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高考英语热点素材语法填空专练18篇原创系列 语法填空专练:‎ ‎1.被评1星的钉钉跪了:少侠,我求求你们了!‎ Alibaba Group's communication app DingTalk, 1.______(original) designed for China's white collar workers, adapted to the virus outbreak by 2._______(offer) the service to help educate pupils nationwide. The company said that more than 12 million students in China 3._______(take)online courses now via DingTalk. A sudden surge in demand last Monday even triggered 4._____temporary breakdown of the software.‎ Last Sunday, in the Apple store for Chinese mainland 5._____(user), the average rating for DingTalk was 2.5 stars out of 5. Days before that, its rating even dropped to 6.______low as 1.3. Both DingTalk and Tencent Meeting are among the apps 7.______(use) in live-streaming classes, and that's 8.________they got such low ratings from unhappy pupils, who believed that 9._______(they) original extended holiday was ruined by those apps.‎ To respond to the unfair 10.______unreasonable ratings and comments from naughty pupils, DingTalk released a video twice on its official Weibo account, with the theme: Young master, I beg you for your mercy!‎ 答案: 1 .originally; 2.offering; 3.are taking; 4.a; 5.users; ‎ ‎6.as; 7.used; 8.why; 9. their; 10.and ‎2.最新通报:新增确诊病例2009例,连续4日治愈出院超千人! ‎ Chinese health authority Sunday said it received reports of 2,009 new 1._______(confirm )cases of novel coronavirus infection and 142 2.______(die) on Saturday nationwide.‎ Saturday3._______(see) 1,323 people walk out of hospital after 4._______( recover), the National Health Commission said in 5._______(it)daily report. ‎ ‎6.____total of 9,419 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital 7.______the end of Saturday.‎ The number of new cases included 888 8._____(clinical)diagnosed cases, 9.______have been seen as confirmed cases.‎ The 10.______(late)report brought the total confirmed cases inthe hard-hit province to 56,249 cases. ‎ 答案:1 .confirmed; 2. deaths; 3.saw; 4. recovery; 5. its ; ‎ ‎6.A; 7. by; 8.clinically; 9.which; 10. latest ‎3.法国驻武汉总领事:绝不闭馆,我们与武汉同在!‎ At present, the French Consulate General in Wuhan is the only foreign consulate in Wuhan 1._____is open for business. Since the outbreak, France 2.________ (provide)two shifts of medical supplies to China.‎ To prevent cross-infection, Olivier Guyonvarch, the French consul general in Wuhan, accepted an exclusive interview with China Daily on the streets of Wuhan.‎ ‎"I really would like 3._______(express)my support for the medical staff in Wuhan. They are heroes and are the first-line fighters 4.______the disease," he said, Many others in Wuhan, such as street cleaners and people 5._____(work)in the markets to sell food, also deserve gratitude for 6._they are doing.‎ ‎"During 7.____(it)long history, Wuhan has faced many difficulties. This time I think that we can be confident in the 8.______(strong) and the resilience of Wuhan's people to go through this very difficult time," he said.‎ ‎"We hope that Wuhan will recover as 9.______(quick)as possible. We will stay with Wuhan to help the city, and help the people get better 10.______ better through cooperation with friends." ‎ 答案:1 .that; 2. has provided ; 3.to express; 4.against; 5.working; ‎ ‎6.what; 7.its; 8.strength; 9.quickly; 10.and ‎4.【时文练兵】‎ Researchers Are Racing to Make a Coronavirus Vaccine. Will It Help?‎ 科研人员争分夺秒研制冠状肺炎疫苗,会有帮助吗?‎ In the early days of January, as cases of a strange, pneumonia-like illness 1._____ ( report) in China, researchers at the National Institutes of Health readied themselves to hunt for a vaccine to prevent the new disease.‎ Scientists in Australia are also working on vaccine candidates2.______(stop) the spread of the disease. 3._______(historical), vaccines have been one of the greatest public health tools to prevent disease. But even as new technology, advancements in genomics and improved 4._______(globe) coordination have allowed researchers to move at unprecedented speed, vaccine development remains 5. ______expensive and risky process.‎ ‎6._______ takes months and even years because the vaccines must undergo extensive testing in animals and humans. In the best case, it takes at least a year -and most likely 7.____(long)-for any vaccine to become available to the public.‎ With each new outbreak, scientists typically have to start from scratch. After the SARS outbreak in 2003, it took researchers about 20 months from the release of the viral genome 8.______get a vaccine ready for human trials. By the time an epidemic 9._______(cause) by the Zika virus occurred in 2015, researchers 10._______(bring) the timeline down to six months. Now, they hope the joint efforts will cut that time in half, (c) 2020 The New York Times Company. ‎ 答案:1 .were reported; 2. to stop; 3. Historically; 4.global; 5. an; ‎ ‎6. It; 7.longer; 8. to ; 9. caused; 10. had brought ‎5.