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‎2020届二轮复习三步解读阅读理解中词义猜测题 一、代词指代题 ‎1.解题步骤 ‎2.解题指导 向上搜索时,先从上文最近点开始找,找不到再找次近的,一般答案不会离得太远,答案一定是代指上文最近的某个名词或短语。‎ ‎[示例] (2019·全国卷Ⅱ阅读A)‎ Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series (系列) of lifestyle books.Here she picks her top reads.‎ Matilda Roald Dahl I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl’s writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful worlds.Matilda’s battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny and frightening, but they’re also aspirational.‎ ‎21.Who does “I” refer to in the text?‎ A.Stephen King. B.Gillian Flynn.‎ C.Jo Usmar. D.Roald Dahl.‎ 分析:Step 1返回原文→找出出题的指代词I。 ‎ Step 2向上搜索→找最近的句子(Here she picks her top reads.),其中she指代Jo Usmar。‎ Step 3 带入原文→将找到的句子的意思代入替换代词I。‎ Step 4确定答案→选C。‎ 二、词汇猜测题 词汇猜测题不是考查考生的词汇量,而是要求考生根据上下文中的已知信息对单词或词组的具体语义进行合理推测。涉及的词语有四类:熟词新义、生僻单词和词组短语。词义猜测题在前文中已经具体阐述,请参考。‎ ‎1.解题步骤 ‎2.解题指导 ‎(1)如果该词汇是简单词汇,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案。‎ ‎(2)高考阅读不是考查认识不认识词,而是考查是否能根据上下文作出正确的判断。‎ ‎(3)词汇题的正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词汇出现的附近。注意不能靠单词词义直接往下推。‎ ‎(4)寻找时要注意同位语、特殊标点(比如分号,分号前后两句话的逻辑关系不是形式上的并列就是语义上的并列,也就是两句话的意思相同,所以可用其中一句话的意思来推测另一句话的意思从而推出所给词汇含义)、定语从句、前后缀,特别要注意寻找时的同性原则。比如:让猜一个名词词组(动词词组)的意思,我们就向上向下搜索名词词组(动词词组)。‎ ‎[示例] (2019·天津卷阅读D)‎ We’ve all known people who run out of steam before they reach life’s halfway mark.I’m not talking about those who fail to get to the top.We can’t all get there.I’m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years.‎ ‎52.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.End one’s struggle for liberty.‎ B.Waste one’s energy taking risks.‎ C.Miss the opportunity to succeed.‎ D.Lose the interest to continue learning.‎ 分析:Step 1返回原文→找出出题的词汇run out of steam。‎ Step 2确定词性→确定该短语为动词词组。‎ Step 3带入原文→根据画线部分后作者说的“我谈论的是那些已经不再学习成长的人,因为他们已经接受了固定的态度和观点,这些都是随着时间的流逝而来的”可知,画线短语的意思是“没有兴趣继续学习”。‎ Step 4确定答案→把选项带入原文,验证应选D项。‎ 三、句子理解题 ‎1.解题步骤 ‎2.注意事项 ‎(1)一般来说,选项中的正确答案与原句意思完全相同,只不过用其他英语词汇换种表达而已。‎ ‎(2)句子理解题的干扰项特征:推得过远。做题时应把握住推的度。‎ ‎[示例] (2018·浙江卷阅读A)‎ The brush did not last long.Soon Benjamin needed more fur.Before long,the cat began to look ragged (蓬乱).His father said that the cat must be sick.Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.‎ The cat’s lot was about to improve. That year,one of Benjamin’s cousins,Mr.Pennington,came to visit.He was impressed with Benjamin’s drawings.When he went home,he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes.He also sent six engravings (版画)by an artist.These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen.‎ ‎22.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?‎ A.The cat would be closely watched.‎ B.The cat would get some medical care.‎ C.Benjamin would leave his home shortly.‎ D.Benjamin would have real brushes soon.‎ 分析:Step 1返回原文→找出出题的句子The cat’s lot was about to improve.‎ Step 2理解语境→由前文可知,本杰明在没有专业画笔之前是用猫的毛制作画笔的。画线句的字面意思是“猫的命运将会得到改善”。由该段后文可知,本杰明的堂兄送给了他专业的颜料和画笔。‎ Step 3确定答案→由此可推知D项与画线句的意思相符。‎ ‎【即时训练】 ‎ A ‎(2019·广州高三调测)When she first started learning about the climate change from one of her elders,Fawn Sharp was invited on a helicopter flight over the Olympic Mountains to survey the Mount Anderson glacier.But the glacier was gone,melted by the warming climate.Sharp had a deep sense of loss when she discovered the glacier wasn’t there anymore.