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‎2019~2020学年度高二年级第一学期期中质量调研 英语试题 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What kind of pet does the woman suggest?‎ A. A dog. B. A fish. C. A cat.‎ ‎2. Which place is the woman looking for?‎ A. A grocery store. B. A movie theater. C. The railway station.‎ ‎3. What did the man buy for the woman’s birthday?‎ A. A fruit cake. B. Some apple pies. C. A bunch of flowers.‎ ‎4. What is the relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Classmates. B. Parent and child. C. Teacher and student.‎ ‎5. Where is the woman?‎ A. In a car. B. In an elevator. C. In a bookstore.‎ 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What does the man offer to do for the woman?‎ A. Stay home with her.‎ B. Make her some food.‎ C. Drive her to a friend’s house.‎ ‎7. How did the woman probably get sick?‎ A. From John. B. From the man. C. From her colleague.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What does the woman probably do for a living?‎ A. She owns a restaurant.‎ B. She runs a clothing shop.‎ C. She works in a shoe store.‎ ‎9. What does the man want the woman to do?‎ A. Lend him some money.‎ B. Talk to his father for him.‎ C. Buy him some new T-shirts.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. What day is it today?‎ A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Sunday.‎ ‎11. What is the woman planning to do tomorrow?‎ A. See her dentist. B. Attend a meeting. C. Join the book club.‎ ‎12. How many kinds of membership cards are mentioned by the man?‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Where was probably the man when he lost Milo?‎ A In a park. B. In a café. C. In a car.‎ ‎14. What does Milo look like?‎ A. He has short hair.‎ B. He’s about 14 pounds.‎ C. He’s black with white spots.‎ ‎15. Where does the woman tell the man to look first?‎ A. Farther out. B. To the left. C. To the right.‎ ‎16. What do the speakers decide to do in the end?‎ A. Call the police for help.‎ B. Drive around to look for Milo.‎ C. Run for a couple of blocks.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Who is the speaker?‎ A. Ellen. B. Jenny. C. Maria.‎ ‎18. When is the rain expected to stop?‎ A. On Sunday afternoon.‎ B On Tuesday afternoon.‎ C. On Thursday night.‎ ‎19. What was today’s temperature?‎ A. In the low 70s. B. Around 50 degrees. C. Around 45 degrees.‎ ‎20. What time of year is it?‎ A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Fall.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Below are the four most famous bridges in the world.‎ Ponte Vecchio Bridge The Ponte Vecchio (literally “old bridge”) is a bridge built in the Middle Ages over the Arno River in Florence, Italy, the only Florentine bridge to survive World War Ⅱ. The bridge is unique for still having shops built along it, as was common in the days of the Medici. Butchers originally occupied souvenir sellers. It is said that the economic concept of bankruptcy originated here: when a merchant could not pay his debts, the table on which he sold his goods was physically broken by soldiers, and this practice was called “bancorotto (broken table)”.‎ Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the strait between San Francisco and Marin County to the north. It is the masterwork of architect Joseph B. Strauss, whose statue graces the southern observation deck. The bridge took seven years to build, and was completed in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge used to be ‎ the longest suspension bridge span in the world. And today it has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in San Francisco and California. Since its completion, the span length has been surpassed by eight other bridges. The famous red-orange color of the bridge was specifically chosen to make the bridge more easily visible through the thick fog that frequently covers the bridge.‎ Millau Bridge Started in 1998 and opened to traffic in 2005, the Millau Viaduct is a huge cable-stayed road-bridge that spans the valley of the river Tarn near Millau in southern France. It is the tallest highway bridge in the world, with the highest pylon’s summit at 343 meters—slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower. The speed limit on the bridge was reduced from 130 km/h to 110 km/h because of traffic slowing down, due to tourists taking pictures of the bridge from the vehicles. Shortly after the bridge opened to traffic, passengers were stopping to admire the landscape and the bridge itself.‎ Charles Bridge The Charles Bridge is a famous stone Gothic bridge that crosses the Vltava River in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the support of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century. As the only means of crossing the river Vltava, the Charles Bridge was the most important connection between the Old Town and the area around Prague Castle. Connection made Prague important as a trade route between Eastern and Western Europe. Today it is one of the most visited sights in Prague with painters, owners of kiosks and other traders alongside numerous tourists crossing the bridge.‎ ‎1. Of the four bridges, which one has the shortest history?‎ A. Ponte Vecchio. B. Golden Gate Bridge.‎ C. Millau Bridge. D. Charles Bridge.