandpa told me a story)(动作已完成是动作的全过程)‎ ‎—Do you hear the telephone ringing?‎ ‎—Yes, I do. I hear it ring twice.‎ ‎—I heard the door slamming.(反复动作)‎ ‎—I heard the door slam.(一次性动作已完成)‎ ‎⑷ 作状语 分词作状语时,表示的动作是主语动作的一部分(因为分词的逻辑主语便是句子的主语)。与谓语表示的动作或状态同时或几乎同时发生的,有时先于谓语动词的动作发生。分词作状语一般均要用逗号同其他成分隔开,分词可以作时间、原因、方式、条件、结果、目的、让步等状语。(对此已在省略法一章中深刻剖析了分词作状语同状语从句的内在本质联系,所以学习该部分时要结合省略法一章中相应部分学习。)‎ a、 作时间状语时,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。‎ 这类状语通常放在句子前半部分,若两个动作同时发生可在分词前加上when或while(而其他引导时间状语从句的词as、since则不可这么用),表示强调。如:‎ Working down the street, I ran into my old friend.(与谓语动词同时发生)‎ Climbing to the top of the hill, we saw a beautiful view.(先于谓语动词发生)‎ Stopping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the truck.(先于谓语动词发生)‎ He cut himself while shaving.‎ When doing housework, she heard somebody knocking at the door.‎ Hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.相当于When she heard the bad news, she burst into tears.‎ 作时间状语的分词短语也可放在句中或句尾,放在句尾时最强调。如:‎ Flying over the channel, the pilot saw a meteorite.‎ The pilot, flying over the channel, saw a meteorite.‎ The pilot saw a meteorite, flying over the channel.‎ 如果分词表示的动作紧接着谓语动作之后发生,分词应放在句尾。如:‎ He went out, shutting the door behind him.‎ 如果分词表示的动作先发生,谓语动词动作紧接着就发生,分词短语应放在句首,不能放在句尾。如:‎ Seeing a car coming, they stopped their steps.(正)‎ They stopped their steps, seeing a car coming.(误)‎ b、 作原因状语相当于as、since、because引导的从句。‎ 这类状语常位于句子前半部分,有时偶尔也可位于句末。如:‎ Being sick, I stay at home.(现在分词being常表原因)‎ 相当于Because I am sick, I stay at home.‎ Living in the country, we had few social engagements.‎ 相当于As we lived in the country, we had few social engagements.‎ Overcome with surprise, she was unable to utter a word.‎ 相当于Because she was overcome with surprise, she was unable to utter a word.‎ A bit frightened, he went back.‎ 相当于As he was a bit frightened, he went back.‎ Being spring, all the trees turn green.‎ ‎=It being spring, all the trees turn green.‎ ‎=As it is spring, all the trees turn green.‎ It表时间时,作为分词的逻辑主语常可省略。‎ There being no buses, he walked back.(现在分词there being常作状语)‎ 相当于Because there were no buses, he walked back.‎ Seeing that it is going to rain, he takes an umbrella.(seeing that是一种表原因的固定说法)‎ The doctor, not wanting to make the patient worried, didn’t tell the seriousness of his illness.(位于句中)‎ He took to running commercials in cities close to the Canadian border, knowing that these would reach a big Canadian audience.(knowing that也是常表原因的固定说法)‎ 注意有些现在分词可看作原因状语,亦可看作时间状语。如:‎ He tore his trousers climbing the tree.‎ ‎=He tore his trousers when he climbed the tree.(表时间)‎ ‎=He tore his trousers because he climbed the tree.(表原因)‎ 由此我们知道,当把分词作状语转化为状语从句时,不一定转化为某种状语从句,只要意义上能说得通可转换为多种状语从句。‎ c、 作方式或伴随状况状语 作方式或伴随状况状语时,不能用状语从句替换,但可以改成and连接的两个并列句。如:‎ He lay reading a novel. (=He lay and read a novel.)‎ They sat watching the TV program. (=They sat and watched the TV program.)