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‎2018届二轮复习 动词(短语)典题60题练与析 ‎1.We could go now or this afternoon. Whatever time ________ you best?‎ A.fits         B.meets C.satisfies D.suits 答案与解析:D 句意:我们可以现在或者今天下午走,哪个时间更适合你?suit“适合某种安排、需要和目的”,符合句意。fit多指“(大小、形状)适合,适宜,吻合”;meet“满足(愿望、要求),达到(目的)”;satisfy“满足(欲望);使某人满意”。‎ ‎2.________ the vacant post, Smith felt very happy and decided to be up to the job. ‎ A.Concerning B.Concerned about C.Appointed to D.Applied to 答案与解析:C 句意:因为被委任到这个空缺的职位上,史密斯很高兴,并决定要胜任这份工作。appointed to是过去分词短语作状语。concerning“鉴于;考虑到”;be concerned about“关心”。be applied to“被应用到……”。‎ ‎3.Most female workers in Shanghai suffer from ________ connected to the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey.‎ A.curiosity B.eagerness C.anxiety D.thirst 答案与解析:C 句意:最近一项调查显示,上海的大部分女性员工都承受全球性金融危机带来的焦虑。anxiety“焦虑。curiosity“好奇心”;eagerness“渴望,热切”;thirst“口渴;渴望”。‎ ‎4.I appreciate your hard work, but I can not have a ________ that you will surely get promoted.‎ A.guarantee B.result C.belief D.swear 答案与解析:A 句意:我很欣赏你努力工作,但我不能保证你会得到提升。guarantee“保证;担保”。result“结果”;belief“相信;信仰”;swear“发誓”。‎ ‎5.—Dad, there is a snake at the gate crawling this way.‎ ‎—Don't ________, boys; there's no danger.‎ A.afraid B.frighten C.terrify D.panic 答案与解析:D Don't panic“不要惊慌”。afraid为形容词;frighten和terrify是及物动词。‎ ‎6.The teacher ________ the performance of each student at the end of the term.‎ A.calculates B.evaluates C.examines D.supposes 答案与解析:B 句意:老师在学期末对每位同学的表现进行评价。evaluate“评估;评价”。calculate“计算”;examine“检查”;suppose“设想;认为”。‎ ‎7.—Waiter! How much will I pay for a night?‎ ‎—Prices ________ from room to room.‎ A.increase B.vary C.range D.divide 答案与解析:B 句意:——服务员,房价一晚多少钱?——房间不同价格也不同。vary“(彼此)相异;存在不同之处”,符合句意。increase“增加”;range“处于某范围内;在某范围内变化”;divide“分开”。‎ ‎8.I'm quite sure that it is ________ impossible for me to fulfill the task in only two days without anyone to help me.‎ A.absolutely B.approximately C.hardly D.desperately 答案与解析:A 句意:我确定对于我来说,在没有人帮助的情况下仅在两天内完成这项任务是绝对不可能的。absolutely“绝对地,完全地”,符合句意。approximately“近似地,大约”;hardly“几乎不”;desperately“绝望地”。‎ ‎9.—Henry has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for many years.‎ ‎—No ________ he can speak Chinese so well and idiomatically.‎ A.matter B.doubt C.problem D.wonder 答案与解析:D 句意:——Henry多年来一直在北京大学学汉语。——难怪他汉语说得那么好,那么地道。no wonder...“难怪/怪不得……”。‎ ‎10.Videos, recordings and other learning aids are usually used ________ textbooks in language learning.‎ A.alongside B.except for C.despite D.in comparison with 答案与解析:A 句意:在语言学习中视频、录音和其他学习辅助设备通常与教材一起加以利用。alongside“与……一起;与……同时”。‎ ‎11.In the past the root of this plant was said ________ magical power which could cure baldness.‎ A.possessing B.to be possessed C.to possess D.possessed 答案与解析:C 句意:过去,据说这种植物的根有一种魔力能治疗脱发。此处是It's said that的一种变化形式,表示一种实际情况,用动词不定式的一般式即可。‎ ‎12.________ you want to remember its usage, you'd better make a sentence with the new word.‎ A.Unless B.While C.Now that D.Even if 答案与解析:C 句意:既然你想记住这个生词的用法,你就最好用它造个句子。now that“既然”,符合句意。unless“除非”;while“当……时候”;even if“即使”。