高考英语:易错题 典型题详解(上)

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高考英语:易错题 典型题详解(上)

易错题,典型题(一) 1.______late in the morning,Bob turned off the alarm clock. A.So as to sleep B.Sleeping C.To sleep D.Having slept 解析:本题考查不定式作目的状语的知识。 A项. so as to 和 in order to 的区别 so as to 只用于句子中间,in order to 可以用在句子中 间也可以用在句子开头,两者都表示目的状语,意思相同,都翻译为:为了…… B项. 现在分词的常用法:1.表示主动 2.表示动作正在发生。根据句意可得,B 项错误 C项. 动词不定式的用法:1.表示将来 2.表示动作的一次性 3.主动和被动看具体 情况,详见后面的题目 4.作目的状语,意思是:为了……。故 C 正确 D项. Having done 的用法:表示先于谓语动词发生,且和主句的主语为主动关系,可以翻 译成已经……。带入上述句子,意思不同,不成逻辑。错误 答案:C 2.What do you think of the reason ______he explained in his last letter______refusing the job? A.why,why B.that:for which C.which;for D.that;because 解析:本题考查定语从句和 reason 一词的用法。做从句题目首先要分清句子的主干,把疑 问句改成陈述句。What do you think of the reason( ______he explained in his last letter) ______refusing the job? 括号里面的为定语从句,确定好后再分析定语从句中 缺少什么成 分,对了,从句中缺少 expain 的宾语,故可以填 which,that 或者省略。再看后面一空, ______refusing the job 是与 reason 搭配的,正常语序是 the reason ______refusing the job. 到这里,很多学生会选择 why 或者 because,再仔细看看便知 refusing the job 不是谓语动词 短语,不能用连词或者疑问副词连接,两者都不对,而是用 for,固定短语 the reason for…. 意思为:……的原因 答案:C 3.We can communicate______people in every part of the world ______the Internet. A.which;with B.with;through C.through;through D.through;with[来源:Zxxk.Com] 解析:本题考查固定短语。 与某人联系:communicate with sb 通过因特网:through the Internet 拓展:1.与 communicate 有关的短语 communicate(sth)with sb in sth 用……和某人交流 communicate with= make communication with… 与……交流 communicate sth with sb 与某人交流(观点、意见) communicate sth to sb 把……传达给某人 4.——Are all the telephone numbers ______in the directory? ——Yes, all_____Jane’s. A.listed;included B. listing; includes C.listed;including D.being listed;includes 解析:本题第一空中 list 作动词用,与其前面的名词 telephone numbers 有被动含义,故应 用过去分词作后置定语; 而第二空 include 后有宾语 Jane’s,应用现在分词,相当于 that includes 总结:including sb/sth sb/sth included 看第 14 题 答案:C 5.Readers can_____quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A.get over B. get in C get along D.get through 解析:本题考查 get 构成的短语词义辨析。A 项:复习,过一遍 B 项:插话 C 项:相处,进展 D:接通电话,完成 根据句意:阅读者不必理解每一个单词的准确含义,但仍然可以进展(阅读)相当好. 答案:C 6.I won’t give up any help _______you tell me the truth.It’s none of my business. A.unless B.since C.if D.even though 解析:A.unless(除非) B. since(既然,由于) C. if(假使,假如) D.even though(即 使) 根据句意可得,答案选 A It’s none of my business. 意思为不关我事 答案:A 7.Time should be made good use _______our lessons well. A.of learning B.to learn C.to learning D.of to learn 解析:be made good use 为被动语态短语,根据被动语态中省略介词的地方都要加上的原 则,后面加上 of。故先排除 B.C。而事实上 be made good use of 后面接的宾语并不是 learning/to learn our lessons well ,而是句首的 time。故句子还原应该是 we should make good use of time_____ our lessons well.很明显划线处应该是 to learn。表示目的状语,为了…… 答案:D 8.