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历届高考英语必备知识串讲解析大全 第1讲 一、Language Points ‎1.‎ share v. 分享、合用:share sth with sb n. 一份,股份 spare a. 业余的,备用的:spare time, a spare tire v. 抽出,匀给:spare me five minutes/‎ spare one of sandwiches for the boy spare no efforts:不遗余力 ‎ spare no expense:不惜工本 save v. 节省,救出 ‎2.‎ He felt lucky to have survived the war.‎ ‎3.‎ with sb about/over sth:和某人就某事争论 argue for/against sth:赞成/反对…‎ Sb into/out of (doing) sth:说服某人做/不做某事 ‎4.‎ have/make/let/see/watch/listen to ‎+宾+宾补(do/doing/done)‎ get sb to do sth have+宾+宾补(to do/to be done)‎ ‎5.‎ So+同一主语+助动词 So/neither/nor+助动词+另一主语 So it is/was with+另一主语 ‎6.‎ should/ought to/need/could/might/would+do/have done ‎7.‎ except/but/except for/except that/except wh-clause besides/in addition apart from but for=without ‎8.‎ The first time+从句 For the first time:作时间状语 It’s the first time+that-clause(完成时)‎ the first+名词+to do ‎9.‎ most most of the +n.(pl)/pron. ‎ the majority of (the)‎ mostly: 主要地(状)‎ ‎10.‎ be equal to sth:与…相等 be equal to (doing) sth:胜任(做)某事 equal sth:与…相等 equal sb in sth:在…方面与某人匹敌 ‎11.‎ compare…to/with…‎ compared to/with…‎ ‎12.‎ a great many several/two dozen/hundred +n.(pl.)‎ ‎(many) dozens of a great many of +the/these/those+n.(pl.)‎ seveal/two dozen of +pron.‎ ‎13.‎ much too+adj/adv(原级)‎ too much+n.(u.)‎ too many+n.(pl.)‎ ‎14.‎ ‎ 没有被动态 ‎ come about(主要用于疑问句、否定句)‎ ‎ happen(表示偶然、碰巧之意)‎ sth+ take place(多表示有组织、有计划)‎ ‎ break out(指战争、灾害、疾病等的爆发)‎ ‎ occur(与happen通用)‎ ‎ It occurs to sb that/to do…:某人突然想起…‎ ‎15.‎ ‎ n./pron./adj./adv./prep-phrase ‎ to do:表将来 With+宾+宾补 doing:表正在进行 ‎ Done:表过去 ‎16. 强调句型的判断方法:如果将句子中的“it be”和“that”去掉,原句通顺则是强调句,否则就不是强调句。例:‎ It was in the street that I met an old friend yesterday.‎ 同步练习一 ‎1. Does the teacher____ you to go home this weekend?‎ A allow B. consent C. agree D. approve ‎2. After the big fire, the house was completely____.‎ A. ruined B destroyed C. damaged D. spoiled ‎3. The hunter said he was lucky to get out of the forest____.‎ A. living B alive C. lively D. live ‎4. ____ talking with his Grandma, he went away without saying a word.‎ A. Tiring with B. Tiring of C. Tired with D Tired of ‎5. It’s necessary to have some____ knowledge for this job.‎ A. electric B electrical C. elctron D. electricity ‎6. The photo____ on the wall was taken in Beijing last year.‎ A. hang B hanging C. hung D. hanged ‎7. On New Year’s Day, people, especially girls, always wear new____-new hats, new coats, new trousers and new shoes.‎ A. clothes B clothing C. cloth D. cloths ‎8. He stays up____ in the evenings to go online to get the____ information.‎ A late, latest B. lately, last C. late, last D. latest, latest ‎9. ____ is it to ask her about her about that? She doesn’t know it either.‎ A What good B. How good C. What a good D. How much good ‎10. ____ I had done it I knew I had made a mistake.‎ A. Hardly B Directly C. mostly D. Nearly ‎11. It is said you went to see Jenny yesterday. What has become___ her?‎ A. from B of C. into D. /‎ ‎12. Who do you think will be allowed____ there tomorrow?‎ A. visit B to visit C. visiting D. visited ‎13. Today we can either fly to Hainan Island or take a ship___ the sea.‎ A. in B. across C. from in D across from ‎14. You wil find what great benefit the computer you own can be____ each time you use it to help you work.‎ A. for B of C. at D. on ‎15. I thought he was not____ of a professor the first time I heard him speaking to the children at the platform in the hall of our school.‎ A. something B anything C. somebody D. anybody ‎16. We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no____ but to take a taxi.‎ A. way B choice C. possibility D. selection ‎17. ____ students have graduated from this school in the last twenty years.‎ A Tens of thousands of B. Tens upon thousands of C. Tens in thousands D. Ten thousands of ‎18. The farmers plan to produce three times____ in the year before last to meet the increasing need of the people.‎ A. of crop as much this year as B as much crop this year as C. as more crop this year as D. much crop this year than ‎19. I think the house is____ large for a family of four people and the price is very reasonable.‎ A. too B. rather C fairly D. a little ‎20. His mother dislikes him, for he____ lies.‎ A. tells B is always telling C. has told D. always told 第2讲 一、Language points ‎1. sb./sth.+adj/n ‎ sb./sth.+to do ‎ consider(以为,认为)+ sb./sth.+as ‎ that-clause ‎ n.‎ ‎ consider(考虑)+ doing ‎ 疑问词+to do sth ‎ “把…当作…”的译法:consider…as ‎ =think of/look on/take/regard/treat/have…as ‎2. to do ‎ A way+ of doing ‎ (that/in which)+定语从句 ‎ A method of doing sth ‎ by this means You can solve the problem+ with this method ‎ in this way by means of:通过…方式,以…手段 by this/that means:通过这种/那种方式 ‎3 by all means:务必,一定;(用于回答)当然行,请 ‎ by no means:决不,一点也不(用于句首时用倒装)‎ ‎. protect…(from) doing sth ‎ prevent/stop…(from) doing sth ‎ keep…from doing ‎ keep…doing ‎ under the potection of…‎ ‎4. as well ‎ as well as ‎ might/may as well=had better ‎5. to do ‎ specially+ for-phrase ‎ especially ‎6. along the river:沿着河流 ‎ over the river:在河的正上方 ‎ through the forest:穿过森林 ‎ by the river:在河边 ‎ on the bank:在河岸上 ‎7. follow the instructions ‎ follow one’s advice ‎ as follows ‎8. be responsible to sb for sth ‎9. n.‎ ‎ doing/to do sth ‎ sb to do sth prefer+ sth to sth ‎ doing A to doing B ‎ to do A rather than do sth ‎ that sb (should) do sth ‎10. n.+after +n.=one +n. +after another ‎ 一个接一个(强调动作的重复)‎ ‎ n. +by +n.: 一个接一个(强调动作的变化)‎ ‎ tree after tree/day by day ‎11. say “hi” to sb.‎ ‎ Please remember me to sb.‎ 向“某人”问好 Send my regards to sb.‎ ‎ Send the best wishes to sb.‎ ‎12. 主+be +adj. +to do: 不定式一般用主动式,与主语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以当不定式的动词是不及物动词时,则应在其后加上适当的介词。‎ 主+be +adj. +to do= It be +adj.+ (for/of sb) +to do sth eg. This question is difficult to answer.=It’s difficult to answer the question.‎ The man is hard to work with.=It’s hard to work with the man.‎ 二、语法专题──冠词的考点 ‎1. 考查冠词的一些基本用法,例如:复数名词、不可数名词表示泛指不用任何冠词;the+单数名词表类指;a/an+单数名词表泛指。‎ ‎2. 考查冠词的习惯用法。如:in case of fire, be wounded in the leg, on the telephone, leave college等。‎ ‎3. 考查冠词的活用。如:抽象名词的具体化,a success; a/an+专有名词表泛指,an Edison。‎ ‎4. 考查零冠词的用法。‎ 三、题型归纳──结构型单项填空 结构型试题常表现在句子中某些成分的省略、标点符号的出现、倒装或插入其他成分使前后分离等,从而引起句子结构的变化,扰乱对句子的判断。‎ 1. 有省略的复合句。由于宾语从句或定语从句中谓语部分行为动词的省略,导致对不定式作状语产生误解。‎ 2. 标点符号的影响。由于受汉语习惯的影响,往往会因为句子中的标点符号,弄错句子的结构。‎ 3. 插入语的影响。有些句子由于中间插入了某些成分,而使句子显得支离破碎,造成对句子结构的误解。‎ 4. 倒装句型的基本结构:(1)完全倒装;(2)部分倒装:1)在特殊疑问句和一般疑问句中;2)so/neither/nor+do/be/have/情态动词+主语;3)当虚拟语气的条件从句中省略if时,were, had, 和should应置于句首,采用倒装结构;4)表示祝愿的句子:may+主语+动词原形;5)as, though引导让步状语从句时:提前部分+as+主语+谓语动词;6)表示否定意义的副词、介词短语和连词词组置于句首;7)当not until+时间状语从句置于句首时,主句应采用倒装结构,而从句仍用正常语序;8)not only…but also…连接两个句子时,第一个句子采用倒装结构,第二个句子不采用倒装结构;9)no sooner…tham…, hardly…when…, scarcely…when…都表示“一…就…”,强调过去的两个动作接连发生,当no sooner, hardly和scarcely置于句首时,主句常把had置于主语之前,采用倒装结构,但从句不倒装。 10)only+副词/介词短语/宾语/时间状语从句置于句首时,常采用倒装,但only+主语则不应采用倒装;11)在so/such…that…引导的结果状语从句中,将so+adj./adv.或such置于句首时,其主句常采用倒装结构。‎ 1. 强调句型,感叹句,并列句的应用。‎ 2. 独立主格结构。1) n+to do; 2) n+doing; 3) n+done; 4)n+prep.+n.; 5) n+adj/adv; 6)n+n; 7) with+n+to do/doing/done/adj/adv/prep+n.‎ 同步练习二 ‎1. He said he would do what he could____ us.‎ A. help B to help C. helping D. helped ‎2. He spent all the money he had____ that dictionary.‎ A. buy B. to buy C buying D. bought ‎3. There are more than three thousand students in my school, most of____ from the country.‎ A. that B. which C. whom D them ‎4. It is his cleverness, not his strenth, ____ defeated his rival.‎ A that B. which C. what D. who ‎5. The way you think of_____ our living conditions sounds reasonable.‎ A. improve B to improve C. improving D. improvement ‎6. I feel strongly that whatever you____ matter to me.‎ A. don’t B do doesn’t C. don’t do D. doesn’t do ‎7. Is this school____ you studied in two years ago?‎ A. that B. when C. it D the one ‎8. Please tell me the way thought of____ the garden.‎ A. take care of B to take care of ‎ C. taking care of D. how to take care of ‎9. Mr Wang was much disappointed to see the washing machine he had had____ went wrong again.‎ A. it repaired B. to be repaired C repaired D. repairing ‎10. We will do everything we can____ our city.‎ A to save B. save C. saving D. saved ‎11. The air quality in Beijing as well as in the neighboring cities we once spent much time____ better and better.‎ A. in getting B. having got C in is getting D. has got ‎12. Who did the teacher, as well as the monitor, ____ an article for the wall newspaper?‎ A. has write B. has written C have write D. have written ‎13. What do you consider____ to her?‎ A. to happen B. happening C happened D. happens ‎14. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to____ some schools for poor children.‎ A. set up B setting up C. have set up D. having set up ‎15. To his joy, the day he looked forward to____ at last?‎ A. coming B. come C came D. have come ‎16. How long do you think it is____ she arrived here?‎ A. when B. that C. before D since 第3讲 一、Language points ‎1. owe sb sth=owe sth to sb:欠某人某物 ‎ owe sth to sb/sth: 将…归功于…‎ ‎ owing to…: 由于…‎ ‎ =thanks to/because of/due to…‎ ‎2. think highly/poorly/little/a lot +of sb/sth ‎ speak highly/well/badly +of sb/sth ‎ sing high praise for sb/sth ‎3. apologize to sb for (doing) sth ‎ make an apology to sb for (doing) sth ‎ excuse sb for (doing) sth ‎ forgive sb for (doing) sth ‎ pardon sb for (doing) sth ‎4. make an impression on sb ‎ have an impression of sth ‎ impress sth on/upon one’s mind 5. serve in the army ‎ on the office ‎ serve the people/the dish ‎ serve sb with sth=serve sth to sb ‎ serve as the chairman 6. make jokes about: 取笑, 拿…开玩笑 ‎=make a joke about ‎ laugh at: 嘲笑 ‎ have a joke with sb: 开某人的玩笑 ‎ play a joke on sb=play tricks on sb: 戏弄 ‎ in joke: 闹着玩,开玩笑 ‎7. to do ‎ It’s time+ for sth ‎ For sb to do sth ‎ That-clause(一般过去时)‎ ‎8. the one/ones:替代同类事物中特指一个或一些 ‎ one: 替代上文提到的同类名词中的一个,表泛指 ‎ it: 指上文提到的同一个事物 ‎ that: 替代上文出现的带定冠词的名词或不可数名词 ‎9. none: 用来回答how many/how much引导的问句,常与of连用 ‎ no one: 只能指人,用来回答who引导的问句 ‎ neither: 两者都不,表单数 ‎ nothing: 用于指物,用来回答what引导的问句 ‎10. cloth 布(u.): a piece of cloth ‎ 表示某种特殊用途的布块(桌布):Wipe up the water with a cloth.‎ ‎ clothes: 衣服,服装。是一个没有单数形式的复数名词:‎ ‎ A suit of clothes 注:不能直接用数词修饰,但可用many, few, his, my, thse之类的词修饰,作主语时谓语动词用复数。‎ ‎ clothing: 服装,衣着。是一个无复数形式的物质名词,除衣服外,还包括幌子,手套,鞋袜之类的东西,作主语时谓语动词用单数。A piece of clothing, an artcle of clothing ‎ dress: 指穿在外面的衣服,尤指在社交场合穿的礼服及妇女的连衣裙。‎ ‎ suit: 成套的衣服。‎ ‎11. live: 活着,有生命的(作定语,主要用来指鸟或其他动物),实况直播的 ‎ lively: 活泼的,有生气的,生动的 ‎ alive: 活着的,还有气儿的,是表语形容词,在句中作表语或后置定语 ‎ living: 活着,健在的,现行的 ‎12. receive: 收到,接到(客观动作);accept: 接受,领受(主观意愿)‎ ‎ 接受教育、惩罚、支持,遭受不幸,接待客人:只用receive ‎ 接受某条件、建议:只用accept 13. turn+adj: 常表示从某种状态向其他状态变化的自然现象 ‎ The weather has turned much colder.‎ ‎ go+adj: 常表示由好变坏的情况:The milk went wrong/bad.‎ ‎ become+adj: 强调施动者的作用或变化的结果 ‎ Please don’t get angry.‎ ‎ come+adj: 一般表示向好的方面变化。‎ ‎ My dream has come true.‎ ‎14. 含有插入语的疑问句:‎ What do you think has happened to him?