‎ ‎13.I'm sure this painting is not by Picasso. It's only an unsuccessful fake (赝品) and it's ________.‎ A.priceless B.invaluable C.worthless D.precious 答案与解析:C 句意:我确定这不是毕加索的画作。这只是一件不成功的赝品,不值钱。worthless“不值钱的”,符合句意。priceless“无价的”,invaluable“极有用的,极宝贵的”;precious“珍贵的”。‎ ‎14.If you want to ________ in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are still young.‎ A.make much of yourself B.make the way out C.make you out D.make your way 答案与解析:D 句意:如果你想成功,就必须在年轻时学会努力工作。make one's way除了表示“去;前往;到……地方去;前进”之外,还可以表示“获得成功,有出息”。make much of sb.“重视某人”;make sth. out“看清/辨认清楚某事物”;make sb.‎ ‎ out“看透/弄懂某人”。故选D项。‎ ‎15.Mr. Jones has been ________ chairman of the conference. Which is WRONG?‎ A.made B.elected C.become D.appointed 答案与解析:C make/ elect/ appoint sb. sth.选举/任命某人做……。C项不能用于被动语态。‎ ‎16.In only 30 years, the country has been ________ into an advanced industrial power.‎ A.translated        B.degraded C.declined D.transformed 答案与解析:D 在仅仅30年的时间里,这个国家已经成为一个发达的工业强国。transform“改变;转变”,常与介词into连用。translate“翻译”;degrade“降级;退化”;decline“下降”。‎ ‎17.Is this reason ________ you explained at the meeting for not arriving on time?‎ A.the one B./‎ C.why D.the one how 答案与解析:A this reason是主语,the one是表语,you explained...是定语从句,本题中主句缺少表语成分,同时作表语的词the one又充当定语从句的先行词。‎ ‎18.Premier Wen said, “I once again emphasize that it is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice people's life and health ________ the economic development in any case.”‎ A.in the hope of B.in return for C.in the face of D.in exchange for 答案与解析:D 句意:温总理说:“我再强调一次,无论如何我们绝对不能牺牲人民的生命和健康来换取经济发展。”in exchange for“换取;作为……的交换”,符合题意。in the hope of“怀着……的希望”;in return for“作为回报”;in the face of“面对”。‎ ‎19.The local government has been accused of not responding ________ to the needs of the homeless in the floodstricken area.‎ A.hopelessly B.appropriately C.needlessly D.constantly 答案与解析:B 句意:当地政府被指责没有对受洪灾地区无家可归人们的需求做出恰当的反应。appropriately“适当地,合适地”。hopelessly“绝望地”;needlessly“不必要地,无用地”;constantly“不断地,时常地”,均不符合题意。‎ ‎20.There was such a long queue for fried chicken at KFC that we ________ gave up.‎ A.eventually B.unfortunately C.generously D.purposely 答案与解析:A 句意:在肯德基排队买炸鸡的人太多了,我们最终放弃了。eventually“最后,最终”,符合题意。unfortunately“不幸地”;generously“慷慨地”;purposely“故意地”。‎ ‎21.Their bright eyes and smiling faces ________ the impression that they were very excited.‎ A.determined B.conveyed C.shaped D.functioned 答案与解析:B 句意:他们明亮的眼睛和微笑的表情传达出了他们给别人的印象是他们很兴奋。convey“传达”。determine“决定”;shape“形成”;function“运行;起作用”。‎ ‎22.—I've been working on this problem for a long time. But I still can't work it out.‎ ‎—________. You might as well do something else now.‎ A.Cheer up B.Take it easy C.Come on D.Never mind 答案与解析:B 句意:——我已经花很长时间去处理这个问题了,但是我还是没能解决。——放松一下,现在你也可以做点其他的事。take it easy“别紧张;放松”,符合题意。cheer up“振作点;高兴点”;come on“加油;快点”;never mind“不要紧;没关系”。‎ ‎23.It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn't ________ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.‎ A.make up for B.look up to C.put up with D.fit in with 答案与解析:A 金钱“弥补”不了过去五年鲍勃所受的罪,make up for“弥补”,符合题意。