‎ ‎2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Golden Gate Bridge?‎ A. The span length ranks the 8th in the world.‎ B. Its color enables travelers to see it easily on foggy days.‎ C. It is the most popular tourist attraction in America.‎ D. It took Joseph B. Strauss 7 years to design the bridge.‎ ‎3. The Charles Bridge played an important role in Prague, Czech Republic because ________.‎ A. it attracted many famous painters there B. it was supported by King Charles IV C. it was the only stone Gothic bridge crossing the Vltava River D. it promoted the trade between Eastern and Western Europe ‎【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文为说明文。本文主要介绍了世界上最著名的四座桥。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据“Millau Bridge”中的“Started in 1998 and opened to traffic in 2005”可知,米劳高架桥始建于1998年,2005年通车。根据“Ponte Vecchio Bridge”中的“ The Ponte Vecchio (literally “old bridge”) is a bridge built in the Middle Ages over the Arno River in Florenc”可知,Ponte Vecchio Bridge建于中世纪。“Golden Gate Bridge”部分中的“The bridge took seven years to build, and was completed in 1937”可知“ Golden Gate Bridge”建于1937年。“Charles Bridge.”中可知“started in 1357 under the support of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century.”可知, Charles Bridge 始建于1357年,于15世纪初竣工。综合可知C. Millau Bridge历史最短,故选C。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Golden Gate Bridge部分中最后一句“The famous red-orange color of the bridge was specifically chosen to make the bridge more easily visible through the thick fog that frequently covers the bridge.”可知,金门桥的红橙色是特意选出来的,为了让人们能更容易透过厚厚的雾看清桥上的状况。即这种颜色能让过桥的人更容易在雾天看清路况。分析选项可知B项符合题意,故选B。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The Charles Bridge started in 1357 under the support of King Charles IV, As the only means of crossing the river Vltava, the Charles Bridge ‎ was the most important connection between the Old Town and the area around Prague Castle. Connection made Prague important as a trade route between Eastern and Western Europe. Today it is one of the most visited sights in Prague with painters, owners of kiosks and other traders alongside numerous tourists crossing the bridge”可知,查尔斯桥于1357年在国王查理四世的支持下开始建造。查尔斯桥是穿越弗拉塔瓦河的唯一途径,是连接古镇和布拉格城堡周围地区的最重要的桥梁。而布拉格作为连接东欧和西欧的一条贸易通道,具有重要意义。由此可知,这座桥在连拉东西方的贸易方面起了重要的作用,可知D项符合题意,故选D。‎ ‎【点睛】细节理解题是高考常考的题型。文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。细节理解题常用的策略有:‎ ‎(1)细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。如第2小题,首先根据题目“Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Golden Gate Bridge?”定位于the Golden Gate Bridge,然而略读及查读,找到Golden Gate Bridge部分中最后一句“The famous red-orange color of the bridge was specifically chosen to make the bridge more easily visible through the thick fog that frequently covers the bridge.”可知,金门桥的红橙色是特意选出来的,为了让人们更容易透过厚厚的雾能看清桥上的状况。分析选项可知B项符合题意,故选B。‎ ‎(2)变通理解,间接转述找答案。细节理解题通常采用词语和句型转换的形式来取代原文中的表述,命题者在出这类题时惯用“偷梁换柱、张冠李戴”的手法来迷惑考生,即对原句细微处做改动,截取原文词语或结构进行改造,因果倒置,把A的观点说成B的观点等。所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是关键。如第2小题 “Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Golden Gate Bridge?”的答案B项( Its color enables travelers to see it easily on foggy days)就是对原文“The famous red-orange color of the bridge was specifically chosen to make the bridge more easily visible through the thick fog that frequently covers the bridge.”的另一种表达和解释。enables travelers to see it easily换成了make the bridge more easily visible。‎ ‎(3‎ ‎)多点归纳,综合事实找答案。细节理解题有时考查的并不是单一的信息,而是多处信息的整合。解答此类“综合”信息细节题时,一定要全面捕捉相关信息,进行综合分析、归纳,切忌根据“一面之词”草率地作出结论。如第1小题“Of the four bridges, which one has the shortest history?”要把四座桥的历史作一个比较综合,归纳后才能得出结论。‎ B The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place. Now it is an ecological disaster area. Nauru’s heartbreaking story could have one good consequence---other countries might learn from its mistakes.‎ For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived on the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization. The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798. He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship. He called the island Pleasant Island.‎ However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first. Then whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and alcohol. These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island. A ten-year civil war started, which reduced the population from l, 400 to 900.‎ Nauru’s real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐) on the island. In fact, it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate, which is a very important fertilizer for farming. The company began mining the phosphate.‎ A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground; it is a strip mine(露天矿). When a company strip-mines, it removes the top layer of soil. Then it takes away the material it wants. Strip-mining totally destroys the land. Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.‎ In 1968, Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world. Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.‎ Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem---their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing. By 2000, Nauru ‎ was almost financially ruined. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.‎ ‎4. What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A. To seek help for Nauru’s problems. B. To give a warning to other countries.