[来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] 1.He had his legs_____in the match yesterday. A.to break B.broken C.break D.breaking 2.I had him_______ the letters for me yesterday. A.posted B.post C.to post D.posting 解析:1.have sth done 意思为遭受或者意思为让某物被…… 2.have sb do 意思为让某人做某事 答案:1.B 2.B 9.People_____the meeting were scientists. A.were present B.who are present at C.present to D.present at 解析:本题考查后置定语和省略句的用法。be present at 为固定短语。先排除 A.C。 因为主句中时态为一般过去时,所以从句中也为一般过去式,故排除 B 项。People who were present at the meeting were scientists.又因 who 为关系代词,指前面的 people,且从句中 有 be 动词,故可以省略 who 和 were。所以答案为 D 答案:D 10.He was______to attend the meeting. A.demanded B.requested C.hoped D.agreed 解析:demand 常与物搭配,即主语为物。而 request 常与人搭配。 C:没有 hope sb to do 这种用法,故其被动形式也没有. 答案:B.D 11.Ten students have failed in the exam,______. A.include him B.him including. C.including he D.him included 解析:including sb/sth(宾格) (宾格) sth /sb included 答案 D 12.I saw a police officer running _________the direction of the lake. A.to B.in C.for D.at[来源:Zxxk.Com] 解析:词组:in the direction of… 以……的方向 答案:B 13.________,the 21-yearl-old girl won the Olympics medals in track events. [来源:学科网] A.To believe or not B.Believing it or not C.Believe it or not D.Whether believe or not 解析:Believe it or not 为固定短语,不能更改。没有 ABD 的说法 答案:C 14.He commanded that the work _______before 5 P.M..[来源:学科网] A.was finished B should finish C.would be finished D.be finished 解析:本题考查 command 的用法。当一些单词意为命令建议时,其后面所跟的宾语从句用 虚拟语气。结构为 should +动词原形,其中 should 可以省略。又因为 work 和 finish 为被动 关系,故答案为 D 答案:D 易错题,典型题(二) 15.The professor could hardly find necessary grounds_______his arguments in favour of the new theory. A.to be based on B.to base on C.which to base on D.on which to base 解析:句意:这位教授几乎不可能找到必需的理由,以此来支持新学说。 本题考查定语从句和 base 一词的用法。固定短语:base sth on sth。 原句剖析:The professor could hardly find necessary grounds( on which to base his arguments) in favour of the new theory.划线部分为定语从句,正常语序应该是 which he base his arguments on 介词提前可以得到 on which he base his arguments ,大家都知道宾语从句中 what to do=what we should do ,类比可得,此句可改成 on which to base his arguments 答案:D 16.——Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up? ——Yes,________. A.I’d like to. B.I’d like it. C. I’d like to be. D.I’d like so. 解析:句意:当你长大的时候你想成为一名医生吗?----是的,我想成为一名医生。口语中 喜欢用简洁形式,说完整应该是:Yes,I’d like to be a doctor when you grow up. 省略是往往 省略 to 后面的成分,但是遇到 have/be 时,应保留 have/be ,省略 have/be 后面的成分。 [来源:学科网] 答案:C 17.I went to bed early because I was tired.(强调划线部分) 解析:强调句的基本知识点:1.强调句的基本结构:It is /was …that/who…[来源:Zxxk.Com] 2.一旦此句型被拿掉,句子结构和成分仍然完整。意思也就是 我们只需套结构,不需要修改原句,将强调部分放前面,其余部分照抄。 3.强调句唯一不能强调的部分为谓语 答案:It was because I was tired that I went to bed early.(注意时态前后一致) 18.He______Mary for three years. A.has fallen in love with B.has been in love with C.has married to D.has been married with 解析:观察此句,可以知道句子结尾有 for three years,表示一段时间,故主句中用的谓语 动词应该是持续性动词,而非短暂性动词,故先排除 A.C。