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思南中学2018---2019学年度摸底考试 高一英语试题 ‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给 A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.Who enjoyed the film yesterday?‎ A. John B. All except John C. Everyone including John 2. Who broke the window?‎ A. The boy B. The girl C. Someone else 3. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. The new house B. The new friends C. The new gardens 4. Who is the owner of the book?‎ A. The man himself B. The man’s brother C. The woman’s brother ‎ 5. Where are the speakers talking ?‎ A . In a house B. In a park C. In a library ‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给 A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6. What’s wrong with the man?‎ ‎ A. He’s got a headache.‎ ‎ B. He’s got a flu.‎ ‎ C. He’s got a running nose. ‎ ‎7. When did the man start feeling uneasy?‎ ‎ A. The day before yesterday.‎ ‎ B. Yesterday ‎ C. Four days ago 听下面一段材料,回答第8至9题。‎ ‎8. When will the man be home from work?‎ ‎ A. At 5:45 B. At 6:‎15 C. At 6:50 ‎ ‎9. Where will the speakers go?‎ ‎ A. The Green House Cinema ‎ B. The New State Cinema ‎ ‎ C. The UME Cinema 听下面一段材料,回答第10至12题.‎ ‎10. Why does the man book the seats upstairs?‎ ‎ A. They’re close to the stage ‎ B. They’re cheaper ‎ C. They’re more comfortable ‎11. How long does the play last?‎ ‎ A. Two hours and a half ‎ B. An hour and a half ‎ C. More than three hours ‎12. Where does the conversation take place?‎ ‎ A. Around the hotel ‎ B. Around the cinema C. Around the theater 听下面一段材料,回答第13至16题.‎ ‎13. What does Jack think of the snow?‎ ‎ A. Heavy B. Light C. Little ‎14.What’s the weather be like in the afternoon?‎ ‎ A. A bit colder B. Very warm C. Less cold ‎15. What’s the woman most probably going to do in the afternoon?‎ ‎ A. Go skating B. Go out by car C. Throw snowballs ‎16. What can we know about the woman?‎ ‎ .A. She still loves snow ‎ B. She used to love snow C. She loves the cold weather 听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题.‎ ‎17. What are the people busy with before Christmas?‎ ‎ A. Doing Christmas shopping ‎ B. Calling on their friends ‎ C. Doing general cleanings ‎18.What is Elizabeth going to buy for her elder brother?‎ ‎ A. A record B. A watch C. A toy ‎19. Why did Elizabeth fell sorry for Christmas last year?‎ ‎ A. She was ill.‎ ‎ B. Her elder brother didn’t come.‎ ‎ C. She didn’t get any presents ‎20. Who do you think Elizabeth is writing to?‎ ‎ A. Her brother B. A classmate C. A pen friend ‎ ‎ 第二部分: 阅读理解 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)‎ A ‎   Washington.D.C.Bicycle Tours ‎  Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington.D.C ‎  Duration: 3 hours ‎  This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington‎, ‎D.C.‎ Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability - and the cherry blossoms - disappear!‎ ‎  Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour ‎  Duration: 3 hours (4 miles)‎ ‎  Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington.D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares uniquefacts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water.‎ ‎  Capital City Bike Tour in ‎Washington‎, ‎D.C.‎ ‎  Duration: 3 hour ‎  Morning or Afternoon this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C. newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C.in a healthy way with minimum effort.Knowledge guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents.Congress,memories,and parks.Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.‎ ‎  Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour ‎  Duration: 3 hour (7 miles)‎ ‎  Join a small group hike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington,‎ ‎  D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All rides are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.‎ ‎21. Which tour do you need to book in advance?‎ A. Cherry Blossom Tour in Washington.D.C.‎ ‎  B. Washington Capital Munumcnts Bicycle Tour.‎ ‎  C. Capital‎ ‎City Bikc Tour in Washington.D.C.‎ ‎  D. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour.‎ ‎22. What will you do on the Capital City Bikc Tour?‎ A. Meet famous people.‎ ‎  B. Go to a national park.‎ ‎  C. Visit well-known museums.‎ D. Enjoy interesting stories.‎ ‎23. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide? ‎ ‎  A. City maps.  B. Cameras C. Meals .D. Safety lights.‎ B Some people learn a second language easily.Others have trouble learning a new language.How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting.‎ The first step is to feel positive about learning English.If you believe that you can learn, you will learn.Be patient.You do not have to understand everything all at once.It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new.We can learn from our mistakes.In other words, do not worry about taking risks.‎ The second step is to practice your English.For example, write a diary every day.You will get used to writing it in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English.Several weeks later, you will see that your writing is improving.In addition, you must speak English every day.You can practice with your classmates outside class.You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English.‎ The third step is to keep a record of your language learning.You can write this in your journal.After each class, think about what you did.Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it.‎ You must be positive about learning English and believe that you can do it.It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.You will enjoy learning English, and you will feel more confident in yourself.‎ ‎24. When you learn English, you do not need to ________.