‎ C. To show the importance of money. D. To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.‎ ‎5. What was Nauru like before the Europeans came?‎ A. Rich and powerful. B. Modern and open.‎ C. Peaceful and attractive. D. Greedy and aggressive.‎ ‎6. Which of the following was a cause of Nauru’s financial problem?‎ A. Its leaders misused the money.‎ B. It spent too much repairing the island.‎ C. Its phosphate mining cost much money.‎ D. It lost millions of dollars in the civil war.‎ ‎7. What can we learn about Nauru from the last paragraph?‎ A. The ecological damage is difficult to repair.‎ B. The leaders will take the experts’words seriously.‎ C. The island was abandoned by the Nauruans.‎ D. The phosphate mines were destroyed.‎ ‎【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了太平洋上岛国Nauru过度使用自己的资源导致最后资源枯竭,国家陷入破产的实例。以警示我们在发展过程中注意科学发展。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第一段Nauru’s heartbreak story could have one good consequence—other countries might learn from its mistakes.‎ ‎(瑙鲁令人心碎的故事可能会有一个好的结果——其他国家可能会从它的错误中吸取教训。)可知,作者认为瑙鲁的故事可以让其他国家从他们的错误中学到一些东西,作者的目的是警示其他国家。故选B。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第二段For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived on the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization.(数千年来,波利尼西亚人居住在远离西方文明的遥远的瑙鲁岛上。)和第五段最后一句中的Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.(渐渐地,可爱的瑙鲁岛开始看起来像月球。)可知,欧洲人来之前,瑙鲁是一个平静美丽的小岛。故选C。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第七段中的Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollar可知,领导人投资的不明智,加上还要花更多的钱用在个人消费上,所以导致了财政问题。故选A。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.(专家表示,修复这座岛屿大约需要4.336亿美元,耗时20多年。这可能永远不会发生。)可知瑙鲁的生态破坏是难以修复的。故选A。‎ ‎【点睛】细节理解题是阅读理解题中最为常见的题型类别,占比也最多,在解决细节理解题时,首先要根据题干准确定位信息句,其次要对信息句进行准确的理解和判断。如第三小题,由第七段中的Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollar可知,领导人投资的不明智,加上还要花更多的钱用在个人消费上,所以导致了财政问题。故选A。‎ C While residents of wealthy nations tend to have greater life satisfaction, new research shows that those living in poorer nations report having greater meaning in life.‎ These findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological science, suggest that meaning in life may be higher in poorer nations as a result of greater religiosity (笃信宗教). As countries become richer, religion becomes less central to people’s lives and they lose a sense of meaning in life.‎ ‎“Thus far, the wealth of nations has been almost always associated with longevity,‎ ‎ health, happiness or life satisfaction,” explains psychological scientist Shigehiro Oishi of the University of Virginia. “Given that meaning in life is an important aspect of overall well-being, we wanted to look more carefully at differential patterns, correlates (相关物), and predictors for meaning in life.”‎ Oishi and colleague Ed Diener of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign investigated life satisfaction, meaning, and well-being by examining data from the 2007 Gallup World Poll, a large-scale survey of over 140,000 participants from 132 countries. In addition to answering a basic life satisfaction question, participants were asked: “Do you feel your life has an important purpose or meaning?” and “Is religion an important part of your daily life?”‎ The data revealed some unexpected trends:‎ ‎“Among Americans, those who are high in life satisfaction are also high in meaning in life,” says Oishi. “But when we looked at the societal level of analysis, we found a completely different pattern of the association between meaning in life and life satisfaction.”‎ When looking across many countries, Oishi and Diener found that people in wealthier nations were more educated, had fewer children, and expressed more individualistic attitudes compared to those in poorer countries – all factors that were associated with higher life satisfaction but a significantly lower sense of meaning in life.”‎ The data suggest that religiosity may play an important role: Residents of wealthier nations, where religiosity is lower, reported less meaning in life and had higher suicide rates than poorer countries.‎ According to the researchers, religion may provide meaning to life to the extent that it helps people to overcome personal difficulty and cope with the struggles of working to survive in poor economic conditions:‎ ‎“Religion gives a system that connects daily experiences with the coherent whole (连贯的整体) and a general structure to one’s life … and plays a critical role in constructing meaning out of extreme hardship,” the researchers write.‎ Oishi and Diener hope to reproduce these findings using more comprehensive measures of meaning and religiosity, and are interested in following countries over time to ‎ track whether economic prosperity gives rise to less religiosity and less meaning in life.‎ ‎8. Which of the following questions couldn’t the participants have answered?‎ A. Does your life have a purpose or meaning?‎ B. Do you have relatives living abroad?‎ C. Are you satisfied with your everyday life?‎ D. Is religion involved in your daily life?‎ ‎9. Which of the following statements is true?‎ A. Those who have higher life satisfaction usually have lower sense of meaning in life.