又因为 marry 只与 to 搭配,所 以排除 C. 答案:B 19.They came out for their morning exercises.I also________. A.joined B.took part in C. joined in D.attended 解析:join 后面直接加名词(eg.club,army,league…)意为加入某个组织并成为其中的一 员,join 后面加上介词 in 后再加名词意思为参加某个活动,等同于 take part in。但两者有 区别。Join in 后面可以不加名词,但是 take part in 后面必须得加,所以不选 B,而选 C。另 外 attend 是参加某个会议。[来源:学科网 ZXXK][来源:Z#xx#k.Com] 答案:C 20.I’m not familiar_____this computer. A.to B.toward C.wit h D.about 解析:本题考查 familiar 的短语。基本知识:sb be familiar with sth (某人对某事很熟悉) Sth be familiar to sb(某物对于某人来说很熟悉)注意介词后面所跟的宾语 答案:C 21.Don’t _______difficulties. A.give in to B.give in C.give out D. give off 解析:give in 是个不及物短语,后面不能直接加名词或者代词,必须先加介词,可以使 to 或 者 towards。give out 意思为灯熄灭,过时,筋疲力尽等 give off 意思为发出(光、声音等), 散发出(气味)等。give in 的意思为向某人/物投降. 答案:A 22.What’ s your attitude ______this question? A.of B.toward C.about D.ON 解析:本题考查 attitude 与介词搭配。attitude 与 to 或者 toward 连用,意思为对……的态 度,看法。 答案:B 23.The patient is seriously ill.It looks as if he _______. A.dies B.has died C.is dying D.was died 解析:此题考查现在进行时表示将来的的特殊用法。is dying 表示将要死亡,并不是现在已 经死了。整句意思为:他看上去好像即将死亡。 答案:C 24.Corn is delicious________with butter in the eyes of westerners. A.when eaten B.when to eat C.when to be eaten D.when eating[来源:Zxxk.Com] 解析:本部分句子结构为:Corn is delicious when it is eaten.当主语和从句主语一致并且从句 中含有系动词 be 的某种形式时,就可以省略主语和系动词。 误区警示:本题容易误选 B 项,注意省略的是 it(corn)is 部分,时间状语用一般现在时表 将来,而不是不定式形式。 答案:A 25.______five minutes_______before the last bus left,we arrived at the station. A.There were;to go B.With;to go C.It was;left D.Tt had;left 解析:本题考查 with 的复合结构,即 with+宾语+宾语补足语。本题用不定式作宾语补足语 表示将来动作。句意:在最后一班公交车离开前的五分钟,我们都到达了车站。 深化升华:with+宾语+宾补 结构过去分词作宾补表示被动或完成;现在分词作宾补表示正 在进行或持续;不定式作宾补表示将来的动作。 答案:B 26.Engines are to machines _____hearts are to animals. A.as B.that C.what D.which 解析:句意为发动机之于机器就如同心脏之于动物。A is to B what C is to D. 为固定句型。 答案:C 27.It was not until she got home _______Jane realized she had lost her keys. A.when B.that C. where D.before 解析:句意直到到了家,简才意识到钥匙丢了。在高中英语中 not 和 until 只有两种情况下 紧挨出现:1.强调句型中;2.倒装句型中。其他情况一律用 not…until,所以此句还可以改写 成为:Jane didn’t realize she had lost her keys until she got home。或者 Not until Jane got home did she realized she had lost her keys. 答案:B 28.It was a small country house but it was large_____urban standards. A.at B.for C.by D.from 解析:句意:这是一间乡间小屋,但按城里的标准就足够大的了。与 standards 相搭配的介 词为 by,所以选择 C 项。by “根据,按照”;at 主要和 invitation,request 等词连用;fo r 意为“就…而言”;常用在形容词之后,表示“出乎意料”;from “根据”,主要表示作出某 个判断的理由。 答案:C 29.It is March now,but the rivers still________frozen. A.stays B.keeps C.remain D.become 解析:frozen 为形容词,前面需要使用系动词,另外注意主语和谓语在数上的一致,由于主 语 the rivers 是复数,所以排除 A.B;另外在此处需要表示“维持,仍然处于……的状态”的 动词,所以排除 D 答案:C

