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‎2020届二轮复习阅读理解中主旨大意--段落大意题考查解读 题型解读】‎ 段落大意类题型多在说明文和议论文中进行考查,这类文章涉及多种话题如社会文化类、科普说明类等。设问形式常有:‎ ‎(1)What does the last paragraph talk about?‎ ‎(2)The main idea of the second paragraph probably is .‎ ‎(3)What is the main idea of the first paragraph?‎ ‎(4)The first paragraph is mainly about .‎ 二、解题技巧——“首尾兼顾”知段意 ‎↓‎ ‎(1)段首:说明文和议论文中的主题句常在段首句 ‎↓‎ ‎(2)段尾:先表述细节,后归纳概括,段落中心在段尾 ‎↓‎ ‎↓‎ ‎(3)段中间:先用一句或几句话引出要表达的主题,再陈述主题,再论述细节,即引出主题→段落中心→再论述 ‎↓‎ ‎(4)没有明显段落中心时,需概括段落内容,总结段落中心 例如:【真题感悟】 中第60题,根据文章最后一段第一句“Meanwhile,things that you might expect to discourage spending—‘bad’ ‎ tables,crowding,high prices—don’t necessarily.”可知,你认为可能会影响人们消费的因素如:不好的桌子、拥挤以及高价等不一定会影响人们的消费,然后依次举例进行了证明,所以本段主要讲的是人们对于饭店的几个误解,故选D。‎ ‎【课堂练习】‎ A Most of us have lost our wallet at some stage in our lives.But few would imagine having it returned after a nearly seven-decade gap.Edward Parker dropped his wallet in 1950 into an inaccessible spot behind a bookshelf,while working as an electrician,repairing World War Two bomb damage in the palace.The wallet stayed there until this year when a builder,doing some 1restoration work,finally found it.‎ The wallet is a time capsule.Its leather and webbing has long ago started to disintegrate.But it contains numerous pictures of family,invoices(发票),receipts,old union cards,results of a chest X-ray (sent to him in 1948,the same year as the NHS was founded),a national service card dated 9 December 1944 and a medical insurance card.His business cards—E Parker,Electrical Contractor—seem almost original.Reflecting the typical methods of contact of the time,they have an address but no telephone number.‎ A month ago I was speaking to a 8press officer at Lambeth Palace and he mentioned that the wallet had just been handed ‎ in.We thought it might be nice to try and work out whose it was and give it back to the family.Edward Parker is a pretty common name,but his medical card contained two places of residence—Poets Road and Springdale Road in north London.From this,Islington Council were able to find details of a marriage between Edward Parker and Constance Butler in 1947.‎ That information was enough to work out that he was still alive and in a care home in Essex,so I went to visit him.Now 89,Edward has dementia(痴呆),but he was clearly happy to get the wallet and in particular,the photographs back.He pointed out pictures of his mother and father,his brother,his cousins and his wife Constance,who was with him when I visited.“He hadn’t seen a picture of his father since he lost the wallet,” Constance,90,says.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了一个物归原主的故事。爱德华·帕克曾是一名电工,他于1950年维修因二战受损的宫廷时,不慎将钱包丢失。直到今年,钱包被一名宫廷修复工人发现。钱包里的物品充满了那个年代的回忆,89岁的爱德华·帕克重新拿到钱包,非常开心。‎ ‎1.We can possibly infer that Edward Parker .‎ A.once worked as an electrical technician B.always lost his wallet C.once participated in World War Ⅱ D.once worked as a restoration builder 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可知,Edward Parker曾是一名electrician(电工),因此A项正确。‎ ‎2.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?‎ A.The material of the wallet.‎ B.The producer of the wallet.‎ C.The 9contents of the wallet.‎ D.The shape of the wallet.‎ 答案 C 解析 段落大意题。本题适合用排除法。A项钱包的材质;B项钱包的制造商;C项钱包里的东西;D项钱包的外形。根据文章第二段,其中提到了钱包的外皮及边线已破损,钱包里有pictures of family(家人照片),invoices(发票),receipts(收据),old union cards(工会卡),results of a chest X-ray(胸片报告),a national service card(服务卡),a medical insurance card(医保卡),business cards(名片)等物品,可知A项表述片面,B、D项未提及,仅C项符合题意。故选C。‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “disintegrate” in the second paragraph mean?‎ A.2Maintain. B.Damage.‎ C.Disappear. D.Destroy.‎ 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。根据第二段第二句“But it contains...(但是,钱包里有……)”可知,钱包外皮还在,排除C、D项,A项“维护”,不符合文意;B项“损坏”,根据第二段前两句可知,“虽然钱包的 外皮及边线已破损,但里面有……”,符合题意。故选B。‎ ‎4.What plays a key role in returning the wallet to its owner?‎ A.Business card. B.National service card.‎ C.Old union card. D.Medical card.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第三句中的“but his medical card contained two places of residence”可知,他的医保卡上有两个住址,此处明确了医保卡是找到主人的关键物品。故选D。