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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修三Unit4Astronomy -the science of the stars单元学案 If you watch the sky about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some “moving stars”.But they're not real stars. They are manmade satellites. And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS国际空间站).‎ From now until July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth, and people can see it just with their eyes. The ISS is the biggest manmade satellite because scientists want to live on it. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.‎ When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built.‎ The ISS is the most ambitious and expensive space program ever. Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year. Scientists hope that the ISS will be a steppingstone for future space exploration. “The ISS will help us better understand the human body, explore space and study the earth. It can help us make life on the earth better,” said Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist.‎ China is not an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments. China sent some rice up to the ISS to find out what space would do to it.‎ The ISS is not finished yet. More than 100 parts need to be put on. Scientists hope it will be finished as soon as possible. After it's finished, more than 90% of the world's population will be able to see the Space Station. So keep looking up, and maybe you'll see it get bigger.‎ Section_Ⅰ Warming__Up_&_Reading_—_Prereading ‎ ‎ ‎[原文呈现]‎ HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago①.However, according to② a widely accepted③ theory④, the universe began with⑤ a “Big Bang⑥” that threw matter in all directions⑦.After that, atoms⑧ began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies.‎ For several billion⑨ years after the “Big Bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of dust⑩.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe⑪. The earth became so violent⑫ that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not⑬. It exploded loudly with fire and rock.They were in time to⑭ produce carbon dioxide⑮, nitrogen⑯, water vapour⑰ and other gases, which were to make the earth's atmosphere⑱. What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down⑲, water began to appear on its surface.‎ ‎①as it happened so long ago是as引导的原因状语从句。‎ ‎②according to“根据”,后跟名词、代词等,不跟me, us, view, opinion等词。‎ ‎③widely accepted广泛接受的 ‎④theory/'θIərI/ n.学说;理论 ‎⑤begin with (=start with) 从……开始,起源于 ‎⑥Big Bang宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸 ‎⑦in all directions (=in every direction)朝四面八方 ‎⑧atom/'ætəm/ n.原子 ‎⑨billion/'bIlIən/pron.&n.&adj.〈英〉万亿;〈美〉十亿 ‎⑩a cloud of dust一团尘埃 a cloud of 一般用来修饰不可数名词。‎ ‎⑪globe/ɡləʊb/ n.球体;地球仪;地球 global/'ɡləʊbl/ adj.全球性的;全世界的 ‎⑫violent/'vaIələnt/ adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 ‎⑬it为形式主语,whether从句为真正的主语。‎ ‎⑭in time to do sth./for sth.及时做某事;来得及做某事 in time及时;终于 ‎⑮carbon dioxide二氧化碳 carbon/'kɑːbən/ n.碳 dioxide/daI'ɒksaId/ n.二氧化物 ‎⑯nitrogen/'naItrədʒən/ n.氮 ‎⑰water vapour 蒸气;水蒸气 vapour/'veIpə/ n.水蒸气;蒸气 ‎⑱atmosphere/'ætməsfIə/ n.大气层;气氛 ‎⑲cool down 凉下来,冷却 地球上生命的起源 ‎[第1~2段译文]‎ 没有人确切知道地球是怎样开始的,因为在很久以前它就形成了。然而,根据一种普遍为人们所接受的理论,宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。然后,原子开始形成并结合成恒星和其他天体。‎ 大爆炸后好几十亿年过去了,地球还只是一团尘埃。(随后)它变成什么没人确定,直到45~38亿年前,这团尘埃才慢慢地形成一个固态的球体。地球变得如此激烈动荡,以至于不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。它(地球)猛烈的爆炸喷出了烈火和岩石,最终产生了二氧化碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。更重要的是,随着地球冷却了下来,地球的表面开始出现了水。‎ Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, unlike⑳ the earth, it had disappeared later. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental○21 to the development of life○22.What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water○23 allowed the earth to dissolve○24 harmful○25 gases and acids○26 into the oceans and seas. This produced a chain reaction○27, which made it possible for life to develop.‎ Many millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the surface of the water. They multiplied○28 and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen○29, which encouraged○30 the later development of early shellfish○31 and all sorts of fish. Next, green plants began to grow on land. They were followed in time by land animals. Some were insects. Others, ○32called amphibians○33, were able to live on land as well as○34 in the water. Later when the plants grew into forests, reptiles○35 appeared for the first time. They produced young generally by laying ‎ eggs○36.After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs○37, developed. They laid eggs too and existed○38 on the earth for more than 140 million years. However, 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs○39 ended. Why they suddenly disappeared○40 still remains a mystery. This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals○41 on the earth. These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gave birth to○42 young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.‎ ‎⑳unlike/ʌn'laIk/ prep.与……不同;不像 ‎○21fundamental/ˌfʌndə'mentl/ adj.基本的;基础的 be fundamental to是……的基础 ‎○22It was not immediately obvious that ..., it为形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。‎ ‎○23the continued presence of water 水的长期存在 continued adj.持续不断的 presence/'prezns/ n.出席;到场;存在 ‎○24dissolve/dI'zɒlv/vt.&vi.溶解;解散 ‎○25harmful/'hɑːmfl/ adj.有害的 be harmful to对……有害(=do harm to)‎ ‎○26acid/'æsId/ n.酸 ‎○27a chain reaction连锁反应 chain/tʃeIn/n.链子;连锁;锁链 in chains戴着镣铐 reaction/rI'ækʃn/ n.反应;回应 ‎○28multiply/'mʌltIplaI/vi.&vt.乘;增加 ‎○29oxygen/'ɒksIdʒən/ n.氧 ‎○30encourage vt.鼓励;激励;促进;激发 ‎○31shellfish/'ʃelfIʃ/n.水生有壳动物 ‎○32called amphibians“被称为两栖动物”,过去分词短语called ...作后置定语。‎ ‎○33amphibian/æm'fIbIən/ n.两栖动物 ‎○34as well as 也;还;与……一样好 ‎○35reptile/'reptaIl/n.爬行动物;爬虫 ‎○36lay eggs下蛋;产卵 ‎○37dinosaur n.恐龙 ‎○38exist/Ig'zIst/vi.存在;生存 ‎○39the age of the dinosaurs恐龙时代 ‎○40why引导的主语从句。‎ ‎○41the rise of mammals哺乳动物的兴起 mammal/'mæml/ n.哺乳动物 ‎○42give birth to 产生;分娩 ‎[第3~4段译文]‎ 在其他行星像火星上也出现了水,但和地球不同的是,这些水后来都消失了。水对生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显。很多科学家相信,地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。这就产生了一个连锁反应,使生命的发展成为可能。‎ 好几百万年以后,水的表面开始出现了第一批极小的植物。它们繁殖起来使得海洋充满了氧气,这为早期的贝类及各种鱼类后来的进化创造了条件。接着,绿色植物开始在陆地上生长。随后,陆地上出现了动物,其中有一些是昆虫,另外一些叫两栖动物,它们既能在陆地上生活,也能在水里生活。后来,当这些植物长成森林时,爬行动物第一次出现了。它们一般是通过孵蛋来繁衍后代的。再后来,一些叫恐龙的巨型动物出现了。它们也生蛋,在地球上生存了一亿四千多万年。然而,六千五百万年前,恐龙时代结束了。它们为什么会突然灭绝至今仍是个谜。恐龙的灭绝使地球上哺乳动物的兴起成为了可能。这些动物不同于以往所有的生命形态,因为它们从体内生产出幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。‎ Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the earth.Thus○43 they have, in their turn○44, become the most important animals on the planet. But they are not looking after the earth very well.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping○45 from the earth into space. As a result of○46 this, many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live on○47.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on○48 whether this problem can be solved.‎ ‎○43thus/ðʌs/ adv.因此;于是 ‎○44in one's turn轮到某人;接着 ‎○45prevent ...from doing阻止/制止……做 ‎○46as a result of由于……的结果 ‎○47too hot to live on太热而不能在上面居住 too ...to ...太……而不能……;‎ live on中的on不能省略,因为the earth是其逻辑上的宾语,而live是不及物动词,后须加介词才能跟宾语。‎ ‎○48depend on取决于;依靠 ‎[第5段译文]‎ 最后,大约260万年前,一些小巧聪明、长着手脚的动物出现了,它们散布在地球的各个地方。于是,他们接着成了这个行星上最重要的动物。然而,他们并没有照顾好地球,他们把过多的二氧化碳排放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热量不能释放到太空中去。因此,许多科学家相信地球可能会变得太热而不适合(生物的)生存。所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Prereading ‎ Please match the words with their proper meanings.‎ ‎1.astronomy        A.学说;理论 ‎2.system B.猛烈的;激烈的 ‎3.theory C.大气层;气氛 ‎4.violent D.基本的;基础的 ‎5.atmosphere E.乘;增加 ‎6.fundamental F.谜;(使)迷惑 ‎7.harmful G.存在;生存 ‎8.multiply H.有害的 ‎9.exist I.天文学 ‎10.puzzle J.系统;体系;制度 ‎11.unlike K.宗教;宗教信仰 ‎12.religion L.与……不同;不像 ‎1~5________ 6~10________ 11~12________‎ 答案:1~5 IJABC 6~10 DHEGF 11~12 LK ‎ Leadin Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions.‎ ‎1.Are you interested in astronomy?What can you see in the following pictures?‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:A.The Solar System B.The Milky Way C.The Black Hole ‎2.Each religion and culture has its own ideas about how life began on the earth.What do you know about the origin of life on the earth?‎ (1)  In Chinese culture, Nüwa made human beings.‎ (2)  In western countries, God created the world and all living things.‎ ‎ ‎ Whilereading ‎ Fastreading ‎1.First look at the title and the pictures of the text, and then skim the first sentence of each paragraph and finish the following question.‎ What's the main idea of the text?‎ The passage mainly tells us the_formation_of_the_earth_and_the_development_of_life_on_it.‎ ‎ 2.Match the main idea with the proper paragraph.‎ ‎(1)Paragraph 1 A.How humans appeared and what effects they had on the earth.‎ ‎(2)Paragraph 2 B.Water is very important to life on the earth.‎ ‎(3)Paragraph 3 C.How the earth formed.‎ ‎(4)Paragraph 4 D.How the plants and animals on the earth developed.‎ ‎(5)Paragraph 5 E.It is widely accepted that the universe began with a “Big Bang”.‎ 答案:(1)~(5) ECBDA ‎ Carefulreading Choose the best answers according to the text.‎ ‎1.This passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.the earth's atmosphere B.the solar system C.the development of life D.the difference between the earth and other planets ‎2.What happened shortly after the “Big Bang”?‎ A.The earth was just a cloud of energetic dust.‎ B.The earth became a solid ball quickly.‎ C.The earth's atmosphere appeared.‎ D.Water stayed on the moon.‎ ‎3.What makes the earth different from other planets?‎ A.It's quite warm on the earth.‎ B.There is plenty of atmosphere.‎ C.Small plants growing on the surface of the water appeared.‎ D.The first oceans and seas were filled with oxygen.‎ ‎4.When ________, reptiles appeared.‎ A.the first green plants began to appear on land B.land animals appeared C.the plants grew into forests D.early shellfish developed 答案:1~4 CACC ‎ Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.‎ ‎1.No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 没有人确切知道地球是怎样开始的,因为在很久以前它就形成了。‎ ‎2.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 随后它变成什么没人确定,直到45~38亿年前,这团尘埃才慢慢地形成了一个固态的球体。‎ ‎3.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.‎ ‎[句式分析] 这是一个复合句。what引导主语从句;that引导表语从句;as在表语从句中引导状语从句。‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 更重要的是,随着地球的不断冷却,地球表面出现了水。‎ ‎4.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [尝试翻译] 所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Some new comets (彗星) have been discovered accidentally by amateur (业余的) astronomers. Surprisingly a few bright comets have been discovered with the naked eye (肉眼) by members of the general public. However, a great number of comets are found by comet hunters carrying out telescope searches of chosen areas of the night sky.‎ As the movement of all comets is directed around the Sun and because these bodies brighten as they move towards the Sun, there is a greater possibility for the discovery of a new comet in the skies towards the Sun rather than away from the Sun's direction.This means that searches should be put on the western sky after evening light and on the eastern sky before morning light.‎ From the astronomical point there is no time during the year which is the best for the discovery of new comets. A search can be done at any time providing there is no bright Moon.‎ Studies done on the discovery conditions of comets discovered before show that more comets have been discovered in the morning sky than in the evening sky.Thus the smart comet hunter should make sure that morning activity receives as much if not more attention than any evening effort.‎ In recent times, the use of advanced CCD technology to discover objects close to the Earth will in the future greatly reduce the chances of new comets being found with small telescopes. An example of the new technology is the very successful LINEAR program operating in New Mexico. However, until a similar system is based in the southern half of the Earth there will continue to be chances for the discovery of new comets which come from the south.‎ 语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章介绍了观测彗星的要领。‎ ‎1.What are comet hunters advised to do?‎ A.Look away from the Sun.‎ B.Stay where there's bright light.‎ C.Face the western sky in the daytime.‎ D.Turn to the east in the early morning.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段中的“This means that searches should be put on the western sky after evening light and on the eastern sky before morning light.”可知,早晨太阳出来之前应观测东面的天空。‎ ‎2.What do we know about the time for the discovery of new comets?‎ A.Days when they're close to the Earth are great chances.‎ B.Certain fixed days are best for watching comets.‎ C.Every day is the same if there's no bright Moon.‎ D.Days with the Moon should never be missed.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段中的“A search can be done at any time providing there is no bright Moon.”可知,只要没有月亮,每一天对彗星猎人来说都一样可以观测。‎ ‎3.Which of the following is a smart idea for comet hunters?‎ A.Paying more attention in the morning than in the afternoon.‎ B.Being equally serious both in the morning and afternoon.‎ C.Being more relaxed in the morning than in the afternoon.‎ D.Forming a habit of working only in the morning.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由第四段中的“Thus the smart comet hunter should make sure that morning activity receives as much if not more attention than any evening effort.”可知,早晚观测彗星应该投入一样的精力。‎ ‎4.What can be inferred about the CCD technology?‎ A.It's similar to a telescope.‎ B.It'll disappoint comet hunters.‎ C.It's spreading all over the world.