‎ He ran to school breathing heavily. (=He ran to school and breathed heavily.)‎ He stood learning against the wall. (=He stood and learned against the wall.)‎ He entered college at eighteen, graduating four years later with flying colors. (=and graduated four years later with flying colors)‎ The teacher came in, followed by two students. (=and was followed by two students)‎ Dressed in red, she looks more beautiful.‎ He left disappointed. (=and was disappointed)‎ He came running into the room. (=and ran into the room)‎ The hunter lay on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast.‎ 对分词作方式或伴随状语要特别注意以下几点。‎ ‎1、 不同于分词作其他状语,如时间、原因、条件、结果、让步等状语,可同相应的状语从句进行转换,但分词表示方式或伴随状语可以改写成并列句。‎ ‎2、 过去分词形式的形容词可用作方式和伴随状语,对整个句子进行补充说明,而不是修饰句中的谓语动词或整个句子,所以不可误将形容词形式的过去分词变成副词形式。‎ d、 作条件状语,相当于if、unless等引导的条件状语从句。‎ 分词作状语表示条件通常放在句首,常见的引导条件状语的分词有:given、supposed、supposing、considering、provided、granted(这些词后面可跟词也可接一个句子)。如:‎ Studying hard, you will make great progress.相当于If you study hard, you will make great progress.‎ Given another chance, I’ll succeed.相当于If I am given another chance, I’ll succeed.‎ Seen in this way, the matter is not so serious.相当于If the matter is seen in this way, the matter isn’t so serious.‎ United, we stand; divided, we fall.相当于If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fall.‎ 要注意区分:分词作条件状语与表条件的“祈使句+and+一般将来时”结构。‎ 两者都可表示条件,前者用分词的形式,而后者采用祈使句(动词原形)表示条件,且与一般将来句子连用,中间用and连接。试比较:‎ Turning left, you will find the hospital.相当于If you turn left, you will find the hospital.‎ Turn left and you will find the hospital.相当于If you turn left, you will find the hospital.‎ e、 作结果状语,相当于so that引导的从句。‎ 这类状语通常放在句子的后半部分,分词前面往往有副词thus、thereby或only,并有逗号同前面句子隔开,常可译为“于是,所以,因而”等。这种分词的逻辑主语,既可以是句子的主语,也可以是前面的整个句子。逻辑主语为前面的整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。如:‎ It rained heavily, causing serious flooding in this country.‎ The glass fell on the floor, coming into pieces.‎ The middle-age man died, leaving his wife and three children.‎ He watered the withered flowers, only making things worse.‎ She turned off the light, thereby seeing nothing.‎ The driver drove fast and carelessly, thus leading to a serious accident.(相当于which led to a serious accident)‎ 不定式也常表结果状语,分词作结果状语与不定式作结果状语的区别是:不定式常表示出人意料的结果,而分词则常表示顺其发展自然而然的结果。比较下面两个例句:‎ He got up so early, only to miss the train.‎ He got up quite late, missing the first train.‎ f、 作让步状语,相当于though、even if等引导的让步状语从句。‎ 表示让步或条件的分词短语作状语通常要放在主语前,一般不放在句尾。如:‎ Sick, the teacher continues to go to class as usual.‎ 相当于Although he is sick, the teacher continues to go to class as usual.‎ Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.‎ 相当于Although they knew all this, they made me pay for the damage.‎ Making great efforts, he failed in the exam finally.‎ 相当于Although he made great efforts, he failed in the exam finally.‎ Laughed at by others, he makes his own way.‎ 相当于Although he is laughed at by others, he makes his own way.