‎ B. People in wealthier nations were more educated, have fewer children and express less individualistic attitudes compared to those in poorer countries.‎ C. Religion may provide meaning to life in that people can get strong support from it in face of hardship.‎ D. Wealthy people are more likely to commit suicide than poor people.‎ ‎10. What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. The poorer a country is, the more religious its people are.‎ B. Economic prosperity gives rise to less religiosity and less meaning in life.‎ C. If you want to find meaning in life, you must practice a religion.‎ D. Meaning in life doesn’t have much to do with the amount of wealth one possesses.‎ ‎11. The main purpose of the passage is to explain the possible reason why __________.‎ A. greater life satisfaction leads to lower sense of meaning B. residents of poorer nations enjoy greater meaning in life C. residents of poorer nations are so religious D. residents of wealthy nations have greater life satisfaction ‎【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:富有国家的人对于生活更加满意,但贫穷国家的人对于生命的意义却有更深刻的理解。文章对其中的原因进行了分析,最后发现主要是因为宗教的巨大作用。所以本文主要是为了解释为什么贫穷国家的人对生活的意义有更深刻的理解的原因。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段new research shows that those living in poorer nations report having greater meaning in life.可知,A项内容是文章涉及的话题。根据文章第四段第一句Oishi and colleague Ed Diener of the University ofa large-scale survey of over 140,000 participants from 132 countries.可知,C项“人们对生活的满意度”也在文章中被讨论了。根据倒数第三段According to the researchers, religion may provide meaning to life to the extent that it helps people to overcome personal difficulty and cope with the struggles可知,D项“宗教在人们生活中的作用”也在文章中有所体现。只有B项与文章无关。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ C 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段According to the researchers, religion may provide meaning to life to the extent that it helps people to overcome personal difficulty and cope with the struggles可知,根据研究人员的说法,宗教可以帮助人们克服个人困难和应付斗争,为生活提供意义。故C项正确。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ D 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第四段people in wealthier nations were more educated, had fewer children, and expressed more individualistic attitudes compared to those in poorer countries — all factors that were associated with higher life satisfaction but a significantly lower sense of meaning in life.可知,生命的意义与个人拥有的财富多少无关,与D项的意思相符合。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ B 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段While residents of wealthy nations tend to have greater life satisfaction, new research shows that those living in poorer nations report having greater meaning in life.可知,富有国家的人对于生活更加满意,但贫穷国家的人对于生命的意义却有更深刻的理解。文章对其中的原因进行了分析,最后发现主要是因为宗教的巨大作用。所以本文主要是为了解释为什么贫穷国家的人对生活的意义有更深刻的理解的原因。故B项正确。‎ 考点:考查议论文阅读 D In 2004, when my daughter Becky was ten, she and my husband, Joe, were united ‎ in their desire for a dog. As for me, I shared none of their canine lust.‎ But why, they pleaded. “Because I don’t have time to take care of a dog.” But we’ll do it. “Really? You’re going to walk the dog? Feed the dog? Bathe the dog?” Yes, yes, and yes. “I don’t believe you.” We will. We promise.‎ They didn’t. From day two (everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day), neither thought to walk the dog. While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her, Misty knew this on day one. As she looked up at the three new humans in her life (small, medium, and large), she calculated, “The medium one is the sucker in the pack.”‎ Quickly, she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld (心灵融合). She’d look at me with those sad brown eyes of hers, beam her need, and then wait, trusting I would understand — which, strangely, I almost always did. In no time, she became my feet as I read, and splaying across my stomach as I watched television.‎ Even so, part of me continued to resent walking duty. Joe and Becky had promised. Not fair, I’d balk (不心甘情愿地做)silently as she and I walked. “Not fair,” I’d loudly remind anyone within earshot upon our return home.‎ Then one day — January 1, 2007, to be exact — my husband’s doctor uttered an unthinkable word: leukemia (白血病). With that, I spent eight to ten hours a day with Joe in the hospital, doing anything and everything I could to ease his discomfort. During those six months of hospitalizations, Becky, 12 at the time, adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school. My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moment's notice for medical emergencies. Every part of my life changed; no part of my old routine remained.‎ Save one: Misty still needed walking. At the beginning, when friends offered to take her through her paces, I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal with.‎ As the months went by, I began to realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty. The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time ‎ to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day's medical drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.‎ When serious illness visits your household, it's not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar. Pretty much everyone you know acts differently.