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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit4Global warming单元学案 一 单元基础词汇语法回顾 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.A large q__________ of air—conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.‎ 答案:quantity ‎2.Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous c__________.‎ 答案:consequences ‎3.The a __________ of 4,5 and 9 is 6.‎ 答案:average ‎4.Several cars are available within this price r________.‎ 答案:range ‎5.Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe p________.‎ 答案:pollution ‎6.The personnel manager __________(浏览)down the list of names of the applicants.‎ 答案:glanced ‎7.We are making slow but ________(稳步的)progress.‎ 答案:steady ‎8.Their so—called prosperity is only a temporary __________________(现象).‎ 答案:phenomenon ‎9.The recent ________________(分歧)points up the differences ‎ between the two sides.‎ 答案:disagreement ‎10.The pie is not very hot. Can you use the ________(微波炉)to heat it a bit more?‎ 答案:microwave Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.The reform has led to great changes in our country.‎ ‎→The reform has ________ ________ great changes in our country.‎ 答案:resulted in ‎2.Any honest man will object to such a policy.‎ ‎→Any honest man will ________ ________ ________ such a policy.‎ 答案:be opposed to ‎3.In general, my opinion is the same as yours.‎ ‎→________ ________ ________, my opinion is the same as yours.‎ 答案:On the whole ‎4.At the airport he stood for the association and read an address of welcome.‎ ‎→At the airport he read an address of welcome ________ ________ ________ the association.‎ 答案:on behalf of ‎5.I can't stand her another day—she never stops complaining.‎ ‎→I can't ________ ________ ________ her another day—she never stops complaining.‎ 答案:put up with Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.________________(只要)he does his work, I don't mind what ‎ time he arrives at the office.‎ 答案:As/So long as ‎2._________________(毫无疑问) we human beings should be responsible for the earth's becoming warmer and warmer.‎ 答案:There is no doubt that ‎3.Allow the children to voice their opinions, ___________________(即使他们的意见与……不同)yours.‎ 答案:even if they are different from 单项填空 ‎1.He was a good student and scored ______ average in most subjects.‎ A.below           B.of C.on D.above 解析 考查介词辨析。句意:他是个好学生,而且大部分课程的成绩高于平均分。above average高于平均水平;below average低于平均水平;on average按平均计算。根据a good student可知D项正确。‎ 答案 D ‎2.—Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen,dear?‎ ‎—______ one?‎ A.Other B.Every C.Another D.More 解析 考查不定代词用法。句意:——亲爱的,帮我从厨房拿块巧克力来好吗?——再来一块吗?other后通常跟名词复数,如Did you see any other films?你看过别的电影吗?every是形容词,every one意为“每一个”;another one意为“另一个,再一个”,故选C项。more应放在one的后面。‎ 答案 C ‎3.This restaurant has become popular for its wide______ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.‎ A.division B.area C.range D.circle 解析 在具体语境中考查名词词义。句意:这家餐馆因其各种各样适合所有人口味及腰包的食品而深受大家的喜爱。division“分离;部门;分歧”;area“领域;地区”;range“批,组,类;范围”,a wide range of sth.“各种各样的……”;circle“圆形;圈子”。根据句意及词义可知,range符合语境。‎ 答案 C ‎4.The temperature all over the world is becoming warmer and warmer for ______ gases has come into the air.‎ A.a great deal of B.a large amount of C.much D.a large quantity of 解析 考查形容词短语辨析。用排除法去做。A、B、C均修饰不可数名词。此处gases为可数名词。‎ 答案 D ‎5.—Our holiday cost a lot of money.‎ ‎—Did it?Well,that doesn’t matter________you enjoyed yourselves.‎ A.as long as B.unless C.as soon as D.though 解析 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:——我们的假期花了很多钱。——是吗?只要你们玩得开心,那也就没有关系了。as long as只要;unless除非;as soon as一……就 ……‎ ‎;though尽管。根据句意可知此处as long as引导条件状语从句,符合句意。‎ 答案 A ‎6.I’ll spend half of my holiday practising English and______half learning drawing.‎ A.another B.the other C.other’s D.other 解析 考查代词的用法。