‎ Left to his own devices, he didn’t stop making efforts.‎ 相当于Even if he was left to his own devices, he didn’t stop making efforts.‎ g、 作状语的分词短语前的连词 分词短语作状语时,有时前面可加上一个连词表示强调(突出分词所表示的状语的含义)。常用的连词有:when、while、after、before、if、unless、whether…or…、as if等。如:‎ When playing basketball, he heard somebody calling him.‎ Before making the final decision, we must think twice.‎ After having a rest, the worker felt less tired.‎ Whether standing or lying, she was not at ease.‎ The bad will go bad unless stored in the ice box at once.‎ The river is flowing happily ad if singing a beautiful song.‎ 对于上述情况可以从状语从句省略法角度进行考虑,看作是省略了从句中进行时态的主语和be动词或省去从句主语而把谓语动词变成非谓语动词形式。对此在省略法一章相应的状语从句省略部分已详尽阐述,可结合该部分进行深刻理解。‎ 如果这些连词后的分词是being或含有being,则being常常省略。如:‎ When (being) alone, he will think of his late wife.‎ Though (being) wounded, the soldier was on guard as usual.‎ As if/though (being) frightened, the dog bites like crazy.‎ If (being) considered further, our plan will be better.‎ Though (being) a poor man, he likes helping others.‎ Though (being) on the island alone, he didn’t feel lonely.‎ While (being) in the army, he shows his perseverance.‎ 分词being+形容词、名词介词短语,表示时间、原因、让步、伴随等,可放在主语前(最自然常见)、主语后(较正式和文气)、也可以放在句尾,这种用法中的being常可省略。如:‎ ‎(Being) sick, he didn’t attend the meeting.‎ He, (being) sick, didn’t attend the meeting.‎ ‎(Being) a little child, he knows how to weigh the elephant.‎ He, (being) a little child, knows how to weigh the elephant.‎ He knows how to weigh the elephant, (being) a little child.‎ ‎(Being) in a bad mood, the girl said few words.‎ The girl said few words, (being) in a bad mood.‎ The girl, (being) in a bad mood, said few words.‎ h、 现在分词充当副词功能 英语中有少数现在分词可用作副词,修饰形容词,强调其程度或状态,表示“极、非常”,相当于very、exceedingly等。如:‎ freezing(biting、piercing)cold极冷 staring red鲜红 burning(steaming、scorching、piping、scalding)hot酷热 soaking(drenching、dripping、sopping)wet湿透 raving(raging)mad疯狂 ‎④ 分词的逻辑主语与分词的独立主格结构 ‎⑴ 分词作定语时的逻辑主语。‎ 分词作定语的逻辑主语就是它所修饰的词。如:‎ an exciting game=a game that excites all the audience an interesting story=a story that interests its readers a rolling stone=a stone that rolls ‎⑵ 一般情况下,作状语的分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。‎ 分词作状语时,所表示的动作应该是句中主语所执行或承受的动作(分词的动作如果是主语所发出的,用现在分词;若是主语所承受的动作便用过去分词)。如果分词或分词短语所表示的动作不是句中主语所发出或承受的,那就是误用,这是解决分词作状语的关键,弄清这一点,对于判断分词结构的正误很有帮助。前面提到的分词所表示的多种状语,它们的逻辑主语都是句子的主语,在此将通过比较的方式去感受分词作状语时的逻辑主语。如:‎ Seen from the top of the hill, he had a good view of the whole village.(误)‎ Seen from the top of the hill, the village looks more beautiful.(正)‎ Seeing from the top of the hill, he had a good view of the whole village. (正)‎ Seeing from the top of the hill, the village looks more beautiful. (误)‎ When taking the medicine, you must read the directions of it. (正)‎ When taking the medicine, the directions of it must be read. (误)‎ 但分词作状语时,在少数情况下,其逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,其动作既不是句子的主语发出的,也不是主语所承受的,这种用法的分词用来修饰全句,作批注性状语。