谨以此题纪念一位伟大的医生&人民斗士!‎ We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Li Wenliang.‎ Dr. Li Wenliang, one of the eight ' whistle-blowers" who tried 1._____(warn) fellow medics of 2._______novel coronavirus outbreak, died early on Friday. Wuhan Central Hospital 3.____(confirm) in a statement released on 4.____(it) official Weibo account. "Our hospital's ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was5._______(unfortunate) infected with coronavirus during his work in the fight 6._______the coronavirus epidemic," the statement read, 7.______( add) "He died at 2:58 a.m. on February after attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful"Dr. Li is a hero,8.______ will live in our hearts forever. May God bless all the 9.________(courage) doctors and 10._______(nurse) fighting on the front line.‎ 答案:l.to warn; 2. the; 3. confirmed; 4. its; 5. unfortunately;‎ ‎ 6.against; 7.adding; 8.who; 9. courageous; 10.nurses ‎6.官方明确:因工作感染新冠肺炎殉职人员应评为烈士 China has announced a plan 1._______(honor)medical workers and other personnel 2._____died fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic as martyrs.‎ According to a circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the plan covers the deceased who had direct contact 3.______suspected or confirmed cases and were infected with the virus when 4._______(perform)their duties.‎ Other people who sacrificed 5._______(they) lives could also be recognized asmartyrs if certain 6._______(standard) are met, according to the circular.‎ ‎7.____total of 1,716 Chinese medical workers 8.______( infect)with the novel coronavirus by Feb 11, accounting for 3.8 percent of the overall confirmed cases in China, according to the National Health Commission. Among them, six people had died 9.______the virus.The number of infected medics in Hubei province reached 1,502. While the figure for the capital city of Wuhan 10.______(be) 1,102, or 73.4 percent of the infected medics in the province.‎ 答案:l.to honor; 2.who; 3.with; 4.performing; 5.their;‎ ‎6. standards;7.A; 8.had been infected; 9.from; 10. was ‎7.日本疫情告急,中国紧急捐赠新冠病毒检测试剂盒 Recently, newly confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia 1._____(appear) in many places in Japan, 2._______caused wide concerns both at home 3.________abroad . China has donated a batch of novel coronavirus test kits to Japan upon4._______ (learn)the latter country was badly in need 5.____certain medical supplies. China is paying close attention to 6._____development of the novel coronavirus in Japan and empathizes with what Japan is going through, the spokesperson said.‎ The virus 7.______(know)no border, and it takes joint effort by different 8._______(country) to tackle the epidemic, the spokesperson said, 9._______(add)China will continue to do what it can to assist and work 10._______(close)with Japan to fight the disease.‎ 答案:1 .have appeared; 2.which; 3.and; 4.1earning; 5.of; ‎ ‎6.the; 7.knows; 8.countries; 9.adding; 10.closely.‎ ‎8.创历史!韩国《寄生虫》获奥斯卡“最佳影片”,亚洲首次!‎ South Korean 1. _______(society) satire "Parasite" won the Oscar for best picture on Sunday, becoming the first ever non-English-language film 2.______(seize)the top honor.‎ ‎"Parasite,” about the gap between rich 3._____poor in modern Seoul, won 4.______total of four Oscars, including best director and screenplay for Bong Joon Ho and best international feature.‎ Korean director Bong Joon Ho's black comedy-thriller, about an impoverished family 5.______scheme their way into an upper-crust household, 6._______(artful) explores resentment between the haves and the have-nots.‎ Even more striking is 7._____( it) deep humanity: both the scammers and the scammed earn our sympathy.Parasite is today's answer to filmmaker Jean Renoir's famous line, "The awful thing about life is this: everyone has their 8.________(reason)."‎ ‎"I never thought I would win," Bong said while 9._______(accept)his best director Oscar. Paying tribute to his four fellow director nominees he said, "I would like to get a Texas chainsaw and split the Oscar 10.____five and share it all with you."‎ 答案:1 .social; 2. to seize; 3.and; 4.a; 5.who; ‎ ‎6.artfully; 7.its; 8.reasons; 9.accepting; 10.into ‎9.周末歌单碧梨献唱007主题曲发布;比伯暖心新单MV有 故事 Billie Eilish has 1.______(release )“No Time to Die," the latest James Bond theme song 2.____she co-wrote with her brother and collaborator Finneas and recorded for the upcoming 007 film of 3.____same name. Eilish, at 18, is now the 4.