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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达写作技巧之十八:如何使行文中出现倍数和比较句型 表示倍数和比较的句型相对较多,在写作中灵活运用这些句型有利于提升文章的档次,会让你的作文与众不同。‎ ‎1.英语中常见的4种倍数表达法:‎ ‎(1)A+be+倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as B ‎(2)A+be+倍数+adj./adv.比较级+than B ‎(3)A+be+倍数+the+名词(size, weight, length ...)+of B ‎(4)A+be+倍数+what从句 ‎①The red ruler is three times as long as the yellow one.‎ ‎→The red ruler is three times longer than the yellow one.‎ ‎→The red ruler is three times the length of the yellow one.‎ 这把红尺子是黄尺子的三倍长。‎ ‎②The population now in this village is five times what it was ten years ago.‎ 现在这个村庄的人口是十年前的五倍。‎ ‎2.the+比较级 ..., the+比较级 ...“越……,就越……”‎ The less the teacher does, the more the students do and the more they will learn.‎ 老师做得越少,学生就做得越多,他们学会的就越多。‎ ‎3.比较级+than+any other+名词单数 ...“比任何其他的都……”‎ Mike is more hardworking than any other student in the class.‎ 迈克比班里其他的任何一个同学都勤奋。‎ ‎4.prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)‎ ‎(1)prefer sth.to sth.     喜欢……而不喜欢……‎ prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth.to doing sth. 宁愿做……而不愿做……‎ (2)prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.would do sth.rather than do sth.would rather do sth.than do sth.宁愿做……而不愿做……‎ ‎①Nowadays many children prefer surfing the Internet at home to taking exercise outdoors.‎ 如今许多孩子宁可待在家里上网,也不愿意到户外进行锻炼。‎ ‎②After all, all kids prefer to be praised rather than be scolded.‎ ‎=After all, all kids would be praised rather than be scolded.‎ ‎=After all, all kids would rather be praised than be scolded.‎ ‎=After all, all kids prefer being praised to being scolded.‎ 毕竟,所有的孩子都喜欢被表扬而不是被批评。‎ ‎5.be senior/junior to“比……年长/年龄小;(地位或级别等)比……高/低”‎ Mr Liu is three years senior to me, and he is also senior to me in our company.‎ 刘先生比我大三岁,在公司里级别也比我高。‎ ‎[专题过关训练]‎ 用倍数和比较句型补全句子 ‎1.我们的城市已经发展成了一个大城市,是原来的四倍大。‎ Our city has developed into a big one, which is four_times_as_big_as_it_used_to_be.‎ ‎2.中国比亚洲的其他任何一个国家都大,也比非洲的任何一个国家都大。‎ China is larger_than_any_other_country in Asia and also larger_than_any_country in Africa.‎ ‎3.你听和读得越多,你写和说得就越好。‎ The_more_you_listen_and_read,_the better you write and speak.‎ ‎4.虽然他比我地位低,但却分配到一辆公司汽车。‎ He's been given a company car, even though he's_junior_to_me.‎ ‎5.她更喜欢和我们一起去而不愿独自留下。‎ ‎①She preferred_to_go_with_us_rather_than_stay behind alone.(prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.)‎ ‎②She would_rather_go_with_us_than_stay behind alone.(would rather do sth.than do sth.)‎ ‎③She would_go_with_us_rather_than_stay behind alone.(would ‎ do sth.rather than do sth.)‎ ‎6.引进新技术后,今年汽车的产量是去年的两倍。‎ After the new technique was introduced, the production of cars this year is twice_as_much_as_that_of_last_year.‎ ‎7.我宁愿去探个究竟,也不愿坐在这儿等待。 ‎ Rather than sit here waiting, I prefer_to_go_to_find_out what on earth has happened.‎ ‎8.汤姆比安妮年轻,但他比玛丽年长。三个人中他是中间的。‎ Tom is younger than Ann, but he_is_senior_to Mary. Of the three he is the middle.