‎ How do you suppose the film will end?‎ Why do you believe he is unfit for the office?‎ 二、语法专题──代词的考点 ‎1. 不定代词:(1)all, any, none, both, either, neither; (2)another, other, the other, others, the others; (3)复合不定代词:someone, anyone, everyone, no one; something, anything, everything, nothing.‎ ‎2. it的用法:‎ ‎(1)it作实意代词,代替日期、时间、季节、距离;代替身份不明的人,心目中的人和事以及代替上文已提到的或下文将要提到的人、物或某种情况;代替指示代词this, that。‎ ‎(2)it作引导词:作形式主语和形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词和从句;it用于强调句型。‎ ‎3. 替代词one, ones, the one, the ones, that, those的用法。‎ ‎4. 人称代词在使用中要注意主格和宾格的区别,反身代词则要注意和主语一致。‎ 三、题型归纳──习语、搭配型单项填空 语言的习惯表达是语言在长期使用过程中的结果,不能随意改变。其表现形式主要在介词短语、名词短语及非谓语动词短语的习惯搭配等方面。习语、搭配型单项填空主要考查对英语习语及搭配的掌握和运用,这就需要在平时多加注意和积累,切不可想当然。‎ ‎1. 介词后的宾语:介词后面常接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,但是,在考试时要注意一些习惯用法。如:far from satisfied/over; take sth for granted; in hospital与in the hospital; at sea与at the sea。‎ ‎2. 冠词的增删:固定搭配中名词前的冠词的有无都是习惯用法,若去掉或增加,都会使其意思发生变化。如:in prison与in the prison; in bed与on the bed; in school与in the school; in possession of与in the possession of; in charge of与in the charge of; in front of与in the front of。‎ ‎3. 非谓语动词短语的考查重点:一是非谓语动词与逻辑主语的关系;二是非谓语动词与谓语动词所表示动作的时间先后关系;三是非谓语动词的习惯用法。另外,有些非谓语动词短语已经从非谓语动词短语中游离了出来,而成为表达某种意思的固定搭配。如:to be true; to tell you the truth; to be exact; judging by/from;‎ ‎ exactly speaking; frankly speaking; compared to/with等。‎ ‎4. 动词的搭配。如:mean to do sth/mean doing sth; forget to do sth/forget doing sth; be used to doing sth/used to do sth; head for/go to; lend to/borrow from; set about/set out; write down/take down/put down等。‎ ‎5. 动词短语。如:have a cold/catch cold; take place/take one’s place等。‎ ‎6. 短语动词。如:run out/run out of; stick to/keep on; bring in/bring on等。‎ ‎7. 形容词短语。如:be strict with/in; different from/in; be careful of/with等。‎ ‎8. 名词短语。如:the number of/a number of; a knowledge of等。‎ ‎1. No matter what you see, don’t take it for____, but use your head to think it over.‎ A. grant B. granting C granted D. grantness ‎2. When writing, he often keeps a dictionary____.‎ A. in hand B. on hand C at hand D. hand in ‎3. His wife often goes to____ on Sundays.‎ A church B. a church C. the church D. churching ‎4. It is good for you in your future life____ English.‎ A. have good knowledge of B. to have good knowledge of C to have a good knowledge of D. has a good knowledge of ‎5. ____ what he said, he has been to Australia.‎ A. Judge by B. Judged by C Judging from D. To judge from ‎6. She is always ready to help others and asking for nothing____.‎ A in return B. in case C. in addition D. in turn ‎7. They held a ceremony____ those killed in the battle.‎ A. instead of B. in favor of C. by means of D in honor of ‎8. The man____ the shop said we could have two days off.‎ A in charge of B. in the charge of C. take charge of D. take the charge of ‎9. When they got to America, they nearly____ money.‎ A. ran out B ran out of C. ran away D. ran away from ‎10. Word came that Brown____ the record in yesterday’s match.‎ A. made B. stroke C beat D. hit ‎11 Mr Wang is very old, but he works like a young man. In deed, I can’t admire him____.‎ A. very much B. so well C too much D. quite well 第4讲 一、Language points ‎1. sth ‎ sth for sth ‎ prepare+ for sth ‎ to do sth ‎ be prepared for ‎ be prepared to do sth ‎ make preparations for 2. They tied for first place in the game.‎ We tied with the visiting team in the basketball match.‎ The dog is tied to a tree.‎ ‎3. affect vt. 影响 ‎ effect n. 效果,作用 ‎ have a good/bad effect on ‎ in effect事实上 ‎ cause and effect因果 ‎ take effect生效,起作用 ‎ come into effect生效,实行 ‎ effort n. 努力 ‎ without effort毫不费力 ‎ make every effort尽一切努力 ‎ spare no effort不遗余力 3. weigh vt. 称…的重量 ‎ vi. 重达…, 重量为…‎ ‎ put on weight ‎ lose weight ‎ by weight ‎ in meters/pounds/calories ‎ by the day/the week/the yard/the dozen/the ton 4. ‎ in…参加…比赛 ‎ compete+ with/against…与…竞赛/竞争 ‎ for…角逐…,为获取…而竞赛 5. Where there is a river, there is a city.‎ Where there is a will, there is a way.‎ Where there is life, there is hope.‎ 6. ‎ do sth ‎ not do sth ‎ do sth than do sth ‎ would rather+ =would do sth rather than do sth ‎ =prefer to do sth rather than do sth ‎ that-clause+ did──表现在或将来 ‎ had done──表过去 2. do damage to sth live one’s dream in ruins/in pieces under attack/discussion/construction/consideration/treatment 3. almost: 差距比nearly小。可与never, no, no one, none, ‎ ‎ nobody, nothing, nowhere等否定词连用,但不能 ‎ 与not连用。‎ nearly: 不可与上述否定词连用,但可与not连用,构成 ‎ Not…nearly, 意为“远非…,远不及…”‎ 题型归纳──语境、语境+语法型单项填空 在题干上附加一些语言信息,将词法、句法等知识融入到语境之中,使试题语境化,其特点是:如果单独看空白和选项,各个选项都是正确的。然而,将题干和选项联系起来考虑,就只有一个最佳选项。常见的题型有:(1)对话语境;运用对话语境命题是高考的一种趋势,应该正确理解对话双方的语气、时态、语态,从而确定正确的选项;(2)句中的语境:有些试题选项中的一个或几个好像都适用这个问题,但是,根据句子的语境的意义,就可判断出只有一个是最佳答案;(3)动词的时态和语态,情态动词及语气,形容词和副词的级。‎ ‎1. ----Why? Tom, your shirt is so dirty?‎ ‎----Mom, I____ my store room downstairs.‎ A. cleaned B. have cleaned C. was cleaning D have been cleaning ‎2. ----I think Gorge doesn’t really care for TV plays.‎ ‎ ----Right, ____ he still watches the program.‎ A. and B but C. or D. so ‎3. If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll____ have to hold the meeting next week.‎ A. yet B. even C. rather D. just ‎4. I’m going to Beijing tomorrow. Do you have anything____ to your brother there?‎ A. to take B to be taken C. taken D. take ‎5. We are sure everything here____ by the time you come back from abroad in a few years.‎ A. had changed B. will have changed ‎ C. had been changed D will have been changed ‎6. Hello, you____ 323-65668. I’m sorry but I’m unable to answer your call right now.‎ A. reached B are reaching C. have reached D. had reached ‎7. The meeting is not over, and you____ not leave.‎ A. will B shall C. may D. need ‎8. Had I learnt English well, I____ the interview for the job tomorrow.‎ A would take B. would have taken C. shall take D. could be taken ‎9. Bob is____ honest boy, and he won’t tell lies.‎ A. most B. the most C a most D. very much ‎10. With the doctor’s treatment, Sally feels____ better now.‎ A. very B. fairly C. so D quite ‎11. Though the ship sunk, all the people on her____ be resuced.‎ A. could B. should C. had to D were able to ‎12. We will all appreciate____ you can come to join us in developing my hometown.‎ A. that if B it if C. it that D. that when ‎13. ____ he said to us yesterday____ true?‎ A. What can, was B. That can, was C Can what, be D. Can that, be ‎14. He told me that he would remember the days in Beijing University forever____ he got much help there from Professor Zhu.‎ A. where B. which C. that D when ‎15. ____ is what he did, not what he said, that moved us greatly.‎ A It B. This C. Which D. As 第5讲 一、Language points ‎1. sth:与…一致/符合 ‎ sb:同意某人 ‎ with one’s idea/opinion 同意某人的意见 ‎ what sb said (观点,所说的话)‎ ‎ to on’s plan/arrangement/suggestion agree 同意某人的计划、安排、意见 ‎ about/on/upon sth同意做某事 ‎ to do sth ‎ that-clause ‎2. of/about sth 提醒 ‎ remind sb to do sth ‎ that-clause 使人回忆起…‎ ‎3. add…to…:把…加上(在)…‎ ‎ add to=increase:增添,增进 ‎ add up (to):加(起来是),总计达…‎ ‎4. success n.(U)成功,(C)成功者/事 ‎ succeed v. successful a. successfully ad.‎ ‎ be successful in (doing) sth ‎ succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 ‎ have success in doing sth ‎ Sb/sth is a success.‎ 5. be/stay/keep+in touch with 表状态 be out of touch with get in touch with 表动作 lose touch with ‎6. in case of+短语 in case+从句 ‎ in no case决不 ‎ in any case无论如何 ‎ in that case如果那样 5. expensive/cheap valuable/valueless priceless=very expensive:无价的 6. respond (vi)+ to…:对…回应 ‎ with/by:以…(方式)回答,响应 ‎ resonse (n.)‎ 7. be harmful to sb/sth do sb/sth harm do harm to sb/sth do sb/sth good do good to sb/sth 5. die out:(家族、物种等)死光,灭绝;‎ ‎ (习俗、做法、观念)消失,过时;(火)熄灭 die away:(风、声音、光线等)逐渐停止(消失)‎ die down:(指炉火等)渐熄;(指骚动等)渐平息;(指闹声)消失 die off:先后死去了;…死去 die of:死于内因(如疾病、年老、饥饿、情感等)‎ die from:死于外因(如损伤、事故、天灾等)‎ ‎11. as a/the result of:由于…‎ as a result:结果,因此 result from:因…而引起 result in=cause:导致,致使…‎ 12. take measures to do sth:采取措施 make clothes to one’s own measure:量体裁衣 13. late:晚,迟,不久前 lately=recently:近来 last:最后,最后的 latest:最近的,最新的 later:后来;结构常为:一段时间+later:过了…之后 14. adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人 adapt sth/sb to sth/sb:使某物/某人适应某物/某人 adapt oneself to:使自己适应某事 adapt from:根据…改写/改编 adapt:指修改或改变以适应新条件 ‎ You should adapt yourself t the new environment.‎ adjust:是指“调整、调节”使之适应 ‎ You can’t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to ‎ your eyes fit:多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”‎ ‎ The shoes fitted me well.‎ suit:多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”等 ‎ No dish suits all taste.‎ match:指“大小、色调、形状、性质等”相配或相称 ‎ A red jacket doesn’t match green trousers.‎ adopt sb:收养 ‎ sth:采用 12. devote oneself/time/life to ‎ look forward to doing sth be/get used to stick to/get down to/object to 13. free of charge for free be free from set sb/sth free 14. by force:靠武力,强行 be in force:生效 come/go into force:生效 force one’s way:强行前进或进入 15. It’s one’s turn to do sth:轮到某人干某事 take one’s turn:依次,轮到某人 in turn:依次,轮流,反过来,转而 by turns:轮流,交替 take turns (at) doing sth/to do sth:轮流干某事 二、语法专题──介词的考点 ‎1. 常用介词的意义区别 ‎(1)表示时间 at+时间点:在…时刻,在…点钟,在…岁时 ‎ on+某天或某天的某个时间:在某日、星期几、某日早中晚等 ‎ in+时间段:在…期间,在…以后,在…时间内 ‎ by+时间:在…之前,不迟于…,常与完成时连用 ‎(2)表示方位:in/on/to/off ‎(3)表示部位 ‎ ‎ on+ the head/shoulder/back/nose:表示拍打较硬或凸形的部位 ‎ in+ the face/ear/stomach/eye::表示拍打较软或凹形的部位 ‎ by+ the arm/hand/nose: 表示牵、拉、抓某部位 ‎(4)表示之间:between/among ‎(5)表示方式 ‎ by:乘…(交通工具),通过…(方法),常接无冠词名词或动名词 with:以…工具/手段,用身体某部位,常接带冠词的具体某工具 in:表示表达的方法、媒介、工具、材料等 through:通过…途径/方式/方法 ‎(6)表示穿越 ‎ through:表示从物体里面穿过,还可表示沿着街道、河流走 across:表示从物体表面经过,还可表示横过街道、河流 over:表示从物体上方越过,还可表示挎在肩上 ‎2. “介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 ‎3. with的复合结构 ‎4. 含有介词的固定搭配 ‎①有无冠词,意义不同 in front of/in the front of in charge of/in the charge of out of question/out of the question at table/at the table on earth/on the earth ‎②有无介词,意义不同 know sb.认识某人/know about sb.了解某人 shoot sb.击中某人/shoot at sb.向某人射击 search sb.搜身/search for sb.搜寻某人 believe sb.相信某人的话/believe in sb.信任某人的人格 benefit sb.使某人受益/benefit from sb.从某人那里得到益处 ‎③不要画蛇添足 serve for the people为人民服务 enter into the room进入房间 follow behind me跟在我后面 at the moment… …就…‎ in this/that/last/next year今年/那年/去年/明年 in one/any/each/every/some/all year 一年/任何一年/每年/每年/某年/全年 marry with sb.与某人结婚 go to abroad出国 live in upstairs住在楼上 ‎④不要张冠李戴 be caught in the rain被雨淋着(不用by)‎ leave for someplace动身去某地(不用to)‎ set an example to sb为某人树立榜样(不用for)‎ in the direction朝着…方向(不用to)‎ do a favor for sb帮某人一个忙(不用to)‎ different from和…不同(不用with)‎ with the help of在…的帮助下(不用under)‎ steal sth from sb偷某人的东西(不用of)‎ ‎⑤别丢三落四 drop in on sb拜访某人(别丢了on)‎ drop in at someplace参观某地(别丢了at)‎ look down upon瞧不起(别丢了upon)‎ think of…as认为…是(别丢了of)‎ look on…as认为…是(别丢了on)‎ rxplain to sb sth向某人解释某事(别丢了to)‎ from behind the door从门后面(别丢了behind)‎ be worth listening to值得一听(别丢了to)‎ 三、题型归纳──逻辑型单项填空 这类题型主要从句子的形式、句子的意义来考查对英语句子的把握和理解情况,具体表现在主谓一致、意义一致、人称一致、非谓语动词及介词的逻辑主语一致等方面。‎ ‎1. Qiong Yao with her works____ very popular with us young people.