首先要弄清各个代词的具体用法,同时要把握解答该题的切入点。句意:我将用假期的一半时间来练习英语,用另一半时间学习绘画。another指不定数目中的另一个;other作代词用时,除习惯用语外,一般不单独使用,但others可单独使用;other’s 本身形式不对;the other指两个人或两个事物中的另一个,复数形式指其余的人或事物。‎ 答案 B ‎7.—How did it ______ that you made such a silly mistake?‎ ‎—I myself haven’t figured it out yet.‎ A.bring about B.come about C.come across D.come on 解析 句意:——怎么会发生这么愚蠢的错误?——我自己也搞不明白。come about发生,指事件发生的原因,常与how连用。其他选项无此用法。‎ 答案 B ‎8.She ______ shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.‎ A.stared B.glanced C.peep D.glared 解析 ‎ 考查与glance相似的几个词的区别。句意:她用眼角害羞地瞥了他一眼。stare盯着看;glance匆匆看一眼;peep(从小孔看)偷看,窥视;glare怒目而视。‎ 答案 B ‎9.The workmen want to ______the number of working hours and to increase pay.‎ A.diminish B.decrease C.depress D.delete 解析 decrease“降低”。句意:工人们想要减少工作时数并增加工资。‎ 答案 B ‎10.—How do you like the film?‎ ‎—There was nothing special—it was only______.‎ A.average B.usual C.normal D.common 解析 average此处表示“一般水平”。答句句意:没有什么特别引人入胜之处,只是一般。‎ 答案 A ‎11.______ food are stored in the tunnel in winter.‎ A.Large quantities of B.A great many C.A large number of D.Quite a few 解析 large quantities of 后面既可接可数名词复数,又可接不可数名词;其余三项均接可数名词复数。‎ 答案 A ‎12.______ the youth ______ the rising sun at eight or nine o’clock a.m.,MaoZedong expressed his great hope for the young men.‎ A.Comparing;with B.Compared;to C.Compared;with D.Comparing;to 解析 compare A to B “把……比作……”,用现在分词作状语,因为主语Mao Zedong 与 compare 之间是主动关系。‎ 答案 D ‎13.You may use the room as you like______you clean it up afterwards.‎ A.so far as B.so long as C.in case D.even if 解析 句意:只要你过后把房间打扫干净,就可以按照你喜欢的方式使用房间。so far as或as far as意为“就……而言”;so long as或as long as意为“只要”;in case意为“以防”;even if或even though意为“即使”,故B项合适。‎ 答案 B ‎14.Because of the snow he drove just 280 kilometers in 5 hours,so the ______speed was 56 kmph.‎ A.basic B.whole C.total D.average 解析 average“平均的”。句意:由于大雪,他5小时才开车走了280公里,因此平均速度是每小时56公里。‎ 答案 D ‎15.Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,______with his old one.‎ A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared 解析 考查非谓语动词。compare的逻辑主语是句子的主语Michael’s new house,且二者之间为动宾关系,所以应该用过去分词作状语。‎ 答案 D Ⅳ.阅读理解 A ‎(2017·安徽省马鞍山二中、安师大附中高三上学期期中考试)‎ Fans of US television dramas watch their favorite series for different reasons:some want to improve their English skills, others just want to kill time.‎ Some TV series are more than pure entertainment—they have a Certain depth. Mad Men, which returned with a sixth season recently; Monday Mornings, which just finished its first season; and Modern Family, which sweeps the awards every year, are just a few examples.‎ Why do these shows stand out among so many similar ones? TV critics Raymond Zhou will give you an idea of why some shows are better than others.‎ Period drama—More than time travel Period dramas are intended to capture the ambience(气氛) of a particular era. Directors must therefore attract audiences as much by their recreation of a historical setting as by an interesting storyline.‎ Mad Men is an excellent example of this balance being struck. Set in New York during the 1960s, it accurately shows US attitudes in the workplace through the alcoholism and chainsmoking common of the time, and places an absorbing plot right in its center.‎ But rather than merely presenting a past decade, Mad Men's subtle(微妙的) description of the struggles of whitecollar workers at the time, both male and female, makes it stand out.‎ ‎“The series' attention to detail is superb, ”Raymond Zhou said. “For ‎ example, creator Matthew Weiner makes Don Draper—the leading role of the series—drive a Buick instead of a Cadillac, because Weiner thinks the adman lacks the selfpride to buy a luxury car. It's this kind of attentiveness that raises the show's artistic value. ”‎ Critics also recommend Another period drama that works is Broadwalk Empire, set during the prohibition period of the 1920s and 1930s in Atlantic City, New Jersey.