‎ Not Misty. Take her for a walk, and she had no interest in Joe's blood counts or bone marrow test results. On the street or in the park, she had only one thing on her mind: squirrels! She was so joyous that even on the worst days, she could make me smile. On a daily basis she reminded me that life goes on.‎ After Joe died in 2009, Misty slept on his pillow.‎ I'm grateful—to a point. The truth is, after years of balking, I've come to enjoy my walks with Misty. As I watch her chase after a squirrel, throwing her whole being into the here-and-now of an exercise that has never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future, there's almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.‎ ‎12. Why didn't the writer agree to raise a dog at the beginning of the story?‎ A. She was afraid the dog would get the family into trouble.‎ B. It would be her business to take care of the dog.‎ C. Her husband and daughter were united as one.‎ D. She didn't want to spoil her daughter.‎ ‎13. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “The medium is the sucker in the pack.” (Para.3)?‎ A. “The middle-aged person loves me most.”‎ B. “The medium-sized woman is the hostess.”‎ C. “The man in the middle is the one who has the final say.”‎ D. “The woman is the kind and trustworthy one in the family.”‎ ‎14. Why did the writer continue to walk Misty while Joe was in hospital?‎ A. Misty couldn’t live without her.‎ B. Her friends didn’t offer any help.‎ C. The walk provided her with spiritual comfort.‎ D. She didn't want Misty to be others’ companion.‎ ‎15. What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage?‎ A. One should learn to enjoy hard times.‎ B. A disaster can change everything in life.‎ C. Moments of joy suggest that there is still hope ahead.‎ D. People will change their attitude toward you when you are in difficulty.‎ ‎【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文为记叙文。本文主要讲述了作者在生活中遭遇磨难时在遛狗中悟出生活的哲理——尽管有时生活艰难、前途难测,但人生总有希望和快乐。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据下文的内容可知,狗的日常是由作者照顾的。尤其是第二段中的“Because I don’t have time to take care of a dog.”的内容可知“因为我没有时间照顾狗。”从而得出,作者一开始不同意养狗的原因是事先知道照顾狗是她的事情,故选B。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 猜测词义题。所划线的部分的上文As she looked up at the three new humans in her life (small, medium, and large), she calculated, “The medium one is the sucker in the pack.”可知,当狗抬起头来看着她生命中的三个新人类(小的,中的,大的)时,那个在狗的眼里,small指女儿,medium指作者,large指丈夫。再根据前文“While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her,”及下一段中的“Quickly, she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld”可知,作者慢慢地接受了照顾小狗的责任,很快就和狗相处的很融洽了,几乎达到了心灵融合的地步了,也就是说,狗比较相信她的女主人了。本句是狗的心理活动,故选D。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第八段“As the months went by, I began to realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty. The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day's medical ‎ drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.”可知,我开始意识到事实上我想去遛狗。早晨在我去医院之前遛狗让我享受一个安静、平和的时间,可以集中我的思想。晚上则让摆脱一天烦恼的时候,由此可知,遛狗可以给作者心理上带来安慰,帮助她消除内心的烦恼。故选C。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future, there's almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.”可知,狗也提醒我,无论现在多么严酷,无论未来多么难以预料,还是可以从此刻中得到某种程度的快乐。作者在本文中所要传达的是:快乐的时刻意味未来仍然存在着希望。故选C。‎ ‎【点睛】高考中词义推断可以是一个单词的意义推断,也可以是一个短语或句子的意义推断,既可以是生词意义,也可以是熟词新意;还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。在阅读理解题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据短文提供的语境,通过阅读上下文,根据已知的信息或常识来推测尚不熟悉的词或词组的含义。如第2小题属于猜测词义题。所划线的部分的上文As she looked up at the three new humans in her life (small, medium, and large), she calculated, “The medium one is the sucker in the pack.”可知,当狗抬起头来看着她生命中的三个新人类(小的,中的,大的)时,她得出,那个在狗的眼里,small指女儿,medium指作者,large指丈夫。再根据前文“While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her,”及下一段中的“Quickly, she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld”可知,作者慢慢地接受了照顾小狗,很快就和狗相处的很融洽了,几乎达到了心灵融合的地步了,也就是说,狗比较相信她的女主人了。本句是狗的心理活动,故选D。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.‎ ‎___16___‎ For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals(排练) encourage this by running through the lines or having a"read-through". By the time the opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.‎ Listen to your cast members Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line. ___17___. This will help the actors learn their lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbing.‎ ‎___18___‎ Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play's dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP3 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene. Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own lines. ___19___. Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members, and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.‎ Think positively and don't panic Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don't freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again. ___20___.‎ A. Record your lines B. Practice makes perfect C. Read lines loud and repeat them D. Remember the lines in a short time E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times ‎【答案】16. C 17. G ‎ ‎18. A 19. F ‎ ‎20. E ‎【解析】‎ 本文属于说明文,我们常常在观看戏剧时发现男主角或女主角在演戏的时候台词对答如流,一点差错也没有。是演员们的记忆力好,还是他们有特殊的记忆方法?本篇文章为你揭晓其中的奥秘。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 空处为本段的小标题。根据下文中的For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. “对于大多数演员来说,没有更快速地记忆台词的方法。