‎ A. be B. are C. were D become ‎2. What I like best, to tell you the truth, ____, in my opinion, the books my brother bought me as my birthday present last week.‎ A are B. is C. have D. existed ‎3. The teacher told us that practice____ perfect.‎ A. make B makes C. made D. making ‎4. Hurry up, if you____ there with us.‎ A. go B will go C. would go D. could go ‎5. At the age of seven, ____.‎ A. his father died B he lost his father C. his dog followed him D. his parents divorced ‎6. ____, his mother saw him playing games with other children.‎ A. On his way home B. From his room C From her office D. Under his nose ‎7. She has long been expecting a chance to study abroad and at last she got____.‎ A. it B. that C. another D one ‎8. If a student can make what has been learned____ whether in class or from social practice, he will make steady progress.‎ A. his own B. him C. himself D his ‎9. He is one of the students who, I’m sure, always do____ best.‎ A. his B their C. my D. one’s ‎10. Neither Rose nor Henry likes to attend the meeting, ____?‎ A. does she B. does he C do they D. did you ‎11. ____ more attention, the tree may grow better.‎ A. Give B. Giving C Given D. To give ‎12. Someone must have taken it away this morning, ____?‎ A. haven’t they B. hasn’t he C. don’t they D didn’t he ‎13. ----What do you think worries him so much? ----____.‎ A. He didn’t pass the exam B. His father is seriously ill C. Lost his bike D What Jim said just now ‎14. Miss Wilson, whose parents are____ working in China, is studying in Peking University now.‎ A. either B. all C both D. no ‎15. The teacher as well as a number of students____to attend the party yesterday.‎ A. were asked B was asked C. were asking D. was asking 第6讲 一、Language points 1. keep a record of keep records of break/beat the record for/in+比赛项目 hold/keep the record of set (up) the world record for/in+比赛项目 set up a new world record make a record/make records play/put on a record 2. ‎ sb/sth=be satisfied with sb/sth ‎ satisfy one’s desires/hunger/thirst ‎ the conditions to one’s satisfaction adj.: satisfying, satisfied, satisfactory 3. treat a disease ‎ sb treat sb/oneself (to sth)‎ This is my treat.‎ Dutch treat 4. explain/whisper sth to sb ‎=explain/whisper to sb sth in a whisper=in whispers 1. character: 性格,人物,汉字 characteristic: 特征,特点 2. trouble sb to do be troubled with ask/look for trouble get into trouble be in trouble get out of trouble have trouble (in) doing sth have trouble with sth make trouble:闹事 take (the) trouble to do:尽力/设法做…‎ put sb to the trouble of doing:麻烦某人做…‎ ‎7. turn on turn off turn in give/hand out turn up turn down turn around/round ‎ turn away turn over turn back turn out (to be)‎ turn to sb/sth 3. only if…: 只有,只要…‎ ‎ had done──过去 ‎ if only: 要是…该多好+ did/were──现在 ‎ would/should do 将来 ‎ did/were ‎ 2. at one time=once at times=sometimes at all times=always at a time=each time at no time at the same time 3. supply sth to sb=supply sb with sth provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 4. have a habit of doing form/develop the habit of be in the habit of 2. face the music: 临危不惧 play music=perform music 3. more than: 不仅仅,超过 more than one+n.(单)+V(单):不止一个 ‎ More than one student likes this film.‎ more than+n/adj: 远非,不仅仅是…‎ ‎ Bamboo is used for more than building.‎ no more than: 只有,仅仅 not more than=at (the) most: 最多…,不超过…‎ more…than…:与其说…不如说…‎ ‎ The man is more brave than wise.‎ ‎14. the next time时间名词短语用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,此外the first time, every/ each time, the moment, the minute, the second。‎ 二、语法专题──动词和动词短语的考点 ‎1. 动词和动词短语的考查重点是放在特定语境中的辨析 ‎2. 几组常考的动词短语 ‎1. get along:离开,进展,继续 ‎ get across:越过,使…让人理解 ‎ get away:逃走,逃避,得以离开 ‎ get back:回来,取回 ‎ get down:记下,吞下 ‎ get off:下车(飞机),下班 ‎ get on:上车 ‎ get in:上车,收割,到站,插话 ‎ get up:起床,站起,(风)变猛烈 ‎ get through:(电话)接通,通过,用完,完成 ‎ get together:聚会,收集 ‎2. take away:拿走,带走,消除(病痛等),减去 ‎ take down:取下,记下,拆掉,吞下,病倒 ‎ take out:拔掉,切除,带(某人)出去,获得 ‎ take off:脱掉,起飞,成功 ‎ take up:占据(时间或空间),以…作为爱好或消遣,从事 ‎3. break away (from): 逃掉,脱离,改掉 ‎ break down:出故障,失败,中断 ‎ break in:突然进来,插嘴 ‎ break into:强行进入,插嘴 ‎ break out:突然发生,爆发 ‎ break up:解散,结束,破裂,绝交 ‎4. come about:发生 ‎ come across:(偶然)遇见 ‎ come on(upon):偶然碰见,出现 ‎ come on:来吧,快点,加油 ‎ come along:一道去 ‎ come in:到来,进来,上市 ‎ come out:出来,出版,有…结果 ‎ come over:来访,产生 ‎ come round:来访,到来 ‎ come to:来到,合计,苏醒,谈到 ‎5. pick out:挑选,找出 ‎ pick up:拿起,捡起,收拾,学会;(用车)来接,去取:‎ ‎ 改进,改善,重新开始,继续,感染(疾病,坏习惯)‎ ‎6. give away:赠,送,泄露,出卖 ‎ give back:归还,送回 ‎ give in:屈服,让步,投降 ‎ give off:发出(蒸汽,光等)‎ ‎ give out:分发,耗尽,筋疲力尽,发出(气味,热等)‎ ‎ give up:放弃 ‎7. cut down:砍倒,削减,压缩 ‎ cut in:插入,插话,插队 ‎ cut off:切断,隔断,断绝 ‎ cut out:剪成,戒掉 ‎8. make…into(out of)…:使…成为(变成)…‎ ‎ make…of(from)…:由…制成…(多用被动式)‎ ‎ make for:往…去,有助于 ‎ make it:及时赶到,成功,做成 ‎ make out:理解,看清,填写,假装 ‎ make up:构成,编写,编造,和解,弥补,凑足,准备好 ‎9. look about/around:环顾四周,四处看 ‎ look after:照顾,照料 ‎ look at:看,注视 ‎ look down on/upon:看不起 ‎ look for:寻找 ‎ look forward to:期盼(to为介词)‎ ‎ look into:调查 ‎ look like:看起来像,似乎要 ‎ look out:向外看,当心,找出 ‎ look over:审阅,翻阅,检查 ‎ look through:翻看,浏览 ‎ look to:注意,负责 ‎ look up:查阅,看望 ‎ look up to:尊敬 ‎11. bring about:引起,导致 ‎ bing back:送还,带回,使想起 ‎ bring down:降低(温度,价格)‎ ‎ bring on:带来,引起 ‎ bring out:取出,显示出,衬托出,出版,推出(作品)‎ ‎ bring through:使渡过(困难,危机)‎ ‎ bring up:提出,培养,呕吐 ‎12. call at:访问(某地)‎ ‎ call away:叫走,转移(注意力)‎ ‎ call back:唤回,回电话 ‎ call for:去取(某物),去接(某人),要求,号召 ‎ call in:叫来,召集 ‎ call off:叫走,转移开,取消 ‎ call on:造访(某人)‎ ‎ call (up) on sb to do sth:叫(请)某人做某事,号召某人做某事 ‎ call out:大声叫(喊)‎ ‎ call up:(给…)打电话 ‎14. go back:回去,回顾,回溯 ‎ go by:(从…)旁边经过,(时间、机会)过去,以…为依据 ‎ go down:下落,下降,减弱 ‎ go in for:参加(考试,比赛),从事(职业),爱好 ‎ go into:到达,进入,从事,调查 ‎ go out:出去,出国,熄灭 ‎ go over:复习,演习,检查 ‎ go through:通过,检查,审查,查找,经历,做完,用完 ‎ go up:上升,上涨 ‎15. hold back:阻止,忍住 ‎ hold out:支持,坚持 ‎ hold to:抓紧,坚持 ‎ hold up:竖起,阻碍,延误 ‎ catch/get/seize/take hold of:抓住 ‎ keep hold of:抓住,握住 ‎16. put away:收拾,放弃,打消,存蓄 ‎ put down:放下,写下,使下车,镇压 ‎ put off:推迟,推脱,使不高兴 ‎ put on:穿,戴,上演,装(样子),开(电、灯),增加 ‎ put out:扑灭,生产,发表,使不高兴 ‎ put up:举起,撑起,架起,张贴 ‎17. set about:开始或着做某事(+n./doing)‎ ‎ set out:动身,开始,想要(+to do)‎ ‎ set up:建立,创立,树立 三、题型归纳──交际型单项填空 英语交际型试题主要考查社会交往中一些常用的日常交际用语,考查方式多以应答为主,提问为辅,并以跨文化交际中中英交际文化差异明显的交际项目为重点对象。主要包括对请求、建议的回答,对祝愿的回答,对道歉的回答,对感谢、观点的回答。‎ ‎1. ----Help yourself to some apples and grapes, please. ----_____.‎ A. Yes, of course B Thank you ‎ C. That’s right D. Yes, I will.‎ ‎2. ----Many happy returns of the day! ----____.‎ A. The same to you B. Me, too ‎ C Thank you D. Don’t be polite ‎3. ----I’m sorry but I didn’t mean to break it. ----_____.‎ A. Why not be careful B. Why so careless C Be careful next time D. You’re too foolish ‎4. ----Thank you for your help. ----_____.‎ A. With pleasure B. No, thanks C It’s my pleasure D. I didn’t help you much ‎5. ----Bruce works very hard. ----_____.‎ A So he does B. So does he ‎ C. It’s the same with you D. So you do ‎6. ----Are you sure it’s going to snow this weekend? ----_____.‎ A. I don’t think B. I think not so C. I don’t think about it D I don’t think so ‎7. ----How do you like your Chinese teacher? ---_____.‎ A He is very kind B. Yes, I like him very much C. No, I dislike him D. He is much better now ‎8. ----I’ll be away for a few days. Would you mind looking after my dog? ----Not at all._______.‎ A. I’d rather not B I’d be glad to C. I have no time D. I’d like it ‎9. ---Hey, look where you are going! ----Oh, I’m terribly sorry.____.‎ A. I’m not noticing B I wasn’t noticing C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice ‎10. ----How often do you eat out? ----____, but usually once a week.‎ A. Have no idea B It depends ‎ C. As usually D. Generally speaking ‎11. ----Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?‎ ‎ ----_____. I love getting close to nature.‎ A I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not C. I believe not D. I don’t think so ‎12. ----Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.‎ ‎ ----____ Have you got the first prize in the competition?‎ A What for? B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, I’d like to D. Why not?‎ ‎13. ----Now, where is my purse? ----_____!We’ll be late for the picnic.‎ A. Take your time B. Don’t worry C Come on D. Take it easy ‎14. ----Excuse me, could you tell me the time?‎ ‎ ----Sorry. I don’t have a watch with me.‎ ‎ ----_____.‎ A. It’s a pity B. Thanks a lot ‎ C. I’m sorry to hear that. D Thanks anyway.‎ ‎15. ----Do you think I could borrow your bike? ----______.‎ A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C Yes, help yourself D. Yes, go on 第7讲 一、Language points ‎1. choose:选中,选出(结果)‎ ‎ choose from:从…中挑选 ‎ pick:挑选(小东西)‎ ‎ select:选择(过程)‎ ‎ elect:选举 ‎ vote:投票 ‎2. be similar to ‎ the same as ‎3. light lit, lit(后置定语、状语、表语,完成时,被动态)‎ ‎ lighted, lighted(前前态一梦otet )‎ ‎4. celebrate+sth in celebration of/for the celebration of:为了庆祝…‎ congratulate+sb+on+sth ‎5. give away:离开,赠送 keep away (from):使离开 break away (from):脱离 put away:存储 do away with:处理掉 turn away:解雇 throw away:扔掉 ‎6. honour vt. :尊敬,以…为荣 ‎ n. :尊敬,(pl)光荣,荣誉 ‎ in honor of:为了纪念…,尊敬 ‎ a sense of honour:廉耻心 ‎ show honor to sb:尊敬某人 ‎7. pain (n.):指一般的疼痛;pains:还有“麻烦,努力”之意 ache (v.):指局部较持久的疼痛,是陷痛;‎ ‎(n.)常见在复合词中:headache,stomachace hurt vt:伤害 ‎ vi:常指精神、感情伤害;也指肉体伤害。‎ ‎8. a bit/a little:一点儿,在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级 not a bit=not at all not a little=very much a bit of +n.(u)‎ a little ‎ ‎9. in a/one word:简言之,总之 in other words:换句话说 in words:用语言,口头上 word (u):消息,诺言 ‎10. such as:用于列举事物,且只列举部分 ‎ for example/instance:用来举例说明,不表列举或等同 ‎ namely=that is (to say):即(列举全部)‎ ‎11. develop healthy habits:养成健康的习惯 ‎ develop an interest in sth:培养…的兴趣 ‎ develop…into…:把…发展成为…‎ ‎ develop from…:从…进化/发展起来 ‎ develop natural resources:开发自然资源 ‎ develop films:冲洗胶卷 ‎12. 现在进行时有时代替一般现在时,表示经常性或重复性的动作,句中常见的副词有:forever, always, repeatedly, constantly, 也用every/each day/year; 这时往往表达一种感情色彩,如:不满,厌烦,赞扬等。‎ She is always helping others.‎ The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.‎ 二、语法专题──动词的时态和语态的考点 ‎1. 试题的立意由简单直接的“结构立意”转向了“情景立意”。试题创设的语境明确,交际情景多是以对话的形式出现,并且大多数发生在学生学习和日常生活中的真实情景。‎ ‎2. 题干中的有效信息不再让人一眼看穿,而是隐藏在字里行间,近几年在这一类考题中,很少在情景中出现明显的时间信息,如时间状语等。‎ ‎3. 解决时态和语态问题时,可遵循如下解题思路:‎ ‎(1)这个动作可能发生在什么时间?题干中可参照的信息有哪些。‎ ‎(2)动作与主语的关系,是被动还是主动。‎ ‎4. 四组容易混淆的时态:‎ ‎(1)现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:现在完成时强调动作结果对现在的影响,属于现在时的范畴;一般过去时强调动作所发生的时间是在过去,属于过去时的范畴。因此,一般过去时需跟表示过境的时间连用或有表过去时间的上下文,而现在完成时不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。‎ ‎(2)过去完成时与一般过去时的区别:过去完成时表示以过去某时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态,即过去完成时强调动作发生在“过去的过去”;而一般过去时只表示以现在时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态。‎ ‎(3)过去完成时与现在完成时的用法区别:两种时态都常与一段时间和状语连用,但现在完成时表示的是延续到现在或同现在有关的动作(句中不可有表示过去特定时间的状语),而过去完成时表示的是在过去某时之前已经完成或延续到过去某时的动作(句中有表示过去特定时间的状语)。‎ ‎(4)将来完成时由“shall/will+have done”构成,表示动作或状态延续到将来某一时刻,常用延续性动词,并带有一个表示将来某一时间的状语或状语从句,如:by the end of this month, by then, this time next week, by the time等;将来完成进行时由“shall/will+have been doing”构成,表示某个动作在将来的某个时间以前已经开始,并一直持续进行着。‎ ‎5. 关于被动语态的几种特殊用法:‎ ‎(1)主动形式表被动:表示感觉或变化的feel, look, smell, sound, taste, turn, prove, get等系动词的主动形式表被动意义;动词let, blame的不定式作表语或定语时,主动形式表被动意义。