‎ Heather Havrilesky at Salon magazine noted how the show “revels in the oddities(怪事) of its time, peeling back the layers of polite society to reveal a shadow world of criminals and politicians working together to keep the liquor flowing. ”‎ Why does it appeal to viewers? Because they know that the “liquor”is a metaphor(暗喻) for today's political scandals(丑闻).‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为说明文、主要介绍了美国知名电视连续剧以及它们制胜的法宝。‎ ‎1.How many US TV series are mentioned in this passage?‎ A.One.        B.Two.‎ C.Three. D.Four.‎ 解析:细节理解题。本文提到了Mad Men, Monday Mornings, Modern Family以及Broadwalk Empire等四部美国电视连续剧。‎ 答案:D ‎2.The following statements are the reasons why many people are attracted by US television dramas EXCEPT that ________.‎ A.US television dramas merely present a past decade B.directors recreate a historical setting and adopt interesting storylines C.the dramas can improve their English skills, and help people kill time D.some TV series are more than pure entertainment, and they have a certain depth 解析:细节理解题。根据第六段“But rather than merely presenting a past decade,Mad Men's subtle description of the struggles of whitecollar workers at the time,both male and female,makes it stand out.”可判断A项不是人们喜欢美国电视剧的原因。根据第一段“Fans of US television dramas watch their fayorite series for different reasons: some want to improve their English skills,others just want to kill time.”可判断C项是原因之一;根据第二段第一句“Some TV series are more than pure entertainment—they have a certain depth.”可判断D项是原因之一;根据第四段“Period dramas are intended to capture the ambience of a particular era.Directors must therefore attract audiences as much by their recreation of a historical setting as by an interesting storyline.”可判断B项也是原因之一。‎ 答案:A ‎3.According to Raymond Zhou ,Don Draper's driving a Buick instead of a Cadillac shows ________.‎ A.Mad Men attaches much importance to details B.Mad Men places an absorbing plot right in its center C.the director wants to raise the show's artistic value D.Mad Men's description of the struggling whitecollar workers makes it stand out 解析:细节理解题。根据第七段中的“The series' attention to detail is superb”可判断,Raymond Zhou认为设置Don ‎ Draper不是驾驶凯迪拉克,而是驾驶别克,体现了Mad Men对细节的重视。‎ 答案:A ‎4.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.Directors of US dramas.‎ B.US dramas and their storylines.‎ C.US period dramas to kill time.‎ D.US dramas and their magic touch.‎ 解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了美国知名电视连续剧以及它们制胜的法宝。‎ 答案:D B ‎(2017·湖北省部分重点高中高三10月联考)‎ Teaching parents to switch channels from violent shows to educational TV can improve preschoolers' behavior, even without getting them to watch less, a study found.‎ ‎“It's not just about turning off the television. It's about changing the channel. What children watch is as important as how much they watch, ”said lead author Dr. Dimitri Christakis,a pediatrician(儿科医生) and researcher at Seattle Children's Research Institute. The study involved 565 Seattle parents, who per/odically filled out TVwatching diaries and questionnaires measuring their child's behavior.‎ Half were guided for six months on getting their 3to5yearold kids to watch shows like Sesame Street, Bob the Builder, Clifford the Big Red Dog and Dora the Explorer rather than Happy Tree Friends or Power Rangers. The results were compared with kids whose parents who got advice on healthy eating instead.‎ At six months, children in both groups showed improved behavior,‎ ‎ but there was a little bit more improvement in the group that was coached on their TV watching.‎ By one year, there was no meaningful difference between the two groups overall. Lowincome boys appeared to get the most shortterm benefit.