如:‎ Judging from his face, he must be over sixty.‎ Generally speaking, boys are not so quiet as girls.‎ 上述这种结构只限于很少的几个动词,如:judging from/by从…判断、generally speaking一般说来、broadly speaking大体上说、strictly speaking严格说来、comparatively speaking比较地说、roughly speaking粗略地说、properly speaking正确地说、taking one with other总而言之、considering考虑到、talking of谈到、putting it mildly说得客气一点、regarding/touching/respecting关于、including包括、excluding不包括、granting that即使、calculating roughly大致算来。‎ ‎⑶ 分词的独立主格 前面讲到分词作状语时,如果没有主语,那么它的逻辑主语便是句子的主语。当然分词也可带有自己的主语,这便构成了分词的独立主格(即带有自己主语的分词短语)。(对于分词的独立主格结构可从状语从句中,主从句的主语不一致时的省略法去考虑,具体请参照省略法一章相关部分。)独立主格结构一般位于句首,有时也居句尾,便是伴随状况时,常居句尾。分词的独立主格结构由逻辑主语(名词、代词)+分词构成,可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式和伴随情况等(同分词作状语基本相同,只不过分词的独立主格作状语时带有自己的主语)。分词的独立主格作状语时,也可同相应的状语从句替换,在分词独立主格结构中,分词的逻辑主语可以是分词动作的执行者,也可以是分词动作的承受者;可以是现在分词,还可以是分词的完成式或被动式。‎ ‎① 逻辑主语+现在分词 这种结构表示主动意义。如:‎ Weather permitting, we’ll go hiking.(表示条件,相当于If weather permits)‎ Workers using the machine, the instructions must be read carefully.(表示时间,相当于When workers use the machine)‎ Nobody answering his question, the teacher said it by himself.(表示原因,相当于Since nobody answered his questions, the teacher said it by himself.)‎ She cooked the dinner, her husband cleaning the floor.(表示伴随状况,相当于and her husband cleaned the floor)‎ ‎② 逻辑主语+过去分词 这种结构表示被动意义。如:‎ The table set, they began to have a dinner.(表示时间,相当于When the table was set, they began to have a dinner.)‎ Another chance given, I will succeed.(表示条件,相当于If another chance is given, I will succeed.)‎ He came back finally, his face covered with mud.(表示伴随状况,相当于his face was covered with mud)‎ ‎③ 逻辑主语+分词的完成式或分词的完成被动式 这种结构表示先完成的主动意义或先完成的被动意义。如:‎ The bike having broken, he walked back.(表示原因、相当于Because the bike had broken, he walked back.)‎ The sun having risen, birds begin to sing.(表示时间,相当于When the sun has risen, birds begin to sing.)‎ So great efforts having been made, he didn’t make any progress.(表示让步,相当于Though s o great efforts had been made, he didn’t make any progress.)‎ The man having taken his secretary’s suggestion, the company wouldn’t have gone out of business.(表示条件,相当于If the man had taken his secretary’s suggestion, the company wouldn’t have gone out of business.)‎ ‎④ there+being+其他成分 这种结构多表示原因,放在句首,也可放在句尾,其中的being不可省。如:‎ There being no bus, he took a taxi. (=Because there were no buses)‎ There being nothing to do, she had a walk in the park to kill time. (=Because there was nothing to do)‎ The salesman closed the shop, there being no customers. (=Because there were no customers)‎ ‎⑤ 独立主格中,可省去being或having been的结构 在下面的结构中分词being或having been常可省略。‎ 逻辑主语+being+形容词 逻辑主语+being+副词 逻辑主语+being+名词 逻辑主语+being+介词短语 逻辑主语+being+不定式 逻辑主语+being+过去分词 逻辑主语+having been+过去分词 The teacher talked to the student, his face (being) serious.(形容词)‎ My mother expressed her sadness to me, his eyes (being) full of tears.