2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 11(必修3 UNIT 1)

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2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 11(必修3 UNIT 1)

考点强化练11(必修3 Unit 1)‎ ‎ 考点强化练第21页  ‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 The first drawing on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago.Later the Ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their names and poems on buildings.Modern graffiti(涂鸦) seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s,and by the late sixties it had reached New York.The new art form really took off in the 1970s,when people began writing their names,or “tags(标记)”,on buildings all over the city.In the mid-seventies it was sometimes hard to see out of a subway car window,because the trains were completely covered in spray paintings known as “masterpieces”.‎ In the early days,the “taggers” were part of street gangs who were concerned with marking their territory.The term “graffiti” was first used by the New York Times and the novelist Norman Mailer.But at the same time when it began to be regarded as an art form in the early seventies,John Lindsay,the then mayor of New York,declared the first war on graffiti.By the 1980s it became much harder to write on subway trains without being caught,and instead many of the established graffiti artists began using roofs of buildings.‎ The debate over whether graffiti is art or illegal behavior is still going on.Peter Vallone,a New York city councilor,thinks that graffiti done with permission can be art,but if it is on someone else’s property it becomes a crime.On the other hand,Felix,a member of the Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City,says that artists are reclaiming cities for the public from advertisers,and that graffiti represents freedom and makes cities more lively.‎ For decades graffiti has been helpful to international fame for a few.The Frenchman Blek le Rat and the British artist Banksy have achieved international fame by producing complex works with stencils(模板),often making political or humorous points.Works by Banksy have been sold for over 100,000.Graffiti is now sometimes big business.‎ ‎【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文,主要讨论了涂鸦的地位、历史及作用。‎ ‎1.What was the motivation for the street gang to write tags?‎ A.Showing which streets belonged to which gangs.‎ B.Creating a strong visual effect for them.‎ C.Sending secret messages to other gangs.‎ D.Drawing the public attention to them.‎ 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In the early days, the ‘taggers’ were part of street gangs who were concerned with marking their territory.”可知,街头帮派用涂鸦来表示地盘归属。故选A项。‎ ‎2.What does New York city councilor Peter Vallone say about graffiti?‎ A.Graffiti should be banned because of its bad effects.‎ B.Graffiti can be beautiful if it is done by a skilled artist.‎ C.Graffiti is a crime if the artist does not have permission.‎ D.Graffiti can be good for cities as long as it conveys positive messages.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Peter Vallone...thinks that graffiti done with permission can be art,but if it is on someone else’s property it becomes a crime.”可知,Peter Vallone 认为,如果未经许可就在别人家的墙上涂鸦,就是犯罪。故选C项。‎ ‎3.The Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City holds the view that    . ‎ A.involving young people in graffiti stops them being involved with serious crime B.graffiti helps the public to own the streets and take control away from advertisers C.graffiti actually increases the value of property by making the area more attractive D.graffiti can free artists from being caught by the police 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...a member of the Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City,says that artists are reclaiming cities for the public from advertisers”可知,Reclaim Your City这个组织认为涂鸦可以从广告商手中夺回街道并让公众共享街道。