____(young)person to write and record a Bond theme song, 5. ____(join)the ranks of Sam Smith, Adele, Tina Turner, Madonna 6.____Wings.‎ Matched with tense, somber 7.______(lyric), the song fits in with the extensive Bond movie song canon. ‎ While Eilish’s super idol Justin Bieber has also dropped his new single "Intentions" along with a music video, which 8._______(schedule) to be released on February 18.‎ The accompanying visual for the song 9. _____(highlight)the stories of several women. Bieber and Quavo also appear in the clip, hanging out with the women and others at Alexandria House, whose mission is "to help women and children move from crisis 10._____stability."‎ 答案:1 .released; 2.whichthat; 3.the; 4.youngest; 5.joining; ‎ ‎6. And 7.1yrics; 8. Is scheduled; 9. Highlights; 10. To ‎10.强装笑脸不利工作效率 Is it reliable that embracing authenticity at work really helps?‎ A new study finds 1.______(keep)one's behavior at the office authentic will result in greater productivity and a 2.______(good) relationship with co-workers. In other words, act how you feel, and don't fake it.‎ Over 2,500 working adults, from a variety of 3.______(industry) such as finance or engineering, took part 4.______this research via surveys.‎ It's 5.________(extreme) common for the average workspace to promote 6._____attitude of unrelenting positivity.‎ While this may be 7.________(benefit)from the CEO's perspective, it just isn't realistic when 8._______(apply) to real people with real problems and daily tribulations.‎ That's 9.______, the research team have concluded, employees will actually feel better, work harder, and connect more with their peers if they avoid 10.______(hide) their feelings with a fake smile.‎ 答案:1 .keeping; 2.better; 3.industries; 4.in; 5.extremely; ‎ ‎6.an; 7.beneficial; 8.applied; 9.why; l0.hiding.‎ ‎11.Brief Introduction of The King of Pop—Micheal Jackson ‎1._____(bear) in 1958 in the USA, Michael Jackson was2.____ well-known singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, 3.____actor. He 4._______(call)‎ ‎ the King of Pop due to his5._______(contribute) to music and dance. He was a 6._______(globe) figure in popular culture for over four 7._______(decade). Michael Jackson 8_______( begin) his solo career in 1971. In 9 early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music. His distinctive sound and style has 10______(influence) numerous artists of various music genres.‎ Thriller is one of the best-selling 11._____(album) of all time, with estimated sales of 65 million copies worldwide. 12._____our great grief, Jackson 13._____(die) of acute benzodiazepine intoxication14.____June 25, 2009, after suffering 15._____ cardiac arrest.‎ 答案:1 .Born; 2.a; 3.and; 4. was called; 5. contributions; 6. global; 7.decades; 8.began; 9. the; Influenced 10. albums; 12.To; 13.died; 14. on; 15.from ‎12. Dear David,‎ I'm writing 1.______(invite) you to our English reading week. We'll feel 2. _____(great) honored 3.___you are present. The activity will be 4. ____(hold) this Friday in the hall. The reading week, 5. ____aim is to improve the students' 6._______(understand) of foreign literature, is a wonderful activity. It will allow students 7.________( communicate) with each other face to face and share their own reading experiences together.‎ We hope that you can give us a professional introduction 8._____English literature and some 9. _______( value) suggestions on English reading.‎ Would you be kind enough to spare some time for us? I believe it will also be an unforgettable experience for you. I am looking forward to 10.______(hear) from you.‎ Yours, Li W 答案: l.to invite; 2.greatly; 3.if; 4. held; 5.whose; ‎ ‎6. understanding; 7. to communicate; 8.to; 9.valuable; 10. hearing ‎13. ‎ High school students have always spread gossip in the halls, on the walls and 1._____the phone. Now, it's on the internet, too. On 2._____(vary) writing ‎ boards, kids write about whom they hate, whom they think have 3.______(fall) in love with each other and record other often 4._______(hurt) things that may or may not be true.‎ Experts say gossip on the internet can be 5. _______(harmful) than the old fashioned kind. It last longer and is 6._____(take) more seriously. And, unlike ugly words on the bathroom walls, there is no way to get rid 7.______it.‎ If your kids are victims of online gossip, Dr. Commanday suggests 8.____(put) the gossip into perspective. "Point out to 9.______(they) how what's being said on the screen 10._______(differ) from what everyone knows about you as a person."said Dr. Commanday.