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Unit Three Celebration Warm up theMid-Autumn Festival the Dragon Boat Festival the Spring Festival the Lantern Festival Children’s Day May Day Teachers’ Day National Day Women’s Day Army Day April Fool’s Day Easter Day Thanks Giving Day Valentine’s Day Halloween ‎1. celebrate one’s birthday/a wedding anniversary hold a celebration /birthday celebrations ‎2. pass an exam go through an exam fail (in) an exam ‎3. win a scholarship ‎4. Merry Christmas!‎ ‎5. turkey(s)‎ ‎6. after graduation graduate from Lesson One ‎1. The moon is said to be the biggest and brightest.= It is said that the moon is the biggest and brightest.‎ He is said to be from France.‎ She was/ is said to have written a new novel.‎ It was said that she had written a new novel.‎ It is said that she has written a new novel.‎ It is said that…‎ It is reported that…‎ It is believed that… ‎ It is hoped that…‎ It is thought that…‎ It is known that…‎ ‎2…it is a special occasion for family.‎ I’ve met him on several occasions.‎ On one occasion, she called in the middle of the night.‎ ‎3. traditional moon cakes traditional Chinese medicine ‎ tradition ‎4. include(vt.)/ contain ‎ The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.‎ I have got three days’ holiday, including New Year’s Day.‎ Everyone went to the cinema, me included. (= including me)‎ ‎1. The Lantern Festival falls/ is on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.‎ Darkness falls early in the winter.‎ A sudden silence fell.‎ Her hair falls over her shoulders.‎ ‎6….lantern were lit to celebrate the power of light over darkness.‎ light (lit, lit/ lighted, lighted)‎ He lit/ lighted the candle.‎ Nowadays, houses are mostly lit/ lighted by electricity.‎ Her eyes lit up with joy.‎ a lighted candle power I will do everything in my power to help you.‎ It is not within my power to help you. (beyond my power)‎ Have power over sb./sb.’s fate This government came into power at the last election.(in power)‎ seize power world powers.‎ powerful darkness The room is in completely darkness.‎ keep sb. in the dark about sth.‎ before/after dark ‎7.destroy (destroyed) vt. / damage v./ n. ruin v. / n.‎ The building was completely destroyed by the fire.‎ ‎8.burn down烧毁 The house was burnt down in half an hour.‎ burn up烧(旺)起来;烧光,熄灭 If you put on more coal, the fire will burn up.‎ burn out把……烧得只剩下空壳;熄灭;烧尽 The oil lamp burnt out.‎ The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.‎ ‎9.In the past, lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds, animals ‎ and flowers.‎ They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.‎ All the walls of his room are decorated with pictures of rock singers.‎ decoration ‎10. boil (vt./vi.)‎ When water boils it turns into steam.‎ Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water.‎ boiled water /boiling water /boiling point ‎11.take part in ‎ join in ‎ join sb. in doing sth ‎ join the Party/ the league/ the army/ the club attend a meeting/ a lecture/ a party/ school/university/ one’s wedding ‎12. sticky rice ‎ Lesson two ‎1. alcohol u.‎ He decided to keep off alcohol after the accident.‎ 发生那次事故后,他决定不再饮酒。‎ ‎2. snack He ate a snack before going on his work.‎ 他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。‎ ‎3.reception a wedding reception结婚宴会/ the reception desk接待处 receptionist接待员 ‎4.retire (vi./ vt.)‎ He was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health.‎ The company retired him as soon as he reached sixty.‎ 他一到六十岁公司就让他退休了。‎ a retired teacher retirement She took to painting after retirement.‎ 她退休后爱上绘画。‎ ‎2. salary Teachers receive low salaries.‎ wage He takes his wages home to his wife every Friday.‎ income The family lived on a small income.‎ monthly income/ annual income(high/low)‎ Your net income is your income after tax.‎ pay We demanded a higher pay.‎ fee Some lawyers charge too high fees.‎ ‎3. apply (vt./vi.)‎ apply for sth. to sb.向……申请 apply for a job (to a company)/ a post/ a visa/a passport(to the consul领事) ‎ apply sth. to sth. 把……应用于/ 运用于 apply new technology to solving problems in industry apply oneself to sth./ doing sth.用心做,致力于 You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.‎ application应用, 申请(书) make an application applicant申请人 ‎8. opportunity When we’re finally alone, I’ll take the opportunity to ask him a few personal questions.‎ Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight’s performance?‎ ‎9. depend on/upon Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.‎ She is the woman who can be depended on.‎ Whether we will go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.‎ It depends.‎ That (all) depends.‎ ‎"Can I come?”‎ ‎“That depends: there might not be room in the car.”‎ ‎10.on time准时 ‎ in time及时; sooner or later迟早 The train arrived on time.‎ Will I be in time to catch the train?