‎ ‎“That's important because they are at the greatest risk, both for being perpetrators of aggression (侵害)in real life, but also being victims of aggression, ”Christakis said.‎ The study also has some weakness—the parents weren't told the purpose of the study, but they probably figured it out and that might have affected the results. Though the results were modest and faded over time, they may hold promise for finding ways to help young children avoid aggressive, violent behavior.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为说明文,主要介绍了电视节目在儿童暴力行为中所起作用的一项研究。‎ ‎5.The passage is written to ________.‎ A.describe kids' different behavior B.inform parents of their kids' behavior C.persuade parents not to let kids watch TV D.offer some useful tips to improve kids' behavior 解析:目的意图题。根据第一段“Teaching parents to switch channels from violent shows to educational TV can improve preschoolers’behavior....”可判断,本文给家长就如何提升学龄前儿童的行为举止提出一些建议。‎ 答案:D ‎6.Which of the following shows can be a little more violent?‎ A.Bob the Builder. B.Dora the Explorer.‎ C.Power Ranger. D.Sesame Street.‎ 解析:细节理解题。结合第一段的观点,并根据第三段“Half were guided...to watch shows like Sesame Street,Bob the Builder,Clifford the Big Red Dog and Dora the Explorer rather than Happy Tree Friends or Power Rangers.The results were compared with kids whose parents who got advice on healthy eating instead.”以及第四段“...there was a little bit more improvement in the group that was coached on their TV watching.”可判断,Happy Tree Friends 和PowerRangers是更暴力的节目。‎ 答案:C ‎7. The word “perpetrators” in Paragraph 6 probably refers to ________.‎ A.people who do something wrong or bad B.people who suffer a lot in real life C.victims who are killed in a fight D.criminals who are sentenced to death 解析:词义推测题。根据第六段中的“That's important because they are at the greatest risk...but also being victims of aggression”可推测,划线词是与victims相对的一个名词,即“犯罪者”。‎ 答案:A ‎8.What does the author think of the study?‎ A.Imperfect but valuable.‎ B.Perfect but timeconsuming.‎ C.Lengthy and useless.‎ D.Meaningful and perfect.‎ 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段“The study also has some weakness...but they probably figured it out and that might have affected ‎ the results.Though the results were modest and faded over time,they may hold promise for finding ways to help young children avoid aggressive,violent behavior.”可判断,作者认为这项研究并不完美,但还是有价值的。‎ 答案:A C ‎(2017·东北三校高三联考)‎ Welcome to the world of multitasking—a place where the measure of a person is how many jobs he/she can perform at the same time. In fact, if experts are to be believed, multitasking is a disastrous idea.‎ One of the opponents of multitasking is Dr.Clifford Nass, a professor at Stanford University.“People who multitask frequently are less able to pay attention; they're worse at managing their memory,”he said. In his opinion, the loss that we get with multitasking is harmless in some situations, for example, part of doing business in the digital world, but you can't do serious work like writing, thinking or solving an important problem this way. You do worse even as you think you're doing better. All the time the research points to a simple fact: the brain cannol cope. When yon stop midway through composing a report to check an email,you force your brain to stop and regroup. It is like pressing the pause button during a movie, meaning the film takes longer to watch.‎ And as for Dr.Nass, the problems extend beyond the brain. Young people who frequenly multitask are not as socially and emotionally healthy as those who don't. They just feel more emotionally satisfied and the feeling is so good and they are bound to desire it again.Todd Oppenheimer, a writer said,“We've become a very shortterm society and don't reward people for spending a lot of time on something. “He fears ‎ we may end up losing the next generation of great thinkers. ”It's really unfortunate because the longterm challenges of our world—environmental issues, financial issues—require people to think wisely about the longterm consequences of what they do. And it's no coincidence that the kind of people who do think longterm don't muhitask.”