‎ ‎24.I ________ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I ________ money.‎ A.would like to give; ran out of B.would like to have given; ran out of C.would like to give; was run out of D.would like to give; ran out 答案与解析:B 句意:我原本想要给你一份贵重的生日礼物的,但是我把钱花光了。would like to have done“过去想要做某事而实际未做”;run out of“用完;耗尽”,为及物动词短语,其主语通常是人。‎ ‎25.—My friends are leaving tomorrow afternoon.‎ ‎—I would rather they ________ on an early train.‎ A.had left B.leave C.will leave D.left 答案与解析:D 句意:——我的朋友明天下午走。——我宁愿他们乘早班火车离开。would rather后接从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,对现在或将来虚拟用过去时,对过去虚拟用过去完成时。‎ ‎26.The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a ________ attitude.‎ A.changeable B.alternate C.movable D.flexible 答案与解析:D flexible“灵活的,可变通的”。能快速的适应新形势只能是态度灵活。changeable“可改变的”;alternate“交替的”;movable“活动的”。‎ ‎27.I enjoy reading all kinds of books in my spare time, Bernard Shaw's plays ________.‎ A.in common B.in total C.in turn D.in particular 答案与解析:D 句意:我业余时间喜欢各种各样的书,特别是萧伯纳的戏剧。in common“共同”;in total“总计”;in turn“依次”;in particular“尤其,特别”。故选D项。‎ ‎28.I was so excited at the news that I could hardly ________ my feelings in words.‎ A.carry B.convey C.survey D.communicate 答案与解析:B convey one's feelings“表达感想”。‎ ‎29.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.‎ A.bring out B.let out C.leave out D.make out 答案与解析:C 句意:老师再次强调说,学生们复述故事时不应该漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out“取出,出版”;let out“放出,发出”;leave out“省略,遗漏”;make out“辨别出”。‎ ‎30.________ we know each other well, we can get along fine.‎ A.Now that B.Not until C.Before D.During 答案与解析:A 句意:既然我们彼此很熟悉了,我们就能很好地相处。now that“既然”。‎ ‎31.The man refused to admit that he was guilty as the court had judged, and ________ the High Court.‎ A.adapted to        B.related to C.appealed to D.referred to 答案与解析:C 句意:当法庭宣判时这个人拒绝承认自己有罪并且要求上诉到最高法院。adapt to“适应”;relate to“与……有联系”;appeal to“呼吁,上诉”;refer to“提及,指的是”,故C项正确。‎ ‎32.—Will you join us in playing cards?‎ ‎—Thank you, but ________ at the moment.‎ A.I'd like to B.I'm afraid so C.I'd rather not D.I'd better not to 答案与解析:C 句意:——要和我们一起打牌吗?——谢谢,但是现在我不想打。根据but可知现在不想打牌。I'd like to“我愿意”;I'm afraid so“恐怕是这样”;I'd rather not“我宁愿不”。‎ ‎33.The Chinese are looking forward to the first ________ to land on the moon after Yang Liwei's successful trip to space.‎ A.measure B.attempt C.purpose D.desire 答案与解析:B 句意:杨利伟成功在太空飞行后,中国人正盼望着首次登月的尝试。‎ ‎34.________, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year, so we have a lot in common.‎ A.By accident B.By chance C.By coincidence D.By misadventure 答案与解析:C by accident=by chance“偶然地,意外地”;by misadventure“意外地”。句意:真巧,我和我的同桌同年同日生,所以我们有很多共同之处。故用by coincidence“巧合地”。‎ ‎35.________ work has been done to improve the people's living standard.‎ A.Many B.A great many C.A great deal of D.A large number of 答案与解析:C 本题考查表示“大量的”的限定词的用法。通过对选项进行分析,发现A、B和D三项后必须接可数名词的复数形式,a great deal of后接不可数名词,然后找到关键词work,便知正确答案为C项。‎ ‎36.—We have both red and white wine. Do you have a(n) ________ for one or the other?‎ ‎—White, please.