故选B项。‎ ‎4.What is the author’s final point?‎ A.Graffiti is not a good way to help people become a respected artist.‎ B.Some of the most popular graffiti artists end up being abandoned.‎ C.Graffiti has been accepted by the public during hundreds of years.‎ D.Graffiti has now become popular and can bring artists a lot of money.‎ 答案D 解析主旨大意题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为涂鸦已经变得非常受欢迎,并能给艺术家带来巨大的财富。故选D项。‎ ‎〚导学号29402070〛‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2017·8月浙江“超级全能生”高三联考)‎ One doctor is being recognized as the best doctor.He ever took the time to  1  a young patient’s broken toy. ‎ The little boy,Ryan,has several health  2 .The 9-year-old boy has had eight operations in his life,so when he went to Children’s Hospital for  3  in early November,he brought along his favorite toy for  4 . ‎ His doctor,Groth,noticed the one-eyed toy was a little shabby and decided to  5  by sewing it back up,just like he  6  Ryan.“You might think this is his fourth or fifth one,” Groth said.“He is extremely  7  this toy.”When Ryan woke up from his operation to find his  8  recovering by his side,he was very  9 .“With this little guy,I think it made a big  10 ,”Groth said.“From a  11  aspect it helps a lot and it  12  him.” ‎ The 44-year-old doctor has seen many kids come in with  13  toys and has made it a  14  to sew them up whenever he can.This was the first time, 15 ,that someone caught him in the act.He ‎ didn’t know the  16  was being taken,but since it was  17  to the website,it’s been clicked over 13 000 times, 18  the attention of local and national media. ‎ The doctor has a pretty good theory about why his small  19  has gotten so much attention online.“People just  20  to see sympathy for others.It resonates(引起共鸣).” ‎ That it does doctor,that it does.‎ ‎【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了Groth医生被认为是最好的医生,有一次,他发现一位小患者的玩具破损并帮他缝好,这一细心的举动被人捕捉到,在网络上受到人们的关注和好评。‎ ‎1.A.put away         B.sew up C.play with D.wash up 答案B 解析句意:这位医生曾经为他的年轻患者缝补玩具。第三段中“His doctor,Groth,noticed the one-eyed toy was a little shabby and decided to  5  by sewing it back up...”也有提示。put away“收起”;sew up“缝补”;play with“玩耍”;wash up“洗刷”,故选B项。 ‎ ‎2.A.care B.education C.problems D.benefits 答案C 解析根据下文“The 9-year-old has had eight operations in his life...”可知,小男孩Ryan有很多健康方面的问题。care“关心”;education“教育”;problem“问题”;benefit“好处”,故选C项。‎ ‎3.A.operation B.advice C.training D.complaint 答案A 解析根据“The 9-year-old boy has had eight operations in his life...”可知,小男孩Ryan去儿童医院做手术。operation“手术”;advice“建议”;training“训练”;complaint“抱怨”,故选A项。‎ ‎4.A.treatment B.repair C.donation D.comfort 答案D 解析根据语境可知,小患者Ryan带着他最喜爱的玩具是对自己的一种安慰。treatment“治疗”;repair“修复”;donation “捐赠”;comfort“安慰”,故选D项。‎ ‎5.A.operate B.help C.exchange D.foster 答案B 解析句意:Groth医生看到Ryan破损的玩具后决定帮他缝补。operate“做手术,操作”;help“帮助”;exchange “交换”;foster“培养,养育”,故选B项。‎ ‎6.A.worried about B.called for C.did with D.picked up 答案C 解析根据语境可知,Groth医生像对待Ryan一样帮助缝补他的玩具。worry about “担心”;call for “要求,提倡”;do with“处理,应对”;pick up“捡起”,故选C项。‎ ‎7.A.attached B.devoted C.limited D.attracted 答案A 解析句意:Ryan非常喜欢他的玩具。be attached to为固定搭配,“喜爱,喜欢”,attached“依恋的,充满爱心的”;devoted“献身的;忠诚的”;limited “有限的”;attract“吸引”,故选A项。‎ ‎8.A.injury B.parents C.doctor D.toy 答案D 解析根据语境可知,Ryan手术后发现身边的玩具也“恢复健康”,故选D项。‎ ‎9.A.painful B.excited C.energetic D.pessimistic 答案B 解析句意:当Ryan手术后发现身边的玩具也“恢复健康”,感到非常激动。painful “痛苦的”;excited“激动的”;energetic “有活力的”;pessimistic “悲观的”,故选B项。‎ ‎10.A.effort B.smile C.difference D.noise 答案C 解析根据语境可知,Groth医生帮Ryan缝补玩具,这对Ryan来说产生了很大的影响。make a difference为固定搭配,意为“有影响,起作用”,故选C项。‎ ‎11.A.commercial B.moral C.finance D.recovery 答案D 解析根据语境可知,Groth医生认为从健康恢复角度而言,这个玩具对Ryan的恢复起了很大作用。commercial “商业的”;moral“道德的”;finance “金融”;recovery “恢复,康复”,故选D项。