‎ B In third-world countries such as Swaziland and Haiti,a 15-dollar invention is making a world of difference.Nokero,a company started by Brian Rants,sells lamps that do not require kerosene(煤油).These solar lamps have become a staple(主流产品) in countries in Africa,to provide light for reading and safety at night.‎ Nokero has sold over 500,000 lamps in over 120 countries since it was first founded in 2010 and Rants thinks the demand for his product will only continue to increase.Most lamps found in third-world countries 3currently require kerosene to run,but kerosene causes indoor pollution and has been linked to fires that have caused over a million deaths.‎ Instead of experiencing the effects of smoking 40 cigarettes a day from kerosene lamps,Rants thinks his solar lamps could be the answer for third-world countries.The Economist ‎ agrees,calling solar lights “the next big 4innovation for the world’s poor”.Nokero’s solar lamps are higher in quality and less expensive than a lot of solar technology,making them a practical 6option for many people in third-world countries.‎ Rather than giving solar lamps to individuals in need,Nokero’s 7mission is to make them 5affordable.Through research Rants has realized that individuals who buy a solar product would take better care of it and value it more than if they received it for free.Families who buy Nokero’s solar lamps make up the cost in just a few months of not having to buy kerosene or pay for off-the-grid electricity.‎ Some activists have attacked companies such as Nokero for selling products to the poor rather than simply giving them out for free.They argue that these companies unfairly profit from the poor.However,Rants disagrees.Families receive a product that is much higher in quality than what they might receive for free and feel a sense of ownership having purchased it for themselves.‎ 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了由Nokero公司发明的不需要煤油的太阳能灯具,这些太阳能灯已经成为非洲国家的主流产品,为夜间的阅读和安全提供照明。‎ ‎5.What do we know about the solar lamps in the passage?‎ A.They save energy and cause no pollution.‎ B.They equal the effect of 40 cigarettes a day.‎ C.They are given to the individuals free of charge.‎ D.They help to save kerosene in third-world countries.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段末句可知,这种太阳能灯既节约能源,又没有污染。故选A。‎ ‎6.According to Rants,if the poor are given the lamps for free,they .‎ A.will have to pay for kerosene or electricity B.won’t take good care of or value the lamps C.will feel a sense of ownership of the lamps D.won’t help to increase the sales of the lamps 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知,如果免费送给穷人这种灯,他们就不会好好珍惜它们了。故选B。‎ ‎7.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?‎ A.An innovation of the world.‎ B.Advantages of the solar lights.‎ C.Solution to world’s poverty problems.‎ D.Heavy pollution caused by kerosene lamps.‎ 答案 B 解析 段落大意题。根据第三段所说Nokero的太阳能灯质量更好,价格也比很多太阳能技术的灯便宜,适合发展中国家的人们使用,所以可知该段主要介绍了这种太阳能灯的优点。故选B。‎ ‎【提炼拓展】‎ Ⅰ.障碍词汇突破 ‎(一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思 ‎1.We’d better do some restoration work to something such as an old building or a piece of furniture,so that it looks the same as it originally was.恢复,复原 ‎2.Careers Officers still maintain contact with young people when they have left school.‎ 维持;保持 ‎3.The matter which has been confusing us is currently being discussed among many experts in the meeting room.目前,现在 ‎4.We must promote originality,inspire creativity and encourage innovation.改革,革新 ‎5.We thus have full belief in personal genomics and personalised medicine that they will certainly be affordable to most people in developing countries.支付得起 ‎(二)同义词语替换 ‎6.Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation.choice ‎7.He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action.assignments ‎(三)一词多义 ‎8.press vt.压,按;逼迫;vi.重压;n.压,按;报刊;印刷媒体;报道;评论;记者;新闻工作者;出版社;印刷机 ‎(1)Don’t press your opinions upon her.逼迫 ‎(2)Press this button to start the engine.压,按 ‎(3)To judge from the press,the concert was a great success.报道;评论 ‎(4)Christie looked relaxed and calm as she faced the press afterwards.记者 ‎(5) A press or a printing press is a machine used for printing things such as books and newspapers.‎ 印刷机 ‎9.content n.内容;目录;容量,含量;满足;满意;adj.