‎ A.favour B.appreciation C.preference D.enjoyment 答案与解析:C 根据上句“We have both red and white wine”可知下句会问对方喜欢哪种酒,have a preference for为习惯搭配,意为“对……喜爱/偏爱”。favour“帮助;恩惠”;appreciation“赏识;感激”;enjoyment“享受”。‎ ‎37.At the very beginning, Einstein's Theory of Relativity was so ________ that few scientists could understand.‎ A.absorbed B.abstract C.absolute D.interesting 答案与解析:B 句意:刚开始,爱因斯坦的相对论是如此的抽象,以至于极少数科学家能理解。abstract“抽象的”,符合题意。absorbed“吸收的;专心的”;absolute“绝对的”;interesting“有趣的”。‎ ‎38.—When will they arrive?‎ ‎—I ________ they will arrive in 10 minutes. Let's wait here.‎ A.talk B.ensure C.predict D.want 答案与解析:C 根据句意:“我估计他们十分钟后会到”可知选C项,predict“预测”,通常指从已知的事实情况中进行推断,符合题意。talk“谈论”;ensure“担保;确保”;want“想要”。‎ ‎39.—Excuse me, I was told I could find Dr. Johnson here.‎ ‎—And you ________. Anything I can do for you?‎ A.have B.had C.did D.do 答案与解析:C did替代上句中的“find Dr. Johnson here”,由于是过去的动作,故C项正确。‎ ‎40.To make the coordination of the team members better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ and weaknesses.‎ A.techniques B.strengths C.benefits D.values 答案与解析:B 句意:要使队员们配合得更好,教练员首先必须了解他们的长处和短处。technique“技术,技巧”;strength“长处,优点”;benefit“利益,好处”;value“价值”。故选B项。‎ ‎41.The man didn't know ________ the thief broke into the house and stole all his valuable things.‎ A.it was when that B.when it was that C.that it was when D.was it when that 答案与解析:B 本题考查强调句型。从主干部分The man didn't ‎ know可知,know后为一宾语从句,这个宾语从句又是一个强调句,故选B项。‎ ‎42.—Is the young man standing at the gate ________ the car?‎ ‎—No. The car is ________ his father.‎ A.in possession of; in the possession of B.have possession of; take possession of C.have possession of; in the possession of D.in the possession of; take possession of 答案与解析:A 句意:——站在门口的那个年轻人拥有那辆车吗?——不,那辆车是他爸爸的。be in possession of sth.“拥有某物“,be in the possession of sb.“为某人所有”。‎ ‎43.She went to the bookstore and bought ________.‎ A.score books B.scores books C.score of books D.scores of books 答案与解析:D scores of“许多,大量”,可修饰可数名词。score与数词或many, several连用时,其后不加s; score前有基数词表示数字时,其后一般不与of连用。‎ ‎44.With the development of reform of education, many teachers are ________ some more effective methods of teaching.‎ A.adapting B.adopting C.affording D.adding 答案与解析:B 句意:随着教育改革的发展,许多教师正采用一些更加有效的教学方法。adapt“适应”;adopt“采用”;afford“负担得起”;add“加”。故选B项。‎ ‎45.She soon acquired a ________ as a firstclass cook.‎ A.reputation B.fame C.name D.impression 答案与解析:A 句意:她不久就获得了一级厨师的荣誉。reputation“名誉,荣誉”,是可数名词;fame“声誉,名声”,是不可数名词;name“名字”;impression“印象”。故选A项。‎ ‎46.Much new and high technology has been introduced from America, thus ________ great increase in production of the company.‎ A.resulting in       B.resulted in C.resulting from D.resulted from 答案与解析:A 句意:很多高新技术已经从美国引进,从而导致公司产量的大幅增长。result in“引起,导致”;result from“起因于”。此处用现在分词作结果状语。‎ ‎47.She ________ at her boss from behind her computer and didn't dare to say a word.‎ A.glanced B.glimpsed C.glared D.stared 答案与解析:A 句意:她从电脑后看了老板一眼,一句话也没敢说。glance at“看一眼;瞥一眼”;glimpse at“无意中瞥见”;glare at“怒目而视”;stare at“凝视,盯着看”。‎ ‎48.A sudden change in temperature ________ to bring rain or snow.‎ A.gets B.turns C.hopes D.tends 答案与解析:D 句意:温度的突然变化易于带来雨或雪。