‎ 答案:1. on; 2.various; 3.fallen; 4. hurtful; 5. more harmful; ‎ ‎6.taken;7. of ; 8.putting; 9. them; lO.differs ‎14. ‎ Ring! Ring! Ring! My alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes and suddenly remembered it was the day of the class trip to the park with Miss Lee, our science teacher. I got up and 1.______(begin) to brush my teeth. After that I changed into my school uniform and had a quick breakfast. Then I walked to my school 2._______(meet) my classmates.‎ Miss Lee gave us some 3______(instruct) and divided us 4____ groups of six. Then we set 5.____. An hour 6______(late), we arrived at the park. As we walked along, all of 7.____sudden, I saw Jane falling into the lake. Without 8.______( hesitate), I jumped into the lake to her rescue. I pulled her to the bank and Miss Lee took her to the hospital9______(immediate) with our help. After examining Jane carefully, the doctor said she had to stay in the hospital for further treatment for two weeks because she had 10_____(break) her right leg.‎ 答案:1 .began; 2.to meet; 3. instructions; 4. into; 5. off/out; ‎ ‎6.later; 7. a; 8. hesitation; i. immediately; 10. broken ‎15. ‎ Brief Introduction of Coldplay (1)‎ Coldplay are a 1.______(Britain)rock band 2.____(form)in London in 1996.The four 3.________(member)came together from 1996 to 1998, during which time the band changed names from Pectoralz, to Starfish, then Coldplay. 4.______(create) director and former manager Phil Harvey is often referred 5.______as the 6._______(five) member by the band. Coldplay achieved worldwide 7._____(famous)with the release of the song "Yellow" in 2000,followed in the same year by their debut album Parachutes, 8._____was nominated for the Mercury Prize. The band's second album, A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002) won many awards, 9.______(include)NME's Album of the Year. Their next release, X&Y, 10.______best-selling album worldwide in 2005, received mostly positive reviews.‎ 答案:1 .British; 2.formed; 3.members; 4. creative; 5. to; ‎ ‎6. fifth; 7. fame; 8. which; 9. including; l0.the ‎16. Brief Introduction of Coldplay (2)‎ Coldplay have1.______(win)numerous awards throughouttheir career, which 2._______(include)nine Brit Awards, six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards 3.______seven Grammy Awards from 29 nominations.They have sold more than 100 million records worldwide, 4.______(make)them one of the world's best-selling music 5.______(art). Three of 6._____(them) albums: Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head, and X&Y,7.____(be) among the best-selling albums 8.____UK chart history. Coldplay have also supported 9.____(vary) social and political causes, such 10.____Oxfam's Make Trade Fair campaign and Amnesty International.‎ 答案:1. won; 2. include; 3.and; 4. making; 5. artists; ‎ ‎6. their; 7.are; 8. in; 9. various; 10.as ‎17. ‎ The beginning of October1.____(mean)Nobel prize time. 2._____(day) announcements followed this week.Each prize is about US$1,110,000 together with 3.____diploma and gold metal 4.______(hand)out on December 10.‎ The prizes 5._____physics,chemistry, literature, peace and physiology or medicine 6.______(found)by the will of Alfred Nobel, a 7.____(wealth)Swedish man. The first awards were presented in 1901, five years after Nobel's 8.__(die).‎ The Nobel judges are prohibited 9._____making their discussions known for 15 years. They try hard to avoid 10. _____(give)clues about the winners. In Nobel's will, it states the awards should belong to those 11.______, during the previous year, shall have made the 12._______(great)beneflt on mankind.‎ 答案:1.means; 2.Daily; 3.a; 4. handed; 5. in; 6. were founded;‎ ‎7.wealthy; 8.death; 9.from; 10.giving; 11 .who; 12. greatest ‎18. ‎ Suppose it is now about 2060 A.D. Of course, life is very different. At a number of scenic 1._____(spot) on the moon, many hotels have 2._____ (build). In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has 3._____least one picture window. Everything 4.________(imagine) is provided for young and old as entertainment. What are people eating now? Still food. But many foods now come in pill form, 5.______come mainly from green plants. 6._____there are several times as many people in the world today 7._____there were a hundred years ago, most of our planet's surface has to be filled. Farming is very 8._____(high) developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. 9._____is possible to run the farm by just 10.______(push) a few buttons now and then.‎ 答案: 1.spots ;2.been built; 3.at; 4.imaginable; 5.which ; ‎ ‎6.Because ;7.as; 8.highly ;9. It;10.pushing ‎19.‎ Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said 1._____was a wonderful holiday destination. Before we went, we had planned for months. When the day 2.