(形容词短语)‎ Class (being) over, students rushed out quickly.(副词)‎ He slept on the bed, his face (being) downwards.(副词)‎ There are seven people in my family, the oldest (being) my mother.(名词)‎ She arrived here, her hair (being) a wreck.(名词)‎ Our teacher came in, book (being) in her hand.(介词短语)‎ He stood on deck, pipe (being) in mouth.(介词短语)‎ The man planned to buy a new flat, his father (being) to lend some money to him.(不定式主动形式)‎ He has read 2/3 of the book, the rest (being) to be finished within three days.(不定式的被动形式)‎ This (being) done, he left his office.(过去分词)‎ The test (having been) passed, she relaxed a lot.(过去分词)‎ Over one thousand people took part in the activity, most of them students.(名词)‎ 当然,独立主格结构不仅仅局限于分词,还有许多其他形式的独立主格。下面我们将对独立主格结构这种语法现象全面展开。‎ 独立主格的实质和类型 所谓“独立主格结构”实质上是带有自己主语的非限定从句和无动词分句。其实,所谓“独立结构”‎ 并非真正独立,它还是一种独立分句(可从状语从句省略法角度予以分析),独立主格结构按其结构形式,分为不定式独立结构、现在分词独立结构、过去分词独立结构和无动词独立结构(即带有自己逻辑主语的形容词、副词、名词、介词短语形式的独立结构,只不过是省略了being)。独立主格结构通常在句中起状语分句的作用。如:‎ A number of officials followed the emperor, some to hold his robe, others to adjust his girdle and so on.(不定式独立结构)‎ These three brothers took part in their own activities, Tom to go boating, John to go fishing and Jim to go swimming.(不定式独立结构)‎ You mustn’t sit, your feet pointing at other people.(现在分词独立主格结构)‎ Weather permitting, we’ll go out to play.(现在分词独立结构)‎ He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.(过去分词独立结构)‎ The problem settled, they went back to work.(过去分词独立主格)‎ He entered the room, his nose red with cold.(形容词独立结构)‎ She did the experiment, the door closed.(形容词独立结构)‎ He fell asleep, the radio on.(副词独立结构)‎ The meeting over, all of us left.(副词独立结构)‎ He went off, gun in hand.(介词短语独立结构)‎ The lady sat down, baby in her arms.(介词短语独立结构)‎ Many goods are exported, many of them electronic products.(名词独立结构)‎ 独立结构中的逻辑主语前有时可以加上with或without作伴随状语或定语,这种结构除能用分词外,还可以用不定式、形容词、介词短语、副词或名词等(这与with的复合结构也是相一致的)。如上述诸例句:‎ A number of officials followed the emperor, with some to hold his robe, with others to adjust his girdle and so on.‎ These three brothers took part in their own activities, with Tom to go boating, with John to go fishing and with Jim to go swimming.‎ You mustn’t sit, with your feet pointing at other people.‎ With weather permitting, we’ll go out to play.‎ He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.‎ With the problem settled, they went back to work.‎ He entered the room, with his nose red with cold.‎ She did the experiment, with the door closed.‎ He fell asleep, with the radio on.‎ With the meeting over, all of us left.‎ He went off, with a gun in hand.‎ The lady sat down, with a baby in her arms.‎ 在独立主格结构中,作为逻辑主语的名词一般不和冠词连用(尤其后跟介词短语时,但可和形容词性物主代词连用;当逻辑主语前加上介词with或without时,这时作为逻辑主语的名词需和冠词连用(对比上两句和原上例句)。再如:‎ With the sun up, the farmers continue to work in the field.‎ Without any message left, the boy left home forever.