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2019 届二轮复习语法专题 The Relative Clause 解析定语从句的关系词 定语从句的基本概念 1 定语从句是整个句子充当定语 , 来修饰名词或代词。被定语从句所修饰的词叫 先行词 ,定语从句一般 紧跟 先行词。定从一般用 关系代词 或 关系副词 引导,关系词在含义上 替代 先行词 , 并在定语从句中 充当一个成分 。 定语从句的基本概念 2 The man who came to see me this morning is my cousin. 今天早晨来看我的人是我表弟 . 先行词 定语从句 关系代词作主语,不可省 定语从句的基本概念 3 关系代词 : 代人 : who ( 主语 / 宾语), whom ( 宾语) 代物 : which ( 主语 / 宾语) 代人或物 : that ( 主语 / 宾语 ) Whose 某人的 / 某物的 , ( 先行词的所有格 ) ; 关系代词在从句中 做主语,不能省略 ; 做宾语,可以省略。 定语从句的基本概念 4 关系副词: Where 表示地点,在定从中作 地点状语 ; When 表示时间,在定从中作 时间状语 ; Why 表示原因,在定从中作 原因状语 。 关系代词 which who / whom that 关系副词 when where why 诀窍 : 先找定语从句所修饰的先行词 ; 再判断定从里缺少成分吗 ? 如缺成分 , 缺的是什么成分 ? 主语还是宾语 ? 1. Do you know the lady _____ gave us a speech last week ? (who, that) 2. The book ______ cost me 1,200 yuan is an encyclopaedia. (which, that) 3. He is a man _____ we should learn from. (whom, who, that, / ) 4. That is the place ______ I was born. (where) 5. I’ll never forget the day ______ she said goodbye. (when) 6. That is the reason ______ I am not in favor of the plan. (why) 7. I cannot forget the days _____ we spent together. (that, which, / ) 8. I cannot forget the days _____ we were together. (when) 9. I know the forest ______ you can find wild strawberries. (where) 10. I know the forest _____ you can find wild strawberries in. (which) => I know the forest in which you can find wild strawberries. 11. That was not the reason ______ he gave the other day. (that, which) 12 . This is the reason _____ may explain his absence. (that, which) 13. Have you seen the movie _____ we are talking about? (which, that, / ) Have you seen the movie about _____ we are talking? (which; 介词一旦提前 , 宾语不能省略 !!!) 14. Is she the teacher ______ your parents once talked to? (who, whom, that, / ) Is she the teacher to ______ your parents once talked? (whom) 15. The tool ______ he is working with is called a tin opener. (which, that, / ) The tool with _____ he is working is called a tin-opener. (which) 16. The gift was sent by her son ____is serving in the army. (who, that) 17. The gift was sent by her son , who is serving in the army. (16, 限制性定从 , 限定作用 ; 17, 非限制性定从 , 补充修饰作用 ) 18. How many students are there in your class _____ homes are in Pudong new area? (whose) 19. They have invited us to visit their school , which is very kind of them. ( 非限制性定从中的 which 还可以指代前面一句话 !!!) 20. The road was widened , which was exactly what we wanted. True or False? Please refer to your handouts! 只用 that, 不能用 which 的 5 种情况 A. 当先行词是不定代词时 (anything,everything,nothing,all,little) 1. Do you have anything that you don’t understand? 2. Everything that can be done has been done. 3. I’m not interested in all that he told me. =I’m not interested in what he told me. ( 宾从) B. 当先行词被最高级形容词所修饰时 , 1. This is the highest building that I have ever seen. 2. Do you think this is the most powerful computer that has ever been invented? C. 当先行词被序数词修饰时 1. The second question that was discussed at the meeting was the most important. 2. This is the last book that is on my reading list. D. 当先行词被 all,no,only,any,very,just , much 等词修饰时 This is the very book that I’ve been looking for. This is the only example that I can give you. E. 当先行词由人和物共同组成 Here are the people and the books that / O I love. 不能用 that 的两种情况 A. 在非限制性定语从句中 1. We’ve collected many stamps, which are all very nice. 2. This note was left by Mr. Wu, who was here a moment ago. B. 在介词后面 1. This is country to which he wants to go. 2. At our school, there are about 200 foreign students, most of whom are from Europe. AS As 也是 关系代词, 用于 1. Such…as… 和 the same…as… 结构中 I want to buy such a skirt as you are wearing. I want to buy the same skirt as you are wearing. ( 比较 : I want to buy the same skirt that you are wearing. ) AS 2. 或在非限制性定语从句中表示前面整个句子 . She has done a good job, as we all know. As we all know, she has done a good job. Way 做先行词 ? Way 做先行词 , 表示方式方法 : 定语从句中 , 可以用 1. in which 2. that 3. O Way 做先行词 ? 1. Wallance and Darwin agreed on the way in which different forms of life had begun. 2. The way in which these comrades look at problems is wrong. 3. The way that these comrades look at problems is wrong. Way 做先行词 ? 4. The way these comrades look at problems is wrong. 5. Musicians rarely agree on the way a piece of music should be played. CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 1. The old woman has two sons, one of ____ is a professor. 2. The old woman has two sons, and one of _____ is a professor. (1. whom, 2. them) CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 3. Do you know why he was absent? ( 宾从) 4. Do you know the reason why he was absent? ( 定从) 5. Do you know the reason which (that) may explain his absence? ( 定语从句) 以上三句含义相同,句式不同。 CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 6. The reason that you were ill yesterday is not accepted. ( 你昨天生病的原因没有被接受。) 这是一句 “ 同位语 ” 从句的句子, “ reason” 与 “ you were ill yesterday” 表达的是同等意思,因此关系词不能用 “ which” , 只能用 “ that” 。 CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 7. The news that our team won the game made us excited. (我们队赢的消息使我们激动 . 同位语从句) 8. The news which (that) I heard through the radio is exciting. (我从广播中听到的消息令人激动 . 定语从句) CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 9. 定语从句中的插入语 He made a speech, which I thought was of great importance. Jimmy is the boy, who everybody believes will win the first prize in the singing competition. CLASSICAL QUESTIONS @,@ 在上述句子中, I thought, everybody believes 是插入语,还有 I suppose, everybody knows 等在定语从句中出现,容易受其迷惑而用错关系词。比如在上述第二句中就不能用 “ whom” , 因为 “ who” 是从句的主语,而 “ everybody believes” 是插入语。因此在有插入语的定语从句中,考虑用什么关系代词或副词时,可暂时不考虑插入语,以免受其迷惑。 The End! 大结局 ! 谢谢观赏 !