‎ D.It'll make comet hunters feel lucky.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“the use of advanced CCD technology ...greatly reduce the chances of new comets being found with small telescopes”可知,这种技术降低了追星猎人发现新的彗星的概率,因此他们应该会感到有些失望。‎ B Edmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200 years ago. He studied the observations of comets which other scientists had made. The orbit of one particular comet was a very difficult mathematical (数学上的) problem. He could not figure it out. Neither could other scientists who dealt with such problems.‎ However, Halley had a friend named Newton, who was a brilliant mathematician. Newton thought he had already worked out that problem, but he could not find the papers on which he had done it. He told Halley that the orbit of a comet had the shape of an ellipse (椭圆).‎ Now Halley set to work. He figured out (解决;计算出) the orbits of some of the comets that had been observed by scientists. He made a surprising discovery. The comets that had appeared in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682 all had the same orbit. Yet their appearances had been 75 to 76 years apart.‎ This seemed very strange to Halley. The different comets followed the same orbit. The more halley thought about it, the more he thought that there had not been three different comets, as people thought. He decided that they had simply seen the same comet three times. The comet had gone away and had come back again.‎ It was an astonishing idea! Halley felt certain enough to make a prediction (预言) of what comet would happen in the future. He decided that this comet would appear in the year 1758.There were 53 years to go before Halley's prediction could be tested. In 1758 the comet appeared in the sky. Halley did not see it, for he has died some years before. Ever since then that comet has been called Halley's comet, in his honor.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了200多年前英国科学家哈雷以及他的发现。‎ ‎5.Halley made his discovery ________.‎ A.by doing experiments B.by means of his own careful observation C.by using the work of other scientists D.by chance 解析:选C 细节理解题。由文中第三段“He figured out (解决;计算出) the orbits of some of the comets that had been observed by scientists.”可知应选C。‎ ‎6.Halley made a surprising, but correct prediction in the year ________.‎ A.1704         B.1705‎ C.1706 D.1707‎ 解析:选B 数字计算题。由最后一段中的“He decided that this comet would appear in the year 1758.There were 53 years to go before Halley's prediction could be tested.”可知,他预言彗星出现的时间是1758年,而这个预言还要经过53‎ 年才能验证,由此可以推断出哈雷做出这个预言的时间是1705年。‎ ‎7.This passage in general is about ________.‎ A.Halley and other scientists B.the orbit of a comet C.Newton and Halley D.Halley and his discovery 解析:选D 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了哈雷以及他的发现。‎ ‎8.Which of the following is TRUE?‎ A.Edmund Halley was an American scientist.‎ B.Halley made his discovery by doing experiments.‎ C.Newton was a famous mathematician.‎ D.The orbit of a comet had the shape of a circle.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。从文章首句可以看出A项错误;从第三段的分析中可知B项也错误;由第二段可知,牛顿告诉哈雷彗星的轨道是椭圆形的,可排除D项。‎ C My friend Tim was one of five children. His father was an alcoholic and died very young, and his mother was unable to support the family. Unfortunately, the children were separated and placed in foster homes (收养家庭).‎ Tim dropped out of school and did nothing to further himself. He eventually went through a divorce. Tim's brother, although experiencing the same childhood, educated himself and got a good job. He has a happy family and a wonderful home.‎ Both brothers gave a similar answer when asked why their lives turned out the way they did. They said, “You'd turn out this way too if you had a childhood like mine.” Neither of the brothers could change his past, but one of them adjusted (调整) his sail.‎ It doesn't take much to find an excuse whether that is our family background, our lack of education, or that we live in the wrong city, or do not know the right people. Each one of these excuses has a solution. However, if you believe that there is nothing you can do to turn your life around, then you won't be able to change your life for the better.‎ If you really desire to turn your life to a new course, to set your sail to a different port, it is a matter of choice. If you choose to move forward, the easiest way is to find a solution to your today's situation. Solutions are there if you want to go after them. Sure, it may take some hard work, or the willingness to take a risk. But if you do not, then you will never have a different or happy life. Do not limit yourself by finding an excuse; only limit yourself by refusing to have an excuse.‎ 语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。我们的过往是什么样子并不是很重要,因为未来掌握在我们自己手里。‎ ‎9.Why does Tim's brother have a happy life?‎ A.He had a happy childhood.‎ B.He tried hard to change his life.‎ C.He had a wonderful foster home.‎ D.He was the smartest of his family.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由第二段“Tim's brother, although experiencing the same ‎ childhood, educated himself and got a good job.”可知,Tim的哥哥是因为努力改变自己的命运才有了一个幸福的生活。‎ ‎10.What did Tim think led to his unhappy life?‎ A.His laziness.‎ B.Not adjusting his sail.‎ C.His unhappy childhood.‎ D.Not having any opportunities.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段“They said, ‘You'd turn out this way too if you had a childhood like mine.’”可知,Tim将自己的不幸归咎于自己不幸的童年。‎ ‎11.In the author's opinion, his friend Tim ________.‎ A.really had no chance to improve his life B.failed because he lived in the wrong city C.was the most unfortunate man in the world D.could have changed his life if he had chosen to 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第四段“Each one of these excuses has a solution. However, if you believe that there is nothing you can do to turn your life around, then you won't be able to change your life for the better.”可知,作者认为Tim本来是可以改变自己的人生的。‎ ‎12.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Adjust your sail B.Say “no” to excuses C.Move toward a happy family D.How we live our life is a choice 解析:选D 标题归纳题。由最后一段“If you really desire to turn your life to a new course, to set your sail to a different port, it is a matter of choice.”可知,本文旨在告诉我们,想过什么样的生活在于我们自己怎么选择。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 It is often seen that in many homes young children ask their parents for a pet, and yet their parents refuse due to the fear of spreading illnesses and the responsibility that comes with owning a pet.__1__ Here are some things that kids can learn from pets:‎ Empathy (移情) and calmness.__2__ These lessons will help them in the future when they deal with other humans. And as they take care of their pets, children learn how to be calm, gentle, and caring, eventually growing up to be open and compassionate (有同情心的) adults.‎ Companionship. Once you have a pet, your kid can always depend on having a friend and companion who will love and support him unconditionally. This makes him more selfconfident and also helps in developing an active lifestyle.__3__‎ Responsibility and discipline.__4__ Research shows that training of pets also develops discipline in kids. Appreciation of such achievements is sure to encourage them, and this will help them in the future.‎ Reading skills.__5__ It is because while kids might be unwilling to read aloud in a formal setting, like a school, they are more confident to read out to animals, as the fear of being judged is not present.‎ A.Proper care leads to good relationships with the animals.‎ B.Pets can help with the educational development of children.‎ C.Having a pet will help kids learn about the circle of life and death.‎ D.But getting a pet is actually a good idea due to the various benefits.‎ E.Tasks like feeding and walking the dog teach children to be responsible.‎ F.This is especially important for only kids who don't have friends to play with.‎ G.Being with pets, kids learn that animals feel pain and want love just like humans.‎ 答案:1~5 DGFEB Section_Ⅱ Warming_Up_&_Reading_—_Language_Points ‎ ‎ 一、这样记单词 记得准•写得对 记得快•记得多 Ⅰ.基础词汇 ‎1.astronomy n.       天文学 ‎2.system n. 系统;体系;制度 ‎3.theory n. 学说;理论 ‎4.atom n. 原子 ‎5.globe n. 球体;地球仪;地球 ‎6.atmosphere n. 大气层;气氛 ‎7.fundamental adj. 基本的;基础的 ‎8.multiply vi.&vt. 乘;增加 ‎9.oxygen n. 氧 ‎10.puzzle n. 谜;难题 vt.&vi. (使)迷惑;(使)为难 ‎ Ⅱ.拓展词汇 ‎1.unlike prep.与……不同;不像→like vt.喜欢 prep.像;如同→likely adj.可能的 ‎2.violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的→violence n.暴力→ violently adv.暴力地;猛烈地 ‎3.harmful adj.有害的→harm n.&v.伤害→ harmless adj.无害的 ‎4.exist vi.存在;生存→existence n.存在;生存 1.harmful adj.有害的 ‎[记法] harm(损害) +ful(形容词后缀)→harmful(有害的)‎ ‎[联想] 盘点ful后缀形容词 ‎①care→careful小心的    ②hope→hopeful有希望的 ‎③help→helpful有帮助的 ④use→useful有用的 ‎2.unlike prep.与……不同;不像 ‎[联想] un前缀形容词集锦 ‎①usual→unusual不寻常的 ②able→unable 不能够的 ‎③fair→unfair不公平的 ④fit→unfit不健康的 ‎ ‎⑤happy→unhappy不高兴的 ‎ ‎3.multiply vi.&vt.乘;增加 ‎[联想] 数学运算小聚 ‎①add v. 加;增加,添加 ‎②subtract v. 减;减去,扣除 ‎③divide v. 除;(使)相除 ‎4.oxygen n.氧 ‎[联想] 常见气体小结 ‎①carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 ‎②nitrogen 氮 ‎③hydrogen 氢 二、这样记短语 记牢固定短语 多积常用词块 ‎1.according_to        根据 ‎2.in__time 及时;终于 ‎3.cool_down 冷却下来;变凉 ‎4.be_fundamental_to 对……(来说)是基本的 ‎5.lay_eggs 下蛋 ‎6.give_birth_to 产生;分娩 ‎7.in_one's_turn 轮到某人;接着 ‎8.prevent_...from_... 阻止;制止 1.solar system       太阳系 ‎2.begin with 从……开始;起源于 ‎3.in all directions 朝四面八方 ‎4.a cloud of dust 一团尘埃 ‎5.a chain reaction 连锁反应 ‎6.as well as 也;还;与……一样好 ‎7.as a result of 由于……结果 ‎8.depend on 取决于;依靠 三、这样记句式 先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 ‎1.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago ...‎ 随后它变成什么没人确定,直到45~38亿年前…… what引导主语从句并在从句中作主语。 What_I_want_to_say is that I have already been a volunteer for the 13th National Games.(2017•天津高考书面表达)‎ 我想说的是我已经成为第十三届全运会的志愿者。‎ ‎2.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.‎ 地球(开始)变得如此激烈动荡,以至于不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。 so ...that ...“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句。 He worked so_hard_that he made great progress.‎ 他学习如此努力以至于他取得了巨大进步。‎ ‎3.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.‎ 这就产生了一个连锁反应,使生命的发展成为可能。 “make+宾语+宾语补足语”复合结构。 George made_it_clear_that he disagreed.‎ 乔治明确表示他不同意。‎ ‎4.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.‎ 所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。 第一个whether引导主语从句。 Whether_we_will_hold_a_meeting hasn't been decided.‎ 我们还没有决定是否要开一个会。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.(教材P25)The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.‎ 地球(开始)变得如此激烈动荡,以至于不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。‎ violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 ‎(1)a violent attack/storm   猛烈的攻击/暴风骤雨 ‎(2)violently adv. 猛烈地;凶猛地 violence n. 暴力;暴行;激情 with violence 猛烈地;强有力地 take ...by violence 强夺……‎ ‎①He was caught in a violent storm yesterday.‎ 他昨天碰上了暴风雨。‎ ‎②The wind blew violently (violent) and the climbers had to give up.‎ 风刮得很猛,登山队员们不得不放弃。‎ ‎③The young man was charged with robbery with violence.‎ 这个年轻人被指控暴力抢劫。‎ ‎[语境串记] Tom was in violent pain.As a result, he behaved violently and treated everything with violence.‎ 汤姆处于极度痛苦之中,因此他表现得很粗暴,一切都以暴力对待。‎ ‎2.(教材P25~26)They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and other gases, which were to make the earth's atmosphere.‎ 它们最终产生了二氧化碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。‎ in time 及时;终于;迟早 ‎(1)in time作“终于;迟早”讲时,常单独使用,作状语。‎ ‎(2)in time作“及时”讲时,后常跟for sth.或to do sth.。‎ ‎①You will succeed in time as long as you don't give up.‎ 只要不放弃,你总有一天会成功。‎ ‎②The doctor came in time to_save (save) his life.‎ 医生及时赶到并抢救了他的生命。‎ ‎③Lucky for him, he was just in time for the bus.‎ 幸运的是,他及时赶上了公共汽车。‎ ‎[联想发散] time 相关短语荟萃:‎ ‎①from time to time  有时;偶尔 ‎②at a time 每次 ‎③in no time 立刻;马上 ‎④at the same time 同时 ‎⑤at one time 一度;从前 ‎⑥at no time 绝不(置于句首时,句子常用部分倒装语序)‎ ‎3.(教材P26)What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.‎ 很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。‎ harmful adj.有害的 ‎(1)be harmful to ...        对……有害 ‎(2)harm n.& vt. 伤害;损害 do harm to sb.= do sb.harm 对某人有害 ‎(3)harmless adj. 无害的 ‎①Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children.‎ 你吸烟会对孩子的健康有害。‎ ‎②We all know that drinking too much does_harm_to your health.‎ 众所周知,过量饮酒对你的身体有害。‎ ‎③The medicine is harmful to children but harmless (harm) to adults.‎ 这种药对儿童有害,却对成年人没有什么害处。‎ ‎[语境串记] This object gives off harmful gases which may do harm to our health.You must make the object harmless before you use it.‎ 此物会散发出有害气体,这些气体可能会损害我们的健康,你必须在使用它之前使它无害。‎ ‎4.(教材P26)They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.‎ 它们也生蛋,在地球上存在了1亿4千多万年。‎ exist vi.存在;生存 ‎(1)exist in        存在于……中 exist on 靠……生活/生存 There exists ... 存在……;有……‎ ‎(2)existence n. 存在;生活 in existence 现存的;现有的 come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在 ‎①Nothing exists on the moon as there is no water and no air.‎ 月球上没有东西生存,因为那里没有水和空气。‎ ‎②He finds it hard to exist on the money he's earning.‎ 他发现靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。‎ ‎③Nobody knows when the earth came into existence.‎ 没人知道地球是何时形成的。‎ ‎[名师点津] exist是不及物动词,没有被动语态,也没有进行时。‎ ‎5.(教材P26)Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.‎ 于是,它们接着成了这个行星上最重要的动物。‎ in one's turn 轮到某人;接着 in turn          依次;轮流;转而;反过来 by turns 轮流;交替 take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 ‎①It will be in Tom's turn to be on duty tomorrow.‎ 明天轮到汤姆值日。‎ ‎②They took turns to_look (look) after their parents.‎ 他们轮流照顾他们的父母。‎ ‎③It's my turn to_deliver (deliver) a speech in public.‎ 轮到我在公众面前发表演讲了。‎ ‎[名师点津] by turns 是“交替;轮流”的意思,多指两个人或两个行为之间的交替进行;如果表示“按顺序”则应该用in turn。‎ ‎6.(教材P26)They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.‎ 他们把过多的二氧化碳排放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热量不能释放到太空中去。‎ prevent ...from 阻止;制止 stop ...from (doing)...     