‎ ‎49.We should analyze the work ________ instead of concentrating only on some single parts.‎ A.as a whole B.on the whole C.in general D.as a result 答案与解析:A 句意:我们应该从整体上来分析工作,而不是将注意力仅仅集中于某些孤立的部分。as a whole“整体上来看”;on the whole“总的来说”;in general“总体上,大体上,笼统地”;as a result“结果”。‎ ‎50.The book published by the government ________ the case of the women's rights and responsibilities of last year.‎ A.states B.tells C.starts D.says 答案与解析:A 句意:政府出版的那本书陈述了去年妇女的权利和义务状况。state“声明,陈述,指正式地陈述观点”。‎ ‎51.During the discussion, many members were ________ my proposal, which upset me greatly.‎ A.objecting B.objected to C.opposing D.opposed to 答案与解析:D be opposed to=oppose=object to,意为“反对”,因此D项正确。‎ ‎52.The price of houses ________ from 200,000 to 300,000 pounds in the suburb of London during that winter.‎ A.changed B.ranged C.separated D.differed 答案与解析:B 考查动词词义辨析。change“改变”,是及物动词;separate“分开,隔离”,separate A from B“把A和B分开”;differ“不一致,不同”,differ from“不同于”range“(在某范围内)变动,变化”,range from... to...“在……范围内变化”,是固定搭配。句意:那年冬季伦敦郊区的房价在20万到30万英镑之间浮动。‎ ‎53.—Since it's late, we'll ________ for the night.‎ ‎—Please don't bother. I'll go home by taxi.‎ A.pick you up B.make you up C.put you up D.take you up 答案与解析:C 句意:——因为天太晚了,我们请你今晚就住在这里。——不必麻烦了。我乘出租车回家。put sb. up在此意为“留某人在家中”。根据语境,选项C合适。‎ ‎54.His new book The wedding ceremony ________ last week.It's said to be a comedy.‎ A.came up B.came out C.came to D.came about 答案与解析:B 考查动词短语辨析。come out“出版;发芽”;come up“长出;(意见)被提出”;come to“共计;说起”;come about“产生,发生”。只有B项符合句意。‎ ‎55.21th Century is of great use to the study of English so I have decided to ________ it from this year on.‎ A.subscribe to B.adapt to C.appeal to D.devote to 答案与解析:A 考查动词辨析。句意:《21世纪报》对英语学习很有帮助,因此我已决定从今年开始订阅。subscribe to“预订,同意,订阅”;adapt to“习惯于,适应,能应付”;appeal ‎ to“呼吁,请求,恳求,求助于;对……有吸引力”;devote to“专注于,致力于”。由句意可知选A项。‎ ‎56.I didn't know how to work out this problem. ________, there was nobody who could help me.‎ A.To make matters worse B.That's to say C.or rather D.In other words 答案与解析:A 句意:我不知道如何解决这个问题,更糟糕的是,没有人能帮助我。由句意可知应选A项。that's to say意为“也就是说”;or rather意为“更确切地说”;in other words意为“换言之”。‎ ‎57.—Do remember to carry the bike into the room in case it rains.‎ ‎—________.‎ A.Heard it B.Made it C.Got it D.Took it 答案与解析:C 考查it的固定搭配。句意:——一定要记得将自行车搬到屋里,以防下雨。——知道了。make it“成功做完某事”。get it“了解;懂得”。‎ ‎58.There's no doubt ________ the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.‎ A.if B.that C.what D.whether 答案与解析:B 句意:毫无疑问,那位著名的教授将来给我们讲课。There is no doubt that...“毫无疑问……”,that引导同位语从句。‎ ‎59.At the airport he read an address of welcome ________ the association.‎ A.in contrast with B.in relation to C.on behalf of D.regardless of 答案与解析:C 句意:在机场,他代表该协会致了欢迎词。on behalf of“代表,以……的名义”;in contrast with“与……相比”;in relation to“与……有关”;regardless of“不管,不顾”。故选C项。‎ ‎60.It doesn't matter what you wear—just ________ you come.‎ A.as long as B.as far as C.as early as D.as soon as 答案与解析:A 句意:你穿什么都没关系——只要你能来。as long as表示条件,意为“只要”;as far as“远到,直到,就……”;as early as“早在……时”;as soon ‎ as“一……就……”,由句意可知空缺处应为条件。故选A项。‎