‎ ‎(2)由“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态:这种形式的被动语态主要用于:①给自己做事(get dressed穿衣);②设法做到自己称心的事(get elected当选);③由于客观原因遇到不尽如人意的事(get burned烧焦);④表示命令(get washed!去洗洗吧)。‎ ‎(3)在表示“(某物)需要”的need, want, require等后的动名词用主动形式表被动。‎ ‎(4)“据说类”的3个被动句型:如果我们要想把话说的谨慎些,可以用下列被动结构:①It is said that…;②There is said to be…;③sb/sth is said to…。能用于这类句型的动词还有believe, think, consider, suppose, hope, suggest, report, know, understand等。‎ ‎6. 某些固定句式中的动词时态是固定的、约定俗成的:‎ ‎(1)This/It is the first/second…time+that-clause: that从句一般用现在完成时,如果把前边的is改为was, 则that从句用过去完成时。‎ ‎(2)It is/has been+一段时间+since从句:since从句中一般用过去时,如果将前边的is改为was,则since从句中用过去完成时。‎ ‎(3)be about to do…when…: 意为“即将…(这时)突然…”。‎ ‎(4)be(was/were)+doing…when…: 意为“正在干…(这时)突然…”。‎ ‎(5)Hardly/Scarcely had…done…when…; No sooner had…done…than…, when和than从句里用一般过去时,表示“刚刚…就…”。‎ ‎(6)It+be+一段时间+before从句:如果主句用将来时,则从句用一般现在时表将来时,意为多长时间以后即将发生某事;如果主句用过去时,从句也用过去时,意为多长时间后发生了某事。‎ 三、题型归纳──综合型单项填空 综合型单项填空已经成为高考英语命题的一种趁势。要求具备以下的几个方面的知识的能力:‎ ‎1.交际能力:在交谈中,我们必须了解并掌握各种不同交际功能的语言形式,才能正确理解说话者的心理,选出正确答案。‎ ‎2. 对语境的理解能力:我们在弄清说话者的字面意义的基础上,还必须能够深层理解,看出言外之意,作出正确选择。‎ ‎3. 扎实的词汇知识:一方面必须能正确辨别词汇的意义及感情色彩;另一方面必须掌握词汇的正确搭配及习惯或固定结构。‎ ‎4.‎ ‎ 牢固的语法知识:我们必须掌握牢固的英语语言基础知识,对各种语言现象能用所学的知识进行科学的解释。‎ ‎1. ----What about____ passage?‎ ‎ ----It’s too difficult____ passage for me.‎ A. a, a B. a, the C the, a D. the, the ‎2. ----How is your grandmother? ----She____ for many years.‎ A. died B. has died C. has been died D has been dead ‎3. ----Why is the boy crying there? ----Because____ his father.‎ A. being scolded by B. scolding C. of scolding D of being scolded by ‎4. ----What do you think make Jenny unhappy and worried?‎ ‎ ----____ her new PC.‎ A. Because she lost B. Lost ‎ C. As a result of losing D Losing ‎5. ----Could I borrow your motor bike? ----Yes, of course, you____.‎ A. might B. could C can D. should ‎6. ----Can I help you, sir? ‎ ‎----Yes. I bought this radio her yesterday, but it____.‎ A. didn’t B. won’t work C. can’t work D doesn’t work ‎7. I like____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.‎ A. this B. that C it D. one ‎8. ----You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?‎ ‎ ----____. How I wish to go there!‎ A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D No, I haven’t ‎9. ----Your phone number again? I____ quite catch it.‎ ‎ ----It’s 9568442.‎ A didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. can’t ‎10. ----Will $200____?‎ ‎ ----I’m afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars.‎ A. count B. satisfy C. fit D do ‎11. He came home after midnight, and____, he got drunk.‎ A worse still B. that means C. what’s the matter D. what else ‎12. You can, ____, come to join us in the singing programme.‎ A. if you happy B. when you possible C if you please D. when you necessary ‎13. Mr Smith, ____ of the____ speech, started to read a novel.‎ A tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. was tired, bored D. was tiring, boring ‎14. I have a lot of books, half of____ novels.‎ A. which B. that C. whom D them 第8讲 一、Language points ‎1. recognize sb as:认出某人是…‎ be recognized as:某人被认作…‎ ‎ recognize sb to do sth:承认某人做某事 ‎ recognize that-clause ‎ recognition (n.)‎ ‎2. dress:既表动作,也表状态+ dress sb ‎ be dressed in ‎ have on:表状态,不用于进行时 ‎ wear:表状态+(衣服、鞋帽、领带、围巾、首饰、眼镜)‎ ‎ 表示某一时间的穿戴,常用进行时 ‎ put on:表动作 ‎3. prove sth ‎ sth to sb sth to be ‎ as ‎(to be)that-clause ‎4. beyond control:无法控制 ‎ in control:控制着 ‎ under control:控制中 ‎ out of control=lose control of:失控 ‎5. tear sth to/into pieces ‎ sth in half/into halves ‎ sth open ‎ sth down ‎ at sth:撕扯着…(表过程)‎ ‎ sth:撕碎/撕破(表结果)‎ ‎ up:毁掉 ‎ off:脱去、跑掉 ‎ away from…:从…夺走 ‎6. attend school/church ‎ attend the meeting/lecture ‎ join party/league/club/sb ‎ join in the party/activity ‎7. call on sb=drop in on sb ‎ call at a place=drop in at a place ‎ visit +sb/a place ‎ pay a visit to a place ‎8. be (well) worth + n./doing sth ‎ be worthy + of+n.‎ ‎ of+being done ‎ to be done ‎9. pay for sth pay sb for sth pay sb money for sth=pay money to sb for sth ‎ pay off:全部还清 ‎ pay back:偿还,归还;报复 ‎10. make/carry out/perform/do experiment ‎ by experiment ‎ experiment on/upon…:对…进行实验 二、语法专题──非谓语动词的考点 ‎1. 非谓语动词的句法功能 具有哪些词的部分特征 可作哪些句子成分 名词 形容词 副词 主 宾 表 定 状 补 不定式 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 动名词 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 现在分词 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 过去分词 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎2. 不定式和分词作状语的比较 名称 状语类型 时间 目的 结果 原因 方式 条件 伴随 让步 不定式 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 现在分词 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 过去分词 ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ 注:不定式和分词都可作结果状语,但用法和意义不同。不定式常和only, never连用,强调意想不到的结果和失望的情绪;而分词往往与主句有因果关系,主句表原因,分词形式表结果。‎ ‎3. 非谓语动词的选择原则:(1)与逻辑主语之间的关系:主谓或动宾;(2)与主谓语动词的时间关系:①在主谓语之前一般用完成式;②与主谓语同时发生一般用现在分词;③在主谓语之后一般用不定式。‎ ‎4. 只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词 建议冒险去献身,忍受期待不停顿;‎ 放弃延期悔失去,坚持欣赏实践成;‎ 注意原谅避反对,考虑要求不自禁;‎ 允许习惯不介意,价值开始想动名。‎ 它们所对应的动词或词组分别是:advise, suggest, risk, devote oneself to; have/bear/stand(忍受), look forward to, stop, give up, delay, put off, regret, miss; keep (on)/insist on/stick to, enjoy/appreciate, feel like, practice, finish; pay attention to, excuse, escape, avoid, object to; consider, require, cannot help, forbid; permit, be/get used to, mind; be worth, set about, imagine.‎ 三、题型归纳──完形填空的解题要决一 巧用首句信息:①利用首句把握文章的体裁:如果文章开头交代事情发生的时间、地点以及人物等,毫无疑问就是记叙文;如果文章开门见山点明话题或作者的观点,那么很可能就是议论文或说明文。②分析首句信息,预测下文内容:一般情况下,根据首句所给的线索,就能粗知短文的大概内容。由首句的提示,加上语法分析、逻辑推理,并借助于短文中关键词语所提供的信息以及上下文之间的关系,就能进一步确切了解短文内容,为确定答案开辟道路。‎ 例1:Monty owns a horse ranch(牧场) in San Sedro. Once when asked about his____, he told the story about a young man, son of a horse trainer.‎ A. life B. success C. family D. education ‎[分析]从本文的开头可以断定是记叙文,同时第一句话还透露出Monty有一定的成就。从后文的“a horse trainer”可知他出身贫贱,由此可以断定,人们不是询问他的“生活”,“家庭”或“受教育”情况,而是询问他“成功的秘诀”。‎ 例2:…Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them____.‎ A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy ‎[分析]文章开头谈到一个人进行太空旅行会感到很孤单,因此通常给单独旅行的宇航员安排很多工作以排遣这种孤独的情绪。由常识可知,人在忙碌的时候不会感到孤单,而其他三项都与第一句话没有关系。‎ 例3:When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the____ side is also interesting…‎ A. each B. other C. another D. either ‎[分析]作者非常喜欢阅读报纸上的文章,当他想要把那些好的文章剪下来保留时却发现其背面的文章也同样有趣。由文中的“newspapers”及常识可知报纸只有两面,故用other。‎ 第9讲 一、Language points ‎1. when 既可指时间的某一点,从句中的谓语动词可以是非延续性的,又可指一段时间(从句中的谓语动词要用延续性动词),从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生。‎ ‎ 意为“这时”,常用结构:be about to…when…‎ ‎ as: 强调从句的动作和主句的动作同时发生,而不是一前一后。‎ ‎ while: 表示两者情况对比。‎ ‎2. be of +抽象名词=be + adj.‎ be of (great) + use/help/value/importance ‎=be (very) + useful/helpful/valuable/important ‎3. journey:适用范围广,可指陆海空的旅行,常指距离较远的旅行。‎ ‎ trip:指短时间,短距离的旅行。‎ ‎ travel:泛指旅游,前面一般不用冠词。‎ ‎ travels:多指旅行经历 ‎ voyage:海上旅行或航海。‎ ‎4. hope:指与过去、现在或将来有关的希望,不能接名词,双宾语或复合宾语。‎ ‎ wish:多指美好的祝愿,或表达的是过去,现在或将来发生的令人遗憾的事,接从句时使用虚拟语气。‎ ‎ hope for:希望、期待、对(某物)有信心 ‎ We hope you’ll be very happy.‎ ‎ I wish I had gone to that party.‎ ‎ We haven’t heard from him for a long time, but we are still hoping for a letter.‎ ‎5. n.诺言,有指望,有前途,可能性 ‎ There is a promise of better weather tomorrow.‎ ‎ keep a promise→break a promise ‎ promise carry out a promise:履行诺言 ‎ fulfill a promise:实现诺言 ‎ v.许诺,答应,有…迹象,使…很有可能 ‎ I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best.‎ The clouds promise rain.‎ ‎ promising adj. 有前途的,有希望的 ‎6. put up:搭起,建筑 ‎ set up:建立,成立 ‎ build:建造 ‎ build up:建立 ‎ found:创立,创办 ‎7. around/round the corner:在拐角处,即将到来 ‎ in the corner:在角落里 ‎ on the corner:在拐角上 ‎ at the corner:在拐角处(比on的范围大)‎ ‎8. sb/sth ‎ praise sb for (doing) sth:因…赞扬…‎ ‎ sb as…:称赞…是…‎ ‎ in praise of:赞美 ‎9. population:对此进行提问时,要使用what,人口的“多,少”使用large, small;表示“有多少人”时用“has a population of…”。‎ ‎ population:用作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由其后面的表语来决定。‎ ‎ ----What’s the population of China?‎ ‎ ----China has a population of 1.3 billion.‎ ‎ The population of New Zealand is small.‎ ‎ The population of developing countries are mostly peasants.‎ ‎10. come to terms with:达成协议,妥协 ‎ take possessions of:获得,占有 ‎ in/with relation to:与…有关联,关于 ‎ in memory of sb:为了纪念某人 ‎ match…with…:把…和…搭配起来 二、语法专题──情态动词和虚拟语气的考点 ‎1. 表示推测:情态动词+ be+表:现在状态 ‎ be doing:现在动作 ‎ have done:过去 may/might have done:本可以干某事 can/could have done:本能够干某事 should/ought to have done:本应该干某事 needn’t have done:本不必干某事 would/should like/love to have done:过去本想干某事 had better have done:当初最好干某事 would rather have done:当然真该干某事 ‎2. 几个情态动词的辨析与特殊用法:‎ ‎(1)can/could用于肯定句中表“可以”,或“能够”(强调与生俱来的能力);be able to强调过去设法完成的某一具体的动作。‎ ‎(2)used to表示过去常常干某事,暗示“现在不干了”,以及表示过去一直存在的状态;would表示过去常常干某事,但不涉及现在的情况,还可以表示过去一直烦人的事情。‎ ‎(3)need/dare作为实义动词时,应用need/dare to do; 作为情态动词时,一般不用于肯定句中。‎ ‎(4)shall用于第一、三人称,表示征询对方意见或请求;用于第二、三人称时,表示命令、强制、允诺或威胁。‎ ‎(5)will可以表示意愿或必然趋势。‎ If he won’t help us, all our plans will be ruined.‎ The window won’t open.‎ ‎3. 虚拟语气应用于如下结构中:‎ ‎(1)一种定语从句:It’s time that+did ‎(2)两种目的状语从句:‎ so that/in order that+ can/may/could/might +do ‎(3)三种随时变化句:‎ ‎① wish 现在→did/were ‎ if only + 过去→had done ‎ as if/though 将来→could/would do ‎② would rather + 现在/将来→did/were ‎ 过去→had done ‎③ 现在:if+did/were, would+ do ‎ 过去:if+had done, would+ have done ‎ 将来: did ‎ if+ were to do, would+ do ‎ should do ‎ 注意:除了由if引导的虚拟条件句外,还有倒装条件句,即把were、had或should提前;混合时间句,虚实错综句,以及含蓄条件句,即由or, otherwise, with, without, but for来引导的。‎ ‎(4)四种名词性从句:‎ ‎①当表语是important, natural, necessary, possible, strange, arranged, decided, demanded, ordered, requested, suggested, surprising, a pity, no woder时,主语从句要用虚拟语气。例:‎ It’s important that we (should) help each other.‎ ‎②动词一坚持(insist),两命令(command, order),三建议(advise, propose, suggest),四要求(ask, demand, request, require)后宾语从句。例:‎ He insisted that he (should) be sent to the West.‎ 注:insist(坚持说), suggest(暗示,表明)时,从句应用陈述语气。如:‎ Her pale face suggested that she was ill.‎ ‎③idea, plan以及表示“坚持,命令,建议,要求”等动词的同源名词作主语时,表语从句用虚拟语气。例:‎ My suggestion is that we (should) hold a class meeting.‎ ‎④idea, plan以及表示“坚持,命令,建议,要求”等动词的同源名词后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气。例:‎ The office gave an order that his soldiers fight back bravely.‎ 三、题型归纳──完形填空解题要决二 巧用上下文语境。①‎ 注意上下文的信息提示:信息提示出现在前文,可以根据前文信息提示确定答案;信息提示出现在后文时,我们应该先把此空暂时搁置,在理解了后文的基础上,再确定答案。②通读全文,利用复现词语:完形填空试题中,一些词语会重复出现在语篇之中。词汇复现使得语篇中的句子相互衔接,从而构成一个完整的、有机的意义整体。把握这些反复出现的词语,有助于我们确定正确答案。‎ 例1:Reading is a way of learning English without classes or a teacher. It helps develop learners’ independence. And while reading graded readers, learners don’t have to run a____ because the language is at their level.‎ A. dictionary B. teacher C. student D. recorder ‎[分析]because在此引导一个原因状语从句,因为读物中使用的语言符合读者的语言水平,读者当然不必求助于词典。‎ 例2:All of a sudden I started to feel rather__1__. She wondered why I was looking for this sort of__2___. I felt even more hopeless when she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience.‎ ‎1. A. encouraged B. dissatisfied C. hopeless D. pleased ‎2. A. place B. job C. advice D. help ‎[分析]文章讲到作者去应聘工作,既没有经验又信心,心里感到十分不踏实。