______(come), we were ready. ‎ After our plane landed, we went to the hotel. We had made our 3._____(reserve) six months 4.______(early), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake. We 5._____(tell) that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week but for the week after. I didn't understand 6._____this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for that. What's 7._____ the manager came out. She apologized 8._____the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on the top floor. We hadnever stayed in such 9.____amazing room, and we weren't charged extra. Anyway,it was an 10._______(enjoy) experience as a whole.‎ 答案:1.which/that ; 2.came ; 3..reservation; 4.earlier ; 5.were told; ‎ ‎6.why ; 7.worse; 8.for; 9. an ; 10. enjoyable ‎20.乔丹泪洒科比追悼会:我身体的一部分也死去了。安息吧,我的小兄弟 ‎ A public memorial for Lakers great Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna was held Monday at Staples Center.‎ Bryant's widow, Vanessa Bryant, has 1._______(speak)for the first time since the crash.‎ Michael Jordan also gave a 2.______( touch) speech about his close friend Kobe Bryant during the memorial.‎ ‎"Maybe 3._____surprised people that Kobe and I were very close friends. But we were very close friends. Kobe was my dear friend. He was like 4._____little brother."‎ In the past few years, Jordan's crying emoticon 5._______(be)popular throughout the Internet. During this memorial service speech, Jordan also 6.________(humorous) teased Kobe to make himself cry again, causing a burst of 7._________(laugh).‎ ‎"Now, he's got me and I'll have to look at another crying meme for the next three or four years."‎ ‎"No one knows how much time we have. That's 8._______we must live in the moment, we must enjoy the moment, we must reach and see and spend as much time as we can 9.______our families and friends and the people that we absolutely love. To live in the moment means 10.________(enjoy )each and ‎ every one that we come in contact with." "When Kobe Bryant died, a piece of me died." ”Please, rest in peace little brother."‎ 答案:1.spoken; 2.touching; 3.it; 4.a; 5.has been; ‎ ‎6.humorously; 7.laughter; 8.why; 9.with; 10.to enjoy ‎21.联合国秘书长和世卫专家硬核点赞中国!‎ United Nations Secretary-Gene-ral Antonio Guterres on Monday praised China's contribution 1._the global fight against COVID-19, 2.______(add)that the Chinese people are making efforts for all of humanity.‎ The UN chief expressed 3.________(he) gratitude to all of the people in China who are sacrificing many aspects of their normal lives 4._______(prevent) the virus from further spreading.‎ By Monday, the WHO 5._______(receive)reports of 2,074 cases and 23 deaths outside China, 6.______was described as "deeply concerning."‎ Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to the director-general of the WHO said : "The only 7._______(success) measure we know so far to contain the COVID-19 is in China.We have to work with what we have. China's 8.________(approach)are the only ones that we know work." ‎ To the people of Wuhan, it 9.________(recognize) that the world is in your debt. When this disease finishes, 10.________(hopeful)we will have a chance to thank the people of Wuhan for the role they have played."said Aylward.‎ 答案:l.to; 2.adding; 3.his; 4.to prevent; 5.had received;‎ ‎6.which; 7.successful; 8.approaches; 9.is recognized; 10.hopefiilly ‎22.我国推进网上就业服务 Push for online recruitment from the government is on the way! The Ministry of Education will take 1._______(practice) steps to promote online employment services. Meanwhile, campus job fairs for college graduates will be suspended 2.________(avoid ) large gatherings of people during the ongoing novel coronavirus epidemic, a ministry official said 3._______Wednesday.‎ The ministry's employment platforms will share job 4.________(inform)with those of provinces, universities and recruitment services, so that they can 5.______(joint)offer online employment services, said Wang Hui, director of the ministry's Department of College Students Affairs.‎ About 8.74 million college students6._______(graduate)from colleges and universities around China this June,7._______accounts for an increase of 400,000 as many graduates 8._last year. Springtime recruitment is one of the most important 9. _________( opportunity)for graduates seeking jobs.‎ The ministry will strictly review employer and recruitment information 10.______(post) online to ensure it is true, and promote online interviews,‎ ‎ signing of contracts and employment procedures at universities across the country, Wang said.‎ 答案: 1.practical; 2.to avoid; 3.on; 4.information; 5.jointly; ‎ ‎6.will graduate; 7.which; 8.as; 9.opportunities; 10.posted