‎ With night coming on, birds fly back.‎ She went to the supermarket, without anybody accompanying her.‎ He left his parents, without a single word said.‎ With an aim to achieve, he studies very hard.‎ ‎⑤悬垂分词 当-ing分词或-ed分词结构在句中起关系分句或状语分句的作用时,它们都有逻辑主语,这种逻辑主语有时就是句子的主语。如:‎ Sitting at the back as we are, we can’t hear a word.‎ He was lying on the couch, enjoying his pipe.‎ 由上述两例句可以看出分词结构通常是通过它的逻辑主语而对主句发生依着关系,这种语法现象叫做“依着法则”‎ ‎。相反地,如果一个分词结构的逻辑主语不是主句的主语,在句中找不到它的逻辑主语或依着在不应该依着的词语上就是所谓的“悬垂分词”或者“无依着分词”(独立主格结构及generally speaking等除外)。如:‎ Having eaten our lunch, the car pushed its way through the tortuous canyon.‎ 显然主句的主语the car不可能是分词短语having eaten our lunch的逻辑主语,故该分词短语也就是悬垂无依着了,总结起来可分为下面几类。‎ ‎⑴悬垂致病的分词结构 Taking a walk in the park, the birds sing happily.‎ Doing his homework, the light went off all of a sudden.‎ a、把分词短语扩展成状语从句,主句结构不变。如:‎ When she is taking a walk in the park, the birds sing happily.‎ As he was doing his homework, the light wet off all of a sudden.‎ b、保留分词短语,改变主句的主语,使之成为分词短语的逻辑主语,并作相应变化。如:‎ Taking a walk in the park, she hears birds sing happily.‎ Doing his homework, he turned off the light all of a sudden.‎ ‎⑵悬垂致病的动名词结构 动名词同介词构成动名词短语,其逻辑主语也是主句的主语。如:‎ By building a highway, vegetables can be transported quickly from the South to the North.‎ Before making the final decision, everything should be taken into consideration.‎ a、保留动名词短语,改变主句的主语使之成为动名词的逻辑主语,并对句子结构进行相应的变化。如:‎ By building a highway, people can transport vegetables quickly from the South to the North.‎ Before making the final decision, we should take everything into consideration.‎ b、在动名词前加上形容词性物主代词或名词的属格,使动名词具有自己的逻辑主语。如:‎ By our building a highway, vegetables can be transported quickly from the South to the North.‎ Before our making the final decision, everything should be taken into consideration.‎ ‎⑶悬垂致病的不定式结构 不定式短语常放在句首,作目的状语,其逻辑主语必须是主句的主语。如:‎ In order to improve oral English, a lot of practice should be done.‎ To get up earlier, the clock was set for six o’clock.‎ 对于致病的悬垂不定式结构常通过改变语态,改变这种悬垂病句。如:‎ In order to improve oral English, we should do a lot of practice.‎ To get up earlier, he set the clock for six o’clock.‎ ‎⑷悬垂致病的从句结构 如果时间、条件、让步等状语从句的主语不是主句的主语,从句的主语和相关动词不可省略,否则便成了无依着的从句结构,句意不含情理。如:‎ While reading the newspaper, the telephone rang.‎ Though faced with a lot of difficulties, his confidence still existed.‎ a、保留从句,改变主句的主语,使之成为状语从句的逻辑主语。如:‎ While reading the newspaper, he heard the telephone ringing.‎ Though faced with a lot of difficulties, he still had confidence.‎ b、保留主句给从句补上适当的主谓结构。如:‎ While he was reading the newspaper, the telephone rang.‎ Though he was faced with a lot of difficulties, his confidence still existed.‎ 综上,对于纠正悬垂致病的各种结构,最核心最根本的方法是使相应的悬垂致病的各种结构具有逻辑上合情合理的主语(具体说来就是改变主语或添加主语)。‎ ‎⑸悬垂但不致病的分词及分词短语 有些分词或分词短语,在句中没有逻辑主语,但已成为习惯用语或在词性是已转化为别类词(如介词),被认为是正确用法,主要有以下几种情况。