从下文中的“I felt even more hopeless”可知第1题填“hopeless”,暗示作者那种无望的心情。而“it would be difficult to get a job without experience”则呼应了第2题,故选job。‎ 例3:Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and____, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to 2(America) . It had taken years, but they had 3(finally) saved enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner t the United States.‎ A. spent B. counted C. saved D. played ‎[分析]分析上面一段文字可知Clark夫妇存钱的目的是让一家人出去旅游。根据文中“but they had 3(finally) saved enough money”可知第1题答案为C项。‎ 第10讲 一、Language points ‎1. in other words=in another word:换句话说 in a word=in one word:总而言之 have a word with=have a few words with:和…说几句话 have words with:与…争论 ‎2. can never…too…‎ ‎ can not…too… 无论怎样…也不过分,越…越好 ‎3. as+adj/adv(原级)+as possible=as…as one can: 尽可能…‎ ‎4. appreciate +n/doing ‎ appreciate +it+ that-clause(真宾)‎ ‎5. to do/doing ‎ intend+ sb to do ‎ that-clause(虚拟语气)‎ intend… + as…: 打算(使)…成为…‎ be intended for…:(为…而)准备 ‎6. marry sb to sb be/get married to sb marry sb be/get married to sb with sth ‎7. 部分否定句:all, both, every, everyone, everything等总概括词与否定词not连用时,表示部分否定,意思是“并非…都…”。‎ ‎8. make up:化妆,编造,组成(部分组成整体),占…(比例)‎ be made up of:一个整体是由几个部分组成 ‎=be composed of ‎=consist of make up for:弥补 ‎9. in(out of) condition/in good(bad) condition:情况良好(糟糕)‎ ‎ On/upon condition that(引导条件状从):如果…,在…条件下 ‎10. vi.: 受苦,受害,受损失 ‎ He suffered a lot during the war.‎ suffer Your reputation will suffer.‎ ‎ vt.:遭受,容忍,耐住 ‎ He is suffering the loss of his wife.‎ ‎ These plants cannot suffer a cold winter.‎ ‎ suffer from: 患…病,受…之苦 ‎ Last week I suffered from a bad cold.‎ ‎ His hometown suffered from heavy floods in 1998.‎ 二、语法专题──定语从句的解题方法 ‎1. 通读全句,判断是否为定语从句。‎ ‎2. 题干若为疑问句,将其恢复为陈述语序。‎ ‎3. 认真分析句中所提供的信息,确定定语从句的类型,是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎4. 确定从句中所缺的成分,从而做出正确的选择。‎ ‎5. 将选项填入句子中,看语意是否通顺。‎ ‎6. 在此过程中,还要注意标点符号的位置,以及并列连词but, and的作用。‎ 三、题型归纳──完形填空的解题要决三 根据文化背景常识:①利用英语国家的文化背景知识,英语国家的文化背景知识包括英语国家的风俗习惯、历史事件、地理位置等。我们做题时若能积极调动自己的文化背景知识,注意中西文化各方面存在的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,选出正确的答案。②结合生活常识,避免常识性错误。完形填空文章的内容经常与日常生活相关,因此当我们对语言的把握不准确时,可充分利用社会知识和科普常识来帮助判断,这就要求我们平时既要多体验生活,又要博览群书。‎ 例1: Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to support the family. They don’t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I se on TV. Flowers to ‎ each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of the question.‎ A. Taking B. Passing C. Buying D. Sending ‎[分析]利用文化背景知识解答。众所周知,Valentine’s Day为西方国家的情人节,这一天情人之间、夫妻之间一般是要互送鲜花来庆祝的。因此借助这一文化背景知识很快可以选出答案。‎ 例2:Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to speak . Now she was Portia, a strong-willed in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The theatre was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing smoothly from her.‎ A. member B. actress C. player D. character ‎[分析]本题考查文化背景知识。莎士比亚为英国文学巨匠,他的作品人们耳熟能详,尤其是《威尼斯商人》更是广为人知。其中主要人物有乐于助人的安东尼奥,贪婪自私的夏洛克,还有机智、漂亮的鲍西亚。根据文意可知此题答案。‎ 例3:Fire stations are strangely exciting places. In the normal course of events the great doors are shut, and behind them, the fire-engines wait peacefully, brightly cleaned and lovingly cared for. But the moment the fire alarm sounds, the huge doors open immediately and the firemen come .‎ A. fleeing B. laughing C. jumping D. rushing ‎[分析]考查生活常识。每当有火警的时候消防队员都是快速出动,此处用rushing表示方式,修饰come。Fleeing“逃逸”,laughing“笑”,jumping“跳”,均与语境不符。‎ 例4:It was New Year’s night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep____ sky.‎ A. grey B. blue C. black D. cloudy ‎[分析]考查生活常识。晚上天空的颜色一般是深蓝色。‎ ‎ It was a bright Saturday morning in the late fall. I had stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and__1__ the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I__2__ a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How ya doin’?”‎ ‎ __3__ up, I saw a boy wearing a mechanic’s uniform worn by employees of the gasoline station next to the café. He looked__4__, but, at first, I was unable to__5__ where we had met.‎ ‎ He also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his__6__ and probably my coffee began to thaw(解冻) out my__7__.‎ ‎ Five years earlier, he had been traveling home late on a February night. A fierce__8___ had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts were getting__9___. He recalled__10__ a drift just down the road from my house.‎ ‎ He had walked to my house for__11__. I had taken my pickup and a tow-rope and__12__ his car out of the snowdrift and up to the highway where maintenance(维护) trucks had__13___ away the snow.‎ ‎ This has been a__14__ occurrence here during the winter. I cannot__15__ the times someone has also pulled my car from a snowdrift.‎ ‎ ___16__, it was an unforgettable experience for him, and his memory of our unexpected meeting in a snowstorm__17__ my entire day.‎ ‎ Leo Buscaglia wrote, “Too often we underestimate(低估) the__18_ of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a ‎ listening ear, an honest compliment(赞扬), or the smallest act of__19__, all of which have the potential to turn a__20__ around.”‎ ‎1. A. preview B. scan C. order D. buy ‎2. A. noticed B. got C. caught D. felt ‎3. A. Looking B. Standing C. Rising D. Glaring ‎4. A. sensitive B. friendly C. familiar D. grateful ‎5. A. reflect B. determine C. regain D. recall ‎6. A. story B. experience C. appearance D. greetings ‎7. A. heart B. feeling C. memory D. wonder ‎8. A. sandstorm B. snowstorm C. hurricane D. rainfall ‎9. A. high B. slippery C. thin D. deep ‎10. A. blocking B. hitting C. knocking D. crashing ‎11. A. help B. advice C. emergency D. shelter ‎12. A. pulled B. dragged C. pushed D. dug ‎13. A. collected B. cleared C. threw D. melted ‎14. A. basic B. common C. forgettable D. practical ‎15. A. count B. keep C. master D. predict ‎16. A. Besides B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise ‎17. A. covered B. influenced C. brightened D. filled ‎18. A. meaning B. relation C. value D. power ‎19. A. caring B. offering C. sharing D. forgiving ‎20. A. course B. fate C. truth D. life ‎ 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者在咖啡馆里喝咖啡的时候,遇到了自己曾经在风雪之夜帮助过的一个年轻人。作者已经记不起对方了,但年轻人对作者给予的帮助却多年不忘。这使作者意识到一个善意的举动有多么大的力量。‎ ‎1-5 BDACD 6-10 ACBDB 11-15 AABBA 16-20 CCDAD 第11讲 一、Language points ‎1. lean against/on/upon+n.‎ ‎ n.+against/on/upon+n.‎ ‎ back后仰 ‎ forward俯身向前 ‎ to the left向左侧身 ‎ to/toward…:倾向…,向…倾斜 ‎2. match +n. +to/with +n.:使…(和…)调和,相配 ‎ match +n. +against/with +n.:使…(和…)交手,使…比赛 ‎3. be sure of/about +n./pron.:对…有把握,确信…‎ ‎ that-clause:确信 ‎ wh-clause:能确定…,知道…‎ sb be sure to do:一定会…的,必定…‎ sb be certain to do It is certain that-clause that-clause make sure+ of sth/doing sth:确信,对…有把握 ‎ to do sth:一定要做…‎ ‎4. expect+ sb/sth:期待,预料 ‎ to do sth:期望做某事 ‎ n+ to do:期望…做…‎ ‎ to be done:期待…被…‎ ‎ that-clause ‎ …+ than/as+ clause ‎ (it is) expected ‎ You arrived earlier than I had expected.‎ ‎ expected.‎ ‎5. appear: 不能接as if, 强调外表给人某种印象,有时含有实际并非如此。‎ ‎ 看起来 seem:可跟as if, 暗示判断有一定的根据,这种判断往往接近事实。‎ ‎ look:可接like/as if,强调视觉印象,后面跟形容词 ‎6. engage sb to sb:使某人与某人订婚 get engaged to sb:与某人订婚(动作)‎ be engaged to sb:与某人订婚(状态)‎ be engaged in (doing) sth:忙于/从事某事 ‎7. It is no good/use +doing sth There is/seems no point in doing sth There is no need to do sth ‎8. use up=run out of 用完 ‎ give out=run out 耗尽 ‎9. rather than:而不是 other than=except or rather:更确切地说 ‎10. get through:做完,办完,看完;通过;接通;度过;用完 ‎ go through:经历(痛苦、困难),翻阅,参观,查看 ‎ look through:浏览 ‎ see through:看穿,看透 ‎ break through:突围 ‎ put through:把电话接通,使成交,完成 ‎ pull through:(使)恢复健康,(使)度过难关 ‎11. be present at…:出席 present adj.:做后置定语:All the people present are students.‎ present sth to sb 向某人颁发…,把…赠送给…‎ present sb with sth for the present:暂时 up to the present:直到现在 at present:目前 present n.:礼物 ‎12. be known as/for/to/in under debate would like to do feel like doing ‎13. adapt to:适合 ‎ to relate to:与…有关 ‎ 为 get down to:开始做,着手 ‎ 介 stick to:坚持 ‎ 词 pay attention to:注意 ‎ look forward to:期望 ‎ addict oneself to:使自己沉溺于…‎ ‎ be addicted to:沉溺于…‎ ‎ devote…to…:致力于 二、语法专题──名词性从句的解题思路 ‎1. 通读全句,首先考虑是不是某种句型。‎ ‎2. 题干若是疑问句,首先把它恢复为正常语序。‎ ‎3. 观察设空的前前后后,确定相关从句的性质。‎ ‎4. 确定从句性质后回忆相关从句的用法特点,从而作出取舍。‎ ‎5. 注意标点符号和并列连词(and, but)的作用。‎ ‎6. 将选项代入句子,看前后是否语意贯通。‎ 三、题型归纳──完形填空的解题要决四 灵活掌握名词、动词在句子中的应用。①结合语境及名词、动词词义辨析选出最佳答案:词义辨析主要集中在实词,即名词、动词、形容词和副词。设题通常以同义词、反义词或易混词的形式出现。这就要求我们在做题时要根据上下文语境确定答案,将意义相反或相差较大的选项剔除掉,选择使句子结构完整、语法正确、语意符合逻辑的最佳答案。②夯实基础,牢记含有名词、动词的短语或固定搭配:对含义清晰的名词、动词短语或固定搭配,可以边读边猜测答案,遇到有能和空白前后构成固定搭配的选项,只要符合文意则可以不考虑其他选项,因此我们平时要注重短语或固定搭配的积累。‎ 例1: “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She emptied all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she her way six blocks to the local drugstore.‎ ‎ “And what do you want?” asked the chemist.‎ A. followed B. made C. felt D. found ‎[分析]考查动词词组辨析。语境为小女孩听到父母谈论她的弟弟病得很厉害,家里已没有剩下多少钱,只有奇迹能救他,于是她倒空自己的储钱罐。再结合下文问话“And what do you want? Asked the chemist.”可知她“去了”药店。Followed one’s way “跟着别人走”;made one’s way “朝…走去”;felt one’s way “摸索前进”;found one’s way “发现途径”,结合题意此处应选B。‎ 例2:“Stop that man!” Vernon shouted. “He has a bomb!” Everywhere, passengers were____ their feet and screaming.‎ A. running over B. jumping over C. running to D. jumping to ‎[分析]考查结合语境选择动词短语的能力。上文提到,有人携带炸弹,听到这种情况人们的反应应为惊跳起来尖叫着。故选答案D。‎ 例3:Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you you, be, and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow yourself to____ your life happen.‎ A. leave B. cause C. make D. get ‎[分析]考查动词短语习惯搭配。make sb do sth “让某人做某事”,其余各项不符合表达习惯,不可用省略to的不定式作宾补。‎ 例4:I began to feel self-conscious . A voice said to me “Why can’t you look like her?” “____ you’re so fat?” Although I wasn’t fat…‎ A. When B. Because C. If only D. How come ‎[分析]考查习惯搭配。How come…?意为“何以会…,为什么”。全文语境为:作者所处的班级的学生都比较有钱,尤其是在穿着方面更是挑剔,更注意自己的身材,唯恐发胖。因此作者考虑到别人的情况感到不自在,尽管自己不算胖。此处意为:“你为什么看起来不能像她那样?”“你为什么会这么胖呢?”‎ 第12讲 一、Language points ‎1. be convenient to do ‎ be convenient to sb ‎2. to one’s taste:合某人的口味 show good taste in:对…有鉴赏力 have a/an…taste:有…的味道 taste good:吃起来很好 have a taste for/in:喜好…‎ ‎3. rob sb/place of sth ‎ steal sth from sb ‎ steal sb sth ‎4. contribute…to…: 向…捐献(投稿)‎ contribute to…:促成,有助于 make a contribution to/towards:向…捐献 ‎5. as follows:如下 ‎ follow the example of:以…为榜样 ‎6. remind sb of sth=remind sb about sth remind sb that-clause ‎ remind sb to do sth ‎7. A is to B what C is to D stand out start with set aside:把…置于一旁,留出,拔出 be gone/missing/lost/left ‎8. impress…on…: 把…印在…上 impress sb (with sth):使某人牢记(某事)‎ impress sth on sb:使某人铭记某事 be impressed by/at/with:被…所感动 be impressed on one’s mind/memory:被印在脑海里 ‎9. recommand+ sb/sth to sb:向某人推荐某人或某物 ‎ sb for sth:推荐某人做(某工作)‎ ‎ sth for…:推荐某物作(某用途)‎ ‎ sb as…:推荐某人为…‎ ‎ doing sth:‎ ‎ sb to do sth 建议做某事 ‎ that-clause (should)‎ ‎10. remain +adj./n./doing/to do/介词短语:仍然是,保持某种状态 ‎ It remains to be seen…:…还要看情况发展 ‎ remaining:现在分词作前置定语:the remaining three dollars ‎ =the three dollars left ‎ stay +adj.:继续处于某种状态 ‎ keep + adj. 