制止……‎ keep ...from (doing)... 阻止……‎ protect ...from/against (doing) ...     保护……免受……伤害 ‎①No one can prevent this plan (from) being carried out.‎ 谁也不能阻止这个计划的实施。‎ ‎②They were stopped from entering (enter) the burning building.‎ 他们被阻止进入燃烧着的大楼。‎ ‎③Soldiers have been sent to protect the crew against/from attack.‎ 已经派出士兵保护船员免遭袭击。‎ ‎[名师点津] 短语prevent/stop/protect ...from ...中的from可以省略,keep ...from ...中的from不能省略。但在被动结构中,from均不可省略。‎ ‎7.(教材P27)How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.‎ 地球上生命的起源是科学家们难以解决的最大疑惑之一。‎ puzzle n.谜;难题vt.&vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难 ‎(1)in a puzzle       感到困惑;不知如何是好 ‎(be) a puzzle to sb. ……对某人来说仍是个谜 ‎(2)puzzle about/over 冥思苦想;苦苦思索 ‎(3)puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的 puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的 be puzzled about 对……迷惑不解 ‎①I'm in a puzzle as to how to get along with him.‎ 对于如何和他相处使我感到困惑。‎ ‎②Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.‎ 他们为什么干那件事仍然让我费解。‎ ‎③The student was puzzled about what to do next.‎ 这个学生对下一步做什么伤透了脑筋。‎ ‎[语境串记] The puzzled look on her face suggested she was puzzling over the puzzling math problem.‎ 她脸上困惑的表情暗示了她正在思考那个令人困惑的数学问题。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.‎ 这就产生了一个连锁反应,使生命的发展成为可能。‎ 句中made it possible for life to develop属于“v.(动词)+it+adj.(宾补)+to do”结构。该结构中,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式。‎ ‎(1)在“make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,宾语补足语可由名词或形容词、不带to的不定式、过去分词或介词短语充当。‎ ‎①Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.‎ ‎[谚语]表扬能使好人更好,坏人更坏。‎ ‎②The police made them stand against the wall.‎ ‎= They were made by the police to_stand (stand) against the wall.‎ 警察强迫他们靠墙站着。‎ ‎[名师点津] 当“make+宾语+do sth.”变为被动语态时,不定式符号“to”要还原。‎ ‎(2)当该结构的宾语是不定式短语或从句时,多用it作形式宾语,而把不定式短语或从句后置。即:make+it+‎ 宾语补足语+不定式短语或从句(宾语补足语由名词或形容词充当)。常用于此结构中的动词还有:think, believe, find, consider, feel等。‎ ‎③I find it hard to_remember (remember) these words in a short time.‎ 我发现在短时间内记住这些词很难。‎ ‎④I must make it clear that I'll always support you.‎ ‎ 我必须说清楚我会一直支持你。‎ ‎2.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.‎ 地球(开始)变得如此激烈动荡,以至于不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。‎ ‎(1)句中whether ...or not引导主语从句,it为形式主语。‎ ‎①It matters little whether he likes it or not.‎ 他喜不喜欢并没有什么关系。‎ ‎(2)whether...(or not)引导的从句还可充当宾语、表语、同位语、状语等。‎ ‎②I'll see whether_she's_at_home.‎ 我来看看她在不在家。‎ ‎③A person has the right to vote, whether_the_person_is_male_or_female.‎ 一个人,无论是男是女,都拥有选举权。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I should be back in time to watch the football match.‎ ‎2.Smoking too much does harm to your health.‎ ‎3.When it is in my turn, I am too excited to speak.‎ ‎4.Their son was prevented from going to college last year because of their low income.‎ ‎5.I was unaware of his existence (exist) until today.‎ ‎6.We can't deal with it with violence (violent).‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.Where the missing plane has gone still remains_a_puzzle_to_us.‎ 失联飞机去了哪儿对我们来说仍是个谜。‎ ‎2.I wonder whether_or_not_you_can_come_in_time.‎ 我不知道你能否及时赶过来。‎ ‎3.We have made_it_a_habit_to_walk after supper.‎ ‎ 我们每天晚饭后散步已成习惯了。‎ ‎ ‎ 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.What puzzled (迷惑) me was why they didn't take his advice.‎ ‎2.It is impossible to prove the existence (存在) of God.‎ ‎3.I felt my heart beating violently (猛烈地).‎ ‎4.As is known, lack of sleep does great harm (伤害) to us students.‎ ‎5.Three multiplied (乘) by six is eighteen.‎ ‎6.He chained (拴) the dog for the night.‎ ‎7.The shortage of water has become a global (全球的) problem.‎ ‎8.There're many theories (理论) about the origin of life.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is uncertain whether he'll succeed in passing the driving test or not.‎ ‎2.His decision made it possible for us to finish the work by four o'clock this afternoon.‎ ‎3.Each of us in turn had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.‎ ‎4.The situation in that country should be_prevented (prevent) from becoming worse.‎ ‎5.You needn't worry because this snake is harmless (harm).‎ ‎6.My relationship with the actors is fundamental to my work as a director.‎ ‎7.If you give up this chance, you'll regret it in time.‎ ‎8.Look at the pictures and take turns to_tell (tell) the story.‎ Ⅲ.选词填空 do great harm to, give birth to, in time, puzzle about, protect ...from ..., lay eggs, prevent ...from ..., in one's turn ‎1.As we know, laying_eggs is the ant queen's fulltime job.‎ ‎2.The other day my pet cat gave_birth_to a new little cat.‎ ‎3.These factories have done_great_harm_to the environment.‎ ‎4.Some measures have been taken in_time to protect the environment.‎ ‎5.The new measures are designed to protect the public from people like these.‎ ‎6.We were prevented_from attending Professor Li's lecture by the heavy rain.‎ ‎7.I have been puzzling__about this question for weeks.‎ ‎8.All the five daughters, in_their_turn,_took care of the sick father in hospital.‎ Ⅳ.课文语法填空 The earth was just a cloud of dust after the “Big Bang”.The earth 1.exploded (explode) loudly with fire and rock.They were in time 2.to_produce (produce) many things, which were to make the earth's atmosphere.3.As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.It allowed the earth to dissolve 4.harmful (harm) gases.Then life began to develop.‎ The first small plants multiplied and filled the oceans and seas 5.with oxygen.This ‎ encouraged the 6.development (develop) of early shellfish and fish.Land animals such as insects, reptiles 7.and dinosaurs and so on appeared after green plants appeared.Small clever animals spread all over the earth.They 8.are_putting (put) too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from 9.escaping (escape) from the earth into space.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years 10.to_come (come) will depend on whether this problem can be solved.‎ Ⅴ.串点成篇微表达 这条河流的两岸有(exist)许多工厂,有些已经对环境造成损害(harm)。去年,有家工厂曾经发生剧烈(violently)爆炸。因此,当地人们都陷入到巨大的恐慌中。听到已经及时(in time)采取措施阻止(prevent ...from)污染的进一步恶化,他们都感到非常高兴。‎ There_exist_many_factories_along_the_river,_some_of_which_have_done_great_harm_to_the_environment.Last_year,_one_of_them_exploded_violently;_as_a_result,_the_local_people_got_into_a_great_panic.Hearing_that_some_measures_had_been_taken_in_time_to_prevent_the_pollution_from_getting_bad_to_worse,_they_were_all_more_than_glad.‎ 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 ‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 I had thought today was going to be an ordinary day.However, by 9 a.m., I realized it was something very __1__.‎ For the past week, I've been a bit __2__.My kids are scattered (分散) around the world, and I miss them being part of our __3__ life — you know, dropping in for dinner, being able to meet the girls on a Saturday and go shopping, that sort of thing.‎ I must __4__ feeling a bit sorry for myself. When I told my kids that it was important for them to __5__ and leave home to follow their dreams, I didn't think they would __6__ because they always paid little attention to what I said.‎ But today was a reality check.‎ Firstly, I __7__ a message from my youngest daughter this morning, which __8__ me she got a new job. Five months ago, she __9__ her things and moved to Vancouver alone.__10__, she had no where to live and had no job.__11__, she has found a place to live and has found a job now. She's feeling right at home in her new city.‎ The next __12__ was from my son, who has been __13__ in Montreal for two years. His __14__ is going from strength to strength. He __15__ out as a video editor and now a producer. His videos __16__ get over 1 million hits and some of them over 10 million.‎ Then to top it off, I was listening to my oldest daughter reading breakfast news for Drive Time, one of the country's most popular breakfast radio stations. Today __17__ to be the anniversary (周年纪念日) of the day six years ago when she first started in radio in a small regional radio program, which __18__ she also had to move away from home.‎ So __19__ I'm sad that they're living away from home, I'm also __20__ of the way they've created their success.‎ 语篇解读:本文为记叙文。作者的孩子们都远离家乡外出工作,作者为此感到有些难过。可就在同一天里,她收到了关于三个孩子在外工作小有成就的消息,为此作者感到很开心。‎ ‎1.A. strange         B.funny C.different D.common 解析:选C 作者原以为今天会像平时那样平淡,却在同一天里得到三个孩子在外工作的消息,即今天与平时不一样。‎ ‎2.A. sad B.frightened C.excited D.happy 解析:选A 根据最后一段的“I'm sad that they're living away from home”可知答案。‎ ‎3.A. hard B.political C.social D.daily 解析:选D 根据“you know, dropping in for dinner, being able to meet the girls on a Saturday and go shopping, that sort of thing”可知,此处应指作者与孩子们一起度过的日常生活。‎ ‎4.A. avoid B.admit C.imagine D.continue 解析:选B 作者因孩子们远离家而不开心是事实,因此她不得不承认这一点。‎ ‎5.A. wander B.relax C.travel D.run 解析:选C 根据“leave home to follow their dreams”可知,此处应指外出,故选C项。‎ ‎6.A. listen B.refuse C.believe D.mind 解析:选A 根据“they always paid little attention to what I said”可知,孩子们不怎么听作者的话。‎ ‎7.A. delivered B.sent C.spread D.received 解析:选D 根据下文可知,此处指作者收到小女儿的信息。‎ ‎8.A. ordered B.told C.urged D.ensured 解析:选B 该信息告诉作者她的小女儿在新的城市找到了工作。‎ ‎9.A. looked at B.put away C.packed up D.made up 解析:选C 五个月前,小女儿打包好行李,独自一人去了温哥华。‎ ‎10.A. In the beginning B.In total C.As a result D.On the contrary 解析:选A 起初,作者的小女儿没有住的地方,也没有工作。‎ ‎11.A. Therefore B.Otherwise C.Instead D.However 解析:选D 现在小女儿找到了住的地方和工作。前后两句表示转折,因此选D项。‎ ‎12.A. present B.message C.support D.stage 解析:选B 第二条信息来自作者的儿子,故选B项。‎ ‎13.A. touring B.studying C.living D.teaching 解析:选C 根据下文内容可知,作者的儿子在蒙特利尔已经生活了两年了。‎ ‎14.A. job B.marriage C.hobby D.power 解析:选A 根据下文可知,作者的儿子事业越做越好。‎ ‎15.A. turned B.worked C.came D.started 解析:选D 作者的儿子从当一名视频编辑起家。‎ ‎16.A. rarely B.regularly C.hardly D.never 解析:选B 作者的儿子事业越做越好,由此可推断他的产品深受顾客的青睐,因此选B项。‎ ‎17.A. happened B.prepared C.planned D.expected 解析:选A 今天恰巧也是大女儿初入播音事业的六周年纪念日。‎ ‎18.A. concluded B.meant C.questioned D.inferred 解析:选B 六年前大女儿为一家小小的地方播音节目,这意味着她也不得不远离家乡。‎ ‎19.A. because B.if C.before D.while 解析:选D 尽管作者因为孩子们不在家而难过,但也为孩子们能在外立足而感到骄傲。‎ ‎20.A. sick B.proud C.afraid D.tired 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 Dear Sir,‎ My name is Li Hua. I'd like take the chance for the Twoweek Ecotravel Round Australia. I'm a senior two student of 17 in Xi'an. I have a great many of hobbies, such as music, drawing or playing chess. Especially I'm fond of sports and travel. That's because I'm quite strong and healthy. Australia has long been my dream countries to visit. There're plenty of interesting plants and animals in that magic country, which were what I want to learn personal. The travel will for sure help increase my knowledge of protect the environment and broaden your horizons. It maybe very tired, but I still apply for the travel.‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua 答案:第二句:like后加to ‎ 第四句:去掉of; or→and 第六句:because→why ‎ 第七句:countries→country ‎ 第八句:were→are; personal→personally ‎ 第九句:protect→protecting; your→my 第十句:tired→tiring Section_Ⅲ Grammar— 主语从句 ‎ ‎ 语法图解 ‎ ‎ 探究发现 ‎①What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.‎ ‎②The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.‎ ‎③What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.‎ ‎④It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.‎ ‎⑤What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.‎ ‎⑥So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.‎ ‎[我的发现]‎ ‎(1)以上黑体部分在句中作主语。‎ ‎(2)①句中的what在从句中作表语,但⑤句中的what在从句中作宾语;③句中的what在从句中作主语。‎ ‎(3)②⑥句中的whether意为:是否。‎ ‎(4)④句中It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的从句。‎ ‎ ‎ 一、定义 在主从复合句中充当主语的从句即为主语从句。‎ What made people excited was that the solar ship had completed aroundtheworld trip.‎ 让人们激动的是太阳能船已完成了环游世界的旅行。‎ It worried the woman that her son was always playing computer games.‎ 儿子一直在玩电脑游戏,这让这个女人很担心。‎ 二、主语从句的连接词及其句法功能 ‎1.连接词that和whether/if ‎(1)that在从句中不充当任何句子成分,本身无任何意义,只起连接作用,但不可省略。‎ That she survived the accident is a miracle.‎ 她在事故中幸免于难简直是个奇迹。‎ ‎(2)whether/if在从句中不充当任何句子成分,起连接作用,意为“是否”,不可省略。‎ Whether the plan will be carried out is still unknown.‎ ‎=It is still unknown if/whether the plan will be carried out.‎ 这个计划是否会实施还不知道。‎ ‎[名师点津] whether引导的主语从句既可放在句首也可放在句尾,但if引导的主语从句只能放在句尾,前面需用it作形式主语。‎ ‎[即时演练1] 补全句子 ‎ ‎①That_she_could_come_to_help_us made us very happy.‎ 她能来帮助我们使我们很高兴。‎ ‎②Whether_she_is_coming_or_not doesn't matter too much.‎ 她来不来都无关紧要。‎ ‎2.连接代词(who, whose, whom, what, which, whichever, whoever, whomever, whatever等)‎ 连接代词引导主语从句,在从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语或定语。‎ Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize.‎ 无论(你们)谁先到都可以得奖。‎ Who will go to the concert is not known.‎ 不知道谁会去听音乐会。‎ Whatever you do in your spare time should do no harm to others.‎ 无论你在业余时间做什么都不应该伤害其他人。‎ ‎[名师点津] who 引导的主语从句表示一件“事情”,而whoever引导的主语从句指“人”。‎ ‎3.连接副词(when, where, how, why等)‎ 连接副词引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。‎ How this happened is not clear to anyone.‎ 这件事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。‎ When we will have a meeting is an important question.‎ 我们何时举行会议是个重要的问题。‎ Where I spend my summer is no business of yours.‎ 我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。‎ ‎[名师点津] 名词性从句引导词的确定步骤:‎ ‎(1)分析句式结构,明确名词性从句在句中的功能;‎ ‎(2)明确名词性从句所表达的意义;‎ ‎(3)明确名词性从句中所需要的成分及意义;‎ ‎(4)确定从句的引导词。‎ ‎[即时演练2] 用适当的连接代词或连接副词填空 ‎ ‎①How it was done was a mystery.‎ ‎②Why John was late for the class has been unexplained.‎ ‎③Which part of the country he will travel to needs discussing.‎ ‎④Where/When the English evening will be held has not yet been decided.‎ ‎⑤What surprises me most is that he is too proud.‎ ‎⑥Whoever is interested in the activity can sign your names.‎ 三、主语从句中用it作形式主语的结构 ‎1.It+be+形容词(obvious, true, natural, strange, etc.)+主语从句 It is important that he should know about this.‎ 他应该知道此事是重要的。‎ ‎[名师点津] 在“It+be+形容词+主语从句”结构中,若形容词为important/necessary/strange等,主语从句中的谓语用“(should) do”。‎ ‎2.It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a pity, a/no surprise, etc.)