‎ a、单个现在分词(已转化为介词)‎ 常见的这类词有:concerning关于、respecting关于、touching关于、regarding关于、considering考虑到,关于、including包括、counting包括、barring除了、following在后、beginning从…开始、wanting没有,缺乏、failing没有、excepting除了、notwithstanding尽管等。如:‎ Concerning her beauty, I have no words to describe.‎ I thought a lot respecting the lecture.‎ They are twenty players counting my brother.‎ Wanting enough time, we can’t do it well. (=without)‎ Failing rain, the crops will wither. (=without)‎ The old man is 100 years old wanting two months.(差两个月到一百岁)‎ The soldiers must arrive pending the daybreak.‎ The new term will begin beginning 1st September.‎ 注意:supposing一词可作分词,后跟单词作宾语,也可作连词后跟句子,supposing that…表示“万一”,that常可省略。如:‎ Supposing her refusal, what should I do? (分词)‎ Supposing the sky clearing up, will you change your mind? (分词)‎ Supposing (that) she refuses me, what should I do? (连词=suppose)‎ Supposing (that) the sky clears up, will you change your mind? (连词=suppose)‎ b、分词短语 这类分词短语为固定说法,有些已转化为介词短语。常见的这类短语有:according to根据、talking of谈到、allowing for考虑到、judging from(by)从…判断、coming to说到,论及、owing to由于、getting back to回到、not excepting包括、setting aside敞开,抛开、leaving…on one side抛开,不谈、taking all things together通盘考虑、taking all things into consideration全盘考虑。如:‎ According to what the witness described, the man was just the criminal.‎ Talking of English grammar, he is the authority.‎ Judging from his appearance, he is an American.‎ Setting aside his bad temper, he is a good kind man.‎ Taking all things into consideration, the project was carried out in the end.‎ c、副词+speaking 常见的这类分词短语有:generally speaking总地来说、strictly speaking 严格地说、roughly speaking粗略地说、frankly speaking坦率地说、honestly speaking诚实地说、properly speaking严格地说、theoretically speaking从理论上讲、politically speaking从政治方面说、geographically speaking从地理上说、biologically speaking从生物学角度说。如:‎ Generally speaking, you’ve done a good job.‎ Strictly speaking, the plan isn’t that good.‎ Politically speaking, it will have a bad influence on him.‎ ‎⑹悬垂不致病的分词+that结构 有些由“分词+that”结构的短语可引导从句,表示原因、让步、条件等,为正确用法。常见的这类短语有:granted that(即使=even if)、considering that(因为、考虑到=since)、seeing that(因为、既然=since)、provided that(如果、只要=on condition that)、notwithstanding that(尽管=though)、admitting(allowing、granting、assuming)that(即使、尽管=although)。如:‎ Granted that he failed several times, he never lost heart.(让步)‎ Provided that one is diligent and able, he can make great achievement.(条件)‎ He should be punished seeing that he had broken the rule.(原因)‎ 以上用了大量的篇幅,详尽阐述了非谓语动词、动词不定式、动名词及分词的用法,下面将对三种非限定性动词的用法进行详细比较。前面已经比较了动词不定式与动名词的用法区别,在此将主要比较动名词与现在分词及动词不定式与分词的区别。首先介绍几种特殊的动词非限定形式,即“there be”非限定形式。‎ ‎1、there be 的非限定形式 There be 的非限定形式(不定式there to be,for there to be分词或动名词there being)在句中作主语、宾语、状语等。‎ ‎⑴作主语 有两种形式:动名词there being和不定式for there to be。如:‎ There being a bus, stop near my home is so convenient.(动名词表示泛指)‎ For there to be so few people in the market was unusual.(不定式表示特指)‎ 作主语时为了避免头重脚轻,也常可用形式主语it引导。如:‎ It is so convenient there being a bus stop near my home.