继续处于某种状态 ‎ n. +adj/doing ‎11. lead to…:导致 ‎ lead…to…:把…带向…‎ ‎12. differ from/with sb on/about/upon sth:跟某人在…上意见不同 make a difference:起作用,发生影响 make some/no difference:有(没有)关系或影响 二、语法专题──状语从句的考点 高考对状语从句的考查主要体现在成分的省略,时态的替代,语序的倒装以及连词的辨析四在方面。‎ ‎1. 成分的省略 ‎①在时间、地点、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中,如果主语是it或与主句的主语一致,且谓语动词含有be时,可把从句的主语和be一起省略。‎ Don’t speak until (you are) spoken to.‎ Do come to see me whenever (it is) possible.‎ ‎②在比较状语从句中,可省略与主句相同的部分。‎ I know you more than he (knows you).‎ Tom is two years older than Alice (is).‎ ‎③as(尽管)引导让步状语从句,表语前的冠词要省略。‎ Hero as he is, he has shortcomings.‎ ‎④其他省略。‎ Please drop in any time you like.‎ Is it going to rain? If so, I’ll stay at home; but if not, we will go out.‎ ‎2. 时态的替代 ‎①在时间、条件和让步状语从句中须用一般现在时替代一般将来时,用一般过去时替代过去将来时。‎ If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go fishing.‎ Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.‎ ‎②The more…the more…句型中,前句起“条件状语从句”作用,故用现在时表将来。‎ The harder you work, the greater progress you’ll make.‎ ‎③after, before, as soon as等连词本身就暗示了时间的先后,因此可用一般过去时代替过去完成时,而不会产生时间上的混乱。‎ I went to bed after I (had) finished my homework.‎ The film star (had) left before the reporter arrived.‎ He got down to work as soon as he (had) go to the factory.‎ ‎3. 语序的倒装 ‎①no sooner…than…, hardly/scarcely/barely…when…句型中的主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时,且置于句首时主句要倒装。‎ No sooner had he got home than it began to rain.‎ ‎②so/such…that…, not until…置于句首时主句要倒装。‎ So angry did she feel that she couldn’t speak.‎ Not until he told me the truth did I realize what had happened.‎ ‎4. 连词的辨析。根据上下文的语意推断属于哪种状语从句,然后选择连词。‎ 三、题型归纳——完形填空的解题要决五 把握文章脉络,识别句式特点。①把握文章脉络,偏重观点、态度,慎边读边做。我们在通通览全文的基础上,要从整体上把握文脉,找出完形填空短文的主题大意,作者的观点、态度,文章展开的线索等信息。②学好语法知识,积累句型句式。尽管高考淡化语法,注重情景,但是扎实的语法功底,良好的语感对于完形填空题是大有帮助的。‎ 例1:It was pouring outside. We all stood there____, some patiently, others annoyed because nature messed up their hurried day. I got lost in the sound and sight of the…‎ A. chatting B. waiting C. complaining D. talking ‎[分析]细读全文可知,语境为外面下着倾盆大雨,我们站在那里在等雨停下来,不是在干其他事情。‎ 例2: “Tonight was supposed to be____---- to celebrate six months. You do remember we’re engaged, don’t you?”‎ A. normal B. sleepless C. special D. sad ‎[分析]本篇文章谈论一对情侣的经历,该题易误选B,认为会激动得睡不着,但是结合语境可知,要庆祝订婚六个月,所以今晚应具有特殊意义。‎ 例3:The story____ to be this: George bought a lottery ticket(彩票) a few days ago and won a prize of $500,000.‎ A. turned up B. turned out C. turned down D. turned off ‎[分析]考查常见句式。句意:故事证明是这样的:乔治几天前买了彩票获奖50万美元。turn out to be “结果是,证明是”,表示结果出乎意料之外,四个选项中只有turn out可接to be。‎ 例4:Ellsworth, a patient who had suffered several failures in business, did not show much interest in painting at first. But____ the weeks went by, Swain’s visits grew more frequently .‎ A. as B. with C. since D. had to ‎[分析]分析语境可知,此处意为“随着时间一周一周过去”。此处不可填with,因为with后不接句子。As time went by “随着时间推移”,为我们所熟知的句式。‎ For some time I’ve had a church member provide me with a rose to pin on my suit every Sunday. __1__ I always got a flower on Sunday morning, I really did not__2__ much of it. It was a nice gesture that became__3__. One Sunday, however, what I considered__4__ became very special.‎ ‎ As I was leaving the Sunday service, a little boy__5__ and said, “Sir, what are you going to do with your flower?” “Do you__6__ this?” I said, pointing to the rose pinned to my coat.‎ ‎ He said, “Yes sir. I would like it if you are__7__ going to throw it away.” The little boy said, “Sir, I’m going ‎ to give it to my granny. My mother and father got_8__ last year. I was living with my mother, but I could not__9__, so she sent me to live with my grandmother. She has been so good to me that I want to give that pretty flower to her for__10__ me.”‎ ‎ When the little boy finished I could hardly__11__. My eyes filled with tears and I knew I had been touched in the__12__ of my soul. I reached up and__13__ my flower. With the flower in my hand, I looked at the boy and said, “Son, that is the__14__ thing I have ever heard, but you can’t have this flower because it’s not__15__. If you’ll look in front of the platform, you’ll see a big__16__ of flowers. Different families buy them for the__17__ each week. Please take those flowers to your granny because she__18__ the very best.”‎ ‎ If I hadn’t been__19__ enough already, he made one last statement and I will always treasure it. He said, “What a__20__ day! I asked for one flower but got a beautiful bouquet.”‎ ‎1. A. Because B. Although C. If D. Once ‎2. A. speak B. think C. remind D. care ‎3. A. rule B. practice C. custom D. routine ‎4. A. valuable B. useless C. ordinary D. normal ‎5. A. approached B. stopped C. interrupted D. followed ‎6. A. notice B. see C. like D. mean ‎7. A. always B. just C. ever D. already ‎8. A. divorced B. lost C. disturbed D. troubled ‎9. A. stand B. understand C. stay D. help ‎10. A. comforting B. adopting C. supporting D. loving ‎11. A. move B. speak C. breathe D. refuse ‎12. A. depths B. back C. bottom D. corner ‎13. A. uncovered B. unloaded C. unpinned D. unwrapped ‎14. A. sweetest B. nicest C. saddest D. strangest ‎15. A. real B. fresh C. expensive D. enough ‎16. A. pile B. bouquest C. collection D. chain ‎17. A. relatives B. old C. poor D. church ‎18. A. deserves B. proves C. sounds D. matches ‎19. A. challenged B. surprised C. touched D. taught ‎20. A. sunny B. special C. lucky D. wonderful ‎1-5 ABDCA 6-10 DBACD 11-15 BACBD 16-20 BDACD 第13讲 一、Language points ‎1. lack+ wisdom/money ‎ v. be lacking in+courage ‎ lack for nothing ‎ for lack of:因缺乏…‎ ‎ have no lack of:不缺乏…‎ ‎ a/the lack of:…的缺乏 ‎2. persuade sb to do=persuade sb into doing sth ‎ persuade sb not to do=persuade sb out of doing ‎ sb to do=urge sb into doing:强烈要求某人干某事 ‎ urge sth on sb:对某人强调某事 ‎ that-clause+(should) do:强烈要求…‎ ‎3. on the contrary ‎ be contrary to…‎ ‎ on the other hand ‎4. in case+从句 in case of+短语 in this/that case in any case ‎5. be content with:对…感到满足 ‎=be satisfied/pleased with be content to do…:满足于做…‎ content (n.):内容,目录 ‎6. at (the) sight of:一看见 at first sight:乍一见 catch/get/have (a) sight of:看见,发现 lose sight of:看不见 out of sight:在视线之外 in/within sight:在视线内 ‎7. live through:活过,经历…而未死 live with:与…同住,接受并忍受某事 live on:以…为生 live by+doing:以…为生 ‎8. knock about:到处漫游,(风浪)冲击(船只)‎ ‎ knock into sb:撞上(某人)‎ ‎ knock down:撞倒 ‎ knock over:撞翻 ‎ knock…off…:把…从…上撞下来 ‎9. what’s up?‎ ‎ =wha’s the matter?‎ ‎ =what’s wrong?‎ ‎ =what’s happening?‎ ‎10. witness n.:目击者,证人,证据 ‎ vt.:目击,证明,为…作证 ‎ tip n.:小费,尖,尖端 ‎ vt.:使倾斜,倾倒,给…小费 ‎11. at hand:在近处,在手边,即将到来 ‎ near/close at hand:近在手边 ‎ on hand:手头上 ‎ in hand:在手中,在掌握中 ‎ by hand:用手工 ‎ at second hand:间接地,二手地 ‎ hand in hand:手拉手,关系密切地 ‎12. in harmony with:与…协调/和谐 ‎ leave out:省去,遗漏 ‎ leave…alone:不理会…‎ ‎ be worn out:筋疲力尽 二、语法专题──特殊句式的考点 特殊句式包括有:倒装句、强调句、省略句、反意疑问句、主谓一致和情景交际。这些句式都有其基本结构和一些特殊情况的用法。所以对于这些句式重点要熟记这些用法,并要注重句意的理解。‎ 三、题型归纳──阅读理解的解题要决──主旨大意题 ‎1. 根据文章第一段或首句确定文章的主旨。新闻报道的第一段一般首先概括全文的中心,另外有些说明性或议论性文章也会开门见山地提出文章的中心或阐述的观点,文章的第一句话或第一段就是对全文主旨大意的概括。后文对此进一步解释说明,一般上具体的事例或信息,全文具有先总后分的特点。我们在捕捉文章的主题句时,应该对包含主题句的段落进行适当的分析。‎ 例:Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that men and animals possess if they are properly used. If fire didn’t hurt when it burned, children would play with it until their hands were burned away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear didn’t, a child could burn itself again and again because fear would not warn it to keep away from the fire that had burnt it before. A really fearless soldier----and some do exist----is not a good soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is of no use to his army. Fear and pain are therefore two guards without which men and animals might soon die out.…‎ Q: The best title for this passage should be____.‎ A. No pains, No Gains B. Pain and Actions C. The Value of Fear D. The Reason Why People Fear ‎[分析]文章的第一句话就开门见山点明了主题:如果利用得当,恐惧和痛苦是人和动物拥有的两样最有价值的东西。后文就此展开论述,说明恐惧的价值。故答案为C。‎ ‎2. 主题句在篇尾。主题句位于段末的文章的特点是作者采用了先摆事实,后下结论的写作手法。作者在表述细节后,归纳要点、结论、建议或结果,以概括主题。我们在做题时,要判断所读内容是细节性的描述还是对所涉及问题的集中表达。如果文章首先提及的内容多为一般性的事实、细节的描写或具体的事例,则对文章中心的归纳或作者观点及意图的体现极有可能在最后,可以重点细读最后一段,然后回过头来利用主题句进一步理解文章的细节。‎ 例:…Free time increased considerably following the shortening of the working week, i.e. from six days to five days, and from ten hours to eight hours a day. In fact, the working day couldn’t be too long, otherwise people wouldn’t have the time to spend their money. The amount of a family’s budget spent on outside entertainment, such as parties, films and concerts has increased from just under 6% in Ford’s day to about 9% today. On the other hand, we spend only a quarter of what our great-grandparents paid for reading materials.‎ ‎ It is difficult to see how our spending patterns may change in the future. We already know that our population is aging and this will have an effect on the amount of money we spend on medical care.‎ Q: What is the subject discussed in the text?‎ A. Changing patterns in spending B. Changes in family planning C. Decrease in food demand D. Increase in family income ‎[分析]结合前文所提及的细节可知,文章最后一段的第一句话即全文讨论的主题──消费方式的变化。故答案为A。‎ ‎3. 主旨出现在文章的中间。在有些议论文或说明文中作者首先列举或说明人们的错误观点或认识误区,然后再点明自己的观点或说明的中心,最后点题,这样文章的主题句就出现在篇中。‎ 例:A close friend siad: “If I could only figure this out, I think I could find happiness.” I have heard this before and will hear it again I am sure.‎ ‎ Many people believe that finding happiness is all about finding something else they want. Not many have ever found long term happiness by achieving another goal. The answer to finding happiness is to look within yourself.‎ ‎ In other words, happiness is a completely inside job. The most important piece to finding happiness is to comprehend happiness is a choice and not the result of an experience. If all happiness could be found as the result of an acquisition(成就), meeting a goal, or having anything, then a person’s happiness would always be subject to something else.‎ Q: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Look within to find happiness.‎ B. Happiness, a choice or the result of an experience?‎ C. The definition of happiness D. How can we create happiness?‎ ‎[分析]作者首先引用别人的观点,然后在材料的第二段点明主题:我们要从自己的内心去寻找幸福。B项表示不确定的两种观点,与作者意图不符;C项仅仅是文章的细节;D项不是文章论述的中心。‎ 第14讲 一、Language points ‎1. reach+地点/数字 达到 get是普通用语 获得 achieve+目标/希望/成功 win赢得+比赛/荣誉 gain获得(某种利益)+金钱/经验 ‎2. put in:打断,插嘴,插入 ‎ put away:放好,收起来,留存 ‎ put on:穿,上演 ‎ put off:推迟,延期 ‎ put out:生产,扑灭 ‎ put up:举起,张贴 ‎ put aside:搁置一旁,储存 ‎ put down:写下,记下 ‎ put back:放回,送回 ‎ put forward:提出主意、计划 ‎3. hesitate in (doing) sth:在…方面犹豫,不灵敏 ‎ hesitate about doing sth:关于…犹豫不决 ‎ hesitate what to do:犹豫着不知做什么 ‎ hesitate to do sth:不愿(欲)做某事 ‎4. a lead-on collision:正面冲突(相撞)‎ ‎ come into collision with:和…冲突 ‎ in collision:相撞,在冲突中 ‎ in the collision with:在…的碰撞中 ‎ collision between A and B:A与B相撞 ‎5. set about+doing ‎ set out to do sth ‎ set out=set off ‎6. benefit sb/sth:使…受益 ‎ sb benefit from/by:从…中获益 ‎7. all the way:一路上,一直,始终 ‎ on the/one’s way (to):在…的路上 ‎ in the way:挡道 ‎8. It is likely that-clause ‎ It is possible/probable that-clause ‎ sb/sth be likely to do ‎ It is possible for sb to do sth ‎ sth is probable ‎9. rob ‎ warn ‎ cure +sb of sth ‎ cheat ‎ inform ‎10. throw light upon/on:阐明…‎ ‎ be absorbed in:全神贯注于…,热衷于…‎ ‎ be available for sth/to do sth:对…有效的/可利用的 ‎ be sensitive to sth:对…敏感 ‎ rang from…to…:范围从…到…‎ 二、题型归纳──阅读理解的解题要决二──事实细节题 事实细节是文章的有机组成部分,是作者表达中心思想的具体手段。