+主语从句 It's a pity that he didn't come.‎ 很遗憾他没来。‎ ‎3.It+be+过去分词(said, reported, thought, expected, proved, etc.)+主语从句 It is suggested that the meeting be put off.‎ 有人建议会议延期召开。‎ ‎[名师点津] 在“It+be+过去分词+主语从句”结构中,过去分词若为suggested/ordered/required/advised等,主语从句中的谓语用“(should) do”。‎ ‎4.It+不及物动词(happen, seem, appear, remain, etc.)+主语从句 It seems that it is going to rain.‎ 看起来好像要下雨。‎ ‎5.It+及物动词+宾语+主语从句 It surprised him why they came to visit him suddenly.‎ 让他吃惊的是他们为什么突然都来看他。‎ ‎[即时演练3]  ‎ ‎(1)补全句子 ‎①It's_a_pity that you can't attend my birthday party.‎ 很可惜你不能参加我的生日聚会。‎ ‎②It's_suggested that the old man (should) go to the countryside to have a rest.‎ 建议这位老人到乡村休息一下。‎ ‎③It_seems_that you disagree with the plan.‎ 你好像不赞成这个计划。‎ ‎④It is doubtful whether_she_will_be_able_to_come_to_the_party.‎ 她是否能来参加聚会还很难说。‎ ‎⑤It_happened_that the harvest was bad that year.‎ 碰巧那年收成不好。‎ ‎(2)句型转换(每空一词)‎ ‎①That he suddenly fell ill last month surprised us.‎ ‎→It surprised us that he suddenly fell ill last month.‎ ‎②Whether they will sell the house hasn't been yet decided.‎ ‎→It hasn't been decided yet whether they will sell the house.‎ ‎③That light travels in straight lines is known to us all.‎ ‎→It is known to us all that light travels in straight lines.‎ 四、主语从句中应注意的问题 ‎1.从句要用陈述语序 What we will do next should be decided.‎ 应该决定一下我们下一步该做什么。‎ ‎2.主谓一致 ‎(1)从句作主语时,主句的谓语一般用单数形式。‎ Where he will get a job after graduation has puzzled him much.‎ 毕业后到哪儿找份工作使他很困惑。‎ ‎[名师点津] what引导主语从句时,有时主句谓语动词应与主句中作表语的名词保持一致。‎ What the school needs most are books.‎ 这所学校最需要的是书。‎ ‎(2)如果由and连接两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用复数;由两个或多个连接词引导一个主语从句时,谓语动词用单数。‎ When they will start and where they will go have not been decided yet.‎ 他们将在什么时候动身以及要去哪里还没定下来。‎ When and where the movie will be shown is not clear.‎ 这部影片何时何地上映还不清楚。‎ ‎[即时演练4] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①What surprised me most was (be) that the man in rags was a millionaire.‎ ‎②What he needs most is (be) money.‎ ‎③When and where the football match will be held has_been_decided (decide) already.‎ ‎④That the coal workers are still alive is (be) a wonder.‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Who will be in charge of the company is being discussed.‎ ‎2.Whether we will hold a party tomorrow depends on the weather.‎ ‎3.Where cars will be parked in the future is a question.‎ ‎4.It is very important that a student (should)_learn (learn) English well.‎ ‎5.It is a pity that you missed the film.‎ ‎6.What made her happy was that she won the game in such an important match.‎ ‎7.Whoever breaks the law should be punished.‎ ‎8.What role he will play in the film hasn't been known.‎ Ⅱ.单句写作 ‎1.(2017•北京高考书面表达)It_is_obvious (很明显) that the video turned out perfect.‎ ‎2.(2016•天津高考书面表达)What_impresses_us_most_are (给我们印象最深的是) your art skills, in which you showed outstanding talent.‎ ‎3.(2014•湖南高考书面表达)What_surprises_us_most_is (让我们最吃惊的是) that the water can remain at that temperature for about twenty hours.‎ ‎4.(2014•浙江高考书面表达)What_we_need_most_are (我们最需要的是) popular science books.‎ ‎5.That_the_film_star_will_come_our_city (这个电影明星将来我们市) has excited every one of us.‎ Ⅲ.语法填空(用适当的连接词完成下面短文)‎ Everyone knew 1.that Wendy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2.where she came from and 3.whether she was born in 1961 was still a mystery.4.What they did know was 5.that she was loved by poor people because she always helped 6.whoever was in need of money.Wendy was generous and helpful, but some people thought she was chasing fame.Wendy said she didn't understand 7.why they were so narrowminded, but it didn't matter 8.what others thought of her.She just wanted to do ‎ 9.what(ever) she thought was right.I think that is 10.where the meaning of life lies.‎ Section_Ⅳ Learning_about_Language_&_Using_Language ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[原文呈现]‎ A VISIT TO① THE MOON Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to② make a trip③ into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer.We visited the moon in our spaceship④!‎ Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me⑤ that the force of gravity⑥ would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful. Then we were off⑦.As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into⑧ our seats because we were trying to escape the pull⑨ of the earth's gravity.It was so hard that we could not say anything to each other⑩.Gradually⑪ the weight lessened⑫ and I was able to talk to him.“Why is the spaceship not falling back to⑬ the earth? On the earth if I fall from a tree I will fall to the ground.” I asked.“We are too far from⑭ the earth now to feel its pull,” he explained, “so we feel as if there is no gravity at all.When we get closer to⑮ the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling⑯ us, but it will not be as strong a pull as⑰ the earth's.” I cheered up⑱ immediately and floated⑲ weightlessly⑳ around in our spaceship cabin○21 watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger○22.‎ ‎[读文清障]‎ ‎①名词visit后接to,意为“到……的旅行”,to为介词。‎ ‎②have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事 ‎③make a trip(=take a trip=go on a trip)去旅行 ‎④in our spaceship乘宇宙飞船,相当于by spaceship。‎ spaceship/'speIsʃIp/n.宇宙飞船 ‎⑤explain sth.to sb.“向某人解释某事”。本句中explain的宾语是两个that从句,因太长而后移了。‎ explain后不能直接跟sb.,须先接介词to。类似的词还有say, announce等。‎ ‎⑥the force of gravity地心引力 ‎⑦be off离开,起飞。在本句中相当于take off。‎ ‎⑧push ...back into ...把……推回到……‎ ‎⑨pull/pʊl/n.&vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力 pull down拆毁 pull on/off匆忙穿上/匆忙脱掉 ‎⑩so ...that ...如此……以至于……,引导结果状语从句。‎ ‎⑪gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地,渐渐地 ‎⑫lessen/'lesn/vi.&vt.减少;减轻 ‎⑬fall back to 落回到 ‎⑭be far from离……很远 ‎⑮get close to接近,靠近 ‎⑯feel sb./sth.doing sth.感到某人/某物在做某事 ‎⑰as strong a pull as为“as+adj.+a(n)+n.+as”结构。‎ ‎⑱cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋 ‎⑲float/fləʊt/ vi.&vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮n.漂浮物 ‎⑳weightlessly/'weItlIslI/adv.失重地 ‎○21cabin /'kæbIn/n.小屋;船舱 ‎○22现在分词短语watching the earth ...作伴随状语。watch sb./sth.do sth.观察到某人/某物做某事。月球之旅 ‎[第1~2段译文]‎ 我的朋友李彦平是一位天文学家,上个月我非常有幸有机会同他一起去太空旅行。我们乘宇宙飞船游览了月球!‎ 在起程之前,李彦平向我解释说,在我们的旅行中会有三次引力的改变,而第一次的改变将是最强的。随后我们就起航了。随着火箭升入太空,由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力,我们被向后推在座位上。这种引力太强了,以至于我们彼此间都不能说话了。渐渐地,这个力量慢慢减小,我才能够同他讲话。我问道:“为什么宇宙飞船不会落回到地球呢?在地球上的时候,如果我从树上掉下来,总会朝地上落下去的。”李彦平解释说:“现在我们离地球太远了,感觉不到地球的拉力,所以我们感觉好像完全没有地球引力了。当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们。但是月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。”我立刻感到很高兴,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着(身后的)地球越来越小,而(前方的)月球越来越大。‎ When we got there, I wanted to explore immediately.“Come on○23,” I said.“If you are right, my weight will be less than on the earth because the moon is smaller and I will be able to move more freely.I might even grow taller if I stay here long enough.I shall certainly weigh less!” I laughed and climbed down the steps from the spaceship.But when I tried to step forward○24, I found I was carried twice as far as○25 on the earth and fell over○26.“Oh dear,” I cried, “walking does need a bit of practice○27 now that○28 gravity has changed.” After a while I got the hang of○29 it and we began to enjoy ourselves○30.‎ Leaving the moon's gravity was not as painful as leaving the earth's.But returning to the earth was very frightening.We watched, amazed as fire broke out○31 on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increased.Again we were pushed hard into our seats as we came back to land.“That was very exhausting○32 but very exciting too,” I said.“Now I know○33 much more about gravity! Do you think we could visit some stars next time?”“Of course,” he smiled, “which star would you like to go to?”‎ ‎○23come on快点儿。常用于祈使句中以鼓励某人,意为“动手吧;快点儿;加油”。‎ ‎○24step forward朝前走;迈步向前 ‎○25twice as far as“……的两倍远”。倍数表示法:倍数(twice, three times ...)+as+adj./adv.原级+as。‎ ‎○26fall over跌倒;摔倒 ‎○27动名词walking在此处作主语。does为助动词,加强语气,意为“确实”,其后跟动词原形。‎ ‎○28now that既然(引导原因状语从句)‎ ‎○29get the hang of 熟悉;掌握;理解 ‎○30enjoy oneself尽情地玩;玩得高兴 ‎○31break out 突发;爆发 ‎○32exhaust/Iɡ'zɔːst/vt.用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽 exhausting adj.令人精疲力尽的 exhausted adj.感到精疲力尽的 exhaustion n.精疲力尽;用光,耗尽 ‎○33know在此处相当于understand,意为“理解,明白”。 ‎ ‎[第3~4段译文]‎ 我们到达月球时,我就想立即进行探测。“来吧,”我说,“要是你讲得对,我的重量就会比在地球上小,因为月球更小,而我就能更自由地活动了。如果我在月球上待的时间足够长的话,我甚至可能长得更高,我的体重肯定也会变得更轻!”我笑着从宇宙飞船的梯级上爬下来。但当我试图往前走时,我发现自己被带到一个步幅相当于地球上两倍远的地方并且摔倒了。“天哪,”我大声说,“重力改变了,看来走路的确需要练一练了。”过了一会儿,我才掌握了走路的诀窍,我们这才开始感到自如了。‎ 摆脱月球引力不像摆脱地球引力那样痛苦。但是返回到地球的经历却是非常吓人的。我们惊奇地看着,随着地球引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。当我们回到地面时,我们又(感到)被重重地推回在座位上。我说道:“真是精疲力尽了,但也很激动人心。关于引力,我现在就懂得更多了!你认为下次我们可以去别的星球上游览吗?”“当然可以,”他笑着说,“你想到哪颗星球上去呢?”‎ ‎ ‎ Step 1 True (T) or False (F).‎ ‎1.The spaceship can't fall back to the earth because it is too far away from the earth.(  )‎ ‎2.When I was on the moon I felt I was heavier than I am on the earth.(  )‎ ‎3.At the very beginning,the author felt strongest of the gravity of the earth.(  )‎ 答案:1.T 2.F 3.T Step 2 Read the text and choose the best answers.‎ ‎1.The passage mainly talks about________.‎ A.what the moon is B.my visit to the moon C.the differences between the earth and the moon D.Li Yanping, my friend, who is an astronaut ‎2.When we were going up, we felt________.‎ A.we were pressed against our seats B.we were lighter than we were on the earth C.as if we were flying D.the rocket was shaking strongly ‎3.Why can't the spaceship fall back to the earth?‎ A.Because the moon's gravity pulls it up.‎ B.Because it is too far away from the earth.‎ C.Because the earth has no gravity.‎ D.Because the spaceship is not very heavy.‎ ‎4.When I was on the moon I felt I was________than on the earth.‎ A.slower       B.heavier C.cleverer D.lighter 答案:1~4 BABD ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 一、这样记单词 记得准•写得对 记得快•记得多 Ⅰ.基础词汇 ‎1.climate n.       气候 ‎ ‎2.pull n.&vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力 ‎3.float vi.&vt. (使)浮动;(使)漂浮 ‎ n. 漂浮物 ‎4.crash vi.& vt. 碰撞;坠落 ‎ ‎5.satellite n. 卫星;人造卫星 ‎6.gravity n. 万有引力;重力 ‎7.spaceship n. 宇宙飞船 ‎ Ⅱ.拓展词汇 ‎1.gentle adj.温和的;文雅的→gently adv.温和地 ‎2.physicist n.物理学家→physics n.物理学→physical adj.物理的;物理学的;体力的 1.spaceship n.宇宙飞船 ‎ ‎[记法] 名词+名词→名词 space(太空)+ship (船)→spaceship (宇宙飞船 )‎ ‎[联想] 由spaceship想到的 ‎①web+site→website(网址)‎ ‎②home+work→homework(家庭作业)‎ ‎③air+line→airline(航班)‎ ‎④basket+ball→basketball(篮球)‎ ‎2.physicist n.物理学家 ‎[联想] 后缀ist名词荟萃 ‎①biologist        生物学家 ‎②chemist 化学家 ‎③politician 政治家 ‎④geologist 地质学家 二、这样记短语 记牢固定短语 多积常用词块 ‎1.as_a_result      结果 ‎2.block_out 挡住(光线)‎ ‎3.cheer_up 感到高兴;感到振奋 ‎4.now_that 既然 ‎5.get_the_hang_of 熟悉;掌握;理解 ‎6.break_out (战争、火灾、疾病等的)突发;爆发 ‎7.watch_out_for 密切注视;当心;提防 1.make a trip       去旅行 ‎ ‎2.in our spaceship 乘宇宙飞船 ‎3.the force of gravity 地心引力 ‎ ‎4.fall back to 落回到 ‎ ‎5.get close to 接近,靠近 ‎ ‎6.step forward 朝前走;迈步向前 ‎ ‎7.fall over 跌倒;摔倒 三、这样记句式 先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 ‎1.When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth's.‎ 当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们,但是月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。 原级比较的特殊句型:“as+adj.+a/an+n.+as”。 I hope you can give them encouragement to live as_rich_and_full_a_life_as you do.‎ 我希望你能给予他们鼓励,让他们和你们一样过着丰富多彩而充实的生活。‎ ‎2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.‎ 但当我试图往前走时,我发现自己被带到一个步幅相当于地球上两倍远的地方并且摔倒了。 倍数表达法之一:“倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as ...”。 As we all know, cats sleep twice_as_much_as people.‎ 众所周知,猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍。‎ ‎3.We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increased.‎ 我们惊奇地看着,随着地球引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。 形容词作伴随状语,补充说明主语所处的状态。 After the long journey, the three of us went back home, hungry_and_tired.‎ 长途旅行之后,我们三人回到了家,又饿又累。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.(教材P29)Other scientists believe that a comet crashed into the earth long ago and caused the disappearance.‎ 其他科学家认为很久以前一颗彗星与地球相撞导致了(恐龙)灭绝。‎ crash vi.& vt.碰撞;坠落n.(汽车的)撞车事故;(飞机的)失事;撞击声 ‎ crash into/onto ...      撞到……上/里 with a crash 轰隆一声 ‎①A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.‎ 许多旅客在火车碰撞中丧生了。‎ ‎②The car crashed into a big stone and burst into flames.‎ 汽车突然撞在一块大石头上并燃烧起来。‎ ‎③The tree fell with a great crash all of a sudden.‎ 突然,那棵树哗啦一声倒了下来。‎ ‎[语境串记] He witnessed a serious train crash today.Two trains crashed into each other and let out a loud crash.‎ 今天他目睹了一起严重的火车相撞事故。两列火车彼此撞在了一起,发出了很大的爆裂声。‎ ‎2.(教材P30)As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth's gravity.‎ 随着火箭升入太空,由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力,我们被向后推在座位上。‎ pull n.& vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力 ‎ pull off    脱(衣、帽等)‎ pull through 康复;完成;使渡过难关 pull in (火车)进站;(船)靠岸;驶向路边停靠 pull up 停车;停住 pull down 拆毁 ‎①Pull the chestnut out of fire.‎ ‎[谚语]火中取栗。‎ ‎②I didn't notice the train had already pulled in.‎ 我没有注意到火车已经进站了。‎ ‎③The driver pulled up at the gate of our school.‎ 司机把车停在我们校门口了。‎ ‎3.(教材P31)I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger.‎ 我立刻感到很高兴,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着(身后的)地球越来越小,而(前方的)月球越来越大。‎ cheer (sb.) up 感到高兴;感到振奋 ‎(1)cheer sb.on  (赛跑比赛中)以喝彩声鼓励某人;为某人加油 ‎(2)cheerful adj. 快乐的;高兴的;兴高采烈的 cheering n. 欢呼,喝彩 adj. 令人振奋的,令人高兴的 cheers int. (用于祝酒)干杯;再见;谢谢 形象记忆 ‎ ‎①I tried to cheer her up by telling her the good news.‎ 我把这个好消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。‎ ‎②Friends will cheer you on when you are in trouble.‎ 朋友会在你有困难的时候鼓励你。‎ ‎③She is so cheerful (cheer) that everyone likes her.‎ 她是一个快乐的女孩,每个人都喜欢她。‎ ‎[语境串记] The cheering news made the boy cheerful,which made his parents cheer up too.‎ 这个令人振奋的消息使得这个小男孩高兴起来,他的父母也感到高兴。‎ ‎4.(教材P31)“Oh dear,” I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”‎ ‎“天哪,”我大声说,“重力改变了,看来走路的确需要练一练了。”‎ now that 既然 ‎(1)now that在意思和用法上同since,引导原因状语从句,口语中that可省略。