‎ ‎【文章大意】 这是一篇科普文。研究人员发现,同时做很多事情的人做事不专一,不仅会导致事倍功半,而且还会影响人们的社交与情感健康。‎ ‎29.According to Dr.Nass, multitasking________.‎ A. makes the performance emotionally affected only B. contributes to memorizing various things C. may result in losing the next generation of great thinkers D. can be performed using digital tools 解析:细节理解题。关于同时做很多事,第二段说在有些情况下,比如在数字化的世界里做生意(doing business in the digital world)是无害的,因此选D。文章说同时做很多事会影响我们在人际交往和情感方面的健康(A项错),会使我们的记性更差(B项错),同时做很多事可能会使我们失去未来一代伟大的思想家是一位叫Todd的作家说的(C项不切是题)。‎ 答案:D ‎30.From the passage, we can tell________.‎ A. the loss that we get with multitasking is harmless B. we mistakenly believe that we're doing better by switching between tasks C. multitasking does harm to us in every area D. for every task you add to your muhitasking, you can finish your ‎ goal more quickly 解析:推理判断题。文章开头说,“欢迎来到同时做很多事的世界,在这里,对一个人的衡量标准是他/她能同时开展多少项工作”,接着说,这个想法实际上害人不浅,因此B项正确;从第二段可知A、C两项错,因为multitasking有时是无害的,有时则会妨硬我们;第二段最后一句通过打比方的方式告诉我们,这样会使事情做得更慢(D项错)。‎ 答案:B ‎31.Which of the following is a multitasking addict?‎ A. You turn your cellphone to silence when you're out to dine with friends.‎ B. You watch from start to finish without distraction when playing a DVD.‎ C. You have your office desk covered with paperwork from various unfinished projects.‎ D. You feel that when you try to do too much at once, the result afways suffers.‎ 解析:推理判断题。从本题四个选项的陈述看,A、B、D三项都是在专心做一件事,C项说办公桌上放着各种没有完工的项目的文件,这里的various unfinished projects属于multitasking。故选C。‎ 答案:C ‎32.The author mainly wants to tell us________.‎ ‎ A. the less you switch, the better you do ‎ B. it is more efficient to do things all in a mixed way ‎ C. it takes longer for us to become a great thinker ‎ D. we shouldn't be lazy if we want to accomplish many tasks 解析:‎ 主旨大意题。全文通过斯坦福大学一位教授的话告诉我们,同时做很多事不仅不能提高工作效率,反而对我们的健康不利,因此A项“角色转换越少,做得就越好”是本文的主题。‎ 答案:A D ‎(2017·昆明一中高三上学期期末)‎ Frostbite(冻疮)is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears. People with minor cases of frostbite that affect only the skin may not suffer any permanent damage. But if deeper tissue is affected, a person is likely to feel pain every time the area gets cold.‎ Hypothermia(体温过低)is a condition that develops when the body cannot produce as much heat as it releases. Signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shaking,very slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly. Hypothermia can lead to death if the person does not receive help.‎ To avoid coldrelated injuries, here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to stay warm. Think of COLD—C.O.L.D. The C stands for cover. Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head, neck and ears. And wear mittens instead of gloves.In gloves, the fingers are separated, so the hands might not stay as warm as they would in mittens. The O stands for overexertion(运动过量). Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a dangerous combination. The L is for layers. Wearing loose, lightweight clothes, one layer on top of another, is better than wearing a single heavy layer of clothing. Make sure outerwear is made of material that is waterresistant and tightly knit. D is for dry.In other words, stay as dry as possible. Pay attention to the places where snow can enter clothing. These include the tops of boots, the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens or gloves.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为说明文,主要介绍如何应对寒冷的侵害。