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‎2020年高考英语专题复习:图画类作文常用句型 学习目标:‎ 掌握图画类作文写作的常用句型。‎ 重点难点:‎ ‎1. 能够恰当地运用图画类作文的常用句型进行写作。‎ ‎2. 图画类作文的写作技巧和提分策略。‎ 考情分析:‎ 图画类作文主要以图画为载体,附带少量文字提示或说明,要求考生从观察入手,通过对画面意思的理解,发挥想象力,按照一定的要求把图画内容准确、生动地加工成书面语言。这些情景形式具有直观明快、内容丰富、信息量大等鲜明特点,为考生提供了充分发挥自由想象空间的同时,也增加了写作的难度。这突出了对创新意识和发散思维能力的考查。‎ 知识梳理:‎ 一、图画类作文常用句型 A. 图画类作文写作基础句式 开头常用句式 ‎1. Look at the picture. ‎ 看一看这幅图。‎ ‎2. The picture shows that... / As is shown in the picture / What the picture shows is that... / The picture presents to us that...‎ 图片所示是……‎ ‎3. From the picture, we can see that... / As is seen in the picture... / As we can see in the picture... / In the picture we can see that... / We can see from the picture that...‎ 由图画我们可以看出……‎ ‎4. As is shown in the picture,...play(s) an important part in... ‎ 如图片所示,……在……方面起着重要作用。‎ ‎5. As can be seen from the picture, it’s clear that...‎ 如图片所示,很明显……‎ ‎6. It can be seen / found / noticed in the picture that...‎ 由图画可以看到/发现/注意到……‎ ‎7. The picture is trying to tell us that...‎ 这幅图片试图告诉我们……‎ ‎8. As is described in the picture...‎ 正如图片中所描述的……‎ ‎9. The purpose of the picture is to show us that...‎ 这幅图片是要向我们展示……‎ ‎10. The picture above reminds us of...‎ 上面的图画让我们想到……‎ B. 图画类作文写作高级句式 开头常用句式 ‎1. The picture shows / reflects a common social problem / a phenomenon...‎ 这幅图反映了一个普遍的社会问题(现象)……‎ ‎2. The picture conveys / indicates a message that...‎ 这幅图片传达(表明)了这样的信息……‎ ‎3. The picture intends to convey the message / meaning that...‎ 这幅图片试图传达了这样的信息……‎ ‎4. The message conveyed in the picture is clear.‎ 这幅图片所传达的信息是明确的。‎ ‎5. The picture makes me think a lot about...‎ 这幅图片让我想到了很多关于……‎ ‎6. Such phenomenon is quite common.‎ 这种现象很普遍。‎ ‎7. Such a case is not rare.‎ 这种情况并不少见。‎ ‎8. There are similar cases in our life.‎ 在我们的生活中也有类似的情况。‎ ‎9. There are several reasons behind this phenomenon.‎ 这种现象背后有几种原因。‎ ‎10. The reasons for this case can be listed as follows.‎ 这种情况的原因可列举如下。‎ ‎11. That sight reminds me of something in the daily life.‎ 这景象使我想起日常生活中的事。‎ ‎12. There are some possible reasons for this common social phenomenon. For one thing...,for another...‎ 对于这种普遍的社会现象有许多可能的原因。一方面……,另一方面…… ‎ ‎13. There are several / a number of reasons / factors accounting / that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.‎ 有几个(一些)原因(因素)可以说明图画中所反映的现象。‎ ‎14. From the picture, we can conclude / draw a conclusion that...‎ 从图画中我们可以得出结论……‎ 二、图画类作文范例解析 假设2月12日是你父亲的生日,下面三幅图描绘的是你给父亲买完礼物后乘坐地铁回家时经历的一件事。请根据图示,用英语写一篇日记记叙这件事,并谈谈自己的感受。‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1. 词数不少于100;‎ ‎2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:‎ 地铁(列车)—subway train 解析:‎ ‎1. 本篇作文为图画作文,题目要求根据图画内容写一篇日记,因此在格式上要符合日记的格式,即在第一行写上日期、星期和天气等。‎ ‎2. 看图写日记的写作属于应用文的一种,人称以第一人称为主,在描述事件内容的时候根据需要使用第三人称;时态则是以一般过去时为主。‎ ‎3. 明确写作意图:描述图画内容,写出乘坐地铁回家途中为人让座的经历,包括对方的感谢以及“我”的心情等。 ‎ 参考范文 ‎ February 12th Monday Sunny Today was my father’s birthday. I got on the subway train after I had bought the present. And when I was on the subway train, I imagined the situation when I gave the present to my father, my father would be very happy.‎ ‎ On the next station, there was a lady who had no seat in front of me. She also had two heavy bags. After a minute, I stood up and gave the seat to her. She was very happy and grateful. She said“Thank you!”to me, which made me feel proud.‎ ‎ Today was best. I felt the fun to help other people.‎