‎ ‎①Now that everyone is here, let's begin our meeting.‎ 既然大家都到齐了,我们就开始开会吧。‎ ‎②Now_(that)/Since you have grown up, you should not rely on your parents.‎ 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母了。‎ ‎[联想发散] (1)引导原因状语从句的连词还有:since, because, as, considering (that), in that等。‎ ‎(2)引导原因状语的短语:due to, thanks to, because of, as a result of, owing to, on account of等。‎ ‎③I've been lucky in_that I have never had to worry about money.‎ 我很幸运,因为我从来不必为钱发愁。‎ ‎5.(教材P31)We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increased.‎ 我们惊奇地看着,随着地球引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。‎ break out 突发;爆发 break away from  脱离/挣脱……‎ break down 出故障;坏掉;失败;(健康等)垮掉 break in 插话;破门而入 break into 破门而入 break up 打碎;结束 ‎①Her friends came to help her when the war broke out.(2017•浙江高考)‎ 当战争爆发的时候,她的朋友来帮助她。‎ ‎②He broke into the room and stole many famous paintings.‎ 他闯进房间偷走了许多著名的绘画作品。‎ ‎③Our plans have broken down,_so we have to start from the very beginning.‎ 我们的计划失败了,我们不得不从头再来。‎ ‎6.watch out (for)密切注视;当心;提防 watch over       照看;看守 keep a watch (for ...) 守望(……);注视(……)‎ ‎①Watch out for the haze; it may do great harm to us.‎ 当心这种雾霾天气,它可能对我们造成很大损害。‎ ‎②The police are_keeping_a_watch on his movement.‎ 警方正密切注视着他的动向。‎ ‎③She is watching over her sick child.‎ 她在照料自己生病的孩子。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth's.‎ 当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们,但是月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。‎ ‎(1)句中as strong a pull as属于“as+adj.+a/an+n.+as”结构,意为“像……一样的……”,其中的名词必须是可数名词的单数形式,此结构用于否定句中可用“not so/as ...as ...”结构。‎ ‎①She is as good a teacher as her mother.‎ 她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。‎ ‎(2)how, so, too也和as 一样可以用于上述结构。即how/so/too+adj.+a/an +可数名词单数 ‎②You don't know how_difficult_a_problem this is.‎ 你不知道这是一道多么难的题。‎ ‎(3)as ...as结构的其他几种形式:‎ ‎•as+adj./adv.+as•as much+不可数名词+as•as many+可数名词复数+as ‎③We've got food for as_many_people_as want it.‎ 我们的食物无论多少人吃都够了。‎ ‎2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.‎ 但当我试图往前走时,我发现自己被带到一个步幅相当于地球上两倍远的地方并且摔倒了。‎ ‎(1)twice as far as ...属于“倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as ...”结构,是一种倍数的表示方法。‎ ‎①This tree is three times as tall as that one.‎ 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。‎ ‎(2)倍数表达法的常见结构:‎ ‎ ...times 比较级+than ...as+原级+as ...the size/length/height/width of+另一比较 对象what从句that/those of ...‎ ‎②This book is three_times_as_long_as/twice_longer_than/three_times_the_length_of_‎ that_one.‎ 这本书是那本书篇幅的三倍。‎ ‎③The production of this year is twice that of last year.‎ 今年的产量是去年的两倍。‎ ‎④The production now is three times what it was ten years ago.‎ 现在的产量是十年前的三倍。‎ ‎[名师点津] (1)两倍用twice或double,三倍及三倍以上用 ...times表达。‎ ‎(2)前面的倍数还可以是分数、百分数、小数等。‎ ‎(3)that/those of ...多用于产量、生产等方面的比较,that/those指代前面的同名异物名词。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.After he waited for two hours, the train finally pulled in.‎ ‎2.There must have been an angel watching over me that day. ‎ ‎3.Nobody knew when the fire broke out,_but they knew it was put out the next morning.‎ ‎4.Cheer up! The people all over the country will help you rebuild your homes.‎ ‎5.The motorcycle ran so fast that it crashed into the fence.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.Now_that_dinner_is_ready,_wash your hands.‎ 既然晚饭准备好了,你去洗手吧。‎ ‎2.I want to own as_large_a_house_as_hers.‎ 我想拥有一所像她的那样的大房子。‎ ‎3.There are five_times_more_books in our library than in yours.‎ 我们图书馆里的书是你们图书馆里的书的五倍多。‎ ‎ ‎ 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 ‎ ‎[本课语言点针对练习]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎ ‎1.A truck went out of control and crashed (撞到) into the back of a bus.‎ ‎2.He cheered (振奋) up at the thought of buying a new car.‎ ‎3.The smell of new bread floated (飘动) up from the kitchen.‎ ‎4.The train pulled (拉) in half an hour ago.‎ ‎5.The waves gently (轻轻地) lap against the shore.‎ ‎6.China has sent up many satellites (卫星) so far.‎ ‎7.As we all know, Qian Xuesen is a famous physicist (物理学家).‎ ‎8.He arrived home, exhausted (精疲力尽的).‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We put a piece of cloth across the window to block out the sunlight.‎ ‎2.She was always gentle with the children in the kindergarten, never hitting nor scolding them.‎ ‎3.After fighting with his illness many years, the patient pulled through finally.‎ ‎4.All the visitors were told to watch out for those dangerous animals while visiting the zoo.‎ ‎5.—What do you think of French?‎ ‎—In my opinion, French is as difficult a subject as English.‎ ‎6.We should try our best to cheer up those people after the disaster.‎ ‎7.This river is three times longer (long) than that one, flowing across 11 provinces.‎ ‎8.After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment was destroyed.‎ Ⅲ.选词填空 now that, get the hang of, break out, watch out, cheer ...up ‎ ‎1.Now_that you wouldn't like to go there, you can stay where you are.‎ ‎2.It seems difficult at first, but you'll soon get_the_hang_of it.‎ ‎3.You have to watch_out because there are many bees in the garden.‎ ‎4.The atmosphere in the classroom relaxed after the teacher's humorous talk cheered us up.‎ ‎5.To our great disappointment, a war broke_out between the two countries at last.‎ ‎[本单元语言点温故练习]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is said that the planet is the oldest in existence (exist).‎ ‎2.The girls called out their names in turn.‎ ‎3.Her sudden arrival prevented him from going (go) out.‎ ‎4.It is undecided whether we will accept his offer about the plan.‎ ‎5.WeChat makes it possible for us to live more conveniently.‎ ‎6.It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good.‎ ‎7.We did our best to cheer him on when he was about to give up.‎ ‎8.If you go on working like that, you will break down sooner or later.‎ ‎9.He is so clever that he worked out the problem in such a short time.‎ ‎10.What he said is of great importance to all of us.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.If you have questions, you'd better solve_them_in_time.‎ 如果你有问题,你最好及时解决掉。‎ ‎2.They, in_their_turn,_gave some advice for the plan.‎ 他们接着为这项计划提了一些建议。‎ ‎3.He wears sunglasses to protect_his_eyes_against/from the strong sunlight.‎ 他戴墨镜保护眼睛使其免受强烈的阳光的伤害。‎ ‎4.These scientists have_been_puzzling_about/over how to solve the environmental problem.‎ 这些科学家一直苦思如何解决环境问题。‎ ‎5.It_was_a_pity_that you didn't go to the talk.‎ 很遗憾你没去听报告。‎ ‎6.Cheer_up!Your troubles will soon be over.‎ 振作起来吧!你的烦心事总会过去的。‎ ‎7.Li Ming's mobile phone looked just the same as Zhang Hua's, but it cost twice_as_much_as_his.‎ 李明的手机看起来和张华的一样,但价格是他的两倍。‎ ‎8.You've made as_many_mistakes_as_I_have.‎ 你犯的错误和我犯的一样多。‎ 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 ‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 Satellites are an important part of our ordinary lives. For example, the information for weather forecasts is sent by satellite. Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how clouds are moving. Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls.‎ Computer connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TV programmes come to us through satellites. Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them find their exact location.‎ We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another. They are usually 35,880 kilometres above the equator (赤道).Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place. This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometres an hour — exactly the same speed that the earth rotates (转动).A satellite must orbit the Earth with its antennae (天线) facing the earth. Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit, so there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position. This usually happens about every five or six days.‎ Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the Earth. A satellite usually works for about 10~12 years. Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired by astronauts or sometimes brought back to the Earth to be repaired. Often, very old or broken satellites are left in space to orbit the Earth ‎ for a very long time. This is very serious because some satellites use nuclear power and they can crash into each other.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。文章对各种卫星的用途、卫星工作的状态以及人们对已损坏卫星的处理办法进行了解释说明。‎ ‎1.Which of the following is NOT done by satellites according to the passage?‎ A.Sending information for weather forecasts.‎ B.Taking photographs of the Earth.‎ C.Sending TV pictures.‎ D.Providing food for airplane pilots.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段和第三段首句不难看出,卫星可以传递天气预报信息、拍摄地球照片、传递电视图片等,但是没说为飞行员提供食物,所以选择D项。‎ ‎2.Why does the satellite move around the world at the same speed as the Earth rotates?‎ A.In order to take photographs.‎ B.In order to stay in a certain position in the orbit.‎ C.In order to move away from its orbit.‎ D.In order to send television pictures.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可以看出,卫星之所以用和地球自转相同的速度绕地球旋转,是为了保持在一定位置上。显然B项正确。‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “This” in the 3rd paragraph refer to?‎ A.A satellite.‎ B.A little rocket.‎ C.A satellite seems to stay in the same place in the sky.‎ D.The satellite puts the rockets in the right position.‎ 解析:选C 代词指代题。this在此替代前文的“Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place.”故选C项。‎ ‎4.Which is true of satellites?‎ A.A satellite usually works for about 10~12 years.‎ B.Every time a satellite gets broken, it is brought back to the Earth to be repaired.‎ C.A broken satellite is never left in space.‎ D.Broken satellites often crash into each other.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据最后一段不难看出A项正确。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.__1__ is very difficult to find a better definition (定义) of friendship.A true friend is the person __2__ can share all our sadness and double all our happiness.He or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort.‎ Knowing how __3__ (value) friendship is, we should be very careful with our choice of a friend.We should choose those people with a good character __4__ our friends, but we must try to avoid __5__ (make) friends with a bad man.Besides, we should forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible.‎ A true friend can always __6__ (trust), loved and respected.If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won't tell them to __7__.Friends share their joys and sorrows.They ‎ help each other when they are __8__ trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad.__9__ most important thing is that a friend always understands you.In conclusion, __10__ you have made a good friend, don't forget him or her.‎ 语篇解读:作者在文中告诉我们如何选择朋友以及如何对待朋友。‎ ‎1.It 空格处为形式主语,真正的主语是空格后的不定式短语,故空格处填代词It。‎ ‎2.who/that 先行词person指人,关系词在从句中作主语,故用who/that引导定语从句。‎ ‎3.valuable 空格处在句中作表语,由此结合语境可知,应填形容词valuable。‎ ‎4.as 根据句意“我们应选择那些有优秀品质的人作为朋友”可知,空格处填介词as。‎ ‎5.making avoid后应接动词ing形式作宾语。‎ ‎6.be trusted 主语是动作的承受者,故空格处应用被动语态。‎ ‎7.others 根据句意可知,应填others。‎ ‎8.in in trouble为介词短语,意为“处于困境中”。故填介词in。‎ ‎9.The 空格后为形容词的最高级,故空格处填定冠词The。‎ ‎10.if/when 两个逗号之间为状语从句,结合句意“如果我们结交了一位好朋友(当我们结交了一位好朋友)”可知,应用if/when作状语从句的引导词。‎ Section_Ⅴ Writing—__解决问题型说明文_‎ ‎ ‎ 解决问题型说明文,就是针对某一问题提出具体的解决方法并进行适当论述,给读者提供知识,使之掌握解决问题的方法。‎ 一、基本结构 此类作文的篇章结构如下:‎ 第一部分:提出问题或阐述某件事情的重要性;‎ 第二部分:列举说明处理某事的方式或解决某个问题的途径;‎ 第三部分:针对提出的解决方法进行简要评价,也可提出个人建议或选择,并阐述理由。‎ 二、增分佳句 A.问题:‎ ‎1.One of the biggest problems the world is facing today is global warming.‎ 如今,世界所面临的最大问题之一是全球变暖。‎ ‎2.As we all know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming.‎ 众所周知,主要由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺问题正变得日益严重。‎ ‎3.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming.‎ 毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和,全球变暖正是人类活动所致。‎ ‎4.In order to avoid traffic jams, I strongly suggest some effective measures be taken.‎ 为避免交通拥堵,我强烈建议采取一些有效的措施。‎ B.解决方法:‎ ‎1.In the first place,I would also recommend a balanced diet. ‎ 首先,我也会推荐均衡饮食。‎ ‎2.We should work together to fight against pollution and make our environment safer and more comfortable to live in.‎ 我们应该一起努力同污染作斗争使我们的环境更安全、更适宜居住。‎ ‎3.There is no denying the fact that it is a serious problem; the government should take strong measures to deal with it.‎ 无可否认,这是一个严重的问题,政府应该采取有力措施来解决它。‎ ‎4.The most important thing is that people should be made aware of the importance of environmental protection.‎ 最重要的是应让人们意识到环境保护的重要性。‎ C.结论:‎ ‎1.If we are more environmentally friendly, the earth's temperature may not rise too much.‎ 如果我们多善待环境,地球温度就可能不会上升那么快了。‎ ‎2.As far as I'm concerned, it's everyone's duty to protect the environment.‎ 依我看来,保护环境是我们每个人的责任。‎ ‎3.It's high time that we did something about it.‎ 是我们该做些事情的时候了。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[题目要求]‎ 随着科学技术的发展,人类去太空旅游将不再是遥远的梦想。假设你是李华,对太空探索极感兴趣,现在请你写一篇100词左右的英语短文,设想在今年暑假去太空旅游,如何克服失重条件下的吃饭和喝水的问题。‎ 第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题 ‎ ‎1.确定体裁:本文为说明文;‎ ‎2.确定人称:本文的主要人称为第一人称;‎ ‎3.确定时态:主要使用一般现在时。‎ 二、构思 ‎1.开篇:提出失重条件下吃饭和喝水的问题。‎ ‎2.主体:分析和解决失重条件下吃饭和喝水的问题。‎ ‎3.总结:简要评论。‎ 第二步:核心词汇想周全 ‎1.gravity       重力 ‎2.float 飘浮 ‎3.prevent_...from_... 阻止……‎ ‎4.solve 解决 ‎5.try/have_a_try 尝试 ‎6.in_time 迟早;终于 第三步:由词扩句雏形现 ‎1.如果我去太空旅游,会有一个问题。‎ If I went to travel in space, there_would_be_a_problem.‎ ‎2.我可能要面对一个问题。‎ I might be_faced_with a problem.‎ ‎3.在外太空,重力很弱。‎ In outer space, the_gravity_is_weak.‎ ‎4.食物会到处飘浮。‎ The food will_float_around.‎ ‎5.用这种方式,这个问题将会被解决。‎ The problem would be solved in_this_way.‎ 第四步:句式升级造亮点 ‎1.用定语从句连接句1和句2‎ If_I_went_to_travel_in_space,_there_would_be_a_problem_I_might_be_faced_with.‎ ‎2.用so ...that ...连接句3和句4‎ In_outer_space,__the_gravity_is_so_weak_that_the_food_will_float_around.‎ ‎3.用only倒装句改写句5 ‎ Only_in_this_way_would_the_problem_be_solved.‎ 第五步:过渡衔接联成篇 If I went to travel in space, there would be a problem I might be faced with: how to eat and drink in outer space.