‎ ‎9.肯尼亚四处干旱炎热,其面积是英国的两倍多。‎ Kenya, a land more than twice_the_size_of Britain, is everywhere parched.(size)‎ ‎10.据报道,美国消耗的能源是整个欧洲的两倍。‎ It is reported that the United States uses twice_as_much_energy_as the whole of Europe.(as ...as)‎ 扮亮句式八 彰显您的不一般——玩转“主动表被动”‎ 高中英语学习中,时常可见一些不太好理解的语法现象,给高中生增加了难度,“主动表被动”就是其中的一个例子。若能熟练驾驭,必能为你的写作增光添彩。常见的“主动表被动”现象主要有以下几种:‎ ‎1.动词不定式to do中的主动表被动 ‎(1)主语+系动词+形容词+to do;此种句型可扩展为:‎ 主语+谓语+宾语+形容词+to do The essay is hard to understand.‎ ‎→I found the essay hard to understand.‎ 我觉得这篇文章很难理解。‎ ‎(2)主语+谓语+宾语+to do;扩展句型体现在with引导的复合结构中:With+名词+to do+主句 Bill had an urgent meeting to attend. Bill was extremely anxious.‎ ‎→With an urgent meeting to attend, Bill was extremely anxious.‎ 有一个紧急会议要召开,比尔焦虑万分。‎ ‎(3)There be+名词+to do Michael got pretty worried, for there is an important guest to meet.迈克尔特别担忧,因为有一个重要的客户要见。‎ ‎(4)主语+be to blame(应受责备,应该负责),be to let(可以出租)。‎ I wonder who is to blame for the missing cheese?‎ 我想知道谁应该为丢失的奶酪负责?‎ ‎[应用体验1] 补全句子 ‎①所有的店员都很难相处,这对你们的声誉极其有害。‎ All_the_shop_assistants_are_hard_to_get_along_with,_which does great harm to your reputation.‎ ‎②谁该为日益恶化的空气质量负责?‎ Who_is_to_blame_for the worsening air quality?‎ ‎2.动名词doing中的主动表被动 ‎(1)主语+want/need/require/deserve/worth+doing Look at your flowers! They need watering.‎ 瞧你的花儿!它们需要浇水了。‎ ‎(2)主语+be worth doing Recently, there is something wrong with students' mental health, which is worth attaching importance to.‎ 最近,学生们的心理健康出了问题,这值得重视。‎ ‎[应用体验2] 补全句子 ‎①说实话,你们的产品质量真的需要改进。‎ To be frank, the_quality_of_your_product_really_needs_improving.‎ ‎②这儿的美无法用言语表达,值得再次去游玩。‎ The beauty here is beyond description and it_is_worth_visiting_again.‎ ‎3.表状态、属性等特征的动词中的主动表被动 ‎(1)主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+副词。在此类“主动表被动”的结构中,表示属性的动词有write, sell, wash, burn, cook, use等。‎ The book sells well overseas.这本书海外销路很好。‎ ‎(2)主语+can't/won't+谓语动词(不及物动词)。一些诸如work, open, move, shut, act, lock, wear等表状态的不及物动词,和 can't/won't搭配使用时,往往带有各种感情色彩。‎ Damn! The door won't open.该死!门打不开了。‎ ‎[应用体验3] 补全句子 ‎①获得诺贝尔文学奖后,莫言的书很畅销。‎ Mo_Yan's_books_sold_well after he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.‎ ‎②帮我一下好吗?我的电脑不能正常工作了。‎ Can you do me a favor? My_computer_won't_work.‎ ‎[专题过关训练]‎ 用“主动表被动”结构翻译句子 ‎1.有一些紧急事件要处理,我只有向你求助。‎ With_some_emergency_to_deal_with,_I_had_no_choice_but_to_turn_to_you.‎ ‎2.毫无疑问,在我们的合作下,中国结销量将会很好。‎ It_comes_as_no_surprise_that_with_our_cooperation,_the_Chinese_knots_will_sell_well.‎ ‎3.众所周知,像出国留学这么宝贵的机会很难找到。‎ As_is_universally_acknowledged,_such_a_precious_chance_as_learning_in_a_foreign_country_is_hard_to_seek.‎ ‎4.我认为这些学生值得表扬。‎ I_think_these_students_deserve_praising.‎ ‎5.在这种情况下,你不应该受到指责。‎ You_shouldn't_be_to_blame_under_the_circumstances.‎ ‎6.这本书很值得一读。‎ This_book_is_well_worth_reading.‎ ‎7.公园里闻起来有香味的花吸引了很多游客。‎ The_flowers_smelling_sweet_in_the_garden_attract_many_visitors.‎ 扮亮句式九 百变小天后——“as”显奇功 as因其词性多样,用法灵活,给广大考生的学习增加了一定难度。