我们要准确理解一篇文章,必须重视人名、日期、事实、数据和地点等。‎ ‎1. 从原文直接找到答案所需的信息。在解答这类题时,我们可采用“对号入座”的方法。先找到原文的关键信息,然后把原文中的信息跟后面的题目对照,即可得到答案。‎ 例:…The new strategy involves fuel cells, which are devices that use chemical reactions to produce electrical currents. Researchers from St. Louis University used a type of protein called enzymes(酶). In the cells of living things, including people, enzymes are what spark chemical reactions. To keep up with the pace that our bodies demand, our cells constantly produce new enzymes as the old ones break down.‎ ‎ Scientists had tried using enzymes in fuel cells before, but they had trouble keeping the electricity flowing. That’s because, unlike the enzymes in our cells, the enzymes in fuel cells break down faster than they can be replaced.‎ ‎ To get around this problem, the St. Louis researchers invented molecules that wrap around an enzyme and protect it. Inside this molecular pocket, an enzyme can last for months instead of days.‎ Q: Researchers have molecules wrap around an enzyme in order to____.‎ A. make the enzymes in fuel cells break down slower B. produce enough enzymes to break down C. keep up with the pace that our bodies demand D. keep the enzymes in fuel cells from breaking down ‎[分析]从第四段最后一句话“That’s because, unlike the enzymes in our cells, the enzymes in fuels cells break down faster than they can be replaced”可知,其目的是使燃料电池中酶的分裂速度降低。答案为A。‎ ‎2. 对信息进行加工。这类题目我们能够在文章中找到信息,但原文信息又不是做题所直接需要的,需要我们对原文信息进行合理的加工处理,据此作简单推理。它是介于事实细节题和推理判断题之间的一种题型。‎ 例:In the summer of 1941, I was 5 years old. It was a time when the Nickles Bakery sent salesmen in red-and-white trucks door-to-door in our town of Greenville, Pennsylvania, selling baked goods.‎ ‎ One day, a Nickles salesman drove his truck, loaded with goodies, into our driveway. He opened the rear ‎ doors, took out his display of baked goods and went into our home to offer my mother the specialties of the day.‎ ‎ While he was inside, I sneaked around to the rear of his truck, with its doors wide open, and I took a package of oatmeal(燕麦) cookies, hurried to the rear of the house and ate the entire package of cookies.‎ ‎ Soon, the truck sped away, and I never gave what I had done another thought…until 27 years later, during the summer of 1968.‎ Q: In the 27 years after he ate the oatmeal cookies, the author____.‎ A. felt sorry all the time B. tried to find the salesman and pay him C. never thought about what he had done D. often remembered the scene ‎[分析]从文章第四段可知,作者在27年中把自己所做的事情忘记了,从来没有想过。“Soon, the truck sped away, and I never gave what I had done anther thought…until 27 years later, during the summer of 1968”原文中是“never gave…another thought”与C选项中“never thought about”相照应。‎ ‎3. 综合信息题。这类题目的信息不仅仅涉及文章的某一句话,还可能涉及文章的几句话,而且有时可能散落在文章的不同段落,因此要求我们把原文提供的信息综合起来分析,不能断章取义,张冠李戴。‎ 例:I lacated the bakery and told the superintendent(主管) my story, expecting him to understand my plight and tally up the charges.‎ ‎ I’d pay up and my conscience would be put at ease.‎ ‎ Instead, he laughed out loud and said, “You mean to tell me that you want to pay for something that happened 27 years ago, when you were only 5 years old?”‎ ‎ He laughed again and said, “Reverend(牧师), consider the debt paid.”‎ ‎ I felt relieved and my conscience was right.‎ Q: Why did the author feel his conscience was right in the end?‎ A. Because he paid for those cookies, plus 27 years of interest.‎ B. Because he was respected as a minister by the superintendent.‎ C. Because the superintendent told him the debt had been paid.‎ D. Because he was pardoned by the superintendent.‎ ‎[分析]综合最后主管所说的话可知,他没有让作者付钱,原谅了作者。这时作者的内心才得以释然。故答案为D。‎ 第15讲 一、Language points ‎1. complain to sb about/of sth ‎ take a complaint to sb about/of sth ‎2. apologize to sb for (doing) sth ‎ make an apology to sb=say sorry to sb ‎3. on doing sth ‎ insist+ 坚持…,坚决要求+that+(should) do ‎ 认为,坚持说+that+陈述语气 ‎4. It is no harm/good/use+doing ‎ It is useless+doing ‎ It is a waste(of time/money)+doing ‎ It is worthwhile+doing ‎ There is no good/use+in+doing ‎ There is no use to do sth/for sth ‎ There is no need to do sth ‎ There is no doubt about/that-clause ‎ There is no sense+in+doing ‎ There is no point+in+doing ‎5. be/get used to+doing=beome used to+doing:习惯于…‎ ‎ used to do sth:过去习惯于…‎ ‎ be used to do sth:被用来做…‎ ‎6. for sale:待售 ‎ on sale:上市,减价 ‎7. How are you getting on/along with…?:询问与人相处的情况如或某人工作或学习的进展情况如何。‎ ‎ What does…look like?:询问某人(物)外表看起来如何,侧重人或事物的外表。‎ ‎ What is…like?:询问人或物内在的品质、个性或外表,以及用来询问天气。‎ ‎ What does sb like?:询问某人喜欢什么?‎ ‎ How do you like…?=What do you think of…?:某人认为…怎么样 ‎ What are you?:询问某人职业?‎ ‎8. exchange sth for sth ‎ exchange sth with sb ‎ in exchange for:作为交换(和…交换)‎ ‎9. view:眼界,视野,另外还可表示“观点,风景”等。‎ ‎ image:指想像或心中的“影像,意象”,还可指肖像、形象。‎ ‎ sight:视野,强调视域本身,是不可数名词。‎ ‎ outlook:景色,指由里面向外看到的景色。‎ ‎10. in respect of:涉及,关于 ‎ respectful:尊敬的,有礼貌的 ‎ respectable:体面的,有身份的 ‎ respect (n./v.):尊敬 ‎11. trial and error:反复实验,不断摸索 ‎ be aware of:意识到…,知道…‎ ‎ allow for:考虑到…‎ ‎ be willing to do/that-clause+(should) do:愿意做…‎ ‎ in vain:徒劳 ‎ drive off:驱赶 ‎ stand on ceremony:拘于形式 ‎ adjust (oneself/sth) to sth:适应于…‎ ‎ participate in=take part in 二、题型归纳──阅读理解的解题要决三──推理判断题 本题型主要对短文的结论、隐含意义(寓意)、作者的倾向、文章的论调、写作的思路及目的等进行考查,或对原文中没有提及的情况进行推理和想象。我们要在理解原文的基础上纵观全文,汇集短文提供的各项信息,严格按照作者陈述的观点或描述的事实,进行正确地、合乎逻辑地推论和引申,从而选出符合原文信息或作者意图而不是我们主观认为合理的最佳答案。‎ ‎1. 写作意图题。有些文章作者不点明自己的写作意图,而是让读者自己去体会,这种情况多出现在记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章中。‎ 例:ALBANY, New York---- Students who rely on working at night to improve their grades might want to sleep on that strategy: a new survey in the U.S. says those who never study all night have slightly higher grades than those who do.‎ ‎ A survey of 120 students at St. Lawrence University found that students who have never pulled an all-nighter on average have higher grades than those who have. The survey found those who do not study through the night have a grade point average of 3.2 compared to 2.95 for those who have.‎ Q: The purpose of the passage is to tell us____.‎ A. the bad effects of pulling an all-nighter B. pulling an all-nighter leads to sleep problems C. doubts about all-nighters D. all-nighters hurt students’ grades ‎[分析]这是一段科普阅读材料。主要介绍了一项研究──晚上突击学习的人成绩非但没有提高,反而受到了影响,因此D项是作者的写作目的。A项意义范围过大;B项偏离了文章说明的中心内容;C项意义过于模糊。‎ ‎2. 态度倾向题。作者的态度倾向往往隐含在文章中,而不会明确说明,因此态度倾向题也是比较有难度的推理判断题型。这类题目一般分为两类:一是作者对某一具体事物的观点、看法;另一类是作者对某一人、物的评价。议论文或记叙文往往考查作者的态度倾向。如果是议论文,应该抓住作者的论点和论据;如果是记叙文,应该特别注意作者总结性的文字。‎ 例:The NBA now has a serious image problem; more than any other sport, it’s pulled in two opposite directions. As it’s been for years, whites make up a majority of the fans; blacks make up a majority of the players. And as those players have benefited from ever-upward-spiraling(不断上升的) paychecks, they’ve exercised their influence to shape the sight of the game around them in their own image.‎ ‎…‎ ‎ The NBA has the potential to be a bridge between cultures, a way to bring both sides together in cheering some of the best athletes of any color. But it’s a fragile bridge indeed, where every black or white element apparently forces out its ethnic(种族的) opposite. And it’s not hard to imagine a time when nobody will be interested in crossing over.‎ Q: The author’s attitude towards the NBA culture could be described as____.‎ A. supportive B. doubtful C. critical D. neutral ‎[分析]本文是议论文。分析全文,作者认为在NBA文化中,黑人文化与白人文化之间互相冲突,不利于NBA的发展,因此作者实际上是在对NBA文化进行批判。A项是支持,B项是怀疑,D项是中立。‎ ‎3. 细节推断题。细节推断是根据文章中所阐述的细节,运用基础知识进行分析、推敲,从而复出符合文章原意的结论的一种推断方法。此类题要求我们根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、具体信息等。解答此类题要从文章提供的信息出发,抓住关键的信息词,运用逻辑思维、哲学原理,并借助一定的常识,进行分析、推理、判断。进行细节推断,必须吃透相关文段的意思。‎ 例:In many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their people had increased rapidly in recent years. Sadly, not everyone in these countries is so fortunate and many people in rich countries are homeless.‎ ‎ The reasons for homelessness are various, but poverty is undoubtedly one of the main causes. The homeless people may have become jobless and then unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always.‎ ‎…‎ ‎ Some cynics(愤世嫉俗的人) declare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. But who would willingly choose to live in a shop doorway, under a bridge or in a cardboard box?‎ Q: It can be inferred from the text that____.‎ A. you will not find homeless people in countries with a high standard of living.‎ B. the mental ill live on the street because they want the company of other homeless people C. he unemployed who receive help may still be among the homeless D. the homeless are willing to live under a bridge or in a cardboad box ‎[分析]根据第二段最后一句“Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always”可知,政府会(偶尔)帮助失业人员,但不是经常的所以失业人员仍然可能无家可归。‎ ‎4. 逻辑结论题。逻辑结论型试题的特点是考查我们的逻辑思维及判断能力,要求我们根据文章提供的细节,推断出合乎逻辑的内容。解答此类题我们首先要找出短文的主题,然后按题意要求进行推断。‎ 例:…Chapman feels it his duty to help the rural areas that get left behind. Ask him about the satisfaction of setting up the community wireless network and he’ll mention two women who are attending online universities----or grandparents easily e-mailing their grandchildren far away.‎ ‎ “When the members of the community contribute their effort like this, they feel a sense of ownership,” Chapman says, “We may operate the network, but it’s owned by the citizens of the community. It’s for the public good.”‎ Q: From the last two paragraphs we know that____.‎ A. West Virginia Broadhand only does good to old citizens B. West Virginia Broadhand is operated by the community C. Chapman is a man of social responsibilities D. Chapman isn’t very much satisfied with his work ‎[分析]从文中对Chapman的描述及他的话中,可以感受到他是一个有着强烈社会责任感的人,他感到帮助偏远地区是他的责任,他这样做是为了公众的利益。‎ ‎5. 预测想象题。预测想象型试题考查的内容一般在文意中没有明确说明,因此我们要根据语篇,把握作者的写作思路,对事件可能出现的结局后文可能涉及的内容以及上文的内容进行科学的、合理的预测。‎ 例:…Completing a college application can take some time. But answering all the questions is not enough. Another important step is taking admissions tests. The SAT is the college entry test that American high school students most commonly take. Another one is the ACT.‎ ‎ Colleges and universities may also require international students to take the TOEFL (the Test of English as a Foreign Language).‎ ‎ If you have a general question for our Foreign Students Series, write to special@voanews.com Q: What will the author most probably talk about next/‎ A. SAT B. ACT C. FSS D. TOEFL ‎[分析]第一段介绍了美国高中生的大学入学考试,最后两段提到外国考生要参加TOEFL考试,下文极有可能要对此加以说明。