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‎2019届二轮复习语法考点之三 :非谓语动词 考点1:不定式 ‎(1) 考察哪些动词接不定式;‎ ‎(2) 考察哪些短语接不带to的不定式;‎ Had better/had best Would rather/would rather … than/rather than/would sooner/would sooner…than Cannot but/cannot help but/do nothing but/do nothing besides/do nothing than ‎ Why引导的疑问句 ‎(3)考察动词不定时的时态和语态:‎ 进行式to be doing, ‎ 完成式to have done;‎ 一般式被动语态to be done; ‎ 完成式被动语态to have been done。‎ 另外,不定式短语有将来时的意思; ‎ ‎ 考点2:动名词 (1) 常接动名词做宾语的词:mind(介意), miss(逃过), mention(提及), prevent, postpone, practice, risk(冒险), resist(抵制), consider(考虑), admit(承认), avoid(避免), appreciate(感激), fancy(幻想), finish(完成),feel like(喜欢), escape(逃脱), ensure(确保) , delay(延迟), deny(否认), resent, detest, imagine(想象), suggest(建议) ‎ (2) 介词后的ing:‎ prevent/stop/keep sb /sth from doing 阻止…做…‎ spend/waste time /money in doing 在做…方面花钱、浪费时间或金钱;‎ how /what about doing sth 做…怎么样了?‎ Have some difficulty/trouble in doing 在…方面有些困难;‎ There is no sense in doing (做…是没有理由的)‎ Thank / admire /praise/blame /scold/ punish sb for doing sth因做某事而感谢、羡慕、表扬、责备、惩罚某人 (3) 接动名词做介词to 的宾语:‎ apply oneself to致力于;be accustomed to习惯于;confess to供认;come to谈到;devote oneself to献身于;get down to着手做;give way to 对…让步;lead to导致;look forward to期待;next to几乎;object to反对;pay attention to注意;stick to坚持;stand up to勇敢面对;turn to求助于;be used to习惯于 考点3:分词 ‎(1)从语态上看,‎ 现在分词一般表主动,‎ 过去分词一般表被动;‎ ‎(2)从时态上看,‎ 现在分词表示进行,‎ 过去分词表示过去。‎ 如果分词动作发生在句子谓语动词动作之前,分词用完成时。‎ ‎(3)现在分词的否定形式是not放在分词之前。‎ ‎*非谓语动词解题三步曲:‎ 一、首先确定主句;‎ 二、分析主动被动;‎ 三、分析动作先后 ‎1. _____ should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.2010‎ ‎ A. To be not tall B. Not being tall C. Being not tall D. Not to be tall ‎2. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT . 2009 A. the man who has prepared the documents... ‎ B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... ‎ D. the man who will prepare the documents...‎ ‎3. ______ at in this way, the situation does not seem so desperate.2000‎ ‎ A. Looking B. looked ‎ C. Being looked D. to look ‎4. If not ____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.2004‎ ‎ A. being treated B. treatedC. be treated D. having been treated ‎5. ______, he can now only watch it on TV at home. 1998‎ ‎ A. Obtaining not a ticket for the match ‎ B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match ‎ C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match ‎ D. Not obtained a ticket for the match ‎ ‎6. He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, ______insufficiently poplar with all members.1996‎ ‎ A. having considered B. was considered ‎ C. was being considered D. being considered ‎ ‎7. He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder______ out and three men climbing down it. 1995‎ ‎ A. throwing B. being thrown C. having thrown D. having been thrown ‎ ‎8. This missile is designed so that once _____nothing can be done to retrieve it.1995‎ ‎ A. fired B. being fired ‎ ‎ C. they fired D. having fired ‎ 考点4:独立主格 ‎(句中没有连接词,‎ 逗号分开两个句子,‎ 存在两个主语。‎ 形式:名词/代词+分词)。‎ ‎(1) 分词短语作状语时,有自己独立的逻辑上的“主语”,相当于各种形式的状语,表示一种伴随的动作、情况或表原因 ‎(2) 介词(with)+名词+形容词/副词+分词,表示伴随行动做或补充说明 ‎1. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat ______ by far the biggest cereal ‎ crop.2003‎ ‎ A. is B. been C. be D. being ‎ ‎2. Time ______, the celebration will be held as scheduled.2003‎ ‎ A. permit B. permitting ‎ C. permitted D. permits ‎ ‎3. There ____ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.2000‎ ‎ A. to be B. to have been ‎ C. being D. be ‎ ‎4. _____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.1996‎ ‎ A. There was B. Since ‎ C. Being D. There being ‎ ‎5. The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars ______the most important of these. 1994‎ ‎ A. have been B. are ‎ C. being D. are being ‎6. The tape recorder___ out of order, the students did not know what to do.1990‎ ‎ A. was B. Being ‎ C. has been D. was being ‎ 非谓语动词高考真题训练 ‎1. ______ in the queen for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized be had left the cheque in the car. (2008福建c)‎ ‎  a. Waiting         b. To wait        c. Having waited        d. To have waited ‎2. – Can those ____ at the back of the classroom hear me? (2008福建c)‎ ‎—No problem.