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一、选择题 ‎1.Lucy ________ writing her essay by 10:00 this morning.After that,she listened to music for a while.‎ A.will finish B.finishes C.has finished D.had finished 答案 D 解析 句意为:Lucy今天上午10点以前写完了她的论文。之后,她听了一会儿音乐。由时间状语by 10:00 this morning可知,事情发生在“过去的过去”,故需用过去完成时,选D。‎ ‎2.They must be very tired now,for they ________ in the field the whole morning.‎ A.worked B.are working C.had worked D.have been working 答案 D ‎3.—Are we about to have dinner?‎ ‎—Yes,it ________ in the dining room.‎ A.serves B.is serving C.is being served D.has been serving 答案 C ‎ 解析 句意为:——我们准备吃饭吗?——是的,餐厅里正在上饭。由语境可知说的是正在发生的事;答句中的it指dinner,serve表示“端上”,饭是“被端上桌的”,故需用现在进行时的被动语态,选C。‎ ‎4.—How are you today?‎ ‎—Oh,I ________ as ill as I do now for a very long time.‎ A.didn’t feel B.wasn’t feeling C.haven’t felt D.don’t feel 答案 C 解析 答句句意为:噢,我已经很长时间没有像现在这么难受了。根据句中的时间状语“for a very long time”可知,此处表示过去的状态“没这么难受”长时间地持续到了现在,故用现在完成时,故选C。‎ ‎5.—Monitor?‎ ‎—I’m not monitor of our class.I ________ the teacher until the monitor is elected.‎ A.will just help B.am just to help C.am just helping D.have just helped 答案 C 解析 句意为:——班长?——我不是我们班的班长。我只是临时协助老师直到班长选出来。现在进行时表示“暂时性和临时性”,故选C。‎ ‎6.I’ve finally finished my paper and it________ me an entire month.‎ A.was taken B.takes C.took D.had taken 答案 C ‎7.—Do you know when your mother ________ to pick you up?‎ ‎—At 11:40 am.‎ A.had come B.is coming C.has come D.would come 答案 B 解析 句意为:——你知道你妈妈什么时候来接你吗?——上午11:40。此处用现在进行时表示将来,故选B。‎ ‎8.—So you saw the accident with your own eyes?‎ ‎—Yes.I ________ for the bus across the street.‎ A.had been waiting B.have been waiting C.was waiting D.would wait 答案 C 解析 句意为:——这么说你亲眼看到了这场事故?——是的。我当时正在马路对面等公共汽车。由问句中的动词saw可知,说的是过去的事情。由答语语境可知说的是当时正在发生的事,故用过去进行时。‎ ‎9.—Have you heard from Jane recently?‎ ‎—No,but I ________ her over Christmas.‎ A.saw B.will be seeing C.have seen D.have been seeing 答案 B ‎10.—In the UK,some people equate life experience with the number of stamps in their passports.‎ ‎—That’s why they all agree that they ________ the “travel bug”.‎ A.catch B.caught C.have caught D.are to catch 答案 C 解析 句意为:——在英国,一些人把他们的护照上印章的数量等同于人生经历。——那就是为什么他们都认为他们热衷于旅游。语境说的是和现在有关的事,排除B、D两项;A项为表示“经常性、反复性动作”的一般现在时,而他们热衷于旅游应为已经发生的动作,故用现在完成时,选C。‎ ‎11.It’s very hard to describe how it ________ to really be in love.‎ A.is felt B.feels C.feeling D.is feeling 答案 B 解析 句意为:很难描述真正恋爱的感觉。feel在此处为系动词,没有被动语态,且语境表示的是“常态性”的东西,没有“正在进行”之意,故选B。‎ ‎12.We didn’t play football yesterday.The match________.‎ A.was canceled B.is canceled C.has canceled D.had canceled 答案 A 解析 根据句意可知,match和cancel之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态;由yesterday可知,这是发生在过去的一件事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故选A。‎ ‎13.—What’s that noise?‎ ‎—Oh,I forget to tell you.The new machine________.‎ A.is testing B.was being tested C.is being tested D.has been tested 答案 C 解析 主语The new machine和动词test之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态;根据问句可知“机器正在被测试”,所以用现在进行时的被动语态。