‎ 第16讲 一、Language points ‎1. have mercy on:对…表示怜悯 ‎ at the mercy of:任由…摆布或控制 ‎ beg…for mercy:乞求…的怜悯 ‎ show (little/much) mercy to sb:对…(毫不/非常)仁慈 ‎ without mercy:无怜悯之心 ‎2. keep sb company ‎ accompany sb to a place ‎ in the company of sb ‎ accompany sb (at/on sth):给某人伴奏 ‎3. (c)=wealth:(大量)财产 ‎ fortune (u)=luck:机会,运气 ‎ (c)=fate:个人的前途,命运 ‎ fortunate=lucky ‎ fortunately=luckily ‎4. a spare room:一个备用房间 ‎ in one’s spare time:在某人空闲时间里 ‎ spare me five minutes:为我抽出5分钟 ‎ spare no efforts:不遗余力 ‎ spare no expense:不惜成本 ‎ spare time:花费时间 ‎ kill time:消磨时间 ‎ waste time:浪费时间 ‎5. in terms of:就…而言,从…角度,根据 ‎ in the long term:长远看来 ‎ in the short term=at the moment:在目前 ‎ in sb’s terms:在…看来 ‎ in relative terms:相对而言 ‎ in general/practical/financial:从总体/实际/财政角度 ‎6. go about (doing) sth:着手,从事某事 ‎ as far as I know:据我所知 ‎ go/get down on one’s knees:跪下 ‎ tend to do:倾向于干什么 ‎ tend to sth:倾向于什么 ‎ therefore (adv.)=as a result of that ‎ so (conj.)‎ ‎7. in the eyes of sb=in sb’s eyes=in one’s opinion:在某人看来 ‎ keep an eye on sb:留神,看管 ‎ look sb in the eye:目不转睛地看某人 ‎ keep one’s eyes open:留心看,密切注意 ‎8. sb sth:给某人端上…‎ ‎ sb with sth=sth to sb:拿出…来款待某人 ‎ serve to do sth:起…作用 ‎ as…:担任,充当…‎ ‎ sb/sth:为…服务,端(饭、菜)‎ ‎ First come, first served.:先到先招待 ‎ Make the past serve the present.:古为今用 ‎ Let those who can serve as teachers.:能者为师 二、题型归纳──阅读理解解题要决四──词义猜测题 利用文章所提供的语境去推测生词是阅读的必备技能之一。词义猜测题是高考必考的题型,所考词汇可以是生词,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是人称代词的指代内容。‎ ‎1. 根据定义、解释和复述猜测词义。这种情况下,生词往往出现在前面,定义或解释跟在生词的后面,由or或破折号引出。因此只要找准并正确理解生词的释义,生词的含义也就清楚了。释义部分可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子。在做这类题时,要注意生词与复述部分往往构成同位语,在句中多用逗号、破折号、冒号、分号等来连接。‎ 例:…In another survey, 79% of teens agreed that people at their age aren’t careful enough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also affect blog viewers. When you are angry or frustrated, your blog is the first place you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret later. To minimize the negative effect, change the permission setting and make such posts “private” so that only you can read them.‎ ‎ As long as you are careful with what you post, blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one’s creative works.‎ Q: The underlined word “rational” probably means____.‎ A. strange B. perfect C. helpful D. reasonable ‎[分析]通过本句中的定语从句“which you may regret later”可知,令人后悔的话肯定是不理智的、欠思考的,是不太合理的发泄或表达,所以D选项最贴近于“rational”的意思:合理的,有道理的。‎ ‎2. 根据因果关系猜测词义。因果关系总是同时出现在文章中,有时原因在前,结果在后;有时结果在前,原因在后,因此我们可以根据这一特定的逻辑关系来推测生词的含义。‎ 例:…Technology greatly influences our standpoint on how fast we think everything needs to be done. If you put a dollar in the soda machine, you expect the bottle to move forward and fall down to the bottom. You can’t count how many times you’ve smacked the machine if it went too slow for your expectations. You wanted instant results, immediate fulfillment.…‎ Q: The underlined word “smacked” in the paragraph probably means____.‎ A. clapped B. hit C. kicked D. pushed ‎[分析]从本句后半部分“if it went too slow for your expectations”可知,带来的后果显然是你对机器不满意,不知道拍打了它多少次。四个选项中只有B符合。A:鼓掌,轻拍;C:踢;D:推,均不合适。‎ ‎3. 根据搭配、对比关系猜测词义。有时分析句子结构,辨别句子成分,分清搭配关系,是判断词义的前提,通过搭配关系得以确定划线名词指代的对象是人还是物。另外,转折词but、让步条件状语从句以及unlike, in spite of, despite, however等一些介词和副词都可以构成意义上的对比关系。‎ 例:Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort. In 1190, it was the king’s castle with high walls and a round tower. It had a moat to keep out his enemies. Over the years, the number of buildings around the castle grew. By 1350, the castle was no longer needed as a fort. The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.‎ Q: The underlined word “moat” probably means____.‎ A. a high tower built in former times where soldiers watched out for enemies A. a long and deep ditch dug round a castle and was usually filled with water B. a cart pulled by horses on which soldiers fought C. a long and high wall around castle ‎[分析]从上一句中可知,它是国王的城堡,有着高高的围墙和圆形的塔楼,接下来提到的用来抵御敌人的moat不可能还是围墙或塔楼,故可以排除A、D,也不可能是马车。最符合逻辑的应该是“护城河,壕沟”,故选B。‎ 第17讲 一、Language points ‎1. concern (vt.):涉及,使关心 ‎ concern(n.):关心,担心,关联 ‎ concerning(prep.)=as concerns:关于…‎ ‎ be concerned with:与…有关 ‎ have no concern with:同…无关 ‎ show concern for sb:关心某人 ‎ as/so far as…be concerned:就…而言 ‎2. rise(vi.)‎ ‎ raise(vt.)‎ ‎ arise(vi.)-arose-arisen:出现,发生 ‎ arouse(vt.)-aroused-aroused:唤醒,唤起 ‎3. feed(v.) (fed, fed):喂养 ‎ feed sb (sth):喂食 ‎ feed sb with/on sth:用…喂养 ‎ feed sth to sb:喂…给…吃 ‎ (animals) feed on…:(动物)以…为主食 ‎ feed on:常用于动物 ‎ live on:常用于人 ‎4. be anxious about/for sb/sth:担心…‎ ‎ be anxious for sth:对…担心/忧虑 ‎ be anxious (for sb) to do sth:渴望得到某物 ‎5. in consequence=as a result:结果,因此 ‎ in consequence of:由于,因为…的缘故 ‎ as a consequence (of):作为…的结果 consequence:指随这而发生的结果,后果 result:指最后的结果,与(cause)相对 ‎6. pass away:去世,逝世 ‎ pass by:经过,从…旁走过 ‎ pass on:传递,传授 ‎ pass through:穿过…,经历…‎ ‎ pass off:消失 ‎ pass down:传给 ‎ pass out:昏倒 ‎7. blame sb for (doing) sth ‎ blame sth on sb ‎ sb be to blame for (doing) sth ‎ sb be blamed for sth ‎8. charge sb money for sth 要价 charge money for sth sb be in charge of sth 主管 sth be in the charge of sb ‎9. admit sb/sth into to sth:允许某人(物)进入 ‎ sb be admitted to school/hospital ‎ sth ‎ admit+ doing sth ‎ 承认 that-clause ‎10. make sense:讲得通,有道理,有意义 ‎ make sense of sth:懂,了解…的含义 ‎ make no sense:讲不通,无意义 ‎ in a sense:就某种意义而言 ‎11. be involved in:参与,卷入 ‎ go with:与…相符,相配 ‎ attach to:使…属于,使参加,附属于 ‎ associate…with…:把…与…联系在一起 ‎ react to sth:对…作出反应 ‎ react on/upon:对…产生影响 ‎ leave behind:忘带,留下 ‎ be abundant in/with:有丰富的,有大量的 ‎ go for:为了…,喜欢…‎ ‎ tie…to…:把…系/拴在…上 ‎ what if…?:如果…怎么办?‎ ‎ remark on/upon sb/sth:谈论或评论某人/物 ‎ beyond one’s power:超出某人的能力 ‎12. apply oneself to:专注于…‎ ‎ apply…to…:应用于…,适用 ‎ apply to…:适用于…‎ ‎ apply (to sb) for…:(向…)申请,请求 ‎13. lay off:解雇 ‎ lay down:放下武器,交出 ‎ lay out:展开,展示 ‎ lay aside:把…搁置一旁 ‎14. tell…apart:区分,分辨 ‎ take…apart:把…拆开 ‎ apart from=besides ‎ apart from=except ‎15. get hold of:抓住 ‎ get along with…:与…相处,进展 ‎ get rid of:去掉 二、题型归纳──短文改错的解题要决 短文改错要做好,常见类型要记牢。‎ 名词爱考数与格,冠词在前错多少。‎ 动词时态和语态,非谓搭配莫错了。‎ 连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。‎ 介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。‎ 句法涉及到一致,从句多考关系词。‎ 语法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。‎ 一一二六惯常比,回读复查敲定稿。‎ 注:①“一致”包括主谓一致,代词及相应的限定词在数、性、人称方面的一致,主语与主语补语,宾语与宾语补足语的一致。②“一一二六”通常指一处对,一处多余,两处需补加成分,六处需更改,当然此非定比,仅供参考。‎ ‎1. 常见词法错误。短文改错试题中的词法错误主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用,同义词混淆使用,固定搭配错误等方面。根据句子成分分析句子结构和具体词的含义从而作出正确的判断是解答此类试题的关键。‎ ‎①动词。设错的形式一般有:动词的时态和语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、谓语动词缺失、短暂性动词和延续性动词混用等。‎ 例:I will send you the photos we take together last week.[分析]考查谓语动词时态。根据句意“我将给你发送我们上周拍摄的照片”可知,照片为过去拍摄的,所以应用一般过去时。‎ 例:The color TV set produced in their factory are selling to several countries.[分析]考查谓语动词语态。根据句意“他们工厂生产的彩色电视机被卖到许多国家”可知,要用被动语态。‎ 例:More than one student have attended the meeting about the wildlife protection.[分析]考查主谓一致。many a, more than one修饰单数名词,概念上表示复数意义,但中心词是单数,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。‎ 例:We found that some little girls were made do the job from morning till night.[分析]考查非谓语动词。make后接不带to的不定式作宾补,但在被动语态中,不定式符号to不能省略。‎ 例:According to the survey, students working to earn money for their own use.[分析]谓语动词缺失。该句中working是v-ing形式,不可以单独作谓语,根据句意应将working改为原形work作谓语动词。‎ 例:They had got in touch with each other for ages before they met at last.[分析]考查短暂性动词和延续性动词辨析。get in touch with表示短暂性动作,不能和表示时间段的for ages连用,所以应将got改为kept或been。‎ ‎②名词。主要是对可数名词的单复数、不可数名词、名词所有格、名词作定语等的考查。‎ 例:Xiao Ming and I walked into the bar and ordered two coffee.‎ ‎[分析]考查可数名词单复数的误用。coffee本是不可数名词,但和数词连用时为可数名词,表示“一杯咖啡”,因此两杯coffee要改为coffees。‎ 例:Holding the Olympic Games is great success to our country.‎ ‎[分析]考查抽象名词具体化。success当“成功”讲时是不可数名词,但指具体的一件事时,是可数名词,前面须加不定冠词a。‎ 例:The woman teachers are dancing in the hall and everyone is happy.‎ ‎[分析]考查名词作定语。man, woman等作定语时,其单复数形式以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。此处应该把woman改为women。‎ ‎③冠词。主要是从固定搭配中冠词的误用、冠词漏用、不定冠词a和an的误用等方面进行考查。‎ 例:Suddenly, I caught a sight of my old friend in the crowd.‎ ‎[分析]考查固定搭配。catch sight of为固定搭配,意为“瞥见”。‎ 例:Everyone knows that the sun rises in east.[分析]考查冠词漏用。在表示方位、方向等的名词前要用定冠词the。‎ 例:On the way to the village, they met a 11-year-old boy who looked a little frightened.[分析]考查不定冠词。短语11-year-old的读音是以元音音素[i]开头,所以其前应用不定冠词an。‎ ‎④形容词、副词。在试题中一般设两行,难度适中,常见的考点有:形容词和副词的误用、形容词和副词比较等级的误用、比较等级修饰语的误用等。‎ 例:Some students will be happy in an open educational school than in a traditional classroom.[分析]考查形容词的比较等级。该句中含有一个than的比较级句型,因此happy应改为happier。‎ 例:I was very angry, but they were very angrier.[分析]考查比较等级的修饰语。比较级前可用表示程度的副词,如even, much, very much, still, any, a lot, a bit, a little, far等来修饰,而very, quite, so, fairly等词不可修饰形容词或副词的比较级。‎ ‎⑤代词。常见的考点有:人称代词与物主代词的误用、不定代词的误用等。此类试题解答的关键是准确把握行文逻辑关系。‎ 例:The twins begin to hate this kind of work that can destroy his happiness.[分析]考查物主代词。该句的主语是twins为复数形式,后面的代词his为单数形式与主语不一致,所以应把his改为their。‎ 例:He and his children felt tired but neither of them would stop to have a rest.[分析]考查不定代词。neither指 ‎“两个都不”,该句明显是指三个或三个以上的人,所以neither应改为none。‎ ‎⑥介词。主要考查介词的多用或遗漏。‎ 例:Last Sunday we took a bus to visit to a factory.‎ ‎[分析]考查介词的多用。visit作名词用时,后常和介词to连用,构成短语pay a visit to意为“参观,拜访”;但作动词时为及物动词,后面直接跟表示地点的名词。‎ 例:I disagreed him about how we ought to deal with the matter.‎ ‎[分析]考查介词的遗漏。Disagree with sb about sth意为“不同意某人某事”。‎ ‎2. 常见句法错误。短文改错中的句法错误通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误。这类句子在短文改错中所占的比例较大,解答此类试题时,对句子结构分析正确很关键。‎ ‎①简单句。考查主要以基本的句型为主。‎ 例:His words made all of us were happy.[分析]考查简单句。make后接复合宾语,因此应去掉be动词were。‎ 例:How beautiful flowers he gave me as a present for my birthday!‎ ‎[分析]考查感叹句的感叹词。该句中beatiful修饰的是名词flowers,所以应用what来引导。‎ 例:There had a discussion on how to solve the problem yesterday afternoon.[分析]考查there be句型。There be句型表示“有”,谓语动词要用be动词。‎ ‎②强调句。考查其基本的句型结构。‎ 例:It was at midnight when my brother and I got back home yesterday.‎ ‎[分析]考查强调句型。判断it is…句型是不是强调句型主要是看能否将此句恢复成原句,即能否把it is/was…that/who…去掉。如果去掉后,剩下的成分仍然能组成一个完整的句子,就是强调句型,否则就不是。‎ 例:Why is that smoking is not allowed here?[分析]此句是个强调句。强调疑问词为why,将该句强调句型去掉并还原就成了:Why is smoking not allowed here?‎ ‎③复合句。主要是对状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句等的考查。解答此类试题的关键是在读懂句意的基础上判断它属于什么从句。‎ 例:When he was a little boy, his mother was very poor that she had to send him to a rich family.[分析]考查状语从句。该句是so…that…句型,意为“如此…以至于…”,very改为so。‎ 例:The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through it he could climb out.[分析]考查定语从句。分析句子可知,两个分句之间没有任何并列连词,因此不是并列句。后一分句应该是定语从句修饰先行词hole,所以应将it改为关系代词which。‎ ‎3. 常见行文逻辑错误。很多情况下,在短文改错试题中,判断错误不能只从某个词本身,甚至不能只从整个句子本身看,而要从上下文,乃至整篇文章去理解。这属于对文章逻辑关系的考查,这就要求我们做题时要准确把握文章的意思、内在的逻辑关系、篇章结构等。‎ ‎(1)前后句之间和上下文中的逻辑错误。‎ 例:This was a lie, and his teacher did not know.[分析]考查上下句之间的逻辑关系,它们应该是转折关系,因此要将and改为but。‎ 例:Xiao Ming and I went to the same school and then to the same university. So we hadn’t met each other since then.[分析]前后两个句子应该是转折关系,而不是因果关系。‎ ‎(2)代词或副词指代所引起的逻辑错误。‎ 例:I gave private make-up lessons to three of my friends, so that we would have a chance of passing the examination.[分析]考查代词指代。根据句意可以看出前后人称不一致。应把we改为they,指代three of my friends。‎ 例:I’ll never forget the first day at that factory. We arrived here early in the morning.[分析]由“that factory”可知,作者在写这句话时,立足点不是在工厂,故应将here改为there表示离说话人较远的地方。‎