要学会台词,一个演员必须反复地大声背诵这个剧目"可知,C项"大声朗诵台词并且重复台词"符合语境。因此选C。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 根据上文中Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line.的"有时缺乏经验的演员们用排练的时间看着其他的演员们,耐心地等待着去说他们的下一句台词"和空后的内容可知,此处应是缺乏经验的演员们的正确的做法。故选G。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 根据下文中的"record the lines of all the characters"和"recording the lines of fellow cast members"可知,A项“记住你的台词”适合作为本段的小标题,故选A。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 空前内容Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own lines.说一些演员喜欢录下所有角色的台词,包括他们自己的。故此处应该说这样做的好处,即接下来他们不仅仔细听,而且说所有的台词。承接上文,故选F。‎ ‎20题详解】‎ 根据上文中的"If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again"可知如果你不幸有一次忘记了一句台词,可能你再也不会忘记了,表示尴尬可能帮助记忆,故E选项,有时尴尬就是记忆最艰难的方法,切题,所以选E。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I’ve seen so many of them. One day, a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old. “There’s a____21____,”she said. “I told my own dentist it’s nothing, but he____22____I come to see you”.‎ Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her. He would____23____to add something,but she stopped him. She wanted to tell everything herself. I found a large cancer that spread over much of the____24____of her mouth. A careful examination later____25____that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.‎ During her next appointment, I explained to her the____26____of the problem. She clasped my hand in hers and said,“I know you’re worried about me,but I’m just____27____. ”‎ I thought otherwise. After considerable____28____on my part, and kindness on her part because she wanted to____29____me, she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon. She saw him, but as I expected, ____30____treatment.‎ About six months later she returned to my office, still energetic and____31____.‎ ‎“How are you?” I asked.‎ ‎“I’m just fine,honey,”she responded____32____high spirits. “When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”‎ Surprised to see her at all,I answered____33____,“Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll see about it. ”‎ I couldn’t believe my eyes. The cancer that had____34____nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness____35____.‎ I had read of such things happening,but had____36____seen them with my own eyes. That was my first miracle. Since then I’ve seen many others,because they keep getting____37____to see. In fact,miracles are daily events for me now. And people are a miracle, ____38____through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to____39____the miracles of one another.‎ Since my first miracle,I’ve come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is____40____we choose to find it.‎ ‎21. A. cut B. pain C. wound D. cancer ‎22. A. declared B. reminded C. promised D. insisted ‎23. A. retell B. attain C. attempt D. adapt ‎24. A. roof B. corner C. bottom D. surface ‎25. A. confirmed B. convinced C. committed D. concluded ‎26. A. possibility B. maximum C. severity D. resolution ‎27. A. old B. thankful C. fine D. unbearable ‎28. A. permission B. guarantee C. approval D. effort ‎29. A. persuade B. please C. advocate D. astonish ‎30. A. declined B. acquired C. received D. required ‎31. A. admirable B. elegant C. optimistic D. humorous ‎32. A. to B. in C. with D. by ‎33. A. worriedly B. confusedly C. patiently D. adequately ‎34. A. covered B. reached C. ruined D. governed ‎35. A. cured B. faded C. expanded D. remained ‎36. A. ever B. also C. never D. already ‎37. A. easier B. rare C. mature D. closer ‎38 A. or B. so C. yet D. for ‎39. A. adjust B. make C. predict D. see ‎40. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever D. whichever ‎【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. B ‎【解析】‎ 本文为记叙文。作者通过自己作为一名医生所经历的一些事情,告诉我们,生活中奇迹无处不在,奇迹就在我们选择发现奇迹的地方。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:“很疼,”她说。A. cut伤口,划口;B. pain痛苦; C. wound 创伤;D. cancer癌症。下文“I found a large cancer that spread over much of the ____4____ of her mouth.”可知,老太太患的是癌症,而不是受了伤,由此可见,这位老太太是因为上颚痛才来看病的,故选B。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:我告诉我的牙医没什么事,但他坚持要我来。A. declared宣称;B. reminded提醒;C. promised 允诺;D. insisted坚决主张。由第二段中的“I found a large cancer that spread over much of the____4____of her mouth.”可以看出,她的病情很严重,所以应当是她的私人医生坚持要她来的,因此选择insist (坚决主张),后面从句要用虚拟语气。故选D。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:他想补充些什么,但她阻止了他。A. retell复述;B. attain获得;C. attempt试图;D. adapt适应。根据下文“but she stopped him.”可知,他试图(attempt)想说什么,但她阻止了他,故选C。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:我发现在她的上颚处有一个扩散了的肿瘤。A. roof牙床,屋顶;B. corner拐角;C. bottom底部;D. surface表面。the roof在指处指的是牙床,即上颚。下文“The cancer that had____14____nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of”中的“the roof of the mouth”指上颚,应该选择roof,故选A。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:后经仔细检查证实,这是一种特别严重的癌症。A. confirmed确认;B. convinced使确信;C. committed承诺;D. concluded总结。根据语境可知,此处是指经过检查可确认(confirmed)这是严重的癌症。故选A。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:在她的下一次预约中,我向她解释了问题的严重性。A. possibility可能性;B. maximum最大值;C. severity严重性;D. resolution解决,消除。根据上文“confirmed that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.”可知问题很严重(severity)故选C。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:我知道你担心我,但我很好。A. old旧的;B. thankful感谢的;C. fine好的,纤细的;D. unbearable无法容忍的。由语境可知,老太太一直认为自己身体好。