‎ You’ll learn how to do it in time. ‎ ‎11. smartly The woman is always smartly dressed.‎ The boy answered the question smartly.‎ ‎12. congratulate/congratulation congratulate a friend on his promotion ‎“We’re getting married.”‎ ‎“Congratulations!”‎ ‎13. a bunch of flowers/ keys/ grapes ‎14. link (n./vt.)‎ link A to /with B link A and B ‎ The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.‎ The computers are linked together in a network.‎ All our branches are linked up by computer.‎ ‎15.give sb. advice on/about sth.‎ ‎ give advice to sb. on/about sth.‎ ‎16.I’ll give you a lift to the station.‎ ‎ You shouldn’t accept a lift home from a person you don’t know.‎ Lesson Three ‎1.entrance at the entrance to the theatre the entrance to the exhibition hall the key/ answer to the exercise the invitation to a party the introduction to modern jazz the college entrance examination ‎2.invite invite sb. to dinner/a party/do sth.‎ invitation accept one’s invitation send out one’s invitation to a party ‎3.even if even though I like her even if she can be annoying.‎ Even though he can understand you, he won’t follow your advice.‎ ‎4.ceremony a wedding ceremony/ an opening ceremony ‎5.ought to You ought to start at once.‎ Such things ought not to be allowed.‎ Ought I to write to say thank you?‎ If he started at 9, he ought to be here by now.‎ You ought to have been more careful.‎ ‎6.contribute…to Contribute a large amount of money to a charity collection Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford.‎ Smoking contributes to lung cancer.‎ contribute several poems to magazines make great contributions to the country ‎7.Greek Greek weddings Greece ‎8.ask sb. for sth.‎ ‎ ask for sth ‎9.couple married couples The young couple are expecting their first child.‎ a couple of days ‎10.… help put crowns made of flowers…‎ ‎ = …help put crowns (which are made of flowers)… 动词的过去分词可后置定语,也可以转换成被动语态的定语从句。‎ ‎ Finally they found the pot buried underground. ‎ ‎= Finally they found the pot( which was buried underground.)‎ Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake (covered with snowman.)‎ ‎15. be made of Bottles are made of glass.‎ be made from Wine is made from grapes.‎ be made into Glass is made into bottles.‎ be made up of Animal bodies are made up of cells.‎ ‎13.The lion is the symbol of courage.‎ ‎14.last The meeting lasted for four hours.‎ How long did the war last?‎ ‎ Lesson four ‎1.carol A Christmas carol Go carolling at Christmas ‎2.a pair of woolen stockings ‎3.serious a serious illness/mistake Are you serious about him?‎ seriously You can’t take her promises seriously.‎ ‎4…Christmas lights appeared in the streets, …‎ He promised to be here at 4, but he didn’t appear until 6.‎ ‎5.put up the Christmas tree ‎ put up a building ‎ put up a tent ‎ put up a notice/poster ‎ put up your hand ‎ put up a good suggestion We can put you up for the night.‎ ‎6.stay awake/ calm/ single The shop stays open until 8.‎ ‎7.at the bottom of the bed ‎8.A big turkey (with all the vegetables) was followed by Christmas pudding.‎ The lightning was quickly followed by heavy thunder. ‎ The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.‎ ‎9. put on silly paper hats/gloves ‎ put on a new play ‎10. put out fires ‎ Put out the welcome mat.‎ ‎11.while You like tennis, while I like reading.‎ I’m studying while you’re playing.‎ While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.‎ ‎12.carry on carry on working carry on with your work carry on a discussion/a dialogue/a conversation ‎13.carry out a plan/a special task carry out one’ s promise ‎14.blow up This tyre is a bit flat; it needs blowing up.‎ I had the photo blown up.‎ The balloon blew up all of a sudden.‎ The bomb blew up.‎ The police station was blown up by terrorists.‎ ‎15. a production manager ‎16. a football referee ‎17. as well ‎18. 3 liters of orange juice ‎19. fry some food/ fried chicken ‎20.take photos ‎21. forget doing sth./ forget to do ‎22.The house was a bit of a mess.‎ ‎ I’m a little tired=I’m a bit tired.‎ a bit of luck/ a little water not a bit=not at all He is not a bit tired not a little=very He is not a little tired.‎ ‎23.mess The children’s room was in a terrible mess.‎ My life is in a real mess.‎ You have made a mess of the job/money.‎ Don’t mess up my hair.‎ ‎24. draw a conclusion ‎25…danced in costumes (made from animal heads and skin.)‎ ‎26.dress up(as)‎ The children decided to dress up as pirates My husband dressed the children while I got breakfast ready.‎ The little boy is too young to dress himself.‎ be dressed in The people at the funeral were all dressed in black.‎ get dressed ‎27.frighten away ‎28.get mixed ‎29.in particular ‎30.go from door to door ‎31.trick or treat ‎32.the People’s Republic of China ‎33.do a thorough cleaning ‎34.conduct Yangge dance and lion dance ‎35.increase the festival atmosphere ‎36.a variety of foods ‎37.be supposed to