‎ I would have to take all my foods with me if I went to space travel, but in outer space, the gravity is so weak that the food will float around if it is solid.I must make sure that it is specially made as liquid space food.It could be put in a tube and then I would be able to suck it more easily.Perhaps I would use a straw to eat it.It can prevent the food from floating away.Only in this way would the problem be solved.I might have a happy visit to space in that way.I will have a try in time.‎ Our geography teacher says the earth is only one of the planets of the giant solar system.Unlike other planets, life exists on the earth, but life's origin is still a puzzle.Different religions and cultures have separate ideas.The teacher says it may be divided into four stages.‎ The first stage is about how the universe began.A widely accepted theory can explain it.After the “Big Bang” broke out, atom began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies.The second stage is how the earth formed.Between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago, clouds of dust floating in space settled into a solid globe.The earth became violent and it often exploded.The atmosphere and water appeared.Water is a fundamental matter for life to exist on the earth.It also dissolves harmful gases and acids.The third stage is about plants' and animals' appearance.At first, plants in the water appeared and multiplied.They produced oxygen, which encouraged animals in the water to exist.Later, green plants on the land caused animals on the land to appear.They first laid eggs and became babies.Later, mammals gave birth to babies directly.The last stage is that humans became the most important animals on the earth.We put too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to cause global warming.We must watch out how things will go and make laws to prevent the earth from becoming too hot.Now that we have taken measures, we will succeed in time.So let's cheer up and work together.‎ 我们的地理老师说地球只是广阔的太阳系中的一颗行星而已。不像其他的行星,地球上有生命存在,但生命的起源依旧是一个谜。不同的宗教和文化有各自的看法。老师说它可以被分为四个阶段。‎ 第一个阶段是关于宇宙是怎样诞生的。一个被普遍接受的理论可以解释它。“大爆炸”发生后,原子开始形成并结合成恒星和其他天体。第二个阶段是地球是怎样形成的。大约在38~45亿年前,漂浮在太空中的尘埃形成一个固体的球状物。地球活动剧烈,而且经常爆炸。大气层和水出现了。在地球上水是生命存在的最基本的物质。它同时也溶解有害气体和酸。第三个阶段是关于植物和动物的出现。首先,水生植物出现并繁殖。他们产生氧气,这使水生动物存在。后来,陆生植物使陆生动物出现。它们首先产卵,然后成为幼仔。后来,哺乳动物直接生幼仔。最后一个阶段是人类成为地球上最重要的动物。我们把大量的二氧化碳释放到大气层里,导致了全球变暖。我们必须密切注意事情的进展,制定法律阻止地球变得太热。既然我们已采取措施,我们最终会成功的。因此让我们振作起来一起努力吧。‎ ‎ ‎ 加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练 Ⅰ.完形填空 Do you like talking or working together with your parents? It goes without saying that there are many __1__ in which young people can __2__ the older generation (代).In both their work and their private lives, youngsters can get a lot from the __3__ of their elders.‎ As for work, the older generation can __4__ how young people can achieve the career they __5__.For example, they can __6__ what to do in order to develop the skills that will give young people the best chance of success.They may __7__ be able to give invaluable advice as to which __8__ young people should take or not take.It may even be the case that the older person will be able to ask their friends to help the younger one find a __9__.‎ Older people may also be able to use the __10__ of their own life experience to help young people with advice on __11__.It can happen that older people wish they had acted __12__ in their own relationships, so they may wish to encourage youngsters to avoid similar __13__.If young people are prepared to listen to this kind of __14__, it may well prove __15__ for them.‎ Of the two __16__ of life discussed above, I think young people can learn more from the older generation in the field of __17__.After all, no relationship is the same, __18__ what might be __19__ in one situation might not in another.Advice on careers is more likely to be __20__ in a variety of differing situations.‎ 语篇解读:本文是议论文。年轻人可以从上一辈人身上学到很多东西。‎ ‎1.A.places        B.ways C.styles D.habits 解析:选B 由下文年轻人可以在工作和人际关系上从上一辈人身上“学到(learn from)”很多东西可知,此处表示在很多“方面(ways)”。‎ ‎2.A.hear of B.look after C.learn from D.talk about 解析:选C 参见上题解析。‎ ‎3.A.joy B.experience C.kindness D.courage 解析:选B 第三段中的“their own life experience”对本空有提示。‎ ‎4.A.decide B.predict C.change D.explain 解析:选D 本段主要介绍的是上一辈人对年轻人在工作上的帮助。因此此处表示:上一辈人可以给年轻人“说明(explain)”如何能够获得“梦想(dream of)”的工作。‎ ‎5.A.dream of B.believe in C.give away D.give up 解析:选A 参见上题解析。‎ ‎6.A.choose B.require C.plan D.suggest 解析:选D 上一辈人“建议(suggest)”年轻人应该做什么以获得必需的技能从而最大限度地获得成功。‎ ‎7.A.also B.never C.instead D.only 解析:选A 本句是对上一句的递进,下一句是对本句的递进,故此处用also符合语境。‎ ‎8.A.vacation B.exam C.job D.subject 解析:选C 本段主要讲的是上一辈人对年轻人在工作上的帮助,因此此处指接受“工作(job)”。‎ ‎9.A.role B.hobby C.position D.way 解析:选C 上一辈人甚至可以请自己的朋友帮助年轻人找到“岗位(position)”。‎ ‎10.A.difficulty B.introduction C.improvement D.advantage 解析:选D 上一辈人已经经历过生活中的很多事情,因此有生活经验这个“优势(advantage)”。‎ ‎11.A.travels B.relationships C.education D.housework 解析:选B 下文中的“in their own relationships”对本空有提示。‎ ‎12.A.unusually B.differently C.quickly D.patiently 解析:选B 根据上下文语境以及常识可知,上一辈人会反思自己的经历,对于有些事情,他们认为当时可以采取“不同的(differently)”做法(从而使事情更加完美),而他们的经验教训可以避免年轻人犯类似的“错误(mistakes)”。‎ ‎13.A.questions B.accidents C.conversations D.mistakes 解析:选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎14.A.answer B.story C.advice D.promise 解析:选C 本文旨在说明上一辈人对年轻人的帮助,因此此处表示:如果年轻人听从这些“建议(advice)”,那么这些建议一定会对他们有所“帮助的(helpful)”。‎ ‎15.A.normal B.helpful C.enough D.impossible 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ ‎16.A.fields B.rules C.events D.patterns 解析:选A 第二、三段分别提到了生活中的两个“方面(fields)”。‎ ‎17.A.study B.work C.sport D.art 解析:选B 由下文中的“After all, no relationship is the same”可知,对于上文提到的两个方面,作者认为上一辈人对年轻人在“工作(work)”方面的帮助更大。‎ ‎18.A.but B.if C.because D.so 解析:选D 作者在对比工作和人际关系两个方面之后认为,上一辈人对年轻人在人际关系上的帮助稍小,因为没有哪一种人际关系是一成不变的,“因此(so)”在一种情况下“对的(right)”并不一定适用于另一种情况。‎ ‎19.A.simple B.hard C.special D.right 解析:选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎20.A.given B.noticed C.followed D.found 解析:选C 相比人际关系,上一辈人对年轻人事业的建议更容易“遵循(followed)”。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 Raising children has traditionally been a mother's role.People think that kids have to be with mothers mostly, but the modern sociology says when a father is not involved in life, it leads to problems.Children abandoned or ignored by their fathers do not succeed as well as children in families where both parents are involved.‎ At the River House in Maryland, a church community is running a program called the Men's Retreat with the purpose of helping men become better fathers.Here fathers can get parental advice.The program is also open to children who don't have fathers in their lives.For them, the program is an opportunity to interact (互动) with male role models.‎ Businessman Pavel says though the Men's Retreat may take up some of his time to earn money, it has been a good opportunity to spend quality time with his son.He has realized that for boys, Father is the first teacher.And the gathering is also a great chance to think about how to improve the relationship with his wife.‎ Program organizer Victor Visotski notes that the son is going along his father's path and learns from him.The father's role in a daughter's life is as important as that in his son's life.A father for a daughter is a hero and he is the first man she admires.It is important that the father creates a family atmosphere filled with love, because the daughter observes the behavior of her father closely.Mr.Visotski says a father must take his duties as a parent as seriously as his career.Setting aside quality time to spend with his child is a good start.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文。抚养孩子历来被认为是母亲的角色。但在生活中,父亲对孩子的影响也是非常重要的。马里兰州举行的“男人的静修”活动可以帮助男人更好地扮演父亲的角色。‎ ‎1.We can learn from the modern sociology that ________.‎ A.a father's role in children's life is important B.a father can teach children more than a mother C.raising children should be a father's responsibility D.children having no fathers are less likely to succeed 解析:选A 推理判断题。由第一段“...when a father is not involved in life, it leads to problems”可知,现代社会学指出,生活中缺少父亲这个角色会导致许多问题。由此可知,父亲在孩子成长过程中起着重要作用。‎ ‎2.Which of the following is TRUE about the Men's Retreat?‎ A.It is for kids who are abandoned.‎ B.It aims to help men relax after work.‎ C.Children are not allowed to attend it.‎ D.It shows men how to act as fathers well.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段“...with the purpose of helping men become better fathers”可知,“男人的静修”活动目的是帮助男人成为更好的父亲。‎ ‎3.What does Pavel think of the Men's Retreat?‎ A.It is a waste of time and money.‎ B.It can help him find a new job at school.‎ C.It is a good chance for family gathering.‎ D.It helps him become a good father and husband.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第三段可知,Pavel说尽管参加这个活动会占用一些赚钱的时间,但这是一个和儿子共度美好时光、思考如何改善夫妻关系的好机会。由此可知,他认为这个活动不但会使他成为一个好父亲,还会成为一个好丈夫。‎ ‎4.According to Victor Visotski, ________.‎ A.a father has little influence on his daughter B.a daughter usually looks down upon her father C.fathers must learn to balance parenting and work D.fathers should play the main role in raising children 解析:选C 细节理解题。由最后一段可知,Victor Visotski指出男人要像认真工作一样认真承担起做父亲的责任。‎ ‎ ‎ 加餐练(二) 主观题规范增分练 Ⅰ.语法填空 The question was once asked of a __1__ (success) businessman, “How have you done so much in your lifetime?” He replied, “I have dreamed.I have turned my mind loose __2__ (imagine) what I wanted to do.Then I went to bed and __3__ (think) about my dreams.In the night I dreamed about my dreams.And when I awoke in the morning, I saw the way to make my dreams real.”‎ While other people were saying,“You can't do that, and it is __4__ (possible).” I was well on my way to __5__ (achieve) what I wanted.As Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of __6__ U.S., said: “We grow great by dreams.”‎ All big men are dreamers.Some of us let these dreams die, __7__ others protect them and take care __8__ them through bad days until they bring them to the ‎ sunshine which comes always to those who __9__ (sincere) hope that their dreams will come true.So please, don't let anyone steal your dreams, or try to tell you they are too unrealistic.“Sing your __10__ (song), and dream your dreams, hope your hope and pray your prayer.”‎ 语篇解读:本文讨论了梦想的重要性。正如美国第28任总统伍德罗•威尔逊所说:“我们因为梦想变得伟大。”在通往成功的道路上,我们要呵护自己的梦想,历经风雨直到沐浴阳光。‎ ‎1.successful 设空处修饰名词businessman,应用形容词,故填successful。‎ ‎2.to imagine 此处用不定式表示目的,故填to imagine。‎ ‎3.thought and连接并列成分,根据前面的谓语动词went可知,设空处应用一般过去时,故填thought。‎ ‎4.impossible 句意:……你不能那么做,那是不可能的。根据句意可知,设空处意为“不可能的”,故填impossible。‎ ‎5.achieving on the way to doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“在去做某事的路上”,故填achieving。‎ ‎6.the U.S.前需加定冠词the,表示“美国”。‎ ‎7.but/while 句意:我们中的一些人放弃了梦想,但是/而其他人历经风雨地保护梦想、呵护梦想,直到把它们带到阳光下,而阳光总是青睐于那些真诚希望他们的梦想实现的人。根据句意可知,前后两分句之间为转折关系或表示对比,故填but/while。‎ ‎8.of take care of意为“照顾;照看”,为固定搭配,故填of。‎ ‎9.sincerely 设空处修饰动词,应用副词,故填sincerely。‎ ‎10.songs song为可数名词,且根据后面的dreams可知,应用复数,故填songs。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 Charles is my more unforgettable teacher.I am an average student in high school and wasn't interesting in studying.However, I was quite enthusiastic about performing plays.After Charles knew my interest, he encouraged us.He said that I had a gift for perform and suggested that I made good use of my talent.People usual do well in the things they like, and it is really true.Now I'm a professional actor.I succeeded because of Charles encouraged me a lot.I kept touch with him through letters and phone call until he died in 2003.‎ 答案:第一句:more→most 第二句:am→was; interesting→interested 第四句:us→me 第五句:perform→performance; made→make 第六句:usual→usually 第八句:去掉of 第九句:touch前加in; call→calls Ⅲ.书面表达 最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文介绍讨论的情况。‎ ‎30%的同学认为 不值得探索 ‎ 离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远 ‎ 浪费金钱,这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染等问题 ‎70%的同学认为 值得探索 ‎ 卫星已用来进行通讯、天气预报,使我们的生活更方便了 ‎ 有望解决地球能源短缺等问题 参考范文:‎ Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.‎ On the one hand, 30% of us think that space exploration is not worthwhile.They think space is too far away from us and our daily life.And space exploration will waste a lot of money, which can be used to solve the problems, such as starvation and pollution.‎ On the other hand, 70% think space is worthy to be explored.As we all know, satellites have been used for communication as well as weather forecast, which makes our life more convenient.Besides, if resources are found on other planets, the problem of energy shortages on our earth can be solved.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第一部分 听力 (满分30分,限时20分钟)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What's the date today?‎ A.May 30th.  B.May 31st.   C.June 1st.‎ ‎2.Where was the boy last Monday?‎ A.In his school.‎ B.In Europe.‎ C.In China.‎ ‎3.How much does one adult ticket cost?‎ A.60 dollars. B.40 dollars. C.30 dollars.‎ ‎4.What does the woman think of the roast duck?‎ A.Great. B.Bad. C.Just soso.‎ ‎5.What does the man mean?‎ A.He is not the one to blame.‎ B.He will be responsible for it.‎ C.He will be more careful next time.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.Where does this conversation take place?‎ A.On a plane.‎ B.In a restaurant.‎ C.In a hotel.‎ ‎7.What will the woman bring to the man's son?‎ A.Warm water.‎ B.Coffee.‎ C.Orange juice.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.What is Ann worried about?‎ A.Losing the job.‎ B.Failing to find a job.‎ C.Missing the promotion.‎ ‎9.What will the woman do this Friday?‎ A.Go to a movie.‎ B.Work overtime.‎ C.Have a good rest.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.When did the painter start painting?‎ A.In 1985. B.In 1953. C.In 1946.‎ ‎11.What is the painting mainly about?‎ A.Some hikers.