句意为:——那是什么噪音?——哦,我忘记告诉你了。新机器正在被检测。故选C。‎ ‎14.At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement __________.‎ A.has been reached B.had been reached C.has reached D.had reached 答案 B 解析 此处是一个复合宾语从句,主句的谓语动词用了一般过去时,且从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前,所以从句要用过去完成时。agreement作reach的逻辑宾语,所以要用被动语态。故选B。‎ ‎15.Recent years________a rise in the number of students who have completed their studies abroad and returned to China.‎ A.witness B.witnessed C.have witnessed D.had witnessed 答案 C ‎16.The old woman who ________ in the deserted house alone for ten years has been settled in a nursing home now.‎ A.lived B.has lived C.had lived D.has been living 答案 A 解析 句意为:在这所被遗弃的房子里独自住了十年的老太太现在已经被安顿在养老院了。“住在被遗弃的房子里”是过去的事,现在已经不在那里住了,故用一般过去时,选A。‎ ‎17.—Why do you look very upset?‎ ‎—The electricity was cut off suddenly and my essay________ unfinished since.‎ A.was left B.has left C.had been left D.has been left 答案 D 解析 句中leave与主语essay 构成动宾关系,要用被动形式;句中时间状语since表示从那时起到现在文章一直没写完,是现在完成时态的时间状语。故选D。‎ ‎18.—Let’s go to the cinema this Sunday morning.‎ ‎—I’d love to,but I ________ as a volunteer in my community then.‎ A.will work B.have worked C.will be working D.was working 答案 C ‎19.Her own story ________ and this book is expected to come out next week.‎ A.had been written B.has been written C.had written D.has written 答案 B 解析 句意为:这本书写的是她自己的故事,预计下周出版。由语境“书已经写好,预计下周出版”可知,应用现在完成时,又因主语story和谓语动词write之间是被动关系,故需用被动语态,选B。‎ ‎20.Paul could be a very attractive boy but he ________ to his behaviour.‎ A.paid no attention B.was paying no attention C.pays no attention D.had paid no attention 答案 C 解析 句意为:Paul本来可以是一个很有魅力的男孩,但是他不注意自己的行为举止。语境说的是现在的情况,故用一般现在时,选C。‎ 二、单句填空 ‎1.He had wild black hair flecked with gray and ________(wear)a pink shirt and silk slippers.‎ ‎【答案】was wearing 【解析】句意:他乱乱的黑发中长有些许白发,身穿粉红色的衬衫,脚上穿着一双丝绸拖鞋。由于描述当时所穿的衣服、鞋子等,故用过去进行时。‎ ‎2.Then he ________(hide)behind a tree and waited.‎ ‎【答案】hid 【解析】句意:于是,他躲在树后等待着。根据and后面的waited可知,与之并列的动作也发生在过去,须用一般过去时。‎ ‎3.“The night ________(be)very dark.Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”‎ ‎【答案】will be 【解析】句意:“夜晚将会漆黑,一些邻居漆黑中过来就会被这块石头绊倒。”根据后面句子中的will come along可知,指将会发生的情况。‎ ‎4.At my school,“dress down” tickets ________(sell)on school days.‎ ‎【答案】are sold 【解析】句意:我们学校上学日都有“免穿校服”券出售。分析tickets与sell的语义关系可知,应用一般现在时的被动语态。‎ ‎5.I noticed a man sitting at the front.He ________(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.‎ ‎6.Oh,it looks like Professor Brown is here.I ________(talk) to you some more after class.‎ ‎【答案】will talk 【解析】句意:奥,好像布朗教授在这里,下课后再和你聊。根据前一句的时态及after class判断,talk是将要发生的动作,故填will talk。‎ ‎7.Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local ‎ galleries,I ________(live) in the heart of the city.‎ ‎【答案】lived 【解析】句意:多年前,我是一个穷画家,试着在一家当地的美术馆卖画。那时,我住在市中心。由years ago判断,句子用一般过去时,故填lived。