‎ A.‎ be patient B.‎ make mistakes C.‎ express your ideas in English D.‎ understand everything all at once ‎25 .What is not helpful for you to enjoy learning English?‎ A.‎ To communicate in English.‎ B.‎ To worry about taking risks.‎ C.‎ To think about what has been done after each class.‎ D.‎ To make a record of the achievements.‎ ‎26. What is the main idea of this passage?‎ A.‎ It is very important to learn a second language.‎ B.‎ Some people learn a second language easily while other people do not.‎ C.‎ There are ways to help you learn a second language more easily.‎ D.‎ Don't worry about taking risks when learning a second language.‎ ‎27. What does the underlined word “journal” in the 4th paragraph mean?‎ A.‎ Diary B.‎ Composition C.‎ Poem ‎ ‎.‎ D. Newspaper C A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I was determined to go ahead.‎ I remember back to my 7th year in school. In my first P.E. class, the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball. I didn’t do either well. He later informed me that I was "not athletic".‎ The idea that I was "not athletic" stuck with me for years. When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle against myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. It was all about the battle against my own body and mind. A test of wills!‎ The night before my marathon, I dreamt that I couldn’t even find the finish line. I woke up sweating and nervous, but ready to prove something to myself.‎ Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces(鞋带) became untied. So I stopped to readjust. Not the start I wanted!‎ At mile 3, I passed a sign: "GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!"‎ By mile 17, I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly. Despite the pain, I stayed the course walking a bit and then running again.‎ By mile 21, I was starving!‎ As I approached mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. She is my biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at ‎4 a.m. or questioned my expenses on running.‎ I was one of the final runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal. In fact, I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had.‎ ‎ Determined to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签), I can now call myself a "marathon winner".‎ ‎28.A month before the marathon, the author ____________.‎ A. was well trained B. felt scared C. made up his mind to run D. lost hope ‎29.Why did the author mention the P.E. class in his 7th year?‎ A. To acknowledge the support of his teacher.‎ B. To amuse the readers with a funny story.‎ C. To show he was not talented in sports.‎ D. To share a precious memory.‎ ‎30.How was the author’s first marathon?‎ A. He made it. B. He quit halfway.‎ C. He got the first prize. D. He walked to the end.‎ ‎31.What does the story mainly tell us?‎ A. A man owes his success to his family support.‎ B. A winner is one with a great effort of will.‎ C. Failure is the mother of success.‎ D. One is never too old to learn.‎ D An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old son. Suddenly a crow (乌鸦) landed on their window. The father asked his son, “What is that?” The son replied, “That is a crow.” After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, “What is this?” The son said, “Father, I told you just now. It’s a crow.” After a little while, the father asked his son the same question for the third time, “What is this?” This time, the son said to his father in a low and cold tone, “It’s a crow, a crow.” After a moment, the father yet again asked his son for the fourth time, “What is this?” This time his son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you already, ‘IT IS A CROW’. Are you not able to understand this?” A minute later the father went to his room and came back with a diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa when a crow suddenly landed on the window edge. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied him 23 times that it was a crow. I ‎ hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question. I didn’t at all feel angry, but instead felt affection for my son. If your parents reach old age, do not look at them as a burden, but speak to them gently, and be kind to them. From today say this aloud, “I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was a little child. They have always showered me with love. I will take care of my old parents in the best way no matter how they behave.”‎ ‎32. The writer mainly intends to ______ . A.tell us the function of a diary B.call on us to love our parents C.teach us what a crow is D.introduce a pair of son and father 33 The underlined word “affection” probably means______. A.Puzzlement B.hatred(恨) C.Worry D.love 34. We can infer that the father wrote that piece of diary at the age of ______. A.eighty B.Three C.thirty-eight D.forty-five 35. The old man brought out the diary, which he had kept since his son was born, because ______. A.he forgot what had happened B.he would like his son to read it C.it could remind himself of the past D.he wanted to find what a crow was 第二节 (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ If you are already making the time to exercise,it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out . 36 Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.‎ ‎●Your productivity is improved. Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day. 37‎ ‎● Your metabolism(新陈代谢) gets a head start. 38 If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie(卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day,not in your sleep.‎ ‎● 39 Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.‎ ‎● 40 If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.