‎ B.A walking route.‎ C.An old tree.‎ ‎12.How much does the man pay at last?‎ A.300 pounds. B.350 pounds. C.380 pounds.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.Why does the woman want to change their car?‎ A.It uses much gas.‎ B.It is not big enough.‎ C.It is too old to go well.‎ ‎14.How long has the car been used?‎ A.For one year.‎ B.For two years.‎ C.For three years.‎ ‎15.What does the man think of the woman's suggestion?‎ A.Unbelievable.‎ B.Interesting.‎ C.Reasonable.‎ ‎16.What are the two speakers going to do later?‎ A.Buy a new car.‎ B.Go for a picnic.‎ C.Sell the old car.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.How do people in China order food?‎ A.According to pictures in the menu.‎ B.According to words in the menu.‎ C.According to the waiter's descriptions.‎ ‎18.When do people usually start to order?‎ A.After sitting immediately.‎ B.After several minutes' talk.‎ C.After finishing drinking.‎ ‎19.What do people often do in Chinese restaurants?‎ A.Stop others making noise.‎ B.Call the waiter loudly.‎ C.Ask for something rudely.‎ ‎20.What can't you see at the dinner table in China?‎ A.Beer.‎ B.Hot water.‎ C.Cold water.‎ 答案:1~5 ABBAB    6~10 ACAAC ‎11~15 BCACC   16~20 BAABC 听力材料:‎ ‎(Text 1)‎ W:Your birthday is around the corner, right?‎ M:Yeah, the day after tomorrow.‎ W:Wow, that's Children's Day.You can spend it with your son.‎ ‎(Text 2)‎ W:John isn't going to come back to our school.‎ M:Really? Why?‎ W:He is leaving for China and held a farewell party last Monday.‎ M:It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time.‎ ‎(Text 3)‎ W:I'd like two tickets, one for myself and the other for my little boy.He is six.‎ M:He's six, right? Then he can get in for half price.That will be 60 dollars altogether.‎ ‎(Text 4)‎ M:What do you think of it? I was worried you would think it was too far.‎ W:Well, it's true.I've never driven two hours just for a roast duck.But really, I think it's worth it.‎ ‎(Text 5)‎ W:What an accident! If you had been more careful, we would not be in this terrible situation.‎ M:What do you mean? Was it my fault? If it was, I would surely take responsibility for it.‎ ‎(Text 6)‎ M:Excuse me, Miss.Could you make the airconditioner cooler?‎ W:I'm sorry.We can not regulate the airconditioner.As soon as the plane takes off the temperature here will drop.Let me get three wet towels for you at the moment.‎ M:Good idea.‎ W:Your wet towels, sir.‎ M:Thank you.Could I have something cold to drink?‎ W:Yes.We have mineral water, orange juice, Coke, and coffee.Which do you prefer?‎ M:Orange juice with ice for me and my son, please.And warm water for my wife.‎ ‎(Text 7)‎ M:Hi, Ann.How's your new job as a secretary?‎ W:Well, actually, I'm not very happy with it.‎ M:You've only been working there for a month.It takes time to get used to it.‎ W:I know but my boss told me that if I didn't get better, he'd fire me! I'm just worried.‎ M:Look! You're a hard worker.Just do your best.It's always darkest before the dawn, as they say.‎ W:You're right.Did you get the position you wanted?‎ M:Yes.I'll get a promotion and be the manager.I've been with the company for three years.Time flies! How about going out with me this Friday? We could see a film, and you can forget your problems for a while.‎ W:Good idea, but I need to work overtime this weekend.‎ ‎(Text 8)‎ M:I really like this painting.Can you tell me a bit about it?‎ W:Certainly.This one's actually by a local painter.His name's John Mansfield.He'd been painting since he was 14.He died in 1999 and he painted for about 53 years.‎ M:So he died? What a pity! I especially like the colors in this one.And I like how it depicts the local landscape.‎ W:Actually this is a picture of a local walking route.It's quite famous and quite popular with hikers.And if you look on the left hand side there, you will see the tree which is the oldest in the area.‎ M:Sounds nice.How much is this painting?‎ W:180 pounds.‎ M:Would you be able to sell it to me for 100 pounds?‎ W:But I think 100 pounds is too cheap.‎ M:The other two paintings look nice, too.How about if I buy all of them for 350 pounds?‎ W:Pay an extra 30 pounds and you can get them.‎ M:OK.‎ ‎(Text 9)‎ M:Hi, Edith.It's a beautiful day, isn't it?‎ W:Yes, the sun is shining and the breeze is gentle.‎ M:Let's go for a picnic in the car.‎ W:Well, I think we'd better go by bike.And I've been thinking that we really ought to change our car for a new one.‎ M:Why? The old one goes very well.Your brother drove it for only one year before he sold it to us two years ago.‎ W:I know, but it uses a lot of gas and that's not good for the environment.‎ M:What would you replace it with?‎ W:Well, I've been reading a lot about a new kind of car.‎ M:You mean the one which use both a normal engine and an electric motor?‎ W:Yes, this kind of car uses much less fuel than an ordinary one.‎ M:I suppose that must be better for the environment.‎ W:Of course.‎ M:OK, let's get on our bikes and go for a picnic today.And we'll buy this new kind of car sometime later.I hope the environment will get better in the future.‎ ‎(Text 10)‎ ‎(M)The experience of dining in China is far different from eating at restaurants in America.Manners and menus are almost entirely opposite.‎ Menus in China are usually picture books.Almost every single dish has a picture.Chinese people order food according to the pictures, not the written descriptions on the menu or the descriptions from the waiters.‎ Furthermore, each table is typically only given one menu, and when the menu is placed before them, the waiter stands next to the table ready to write down the order.You don't sit at the table and talk for several minutes before ordering.You order when you sit almost immediately.‎ In China, people are used to dining in noisy environments, which are considered welcoming and joyful.So, if you need to call a waiter in China, call loudly and wave your hand.It's appropriate to stop anyone in the restaurant and ask them for something.This is not rude.It is expected!‎ And cold water? It doesn't exist at the dinner table in China.Hot water is almost always served, even in the middle of summer and even while eating the spiciest food.And if you order a beer or a bottle of water, better ask for it cold, or the waiter will serve at room temperature.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (满分40分,限时35分钟)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Luna Grill is a fast casual dining restaurant, which offers healthy food at fair prices.Now it is offering jobs to teenagers who want to work.‎ General requirements for working at Luna Grill The youngest age to apply jobs at Luna Grill is 16 years old.You must be able to stand for a period of time up to five hours of work.You must be able to frequently lift things up to 50 pounds.You must be willing to work on weekends and holidays.‎ What jobs can teens apply for at Luna Grill?‎ Line Cook ‎•Open or close the line, stock and refill items ‎•Cook and present the food according to their standards ‎•Control the ticket time and follow line book instructions ‎•Help in prep and dish washing when needed ‎•Keep the line stocked, clean and organized Prep Cook ‎•Open or close the kitchen, inspect prep items, and identify items needed ‎•Be able to follow recipe instructions ‎•Help put orders in the storage, walkin cooler and freezer ‎•Keep the prep area clean and organized ‎•Help in the line and dish washing when needed Both are parttime jobs with wages (工资) around $10.50 per hour.Other teen jobs in Luna Grill are generally cashier, server, and dishwasher.‎ How to apply for a job at Luna Grill Luna Grill does not provide printable job application forms.You can submit your resume (简历) by visiting their career page at http:∥www.lunagrill.com/Careers/Jobs.aspx or find current job listings in PeopleMatter page.‎ 语篇解读:本文为应用文。Luna Grill是一家快餐店,现在正在招聘一些兼职人员。‎ ‎21.Those who want to work at Luna Grill are required to ________.‎ A.stand for a long time B.be at least 18 years old C.lift things up to 50 pounds sometimes D.work on weekends and holidays only 解析:选A 细节理解题。由第二段“You must be able to stand for a period of time up to five hours of work.”可知,在那里工作需要每天长时间站立。‎ ‎22.Both line cooks and prep cooks may have to ________.‎ A.control the ticket time B.cook and present the food C.help put orders in the storage D.wash dishes when necessary 解析:选D 细节理解题。由Line Cook部分的“Help in prep and dish washing when needed”以及Prep Cook部分的“Help in the line and dish washing when needed”可知,这两个职位都得在需要的时候帮忙洗盘子。‎ ‎23.What should one do to apply for a job at Luna Grill?‎ A.Send a fax to the restaurant.‎ B.Print a job application form.‎ C.Visit the restaurant's career page.‎ D.Find job listings in local newspapers.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由最后一段“You can submit your resume (简历) by visiting their career page at http:∥www.lunagrill.com/Careers/Jobs.aspx”可知应选C。‎ B Here's a list of some interesting facts about stars; some you might already know, and few that are going to be new. ‎ The sun is the closest star to the earth. The sun is about 150 million kilometers away. Our sun, like most other stars, gives off power and light by nuclear fusion (核聚变), which happens exactly where it's the hottest. The sun is about 4.5 billion years old and it will still last six billion years or so. When it runs out of its fuel (燃料), it would develop into a red star when increasing in size. ‎ Since stars are billions of light years away, it may be hard to recognize that stars are in continuous battles with themselves. All the stars have their own gravitational pull ‎ (引力) that pulls them. The surprising part is that the nuclear fusion occurring inside the star truly produces an outward (向外的) push to resist (抵抗) the gravitational force, which keeps its present shape. ‎ Stars have different colors. The hottest stars are surprisingly the smallest ones and are blue in color. Their temperatures go to about 12,000 Kelvin. Although the yellowcolored stars are the middlesized ones just like the sun, their temperatures fall to about 6,000 Kelvin. And lastly, the coolest and greatest ones are colored red and the temperatures of them are about 3,000 Kelvin. ‎ When looking at the night sky, we may think that stars are up there alone. But don't be surprised that these heavenly bodies in fact come in pairs. And stars can even come in groups of 3 or even 4!‎ 语篇解读:本文是说明文。作者在文中告诉我们一些有关星星的有趣事实。‎ ‎24.What will happen when the sun runs out of its fuel?‎ A.It will disappear slowly. ‎ B.It will last six billion years.‎ C.It will become a white star.‎ D.It will become larger in size.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“When it runs out of its fuel (燃料), it would develop into a red star when increasing in size.”可知,当太阳用完了它的能量,它就变成了红色的星球,体积增大了。‎ ‎25.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?‎ A.All stars are in a state of balance.‎ B.It's hard for the stars to keep their shapes.‎ C.The stars have the same gravitational pull.‎ D.The stars always stay in peace with one another.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段的“The surprising part is that the nuclear fusion occurring inside the star truly produces an outward (向外的) push to resist (抵抗) the gravitational force, which keeps its present shape.”可知,星球都处于一种自身的平衡中。‎ ‎26.What do we know about the color of the star?‎ A.It is blue when it is very cold.‎ B.It looks red when it is far away.‎ C.It seems yellow when it is over 3,000 Kelvin.‎ D.It has something to do with its size and temperature.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,星星的颜色与它的大小和温度有关。 ‎ ‎27.How do all the stars appear in space in reality?‎ A.They appear only in pairs.‎ B.They appear without rules.‎ C.They stay alone here and there.‎ D.They appear in small groups or in pairs.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,星星在太空中不是孤立地出现,而是以双子星的形式出现,有时候星星是以三个或四个一组的形式出现。‎ C Want to get thin? Eat more fruit and vegetables — they're a lowcalorie (热量) way of filling up, right? It depends which ones you eat.Eating starchy (含淀粉的) vegetables such as corn and potatoes was linked to weight gain.Eating more highfibre, lowerglycemic (低血糖的) vegetables was associated with weight loss.Lowerglycemic foods do not raise blood sugar levels as much as higher ones.‎ The study from Harvard University looked at changes in the intake of specific fruit and vegetables recorded from 133,468 US men and women over 24 years.It took into account other lifestyle factors that affect weight, such as smoking, amount of sleep, hours of watching television and exercise.Dr Monica L Bertoia, the lead author, says that, in America, the most common choices of fruit and vegetables are orange juice and potatoes.“There are many fruits and vegetables that may be better choices for the prevention of weight gain, such as apples, pears, berries and nonstarchy vegetables,” she says.‎ The idea of eating more fruit and vegetables to lose weight only works if you eat less of something else — all calories count.A study last year looking at previous research on weight loss and increased fruit and vegetable intake in more than 1,200 people, found that people who didn't reduce their calorie intake overall did not lose weight.‎ Different fruit and vegetables have different qualities.So if you want highfibre, lowglycemic fruit, go for blueberries and avocados (油梨).Strawberries (草莓) are low on fibre but good on the lowglycemic index (指数), as is grapefruit — unless you pour sugar on it.Pears and apples come out well, even though they have a highglycemic index — their higher fibre, which is good for weight loss, may compensate.For vegetables, try tofu, cauliflower and sweet potatoes or yams (山药) rather than potatoes.But remember, they all still have calories.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文。