‎ ‎33.What is the sign of hypothermia?‎ A. Trembling. B. Nose running.‎ C. Sour throat. D. Headache.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Signs of hypothermia include uncontrolable shaking...”可知,颤抖是体温过低的一个症状。‎ 答案:A ‎34.What should we do if we want to stay warm?‎ A. Wear gloves.‎ B. Wear more pieces of clothes.‎ C. Wear a raincoat.‎ D. Wear a heavy coat.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第十一句“Wearing loose, lightweight clothes,one layer on top of another,is better than wearing a single heavy layer of clothing.”可知,我们穿得多一点可以帮助保暖。‎ 答案:B ‎35.What is the best title for the passage?‎ A. The Ways to Avoid the Cold Injuries.‎ B. Good Examples of the Coldrelated Injuries.‎ C. The Symptoms of the Cold Injuries.‎ D. The Meaning of C.O.L.D.‎ 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段可知,本文主要介绍预防寒冷侵害的方法。‎ 答案:A 七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎(2018·江西五校联考)Forgiveness To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.‎ ‎__1__ Try the following steps:‎ Calm yourself.__2__ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, Or someone you love.‎ Don't wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way. __3__ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.‎ Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.‎ ‎__4__If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.‎ Don't forget to forgive yourself.__5__ But it can rob you of your selfconfidence if you don't do it.‎ A.Why should you forgive?‎ B.How should you start to forgive?‎ C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.‎ D.Try to see things from your offender's angle.‎ E.For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.‎ F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress—management technique.‎ G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.‎ ‎1.解析:根据第一段第一句“To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy.”可知,原应该是一种美德,但是没有人说它是容易做到的。这是第一段的主题句,于是第二段通过B项“你应该怎么开始原谅呢”过渡到下文的原谅步骤。故答案选B。‎ 答案:B ‎2.解析:第二段主题是“Calm yourself.”,F项意为“为了让你的怒气消失殆尽,尝试简单的压力管理技巧”,与下文“你可以吸几口了,并且想起让你快乐的事情:大自然中的美丽景色或者你喜欢的人”相呼应。故答案选F。‎ 答案:F ‎3.解析:本段主题是“Don't wait for an apology.”,G选项也主要说明的是道歉,符合本段主题。故答案选G。‎ 答案:G ‎4.解析:本段第一句出现“If you understand your offender”,和D选项中的“offender”相对应,因此D项适合做本段标题。故答案选D。‎ 答案:D ‎5.解析:E项句意为“对许多人来说,原谅他们自己是个巨大的挑战”和下句“But it can rob you of your selfconfidence if you don't do ‎ it,”进行对比。故答案选E。‎ 答案:E ‎ 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Debbie Macomber decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She rented a typewriter, put it on the__41__table and began typing each morning after the kids went to school.__42__the kids came home, she moved it and made them dinner. When they were__43__she got it back and typed some more.‎ Debbie followed this__44__for two years. She had become a struggling writer and she loved every minute of it.One night,__45__, her husband, Wayne, said,“Honey, I'm sorry, but you're not__46__any income. We can't do this anymore. We can't survive on just what I make.” That night her heart was__47__. Debbie knew, with all of the__48__of keeping up a house, working 40 hours a week would__49__her no time to write.‎ Seeing her__50__, her husband asked,“What's wrong?”“I really think I can make it as a__51__.”“All right, honey, go for it,” Wayne__52__for a long time and then said.‎ So Debbie returned to her__53__and her typewriter on the kitchen table, writing for another two years. Wayne worked harder and their kids went without vacations and wore handmedowns. But the sacrifice finally__54__.‎ Debbie sold her first book after five years of__55__Then another. And another. Until today, Debbie has__56__more than 100 books, many ‎ of__57__have become The New York Times bestsellers. Over 60 million copies of her books are in print.