‎ Loss is a growing issue for people working and living on the front lines of climate change.And that gave Jennifer Wren Atkinson,a full-time lecturer at the University of Washington Bothell,US,an idea for a class.‎ This term,she taught students on the Bothell campus about the emotional burdens of environmental studies.She used the experiences of Native American tribes(部落),scientists and activists,and asked her 24 students to face the reality that there is no easy fix—that “this is such an intractable problem that they’re going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives.”‎ Student Cody Dillon used to be a climate science skeptic(怀疑论者).Then he did his own reading and research,and changed his mind.‎ Dillon wasn’t going into environmental work—he was a computer-science major.Yet,the potential for a worldwide environmental catastrophe seemed so real to him five years ago that he quit his job and became a full-time volunteer for an environmental group that worked on restoration(恢复) projects.‎ Six months into the work,he decided that Atkinson’s class was just what he was looking for—a place where he could discuss his concerns about a changing climate.‎ Atkinson said she hopes the class helped her students prepare themselves for the amount of environmental loss that will happen over their lifetimes.‎ ‎“We are already changing the planet—so many species are going to be lost,displaced or massively impacted,” she said.“The future isn’t going to be what they imagined.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 Fawn Sharp通过一次搭乘直升机飞行的经历认识到了冰川融化和环境污染问题的严重性,同时Jennifer Wren Atkinson决定给学生开设课程,教学生如何面对环境污染,她的课程让很多学生关注环境问题。‎ ‎1.Why did the author mention the case of Fawn Sharp?‎ A.To lay a basis for Fawn Sharp’s further research.‎ B.To prove Fawn Sharp’s work is similar to Atkinson’s.‎ C.To lead into the issue of loss caused by climate change.‎ D.To show scientists’ concern about the Mount Anderson glacier.‎ 答案 C [推理判断题。通读第一段可知,Fawn Sharp在一次直升机飞行中意识到气候变化导致了冰川融化;由此可推知,作者在第一段中提及Fawn Sharp的例子是为了引出下文气候变化导致环境问题的话题,故选C。]‎ ‎2.What’s the main purpose of Atkinson’s class?‎ A.To explore how different people deal with climate change.‎ B.To get students more concerned about the environmental issue.‎ C.To find solutions to the environmental issue of Olympic Mountains.‎ D.To teach students how to conduct research about environment.‎ 答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“and asked her 24 students to face...for the rest of their lives.”可知,她让她的24个学生面对这个事实——没有简单的解决方法,这是一个很难解决的问题,学生们将用他们的余生来解决这个问题。由此可知,Atkinson的课的目的是让学生更加关注环境问题,故选B。]‎ ‎3.Which of the following best explains “intractable” underlined in Paragraph Three?‎ A.Simple. B.Difficult.‎ C.Common. D.Interesting.‎ 答案 B ‎ ‎[词义猜测题。根据上文可知,Atkinson用美洲土著部落、科学家以及积极分子们的经历让她的24个学生面对这个事实——没有简单的解决方法,并结合该句“this is such an intractable problem that they’re going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives”可知,这是一个如此困难的问题以至于学生们要用他们的余生来解决它,故选B。]‎ ‎4.How did Atkinson’s class influence Dillon?‎ A.It made him work as a part-time volunteer for restoration projects.‎ B.It made him realize a planet-wide climate disaster would happen.‎ C.It encouraged him to be more involved in environmental protection.‎ D.It discouraged him to work on restoration projects for the environment.‎ 答案 C [推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Six months into the work...discuss his concerns about a changing climate”可知,Dillon在环保组织做了六个月志愿者之后,他认为在Atkinson的课堂上他可以讨论他对气候变化的担忧;由此可推知,Atkinson的课鼓励Dillon参与环境保护,故选C。]