首先,在词性上,as可用作连词、介词、副词、关系代词;其次,在用法上,as可引导定语从句和状语从句,以及用于一些诸如as far as, as soon as, as long as的固定搭配中。‎ ‎(一)首先,as可用作连词,译为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句的倒装。‎ Naughty as he is, Tony is always quiet in the presence of his father.尽管他很顽皮,但父亲在场时,托尼总是很安静。‎ ‎[应用体验1] 补全句子 ‎①尽管看似不可能,但我还是鼓足勇气再次尝试。‎ Impossible_as_it_seemed,_I gathered my courage to have another try.‎ ‎②他虽然是一位老师,但也不可能什么都懂。‎ Teacher_though/as_he_is,_he can't know everything.‎ ‎③尽管忙着上课,我还是设法挤出了时间和朋友出去玩。‎ Busy_though/as_I_am_with_the_lessons,_I have managed to find ‎ time to hang out with my friends.‎ ‎(二)此外,as可用作关系代词,译为“正如,好像”,引导定语从句。引导限制性定语从句时,常用于such ...as, so ...as, the same ...as, as ...as结构中;引导非限制性定语从句时,位于主句前后均可。‎ Billy is such a daring boy as none of us have ever imagined.‎ 我们从没想到,比利是如此大胆的一个男孩。‎ ‎[应用体验2] 补全句子 ‎①(2018•北京高考书面表达)和学习语言一样,学习汉语也需要大量的练习。‎ As_is_always_the_case_with_language_learning,_Chinese learning also calls for lots of practice.‎ ‎②众所周知,知识就是力量。‎ As_is_known_to_us/As_we_all_know,_knowledge is power.‎ ‎③这是一个如此难的问题,以至于没人能解决。‎ This is such a difficult question as_nobody_can_work_out.‎ ‎④这台电脑和我前几天买的那台属于同一款(同一类)。‎ This is the same computer as_I_bought_the_other_day.‎ ‎⑤那些对世界作出重大贡献的人应受到极大的尊重。‎ Such_people_as have made great contributions to the world should be greatly respected.‎ ‎(三)as也可用作副词,表程度。常构成as ‎ ...as的搭配,译为“像……一样……的”‎ 常用形式有以下三种:‎ ‎(1)as+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词,如as kind a person as ...;‎ ‎(2)as+adj./many+可数名词复数,如as many people as ...;‎ ‎(3)as+adj./much+不可数名词,如as much water as ...。‎ ‎①He is as hardworking a boy as anyone else in his class.‎ 他跟班上其他任何一个同学一样是个勤奋的学生。‎ ‎②According to a recent survey, as many as 10 out of 17 penguins may be in danger of disappearing.正如最近调查的那样,17只企鹅中有10只可能有消失的危险。‎ ‎[应用体验3] 补全句子 ‎①遇到像你一样既和善又博学的人是我的荣幸。‎ It's my pleasure to meet as_kind_and_learned_a_person_as_you.‎ ‎②根据最近研究,多达五分之一的美国青少年有不同程度的听力损伤。‎ As_many_as_one_in_five_US_teenagers_have_suffered_different_degrees_of_hearing_loss,_according to a recent research.‎ ‎(四)身为“百变小天后”,as还有多种其他用法。‎ 可用作介词,译为“作为”,后接名词等;可用作连词,连接原因、时间、让步、方式、比较状语从句;用于固定搭配中,如:as long as (只要), as far as (据……), as soon as (一……就), as if/though (好像), as to/for (关于,至于), so as to (为了), as a result/consequence (因此), such as (例如), may/might as well ‎ ‎(不妨)等等。‎ As long as you don't lose heart, you will succeed.‎ 只要你不灰心,你就会成功。‎ ‎[专题过关训练]‎ 翻译句子 ‎1.(2018•全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)简言之,在中国就要像中国人那样做。‎ In_brief,_do_as_the_Chinese_do_when_in_China.‎ ‎2.(2018•6月浙江高考写作)因为我急需一些实践经验,所以我渴望接受这份工作。‎ As_I_am_in_urgent_need_of_some_practical_experience,_I_am_eager_to_be_taken_on_for_this_job.‎ ‎3.你需要交一篇大约400词的稿件。‎ You_are_required_to_hand_in_as_long_an_article_as_about_400_words.‎ ‎4.尽管感到很难为情,我还是鼓足勇气来向你求助。‎ Embarrassed_as_I_feel,_I_gather_all_my_courage_to_turn_to_you_for_help.‎ ‎5.正如上面所说的,语法不是一套死规则。‎ As_has_been_said_above,_grammar_is_not_a_set_of_dead_rules.‎ ‎6.我从未见过像他这样才华横溢的年轻人。‎ I've_never_seen_such_a_talented_young_man_as_he_is.‎