且下文“I’m just fine,honey,”she responded也有提示,故选C。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:我不这么认为。我付出相当大的努力才说服她去看癌症医生。A. permission诺言;B. guarantee保证;C. approval同意;D. effort努力。根据语境可知,老太太认为自己身体好,我一直在努力(effort)地劝说老太太找癌症医生看,故选D。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:因为她想让我高兴,她同意让我把她介绍给癌症外科医生。A. persuade说服;B. please使高兴;C. advocate倡导;D. astonish使惊讶。根据“kindness on her part because she wanted to___9_ me”可知,根据前文可知,老太太在我的劝说下,答应看癌症医生一方面是我的努力,另一方面是她的善良,因为她想让我高兴(please)才答应的,故选B。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:但正如我所料,她谢绝了治疗。A. declined拒绝;B. acquired习得;C. received收到;D. required需要。因为老太太看外科医生一是她的善良,二是想让我高兴,但她认为自己很健康。所以虽然去看了,但她拒绝(declined)治疗。故选A。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:大约6个月后,她回到我的办公室,仍然精力充沛,乐观向上。A. admirable令人敬佩的;B. elegant优雅的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. humorous幽默的。根据并列连词and及前面的“energetic”可知,此处要填C(optimistic乐观的),故选C。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查语境及固定搭配。句意:“我很好,亲爱的。”她兴高采烈地回答。“in high spirit”为固定搭配,意为“兴高采烈”。根据上文About six months later she returned to my office, still energetic and____11____.可知她精力充满又乐观,所以是兴高采烈(in high spirit)。故选B。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查副词辨析。句意:看到她(这样的精神状态),我感到很惊讶,我很困惑地回答。A. worriedly担心地;B. confusedly困惑地;C. patiently耐心地;D. adequately 充足地。根据上下文的内容可知,一个病入膏肓的病人竟然还精力充沛,神采依然,让我很“困惑(confusedly)”,故选B。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:几乎覆盖了她整个上颚的癌细胞已经消失了,只剩下一小块红色区域。A. covered覆盖;B. reached到达;C. ruined 毁灭;D. governed统治。根据空后的“the roof of the mouth”以及第二段的“I found a large cancer that spread over much of the ____4____ of her mouth”可知,癌症扩散到了她的大部分上颚,即几乎覆盖着(covered)她的上颚,故选A。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:几乎覆盖了整个上颚的癌肿已经消失了,只剩下一小块红肿了。A. cured治愈;B. faded消逝;C. expanded扩大 ;D. remained剩余,遗留,继续存在。此处是指癌症症状消失后遗留(remained)下的东西,故选D。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查副词辨析及语境。句意:我曾听说过这种事,但从未亲眼见过。A. ever曾经;B. also也;C. never从未;D. already已经。根据后一句“That was my first miracle. Since then I’ve seen many others”可知,这是我第一次看见,以前从未(never)亲眼见到。故选C。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:从那以后,我看到了很多其他类似的奇迹,因为它们越来越容易被看到。A. easier更容易;B. rare罕见的;C. mature成熟的;D. closer更靠近的。根据上下文的内容可知,从那以后看到了许多奇迹。下文“miracles are daily events for me now”可知每天都有奇迹,可知,很容易(easier)看到奇迹,故选A。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查语境及连词。句意:人们也是奇迹,因为通过他们,我们有机会了解自己。A. or或者;B. so因此;C. yet然而;D. for因为。根据上下文的语境可知,此处是因果关系。故选D。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:因为通过他们我们有机会认识自己,看到彼此的奇迹。A. adjust调整; B. make制造;C. predict预测;D. see看见。“Since then I’ve seen many others,because they keep getting____17____to see”可知选see,此处是指看到(see)彼此的奇迹,故选D。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查代词辨析。句意:自从我看到的第一个奇迹,我开始明白,创造奇迹的时间和地点就在我们选择的任何地方。A. whatever无论什么;B. wherever无论哪儿;C. whoever无论谁;D. whichever无论什么。根据上文的内容可知,每天都有奇迹,人也是一种奇迹,由此可推断出,无论任何地方(创造奇迹的时间和地点就在我们选择的任何地方)都有奇迹。故选B。‎ 第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Suppose you broke a cup or a bowl by accident, ____41____would you deal with the broken pieces? One day, Alice___42___(wash) dishes when she broke a beautiful plate carelessly.___43___ (hear) the sound, her father ran out of the study at once to see if his daughter was hurt. To his___44___(relieve), she was fine, so the father comforted her and told her just to throw the broken pieces directly into the dustbin.‎ However, Alice said nothing. She picked up the pieces on the floor one by one. She even looked everywhere to make sure there were no pieces ____45____(leave).Then Alice asked her father for some old newspapers and a plastic bag.‎ The father felt___46___(confuse). He wondered what she was going to do. After Alice ___47___(wrap) the broken pieces with newspapers, she then put them into the plastic bag, together with a card____48____(say) “ Danger! Broken plate!” Finally, she placed the plastic bag into the dustbin. Not until then did the father realize how____49____(consider) his daughter was. He learned a lesson from her. If everyone in the world____50____(show) thoughtful concern for others, we could make a really big difference!‎ ‎【答案】41. how ‎ ‎42. was washing ‎ ‎43. Hearing ‎ ‎44. relief 45. left ‎ ‎46. confused ‎ ‎47. wrapped/had wrapped ‎ ‎48. saying 49. considerate ‎ ‎50. showed ‎【解析】‎ 本文为记叙文。假如你不小心打碎了一个杯子或一个碗,你会如何处理这些碎片?一天爱丽丝洗碗时不小心打碎了一个盘子后,她仔细地捡起地板上的碎片后,用报纸把碎片包起来。放进了垃圾箱前,写了一张卡片一起放进塑料袋里,提示“碎片,危险!”。这给人们的启示:如果世界上的每一个人都关心体贴别人,会有很大意义!‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查语境。句意:假设你不小心打碎了一个杯子或碗,你会如何处理这些碎片? 根据语境可知,此处是指如何处理碎杯子的碎片,故填how。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查时态及固定句式。句意:一天,爱丽丝在洗盘子时不小心打碎了一个漂亮的盘子.“sb. were /was doing when”为固定句式,意为“正在做这个时候”。根据when从句的一般过去时,可知此处要用过去进行时,故填was washing 。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查非谓语作状语。句意:听到这个声音,她的父亲立刻跑出书房,看看他的女儿是否受伤了。根据语境可知,hear的逻辑主语是her father,二者是主动关系。所以要用动词的-ing形式,故填 Hearing。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配。句意:令他欣慰的是,她很好,。“to one’s relief”为固定搭配,意为“使某人欣慰的是”,故本空填relief。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查过去分词作定语。句意:她还到处找(碎片),以确保没有留下任何东西。此处left是过去分词,一般用作后置定语,意为“剩下的,留下的”,故填left。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 考查形容词作表语。句意:父亲感到很困惑。他不知道她要做什么。根据后一句“He wondered what she was going to do”可知,她的父亲感觉很困惑,要用形容词作表语,故此处填confused。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 考查时态及语境。