‎ ‎8.She also ________(believe) in healthy diet.And she requires us to have regular meals.‎ ‎【答案】believes 【解析】句意:她相信健康饮食,并且要求我们按时吃饭。根据后一句的时态判断,句子用一般现在时;she作主语,故填第三人称单数形式believes。‎ ‎9.We jumped out of the windows as he came in through the door and ________(go) into the kitchen to take some food for the first time.‎ ‎【答案】went 【解析】句意:他从门口进来时,我们从窗户跳了出去,第一次从厨房里拿了一些食物。and连接并列谓语,go的形式与前面的jumped一致,故填went。‎ ‎10.I immediately responded with a smile and my heart felt free of the stress that I ________(carry).‎ ‎【答案】was carrying/had been carrying 【解析】句意:我立刻报以微笑,而且我心中所带的压力也释放了。根据felt free判断,定语从句的谓语动词carry是过去某动作之前在进行的/持续的,可用过去进行时或过去完成进行时,故可填was carrying或had been carrying。‎ ‎11.Every answer I gave ________(receive) by a frown from the manager.‎ ‎【答案】was received 【解析】句意:我的每一个答案经理都是皱眉反应。所填词是句子的谓语,与单数主语every answer之间是被动关系;根据从句时态判断用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was received。‎ ‎12.I remembered she once ________(tell) me that she would not fall in love with a darkhaired guy.‎ ‎【答案】told 【解析】句意:我记得她曾告诉我她不会爱上黑头发的家伙。根据主句时态及once判断本空填told。‎ ‎13.Paris's cultural diversities ________(present) widely by the fact that many worldwide designers are pleased to show up with their new designs.‎ ‎14.He told me that he ________(overhear) the conversation with the coworker about helping the sick woman.‎ ‎【答案】had overheard 【解析】句意:他告诉我他无意中听到我与同事关于帮助那位生病的女士的对话。overhear发生在过去动作told之前,是“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,故填had overheard。‎ 三、语法填空 China's Tu Youyou among trio to ‎ win Nobel Medicine Prize STOCKHOLM—William Campbell,Satoshi Omura and Tu Youyou jointly 1. (win)the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work against parasitic diseases(寄生虫病).The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou was awarded the 2. half of the prize for discovering artemisinin(青蒿素),a drug that has significantly reduced the mortality rates for patients 3. (suffer)from malaria.Irishborn Campbell and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for a new drug,avermectin,4. has helped the battle against river blindness,as well as showing effectiveness against other 5. (disease).‎ These two discoveries have provided humankind with 6. (power )new means to fight 7. these diseases that affect hundreds of millions of people annually.Despite rapid progress in controlling malaria,the mosquitoborne disease still kills more than half a million people a year,the vast ‎ ‎8. (major)of babies and young children in the poorest parts of Africa.Medicine is the first of the Nobel prizes 9. (award)each year.Prizes for 10. (achieve)in science,literature and peace were first awarded in 1901 in accordance with the will of Alfred Nobel.‎ ‎1.解析:won。考查动词的时态。获得2015年的诺贝尔奖是过去的事情,因此用一般过去时。‎ ‎2.解析:other。考查代词。the other half of the prize意为“奖项的另一半”。‎ ‎3.解析:suffering。考查非谓语动词。此处patients和suffer为主动关系。‎ ‎4.解析:which。考查定语从句。此句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为avermectin,是一种药品,在从句中作主语,故用which。‎ ‎ ‎