‎ ‎12.A.relaxes B.approaches C.serves D.reminds 答案A 解析根据语境可知,这个玩具对Ryan的身体恢复有很大帮助,会让Ryan感到放松。relax“放松”;approach“靠近”;serve“服务,招待”;remind “提醒”,故选A项。‎ ‎13.A.carefully-chosen B.well-worn C.newly-designed D.brand-new 答案B 解析根据语境可知,Groth医生经常碰到小患者们带着破损的玩具来就诊的情况。carefully-chosen“精心选择的”;well-worn“破旧的”;newly-designed“新设计的”;brand-new“崭新的”,故选B项。‎ ‎14.A.career B.view C.home D.practice 答案D 解析此处指Groth医生经常帮他们缝补玩具,这已成为他的惯例。practice “惯例,习惯做法”,故选D项。‎ ‎15.A.therefore B.besides C.however D.instead 答案C 解析句意:然而,这个场景是第一次被人们捕捉到。therefore “因此”;besides“此外”;however “然而”;instead“相反”,故选C项。‎ ‎16.A.photo B.toy C.measure D.seat 答案A 解析此处指Groth医生不知道别人给他拍照。photo“照片”;toy“玩具”;measure“措施”;seat“座位”,故选A项。‎ ‎17.A.delivered B.posted C.applied D.fastened 答案B 解析根据语境可知:照片被发到网上。deliver“递送,演说”;post“发帖,张贴”;apply“申请,应用”;fasten“系牢”,故选B项。‎ ‎18.A.requiring B.switching C.avoiding D.catching 答案D 解析句意:自从照片被发到网上后,点击量超过13 000次,引起了当地和国家媒体的注意。require “要求”;switch“开关,转换”;avoid“避免”;catch“吸引,引起注意”,故选D项。‎ ‎19.A.change B.progress C.gesture D.misfortune 答案C 解析句意:他细小的举动为什么引起这么多的关注,Groth医生有自己合理的解释。change“改变”;progress“进步”;gesture“姿态,举动”;misfortune“不幸”;故选C项。‎ ‎20.A.like B.fail C.try D.manage 答案A 解析句意:人们都喜欢看到对别人施展同情和怜悯,这会引起人们的共鸣。like“喜欢”;fail “失败”;try“尝试”;manage“管理,经营,设法”;故选A项。‎ ‎〚导学号29402071〛‎ Ⅲ.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Today,bicycles are so common that it’s hard to believe they haven’t always been around.But about two hundred years ago,bicycles didn’t even exist,and the first bicycle,invented in Germany in 1818 was nothing like our bicycles today.Because it was made of wood,it wasn’t very strong nor did it have ‎ pedals.Since then,however,numerous improvements have made it one of the most popular means of transportation around the world.‎ In 1839,Kirkpatrick Macmillan,a Scottish blacksmith,invented a much better bicycle.Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down.He also used foot-operated levers,similar to pedals,so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace.It didn’t look much like the modern bicycle,though,because its back wheel was larger than its front wheel.Although Macmillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily,they were never produced in large numbers.In 1861,Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle with an improved pedal mechanism.‎ Ten years later,James Starley,an English inventor,revolutionized bicycle design.He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel,put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient,and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes.Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride,it was still clumsy,extremely top-heavy,and ridden mostly for entertainment.‎ It wasn’t until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene.Invented by another Englishman,H.J.Lawson,the safety bicycle would look familiar to today’s cyclists.The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels,which made it easier to ride.Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the back wheel.By 1893,the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber tires,a diamond-shaped frame,and easy braking.With the improvements provided by Lawson,bicycles became extremely popular and useful for transportation.Today,they are built,used,and enjoyed all over the world.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文 The first bike invented in 1818 was quite different from the one today,since then it had been improved constantly.Twenty-one years later,it began to have types with iron rims and in 1861 it was equipped with crank mechanism.Then in 1871,a gear was added to its pedals and its wheels turned into wire spokes which reduced the weight.Finally,in 1874 a chain was attached to its pedals,by which time it looked like the bike today.‎ ‎〚导学号29402072〛‎