满意的;vt.使满足 ‎(1) I’m perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone.满意的 ‎(2)Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.含量,容量 ‎(3) She is reluctant to discuss the contents of the play.内容 ‎(4)You have to content yourself with what you have.使满足 Ⅱ.长难句理解 ‎1.Edward Parker dropped his wallet in 1950 into an inaccessible spot behind a bookshelf,while working as an electrician,repairing World War Two bomb damage in the palace.‎ ‎[句式分析] 本句是一个复合句,句子的主干部分是Edward Parker dropped his wallet;in 1950作时间状语; into an inaccessible spot behind a bookshelf作地点状语;while working as an electrician,repairing World War Two bomb damage in the palace为while引导的时间状语从句。‎ ‎[精美译文] 爱德华·帕克在1950年作为电工维修王宫中二战中炸弹炸毁处时,把钱包掉在了书橱后面很难发现的地方。‎ ‎2.Through research Rants has realized that individuals who buy a solar product would take better care of it and value it more than if they received it for free.‎ ‎[句式分析] 本句是一个复合句,that individuals who buy a solar product would take better care of it and value it more than if they received it for free为宾语从句,其中又含有一个who引导的定语从句。‎ ‎[精美译文] 通过调查研究,兰特意识到那些个体购买太阳能产品比免费得到这些产品,能更好地照顾和珍惜这些东西。‎ 强化训练 阅读理解 A ‎ When Dee Dee Bridgewater learned that she would become a 2017 NEA Jazz Master,a series of thoughts and feelings flooded her mind.“It was so far out of my orbit and just my whole sphere of thinking,” she said in a conversation at NPR this spring,hours before she formally received her award.‎ She’s 66—far from retirement age in jazz,and on the extreme forward edge of the NEA Jazz Masters people.So she was aware of her relative youth in the field.She also recognized that there haven’t been many women in the ranks of NEA Jazz Masters:fewer than 20,out of 145.That idea led her to ‎ reflect on her predecessors(前任):legendary singers like Betty Carter,who was inducted back in 1992,and Abbey Lincoln,who received the nod in 2003.‎ Bridgewater sought inspiration and advice from both Carter and Lincoln,as she recalls in this period of Jazz Night,which features music recorded during the season opener for Jazz at Lincoln Center.On a program called “Songs of Freedom”,organized by drummer Ulysses Owens,Jr.,Bridgewater sang material associated with Lincoln as well as Nina Simone:an extremely angry song of the civil rights movement,like “Mississippi Goddam”.‎ A separate concert,“Songs We Love”,found Bridgewater singing less politically charged (but still exciting) fare like “St.James Infirmary”,which appears on her most recent album.In words as well as music,this period reveals how seriously Bridgewater takes that responsibility,seeing as how it connects to her own experience in the jazz lineage.But maybe “seriously” isn’t the right word when it comes to Dee Dee,whose effervescence(欢腾,活泼) shines through even in a reflective mood.Join her here for a while; she’s excellent company,no more or less so now that mastery is officially a part of her resume.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了爵士乐歌手迪·迪·布里姬沃特的创作经历和音乐主题。‎ ‎1.What did Bridgewater think of her winning the award?‎ A.It confused her.‎ B.It was beyond her expectation.‎ C.It won great popular support for her.‎ D.It gave her much confidence about her career.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句中的“It was so far out of my orbit and just my whole sphere of thinking(远远超出思考范围)”可知,布里姬沃特认为自己能获奖出乎意料。‎ ‎2.What can we learn about the musicians winning NEA Jazz Masters?‎ A.Women ranked higher than men.‎ B.Men accounted for a bigger part of them.‎ C.Most of them were unwilling to retire at first.‎ D.Many of them received the award at an early age.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句中的“there haven’t been many women in the ranks of NEA Jazz Masters:fewer than 20,out of 145(获奖歌手145人中,女性不到20)”可知,男性占了很大一部分。‎ ‎3.Who is more likely to have a great influence on Bridgewater?‎ A.Carter and Lincoln. B.Ulysses and Lincoln.‎ C.Nina Simone and Carter. D.Nina Simone and Ulysses.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段首句中的“Bridgewater sought inspiration and advice from both Carter and Lincoln(布里姬沃特向卡特和林肯寻找灵感和建议)”可知选A。‎ ‎4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?‎ A.Bridgewater’s music theme.‎ B.Bridgewater’s music experience.