‎ It was unusual for there to be so few people in the market.‎ ‎⑵作宾语 ‎①作动词宾语 在那些要求用不定式作宾语的动词后用there to be,在那些要求用动名词作宾语的动词后用there being。如:‎ He expected there to be a bus to his home.‎ We must avoid there being any trouble in this matter.‎ ‎②作介词宾语 在介词for后面的宾语用不定式there to be(for there是to be的形式主语)。如:‎ The man waited for there to be another opportunity to show his competence.‎ We asked for there to be given and taken on both sides.‎ 除了for以外的其他介词后面的宾语用动名词there being(there是being的形式上的逻辑主语)。‎ He was relying on (there being) another opportunity.(there being 可省略)‎ ‎⑶作状语 现在分词there being常作原因状语,而不定式for there to be用作结果或程度状语。如:‎ There being no enough evidence, the lawyer can’t judge.(原因状语)‎ It was too late, for there to be not any buses.(结果状语)‎ ‎2、过去分词两种用途的比较 过去分词表示的两大含义:被动和完成。被动侧重于动作而完成侧重于状态。过去分词用作表语时,相当于形容词,表状态;过去分词用于被动语态时,则表示动作。试比较:‎ The road is completed.‎ The road was completed yesterday.‎ 第一句中的过去分词completed是表语,表状态;第二句中的过去分词用于被动语态,是全句谓语中的主要动词,表示动作。再如:‎ He was surprised at the audience’s reaction.(用作表语)‎ He was surprised by the audience’s reaction.(用于被动语态)‎ The village is covered with snow.(用作表语)‎ The village is covered by snow.(用于被动语态)‎ 综上诸例,不难看出过去分词用于被动语态表示被动含义时动词性较强,常带有时间、方式、地点等状语修饰以凸现其动词特征进而有力地表达被动含义。‎ 前面曾经提到“be+不及物动词过去分词”这种结构,既然是不及物动词便构成不了被动语态,所以此种结构表示的不是被动含义,而是过去分词作表语的形式表示一种状态,所以此种结构是正确的,因为过去分词具有双层含义。‎ ‎3、动名词和现在分词的比较 动名词和现在分词形式相同都是动词的ing形式,在传统的语法中,严格区分动名词和现在分词,两者很容易混淆,所以在当代语法中,将动名词和现在分词通称为动词的ing形式,不再予以区分。不过,两者在某些方面还存在一定的差异,下面将比较两者间的区别。‎ ‎⑴作定语时的区别 现在分词往往表示它所修饰的词所做的动作和它所修饰的主语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系,而动名词往往表示与它所修饰的词有关的动作(如常表用途)和所修饰的主语之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:‎ the exciting game=the game that excites people(现在分词表主谓关系)‎ the puzzling problem=the problem that puzzles people(现在分词)‎ a frightening dog=a dog that frightens people(现在分词)‎ the reading room=the room for reading(动名词,无主谓关系)‎ the drinking water=the water for drinking(动名词)‎ a sleeping car=a car for sleeping(动名词)‎ ‎⑵作表语时的区别 现在分词具有形容词特征,动名词作表语时具有名词特征;另一区别是动名词作表语时常可以和主语互换位置而现在分词不能。如:‎ The story is interesting.(现在分词)‎ The film is very boring.(现在分词)‎ Her job is teaching English.(动名词,可换为:Teaching English is her job.)‎ The little boy’s hobby is collecting stamps.(动名词,可换为:Collecting stamps is the little boy’s hobby.)‎ ‎⑶作宾语时的区别 动名词可以作动词或介词的宾语,而现在分词不能。如:‎ I’m considering changing my job.(动名词作动词宾语)‎ He dreamt of travelling all over the world.(动名词作介词宾语)‎ ‎⑷作宾语补足语的区别 现在分词可以作宾语补足语,而动名词不可以。如:‎ I’m sorry that I’ve kept you waiting a long time.(现在分词作宾语补足语)‎ ‎⑸作状语的区别 现在分词可以单独作状语,而动名词却不能单独作状语,必须和介词连用构成介词短语才能作状语。如:‎ Hearing the news, he left at once.(现在分词作状语)‎ After having a bus, she went to sleep.(动名词与介词连用一起作状语)‎ ‎⑹作主语的区别 动名词具有名词册特征,所以在句中可充当主语,而现在分词却不可以。如:‎ Swimming is an entertainment in summer.(现在分词)‎ Climing the tree is very dangerous.(现在分词)‎ 上述从句子成分的角度比较了动名词和现在分词的用法,它们间的用法区别主要通过句子成分体现。根据其用法特点,能够判断动名词还是现在分词,虽然当代语法中不再区分,但如果能够准确界定动名词和现在分词有利于提高英语的理论性思维。‎