‎ There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.‎ A. You will stick to your diet.‎ B. Your quality of sleep improves.‎ C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.‎ D. There is no reason you should exercise the morning.‎ E. You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.‎ F. After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.‎ G. If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up!‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ One day a farmer’s donkey (驴) fell down into a well. The animal cried   41  for hours as the farmer tried to figure out   42  to do. Finally he decided the animal was  43 and the well needed to be  44  up anyway, so it just wasn’t 45  it to rescue the donkey. He invited all his 46  to come over and help him. They all grabbed (握起) a shovel (铁铲) and began to shovel   47 into the well. At first, the donkey  48  what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s  49, he was quiet.‎ A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked 50 the well and was  51 at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that  52  his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would  53  it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s neighbors  54  to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take ‎ another  55 up. Pretty soon, everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the 56  of the well and ran off. Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The best way of  57 out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our  58 is a stepping-stone. We can get out of the deepest  59 just by not stopping, never  60 ! Shake it off and take a step upward! 41. A. sadly                  B. confidently        C. frequently         D. gradually 42. A. how                   B. what                 C. that                   D. which 43. A. strong                B. old                   C. stubborn            D. powerful 44. A. dug                   B. flowed                C. covered             D. emptied 45. A. important          B. possible             C. necessary        D. worth 46. A. neighbors        B. relatives            C. partners            D. friends 47. A. dust                 B. pain                 C. stone              D. dirt 48. A. determined      B. recognized      C. realized        D. admitted 49. A. relief                 B. surprise          C. fear             D. joy 50. A. down                B. around           C. for              D. after 51. A. annoyed           B. delighted         C. astonished        D. disappointed 52. A. attacked           B. packed           C. recovered         D. hit 53. A. shake               B. blow                 C. take               D. wash 54. A. decided           B. continued          C. pretended         D. volunteered 55. A. base                B. stage                 C. step                  D. breath 56. A. bottom            B. track                 C. appearance    D. entrance 57. A. holding           B. getting                C. sorting             D. sticking 58. A. troubles          B. happiness          C. successes      D. losses 59. A. reality             B. distance             C. caves              D. wells 60. A. setting up       B. blowing up        C. giving up          D. picking up II卷 非选择题 注意事项:‎ ‎ 用0.5毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷无效。‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)‎ 第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Once upon a time, there was a small town. There 61 ( live) a man by himself who couldn’t see. He was blind. Yet, he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night.‎ One night as he was coming home after having a dinner outside, he came across a group of young 62 (travel). They saw that he was blind, yet carrying a lighted lamp. They started passing comments on him and made a fun 63 him. One of them asked him, “Hey Man! You are blind and can’t see anything! Why do you carry the lamp ?”The blind man replied, “Yes, 64(unfortunate), I am blind and I can’t see anything ‎65 a lighted lamp which I 66 (carry) is for the people like you who can see. You may not see the blind man 67(come )and end up pushing me. That is 68 I carry a lighted lamp”.The group of travelers felt ashamed and apologized for their 69 (behave)‎ ‎. We should think before judging others. Always be polite and learn 70 (see) things from others point of view.‎ ‎61._________ 62._________63. _____________64. ___________65. ___________‎ ‎66. _________67. _________68. ____________ 69. ____________70. __________‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分35)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them ‎ about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in ‎ planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up ‎ earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening ‎ tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer ‎ came, they will invite their students pick the vegetables!‎ 第一节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,进入思南中学已一个多月,感悟颇深。请你写一封信给你的美国笔友John,向他介绍你的学习和生活情况。内容包括:‎ 1. 学校环境;‎ 2. 人际交往;‎ 3. 学习生活。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右 ‎ 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 ‎2018-2019高一英语第一次月考考试答案 听力1-5 BCABA 6-10 ABACB ‎11-15 ACACB 16-20 AAABC 阅读理解21-23 ADD 24-27 DBCA 28-31 CCAB ‎ ‎32-35 BDCB 36-40 GEFBA 完型填空 ‎41-45 ABBCD 46-50 ADCBA ‎ 51-55 CDABC 56-60 DBADC 语法填空 ‎61.lived 62. travellers ‎63.of 64.unfortunately ‎65.but 66.am carrying ‎67.coming 68.why ‎69.behaviour 70.to see 改错题 ‎71.both ‎72.an ‎73.interested ‎74.which ‎75.eariy ‎76.for去掉 ‎77.Besides ‎78.information ‎79.comes ‎80.pick前加to 作文略