‎ C.Bridgewater’s personal characters.‎ D.Bridgewater’s great achievements.‎ 答案 A 解析 段落大意题。根据最后一段第一句中的“singing less politically charged...”可知,她的歌曲政治味不太强烈,故本段主要讲了布里姬沃特的音乐主题。‎ B There is a breakthrough in building aircrafts.Bendable wings covered with overlapping(部分重叠) pieces resembling fish sizes could be used to build swifter,fuel-efficient aircraft,a new study finds.‎ Nowadays,conventional aircrafts typically rely on ailerons(副翼) to help control the way the planes tip as they fly.However,when the Wright brothers flew the first airplane,Flyer 1,over a century ago,they used no ailerons but wires and pulleys that twisted the wood-and-canvas wings,to control the plane.‎ Scientists have long sought to develop aircrafts that can alter their wings during flight,just as birds can.However ‎,most previous attempts have failed because they relied on heavy mechanical control structures within the wings.These structures were also complex and unreliable,said Neil Gershenfeld,a physicist and director of the Center for Bits and Atoms at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).‎ The new wing consists of a system of tiny,strong,lightweight modules.The shape of the wing can be changed uniformly along its length using two small motors,which apply a twisting pressure to each wingtip.These wings are covered in “skins” of overlapping strips of flexible material resembling fish sizes.These strips move across each other as the wings alter,providing a smooth outer surface,the researchers explained.‎ Wind-tunnel tests of these wings showed that they at least matched the aerodynamic properties of conventional wings,at about one-tenth of the weight.Initial tests using remotely piloted aircraft made with these wings have shown great promise,said Benjamin Jenett,a graduate student at the Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT.‎ The new modular structures the scientists developed could be manufactured quickly in mass quantities and then installed by teams of small robots.These modular structures also can be disassembled more easily,making repairs simpler.‎ ‎“Still,the first aircraft built using this strategy will not be a passenger jet,”Gershenfeld said.“Instead,the ‎ technology will likely first be tested on unmanned aircraft,leading to drones(无人机) that can fly for a long time,to help deliver Internet access or medicine to remote villages and do some rescue works.”‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇科普性说明文。文章主要讲述了一项新的研究发现——飞机的机翼建造有了很大的突破,能够使得飞机更快并且节能、高效。‎ ‎5.Why did most previous aircrafts fail to fly like birds?‎ A.The previous wings were complicated and weighed a lot.‎ B.The previous aircrafts relied on ailerons to control directions.‎ C.There were few scientists to do research on the lighter wings.‎ D.There was little fuel in the aircrafts to make them fly in the air.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句“However,most previous attempts have failed because they relied on heavy mechanical control structures within the wings.These structures were also complex and unreliable...”可知,大多数以前开发变形翼的尝试都失败了,这是因为他们依靠机翼内沉重的机械控制结构。故选A。‎ ‎6.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?‎ A.The shape of the new wings.‎ B.The result of the tested wings.‎ C.The function of the small motors.‎ D.The working principle of the new wings.‎ 答案 D 解析 段落大意题。根据文章第四段内容可知,本段主要讲述了新机翼的工作原理。故选D。‎ ‎7.Which of the following can replace the underlined word“disassembled” in Paragraph 6?‎ A.Put away. B.Taken apart.‎ C.Invented. D.Analyzed.‎ 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“These modular structures also can be disassembled more easily,making repairs simpler.”可知,要想维修起来更简单,这些模块化结构应是更容易拆卸,故可以猜测出disassemble为“拆开”之意。故选B。‎ ‎8.What will the drones made by the new wings be firstly used to do?‎ A.Carry passengers.‎ B.Save people in danger.‎ C.Test planes.‎ D.Monitor the villages.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段末句“Instead,the technology will likely first be tested on unmanned aircraft,leading to drones(无人机) that can fly for a long time,to help deliver Internet access or medicine to remote villages and do some rescue ‎ works.”可知,新的机翼被首先应用在无人机上是为了向偏远山村提供互联网接入或药物以及做一些援救工作。故选B。‎