‎ And Wayne? His selfless__58__for his wife paid off. He got to retire at 50 and now spends his free time building a private airplane in the basement of their 7,000 squarefoot mansion.__59__, Debbie's kids also got a gift more important than several summer camps. As adults, they__60__what Debbie gave them was far more important—persistence and encouragement to pursue their own dreams.‎ ‎【文章大意】 Debbie为了圆自己的作家梦不懈努力,最终在丈夫的支持下终获得了成功。‎ ‎41. A. coffee B. bedside C. kitchen D. dressing 解析:根据下文“she moved it and made them dinner”及第四段第一句中的“her typewriter on the kitchen table”可知,应选C。‎ 答案:C ‎42. A. Unless B. When C. Though D. Wherever 解析:此处表示当孩子们回来的时候,她就把它搬开,给孩子们做饭。故选B。‎ 答案:B ‎43. A. asleep B. awake C. free D. convenient 解析:根据下文“she got it back and typed some more”可知,此处指当孩子们睡着了,她再把打字机拿出来,打一些字。asleep“睡着的”,符合语境。‎ 答案:A ‎44. A. standard B. suggestion ‎ C. tradition D. routine 解析:此处表示在两年的时间里,她一直这样做。routine“常规,正常顺序”,符合语境。‎ 答案:D ‎45. A. therefore B. however C. somehow D. anyway 解析:根据下文丈夫的话“Honey,I'm sorry...We can't survive on just what I make”可知,此处表示转折,因此选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎46. A. making up B. cutting down ‎ C. finding out D. bringing in 解析:Debbie的丈夫说仅靠他的收入无法生存,由此可知,Debbie没有收入。bring in“引进,赚得”,符合语境。‎ 答案:D ‎47. A. broken B. warm C. touched D. cold 解析:丈夫的话对她来说是一个打击,因此她心碎了,故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎48. A. abilities B. balances C. duties D. problems 解析:Debbie知道,一周工作40小时来分担家庭责任会使她没有时间写作。故用duty“责任,职责”。‎ 答案:C ‎49. A. stop B. leave C. ensure D. permit 解析:此处指这么多的责任使她不能留出时间写作。leave“留下,备用”,此处指留出足够的时间。‎ 答案:B ‎50. A. achievements B. behavior ‎ C. efforts D. sadness 解析:根据上文“That night,her heart was__47__”及下文丈夫问“What's wrong”可知,丈夫看出她很难过,应选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎51. A. typist B. housewife ‎ C. writer D. designer 解析:根据文章第一句可知,Debbie相信自己能成为一名作家。‎ 答案:C ‎52. A. doubted B. compared ‎ C. delayed D. hesitated 解析:此处表示丈夫犹豫了很长时间后决定支持她追求梦想。hesitate“犹豫”,符合语境。‎ 答案:D ‎53. A. office B. dream ‎ C. state D. home 解析:由于丈夫的支持,Debble又开始追求自己的梦想,继续写作,因此选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎54. A. paid off B. broke up C. came back D. cleared up 解析:上文提到丈夫更努力地工作,孩子们无法度假还穿着廉价的衣服,再结合“But”可知,引处出现了转折,应指她所做的牺牲得到了回报。pay off“成功”,符合语境。‎ 答案:A ‎55. A. challenging B. struggling ‎ C. thinking D. arguing 解析:Debbie经过了五年的努力(struggling)卖了她的第一本书。‎ 答案:B ‎56. A. collected B. published ‎ C. prepared D. translated 解析:她出版了一本又一本书,到今天为止她已经出版了100多本。故选publish“出版”。‎ 答案:B ‎57. A. them B. that C. it D. which 解析:此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为more than 100 books,应用关系代词which引导。‎ 答案:D ‎58. A. support B. respect C. trust D. protection 解析:丈夫对Debbie无私的支持终于有了回报。support“支持”,符合语境。‎ 答案:A ‎59. A. Surprisingly B. Gratefully ‎ C. Gradually D. Similarly 解析:和Debbie的丈夫类似,Debbie的孩子们也得到了比去夏令营更重要的礼物,故应选D项。surprisingly“令人吃惊地”;gratefully“感激地”;gradually“逐渐地”;similarly“相似地”。‎ 答案:D ‎60. A. admit B. realize ‎ C. wonder D. prove 解析:作为成年人,他们意识到Debbie给他们的礼物更重要——坚持并鼓励他们追求自己的梦想,应选B。‎ 答案:B 第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed,__61__felt that since I'd always been a good child, this was temporary.‎ Unfortunately,__62__was not to be so. I didn't have many friends. Hardly__63__I share my problems.Deep worry began to destroy my confidence. Finally I refused to attend classes,__64__(shut)myself in my room for hours.‎ The examinations were approaching, but I simply didn't care. My parents and teachers were__65__(surprise) at my bad performance.‎ One morning, after a particularly severe lecture from Dad, I stood depressed at the school gate. Then, as the other students marched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me.