本文叙述的是过去的事,要用一段过去时,可填wrapped。也可填had wrapped,因为wrap这个动词是发生在一般过去时put them into the plastic bag之前,是过去的过去。故填wrapped/had wrapped。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:纸片上写着“破碎的碟子,危险”。card与say 之间构成逻辑上的主动关系,要用动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语,故填saying。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:直到那时,父亲才意识到他女儿是多么体贴。How是副词,一般修饰形容词或副词,本空作表语,要用形容词,故填considerate。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 考查虚拟语气。句意:如果世界上的每个人都对别人体贴和关心,我们就会起很大的作用! 根据语境可知,此名是虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反,从句要用一般过去时,故填showed。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 微写作(15分):‎ ‎51.翻译下列句子,然后加入过渡词,按照逻辑连成80字左右的短文。‎ 要求:尽可能用模块六所学词汇和短语;使用从句和分词结构。‎ ‎1.宋小宝,著名的喜剧演员,深受人们的欢迎,他的表演经常使我们捧腹大笑。‎ ‎2.笑可以减轻我们的压力,使我们振作精神;笑可以帮我们驱赶走负面的情绪,培养积极的思维方式;笑对我们的身心有积极的影响,正如谚语所说,“笑是最好的良药”。‎ ‎3.总之,笑在生活中很重要。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】It is universally assumed that Song Xiaobao is one of the famous comedians, who enjoys popularity with us . His performance often makes us laugh my head off, which is beneficial to us. First and foremost, laughing can relieve our stress, lifting up our spirits. In addition, laughing can drive away our negative emotions, allowing us to cultivate a positive way of thinking. Furthermore, laughing has a positive effect on our body and health. Just as the saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” So, we can safely conclude that it is of great significance for us to laugh more in our life.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本大题根据要求翻译句子。要求尽可能用模块六所学词汇和短语,使用从句和分词结构, 加入适当的过渡词,按照逻辑连成80字左右的短文。此题首先要分析所给的汉语句意及具体的范围内的所学的词汇和短语,明确考核的要点,即要用从句和分词结构,选择恰当的词语搭配。这不仅要用所给的语法项目进行恰当的翻译,同时还要注意翻译句子时要根据具体的语境。此外一定要避免汉语式的英语翻译。‎ ‎【详解】本大题用所学的词汇和短语,使用从句和分词结构, 加入适当的过渡词,按照逻辑连成80字左右的短文。分析这三个句子可知,第一句是对宋小宝作个简单的介绍,可运用定语从句来未完成这个句子,用所学的短语“enjoy popularity with/be popular with, laugh one’s head off(捧腹大笑), be beneficial to (对有益的)”。所以此处可用定语从句来翻译句子“宋小宝,著名的喜剧演员,深受人们的欢迎,他的表演经常使我们捧腹大笑。”为“It is universally assumed that Song Xiaobao is one of the famous comedians, who enjoys popularity with us .”。‎ 接着对“笑对人们有益”为“His performance often makes us laugh my head off, which is beneficial to us. ”进一步解释,此时可用顺序连词如First and foremost , in addition, furthermore ,把三个好处时按照逻辑连成短文。在翻译三个点时,可使用动词的—ing形式作主语来翻译 “笑可以减轻我们的压力,使我们振作精神;笑可以帮我们驱赶走负面的情绪,培养积极的思维方式;笑对我们的身心有积极的影响”,如laughing can relieve our stress, lifting up our spirits. In addition, laughing can drive away our negative emotions, allowing us to cultivate a positive way of thinking. laughing has a positive effect on our body and health。再用一个非限制性定语从句 Just as the saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” 来说明正如谚语所说,“笑是最好的良药”。以上的内容可运用所学的词组如“relieve one’s stress, lift up one’s spirits, drive away ,,,, ,have an effect on。最后用宾语从句及所学的词汇如of great significance作一个总结:So, we can safely conclude that it is of great significance for us to laugh more in our life。”要注意用词要恰当,句式要相对灵活,语言要精练,要有逻辑,才能为一篇文章。‎ 第二节 应用文写作(25分)‎ ‎52.假定你是李华,你的朋友Peter想了解你校于十二月举办的中国传统文化艺术节。请你给Peter写封回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.举办艺术节的目的;‎ ‎2.介绍你最喜欢的一个艺术节活动;‎ ‎3.邀请Peter参加并告之艺术节活动的时间。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Peter,‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎【答案】Dear Peter,‎ Having known that you are interested in our school art festival about traditional Chinese culture, I am writing to offer you some detailed information.‎ This art festival falls in every December at our campus, aiming to enrich our school life and arouse our awareness of carrying forward the precious traditional Chinese culture.‎ Sponsored by our Students’ Union, the festival covers a wide variety of activities, among which I pay special attention to the Chinese poetry competition, since I hold the belief that one filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance. Poem lovers read, recite seas of poems that they love and exchange their perspectives on poetry.‎ Why not come and enjoy the strong atmosphere of our festival at the very beginning of December? Your involvement will be warmly welcomed.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一封邀请信。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题:这是一篇提纲类作文。以你是李华的身份给你的朋友Peter想了解你校于十二月举办的中国传统文化艺术节。请你给Peter写封回信,内容包括:1.举办艺术节的目的;2.介绍你最喜欢的一个艺术节活动;3.邀请Peter参加并告之艺术节活动的时间。时态为一般现在时。‎ 第二步:关键词(组):1.be interested in对感兴趣;2. offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物;3.a wide variety of 各种各样的;4.pay special attention to特别关心 等。‎ 第三步:连词成句:1.The festival covers a wide variety of activities, among which I pay special attention to the Chinese poetry competition 使用介词+which引导的非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎2. Why not come and enjoy the strong atmosphere of our festival at the very beginning of May? 使用提建议的表达方式Why not+动词原形?等。‎ 第四步:注意使用过渡词(组),使得上下文之间衔接自然。‎ 注意要点要写齐全,上下文逻辑关系要合理自然等。‎ ‎【点睛】本文要点齐全,过渡自然,措辞正确,而且使用了许多高级句式,如:采用非谓语动词This art festival falls in every December at our campus, aiming to enrich…;采用among which引导非限制性定语从句;since引导时间状语从句;that引导同位语从句Sponsored by our Students’ Union, the festival covers a wide variety of activities, among which I pay special attention to the Chinese poetry competition, since I hold the belief that one filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance.等,使得文章大放光彩。‎ ‎ ‎