研究发现多吃水果和蔬菜不一定能帮助减肥。‎ ‎28.In losing weight, what does Bertoia think of Americans' choice of fruit?‎ A.She thinks highly of it.‎ B.She thinks nothing of it.‎ C.She hesitates to accept it.‎ D.She is all for it.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第二段“There are many fruits and vegetables that may be better choices for the prevention of weight gain ...”可知,Bertoia认为美国人吃果蔬的选择或许不是最理想的。‎ ‎29.According to the text, what is the best way to lose weight?‎ A.Taking in fewer calories.‎ B.Eating more fruit and vegetables.‎ C.Stopping smoking and watching TV.‎ D.Choosing one special fruit or vegetable.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。由第三段“The idea of eating ...if you eat less of something else”及“...found that people who didn't reduce their calorie intake overall did not lose weight.”可知,想要减肥的话,要在减少所有卡路里摄入量的基础上,多吃水果和蔬菜。‎ ‎30.The underlined word “compensate” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “________”.‎ A.do harm        B.make up C.go down D.get improved 解析:选B 词义猜测题。由“Pears and apples come out well”及“even though”可知,尽管梨和苹果血糖指数高,但是其富含纤维,可以帮助减肥,从而“弥补或中和”这些负面影响。‎ ‎31.The text is most likely to be taken out of a(n) ________.‎ A.science report B.technology review C.education program D.food advertisement 解析:选A 文章出处题。从全文整体看,本文是关于水果蔬菜与减肥之间的关系,属于科学研究方面。‎ D Around the world, support is growing for electric cars.Car makers are producing more electric cars with a longer range (距离) and lower prices.Some European countries plan to be allelectric by 2040 or sooner.However, there are a lot of difficulties, including one practical consideration for customers: If they buy electric cars, where will they charge them?‎ Public charging stations are not built evenly (均匀地) around the world.Places with lots of support from governments, like China and the Netherlands have thousands of public charging stations.But in many places, there are not many public chargers.That's a problem for people who need to drive further than the 200 miles or so that most electric cars can travel.‎ This situation worries many potential (潜在的) electric car owners.“If I can't charge, there's no way for me to have an electric car as my primary transportation,” says Solie, who works far from his home.‎ Mr.Romano, the CEO of ChargePoint, says workplaces should have around 2.5 chargers for every employee and stores need one for every 20 electric cars.Highways need one every 50 to 75 miles, he says.‎ Luckily, car makers and governments are pushing to fill the gaps (差距).The number of chargers grew by 72 percent to more than 322,000 last year, the International Energy Agency says.BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen, and Ford are building 400 fastcharging stations in Europe.‎ But there are pitfalls.There are different types of charging stations, and no one knows the exact mix drivers will finally need.A store might spend $5,000 for a charger, which provides a car with 5 to 15 miles of range in 30 minutes.But once most cars get 200 or 300 miles per charge, slow chargers are less necessary.‎ 语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章探讨了电动汽车的充电问题:充电站的分布不均匀以及数量不够等影响电动汽车的销售。‎ ‎32.What prevents potential customers from buying electric cars?‎ A.The longtime charging. B.The power problem.‎ C.The safety. D.The price.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。由第一段和第二段中的“But in many places, there are not many public chargers.”可知答案。‎ ‎33.What is Solie's attitude toward buying electric cars?‎ A.Tired. B.Hopeful.‎ C.Supportive. D.Uninterested.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第三段中的“there's no way for me to have an electric car as my primary transportation”可知,由于充电问题,Solie对于购买电动汽车不感兴趣。‎ ‎34.What do Mr.Romano's words suggest?‎ A.There is a great need for chargers.‎ B.The government should take action.‎ C.Car makers will have a bright future.‎ D.Electric cars are becoming less popular.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Luckily, car makers and governments are pushing to fill the gaps (差距).”可知,此处Romano先生意在说明充电装置数量的不足。‎ ‎35.What does the underlined word “pitfalls” in the last paragraph mean?‎ A.Dangers. B.Problems.‎ C.Advantages. D.Achievements.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。由本段内容可知,充电装置的种类不同,但顾客到底需要怎样的充电组合设备,目前没有一个确切的答案,因此,即使增加了充电设备的数量,仍然可能存在问题。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ No matter how much we try to be smart, life has its own ways of teaching us the valuable lessons.__36__ Here are some of the life lessons that all of us learn the hard way:‎ Lying is harmful.Everyone, at some point in life, must have certainly realized that lying is a very dangerous thing for the mind, which finally affects our health too.__37__ And also he would lose the trust of others.‎ Sometimes, moving on is the only choice.__38__ But sometimes, circumstances and situations align (排整齐) in such a way that it is better to leave something and move ahead. At times, it is better to move on with the memories, rather than stay there and live in a blank space with no possible future.‎ ‎__39__ It is rightly said that to err is human.We all are humans and nobody knows everything.So it is fine to accept the things that went wrong, and try to avoid repeating them or doing wrong intentionally.‎ Happiness is the key to everything.__40__ Things cannot bring happiness, but happiness can bring many things in life.And the most important person who should be happy with you is yourself.If you do not feel cheerful from the inside, you certainly cannot make others happy.‎ A.It is natural to make mistakes.‎ B.Sales are not always profitable.‎ C.It makes a man lose confidence and trust in himself.‎ D.Nothing in the world would make sense if you are depressed.‎ E.It is always good to be considerate about one's views about things.‎ F.Though at first we are hurt, we eventually learn from the experiences.‎ G.Some things are dear to us, and we cannot imagine life without them.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文。无论我们怎样努力想要变得聪明,生活总会以其独特的方式教给我们一些重要的人生经验。‎ ‎36.选F 生活以独特的方式教会我们许多人生经验,尽管起初我们可能会受伤,但我们从中会学到许多东西。F项“at first we are hurt”与本空后“learn the hard way”呼应。‎ ‎37.选C C项中的it指lying,本空与下句都是lying的坏处。撒谎会使自己失去对自己的信心,也会使他人不再信任自己。‎ ‎38.选G 本空是下句的前提。生活当中有些人、有些事对我们非常重要,我们离不开他们,但生活就是这样,有时我们必须把他们放在一边,继续前行。‎ ‎39.选A 本空为本段的主旨。A项与“to err is human”含义相同。‎ ‎40.选D 本空承上启下,指出幸福是万事万物的核心,幸福应该是发自内心的。如果你心中不快乐,一切都会变得没有意义。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎“Whoa! What are you doing?” I asked.‎ I had just walked into my daughter's room as she was __41__ a science project.Normally, I would have been pleased at such a(n) __42__.But this time, her project involved much sand.__43__ she'd put some plastic under her work area, it wasn't nearly enough.The sand was __44__ all over our newly renovated (整修的) floor.‎ My daughter immediately felt my displeasure and began to __45__ herself.“I used plastic!” she responded angrily.‎ I responded more __46__, “But the sand is getting all over!”‎ ‎“Where else am I supposed to do it?” she __47__.‎ Why won't she admit when she has done something __48__? I felt my __49__, thinking of the future: what would her life look like if she couldn't admit her mistakes?‎ My fear translated into more anger, this time about how __50__ it was for her to admit mistakes.We had a __51__.She said something that I felt disrespectful to me and I __52__ my voice.Both of us ended up __53__ terrible.I wished this __54__ happened before.‎ So I thought that I needed a good __55__ to respond to my daughter.For this, I went to my wife, Eleanor, who was truly a master.I asked her how I should have __56__ it.‎ ‎“Sweetie,” she said, roleplaying me in the __57__ with my daughter, “There's a lot of sand here and we need to __58__ it up before it destroys the floor, how can I help?”‎ That's really a great way to deal with it: first __59__ the problem, next state what needs to happen and then offer to __60__.It's simple, right? However, it's really helpful in solving some problems in life.‎ 语篇解读:本文为记叙文。作者与女儿发生口角,而后向妻子请教。妻子的办法是:先确认问题,再说该为此做些什么,然后主动提出帮助。‎ ‎41.A.applying for       B.worrying about C.working on D.caring for 解析:选C 由“But this time, her project involved much sand.”可知,女儿正在做一个项目。‎ ‎42.A.accident B.sight C.lesson D.item 解析:选B 由上文“I had just walked into my daughter's room as she was ...”可推断,该空指作者刚走进女儿房间看到的景象。‎ ‎43.A.When B.If C.Because D.While 解析:选D 由下文“it wasn't nearly enough”可知,尽管她把塑胶铺在地板上,但明显不够。前后为转折关系。‎ ‎44.A.spreading B.flowing C.decorating D.covering 解析:选A 因为塑胶不够,所以沙子漫到了地板上。‎ ‎45.A.behave B.express C.defend D.enjoy 解析:选C 由随后女儿所讲的话可知,她是在为自己辩护。‎ ‎46.A.calmly B.angrily C.quickly D.nervously 解析:选B 由上一句“she responded angrily”的提示再结合本空前的“more”可判断选B项。‎ ‎47.A.suggested B.smiled C.nodded D.shouted 解析:选D 由上文“she responded angrily”可推知,女儿很生气,所以是在吼叫。‎ ‎48.A.wrong B.good C.dangerous D.unusual 解析:选A 由下文“she couldn't admit her mistakes”可判断,他认为女儿做错了事。‎ ‎49.A.sadness B.disappointment C.fear D.anger 解析:选C 由下一段“My fear translated into more anger”的提示可判断选C项。‎ ‎50.A.possible B.important C.natural D.reasonable 解析:选B 由上一段“thinking of the future: what would her life look like if she couldn't admit her mistakes”可推断,作者认为承认错误很重要。‎ ‎51.A.quarrel B.discussion C.chat D.meeting 解析:选A 由下一句“She said something that I felt disrespectful to me and I __52__ my voice.”可推断,父女俩发生了争执。‎ ‎52.A.lowered B.lost C.raised D.heard 解析:选C 因为女儿对父亲出言不逊,所以作者也提高了声音。‎ ‎53.A.remaining B.sounding C.looking D.feeling 解析:选D 争执之后两人的心情都很不好,作者希望这样的争执从来就没有发生过。‎ ‎54.A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometimes 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ ‎55.A.chance B.excuse C.way D.right 解析:选C 由下文“I asked her how I should ...”可推断,此处指方法。‎ ‎56.A.handled B.accepted C.understood D.tolerated 解析:选A 由下文“That's really a great way to deal with it”可推断该空选A项。‎ ‎57.A.course B.conversation C.company D.game 解析:选B 妻子扮演我,而将我当作女儿在进行对话。‎ ‎58.A.pick B.bring C.put D.clean 解析:选D 由“There's a lot of sand here”和“before it destroys the floors”可判断,此处指应将地上的沙子打扫干净。‎ ‎59.A.solve B.create C.identify D.ignore 解析:选C 由上一段“There's a lot of sand here”可推断,方法的第一步是先确认问题。‎ ‎60.A.help B.leave C.give D.stay 解析:选A 由“how can I help”可推断,方法的最后一步就是主动提供帮助。‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Kierman was born in Sydney, Australia, and grew up near the sea.For more than 40 years, he raced in international sailing __61__(compete).‎ While taking part in __62__ important race in 1987, Kierman began to notice the huge amount of rubbish in the world's oceans.He decided to do something about it.‎ He organized a community event called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour”.On Sunday, January 8, 1989, more than 40,000 volunteers came out __63__(clear) away rubbish.The next year, Kierman made the cleanup a national event, __64__ turned out to be a huge success.Across Australia, about 300,000 people spent the day __65__(improve) their local environment.‎ Since then, “Clean Up Australia” has got __66__(big) year by year.In 2002, for example, 800,000 people __67__(clean) up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australia's beaches, parks and streets.‎ ‎__68__(inspire) by the success of his project, Kierman started an even bigger program.__69__ the help of the United Nations Environment Program, he introduced “Clean Up the World” to other parts of the world.“Clean Up the World” has been growing__70__(rapid) and his wonderful idea has now spread from one city to the ‎ whole world.‎ 语篇解读:本文为记叙文。Kierman在参加环球航海比赛中,开始注意到海洋污染。于是,他组织成立了Clean Up Sydney Harbour,并取得了巨大的成功。‎ ‎61.competitions 该空所填单词在句中作raced in的宾语,需用compete的名词形式。并且比赛不止一个,故用复数形式。‎ ‎62.an 该空表示泛指,important是以元音音素开头的单词,因此该空用an。‎ ‎63.to clear to clear away rubbish是不定式短语作目的状语。‎ ‎64.which 关系代词which指代先行词event, 引导非限制性定语从句,并在句中作主语。‎ ‎65.improving spend time doing sth.表示“某人花时间做某事”。‎ ‎66.bigger 这里指的是活动规模一年比一年大,故用比较级。‎ ‎67.cleaned “In 2002”是具体的过去时间作状语,谓语动词用一般过去时。‎ ‎68.Inspired Inspired by the success of his project是过去分词短语作状语,分词动作与逻辑主语Kierman之间是动宾关系。‎ ‎69.With with the help of ...表示“在……的帮助下”。‎ ‎70.rapidly 该空所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词,需用rapid的副词形式。‎ 第四部分 写作 (满分35分,限时35分钟)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Hello, everyone! I would like to share my travel experience for you.Last summer, ours school had an exchange programme with an American school, but I took part in it with many classmates.We stay at host families, that gave us an opportunity to learn more about America.The main part of our programme was to experience the school life in the America.Compare with Chinese students, American students were very open and active.Besides, they had less homeworks and fewer exams.During the visit, I made friends with some American students, who were very interesting in Chinese culture.I think the programme is of great benefit to us as well the American students.‎ 答案:第二句:for→with 第三句:ours→our; but→and 第四句:stay→stayed; that→which 第五句:去掉in后的the 第六句:Compare→Compared 第七句:homeworks→homework 第八句:interesting→interested 第九句:well后加as 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 上周,机器人巡展在市展览馆隆重举行,学校组织大家到展览馆进行了参观。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇短文。‎ ‎1.参观了各种各样的机器人,包括新型的家居机器人、陪护机器人、教育机器人,还看了两场机器人的精彩表演;‎ ‎2.开阔了视野,激发了对科学的兴趣。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ 参考范文:‎ Last week, we paid a visit to the exhibition hall in our city, where we saw a variety of robots.The robots on display were in different sizes and shapes.We saw some new types of robots which we hadn't seen before.Such as household robots, nursing robots and educational robots.Some robots could do a great number of things just like human beings, including playing chess, playing table tennis, playing the piano and drawing pictures.In addition, we watched two wonderful performances given by robots.‎ This visit not only broadened our horizons, but also aroused our interest in science.‎