‎ The next 45 minutes were__66__(much)precious moments of my life. The headmaster said she'd noticed a big__67__in me. She wanted to ‎ know why I__68__(fall) behind in my studies, so frequently absent and unhappy. At first, she took my hand in hers and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries.__69__she hugged me as I wept. Months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in her motherly hug.‎ No one had tried to understand what__70__real problem was, but my headmaster had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such attention and caring.‎ ‎61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________‎ ‎65.________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________‎ ‎69.________ 70.________‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文讲述了作者的一段人生经历:老师的开导和拥抱化解了作者心中的苦闷。‎ ‎61.解析:考查连词。这里用but连接并列谓语,语境表示转折含义,所以填but。‎ 答案:but ‎62.解析:考查代词。这里用代词it或that指代前面提到的父母的看法。‎ 答案:that/it ‎63.解析:考查情态动词。这里表示“我儿乎不能跟别人倾诉我的烦恼”,could表示“能够”。‎ 答案:could ‎64.解析:考查非谓语动词。从句子结构看,这里用所给词的现在分词形式,作伴随状语。‎ 答案:shutting ‎65.解析:考查词性转换。此处主语是表示人的词,因此用形容词化的过去分词作表语,表示“感到惊讶的”。‎ 答案:surprised ‎66.解析:考查形容词最高级。语境表示“随后的45分钟是我一生中最宝贵的时刻”,the most precious表示“最宝贵的”。‎ 答案:the most ‎67.解析:考查名词。根据语境可知,这里表示老师说自己注意到了作者所发生的变化,故用change。‎ 答案:change ‎68.解析:考查时态。语境表示当时作者的变化,学习在后退,应该用所给提示词的过去进行时表示当时正在发生的动作。‎ 答案:was falling ‎69.解析:考查副词。这里用Then与前面的“At first”呼应,此处表示“然后她拥抱我”。‎ 答案:Then ‎70.解析:考查冠词。定冠词修饰problem,表示作者面临的问题。‎ 答案:the 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:把错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎(2014·陕西卷)My father took me out camping for the first time when I was seven. He wanted teach me about animals, insects and trees. My uncles all come along with bows and arrows for hunting.‎ One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, have our barbecue. Just then a bird was flying over us. My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows on the bird. Neither of the arrows hit the target. Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky—they were looked like rain! We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured.‎ That day I didn't learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity!‎ 解析与答案:‎ ‎71.wanted后加to 句中出现两个谓语动词,故加不定式to,构成want to do sth,“想做某事”。‎ ‎72.come→came 由全文可知事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时。‎ ‎73.have→having 句中出现两个谓语动词,故改为having作伴随状语。‎ ‎74.immediate→immediately 在句中修饰动词所以要用副词形式。‎ ‎75.on→at shoot at,“瞄准……射击”。‎ ‎76.Neither→None neither为两者间的完全否定,由下文可知表三者或三者以上的否定,故用none。‎ ‎77.was→were 主语arrows为复数形式,根据主谓一致原则,故用were。‎ ‎78.去掉were或looked look为感官系动词,意为“看起来”‎ ‎,不用于被动语态。look like=be like,“看起来像”。‎ ‎79.but→and but表示句意的转折,而此处表示顺承发展,故用and。‎ ‎80.a→an 形容词impressive首字母发音为元音,故用an。‎ ‎ ‎ 书面表达 上个世纪80年代,中国人对圣诞节还比较陌生。然而,近年来大多数中国人都已接受并过上了这一“洋节”,并且越过越热闹。但国内多数人的“圣诞热”与宗教没有太多联系,他们不过是享受大餐、疯狂消费而已。请你就此事写一篇英语短文并发表评论。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考词汇:宗教religion 合唱曲chorus 参考范文 Nowadays we are very familiar with Christmas,which foreigners will celebrate by sending cards and gifts,pretending as Santa Claus and listening to chorus in church.(1)It is accepted that Christmas has been brought into China(圣诞节已经被传入中国的事实被人们所接受) and gradually developed into part of Chinese culture.‎ However,most of Chinese don’t celebrate it exactly as foreigners do.Their celebration has nothing to do with religion but they celebrate it in a different and special way.In their view,Christmas is a good chance for them to enjoy big meals and do the shopping madly.(2)In order to meet their needs of mad consumption ‎(为了满足人们疯狂的购物需求),many supermarkets and restaurants especially provide their goods at a discount on that day,(3)which results in their large sales(结果导致了销量提高).‎ As an originally religious festival,why should many Chinese spend it only by consuming madly instead of in a more meaningful way? This is the problem that many of us should consider carefully.‎