‎ B ‎(2019·安徽五校联盟质检)While visiting the North Pole in winter may not be at the top of your bucket list,the ever-changing ICEHOTEL,which opened its doors to visitors on December 14 this year,may change your mind.200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually.‎ The 35 rooms,built to accommodate visitors on all kinds of budgets,vary from expensive suites to basic rooms that are furnished with just an icy bed and a reindeer skin.Among the highlights this year is the “Spruce Woods” suite.Sculpted by Christopher Pascoe and Jennie O’Keefe of Canada,it describes a camping scene complete with a classic microbus,a forest,and even an artificial campfire.‎ There is also the artfully-carved “Living Ocean” suite to remind visitors of the importance of saving our oceans.The room is full of carved sea life that includes coral and a shark “swimming” right over the ice bed.“The suite is inspired by global warming and the overfishing that affects our oceans,” says artist Jonathan Paul Green.“I also think the idea of using frozen water from a river in northern Sweden to create an ocean with shells,fish,and coral is exciting.”‎ The nearby “Haven” suite is a “magical gate of ice” guarded by two large ‎ animals.“We are inspired by the meeting between people and want to create an experience that stimulates curiosity and creativity,” says artist Jonas Johansson.“It feels like a dream to get to work with ice that allows our love for light,shine,and reflection to wander freely from thought to creation.”‎ Regardless of whether visitors select the carved suites or the basic ice rooms,the temperature is always set to a bone-chilling -5 ℃!That is why guests are advised to snuggle(蜷伏) up inside sleeping bags and wear gloves and winter hats all night.Not surprisingly,most end up spending just a single night at this unique hotel before moving on to the conventional and warmer hotels nearby.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了北极圈的一家用冰建成的旅馆。‎ ‎5.What does the underlined phrase “bucket list” mean in the text?‎ A.A shopping list of buckets.‎ B.A list of travelling destinations.‎ C.A list of expensive hotels.‎ D.A list of exciting ideas.‎ 答案 B [词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句“While visiting the North Pole...may change your mind”可知,虽然冬天去北极旅游可能不是你的首选,但这家不断变化的冰旅馆可能会改变你的想法;该旅馆于今年12月14日向游客开放。由该句中的“visiting the North Pole”“the ever-changing ICEHOTEL”“visitors”,并结合语境可推知,画线词意为“旅游目的地的列表”,故B项正确。]‎ ‎6.What can we know about the icehotel?‎ A.It is rebuilt every year.‎ B.Its rooms are expensive.‎ C.It organizes camping activities.‎ D.It lies in a coastal city.‎ 答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually”可知,这家完全由冰雕刻而成的旅馆每年都会重建,故A项正确。]‎ ‎7.Where does the inspiration of “Living Ocean” suite come from?‎ A.Art and literature.‎ B.Ocean life and voyages.‎ C.Climate change and human influence.‎ D.The meeting of people.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段第三句中的“The suite is inspired by global warming and the overfishing that affects our oceans”可知,这间套房的灵感来自全球变暖和影响海洋的过度捕捞,故C项正确。]‎ ‎8.Which of the following is the best title for the text?‎ A.An Adventure to the North Pole B.An Experience Close to Nature C.A Taste of Cold:A Night in a Village D.A Winter Destination:Sweden’s Icehotel 答案 D [标题判断题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段第二句“200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually”可知,本文主要介绍了冬季旅游的好去处:瑞典冰旅馆,故D项最适合作本文标题。]‎