‎ ‎  a. seat            b. sit            c. seated                d. sat ‎3. The message is very important, so it is supposed         as soon as possible. (2008陕西卷b)‎ ‎  a. to be sent      b. to send       c. being sent      d. sending ‎4. ________ around the water cube, we were then taken to see the bird’s nest for the 2008 Olympic games. (2008陕西卷b)‎ ‎  a. Having shown    b. To be shown    c. Having been shown    d. To show ‎5. ________to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead(2008重庆d)‎ ‎  a. Fail  b. Failed  c. To fail  d. Having failed ‎6. --- They are quiet, aren’t they?‎ ‎   --- Yes. They are accustomed ____________ at meals. (2008江苏卷d)‎ ‎  a. to talk                   b. to not talk           c. to talking            d. to not talking ‎7. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English ___________ as much as we can. (2008江苏卷c)‎ ‎   a. speak                   b. speaking              c. spoken                d. to speak ‎8. _____ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. (2008天津卷c)‎ ‎  a. To throw      b. Thrown        c. Throwing    d. Being thrown ‎9. We had an anxious couple of weeks _____ for the results of the experiment. (2008四川卷d)‎ ‎  a. wait          b. to be waiting      c. waited       d. waiting ‎10. Lucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made ______ in the restaurant. (2008山东a)‎ ‎  a. working               b. work                       c. to work                          d. worked ‎11. The director had her assistant ___ some hot dogs for the meeting. (全国卷iic)‎ ‎  a. picked up   b. picks up   c. pick up   d. picking up ‎12. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good______.(2008全国卷1b)‎ ‎  a. to be breathed  b. to breathe   c. breathing      d. being breathed ‎13. He was busy writing a story, only ______ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. (2008辽宁卷b)‎ ‎  a. to stop                 b. stopping                  c. to have slopped                      d. having stopped ‎14. Please remain______; the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (2008辽宁卷b)‎ ‎  a. seating                 b. seated                      c. to seat                            d. to be seated ‎15. We finished the run in less than half the time ____.(2008江西卷c)‎ ‎  a. allowing          b. to allow       c. allowed       d. allows ‎16.        the website of the fire department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. (2008湖南卷d)‎ ‎  a. Having searched     b. To search      c. Searching      d. Search ‎17. The trees ___ in the storm have been moved off the road. (2008湖南卷b)‎ ‎ a. Being blown down  b. Blown down c. Blowing down d To blow down ‎18.        the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.‎ ‎  a. Completing       b. Complete       c. Completed       d. To complete(2008湖南卷d)‎ ‎19. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. she tried ____alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home. (2008湖南卷a)‎ ‎  a. living b. to live c. to be living d. having lived ‎20. ______ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed. (2008北京卷a)‎ ‎  a. Seeing          b. To see         c. See             d. Seen ‎21. –Did the book give the information you needed?‎ ‎   –Yes. But _____ it, I had to read the entire book. (2008北京卷a)‎ ‎  a. to find   b. find   c. to finding   d. finding ‎22. I feel greatly honored ____ into their society. (2008北京卷c)‎ ‎  a. to welcome          b. welcoming       c. to be welcomed       d. welcomed ‎23. It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and ____ better ones of your own. (2008北京卷c)‎ ‎  a. introduces      b. to introduce         c. introducing       d. introduced ‎24._______ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. (2008安徽卷)‎ ‎  a. To walk.        b. Walking       c. Walked          d. Having walked ‎1-5.CCACD 6-10.DCCDA 11-15.CBABC16-20.DBCBA 21-24.ACCB

